HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 11-14-66CALL TO
November 14, 1966
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M., by
Chairman Marsters.
Present: Commissioners: Brand, Bacon, Halus, Marsters,
Hefner, Sharp, Oster
Absent: Commissioners: None
Cthers Present:
James Rourke, City Attorney
James L. Supinger, Planning Director
Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary
Mr. Oster asked for his vote to be corrected and recorded as
sbstention and not sffirmative on UV-5793 of the October 24th,
It was moved by Mr, Sharp, seconded by Mr, Oster, that the
~inutes of the October 24, 1966 meeting be aoorovedas
corrected. Motion carried.
1. UP-66-2~4 r SIZZLING BROILER - Sign
To permit the construction of a double faced roof sign.
Site is location of existing structure No. 17261 Seven-
teenth Street at the intersection of Yorba and Seventeenth
Mr. Supinger presented the staff report recommending denial
for this application.
Mr. Su~lnger read a letter from Mr. Richard Ralphs, Executive
Vice President of Ralphs Industries stating his approval of
such a sign.
Chairman Marsters opened the hearing to the public at 7:48 P.M.
Mr. Robert Whelan - plans to occupy the site of Ralohs Shopping
Center - We feel it is necessary for the success of our business
and although we have the term of :'Sizzling Brciler':, it is un-
like any other that you have been acquainted with. We have gone
to a great deal of trouble and money for this and it will be
difficult for anyone to know that the restaurant is there with-
out this type of sign. It will compliment the neighborhood and
will not distract from the Shopping Center. We offer a family
style service and do not plan tc sell liquor. If we do not have
this type of sign, the people may think it is closed due to the
cther shops closing at a specific time. Again, without the sign
it will be a definite hardshin.
Mr. Bruce O'Dell, representing Raloh's Industries, West Third
~%~et, Los Angeles 5, stated that' they do not want additional
~ylon signs for the other businesses in the Shopping Center
because he felt it would be detrimental, but felt that this
particular situation could be much more successful with the
roof sign and would substantially help the rest of the Shop-
ping Center.
Planning Commission Minutes
n/1 /66
Mr. Bricsemeister - 3225 Lacy St., Los Angeles - Applicant,
described the sign saying it consisted of two (2) panels
identifying the Sizzling Broiler. The sign would have a
lamp at the top, but there would be nc flashing of lights
or animation. It is amber in color and 18' x 18" above the
roof line. It had a yellow panel with red letters and read
"Childrens ~lato 69¢.:' We feel for such a building, this
sigr~ is an absolute ~ust, and we do not feel that we are
setting a precedent.
Mr. Willian Scott - 3225 ~,acy St., ~.os Angeles - The only
thinE I want to mention to ycu is that it took a considerable
number of designs which these gentle~en feel would be favor-
able. Our original intent was to put in pole signs, but I
conferred with Mr. Supinger and he said this would not be
allowed so we went for a roof sign. GLO was very cognizant
of your by-laws. Without an adequate sign they may lose
There being no further comments or objections the hearing
was dec].ared closed at 8: P.i.i.
Mr. Oster - The way I look at it, thc roof sign is subject
to granting of a Use Permit on Section 35, but then we go
on further and find it only in lieu of a ground sign. The
only other way is to get a variance under the following con-
ditions. Mr. Oster read the conditions from the Sign Ordinance.
His feelings were that they would have to go on a Variance
stating that it was more strict than a Use ~ermit.
Mr. Rourke stated he did not believe it could be considered
a Variance, although it would still be necessary for the
applicant to follow it up with a variance.
Mr. Oster ~sked :.Ir, W~neLan how zany other Sizzling Broilers
were they operating and was told two, although they were
not completed, one was in San Fernando Val~ and the other
one in Inglewood. Mr. Whelan said they had not been granted
a roof sign yet by the other cities, but they did not anticipate
any problems.
Mr. Brie~emeister - reported that he was familiar with the
other two ordinances in San Fernando Val~y and Inglewood and
in both cases the roof sign would be permitted.
