HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 11-27-67MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
November 27, 1967
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M., by Chairman Marster~.
Present: Commissioners: Bacon, Ludwig, Mars=ers, Oster, Webster~
Absent: C~issioner: Ha!us
Others Present:
James G. Rourke, City Attorney
Harry E. Gill, City Administrator
James L. Supinger, Planning Director
Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary
It was moved by Mr. Oster, seconded by Mrs. Ludwig, that the minutes
of November 13, 1967, meeting be approved as mailed. Carried 6-0.
To rezone property from C-1 (Retail Con~arctal) to R-3
(Multiple Residential).
Mr.. Supinser presented a brief staff report giving the applicant's
justification and recommended that subject application be approved
and be recommended to the City Council for the following reasons:
1. It conforms to the General Plan.
2. That said rezoning will remove a part of the commercial
zoned area not needed in the South Tustin area.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced
at the hearing be included by reference and made a part of
the motion.
Chairman Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:32 P.M.
Mr. Ken Nelson, representative of G.L.A. Development Co., 415 West
Fourth Street, Tustin, spoke briefly stating his reasons for the
zone change. He c~m~ented that he definitely felt that there is an
over-abundance of comnercial property and that the area could benefit
by more ?opulation. Feeling that this is a proper use for the prop-
erty and since it does fall under the General Plan, stated that he was
very much in favor of it.
Chairman Marsters declared the public portion of the hearing closed
at 7:34 P.M.
Mr. Oster concurred with the applicant and the staff's report that this
would take some of the cor~nercial property from the South Tustin area,
since previous studies did show an over-abundance of comm%ercial property.
It was moved by ~r, Oster~.seconded by Mr. Webster that Resolution No.
929 be adopted~ recormnendinK to the City Council that Application
Z~-67-161 be Kranted and the adoption of an ordinance rezonin8 ~ubi~t.
property from C-1 to g-3 be apprpved for the followinK, reasons:
1. It conforms to the General Plan.
2. That said rezoning will remove a part of the commercial
zoned area not needed in the South Tu~tin area.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced
at the hearing be included by reference and made a part of the
PC Minutes - 11/27/67
The above motion was voted by roll call.
Webster, Bacon, Larnard, Marsters. Noes:
Motion carried 6-0~
Ayes: Oster, Ludwig,
None. Absent: Halus.
2. ZC-67-262 - J. E. CLARK
To rezone approximately 4.23 acres from C-1-P (Retail Commerci~!
and Combined Parking) District to R-3 (Multiple Residential)
Mr. Sup~q~ presented the staff report along with the reco~nendation.
The Planning Staff r~<.=ended that ZC-67-162 be approved and recom-
mended to the City Council that subject property be rezoned from
C-1-P to R-3 for the following reasons:
1. Subject proposal conforms to the Tustin Area General Plan.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced
at the hearing be included by reference and made a part of
the motion.
Mr. Supin~er mentioned that it was also part of the staff's recom-
mendation that a small parcel of land approximately 90 by 145 sq. ft.
at the northwest corner of the subject property be rezoned from C-I-P
to R-3. It was recommended that the Planning Commission initiate the
rezoning and set the public hearing for December 26th.
Chairmsn Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:38 P.M.
Mr. James E. Clark, applicant, 238 Via Graziana, Newport Beach, spoke
saying he would be glad to answer any questions that the Planning
Cormnission desired.
Chairman Marsters declared the public portion of the hearing closed
at 7:40 P.M.
A brief discussion among the Commission and Planning Staff included
such items as the amount of units that could be constructed on the
parcel, the size of the parcel and the background of Mr. Sullivan's
property and what his objections are.
Mr. Supin~er explained that after extensive conversations with
Mr. Sullivan, the problem was a basic one. The existing single
family structure is of no use to the applicant and consequently
they would not be willing to pay him for that, but they are willing
to purchase the land. Mr. Sullivan does not feel that this is
Mr. Oster stated that, again, this is in the S~uth Tustin area and
getting away from the C-1 zoning as indicated in previous studies
he was in favor of the request.
It was moved bM Mr. Oster, seconded by Mr. Bacon that Resolution
No. 930~ be adopted recommendinK to the City Council that ZC-67-162
b~ approved so that subject, property be rezoned from C-1-P to R-3
for the followin8 reasons:
1. Subject proposal conforms to the Tustin Area General Plan.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced
at the hearing be included by reference and made a part of
the motion.
