HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 08-22-66MINUTES OF A REGULAR METING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 22, 1966 CALL TO The meetly] :vas called to order at 7:55 P.L:. by Er. J.~rs~crs (Ac~ing CP~i.~.~an) in Cb~! ~n Hefner' s absence. II. ROLL C~T,T, Present: Co~.~ ssioners: Absent: C~:.~ ssloners: Others Present: nrar~d, ~acon, ~i~rsters, Oster Hefner, Y~m&us, S~p Jaues Rourke, City Attorney James Supinger, Planning Director P~zr~y Gill, City A~=~:~str~tor Jo Ann Turner, Plar~ing Secretary III. APPROVAL O~~ ZI/~P£ES It was ~oved by Brand~ seconded by Oster? t~t the minutes of the August 8~ 1~667 mee~i~ be approved as mailed. Motion carried. IV. Fu-BLIC ' .nT/ARINGS 1. PZ-66-i02 - SEV~--~T~;TH A~ HOLT ARR~J~ATiON AREA To consider prezor~ appro~tely 485 acres known as tho Seventeenth and ~lm Ar~exation Area. Said zo.~lng shall become effective only in the event said area is ar~exed to the City of ~stin. kLr. Suplnger presented the Staff Reoort, indicating that the proposal would bo left as is, v~Zh ~wo (2) exceptions. There would be a cP~n~e at the northwesm corner of Pourth and Holt, v£ncre it is suggested tho property be char~od fro:~ an R-2 (~vo A-~:~!ly Residence) Districm mo a PR (Professional) District to continue the established professional office area along Pourth Streot. 2e This change is on tho Bohr. er apartment area (Tree- haven). It is suggested that the PD-3,500 zoning, w~zich neans a mining': of 3,500 square feet per apartment ur~t, be applied as this conforms with the e~isting development. Although the City has consistently opposed the establishment of professional zor~ng east of Yorba, it is felt that it would be proper ~o continue thc existing RP zoning as is,. since construction ?ms already been started. If the zo~t_Kg were not continued, the new strucmures would be non-con-' forming from their first occupancy. ~r. ~arsters opened the hearing to the public at 7:45 P.M. Pl~n~-~s Minutes 8/22/66 ?age 2 Ur. J~es T?~cko_~, ~ 17852 D~.I! Lane, c~ented that he felt an honest ar, d responsible gove£r, ment of the City would pu~ for~h a zonir~ plan ~k~t they expecmed to last indefinitely in the futures ar-'1 if i~ was ~u "honest" and "responsible" government there would be no need for a Plar~ir~ C~.:,.~ ~sion. lie felt t~t '~he public should vo~e on all zoning in the future. ~,r. Nor-~an Spicl~u~ 14622 C!arissa Lan~, questioned if there was any consideration being given to buffer zoning behind the packing plar. t ~ud residential homes. l;r. Supinger, in reply, said t.~_~t the area would be kept as is a~d t[~t the flood control c?~el was tho beet buffer they could get - also states m~-~ tho buffer zoning v,us not a p~rt of ~he consideratio:; at this t~e, but the issue at h~u~d was prezo.uin:~. When Lr. Spie.~.~u a~k w~ this was not considered? -it was pcinmed out mhat the pacl~'ing plant structure was economically feasible now but would not be too much longer~ and at t?~s ~.