HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 10-10-66P.7INUTI;S OF A REGULAR ~ETIPIG
October 10, 1960
The meeting tivas called to order at 7:35 P.T.-. , by
Chairman Hefner.
Present: Commissioners: Brand, I.iarsters, Hefner,
Oster, Iialus, Sharp
Absent: Commissioners: Bacon
I•.Ir. Hefner presented the net=~ chairman, P.ir. T.Iarsters,
tivith the gavel and the meeting vas resumed at 7: ¢0 P.PI.
It ryas moved b Lir. Oster seconded b L
[:Ir. Ha be appointed hair;~an Pro Tem.
. Sharp that
I.Iotion carried
(Continued from the September 26, 1966 .Planning
Commission T.ieeting. )
i.ir. Supinger presented the staff report including a
revised copy of the Proposed T.iobilehome Parlt District
Regulations. The proposal vas revised as a result of
a meeting of representatives of the !''/extern I.iobilehomes
}lssociation, the Building Director and the Planning
Director. Disagreement remained concerning the required
area for travel trailer spaces and density in travel
trailer areas.
iir. Sup~.nger r::ade the recoL.rnendation, if the proposed
~F gulat: or_s .-._ . __ ._. ~'Iir: ~i21''_ ~ :£~; Co~.r~:,_s~_:;~__ approval,
_.,4~ ti,:_ ~ 1~::<= .. ~ _ .-_-:, . lc ~'~e ~:._ , ; . ,~l~.r ;neet-
Others Present: James Rourlte, City Attorney
Janes Supinger, Planning Director
Iiarry Gill, City Administrator
Jo Ann Turner, Planning Secretary
Vote by Roll Call: Ayes: Brand, Hefner, Iialus, Sharp,
Oster. does: None. Absent: Bacon. i.iotion carried
i'.Ir. I-Iglus stated that the one major point is the
square footage for lots and is about all that is
being questioned.
In ans~rer to L:r. Hefner's question regarding Item
4 - I.Ir. Supinger stated that the State regulations
~-~ere rnora strict than eras proposed under the pre-
vious ordinance that ~•ras submitted and it eras best
to eliminate it.
Chairman i.;arsters opened the hearing to the I~ublic
at 7:48 P.i.;.
I.ir. ITorm Busch, 7700 La-~psor~ ~lvenuc, Garden Grove,
representing the ~,7estern i.iobilehomE~s Association, felt
that this could be resolved if travel trailer spaces
did not exceed 1500 sq. ft. and changing 5 to 10;~ -
He felt that 5;~ reduces it do~~rn to nothing.
There being no further commer_ts or objections, the
hearing eras declared closed at 7:52 P.I.I.
I.tr. Halus granted to ltino~-r the definition of a travel
trailer and i.ir. Supinger said that a "I.Iobilellome" is
expandable and a "Travel Trailer" is smaller and can
be pulled behind a car.
T.Ir. Halus eras concerned about not seeing the figure
of 5i~ or 1G;s in the draft on I.:obilehome Parlc District
and i.ir. Supinger explained that if you grant to utilize
the percentage figure, that it gill be in the proposed
ordinance. The reference being made by I.Ir. Busch is to
the memorandum included with the proposed ordinance.
T.ir. Supinger said i.ir. Busch ~°ranted an attachment to
sub-section "B" to provide not more than 10 for
travel trailer spaces and for a minimum of 1500 sq.
ft. lot area in the travel trailer spaces.
I:Ir. Busch - 3000 sq. ft. or more for mobilehome - 1500
sq. ft. for travel trailer spaces.
I.Ir. Halus -This ~*~ill not be over 2800 sq. ft. then
and not to exceed 10~~?
I.ir. Supinger said provided ho~~~ever, that a maximum of
10 of the total number of spaces may be for travel
trailer spaces, the ninimum area of nrhich trill not be
less than 1500 sq. ft.
I.Ir. Iialus stated that he is not in favor of a large
number of travel trailers in Tustin and he realizes
the need for limited spaces.
I.Ir. Oster questioned I.Ir. Gill about the licensing
of travel trailers by the City and I.Ir. Gill said that
you do have to pay a fee and are liscensed by the City..
i.:r. Oster asked, if this ordi nai:ce envisions a travel
.ir. aul:ill~;er a.1s~.~er~d, on
y? - .
type park in t_,e cit,
contrary, altheug'_: SUC11 an cl~~ration rro~~ld ire permitted,
It FlOlild ??O ~ be i mnossibie 1JCC^t1U(? ;~!1L 1` Y'Oy~'~S%:1 1i~.S i'i-
ciuded a :ii:iriu~: of 100 ~,1 _~. ±'cr c~.c}~ ...., ._._._:rone - ~~;
,_ , ..
c,•ould be Waite u.<<^ccro-~ica~ for ~~i^::i ~~ ~~;~~L:.: <:. -~~~?c:~•~:-
ation park.
