HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 06-26-67MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
JUNE 26, 1967
The meeting was called to order at 7:32 P.M., by Chairman
Commissioners: Halus, Marsters, Ludwig, Oster
Mr. Bacon arrived at 8:35 P.M.
Commissioners: Brand, .Sharp
Others Present:
James G. Rourke, City Attorney
James L. Supinger, Planning Director
Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary
It was moved by Mr. Ostera seconded by. Mr. Halus~ that the minutes
o_~f June 12th, 1967 meetin8 be approved as mailed. Motion carried
1. V-67-188 - Trans-Robles Corporation
To permit the continued use of existing tract and
directional signs.
Mr. SuDin~er presented the staff report and recommendations of the
various departments, giving the background, location of the signs
and recommended action of the Planning Department. He recommended
that a variance be granted, for a one (1) year period, for the con-
tinued use of the four (4) existing signs at locations indicated by
the letters "a" through "d" on the Location Map and that the signs
"e" and :'f" be removed by the applicant.
Mr. Supinger explained that there are presently six (6) signs ad-
vertising the development, the locations of which are indicated by
the letters "a" through "f" on the Location Map. Sizes.of the signs
a. Directional Sign, double faced, 8' X 12', 96 sq. ft./face,
total 192 sq. ft.
b. Tract Sign, single faced, 8' X 12', 96 sq. ft.
c. Tract Sign, single faced, 8' X 12', 96 sq. ft.
d. Tract Sign, single faced, 8' X 12', 96 sq. ft.
e. Tract Sign, double faced, 12' X 29', 348 sq. ft.
f. Tract Sign, 36 sq. ft. (not part of application.)
Mr Halus asked what was the reason for the sign referred to as "f"
being excluded from this consideration
Mr. Supinzer explained that the sign indicated as "f" was inadvertently
left off the application by the applicant. He did not feel that the
Planning Commission could grant a variance for the continued use of
the sign until a notice of public hearing was posted. This would
require ~he submittal of a new application for this particular sign.
Chairman Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing on V-67-188
at 7:35 P.M.
Mr. Walter Gribben, 3053 Lakeview, Fullerton, California, Attorney for
the applicant, apologized in behalf of the Trans-Robles Corporation
to the Commission for the error made by the applicant. He explained
chat the signs were renovated and utilized by Trans-Robles without
application to the City. He stated that the reason for this was due
~o the fault of his office and the lender of this matter. He explained
the necessity of maintaining the signs for the project because of the
expense that has already been involved in renovating the project. The
locations for the signs are necessary for advertising and asked the
Commission to give careful consideration to the application.
PC Minutes - June 26, 1967
Miss.Ellio~t, 13631 Yorba, is opposed to the signs on Yorba and the
portable sign which is occasionally on her property. She stated that
she was assured by the City of Tustin in 1965, that these signs were
to be erected for one (1) year and they have been there over two (2)
years now. She felt that if the others must comply with the Sign
Ordinance of Tustin, that the Trans-Robles Corporation shouid also
Mrs. Day, 13672 Yorba, asked why three signs were needed. She felt
that the sign that was doing the most good was facing the freeway and
opined that the others were not serving any purpose except facing
homeowners property.
There being no further discussion or comments from the audience,
Chairman Marsters declared the public portion of the hearing closed
at 7:45 P.M.
After much discussion on the particular signs, where they were located
and the feelings of the citizens being taken into consideration, the
Cor~nission sympathized with the applicant but felt that some adjustments
would have to be made. The Commission was concerned about the sizes of
the signs as well as complying with the Sign Ordinance.
It was moved ~y Mr. Oster. seconded by Mrs. Ludwig, tha~ Resolution
No. 894 for V-67-188 be granted in part and denied in part as follows:
The existing sign located at Seventeenth and Yorba
Streets (indicated by the letter "a" on the attached
Location Map marked Exhibit A) may be utilized for
six (6) months from the date of this action.
The existing sign located at Carroll Way and Santa Clara'
(location "d") may be utilized for six (6) months from
the date of this action.
The existing sign (location "e") in the right-of-way of
Marshall Lane may be utilized for six (6) months from the
date of this action. Provided, however, that the applicant
shall post a cash bond with the City of Tustin in the sum
of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for the removal of said
sign and that the Cigy may require the removal of safd sign
prior to the expiration of the six (6) month use period by
giving notice to the applicant, in writing, at least thirty
(30) days prior to such removal.
4. The existing signs at location "b", "c" and "f" shall be
One sign, not in excess of 32 square feet total area, shall
be permitted at the intersection of Laurie Lane and Yorba
Street for a period of six (6) months from the date of this
action, which sign shall comply all of the requirements of
Section 31.00 of Ordinance 305, including bonding requirements.