That the Planning Staff be directed to prepare the necessary
documentation and notices for rezoning the property owned by
Mr. Sullivan from C-1-P to R-3.
PC Minutes - 11/27/67
l. lr. Oster clarified Li~,~L th~s property of i, lr. Sullivan's wa:; not
being acted upon for rezoning at thc present meeting but the item
that was being considered regarding >'~r. Sullivan was for the staff
to prepare the necessary work for l~he proposed rczoning to b~:
determined at a public hearing in the future.
Mr. Supinger explained that he has indicated to Mr. Sullivan that he
will be notified of the hearing date and he will have a chan"..e to
voice his opinion at ti~at time.
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes:
Webster, Bacon, Larn?rd, Marsters. Noe~;: None.
Motion carried 6-0.
Oster, Ludwig,
Absent: Halus.
To permit the operation of a trained animal exhibit for
four days in a sixty (60) foot tent located in Che parking
lot of the Tustin Heights Shopping Center at Fourth and Irvine.
~r. S~pin~er presented the staff report recommending conditional
approval subject to the Fire Department's recommendation that the
tent used meet the requirements of the Fire Department.
Chairman Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing at
7:44 P.M. There being no objections or comments from the audience
Chairman Marsters declared the public portion of the hearing closed
at 7:45 P.M.
The Commission discussed thc safety precautions, licenses for this
type of operation and the type of animals that will be exhibited.
Mr. Gill explained that there will be rather large animals, but
they will be relatively tame and trained and not harmful to thc
public. Police supervision will be provided. He explained float
this is more of a traveling zoo and something that other cities
have also permitted, being somewhat unique.
It was moved by Mr. Bacon~ seconded bv Mr. Larnard that Resolution
No..931~ for UP-67-241 be conditionally approved subject to the
1. That the tent used meet the requirements of the Fire
Reason for approval:
The Commission finds that the establishment, maintenance
and operation of the use applied for will not, under the
circumstances of the particular case be detrimental to the
health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the
persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the
proposed use and it will not be injurious or detrimental to
the property and improvements in the neighborhood or the
general welfare of the City.
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes:
Webster, Bacon, Larnard, Marsters. Noes: None.
Carried 6-0.
Oster, Ludwig,
Absent: Halus.
To permit the Tustin Co~m~unity Sing in the parking lot of
Larwin Square Shopping C. ,~ter.
Mr.. S~jp_i.n__~cer- presented a brief staff report recon~cnding subject
application be conditional]y approved to the
PC~lautes - 11/27/67
1. That the Fire Department have thc rescue truck standby.
, ~ :. '~ ·
2. That the crowd be kept away from the buildings to permit
emergency access.
Chairman Marsters opene-'] the public portion of the hearing :It 7:50
P.M. There being no opposition or corr~nents from the addience, the
hearing was declared closed at 7:51 P.M.
}~. Oster commented that no one can be against a Conznunity Sing.
It was moved by Mr. Oster~ seconded by Mrs. Ludwi~ ,that Resolut.ion
No. 932, for UP~'67-242 be conditionally granted subject to the
1. That the Fire Department have the rescue truck standby.
2. That the crowd be kept away from the buildings to permit
emergency access.
Reason for approval:
The Commission finds that the establishment, maintenance and
operation of the use applied for will not, under the circum-
stances of the particular case be detrimental to the health,
safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons re-
siding or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use and
it will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and
improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of
the City.
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes:
Webster, Bacon, Larnard, biarsters. Noes: None.
Carried 6-0.
Oster, Ludwig,
Absent: Halus.
To permit a small lot single-family subdivision of 90 lots plus
certain co~,~,on areas and recreation facilities on 10 acres of
property fronting approximately 390 feet on the south side of
Main Street at the western City limits of the City of Tustin.
MK. SuniBKe~ explained to the Commission that the applicant has
requested to continue this hearing to the December llth meeting
to re-examine their position due to the recent change in the re-
discount rate. He recon~nended that any testimony be accepted
that is desired at the present meeting and continue the hearing
to the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Chairman Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing at
7:53 P.M.