Mr. Oster asked Mr. O'Dell what would happen if other businesses
came in wanting roof signs and Mr. O'Dell stated that Ralphs
would oppose it. He said as of now it is our intent, we have
one long row of shops and this will be the only roof sign re-
quired on that. Under the circumstances, I do not feel we
can agree for other businesses to have this. I can not fore-
tell the future but I would recommend opposition for any otb ~.
Mr. Oster said he was not on the Planning Commission when Ra ~s
was approved but in his opinion he thought it should come under
a variance and he felt that the ?lanning Commission is running
a risk of the next set of shops wanting the roof signs.
Mr. O'Dell said he did not expect this form of logic and said
they would not approve of any more roof signs, l{e commented
that two-thirds (2/3) of their space is occupied but in the
event they should come up, he would recommend that you tur~l
them down.
Plannir~ Go~nission Hinutes
ll/l /
Mr. Halus asked ~. Scott, after he was informed that a pole
sign would not be allowed, did he pursue the aspect for a
sign consistent with the other buildings.
Mr. Scott, said that they did - We die a survey by walking
and feel that due to the fact that the Shopping Center will
not be operating at the same hours as the Sizzling Broiler,
if the people do not s~ a sign for this they will be under
the impression that the restaurant will also be closed. He
thought one of th6 things here, is a restaurant is not a
normal service in a Shopping Center and needs a stronger
Mr. Halus commented that he was surprised to see [.Ir. O'Dell
from Ralphs at the meeting and said he thought Ralphs was an
aesthetically pleasing Shopping Genter but did feel that a
roof sign would very definitely destroy what we have strived
for and felt we should not have a roof sign.
Mr. Hefner- I do not know if the people that are making the
application are aware of the agonies over the work done ou the
Sign Ordinance. We know that it was not the ordinance that
the Planning Commission desires, we would llke to have it a
more restrictive ordinance but this one turned out to be a
pretty good one.
Here we have a request for a sign 49 feet high, which is above
the limits and I think this in itself would be inconsistent
with the ordinance. I sympathize with your problem - we should
explore a face sign on tho building, I think this might be an
answer and might be more digestible.
Mr. 5upinger briefly cleared the matter of other Shopping
Centers Signs that seemed to'be of concern to the representatives
cf the applicant and stated that this cane in to being before a
Sign Ordinance was adopted, but stated the control of the signs
in the City of ~stin was the Planning Commission's main concern
and felt they should adhere to the Sign Ordinance.
Mr. Brand said he was in accord with this and felt that the
Sign Ordinance was very clear.
It w~s moved by Mr, Brand, seconded by ~. Hefner that
Resolution No. 868 denying UP-66-2~4 be p~ssed and adonted.
Chairman Marsters asked Mr. Whelan if he felt that transient
trade was essential to his business.
Mr. Whelan - In answer to your question, very definitely - I
realize you cannot totally appreciate what makes this business
successful and it is not our intent to change your ordinance,
but we feel the restaurant will complete the Shopping Center
and make it a benefit to the conmunity. Without a sign of this
nature it is creating a real hardship.
Mr. Halus said it was his understanding that the existing Sign
Ordinance stipulates that the wall sign can be 20% of the square
footage on the portion of the building facing an arterial highway
and as~e~.. Mr. Su~iuger if this was correct.
Planning C~lssion Minutes
Mr. Supinger said it not only permits 20% of the frontage, but
ou the West front also - consequently it would be permitted
two (2) signs.
Chairman .~rstors suggested that the applicant explore some
other means.
Mr. Bacon st%ted hi~ feeling was that :~we are denying these
people their business by denying this sign."
The above motion was voted by Roll Call: Ayes: Oster, Sharp~
Hefner, Marsters, i{alus, Brand, Bacon. Noes: None. Absent:
None. Motion carried ?-0
To consider an amendment to the zoning ordinance providing
for the addition thereto of a definition of "Home
Occupation" and the addition of home occupations.
Mr. Supinger presented the staff reoort stating that the key
provisions of the rovised ordinance are:
1. Requi~ment for the issuance of a permit is
2. Criteria for the conduct of a Home Occupation
are contained in a definition.
3. llome Occupations are nade permitted uses in all
residential districts.