That the applicant may, by letter, apply to the Planning
Commission for a maximum extension of the above granted use~
of six (6) months, provided such application is made prior
to the expiration of six (6) months from the date of this
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Ludwig, Halus,
Marsters. Noes: None. Absent: Bacon, Brand, Sharp. Motion carried
PC Minutes - June 26th, 1967
2, ZC-67-156 - Charles Greenwood and Arthur Peterson Jr.
For consideration for rezoning of property fronting approximately
374 ft., on the east side of Pasadena Avenue, approximately 320 ft.,
south of the centerline of McFadden Avenue from the '~" (Industrial)
District to an R-~Multiple Family Residential) District.
Mr.. Suping~r presented the staff report giving location, zoning and the
history of the property, stating that it was annexed to the City of Tustin
in 1960 and has been zoned "M" (Industrial) since that time.
He stated that the staff has no objections to the proposed rezoning from
"M" to R-3 and recommends approval of ZC-67-156 for the following reasons:
The subject property is the larger portion of the only
remaining '~;" district in this area. Ail the surrounding
properties in Tustin have been rezoned to R-3 except for a
small area immediately to the north.
2. The Tustin Area General Plan calls for a heavy density
residential development in the subject area.
In addition to the recommendations the staff made the following comments:
Not included in this application is a small piece of M-zone just to the
north of the applicant's property.
It was suggested by the staff, that if ZC-67-156 is granted, that the
Planning Commission initiate the rezoning of the remaining M-District
property to avoid undesireable spot-zoning.
Chairman Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing at 8:25 P.M.
There being no objections or comments, the public portion of the hearing
was immediately closed at 8:26 P.M.
It was recognized that Mr. Peterson, one of the applicants was in the
audience but did not make any comments.
There being very little discussion on the matter, the Cou~nissioners did
not see any problems at this point and felt that the staff repor~ was
sufficient information.
It was moved by Mr. Oster~ seconded by Mrs. Ludwig? that Resolution No.
895 be adopted, recommendin~ to the City Council~ that Application ZC-67-156
~e Kranted for the following reasons:
1. The proposed rezoning conforms with the Tustin Area General Plan.
2. As additional grounds the minutes and evidence introduced at the
hearing are included by reference and made a part of the motion.
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Ludwig, Halus,
Marsters. Noes. None. Absent: Brand, Bacon, Sharp. Motion carried 4-0.
Discussion on the remaining parcel that is zoned '~" (Industrial), just north
of the applicant's property, was thought to be incorrectly zoned to be con-
sistent with the General Plan and surrounding usage of property of that area.
The cormnission felt that the staff should take this under advisement and then
pos: a hearing, after the staff has done research to see if C-2 is appropriate
zoning, considering the General Plan and cover this information in the staff
report when it comes before the Planning Commission. All of the Commissioners
were in accord with this.
3. ,~n. endment to Zonin~ Ordinance No. 157
To provide for the location of Small Animal Hospitals and Clinics
in C-i, C-2 and C-3 Districts subject to various conditions.
PC Minutes - June 26th, 1967
}Ir. Supin~ar presented a revised proposed ordinance relative to the
location of Small Animal Hospitals and Clinics, stating that the reason
for reconsideration by the Planning Commission was due to an objection
to the provision prohibiting the boarding of small animals by veterinarians,
by l.!r. Rollin Mahoney. After further investigation, the City Council de-
cided to send the ordinance back for rehearing by the Planning Commission.
Mr. Supin~er felt that with the removal of this stipulation, there should
be no problem and recommended that the Planning Commission submit it to
the City Council for public hearing and adoption.
Chairman Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing at 8:32 P.M.
Dr. Stanton stated that he had nothing to add, only that he hoped a good
ordinance is adopted by the City.
Mr. Supinger explained the corrected changes to Dr. Stanton, since he
did not receive a corrected copy until just before the meeting.
Chairman Marsters declared the public portion of the hearing closed
at 8:34 P.M.
The Commission felt that since there have been numerous occasions prior
to this to act on this particular item, there was very little to discuss.
It was moved by.Mr. Ha.lus? seconded bv Mr. Oster that Resolution No. 896
for the proposed ordinance re: ,%mendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 157,
relative to Small Animal Hospitals~ Clinics and Kennels, be approved and
submitted to the City Council for adoption.
The above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Ludwig, Halus,
Marsters. Noes: None. Absent: Brand, Bacon, Sharp. Motion carried
4. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 157
Regulating the height and location of fences, hedges and walls
and a definition of front and side yard.
Mr. Supinger presented a brief staff report, stating that the reason
for reconsideration was due to conflicting provisions in the previous
form. He stated that another version of this ordinance has been received
and it is substantially the same as before, however, it has been modified
slightly. It was recommended that this be approved and submitted to the
City Council for public hearing and adoption.
Chairman Marsters opened the public portion of the hearing at 8:36 P.M.
There being no com. ments or objections from the audience, Chairman
Marsters declared the public portion of the hearing closed immediately.