Mr. Bill Gray, 420 West Main Street - spoke saying he was not
speaking for or against the time requested but stated that he also
received a letter from the Sproul Homes Inc. giving their reasons
for not requesting the continuance and that he would be at the
next meeting in their behalf.
There being no further comments or discussion from the audience,
Chairman Marsters declared the public portion of the hearing closed
at 7:55 P.M.
Mr. Oster request:ed ~hat Mr. Supinger give the Cormn~ssion, in his
report at the next meeting, Lhe various parking standards that this
type of development might fall into. He suggested that Mr. Supinger
discuss the parking requirements with the applicant for information
for the Commission before the next meeting so there will not have to
be a continuance of the hearing again if the problem arises.
PC Minutes - 11/27/67
It ;.las moved by Mr. Oster, seconded by Mr. Webster, that
public hear£n~,~ on UP-67-2.!3 be to next rc~u~;..7~v
scheduled meeting~ December 11, 1967.
Tile above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes:
Webster, Bacon, Larnard, }larsters. Noes: None.
Carried 6-0.
Oster, Ludwig,
Absent: Halus.
To consider a recormr, endation that UP-67-237 be rewaked.
Mr. Su~inger presented the staff report and explained that this
basically involves a situation where the conditions of the Use
Permit have not been complied with, and felt that some decision
should be made on the matter.
Chairman Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing at
8:57 P.M.
Mr. Alan Fox, 812 Union Bank Plaza, 15233 Ventura Blvd., Sherman
Oaks, Calif., attorney, representing the Lerner Oil Company stated
that he fe. lt the staff report and background were not complete.
He discussed the business license situation, the background of the
station before and after the Business License was issued and the
landscaping aspects. He mentioned that the applicant has attempted
to secure bids and estimates on the trees surrounding the periraater
of the service station, which basically seems to be the problem.
He stated that several landscape architects have been contacted
but for some unknown reason have not been able to comol~.te the
plans. He felt that progress has been made and that they are doing
everything possible to meet the requirements of the Planning Com-
mission's d;¢ision relative to this situation and felt that the
Use Permit should not be revoked.
Mr. Lee Cozad - repre0enting the Lerner Oil Company, staued that he ~ad
t21k~'l with Mr. Supinger, who advised him that thc best policy to
follow was to submit the plans to the Architectural Committee,
but it was not necessary for him to be present, i. ir. Cozad said
that his purpose for meeting with the Architectural Committee
was to see exactly what was required and desired.
Mr. Supi.n~er, clarified the misunderstanding regarding tl~e applicant
relative to meeting with the Architectural Corr~nittee. Ue stated
that normally the applicant is not required to meet with the com-
mittee but that plans are submitted and unless there is a definite
problem, they do not meet with the Committee. The only problem on
the matter was that Mr. Cozad wanted to find out what was required
by the Architectural Committee for the landscaping. As a resoIt of
the meeting, in which Mr. Gill attended, it was agreed to question
the Architectural Committee and they indicated that they expected to
have landscaping around the entire boundary of the property. This
was conveyed to Mr. Cozad, he still wanted to meet with thc Archi-
tectural Committee and it was indicated at that time that it was
not proper to meet with the Committee until a plan was actually
submitted. This seems to be where the bone of contention lies.
The Architectural Committee did not want to dictate specific plans.
Mr. Cozad felt that the plans that had been submitted to the Coramis-
sion along with the original application were sufficient and did not
understand why they had not heard anything from the Architectural
Committee relative to these.
Mr. :...'cb:;ter point~d out to Mr. Coz;~d that there were som~, specific
problems regarding this at the Sep~ember llth meeting and during thc
conversation between Mr. Halus and himself (Mr. Cozad) that
co;?.mentcd "I don't want yo~, ~o rati~er sweepingly cognovit yourself
all the.,;e standards and then realize .... "and that i, lr. Cozad's
was: "Rigi~t, I understand .... " Mr. Webster stated that thc p.lot
plan of the landscaping indicating a problem was recognized at that
?C~tnutes - 11/27/67
Mr. Cozad said that they now have plans and they do want to
submit them to ~.h~:~rq~...~c. rural committee if it will be allowed.
