HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 10-23-67CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS MINUTES OF A REGULAR blEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION October 23, 1967 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M., by Chairman Marsters. Present: Con~nissioncrs: Halus, Brand, Bacon, Marsters, Ludwig, Webster, Oster. Absent: Conunissioners: None Others Present: James G. Rourke, City Attorney James L. ~;upinger, Planning Director Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary CORRECTION OF PLANNING CO~iI$3ION MINUTES - October 9, 1967. Mrs. Marilyn Ludwig abstained from voting on Item No. 1: Section VII.~ Correspondence - County Tentative Map Tract No. 6484~ Page 2. Her vote was recorded as affirmative, in the October 9,1967 Planning Commission Minutes. It was moved by Mr. Oster~ seconded by Mr. Webster that the Minutes of October 9~ 1967 be approved as corrected. Motion carried 7-0. 1. ZC-67-160 - Robert Schoeffler To consider rezoning from U (Unclassified) District to R-3 (Multiple Family) District. Mr. Supinger presented a brief staff report reco~mmending approval for adoption by the City Council. Chairman Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:37 P.M. Mr. Robert Schoeffler, owner of the property spoke stating that he would like to develop this property into apartments which he felt is the best use of the property since it does conform with the General Plan of the City of Tustin. There being no other con~nents from the audience, Chairman Marsters declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 7:39 P.bi. Mr. Oster concurred with the Planning Staff's recon~nendation stating that he felt this is a good transition. It was moved by Mr. Qs~er~ seconded by Mrs. Ludwig, that ~esolution No. 926, for ZC-67-160 be approved and recon~nended to City Council for adoption for the following reasons: That tlJe proposed zoning will be a good buffer between co~nercial uses to the south and west on to the lighter residential uses to the north and east. As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced at the hearing are included by reference and made a part of the motion. The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Webster, Ludwig, Marsters, Halus, Brand, Bacon. Noes: None. Carried 7-0. ?. UP-67-239 - Robert Wilde This application wa,,; canceled due to Use Permit not r,~.q~ir,, !. -l- PC Minutes - October 23, 1967 OLD BUSINESS Vii. CORRES - PONDENCE NONE NONE 1. FINAI, TRACT i';AP 6275 - For Approval Mr. S~pin~('r presented a brief staff report and presented the Commission wi. th a copy of the map for their review. He recom- mended approval, forwarding it to the City Council. After reviewing the map, noting that thc City Enginecr has appro'.'~ 1 it, It was moved by Mr. Bacon, seconded by Mr. Brz-nd No. 927 for Final Tract Map No. 6275 be m~,roved ~nd forwarded to City Council. Motion carried 6-0. Mrs. Ludwi~ ab~;taired. 2. COUNtrY CASE UV-5975 - Richard B. Smit:h To permit the establishment of a 52 unit detached single femi].y development in the R4(5000) P1)(3800) District. Mr. Sw.~in?er presented a brief staff report recommendinB a?,proval. He informed the Conm~ission that Mr. Biddle, representing ti:n was in the audience if they desired to question any aspect application. The map was presented to the Comnissicn for th(,ir review. It was moved bv Mr. Oster,.seconc!ed by Mr...HRi~,s, that. Staff be direct:ed to. prepare a letter to thc Orange Co,.~"tv Commission voicin~ no objection to Cnsc UV-5975. I'otion 6-0. Mrs. Ludwi~ abstaiped. 3. COU5~FY CASE UV-5976 - Richard B. Smith To perm.;t thc establishment of a 77 unit detached single family development in thc 114(5000) PD(3800) Di,,;t'ri. ct. Mr. Supinzer pz'esentcd a brief staff report, rccon~nending approval. He presented thc map for subject tract to the Cormnission for their review. It was moved by blr. llalus~ se. conded by Mr. Webster that the Staff be directed to prepare a letter to the Orap_~e County Commission voicing no objection to Case UV-5976. .~iot~on carried 6---0. Mrs. Ludwig abstained. 4. COUNTY CASE V-7024 - UNION OIL COblPAN~f (Ray Stober) To permit a 90 ft. sign in a iO0-CI-iO,O00 Local E':sincss District. Mr. Sunin~.er presented a brief staff report, stating that our Sign Ordinance would not permit this application since t',~e location is no~ within 200 feet of a freeway off-ramp, lle opined that the requc is roi-ally unreasonable and un'iustified, reco~nnending that the Cc,'nt'y P!;:nning Co~n~.~i.~;.~:ion be informed that we strenuously opp~';c approval of thi;; application. l,a call. cd to the Commissi.~n's attent'ion, the sign for the Richf'c~ ] Service Station at Red Hill and San Juan ti,at wa:; not in con for:?::.' ~',, with the sign regulations and why the County had not s~d~mit['(~d thi.