The only question that arose from the Commission was the specified figure
of 6 ft., 8 inches. }ir. Supinger explained that this is quite normal to
have a stipulating figure.
It was moved b~}lr. Osterj seconded bv Mr. Halus that Resolution No. 897
for the proposed ordinance re: Amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 157,
relative to the lleigbt and Location of Fences~ Hedges and Ualls and
Definition of Front Yard and Side Yard be approved and submitted to the
City Council for public hearing and adoptipn.
The above motion was voted by roll call: Ayes: Oster, Ludwig, Halus,
Bacon, Marsters. Noes: None. Absent: Sharp, Brand. Motion carried 5-0.
PC Minutes - June 26th, 1967
5. Amendment to Zonin~ Ordinance No. 157
To provide for the issuance of Use Permits for Temporary Uses
for a maximum period of six months.
Mr. Supinger presented a brief staff report explaining that this
ordinance is being created as a result of the Farmers Insurance
proposal for a temporary office building at "A" and First Streets.
The Zoning Ordinance does not now have a provision for temporary uses.
Mr. Supinger stated that since the last discussion of this matter, it
has been noted that numerous fireworks stands have been erected in the
area. Because of the short-term nature of this use and others, such
as Christmas tree lots, the staff suggests that they be permitted to
issue a one (1) month permit.
It was recommended that the proposed ordinance be approved and recommended
to the City Council for public hearing and adoption.
Mr. Halus asked what the proper procedure would be for the short term
uses by the applicant.
Mr. Supinger explained that presently the fireworks and the Christmas
tree lots are in violation of the Zoning Ordinance and that appropriate
processes are not being followed. The ordinance would permit minor
process to take place wherein the City would be protected, because prior
to issuance of the permit, the other City departments would be consulted
to make sure that safety measures would be taken.
It was moved by MK. Halus, seconded by Mrs. Ludwi~ that Resolution No.
898 Amendment to Zonin8 Ordinance for the issuance of Use Permit§ for
up to six (6) months for Temporary Uses~ and in addition the consideration
that thc Plannin~ Staff be permitted to issue a permit for a short term
use~. be approved and submitted to the City Council for public hearin~
and adoption.
Mr. Halus noting that he had overlooked one of the pages submitted with
the staff report asked permission to withdraw his motion, if Mrs. Ludwig
would withdraw her second so he could modify the above motion. Permission
was granted.
It was moved by bir. !ta~us, seconded by Mrs. Ludwig that Resolution No.
~ ~or an Ordinance of the City of Tustin~. California, amendin~
Ordinance No. 157~ Zonin~ Ordinance~ as amended be submitted to the
City Council for their action based on Draft III (Temporary Upes).
2'he above motion was voted by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Ludwig, Halus,
Bacon, Marsters. Noes: None. Absent: Sharp, Brand. Motion carried 5-0.
1. Report re: McReynolds Application
Mr. Supinger explained that a meeting had been scheduled for a
conference with those involved on this project, but due to un-
avoidable circumstances, Mr. Schlegel, attorney for Mr. McReynolds
could not meet with Mr. Rourke at the scheduled time. Since there
has been no agreement reached on both sides, this item would not
be scheduled for the agenda at this point. He stated that the
Commission would be informed about further developments.
1. UP-66-216 - George Meurs
Request for extension for UP-66-216
>;~. Supinqer presented the staff report stating the reason for the
application was to permit submission of revised plans for modification
of existing Use Permit. A letter from Mr. Meurs asking for a six (6)
month extension was also submitted to the Planning Commission.
PC Minutes - June 26th, 1967
Mr. Meurs letter stated that the new proposal will result in less
density, better fire access and a park which is more compatible with
the correct needs of mobilehome park residents.
It was moved by Mr. Halus, seconded by Mr. Bacon that a six (6) month
extension be granted for UP-66-216. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. ~upinger discussed the termination of Mr. Sharp from the
Architectural Committee and felt that a new member should be
appointed at this time.
Mr. Halus was appointed to replace Mr. Sharp on the Architectural
Mr. Sharp's Resignation from the Planning Commission
~r. Halus, speaking for the Planning Commission stated that he felt
a very strong sense of loss to lose Mr. Sharp from this body. He
commended Mr. Sharp on his degree of professionalism with both the
Architectural field and the approach to Planning matters, which has
been a real credit to the Planning Commission.
It was moved by Mr..[!alus, seconded bv Mr. Bacon that Resolution No.
899 be passed and adopted cormmendinq Mr. Sharp for his many hours of
service and the deep appreciation of the Planning Commission, feeling
that it is appropria~D that the Planning Commission recommend to the
Citv Council that they also pass a resolution as they see fit for the
appropriate appreciation of Mr. Sharp.
The above motion was carried unanimously.
It was moved by Mr. ~acon~ seconded by Mr. Oster~ that the meeting be
adjourned. Motion carried unanimously.
There being no other business before the Planning Commission~ the
meeting was adjourned at 8:58 P.M.