Mr. Oster explained to Mr. Cozad that the Planning Commission's
function is to reschedule a hearing if there is some hardship
shown or some problem with the plans submitted to the Architectural
Con~ittee if it is requested and that at this point it is out of
the hands of the Planning Director. He opined that if the appli-
cant has some concrete proposals and tkey are willing to meet with
the Architectural Comittee to expedite this then this should
eliminate some of the problem, but further explained that the
Planning Commission and the Architectural Committee are not going
to help them select a bid or tell them what price of landscaping
to purchase. He felt that enough time has elapsed between the
original hearing and the progress that has taken place and ex-
pressed interest in seeing the service station back in operation
if all regulations were complied with, although if not, then he
is in favor of revoking the Use Permit.
Mr. Bacon concurred with Mr. Oster and stated that if the applicant
would come in with an adequate set of plans that the Architectural
Co,~ittee would not be adverse to talking with them.
Mr. Fox felt that the conditions stipulated were reasonable enough
to continue the hearing to the December llth Planning Commission
Meeting and stated that ~ set of plans are complete at this time
that can be submitted to the Architectural Committee on the 28th
of November for their review.
Mr. SupinEer explained that the next Architectural Meeting would
be held on Friday, December 1, 1967.
It was moved by Mr. Bacon~ secondedby Mr. Oster that UP-~7-237,
Lerner Oil Compaqy~ be continued to the December llth reAularl¥
scheduled Planning Commission meeting.
Chairman Marsters expressed concern over the lot being striped,
the trash area, and noticed that a double trailer truck has been
parked there for 3 days. He also asked Mr. Supinger to go over
the Sign Ordinance w~th Mr. Cozad. Mr. Supi~er explained that
these areas of concern would be discussed with Mr. Cozad.
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes:
Webster, Bacon, Larnard, Marsters. Noes: None.
carried 6-0.
Oster, Ludwig,
Absent: Halus.
Chairman Marsters called a 5 minute recess. The Planning Commission
reconvened at 8:28 P.M.
Amending Section 5.3, deleting therefrom the requirement that
circuses and carnivals be permitted subject to the issuance
of a Use Permit and amending Chapter 8 of the Tustin City Code
providing for the issuance of permits for carnivals, circuses,
fairs and other amusements.
Mr. Supin8er presented the staff report explaining that the purpose
of this ordinance is to remove the responsibility for approving
the above activities from the Planning C~,~ission and to vest same
in the License and Permit Board. He felt that the proposed pro-
cedures will be an improvement over those at present.
H~ recon~nended approval for the proposal and to forward it to
City Council for adoption.
Chairman Marsters opened the public portion of the hearin); at
8:30 P.M. There being no cormnents from the audience th~' public
portion of the hearing was immediately declared closed.
PC Minutes - 11/27/67
!.ir. '..'ebster asked what the function of the Lict, n,~;c ,~n:] i'c,:' i."
Board would be on tlnese matters.
Mr. Gill explained that thc Licen,,;c and Permit Board wi. il. co:.:;'.'.d,' ,
the particular activity that is involved with enterrai~..,~.':, ~,.-
such. The applicant will be ClUeS;:~oned as to the ~:ctivity, c::-
plaining that the Police i)epartme;~u, now, is responsible in
sure that this Js a legitimate opcrat{on. The License Bo,~rd h~n
the authority to require the applicant and the members of the
operation to be cleared by the Police ]Department. Thc function
of the proposed ordinanc~ would not change, it would just ~ak~. th~
Usc Permit problem away from the Planning Commission and direct
to the License and Permit' Board.
Ch4:irman Marsters questioned the safety and :.:el fare aspect.<; of
such operations. Mr. Gill stated that this would be inciu,,ii~d
the investigation and before a license permit was issued, these
particular areas would be cleared.
It was moved by ,x2r. Oster~ seconded by Mr. !.;ebscc~r that
No. 933~ be apnrow~.d and reco~end to City Cou~cil for ador~C~o.'_.~.
of an ordinance relative to Circuses¢ Carnivals, Fairs and Other
.~nusements and the Conduct of Outdoor ,.3ales~ amendin~ Zoninl;
Ordinance No. 157.
The above motion was voted by roll cai].. Ayes: Oster, Ludwig,
Webster, Bacon, Larnard, Marsters. Noes: None. Absent: Halus.
