HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 08-28-67MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
AUGUST 28, 1967
The meeting was called to order at 7:38 P.M. by Chairman }~rsters.
Present: Commissioners: Bacon, Ludwig, Hales, Marsters,
Webster, Oster
~':?.rt: Co~issioner : Brand
Others Present:
Kenneth A. Bryant, Assistant City Attorney
J~nes L. Supinger, Planning Director
Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary
It was moved by }~r. H~_~us_~.~.~_~e%o__n4~db__~Mr. Os~er,. t~at the minutes
of August 14, 19$7~.~eetinz be approved as mailed. Carried unanimously.
1. ZC-67-159 - John H. Siegel
Application for the reclassification of property fronting
772 feet on the south side of }~in Street between Newport
Ave., and Bryan Avenue, from C-I (Retail Commercial) District
to R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) District.
Mr. S.____u_Di___qge~ presented the staff report along with the background
and ~he other Department's reports, recommending th=t this appli-
cation be continued until January, 1968, or until a~proval of the
Town Center Area Plan if said approval is completed prior to Jan-
uary, 1968. Reasons for the,action are:
The City Staff is presently conducting studies prior
to submitting a pla:' for the To~m Center Area for
2. It would be undesirable to preempt the study and
anticipate~ plan.
Ckaz..man Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:41 P.M,
}'.-. Jmhn H. Sie___~e__l, applicant, spoke giving the reasons why he felt
the request should be granted, stating that the requestea ciassifi-
ca~ion does not conflict with the aims of the Tustin Area General
Mr. Bill Graz, 420 West ~in, Tustin, spoke in favor of the
application stating that he was familiar with the background an~ that
time was essential and could not see why it should be delayed until
January of 1968.
There being no further cou~..ents from the audience, Chairm~n ~.iarsters
declared the public portion of the hearing closed at 7:48 P.}~.
Tn.a Corrmission felt that all the rezoning in Tustin should not be
stopped or continued because of the Civic Center Study and felt that
the applicant's justification was sufficient for granting approval.
It w~:s moved by l.'i_r. Oster.~ seconded by Mr. Bacon that Resolution
No. 910 be ado.~ted, r.e.cc_.~.'.,?:!i_~qZ, to the City Council, that ADpli-
cation ZC-$7-159 be Kranted for the followins_ reasons:
I. The proposed rezonim~ conforms to the Tustin Area General Plan.
.\s additional groun'~.s, the minutes and cvf<~c~ca introduced '~'
the he,ring are included by re:'~rence nnd ~: .~o a part o~' [~'.~
The above motion was voted ]'y _o._ cc?..".. AS'co: O .... , L':dw~g, ~,%con,
....... ' ...... ' i C .... ~ .~ ',."
Minutes - August 28, 1967 ~.~ag'e -2-
Application for prezoning to the PC (Planned Community)
District approval of development plan and development stand;'rCs
for an eighty-six (86) bed proprietary general care hospital
which will ultimately contain 250 beds.
Mr. Supinger presented the ~caff report along with the backgro~,nd
and history stating that:
1. The Planning Commission approved prezoning for hospital
March 13, 1967.
2. City Council tie vote April 17, 1967 resulted in no
County Planning Commission conditionally granted approval
of UV5931 July 19, 1967 for hospital proposed in this
Chairman Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing at 8:05
P.M. There being no discussion from the audience, the hearing was
declared closed at 8:06 P.M.
It was moved bv Mr. Oster, seconded by Mr..Bacon, thq. y_~ef~l,lt_iq~
No. ~11, be adopted, Becommendinz to the City Council,
Application No. PZ-67-105 be Kranted for the followine reascn~:
1. The Commission recommended approval of a similar
application March 13, 1967.
The County Planning C~m~ission approved the subject
proposal at its meeting, July 19th, 1967.
The proposal conforms to the Tustin Area General ?la~
and fits in well with surrounding uses.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence su!~..~ittcl
at the hearing are included by reference and~made a part of
the motion.
Conditions of approval should be:
1. That the plans be checked and approved by the State Fire
2. That access roads be provided around the building for fire
equipment and rescue operations.
3. That water lime be looped for fire fighting purposes.
4. Hydrants be placed 300 feet apart.
5. That plans be submitted to the Architectural Co~.ittee
for review.
6. That street improvements be installed to the s~ti~ction
of the City Engineer.
The above motion was voted by roll call.