Mr. Supinger suggested that the proposed ordinance be
approved and reeomnended to the City Council for adoption.
Mr. Halus questioned the clause "...no activity which generates
excessive pedestrian traffic or vehicular traffic or parking in
excess of that othen.~ise normally found in the zone..." He
asked would this be subjective.
Mr. Rourke, said it may require more judgement, however, "I
believe this was considered. Something should be placed in
the ordinance to the amount of traffic." It is highly ob-
Jective for a lot of cars to be flowing in and out.
Mr. Ihlus asked how it would be enforced iT a complaint was
made to the law agencies. Would we hold a public hearing?
Mr. Rourke said this proposed ordinance
come back for another hearing, it would
would not have to
be an administrative
Chairman [hrsters opened the hearing to the public - there
being no comnents, the hearing was declared closed at 8:30 P.M.
Mr. Brand commented that this ordinance had been presented
several times and he was at a loss, as it has changed con-
siderably. One phrase that bothered him was a clause in
2-"b" - this seems to limit the poss~b%]~.ty to such an ex-
treme, that only washing~ ironing and child care would be
oermitted. This could be used to the extent it would put
everyone out of business. Another thing of concern was
the provision for the blind had been omitted and he felt
these people needed it more than the others.
Plannin§ Commission Minutes
ll/l /66
Mr. Rourke said he did not remember that conversation, but
as far as the provision of not allowing stock and trade, that was
was left up te the Commission and could be deleted.
Mr. Brand said he could visualize so~e old gentlemen retiring
and tying ~'!ies and I do not see this *~ be a great disturbance
to the neighbors. How do you altow one thing and stop another -
where dc you d~'aw a line.
Mr. Bacon was concerned about the clause in 2-"b" stating
':...no mechari~al or electrical equi?.eut used for house-
keeping purposes..."
Ym. Hefner agreed with 'fr. Brand and said enough time has
been spent on this ordinance. He said basically this gives
us what we have been trying to do, without working a hardship
on the little eld lady that doe:~ ironing. I think people are
going to ~eave it alone and with this t.,vpe, I am in favor of
passing the ordinance.
It was mcved by Mr. !{efner, seconded by Mr. Sharp, that
Resolution No. 869 recommendinM to the City Coungil sdoption
of the orooosed Home Occuostion Ordinance.
Mr. Oster said he was glad now, to see M~. Bacon and Mr. Brand
have their doubts about it and even though it does not require
a permit he would still have to vote "no".
The above motion was voted by Roll Call: Ayes: Sharp, Hefner
¥mrsters, Halus. Noes: Oster, Bacon, Brand. Absent: None
Motion carried 4-3
(Continued from the October 24th neeting)
Mr. Supinger read a letter from Mrs. Merrill asking for a
continuance of this hearing due to her attendance to the
National Association of ~ ~
..ea, Estate Boards in Miami, Florida.
Mr. Supinger then presented the staff report recom~ending denial
based upon the reasoning included in the report dated October
21st, 1966. Reasons being that such a hospital would generate
a great deal of traffic and be a strong justification for land
use changes to commercial uses in the area. The City of Tustin
has historically opposed the extension of commercial uses North
of Wass Street. It is also traditional that a strong need for
multiple family uses is generated in the immediate area of such
Mr. Supinger continued saying that from the Planning standpoint,
we are still concerned with traffic generated by such a use.
Mr. M~rsters wanted to know the County's report on this and
Mr. Supinger said it is still not available for public infor-
mation, although the report as it presently stands indicates
that there is not a need for a hospital in this area.
Mr. Supinger felt if the Planning Commission is not ready to
give an opinion at this time, they might want to wait until
after the Orange County Planning Commission and the Hospital
Planning Association had made a more definitive report.
n/1 /66
Planning Comission Minutes
Mr. Sharp asked if ther~ would be more information on this
and did the Commission feel they needed another meeting on
the case.
Mr. Supinger said he knew of no other information other
than the revised plans frcm the applicant.
Mr. Rourke asked if the ori~ina! con,,ittee's decision would
be o~ any im?ortance to the Gc~nis~ion.