1. COUNTY CASE UV-5986 - Robert H. Grant Co.
To permit a subdivision directional sign (8' x 12~) for
three years in an R-f~ District.
Mr. Supin~er. presented thc staff report recommending denial,
stating that said sign is 64 square feet more than perr,:itted under
our ordinance.
The Planning Commission opposed thc granting of subject application
because the request exceeds the limits for directional :zigns Jrt-
eluded in the Sign Ordinance and in the Planning Cou~Jssion ?oiicy
"Tract and Directional SLgns in Unincorporated Territory Adjacent
to Tustin."
It was moved by Mr. Oster, ,,;econded by Mr. Webster, that. the Plan-
pi. ng Director be directed to direct a letter to tlne Oran~~. County
Plannin~ Commission advising them. that the subject sig. n exceeds
the Tustin Si~gn Ordinance and ,ointing out to them~ the require-
ments of the Tustin Sign Ordinance.
Mr. Oster stated that he would like to make it clear that he did
not feel that the letter should contain anything with regard to
Items 1 and 2 in the staff's reco.r~ncndation, feeling that telling
the County what to do was beyond the province of the Tustin Plan-
ning Commission.
1'he above motion was voted by roll cai]..
Web:~ter, Bacon, T,ar,;'..~'d, Mar~,;t'~:x's. No~s:
carried 6-0.
Ayes: Oster, L,¢h..'i!; ~
Absent: l{alus.
PC Minutes - 11/27/67
To permit the elimination of Condition ilo. 8 of appr¢'~-al
of amendment to CP-1069 with regard to the construction of
a block wall in connection with a 50 unit planned develop-
ment in the R4 (6000) PD(3300) "Suburban Residential" ;~rJ
"Planned Development" Districts.
,X;r. SuDinzer gave the staff report stating that severa-~ of t1'.a
trees are already dead or in very bad shape and that they shou]d
either be topped to a maximum height of 30 feet or removed.
The Comnission discussed the construction and dimensions of a
block wall along with the existing trees r~_l:.tive to subject
It was moved by Mr. Oster, seconded by Mr. Be-on that the Plannin%
Staff be directed to prepare a letter to the Orange County Planning
Commission recommending that a concrete 6' block wall be constructed
between the existinq carports and between the caruorts and the
property lines, p~ovided, howeyer, that said block wall be a maximum
of three (3) feet high within twenty (20) feet of the r~ht-of-wa~
of Red Hill Avenue.
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes:
Webster, Bacon, Larnard, Marsters. Noes: None,
carried 6-0.
Oster, Ludwig,
Absent: Holus.
To rezone from R4(3000) PD(3000) to RP and R2 (1700). Original
application was for RP and R2(1000).
Mr. Supin~er presented the staff report recon~ending denf.~l for
the following reasons:
The Tustin Planning Commission has previously gone on record
as opposing comme£cial development on Red l{il] Avenue north
of San Juan,
The proposed multiple family zoning would result in a density
of 25 units per acre wi~ich is approximately :;ix times the
density indicated by the General Plan (4 units/acre) and
nearly twice the density of the existing zoning (12-14/units
The Commission discussed the density of the area, the proposed use
of the property and the pros and cons of different types of develop-
ments and it was agreed upon by the majority of the Cemmission
that it would be a good buffer to construct apartments in that
Mr. Chris' Lindlev, representing Mr. Sonnncrville, spoke briefly
on the plans and answering questions pertinent to this applica~:ion.
It was moved by Mr. Oster: seconded by blt. Larnard that the Planning,
Staff be directed to prepare a letter to the Oran~,,,e Cowntv Planning
Commission. voicinK no obiection relative to the .nro;)os,,d Zone Change.
Motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Webster, .... ..,ar.~'~crs.. ,
Bacon, Larnard. Noes: Ludwig, Absent: Halus. C_,Trri_~ed__- L1..
BUS i ~';S!;
SE AI~Y 01" 'rHF. PLANNIt;(;
It was moved by 1.1r....i, .con., 3ecm3.ded by _b_i.]:'s__.__I:,u_i~!::'_!!:,- tl. ~,
meeting be adiourm, d. Carried unanimously. ,',d.}ou~,.,,:: :. .:, .~,.