~e, buffer zor~tr~ should not be established. Er. Spiel~:u was not convinced ~k~t action should not be t~ken on this n'~tter, because hc felt that this was a hazard and since the CourA~y had over looked i~, was hoping the Cimy would not. l.~r. Marsters said the Co=.r.~ s~ion would discuss the buffer question after ~he public hoar~;g was completed. Mr. Richard Ordison, a home o~';ner, said hie reason for ~ying a homo here ~as because he liked the county area, ~a~ was con- serried as to w?~m benefits tho property ova. ers would get by joinin~ the City of ~astin and w~t as~nce did they have that t~s was an undying plan. Mr. Supir~or oxp?~i~ued t2~ ~he prcsonm consideration was prezor~tnl~ of the area m~d ~ct pros and cons of ~moxation itself. There being no further c~.onus or objections the hearing was declared closed at 7:55 P.i.. Hr. Oster s'~ated t~t ~he packir~ house was in a C-2 District and if ~here ;:'as any way to cha~uge thc zone and the area was arzaexed, would it be nmu-co~ffo~u~r~g? Air. Supinger an~;-sred by saying this was correct. ~r. Brand's co.-resents on the zoni~i plan by the City were that at the present m~e they are in the midst of preparing a LD~sger Plan and i'~ ?~o roache~ the ~age of a fairl~ good definition. It ;rill noz bo mhis :'r~y for twenty (20~ years or an indefLuime tL-~.e bec,~se laws emu ck~r~e. In general, I tk~ir~ we are m~ying ~c co:..e along witl'~ the plan and stay wish it as besm aa we c~u to keep the people fr~m bec~mt~ subjected to cons~anm It was recommended that tho l"la~_ing Co~=,~ ~sion adopt Re- solution 2~o. 857 reco:.uuend~ to the City Council t~t pre- zonin6 be established in the area as ir~iicated on the ~.ap of "Suggested Zou~ ug". Plar~uing '2inures - 8/22/66 Page 3 It w~s coved bi., ~r.~?.d. soeond¢.~ bY Bacon~ ~m Resolution No. ~57 rec~.'~endir.~ to the Ci'~y Council adootlon of 0rdir~uco prezonin~ be ostaoliohed as indicated on mhe Zoninq :;-ap"~-pZ-g6_lO? - Soven~.u~:nth e_nd Holt A~.oxation Area. kiotion carried by Aoll Call: Ayes: Brand, Bacon, :..in-stets, Oster. Noes: l~one. Abscnm: Hofner~ }":~lus, Sharp. 2. UP-~6.223..-SADrJLZ)~C~.C £AY SC':CO-, To consldor application for cor. tl:?a~?~ tho prcs~'nt use of private school ','."nick does not restricm other ac~ivitleo of ~he build~u~ on the southwest oo~or of Prospect Avenue oa~d ~.%rst Streo~ (~tln War i:~morial Buil di~g). L~r. Supinger preserved a brie£ £'~aff Report reoor~en~zJug the gr~utin6 of a one (1) year Conditior~l Uso Pe.'m~it for tko subject day school provided t?~t mbo applicant c~plies with Article 8~ Group O occupancies of Tltlo 19 (Fire and Safety Standards). hr. harsters opened the hoarirg; ~o the public am 6:05 P.E. Mr. Jamieson spoke in i~s. Deck:s behalf, saylug he fel~ this Uso Por-.~ should be gr,:ted since tho school presents no problems. There beir~ no f-~rthor e~:onus or objectlor~ the hearing was declared closed at 8:10 ,'~r. B~ud ~'~s concerned about ~"~.e ,z~all a..'uoun; of space allo*ed for tho children's play area outside the buildir~ v'P. tch r. ay be a hazard. i;r. Jn._'ioson.ooin~ed ou-~ %?~ rl:c ckildren at mb_ts age, (four~ five ~.ud six) ;','ere well supcrvLsod and ~hcre was not t!mt activity out~ide. Ho sta~od %r~'~ 'ukrce (3) sq. ft. per person was the rocc~.:.