HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 09-26-66MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION September 26, 1966 CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III APPROVAL OF MINUTES PUBLIC HEARINGS Meeting called to order at 7:34 P.M. by Chairman Hefner. Present: Commissioners: Hefner, Marsters, Bacon, Nalus, Sharp Absent: Commissioners: Brand, Oster Others Present: City Administrator Harry Gill City Attorney James Rourke City Clerk Ruth Poe Planning Director James Supinger Moved by Marsters, seconded by Bacon, that minutes of September 12, 1966, meeting be approved as ~iled. Carried. 1. V-66-175 - REDUCTION OF THE NUMBER OF OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES - Neville West To consider application No.V-66-175 for reduction of the number of required off-street parking spaces required for an office building in a C-2 District. The hearing was opened at 7:35 P.M. Staff report and recommendation for approval of Variance Application No. 66-175 presented by Mr. Supinger. In answer to questioning by Mr. Halus, Mr. Supinger stated that there is not enough room for tandum parking a~d still permit the front car room to get in and out of space. There being no objections or comments, the hearing was declared closed at 7:40 P.M. Moved by Bacon~ seconded b~ Marsters, that Resolution No. 861, approving Variance No. 66-175 of A. Neville West, be passed and adopted. Carried by Roll Call. Ayes:' Hefner, Marsters, Bacon, I{alus, Sharp. Noes; None. Absent: Brand, Oster. Mr. Halus suggested that after seeing the improvements which have been made ~n the buildings in this area, the City AdministratQr should contact the Knights of Pythias to see what they could do about facelifting their structure. 2. MHP - MOBILE HOME PARK DISTRICT - AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE Amendment of the Zoning Ordinanc9 to provide for a "MHP" Mobile Home Park District and to establish regulations governing uses in said district. Page 2 Mr. Supinger presented the Planning staff report along with co~ents from the Building Department. He recon~ended that, if the staff proposal meets with the approval of the Commission, the hearing be continued to the next meeting and the City Attorney draft an Ordinance for the Commission's recommendation to the Council. Upon questioning, ~.Ir. Supinger stated he had not made a su£vey o~ ~ravel Trailer Courts as opposed to Mobile Park Homes. He reminded the Commission that in the ca~o of th:~ Meurs Mobile Park an area had been se~ aside for storage of Travel Trailers and said that this OrdJ. nan~e could combine both Mobile IIome~ and Travel Trailers. Mr. Sharp questicned the portion of Section 7 covering Recreation Area when homes are occupied by persons having children. Mr. Sharp felt this to be an awkward way as recreation area would have to be pre-determin,~d and provide open space originally. Mr. Norman Busch of Western Mobile Home Industry spoke requ.asti:,g defcrment of any decision until the next regui~r meeting to give him time to meet with tha ~lanning Diruct~r and Building Director to work out certain itches. On request from the Co~,~ission, Mr. Busch pointed out the foil')wing items vnder Proparty Development StandardJ for study and discussion: Minimums% Building Sites - travel trailer sites cou!,! bo either 22' x 58' allowing to%-:_n¢, vehicle to remain hooked, or 30' x 35' which would require that towing vehic!n be unhooked and parked next to the trailer. 2 - Maximum Density (a) - 25 trailers per acre would leave open area and not be out of line. Minimum Yards and Setbacks (d) - this paragraph could be eliminated as it is covered by Section 16387.5 of the State Mobile Home Park Act. 10 - Irrigation of Landscaped Areas - flood irrigation is sometimes more effective depending on type of landscaping. Mr. Busch complimented the Planning Director and staff and stated he would appreciate ~e privilege of working with them. Mr. Halus stated he had mixed feelings about combining Mobile Park Homes and Travel Trailers. Mr. Busch said he had had a combined park and feels it is feasible, but Travel Trailer areas should be ~eparated from Mobile Homes by some form of fencing. He felt a combined park would be very desirable in this area due to the proximity of the Freeways. , Page 3 Vo OLD BUSINESS ~. Halus felt that the Commission should give the staff some policy guide lines and said he was not sure the Con~ission wanted to encourage Travel Trailers and should perhaps limit discussion to Mobile IIomes. Mr. Marsters concurred, but felt they could consider some ratio. Mr. Bacon stated that there is a need for Travel Trailer parking and suggc::ted that it be covered in Sectian 11, Architectural Approval, or some other section of the Ordinance. Mr. Halus suggested that as a Use Permit is required, some standards could be adopted and be a condition of a Use Permit. Mr. Gill felt that with the parking restrictions on streets, people visiting in the a~ea will have a problem and by having trailer facilities, they could have some place to go. He stated that although the City may not wish to encourage Travel Trailer Parks, neither should they prohibit them. Moved by IIalus, seconded by Marsters, that hearing be continued to next zegular meeting and the staff and the industry meet and work out differences. Mr. Sharp asked that the staff consider making Item 7 (Recreation Area) a little more manageable. Mr. Marsters asked that the staff explore the adequacy of parking spaces. Above motion carried unanirously. 