Halus, Webster, Marsters. Noes: None.
Ayes: Oster, Ludwig, Bacon,
Absent: Brand. Carried 6-0.
1. UP-67-232 & V-67-187 - MELVIN McREYNOLDS
To permit a service sta. ion and shopping center bounded by
Bryan, Newport and Main Street.
Mr. Supin~er presented the staff report recon~nending denial for
UP-67-232 and that the service station be approved.
also reconm~ended that V-67-187 be approved.
PC Minutes - August 28, 1967
Page -3-
This being a closed hearing Chairman Marsters stated that it would
not be opened to the public, but the Commission could feel free to
question the representatives that were in attendance.
Mr. Oster's opinion was that just because there were "X" number of
service stations in the area, this was not sufficient justification
for denying this request.
~r. Halus voiced objection to adding another service station to
"Service Station Way" along Newport and could not see the need for
another one.
It was moved by Mr. Oster, seconded by Mrs. Ludwig~ that Resolution
~p. 912~ fgr Application UP-67-232 be ~ranted for the followin~
The Commission finds that the establishment, maintenance and
operation of the use applied for will not, under the circum-
stances of the particular case'be detrimental to the health,
safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the persons re-
siding or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use and
it will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and
improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of
the City.
As additional grounds, the minutes and evidence introduced at
the hearing are included by reference and made a part of the
Conditions of approval are:
That street improvements satisfactory to the City of Tustin
be accomplished on the entire parcel.
b. That the proposed service station conform to the Service
Station Policy of the City of Tustin. "
That the grant of the Use Permit shall not be deemed approval
of the plans submitted here this evening in conjunction with
this application.
It was moved by Mr. Oster, seconded by Mrs. Ludwig~ that Resolution
No. 913, for Application V-67-187 be ~ranted for the foilowin~ rea~o_~,.!:
That the adjustment hereby authorized will not constitute a
grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations
upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which
the subject property is located.
That because of special circumstances applicable ~ the subject
property, including sizes, shape, topography, location or surround-
ings, the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance will deprive
subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the
vicinity and under identical zone classification.
That a further condition to the granting of the Use Permi[ and
the Variance that all plans are to be submitted to the Architectural
Committee for approval and that all the recommendations of the
Fire Department be met.
The above motions were voted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Ludwig, Bacon,
Marsters. Noes: Halus, Webster. Absent: Brand. Carried 4-2.
Regarding Tract and Di'-'~ctional S~gns in unincorpor~ted
adjacent to Tustin.
:.~r. Su.nin~er presented a draft of the proposed policy .~o ;he Cc~mission
and they felt that this would be a real asset for the benefit
City of Tustin.
PC Minutes - August 28, 1967 Page -4-
Mr. Halus expressed appreciation to the Planning Staff for a job
well done on the proposal.
It was moved by ~r. ~%up.~ secqnded by Mr. Webster that Resoluuion Mo.
914 be adopted for the Planning Commission Proposed Policy reeardinz
Tract and Directional Signs in unincorporated territory adiaccnt to
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes:
Marsters, Halus, Webster, Bacon. Noes: None.
carried 6-0.
Oster, Ludwig,
Absent: Brand.
Regarding sign removal, hazardous conditions and enforcement
of Ordinances by the City.
A letter from the Director of Public Works to the City Adm'inistrator
was submitted to the Commission to review the problem areas of storm
drain deficiencies within the City. Mr. Halus, along with the res~
of the Commission expressed appreciation of the action that has been
taken to pursue the problems that were brought out in the last Planning
Commission meeting.
FINAL MAP --TRACT 6275 - Request for extension
Mr. Sup~nger presented a brief staff report, recomanending that a
one (1) year extension be granted for the filing of the Final Map
of Tract 6275.
It was m. oved by Mr. Bacon~ seconded, by Mr. Oster~ t,hat a one year
extension be granted for th~ filing of the Final Map of Tract 6275.
Motion carried unanimously.
Request for Planning Commission to initiate the appropriate
zoning on the parcel on the south side of Wass Strect east of
Newport Avenue presently zoned "U" (Unclassified).
The Commission declined to initiate the requested rezoning and fel~
that such a proposal should be initiated by the property owner.
Tt was moved by Mr. Bagogz secgpded by Mr. Oster, that the.meeting
be adjourned. Motion carried unanimously.
There being no other business before the Planning Commission, the
meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M.