~e-~_ded footage for ~e%y and mhis was ~llowod. There are t;'.o (2) roous in :'~c~: the ckildren would spend a great .deal of their tt,.,e ~'~i'~h mwc (2) ~eachcrs in cP~rge, and there would be no pa_,:z_ir~3 problea nor inmerferonco ~vith thc functions of tho resin of tDc bulldlr~. Llr. i~arsters co;;~on~od on ~he safety of the children %with no fence and kr. Jauieson said ~his would present no problen since there is no heavy ~raffic and as he sma~ed above, the children will be well ~perviood. It %~=s ::'eyed b? Ootor~ :~eccndo~ :.~..v :%~und~ tha~ Rosolu~on Es. ~58 be adop~qd~ ,'~cnzi~-6~20 Saddlo~ack Day Schqo~ a on~ (1) ~o~.r Use Pe~it orovidoi t~:e aoplicanm has c~olied wi~h the [ire ~.d S~'oz~; S~.dards. l~otion carried by Roll Call: ~lyos: 31rand, Bates, ;~rsters, Oster. i;oes: None. Absent: i-'.cfn*r, ?'~lus, SP~rp. Planting Minutes - 8/22/66 P~ge 4 UP-66-221 - DE~!Oii SION C~..~A.~ (C. L,C. ) To permim const~ctlon of r~. off-sims diroctio~a] sign on property located ~t the nerthwest corner of Seventeenth Street and Yor~a. l~r. Supingor pres.~nmed -~he S~i'£ Hcport sayi~z, t~is appli- cation v.~ filed prior to the e~foctive d~te of tho now Si~. Ordin~uce and is subject to mh~ provisions of Ordlr~r, oe ~o. 23¢. He recommended the ~pp~ow~~l of a Conditions& Use Per- mi~ sub,eot to tho follmrlr, g: 1. T~t ~ho por~dt is for a one (~) year duration. 2. That sign copy be l~i~¢d mo diroctior~l ~_nfo_~nntion. 3. Tb~t the sign c~mply ~'.~h Si~n Ordinance No. 183. $. That tho ~pplica.ut s~o. ll ~movo the sign upon ex- piration of the pc-~im at r~ expense to c.~y publls ~gcncy. 5. The applic~u~ s?~.]l pos~ a one hundred dollar ($100) bond g~antoolng r~mov~l of s~id sign. 6. T~ut a ~ilding £~::~it bo obtained for ~he oon- st~ction cf tho sign. 7. Tm~t ~he location of mhe sign shall be as s~wu on mhe plot plain suhr~i~tod v~th the application. Y.r. Oster w~u~ed to know if this perm~bned to Ordir~nce No. 235 or No. 1G3 and ~r. Supim~jcr explained that Ordinmnce No. 234 allows this type cf sig~. and Ordinance No. 183 gove~s the const~ctlon of such signs~ Mr. D~rsters opened the heam~; mo thc public at 8:15 P.M. M~. Robert i~ster, speo. kir~ in hehnlf of mhe C. J. Bonnet Company, Inc., stated ~ mbo signw~s completely necessary for the ~-~ccossful sole of ~he homos~ It is a directional sign for the public to be ~hle to find the homes. There beir~ no further cor~ent~; or objections, thc hearing v~s doolam~d closed at 8:20 P.L. M~. Oster suggested t~t if tha '~.~se Perr.~t was gra_u'~.ed~ a condition bo ~dded in t~bis particular ~pplication if an ex~ tension is requested upon expiz.ation of the Uso Uermit. The si~n sh~]l comply ~;ith the Sign Ordir~nce, mhon in force one (l~ yo~r from now. It was moved b~' B~nd~ sccond(~d b~ ~.~con~ tfm~ Resolution No. 85~ be ~ac~?ted mn~n~ir~ UP-66-221: Union Slain Co. (C.J. Bqr~cr Company, Inc.) sub.~.ec~ to mh¢: foilov.~n~ ~onditi~us: 1. Tha~ ~ho permit is for cne (1) year duration. 2. T?.~t sign copy be l~'r. imod to directior~l inform~tion. 3. T~ the sign comply w~th Sig~ O~i~nco No. 183. 