I:4r. Brand's feeling on the matter was that it should
be half the size and said they should make some pro-
visions for the difference. Section 1-C should read
"that travel trailer spaces, with minimum lot size of
1500 sq. ft. should not exceed 10; of the total number
of spaces."
I.ir. Halus recommended, in Item 11 - Architectural
A~~r_oval, that the v/ording "as to design' a de eted
~om~~ paragraph.
I:ir. Sharp felt that the titrording in Item 7 - Recreation
Area Required, ryas going to be difficult to meet be-
cause someone mould have to go around each month to
check or. the occupancy. He said if this is declared,
it should be determined whether you have a higher or
lower ratio of people and recommended that the staff
change that.
I.ir. Supinger reported that: 1 . ) l;ach mobilehome park
is required to keep a register of each occupant during
occupancy, although they may have to check periodic:zlly
2. ) If v/e make the determination at the time the ~iTse
Permit is granted, it removes the flexibility that the
cvmers might have and mould require that he come in foi
a modification of a Use Permit. It vrould remove the
flexibility from the owner's stand point.
I.Ir. Sharp asked if this mould be a hardship to the
I:Iobilehomes Association.
'Ir. Busch answered P.ir. Sharp by saying, the reason fn,-
no pro- b~em ryas; if you have an Adult Park and it is
your desire for accepting children, you mould have t~
provide a recreation area. You would not want to move
in if there eras no place for the children to play. Th~-
trend norv is to develop a children's parlc or an adult
pant, it is not often you find a combination for this
in this area. In the adult park, they do not want
children living there.
Chairman Liarsters wanted to know if other travel trailez~
parlss have the same criteria for this and P.Ir. Supinger
ansvrered - they do not, they just require a flat amount
of area for the amount of spaces, because this allows
more f 1 e~ci.hi7.it~r .
It ryas moved b P.Ir. Halus seconded by P.ir. Brand that
t e .Iobile ome Parlt District Re ations be continued
to t e c ober 4th meetin and that the Ci A orne
e re ues ed to draft the a ro date ordinance for t
Commission's~recommenda ion to t e City ouncil.
I.Ir. Supinger wanted to l~norr if all three (3) amend-
ments, r/hich were made by T.Ir. Brand, Lir. Sharp and
I.1r. Halus, mould be included in this ordinance. I.Ir.
Sharp said if T.Ir. Supinger Baas ~~rilling to check each
month on the number of occupants living in the mobile-
homes he eras ss.tisfied and the a~~endment he Proposed
would not be irclu;;+ed.
The above :::ot~._. , ~cc' :^li. "~ ail. ..~,. franc,
~ --r~,'>
2. I1-1'-06-223 - ~.:II,D Ai.Il3uli::<G_. ti~lt~ ICL 1_l.D all -
ROOI.i S~S~PI,'~ 51:1~~5
To consider a~~plicatioi for L7se Permit i:o. tP-
66-223 of George :! . .:quiro, to per.nit the oper-
ation o:i al: ambulance service and sicltroom supply
sales. Site io location of existing building
numbered 736-740 l~iest First Street, Tustin.
i.ir. Supinger presented tine staff report recommending
that UP-vv-223 lie ~r~:_2tECi subject to the follocring
That all oxygen cylinders shall be stored only
in rooms in ~~hicl: no neater is located and that
such cylinders shall be fastened securely to a
Chairman I.iarsters opened the hearing to the public
at 8:15 P.i.I.
I.Irs. Aquino, representing the hind Ar;bulance Service,
gave a brief summary explaining the reason for the
application -She said it :-ras evident ~tilat ~-re outgre~~
the facility ~7e ~rere in. Our operation gre~•r fast and
rre needed to locate at a larger facility. It ~-rould
be the sai:ie -type of operati on~~~-rith no change and insofar-
as the recommendation and requirements of your staff,
these have been met. The oxygen cylinders are trio (2)
rooms from a heater and are secured with a chain to a
crap .
There being no further coi:uaents or objections, the
hearing ~•ras declared closed at 8:20 P.I.I.