~ application, if there w-,-. one, to o~,r Co;nnission ior c~"ments. -2- PC Minutes - October 23, 1967 Mr. Halus stated that he was in complete accord with the findings of the staff and since the oversized sign for Richfield has gone in, he considered it a hardship to thc residents in the residential area. He felt that there was no need or justification for a sign of this height and size at this location. Mr. Halus stated very strong opposition to the subject sign since a great deal of time and consideration has been spent on Signs within 200 ft.to freeway off-ramps and felt that it would definitely be a grant of special privilege if this application was granted. Mrs. Ludwig's opinion on the matter was that if the present sign was approximately 10 feet higher, it would be clearly visible with- out the full additional height that is being requested. Mr. Oster stated that he felt a 90 ft. sign was being very unreason- able for this particular location considering all the factors in- volved. Chairman Marsters stated that he "strenuously" opposed this request. It was moved by Mr. Halus~ seconded by Mrs. Ludwig that the Plannin~ Staff be directed .to prepare a letter to the County Planning Commission" strenuously opposing the.~pproval of this application~ stating it is unreasonable and unjustified. Mr. Halus felt that it was appropriate that the question bc raised as to the Richfield sign and why that particular sign was allowed to go in without a similar application or if there was an application why the City of Tustin was not made aware of it. Motion carried unanimously. 5 & 6 COUNTY CASE - TENTATIVE TRACT MAPS No. 4542 & 6490 Mr. Supinger presented a brief staff report to the Planning Commission stating that a letter from Mr. Ben ¥~eelock has been received recom- mending that storm drain installation in Walnut Avenue along subject tracts be required. Mr. Wheelock recommended approval in all other respects. The maps were presented to the Commission for their review. It was moved by Mr. Oster~ s~conded by Mr. Halus that a letter be prepared and directed to the prange County Planning Commission recommending approval subject to the request that storm drain installation be required in Walnut Avenue along the subject tracts for Tract 4542 and 6490. The above motion was carried unanimously. 7. COUN-CY CASE UV-5970 - Juanita Mayfield To permit the establishment of a board and care home for homeless girls in the E4 Small Estates District. Mr. Supingcr presented a bri~.f staff report, recommending opposition of UV-5970, feeling that this does not belong in an E4 District. Mr. Halus agreed with the staff findings and stated that he felt very strongly that an E4 Small Estate District should be preserved exactly as that. He did not feel that it was appropriate for this type of zoning. Mr. Webster concurred with Mr. ~alus, feeling that it was a very subversive attempt I'o ~,,ot high density uses out of an i~4 ,,one. lie did not fee]. that l i~i.s should }3o i.n an 1.24 distric'{. -3- PC Minutes - October 23, 1967 1!: ,.,,a:.; n;ovc:d by Mr. iialus. :.;econdcd by :,~r. Brand, t'it,':' ':.':,, ~, ~f~' be. (lJr~,cted to ;~rc.~ar(~ a leto'.ar to !:i~~ County str,pm;ou,:;1.,' "],c:~ i.n ,. VIII. OT}~R BUSINESS the con,qiderotion o;' I:V-597.'~ wi[:h the reasons mentioned before Coramission this even[:"..; pi,~,, the feelinz that this case would certainl, v be a grant of special privilege and would not be cnioycd by others in the same zoning. The above motion carried unanimously. 1. Redline & Zic~enhagen - Temporary Office Building Mr. Ualus asked for information regarding this temporary office building, which was agreed upon between the City and their firm un~.i~ November 1, 1967. Mr. Rourke co~nented that ~hey will be there just a short period over their alloted time and since it will not be more than one or two weeks, felt that applying for an extension would be useless at this time. He also stated that they do have a bond put up with the City and the City is sufficiently protected if they do not comply with the requirement. 2. Non-conformin}~ Sign - First and Prospect Chairman Marsters stated that possibly there was a non-conform£ng sign located next to Chicken Delight and Tic-Toc Market at First and Prospect. He commented that it is a sign that is tacked up on the side of the building and above the roof-line about 1½ ft. He mentioned that the tenants in the building have complained about the sign because it is very poorly done and in bad taste. Mr. Supinger agreed to check on thc sign. 3. Sizzling Broiler Sign ~r. Halus made ~nention of the Sizzling Broiler ~ign at Seventeenth and Yorba. He mentioned that for an excessively long t~me a temporary sign has been displayed at the southeast corner of th,? property on the block wall and felt that it can no longer be con- sidereal "temporary". He felt that it would be an asset to ti:(: City J ftlm sign was removed. 5. Letter from Commissioner Brand Chairman Marsters read the letter of resignation from the Planning Commission submitted by l.;r. Harry Brand. Chairman Marsters ex- pressed regret over Mr. Brand leaving the Conm~ission and wished him thc best of luck in his new endeavors. IX. ADJOURN- ME 5~f It was moved by Mr. B~con~ second.ed by Mrs. Ludwig~ that the meeting be adiourned. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business before the Planning Con~nission Chairman Marsters declared thc meeting closed at 8:05 P.M. Si".Cl~,!'~ i'ARY OF 'Fill'; PLAtX~NI NG (]0,"?4 { ~-;~: I 0,',~ -4-