4. T~mxt ~he applic~.~ sh~il remove tho si~ upon pi~_tlon of mhe pe~mi~ at no expense to ~ u~blic agoncy. 5. The applicant s~l ~ost acne h'~d~d doll~ ($100) ~nd ~,~ar~.toe~'~ rot, ow.1 of ~Id si~n. ~6. That a 3'~lding Po~::it bo obtained for tho con- st~ctlcn of the sizn. ~ · ~7. ~+ mh~ l~ca~m~A~ ~ o~ ~n~ smgn~ ~ ~", o~ ~ show~ · . on the plo~ ~l~ ~b~ed wi~h ~e app~ca~en. 8. ~ ~. extenslcn is r= u~ ~.~d upon e~l~on o~ ~e Ls~ Po~.:.it~ ~'.~ s.~.~': .. . ~::~' ~,~th ~e Si~ Drd[/. :~f.f:. ~?. Ly. ._ / year from PL/G',~,~i!.tG ~lir. utos- 8/22/66 Page Notion c~rried by Roll Call: L~os: Brand, 7~acon~ '..~xrsters, Oster. :';ocs: !;or.g:. Abs(,'n~: l%f.~,er, '..~lus, S.~rp To con,:tale.~' '~ht additio:~ of ~'.'~. followir~z uses to zhe lisu oz' p~it%o= usoc in t:~ "DR" District: Pcrsor~el Agency, Anm':~_nE Sc~;!c~: Collection Agency~ In~uco A~icncy, Land and Prop~.:"~y 2[~mg~:~ent, Contz~cmor~s 7~sinr. ss Office, AdvertisingS' A,~.?ncy~ fho~ographer, In- ~erlor Lccorator~ cr k~ism Suudio, ~r. cnt, Tec~c~ or Profcsslor.~ Cons~mcJ.%, Stock ~okt~r, Soc~-i Work~ Tr~vel Agency, Title Insur~.co, ~opensirg P~cy - Selli~ or~y dr~s ~.d :nedici~os by perscription. }.~r. ~pir~ger presented :he Staff kepcrz and reported that after a recent irmpcc~ion of business license applications the follow- lng has been four. d: 'ff~t scvor~,l uses~ not liated under our pe~mAtted uses ir: our PP. Dist~_0%~ desire to loc~c in the Professlo:~,i District; ?~rxd 2® T~:t ~;oz:o husJ_nosses, c,~'rcntly opc~xtd~g in e~-~st- i:%~ szz~cm'~ros in the PR are r~n-cor~fo~mir~ uses, such z~s i,~.ua ar.a prcpcrty ;~zmngement, contractor's business office ar.d others. It w~s recc~7~endea t~ the P!e-~uir~g Com~-'-ssion request ~u ordimance be crafted to include thc uses in tho PR District. }.~.~. ~;~.smem~ ask whut the prusgnt per,ted uses are Lt. the "PR" District and ~. Supinger presented a copy as follows: Profesrlcnal Office 2. Arck_itc. c ~. 3. At~orn3y. 3.L ." ropr~;c ~or. 5. Dor:~is ~. 6. Dec ~or. 7. Erq~ine~r. 8. ~,d Pl~er. 9. D.~nd 10. Oc~is% ll. Optome~rlsm. 12. Others licensed by thc S~a;e of Califo~a to p~.acmleo th~ hoa21r~; arms, includ~ cli~cs fcr out-p:¢tlents o~2.'. 15. Labo~:torles for X-i~c_y ~nd diagnostic p~poses, as gen~,r~ly ~;ssocia:oa '.%ith ~' of zhe above. The Plt;unir~ Co::'::.ission f,:it v..-,~y needed me, re time in which to ~iseusc ~h~. ::.~t'~,-,'r .~u.! ':.'c zi'.: l'l~:.~, to continue this hcarir~ at thc~ S(,~o',~mbcr 12-ch~ J:iu."z:!.~.!: Co::~:'"s;;ion om,..~a ".c. Ttc. r h.:. con~ir.'~cd --t thc Seo~cmb,r 12th Pl,'_nr. ir~ ,';o.~misslon '.'uetir~:. Eerier. carried ur'.~ousiy i' ~la~ ~utes - 8/22/66 Pa~e 6 ~S~SS Vi. B~JS i~'~S APPEOVAL OP FI?L~L LLtP C..-" ?~Ci ~0. 627~ - Located on ~h~ '.&st side of Yor'o~ Stroc~ appro~,-~tely 2000 f~et !7etch of Pcu_~th S~rcet. 1Lt. Supir~¢r reed a n~'.:orc.~.~= from the Depart~ment of Public ~orks rcco~-r~nding appro~~l of the it was :;~oved ~[~'. Os~cr. seconded b~,~ :.k~con, th~b plan1 ~&~p of Tract .