I.ir. aharp cluostior_ed the antenna location and if the
parlcing eras acienuate. In arsrrer to this, Lir. Supinger
said the antenna mould remair_ in the same place and
parking bras adequate .
I.ir. I3alus aslced i.irs . Aquino if it eras her intent and
understanding that the vehicles ~-~ould be parked on
the premises alzd r_ot on the street . I.irs . Arluino
said the par'.;ing ~•rould be on the premises .
.~* IIP~6-
V. 1. COUIITY CASL tN-5793, Re: 400 Bed Ilospital
BUSIII%SS i.Ir. Supinger suggested that the Planning Commission
continue this case to the re}.t regular Manning
Commission meetir_g, in view of the fact that the
County Planl~ing Conriissio~l had not subr.:it :;ccl a ~:ull
e:;t~.l'~., Z C _ c70_. Cli ~_ll , .: ~. ;tGr. i_ ;,~~`.(..Gi;e;~.,~ T.__c.t
~i-C; niOL%:i ~;~ O- ~....__ is c ~O'._. _ll~.-_ ..1112, ~:0:'."%._:~:,_0~:1 vv
delay ,,,. ,,.~..-~ ~-- -'~-w .
I.iotion carried by Roll Call: Ayes: Brand, Iiefner,
i.iarsters, IIalus, Sllarp, Oster. floes: Bone. Absent:
i.Ir. Supinger :aid if there .,ere ar~y questions the
Commission :could like to leave answered, :'.:rs . Lois
i.ierrill ~:~ao '.~.:•_o tcr~ ~ht and would probably be glad
to give any .r:.formation that she could.
I.:rs. I.ierri.ll, i:he applicant, told the alanlling Com-
mission tra7, i;here has bee:1 a change from a 400 bed
hospital to ~~C•0 beds, although the overall lay-out
remained t11E: : ame ~•rith 962 parking ,paces and the
structure bF~ir:g of Spanish motif, nllich ~-rould fit
in ve?~y app~•oY~riately ~•rith the other i'ustin build-
ing, . `ihe 1..~:~pital ~-;ould be a t~:•o (2) story structure
because a or.c~ (1) Utory structure ~•~ould :.ot facilitate
200 beds.
In ar_s~-rer to i.:r. Ilefner's question about the effects
it may preser:i. to the residential a~^ea, i.irs. I.ierrill
said the parl•:ir_g ~rould be at the Plorth end of the
fifteen (15) acres r~alcing it presentable and accept-
able to the ~•esidential area.
i.ir. Halus asl_ed ho~•~ they ~~rould screen the noise of
emergency vehicles, the traffic pattern, flee parlting
area, the glare of lights and in general, all irri-
tating effec-l;s caused by this kind of operation.
Llrs. LIerrill commented that the entrance Mould be on
rle~•rport ~lvenv.e only, tlia.t the parking area teas de-
signed for tY.e idorth end and ors the South end: mould
be the Irlter-r.'s residence, ~rhich would also allo~•r
parking. ThE lights for the parking area grill be on
posts raisad from the groLUrd approyimately l~ ft. ,
and will be ciln, for parking or_ly. The landscaping
tirould be sucY that it wculd present a beautiful viet-r
and hardly lc ol; like a h~~spital .
T.ir. I3alus ~-rar.ted to ?;norr if the intent ;-gas that event-
ually it wou~ d become a six. (6) story, four r~undred
( 400) bed iio~pital - I.Irs . i.:er. rill said it had been
mater planrc.d for this and they ~•~ould like to~ see it
expand to a ; ix (6) sto~~ ~-, four Hundred (400) bed
hospital, but that this r;culd not happen for some time.
I.Ir. Sharp aslted hoer many employees a hospital of this
size (200 bed) would need, and warted a definition as
to the type of hospital that it is . I.Irs . I.ierrill did
not kno~•i the number of people that mould be needed to
serve the hospital and in answer to the "type" of hos-
pital -said it would be anon-profit hospital oriented
by the people of Tustin.
I.Irs. i.Ierrill said that actually, right norr, it has been
suggested that our City put up the money for this hos-
pital and it grill be anon-profit hospital and not oared
by doctors, r,hich she feels if supported by the people,
this gill be the best way to go because it ~~ill malte the
citizens feel apart of it.
