HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 09-11-67MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION September 11, 1967 CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTgS IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M., by Chairman Marsters. Present: Co~nissioners: Halus, Marsters, Bacon, Webster, Brand, Oster, Ludwig. Absent: Commiss ioners: None Others Present: Harry E. Gill, City Administrator James G. Rourke, City Attorney James L. Supinger, Planning Director Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary A~IENDMENT to the August 28, 1967. Planning Commission biinutes. Pa~e 4, line 25~ Mrs. Ludwi~ asked that her vote on Final Map Tract 6275 be stricken from the record as affirmative and be recorded as "abstained". It was moved by Mr. Halus~ seconded ~y b~r. Oster that the }[inutes of August 28, 196? be approved as amended. Motion carried 7-0. 1. V-67-195 - E. C. AGg~W ON BE~kLF OF THE SIZZLING BROILER To permit the reduction of the height of a concrete block wall from 6'10" to 3'4", measured from the finished grade~ for a distance of approximately 28 ft., from the building line toward the northerly right-of-way line of Sevemteenth Street. Mr. SupinKer presented the staff report giving the recommended action. Chairman Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:44 P.M. Mr. Robert Whelen - Huntington Beach, representative of the applicant, spoke, stating the cost involved, time and effort spent in ghe process of following the City's desire in this matter and stated that the Sizzling Broiler has lost approximately $10,000.00 within three months due to inadequate signs. He mentioned that by lowering the wall, business has increased 10% and also that by lowering this wall, it has provided a safety measure for the traffic. ,~fter discussion on the traffic pattern approaching the restaurant, safety measures and hardship developed by inadequate signs, Chairman };arsters, declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 7:55 P.M. Mr. Halus opined that the applicant was in error acting independently on this matter and felt that the wall was serving a constructive purpose and was disturbed by it being removed. Mr. 3rand stated that he did not see a real problem with lowering the wail 3'4", although he did not condone the action of the parties in- volved with taking it into their own hands and felt that it was a poor public relations move on their part. He did feel, after seeing the pictures that'were submitted by the applicant of the sign, that there was a problem of insufficient sign exposure. It was moved by Mr. Brand~ seconded by Mr. Oster~ that Res. olution No. 9i5, for V-67-195 be Kranted to permit the reduction of ?he height of ,': concrete block wall from 6'10" to 3'4"~ measured from the finished ~':'..:dc., for a distance of ap,nroximntely 28 ft.~ from the buildin~ line to~..,ar~ thc northerly right-of-way line of S~:vcnt~.~.:;" Thc above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Ostcr, Bacon, Ludwig, Webster, Brand, Marsters. Noes: Halus. Carried 6-1. -1- PC Minutes - 9/11/67 2. V-67-196 - H. M. STANTON - To permit: a. The construction of an addition to an existing small animal hospital. b. ,i four (4) foot encroachment into thc front building setback of an addition to the existing building. Mr. Supin. ger presented the staff report recormn, ending that V-67-196 be conditionally granted. Chairman Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing at 8:07 o v Dr. Stanton, 1192 Laguna Road, Tustin, applicant wanted a clarification of Condition #2 in the staff report "That full street improvements be constructed along the Laguna Road frontage to the approval of the City Engineer." Mr. Supi.n~er explained that after talking with the Public Works Director, that this would i::volve the southerly boundary of the property and consist of full street improvemmnts, sidewalks, gutter and finished out to the existing road as he understood it. Chairman Marstcrs declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 8:15 P.M. Dr. Stanton mentioned that this problem has come up since the discussion on this project last January and was rather surprised to find that now the stipulation has been included for full street improvements. Mr. Ray Salmi, Architect, stated that he felt at thc time ~he strc,~r would be totally improved at Laguna Road, near .'-he lligh School, would be the logical time to ~.ake their improvement. After discussion by the Commission as to the Public :.forks Dcpart~nt's recommendation, thc time and expense involved for the applicant and as to the extent of the course c_ action to be taken, the Con'~.