,,ir. Su~inger opined that this af>~li.-ation seems to have
taker', the courre of no one ~.;auting '.~ mak{ the f.~rst decision.
Mr. ~lus said, ever since the m%ddie of Segtember, when this
case was oresented he ha~ beer. beg!~in~, ~ieading and asking
for a more concrete preposal ard detailed plan on this partic-
ular matter and until hc received :~ubstantial information he
felt he ccu~d not make an intelligent opinion. He was interested
in the results of the Hospital Associations report and felt that
the County should be asked to postpone it until more adequate
inf:)rmation has been received.
Mr. Baccn asked if there had been a Committee of Doctors
appointed to investigate the need for a hospital.
Mr. Supinger said it was his understanding that there had
been great anticipation of getting a community hospital some-
Mr. Sharp said his feelings were the same as Mr. ]~lus and
asked if the presentation they heard at the Board of Supervisors,
was the County's report. In essence, he thought that they had
received all the iufcrmation on the case from the applicant that
they were going to get.
Mr. Supinger stated that it was his understanding that the
report was an actual finding based upon a need study utilizing
the State Hospital Association studies and is net a final re-
port to their Commission and is not official.
Mr. Sharp said it seemed to him that the Planning Commission
is being asked to give their cpir:ion when they do not have
much to base it on. He fei% a final hearin~ was in order.
Mr. Supinger said he did net know what the final report would
be to the Orange County Planning Commission, hut that Mrs.
Merrill wanted a continuance of this tc the 21st of November
because she felt the necessary plans would be ready.
Dr. Harrold Hall, Vice ?resident ot' the f'oothill Home C~ners
Association, spoke saying he had really net exnected to do
anything but observe the proceedings tonight but wanted to
point out two things: 1. It seems tc me that there is a
substantial burden nlaced upon the applicant to present all
of the affirmative information required to support their
application, but I have never seen community acticns being
treated in such a careless haphazard method. These repeated
requests for a continuance of hearings is a reflection of an
essential lack of information on the part of the applicant.
There is this problem of property and I assure you that I
represent this as an important piece of community business and
poor location are ccstly. I would not think it is incu%~bent
upon you gentlemen to {~ive Mrs. Merrill the ordinary burden of
proof that you would zive the ordinary business men.
Planning Commission Minutes
ll/l /
2. There are a number of hospitals of this sort of which
applications are being made. By all the yard sticks of needs,
we have a sufficient number of beds at the present time. The
need that has been expressed to me by the medical opinion is
for established hospitals for substantial size - large enough
to contain tae ccstlv equip~mt. The application revised as
it is, is moving in quite the wron!~ direction. It lacks all
the credenti~ls o£ uniform con,unity spen~ ~rshi9 therefore, it
seems to me it is the least attractive of the applications that
are being received. D. The ~oecific parcel that is involved
is not the only site for the hospital. There is adequate acreage
which will not jeopardize the General Plan which was recommended.
This tends to violate the General Plan and this is far from satis-
factor~ for our comnunity. The specific variance in the land use
represents an undesirable deviation for the General Plan.
Mr. Hefner stated that he did not feel the rough two (2) page
drawing of the hospital plan represented what he feels is re-
quired for the Planning Commission to approve this ~lan for the
City cf Tustin. He said he felt that it would be obnoxious to
the two sides of tenants that are of single family area. As
this would be a twenty-four (2~) hour operation and requiring
vehicular traffic on the streets that are not designed for it,
it would be undesirable. He did not feel there was a need at
this time for a hospital, since there is three or four more in
a five (5) mile radius. He felt this was a direct violation of
the General Plan.
Mr. Sharp agreed with Mr. Hefner but said he would like to base
his opinion on information and not lack of it and wanted to know
if there was going to be more information. Mr. Sharp felt that
Mrs. Merrill should have attended the meeting if she felt it was
Mr. Supinger said he did not know of any additional information
from the applicant, but felt that there will be more from the
Orange County A~lanniug Department's staff.
Mr. Sham opined if there was something the Planning Commission
should hear then we ought to hear it.