I.ir. IIefner tiros concerned about the eccno~lic feasibility
Of the hOSiJlt l r:l(1 CO;"i~1Cni;@U ~h,zt 11e rrc^.; 21Gt under the
irlpres:._cr ,;.._.., -~_:;:~e ~~~a~, w.~~ __....::cai~~te .~c~ea .for ore in
L111.J c`it.. 1.•L `.. ~... .,' ./. . ._.:.i .E'. ~~ ri.l1 `:~ ~~: ~. ...'"~~ `7 C:.:7 u.
wry ol,.. _ ~ . , ;-.. _, ._ _. .,
,:edec _ _• _
I.ir. ilarsters asl~eci if thi:~ is to ue pr.oi_:oted by
the cor.1-runit~T o.:id :rs . i.:crrii 1 said that this ~rhole
plan ~•~as started •,;ith the ho:ae rnrners.
I.,r~.PetCrS, .~til(' ~ b~?e ',lasj, `iUSt1.21, voiced filer
approval for a hospital ar_d stated that property
o~•mers ~~ottld rather go to a hospital in their orrn
tom than another community ar~d felt a great need
for a hospital in file City of ^lustiz.
Lirs. '.:ass, 12792 Iie1-mort ewe., Tustir_, said she had
been living in i'us~tin for a long time and thought a
hospital of this nature ~~ould be a beautiful addition
to the community.
i.ir. Donald Ross - iIo]'th `iustir:, col:une:lteci that he had
a large family, six children, and in the past year
had had occasion for a reed of a 1ospital and that it
eras necessary for hire to go to Orange. IIe felt, ~-r11at
rras proposed here tonight, ~~ould be a tremendous step
for~•~ard for the community.
I,Irs. I,Ierrill said she ~~as prepared to speal; 0~1 the
noise from sirens, but ~-rould like for Lirs. Aquino to
give a brief talk about this since she is affiliated
~•rith an ambulance service.
i.Irs. Aquino - spoke first of the need for a closer
ho;~pital. Her opinion ~-~as t11at cue are faced r-rith a
problem of finding a hospital for people that are
extremely ill or involved ir_ serious accidents. She
said it has been her ea-perience that St. Joesph's
hospital has turned patients a:•ray due to lacl; of beds,
so consequently they have to take a large portion to
the county facility due to ti1C fact that is all that
is available. She felt that ~t is quite along dis-
tance and could possibly ~:ean death if something is
not done. Concerning sirens, she stated that it is
commonly kno~•m that a hospital is a "quiet" zone and
that a siren is normally used only if in congested
traffic - instructions are given to persor_nel to cut
dorm on the siren three (3) or four (4) blocks from
the hospital. She did not feel this ~~as a particular
I.ir. Oster said he ~-~ould like to go on record as saying
11e ~•rould not vote on this motion because he ocmed
property in the area.
It ~•~as moved by LIr. IIefner. seconded by LIr. IIalus that
County Case W-5793 be continued to the October 24, 1966
Planning Commission I.ieetin~; -asking. that a letter be
directed to the County Planning Commiss~.on requesting
that -they delay action on this case until the Tustin
Planning Commission has received amore extensive re-
port from their office.
Vote by Loll Call: Ayes: 3rard, Iiefr.er, ::arste_s,
IIa1L~.s, Sharn. :does: Itonc. libstainec.: Gear.
Absent: ~acor_
VI. ?L.'':i1ilIiiG CO;.,.:IaSI01~? ilORi.;iii01 CCIiC=' ~?I1:G
I1L`';l GIsIILP,AL PL.%'.I?
I.ir. Supinger said that the staff r:;ay r;isli to
hold a ~-rorlcshop relating to some usc:~ .
I.ir. I-Ialus stated that there ~~as really only
one item of concern and that Maybe it could
be resolved tonight.
I.Ir. Outer su~;;ested t:lat it be discussed to-
night after the Planning Commission I.ieeting
and I.ir. Supinger concurred.
VII. COL'I;^`I CAS% UV-5796 -Uses Permitted in Texaco
CORRI;S- Service Station
To permit:
1. The addition of four (4) portable signs.
2. The addition of a combination ice and re-
fresP.r~ent vending stall and
3. The storage and sale of propane and butane
gas and tai~lts all in connection ~-;it1z the
existing service station of the premises
in the R-4 Subur'oan Residential District.
Lir. Suping.^.r presented the staff report recommending
denial of tlli.s al~plice.tion for tine follo~-ring reasons:
1. A service station is not a permitted use in the
R-4 District and has been established under the
Use Variance procedure c~hich is not an appropriate
use of tizis procedure . The_°e should be a zone
change to com::~ercial.
