HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 01-09-67MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTTN PLANNING COMMISSION January 9, 1967 CA[~ TO 0]~)]~ II. CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. PUBLIC ~NC, S The meeting was called to Chairman Marsters. Present: Commissioners: Absent: Commissioners: Others Present: order at 7:35 P.M., by Brand, Bacon, Halus, Marsters~ Hafner, Sharp, Oster None James Rourke, City Attorney James Supinger, Planning Director Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary ~t was moved by Mr. SharD. seconded by Mr. O~ter, ~at the minutes of the December 27. 1966 meetinz be aDoroved as m~iled. Motion carried. 1. "P-C" PLANNE~ COMMUNITY To provide for the establishment of a "P-C" Planned Community District and to establish regulations. governing uses in said district. Mr. Supinger read the staff report giving a synopsis of the proposed ordinance. Chairman Marsters opened the public hearing and asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished to speak in favor or in opposition to the proposed ordinance. Mr, ~ick Reese, Planning Director, The Irvine Company, complimented the City on the proposed ordinance because it contains all of the provisions of the County P-C Ordinance, but is more concise. Mr. Reese stated that The Irvine Company has had experience with the County ordinance and has found it a most convenient vehicle and tool for their use. Mr. Reese then informed the Commission of the planning process utilized by The Irvine Company: (1) A General Plan is pre- pared which is comparable to our recently adopted Tustin Area General Plan. There is presently our adopted General Plan for the South Irvine Ranch Area which covers about one- third of the Ranch property. (2) A Community Development Plan is prepared which further refines the development pro- posals for an area of 1000-2000 acres. Examples of this are the Bluffs, University Park, Turtle Rock and the South Tustin areas, (3) Finally, and still prior to development, tentative maps and/or development standards are submitted to the govern- ing body for approval. Mr. Reese said that The Irvine Company feels that this would be a welcomed ordinance. Mr. Reese went on to clarify that the Development Plan is more r,,'ecise than a General Plan and said that Ranch po]~.y ; ', .,ul~t the specific plane at the same time as th~. ~ ..... '~ ¥'d the Development Plan are sub- mitred for approval. Planning 0I~ BUSINESS In summary, Mr. Reese said that they want to express their satisfaction with the P-C District document and feel that it would be most convenient to proceed with it. There being no further ccmments or objections, Chairman Marsters declared the hearing closed at 7:50 P.M. Mr. Halus asked if there was a minimum acreage for the P-C District. Mr. Supinger said that they had considered setting a certain size limit, but then decided against it, stating that they possibly might want to use this for an establishment such as hospital or other public facility. Mr. Hefner asked who will choose the option to be utilized. Mr. Supinger said that the developer has the choice of one of the three optional procedures. Mr. Hefner asked Mr. Reese which one of the options he pre- ferred and whether the three options are necessary. Mr. Reese recounted the methods of the original County P-C Ordinance and said that they found through exoerience that the normal conditions for uses such as churches, etc, could be included in the development standards, thus removing the need for a Conditional Use Permit. Mr. Recse said that option No. 2 is the vehicle that they utilize with the stand- ards of development submitted along with the Development Plan. Mr. Reese said that he did feel, however, that it is best to provide the three options as set forth in the pro- posed ordinance. Mr. Hefner expressed the opinion that we should have had this for a long time and said he agreed with it whole- heartedly. Mr. Halus agreed with Mr. Hefner that this is a needed ordinance. It wss Move~ by }!r, Oster, seccr~ded by ..!r. Bran~ that the Plsnning Cozmission recczmend to the City Council that Resolution No, 872, the nrooosed or~inance establishing a "P-C" Planned Community District, be adooted and included in the. Zonin~ Ordinance. Chairman Mmrsters stated that he was pleased with the pro- posed ordinance. The above motion was voted on by Roll Call: Ayes: Oster, Sharp., Hefner, Halus, Bacon, Brand and Chairman Marsters. Noes: None. Absent: None. 1. ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE MEETING: RE: Architectural Policy. Mr. Supinger reminded the Architectural Committee and Mr. Brand of the Architectural Comuittee meeting regarding the Architectural Policy, that would be held Wednesday, January 11, at Ella's Restaurant with Mr. Greenwood. He stated that the proposed Architectural Policy that was put forth by Mr. Greenwood's Committee was moving ahead and hoped to come up with a proposed draft at this meeting to submit to the City Council. -2- Planning Minutes 1/9/67 VI. NEd BU$INEF~ VII. ¢ORRESPON- DIe'CE !. G~ERAL P LAN IMPLEMENTATION Mr. Supinger presented the staff report stating that this was the final phase of the'General Plan program. Mr. Halu$ felt that numbers "1" and "2;' under :'A", ~pecifiq Flan Studies, should be changed, because he felt that the South Tustin Area takes precedence over the Town Center Area. .4r. Oster felt that this was 'h~ idea of the City Council also. Mr. Sharp was concerned with the possibility of the South ~%lstin area coincid~ng with the establishment of the District and wanted to know if the timing was important there or not. Mr. Supingcr explained that he did not think it mattered in what manner they were scheduled since they are going %o carry on with both of them concurrently. He went on to say that Mr. Ted Adsit will be working with us on both of the studies and the South Tustin area and will have a more com- prehensive report on these soon. Mr. Sharp asked what they would be doing on the Town Center Mr. Supinger said that a major thing in the Town Center was development and improvements around the Civic Center in which some of the areas are badly in need of improvement such as long range parking and roads, water and utilities. Mr. Supinger stated that for the purpose of the To~a~ Center study they are taking the areas bordered north of Fourth and southeast of Newport. Here it will include a wide range of usage and is a larger area than proposed ou the General Plan map. Mr. Supinger stated that this information should go to the City Council. The Planning Commission concurred. 1. C~.-1279 - Tustin EleMentary Schoo~ pistrict - Los CerrLtos School Site To permit the construction of an elementary school in the 80-E4 and 100-E4 Small Estates Districts. Mr. Supinger presented the staff report, recommending approval. Mr. Halus stated that he did not have any objections to the application but was concerned over the lack of concern with the school district about the traffic flow they may have in bad weather. He felt that a letter should be written to the County voicing a strong concern over the traffic pattern and that they take proper action to insure that this matter will be corrected for the safety of the children before starting construction. It was moved by Mr. Hefner, seconded by Mr. Brand that the Tustin Plannin~ Commission stronMly objects, to the traffic flow pattern at the school site and recommends that a letter be sent to the Orange County Planning Commission stating that this problem be corrected before approval is granted for con- struction and because of the new schools involved, width of roads and amount of traffic flow that comes with bad traffic problems~ it can be hazardous to the school children, such as: ?lanning Minutes 1/9/67 VIII. OTHER BUSINESS IXe ADJOURN- M~T Conflict between off-street loading areas for buses and private automobiles, especially in inclement weather. Main entrance being located on a street which will be a major traffic carrier when it is developed. Severe traffic congestion caused by three schools located adjacent to each other. The above motion carried unanimously. 2. TUS'i~'I-SANTA ANA PET HOSPITAL - 741 West First St., Tustin To permit facilities for night attendants in small animal hospitals. Mr. Supinger stated that they have no objections toper- . mitting this sort of use in conjunction to small animal hospitals, incidental to pet hospital use and also that the resident of this facility be a person related to the hospital. Dr. Serretti, applicant, stated that there is a need for a person to live in the hospital when treatment needs to be given in the middle of the night and early morning hours. Chairman Marsters asked if only one person needs to be there and Dr. Serretti answered yes, except occasionally when a woman has a small boy or girl that has to be tended, but most of the time it will just be one person. Dr. Serretti stated that kitchen facilities would be needed. Mr. Sharp asked if this would be an apartment permitting only employees to live there and not a resident. Dr. Serretti said he would recommend this sort of thing. Mr. Hefner asked Lf there would be a general type document to allow this and Mr, Supinger said it would be the intent to limit this to small animal hospitals or veterinary clinics and will be to provide for medical purposes during off hours. The Planning Commission was in agreement with this. ,,COMPARISON O? ZONING REGULATIONS" DOCU~ENT Mr. Oster expressed his appreciation to Lena Danielsson and the staff for the excellent job of compiling and putting this document together. It was moved by Mr. B$con seconded by Mr, O~ter that the meetinR.be adjourned. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at '8:30 P.M. SECRETARY