Mr. Marsters said he fel% that the staff has given us the whole
presentation and in his opinion felt that it is in violation of
the Tustin Area General Plan and thought the Planning Commission
could ~ke positive action on it tonight based on facts they had
heard during the evening.
It was moved by Mr. H~lus, seconded by M~. Share that a letter
be directed to Orange County ~l~nnin~ Commission recommending
denial of UV-5?~.
The above motion was voted by Roll Call: Ayes: Sharp, Hefner,
Marsters, Halus, Brand. Noes: Bacon. Abstained: Oster.
Motion c~rrSed 5-1.
To permit the rearrangement of the proposed church
buildings and the addition of a temporary structure
to be used for church purposes in the iO0-C1 10,000
Local Business District.
Planning Co~mission Minutes
ll/l /
.r. Suninger presented the staff report recommending approval
since the application met al1 of the requirements of our
?ir. D~vid 'lhcma~, pastor of the church, said in Aoril we
subT~itted a o!ct plzn and this p~an that we submitted at
last Wednesday's meeting (Orange Count.y Planning Commission
~..eet~ng~ has just a few minor variations. Because of the
financial situation and inability to get loans, we need the
aDprcval f:~r a ~empcrary structure and in time this temporary
structure will be torn down. This would ffive us time to locate
on the property and we are very close to getting our funds for
our first phase.
You asked that the elevation and architectural plans be shown
to you for your approval and I do have them here tonight, i4r.
Thomas then displayed the exhibits for the Planning Commission.
Mr. IIefner asked about the residential area around the church
and Mr. Thomas answered by saying that cnlv to the back of the
church there was a trailer park.
It was moved bT Mr. Oster, seconded by Mr. ~lus that ~ letter
be directed to the Oran6e County ?lanning Commission stating
that we h~ve no ob.iectioqs to U~-5721 being ~r~nted.
Mr. Hefner asked if this would have any affect on the other
architectural buildings oozing into ~stin and felt that
architectural approval should be considered for the buildings
as a complex.
Mr. Supinger said that this did not include that condition
and the Planning Commission should inc].ude that in the motion.
It wa~ moved by Mr, Hefner, seecnded by Mr. Shard that the
shove uoticn be amended to resd "We have no ob.~ections to UV-~?21
after architectural sooroval." [.'etlon csrried unanimouslV.
The above motion was voted by Ro:l Call: Ayes: Oster, Sharp,
llefner, Marsters, Halus, Bacon, Brand. Noes: None. Absent:
~,~ one.
1. Workshop for C.ty Ccuncil and 7lanning Commission
[{embers of the Planning Commission were reminded of the
Workshop meeting that is to be held 7:~0 P.M., November
17th, (Thursday) at the Lo~a Linda Building located at 520
East Fourth Street. All members reported that they would
be there with the exception of Mr. Helmet, due to out-of-town
2. Chairman Marsters extended the appreciation of the Planning
Commission to the Tustin High School students that turned out
for the meeting in lieu of the "Youth and Government Week"
3. Anart~ent Bulldin~ Psrking
Mr. Oster asked what could be done about tenants parking
in ally-ways of apartments.
Mr. Rourke said a survey was under way to relieve this problem
and would be solved in the near future. He thought this would
be brought to the attention of Planning Commission through a
Planning Commission '4inutes
n/l /16
4. Snlo of Firewood, Seventeenth and Prospect
Mr. Halus expressed his desire to have something done
about the sale o~' firewood at Seventeenth and 4:respect be-
cause of the hazards of auto:~obiles backing into the traffic
flow aha was opposed to the spread of commercial uses along
Seventeenth Street as recently exemolified by the recommend-
ation for the adoption of the Tustin krea General Plan.
The ~lanuiug Commission requested that a letter be submitted
again to the Orange County Planning Commission voicing their
disapproval of this activity.
5. Resolution No, 867
Resolution No. 867, was read by Chairman Marsters, commending
;~r. Donald Hefner for his outstanding activities in conducting
himself and the meetings of the Planning Commission of the City
cf Tustin.
It was moved bV Mr, $~on, seconded by Mr, Shsrp that the
meetinK be ~djourned. Motion carried
There being no further business before the Planning Commission
the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.