2. A refresh~:.ent atarc: wnd the sale of propane and
butane gws are not included in the definition of
appropriate services provided by service stations
in the proposed County Commercial package or the
Austin Zoning Ordinance.
3. The refreshment sta1zd ~-ras established prior to
appropriate approval.
4. These services compete directly crith established
businesses in the area supplying the same services.
These established businesses deserve to be pro-
tected. Also, it is our fear that .the establish-
ment of such uses t~rith service sta•~ions ciould re-
sult in the addition of further commercial uses,
such as has happened in the case of the drug store
which has come to be a variety store.
It eras I.ir. Halus's feeling that the refreshment stand
~~as not an appropriate use in service stations and
that the amount of signs ~•ras a gross measure .
I.ir. Supinger Uaid that he folt if thi:~ i.~ ^llorred to
ta'•te place, ti1;;:1 tl.~y ~~ill ~e addi~.~, oti:~:r uses acid
11P. COlll~l iGiG.G-~t. .:;G::i~;tl-:~i"?E:• i;1~.; ;iO~;:i:1t'" C1~ Oj' ~t 11102
T,11C3 dl'1~,~ ., i.0:.. . 7s!1C1: i.~,.~i .~. ~::.^.C c^,. ~'~^.,-. __ -.r •, ,!"
:::;~«x~ ~;:«.
I.ir. Sha~~p questioned if this ryas the norr.~a1
criteria of a i fanning Cor.~::ission to deal c~it:~
and i.Ir. Supinger stated tha~L he thou~;la the
Commission c;oul~l be rerlsU if they did r_ot con-
sider economics.
LIr. I~Iefner stated that this prono~al ~•ras in
direct conflict c;ith ol;r Service StatiorL Standards
and Guide.
i.ir. Supinger. - '; e have a J: e ~ erriit goveri:ing
the P.ed Iiill, I,a~ana Te}:aco Service Station and
they have been notified tr=ice by the Building
Department of violating their TJse Permit .
I.ir. Brand said in all dae respect to the Planning
Commission he did not feel economics eras a con-
cern of the staff -that it eras like the Government
taking over for the free enterprise and felt that
~~e should stay cut of the economic paz•t of it .
I.Ir. I~Iefner said if ~•re do deny this, it should not
be based upon economics.
T.Ir. Brand gave a report on the Texaco Station lo-
cated at Tlecrport and the freec~ay, after driving
by there before the meeting and tools a survey of
all the signs. Report ~~as: four (4) size 5' x 3',
four (4) 2' x 3', five (5) miscellaneous, includ-
ing one (1) blue chi stamp sign, three (3) neon
Texaco signs, one (1~ ice and food sign and several
i.ir. Halus said this rras the epitome that rye have
been rror?ring against and that it made him shudder
to think there ~-ras not an ordinance to prevent this.
I:e recommended that the Service Station Standards
be re-submitted to the City Council and ~•rould liLe
to see the City take a stronger star_d on this type of
thing -Signs, food and other uses that are not
normally permitted and that are violating the regu-
I.ir. Gill explained to the Com.~iiN~ion that the City
is just noc~ getting undertray to really ~•rorh on this.
~•~as moved by i.ir. Sharp and seconded by I.ir. Oster
.t I:Ir. Supinmer direct a letter to the Oran e Coun
.nnin~ Commission voicing; t eir disapproval of W-
~6 for the follo~•rint~ reasons:
1. A service station is not a permitted use
in the R-4 (Suburban Residential) District.
The existing station has been established
by Use Variance ~~hich rre feel is not an
appropriate use of the procedure. Such a
use should be established only through re-
classification to the eppropriate co::unercial
2. T]:~e _~ei_•e; _..: c> t sJ.;r.._~i .:~:; e: :;~~,:~:~1 ~..i~e~a _ ~...~ r.
3. The refreshment stand and the sale of butane
and propane gas uses are not included as
appropriate services incidental to service
stations as set forth in the Proposed County
Conunercial Packa a and the 'Tustin Policy Guide
or ervice a ion Developme~-
The above motion was carried by Roll Call: Ayes:
Brand, Hefner, luiarsters, Halus, Sharp, Oster.
Noes: Noen. Absent: Bacon.
IX. It was moved b I:Tr.
ADJOURN- t t e mee ink be
efner, seconded by t~:r. Oster
diourned. Diotion carried
There being no further business before the Planr_ing
Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.I,T.
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