~o. 6275 be aoorovcd ~'.s cor~'on~i~u~ to the ~ent- a~ivc map. l~otion carried unnni~'~ously APPROVAL CP Pi~i~. ~P OP 'iL"~CT HC. 627~ - Located on thc Pi~st side of Yorba Street appro~.-ately 2200 feet ~Jormh of Pourth S~re~m. LLr. Supir~ger read a m~or-~ud'~, fro.~ tbs Public Woz~s Depart~.ent reco~uuendir~ ~:ppro~r_l of tho ~p. ~.~r. Oster wo.utcd to ~ow if in tho appro~ of t~e ~p, wo~d there be a condition statin~ th~ c'~-dc-sac ~ c~bs wo~d be fir~shod in tho subdivision to the Ho~h to w~ch the de- veloper agreed at tho Tentamivo ~.Lap Stage? Hr. i~ill I:~n~s~ engineer for th~ developer, said the im- p~v~.~ent h~.s not been f~sh~d but ~roed to ~end the street to create a c~-de-sac. Thc ~.dius created by the existi~ strccm wo~d bcco:.~c ~'~ 28~- f~. ~dius. Ills wish was t~t the Pl~.n~uC Co.~z:ission wo~d waive the ~dius red. red. :~c sz~tcd t}:~;~ thc ~cks ~d vo~clos co~d ncgoiato their tu~s ~-~ is ~d wo~d like tho re- lief fro;.; tho f~l thi~;y (3~)~-~. if possible. ~.~. Gill pointed ou~ t~.t ~ 2o~ f%. radius wo~d be sub- st~da~ $o o'~ nor.~l st~d~'ds ~,d fel% t~t ~ vehicle with ~ficiont size needed ~s n~ch t~ a~d as possible. ~. :~.=~sters questioned L~. H~es as to what the tec~c~ problem was to ~he footage ~. ~.r. ~.es ~id ~he p~m~y wo~d have to be shortened ~nd ~ho ~o~t of curb w~ch w~11 ~ve to bo ~on out v~ll be Increased by fo~y (~) feet. The Plar~ng Co~ssion agreca if thc~ w~s a p~blem, they wo~d go alo~ with the City br~inecr, because he was ~ pe~ in t~s field and felt ~2~t in two (2) weeks, the prob- l~ co~d bo solved ~or f~her disc~sion, ~t L~. did r~ feel t~ ho wo~d be able ~o hold off for leith of t~c ~.d v,~nmed a conditional approX. ~r. ~hrsters ~ested ~ vome of de~. ~.~r. F~nes said it was r~s ~ders'~ m~t thc Co~ssion co~d app~ve th~ f~l t~ct ~p, prc~ded tho ~t~e of coz~i~ion be ~pproved by City ~eer - ~. ~rsters said ~hezm ~d been no conditior~ set. VII. CO~- 20NDENCE VIII. O~HER BUSI/~SS Er. Ro-~rkc ~n*ormed Zhe Plar~tr~ Oc~t ssion tP~t they can approve this ~_a'.,p without arj pro%-lsions allov~ing modifica- tions on the other cul-de-sac. Ho advised that no change be made for mbo final map. ;:r. Gill said we could accept this -'.'.~p as fir~!, as lonE as no nodifications were ~%de to Acacia Street a~ud it mca the City s~andards. It was ~ovod by 0smer~ seconded b~ Brai..ud Man of Tract No. 627~ be aoprove~, ~ubJect. to ~e ~ud star~dards established at thc time of ~pprov~l of the tentative map. I.iotion carried by Roll Call: Ayes: !~and, Bacon, ka.~sters Oster. Noes: None. Absent: Halus, Hefner~ SPm~p. Pronosed Addition to tP~e County. Comprehensive Zo.~.~k~. Co:~e of the "Co:muercial Pac?~e". ~ir. Supir~er ask the Pla~uing Comr~ssion for comments on the amendment ~o the County Zo.~ir~ Code of the Cn~erical Package, and v~s asked by the Cc;_~ssion if this could be continued at the next meetir~ since they had not had sufficient time to tP~r~l~ly read it. NOFE It ~as moved byLk.~. Bacon~ seconded by~r. Oster that the mcetin~ be adjourned. Hotion cad,led There being no further business befoz~ the Co~,~ssion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:$5 P.Lh SEC~TAR¥