~ission fei~ that stipulations could be incorporated into the grant of approval for the applicant, to keep it from being a hardship on him at this time. It was moved bv Mr. Oster~ seconded by Nr. Bacon~ thai Resoi~tion ".~o. 916 for V-67-196 be ~ranted subject to the following con¢liuions: That an agreement, satisfactory to thc City's Public !.forks Department, City Administrator and thc City Attorney, ba executed to provide for street improvements on the subject property ac such time as Laguna Road is improved or at such time as set forth in thc agreement. 2. That a minimum backup space of 25 feet shall be maintained for parking spaces south of the building. 3. That plans be submitted to the Architectural Committee. The above motion was w~ted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Bacon, Haius, Webster, Brand, Marsters. Noes: Mrs. Ludwig. Carried 6-1. 3. UP-67-237 PAUL LFRN:':R - SERVICE STATION To permit the re-establishment of a service station on propcr[y fron;'iag 155 feet on the west side of 'D" Street at thc northbound entrance to the Santa Ann freeway. Mr..quoimK;r presented thc staff rc,~ort r~'cow, mc':'~dinL% thnt t'hi~; appii¢~.ti.a.. be de~ic~d. Mr. ~;t;n~m~.er fcl! that in th,. opinion of ti.,'; PLam~ing St,':ff, ~.ha'.' f.' would b~ doia... ' ,ii:;:;urvicc Lo the cntir,', co;:;:.,mity i.- [:b.i:: '.;roDc.:;al is approved. PC Minutes, 9/11/67 Chairman Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing at 8:35 P.M. ;'..' ~ ~, ' .2? :- Mr. W. Lee Cozad, Vice President of Lerner Oil Company, stated that he did not know this was in violation of the City. He stated that their main concern was to open the station and have it become an attractive business conforming to the City of Tustin's Architectural plan. He felt that the parking would not be a problem, but did state that the driveway separation was not controlled by him. He stated that they would be happy to work with the City of Tustin on these problems. Chairman Marsters declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 8:50 P.M. The Commission discussed the desire of the applicant to work with the City to bring the station up to conformance, including the trash storage, required parking, boundary planter areas and the driveway separation. It was moved .by Mr. Oster~ seconded, by Mr. Brand~ that. Resolution No. 917 for Application No. UP-67-237 be granted subiect to the provisions as follows: 1. That trash storage be provided. 2. That the required number of parking spaces be marked on the plot plan. 3. That boundary planter areas be provided subject to the approval of the Architectural Committee. ¥7here possible minimum separation for driveways in accordance with minimum service station standards be provided subject to approval of the Architectural Committee. 5. That the entire project be subject to approval by the Architectural Covmittee and that the Architectural Committee be directed to follow this as closely as practicable,to take into consideration the fact that this is the servic~ station that was in exislence prior to The Minimum Service Station Ordinance, that this service station comply with the Minimum Service Station Requirements. The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Bacon, Brand, Halus, Marsters, Ludwig, Webster. Noes: None. Carried 7-0. 4. V-67-194 - PAUL LERNZR - SIGN For a Use Permit to permit the location of a ground sign in the required setback area. For a variance to permit a ground sign in excess of the permitted height and area regulations. The proposal is for a 34 ft., 216 sq. ft. sign (Sign Ordinance would permit a maximu~ height of 25 ft. and a maximum total area of 150 sq. ft.) Mr. Supinger presented the staff report recommending denial. Chairman Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing at 9:00 P.M. Mr. !.~. L. Cozad, Vice President of the Lerner Oil Company, spoke in behalf of the applicant stating that this sign, in the present location would be to the general welfare of the public. Chairman ~iarsters declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 9:05 P.M. The Commission discussed the background, location and hi:;tory of the sign and felt that it should conform to the Sign Ordinance. It was moved bv Mr. Halus, seconded bv Mr. Bacon that Reso!ut~on for ,'~pplication No. V-67-i94 be denied, t'.hat oorLi,m o: V.:;'ian,, ,!vel. in: with the. heiRht and square foota.~:o o;f t-he .~;i~m, but ::l~a: ;: V.':': .:,', ~.