1. HOME OCCUPATION ORDINANCE - continued from September 12th Planning Commission meeting. To consider an Amendment to Ordinance No. 157 (Zoning'Ordinance.) to provide specific criteria based upon which hon%e occupations will be permitted in residential districts. Revised Ordinance and report presented by Mr. Supinger. The Commissioners present concurred that this proposed Ordinance was a comfortable and livable solution to the problem. Mr. Rourke explained that with this Ordinance a variance could be applied for in the same manner as presently allowed. Chairman Hefner directed Mr. Supinger to set a hearing date at the earliest possible date. Page 4 2. ADDITIONAL USES PER~.'..ITTED IN THE "PR" PROFESSIONAL DISTRICT - Continued from September 12th Planning Commission meeting. To consider the addition of the following uses to the list of permitted uses in the "PR': District: Personnel Agency, Answering Service, Collection Agency, Insurance Agency, Land and Property ~.:anagement, Contractor's Business Office, Advertising Agency, Photo- grapher, Interior Decorator, or Artist Studio, Management, Technical or Professional Consultant, Stock Broker, Social Work, Travel Agency, Title Insurance, Dispensing Pharmacy - selling only drugs and medicines by prescription. Staff report presented by Mr. Supinger. Moved by Halus, seconded by Shar~, that Resolution No. 862, recommending adoption of the prop~ l~dl-h~-~ce listing additions to uses permitted in PR Zone, be ~ass~d and adopted. Carried by Roll Call. Ayes: IIefner, Marsters, Bacon, Halus, Sharp. Noes: None. Absent: Brand, Oster. 3. PROPOSE[) ADDITION ~ THE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE ZONING CODE OF THE "COMMERCIAL PACKAGE" Continued from September 12th Planning Commission meeting. The Commission commended the Zon%~ Code Committee and the Planning Department staf~;~or the comprehensive and objective zoning code propose~ for commercial and associated districts with particular approval of the following: The specific landscaping and sign control provisions and the discerning grouping of compatible activities into harmonious districts that are, in turn, made compatible with other districts. 2. The maintenance and irrigation provisions for landscaped areas. The requirement for opaque screening as a buffer strip along boundaries abutting residential and agricultural districts. 4. The ammortization and conformance provisions of the sign regulations. 5. The height limit provisions applying to signs. 6. The sign illumination restrictions in CN Districts between 10:30 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. 7. Specific service station standards. Prohibition of service station activiti,.~ not incidental tc normal service ~t~ ~¢r. fu:. _Dh... Page 5 VI. NEW BUSINESS VII. CORRESPON- DENCE The Commission requested consideration of: That no blinking or flashing signs be permitted in any district (not Just the CN District). 2. Prohibition of roof signs. 3. Prohibition of rotating service station signs. 4. Specific tree planting requirements. Addition to the definition of "Area of a sign" of the following: "The area of a multiple-sided sign shall be the sum of each of the individual sides". Moved by Halus, seconded by Marsters, that the ~lanning Director inform the County of this Commission's feeling as stated and assuring them of this body's full support. Carried. None 1. COUNTY CASE UV-5793 - LOIS MERRILL To permit the construction of a 400-bed hospital in the R4-7000 (PD) 3000 Suburban Residential Planned Development District. Staff report and plot plan presented. Chairman Hefner directed the Planning Director to write the County Planning Commission requesting that action on UV-5793 be postponed until study by the County has been completed and this Co~nission has had a chance to review their findings. 2. COUNTY CASE ZC-66-50 Proposed change of zone from RP-30,000 to RP-10,000 on property located at Northwest corner of Newport and Warren Mr. Supinger explained that this change would permit the land to be subdivided into three parcels. At present it is one lot, although owner could still build three buildings. Moved by Marsters, 'seconded by Ha'lus, that t~e County be advised that this Conu~ission has no ob)ections to ZC-66-50. Carried. 3. COUNTY CASE - TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 6316 - Irvine Blvd. and Red Hill Ave. Moved by ~!u=, ~econded i:%, Sharp, that the Planning b-~ector p~p&r~ '~ter to the County Planning Depar'~mc~r ~ ~.-_. C~;.:i$~on has nc ob~ctior..~ to ....-.~..~ ,.,=~ but '-.c~ 'meres Page 6 IX. REPORTS & OTHER BUSINESS Xe ADJOURNMENT 1. ~ir. Supinger requested that the Commission adjourn this meeting to a joint workshop, October 3rd, at 7:30 P.M. in the County Planning Commission hearing room, regarding the Gcneral Plan. 2. ~. i~alus reminded the Commissioners of the General Plan meeting Wednesday night, September 28th, at which time the Land Use Sub-Committee will present its report. Mr. Halus reco~ended that all members be present as they should be exposed to concepts of the Plan. 3. Mr. Hefner felt there should be a workshop meeting of the Commissio~ relative to the General Plan and set Saturday morning at 9:00 A~. at City Hall for this meeting. 4. Mr. Hefner commented on the successful, informative workshop with the City Council and urged members to return the questionnaires regarding the best time for future sessions. 5. Mr. Gill reported that there were plans to have two City vehicles drive to San Diego for the October 17th and 18th sessions of the League of California Cities Conference and asked anyone interested in going to contact him. Moved by Halus, seconded by Bacon, that the meeting be adjourned to October 3rd, 7:30 P.M.,County Planning Commission hearing room. Motion carried.