HomeMy WebLinkAbout00 CC AGENDA 1-4-11 CITY OF TUSTIN JANUARY 4, 2011 JOINT REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL CHAMBER CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT 300 CENTENNIAL WAY, TUSTIN AGENCY John Nielsen, Mayor Pro Tem David C. Biggs, City Manager Deborah Gavello, Councilmember Douglas Holland, City Attorney Rebecca “Beckie” Gomez, Councilmember Jerry Amante, Mayor Pamela Stoker, City Clerk Al Murray, Councilmember George Jeffries, City Treasurer CLOSED SESSION MEETING 5:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER – Meeting #2253 ATTENDANCE PUBLIC INPUT – Members of the public may address the City Council on items on the Closed Session Agenda. CLOSED SESSION ITEMS - The Brown Act permits legislative bodies to discuss certain matters without members of the public present. The City Council finds, based on advice from the City Attorney, that discussion in open session of the following matters will prejudice the position of the City in existing and anticipated litigation: A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION [Govt. Code § 54956.9(b)] – Two Cases B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - INITIATION OF LITIGATION [Govt. Code § 54956.9(c)] – Two Cases C. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR [Govt. Code 54956.8] – One Case Property Address/Description: Price and Terms of Payment regarding a potential land exchange between the City of Tustin (“City”) and South Orange County Community College District NOTE: As required by Senate Bill 343, any non-confidential writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council members regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk’s office located at 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA during normal business hours. (“SOCCCD”), collectively the parties, of certain property owned by the City (Parcel 1-K-2 and a portion of Parcel I-E-2.1) for property owned by SOCCCD (Parcel I-E- 3) and a portion of Parcel IV-J-4 currently leased by SOCCCD from the City, and accommodation of adequate land area by the parties for a future Bell Avenue Extension between Red Hill Avenue and Armstrong Avenue including a portion of Parcel I-E-2.1 owned by the City and dedication by SOCCCD of a portion of Parcel I-E-1.1 currently owned by the SOCCCD and a portion of Parcel IV-J-6 current leased by SOCCCD from the City. Agency: City of Tustin Agency/City Negotiator: Christine Shingleton, Assistant City Manager, and David Biggs, City Manager, as necessary Negotiating Parties: David Bugay, Vice Chancellor and Gary Poertner, Chancellor of the SOCCCD JOINT REGULAR CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER – Meeting #2253 PRESENTATION OF COLORS, INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – American Legion ROLL CALL – City Clerk CLOSED SESSION REPORT – City Attorney Holland PRESENTATIONS ? Certificates of Achievement—Boys State Delegates ? Orange County Human Relations (Dr. Geurpreet Ahuja) ORAL COMMUNICATION/PUBLIC INPUT – At this time, any member of the public may City Council/Redevelopment Agency January 4, 2011 Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 7 address the City Council on matters which are listed on this agenda or under the jurisdiction of the City Council. If the item you wish to speak on is a public hearing item, you may wish to wait until the Council considers that item. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM A public hearing provides individuals the opportunity to be heard regarding an intended action of the City Council related to land use or fees. (Agenda Items 1 through 2) 1. PARKING CITATION SURCHARGE The State of California, pursuant to Senate Bill 857, has imposed another parking citation surcharge, effective December 06, 2010. The new fee is an additional $3.00. The last Courthouse Construction surcharge of $4.50 was imposed in 2009. Including other fees assessed by the State, the total amount of $12.50 per paid parking citation will be collected monthly by the County Treasurer. Recommendation: 1. Open and Close a Public Hearing 2. Approve a parking fine increase of $3.00 on all Tustin City Code parking violations as a State Pass-Through Fee, effective immediately. 2. AMENDMENT TO TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 17144 Amendment to Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 17144 is a request to subdivide a 131-acre site into 12 numbered lots and 28 lettered lots for conveyance purposes only. Future development of the project site will be subject to approval of a Concept Plan and Design Review which will facilitate the development on the proposed lots consistent with the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan. On December 14, 2010, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 4164 recommending that the City Council approve Amendment to TTM 17144. Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 11-01 approving an Amendment to TTM 17144, a subdivision of 131-acre site into 12 numbered lots and 28 lettered lots for conveyance purposes only. RESOLUTION NO. 11-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 17144 FOR CONVEYANCE PURPOSES ONLY TO SUBDIVIDE A 131-ACRE City Council/Redevelopment Agency January 4, 2011 Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 7 SITE INTO 12 NUMBERED LOTS AND 28 LETTERED LOTS LOCATED WITHIN PLANNING AREAS 9 THROUGH 12 OF THE MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN BOUNDED BY BARRANCA PARKWAY ON THE SOUTH, RED HILL AVENUE ON THE WEST, WARNER AVENUE ON THE NORTH, AND ARMSTRONG AVENUE ON THE EAST. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion without discussion. Persons wishing to speak regarding Consent Calendar matters should file a “Request to Speak” form with the City Clerk. (Agenda Items 3 through 9) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING OF JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT HELD ON DECEMBER 7, 2010 Recommendation: Approve the Action Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Joint City Council and Redevelopment Agency held on December 7, 2010. 4. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL Recommendation: Approve Demands in the amount of $3,533,850.09 and Payroll in the amount of $665,209.07 and $674,351.45. 5. 2011 MAYORAL APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES Annually, following selection of the Mayor, the Mayor appoints those members of the City Council who will serve on various City and County committees. Recommendation: Receive and file. 6. ANNUAL REVIEW AND ADOPTION OF THE INVESTMENT POLICY The California Government Code, as amended, requires that Cities annually adopt their Investment Policy. This legislative action was in response to the Orange County bankruptcy. It requires the elected body and the Treasurer to review the existing Investment Policy at least annually and confirm its content at a public meeting and annually delegate authority to invest. Recommendation: 1. Adopt the City of Tustin Investment Policy for calendar year 2011. 2. Continue delegation of the Investment Policy to G.W. Jeffries and Associates. 7. APPOINTMENT OF GEORGE W. JEFFRIES AS CITY TREASURER AND SIGNING OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND G. W. City Council/Redevelopment Agency January 4, 2011 Meeting Agenda Page 4 of 7 JEFFRIES AND ASSOCIATES, INC. The City Council is asked to consider Resolution No. 11-02 appointing. George W. Jeffries as City Treasurer and approving his personal services agreement for one year. Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 11-02 appointing George W. Jeffries as City Treasurer and authorizing the Mayor to sign the attached Agreement for the Services of George W. Jeffries. RESOLUTION NO. 11-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA APPOINTING GEORGE W. JEFFRIES AS CITY TREASURER FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2011 8. CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH DAVID TAUSSIG & ASSOCIATES FOR PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR THE TUSTIN LEGACY PROJECT Approval is requested for a Consultant Services Agreement (CSA) to provide professional services to assist the Agency in estimating community facilities district supportable bonded indebtedness for each phase of future development at Tustin Legacy (the Project) in conjunction with refinement and revisions of the City's disposition and business strategy for the Project and also for an update to the Tustin Legacy Backbone Infrastructure Program. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency authorize the Executive Director or Assistant City Manager to execute the attached CSA with David Taussig & Associates, subject to any non-substantive modifications as may be deemed necessary by the City Attorney prior to execution of the Agreement. 9. APPROVE CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR UPDATING AND MAINTAINING THE CITY'S PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM The Pavement Management Program (PMP) consists of the maintenance of a roadway inventory, monitoring of the condition of the City`s roadway pavement and the identification of maintenance and rehabilitation strategies. The City must submit a fully compliant PMP to the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) by June 30, 2011 to maintain eligibility for funding under the Renewed Measure M (M2) Program. Approval of this Consultant Services Agreement with Bucknam & Associates, Inc. will provide for updating the City's Pavement Management Program. Recommendation: City Council/Redevelopment Agency January 4, 2011 Meeting Agenda Page 5 of 7 It is recommended that the City Council approve a Consultant Services Agreement with Bucknam & Associates, Inc. to provide engineering services to update and maintain the City's Pavement Management Program, and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement on behalf of the City. REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS Matters listed under Regular Business are generally proposals for new legislation or items requiring discussion. (Agenda Items 10 through 11) 10. ORDINANCE RE SEX OFFENDER RESIDENCY AND LOITERING RESTRICTIONS On November 7, 2006, California voters approved proposition 83, commonly referenced as "Jessica's Law." The initiative addressed a variety of topics related to registered sex offenders, and included a prohibition of sex offender residency within two thousand (2,000) feet of a park or school, and an express statement that cities have the power to adopt local ordinances that further restrict sex offender residency. The proposed ordinance would reflect the City's adoption of additional restrictions limiting sex offender residency, including hotel occupancy, and a prohibition of loitering in identified child safety zones. Recommendation: That the Council introduce and conduct first reading of Ordinance No. 1390 (Attachment 1) by title only. ORDINANCE NO. 1390 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING TUSTIN CITY CODE ARTICLE5, CHAPTER 12 RE SEX OFFENDER RESIDENCY AND LOITERTING RESTRICTIONS 11. LEGISLATIVE REPORT At this time, the City Council may take the opportunity to discuss current legislation of interest. OTHER BUSINESS/COMMITTEE REPORTS – City Manager, City Attorney, City Council ADJOURNMENT – The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. for the Closed Session Meeting followed by the Regular Business Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. City Council/Redevelopment Agency January 4, 2011 Meeting Agenda Page 6 of 7 Adjourn in Memory of Michael James Doyle City Council/Redevelopment Agency January 4, 2011 Meeting Agenda Page 7 of 7