~:,:. Use ?,.rmic be allowed to permit area, to conform with thc Si~.n Ordinance. PC Minutes, 9/11/67 OLD BUS I~"ESS VI. NEW BUSINESS The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, 'Bacon, Brand, Ludwig, Marsters, Halus, Webster. Carried 7-0. Chairman Marstcrs called a 5 minute recess at 9:10 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 9:15 P.M. NONE 1. TENTATIVE MAP - TRACT NO. 6473 Mr. Supi.nger presented a brief staff report, giving location, zoning and analysis of the map. It was moved bv Mr. Oster, seconded by l. lr. Bacon, that Tentative :.lap Tract No. 6473 be approved subject to the fo!lowin~ conditions: 1, That subject tract shall be annexed to the Tustin Ligi~ting .:)is trict. That street improvements, drainage facilities and appurtenances shall be constructed to City standards as determined by the City Engineer. 3. That all public utilities shall be installed underground in conformance with accepted standards of utility companies. 4. That street trees ~;hail be provided and pla~tcd in accordancc~ with City Ordinances. 5. That full width sidewalk.be constructed across Orange County Flood Control District facilities. Tibet uhc existing eucalypuus trees along the northeasterly boundary be retained and that they be topi~e,l within 30 feet of the ground. The above motion carried 7-0. 2. FINAL >fAP- TRACT NO. 6470 - IRV!r,~].'. i)ZVZLOPHi;:qT Mr. Supi. n~c:r presented a brief staf£ report' and background~. commenting on the Public \.:orks Director's rcco:::mended of approval subject to final approval by the City Engineer. It was moved by Mr. Oster, seconded by l,;r. Bacon that Final iqap - Tract ?:o. 6470 be approved sub iect to final approval by the City Engineer. blot ion carried unanimously. 3. FINAL MAP - TRACT NO. 6478 - IRVINE D£VEI,OPMi.'.NT flr. Suping. er presented a brief staff report and background, cor,'.:nc~ntin!l on rhe Public ~..!orks Director's recomr.:ended action of approval subject to final approval by the City Engineer. It was moved by Mr. Oster, seconded by Mr. Halus~ that Final Eap Tract No. 6478 be approved subject to finn% approval by the City ~n~i.neer. i.lotion carried unat~i.mou.~;l.v. 4. McREYNOLDS PROPER'i:Y LOT SPLI',? b;r.. Supin)~er prc:;¢nted thc .~',ca:'f r(.port .~uating that the ~'~urp. c..'~': i:; t... divide thc property so that the :;crvice stat[on proper~'y can bo ~;oid. -4- PC Minutes, 9/11/67 It was moved by Mr. Halus, seconded by Mr. Oster that thc McRevnolds property lot split be approved subject to the seven foot strip alonK the southwest side of Bryan Avenue be dedicated to the City prior to recordation of said map. Motion carried 6-0. Mrs. Ludwig substained. 5. PROPOSED PARKING REGULATIONS };r. SupinKer presented a draft of the proposed p~rkin8 regulation to the Co~issibn for their perusal. Mr. Oster requested copies sent to the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Greenwood,. and Mr. %.;indolph before any action is taken. The Commission felt that more time was needed to study this proposal before a determination is made. 6. TzkKE-OUT FOOD ESTAFLISI~,~ENTS Discussion on this type of establishment involved the correct district and zoning. The Commission felt that further study should be made with the other cities and the Orange County Planning Department as to what their ordinances provide. It was requested that some answer be given at the next regularly scheduled meeting, September 25, 1967. Mr. Supinger felt that this could be permitted in C-2 and C-3 Districts with a Use Permit. VII. CORRES-' PON~ENCE I. COUNTY CASE NO. ZC-67-22 (Sectional District Map) 16-5-9 The Planning Commission, unanimously voted to recommend that the subject property be toned R3-1250 which would be comparable go the zoning and density recently established through prezoning by the City at the request of Mr. Hatch. COUNTY CASE - TENTATIVE MAP - T~%CT NO. 5745 The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Tentative Map of Tract No. 5745 subject to the following conditions: 1. That ten (10) foot parkways be maintained along all szreets. 2. That utility lines and related appurtenances be placed underground. 3. That street trees be planted in all parkways. VIII. OTHER BUSIA~SS i REPRIR~f - re: MISUSE OF VARIANCE DEVICE & THE COR~DIT!ONAL USE PERMIT Mr. Supinger supplied the Commission with a copy of subject material for their perusal. IX. AD JOUR~N - F~E N"f '"- was moved by Mr. Bacon, seconded by Mrs. Ludwis~ that the meeting ba adjourned. Carried unanimously. There being no further business before the Planning Commission, Chairman Marsters declared the meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. S~R'ZTARY ~,f '.'.-- PLANNING COM~ISSION CHAiP~MAN ~,./fHZ PLANNI~G CC~MISSIO~ -5-