HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 08-08-66MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
AUGUST 8, 1966
C~T~. TO
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hefner.
Present: C~.~ssioners:
Absent: C~.~,~ ssionere:
Others Present:
Hefner, Marsters, Halus, Brand, Sharp.
Bacon, Oster.
City Administrator, Harry G~11
City Attorney, Kor~oth Bryant
City Clerk, Ruth Poe
Planning Director, James Supinger
OF F'~11~
Mr. Malus asked that the word "eastbound" in paragraph 4 of
UP 66-218 of July 25th minutes, be corrected to 'Westbound".
Moved by Sharp, seconded by F.~rsters, that mdt. utes of Jul~
25th meotlr, g, be approved as corrected. Carried.
To consider an f~endment to Ordinance No. 157 (Zonir~
0~4~uance) to provide spec~_fic criteria, based upon
which home occupations v~llbe permitte~Luresidenttal
Hearing opened at 7:38 P.M.
A written repo~ presented from the City Administrator with
a comnentary of the history and reasoning behind study.
The following excerpts fr~n tho report were then read:
Regulation of "ho~..c occupations" is ~o~ intended to
prohibit the non-offensive ~asiness use of a home,
but rather to permit those activities which do not
create a problem in a residential area.
The present Zoning Crdirmnce in Tustin does not allow
ar~v home occupations in any residential district.
Persons who ~my be perform~ug incidental services
such as occasional s~.~ng or ironing, telephone can-
vassing, and artists, or conducting infrequent gar-
age sales or other similar activities,are now in
violation of the law.
Yws. George ~aff questioned the C~m~ission on Just what
meant by a ~as~ness and what volume of business could be
Mr. GiLl explained that this .matter is not related to the
contents of the Business License Ordinance, over which the
Planning Co~,~ssion has no Jurisdiction.
~T~.er~ being nq'~urther co~.~ents and no objections, the
$..~h~ar~ ~s declared closed at 7:47 P.M. ,.
"Moved ~y Sharp, seconded by Halus, that the staff prepare
a report containing all data available ar~ a proposed
Ordinance for consideration at the September 12th meeting.
Carried unanimously. ~ ...
Pl~ing lllnutes - 8/8/66 Parle 2
NO. 157 - re: i%e~lation of vehicles allowed in resi-
Hearing opened at 7:52 P.M.
F~. Supinger presen%cd a staff report ~.~th recoiu~;endations
that the C~v~.ission adopt a resolution rec~:~;Aending the
proposed Ordinance, ~th the addition of the word "except"
after the word district, section 8, first paragraph, ~u
the Ordinance o~er~g Crdin~uce No. 141, to tho City Counc0_l.
¥~. ~illiar. Finken, Pacific Street, questioned parking of
pick-up trucks ~hout advo~ising in front set-back, and
was told that section 1.01 of the proposed Ordinance prohibits
the park~ug of c~u,.ercial vehicles (including buses, trucks,
or any vehicle displaying advcrtisLug m~tter, etc.) in front
yard set-backs ~u any residenti~ district for a peric~
exceeding two (2) hours, and section 1.04 states that the
provisions of this Ordinance do not preclude overnight park-
ing of ar~ non-ccm~.ercial type trucks of 3/4 tons or less.
M~, Hera~y BadMor, Brookline ~.~¥, questioned the height of
fences all~.rod to screen vehicles stored or parked in side
yard areas.
It was confirmed that any f~aci~ghigher than s~x feet sOx
inches (6'6") on the property l~e, would require a VarL~nce
or the fence would have to bo five (5) feet from the property
Mr. Jack Zabn, "..;estkary Vane, asked about large trucks in
residential areas and was informed that the proposed Ordinance
· ~-mending Ordi.~nce No. 141, prohibits parking for longer than
five (5) hours, except when performing certain services.
There beiug nc further co~onts or protests, the hearing
was declared closed at 8:04 P.H.
Mr. Halus stated that since th, Co.~uission had been thru
a previous hearing on this matter and minutes of t~t he,r-
ing were inc~:ded in this report, there is lit%le need for
further discussion.
Moved by !Ialus, seconded by Brand, that Resolution No. 856
rec~,~ending to the City Council adoption of Ordinance ro-
strictir~ parking aud storage cf heavy vehicles in residential
zones. Carried by Roll fall. Ayes: Hefner, Marsters, Halus
Sharp, Brand. Noes: None. Absent: Bacon, Oster.
VI. ·
1. Proposed Ordinance relative to Mobile Home Parks
Mr. Supinger explained that the Zoning 0rdir~nco does not
have specific rogu!ntion Movorning this use. Mr. Supinger
stated t~t ~_~ it is the pleasure of the Cc~m~Ission, the
staff is prepared to meet in a workshop to go over details
or a public hearing could be schedu!od.
.¥~. ¥~rsters feit~..'obile Hom~ P~rk regulations important ~n~..
it would be ',ris%'%o sche~ul~.a.~eeting with tho Planning :
D4_/-ector. '
~.~. Halus said hc believed it important to hear from people
in the Mobile Hmue Park ~asLuess ar~ staff recmmuemdati~ns
in an open hearing.
Planning l~tnutes - 8/8/66 Page
~. Hefner fc!~ a study should be made as to what other
cities are do~.ug and hold a s~udy session, then hear
co~,~onts from,.. Mobile Hc~o cpora~crs, otc.
I-~. Sharp s~id ho pr,ferrod gcLug direct ~o a public hearing,
but could see the value of beth cpproaches, and would go
along ~th tho x,lshos of tho naJority.
In an~,er to questionLug by Ym. Brand, )~. Supingor staued
tha~ this study was derived fr~n F~st experience and new
Trailer Park application.
~. S~urp stated he would like to see a tabulation of criteria,
to see what ether cities uso.
Chairman Hefner directed ~ho st~ff to formulate a report of
other cities ~ hold a Workshcp for discussion. ~. Supinger
is to route a study through Departments for c~:~,.ents ar~
report to tho Co~.~v...ission as soon as possible, and a Workshop
date is to be set at that tL~,e.
County LW 5771 to continue use of temporary Real Estate
Office and one t~mporary sign for tract 5285, Tustin
Imperial T~=k. ousos, located on ¥~tchell Avenue, approx-
imately 845 feet ncnb*est cf ~ming Avenue.
~.~. Supinger stated he Pmd investigated tho application
and had no objections to the continuation of uses.
Moved by Skmrp, secor~ed by Malus, that tho Planning L~roctor
prepare a letter notifying tho Co~uty Planning Cc~.mission
that this Cc~ission is in favor of extension of this use
for a period of one year, as st~ted in UP 5771. Ca,-tied.
)~. S~mrp asked if tho staff had rmde a check on residential
structure at thc roar of the %us%in CarWash.
~. Supinger reported ~h~t ~h~ o~ors were hnving a proble~
getting access to a raiL~cad crossing. The railroad would
grant crossing if the City ~ould t~ke responsibility of
crossing. He is mo~in~ ~ith ~or~ers ~.~odnosday, Lugust llth.
M~. Sharp stat~ he ~lt that the ~,~rs wore running way
over the original n~nety (90) day t~ue limit ~ the
ninety (90) day extension, and that ho v~as not t~ng
to work a hardsblp on zhe property but that this should
be review, ed or reheard, if ~hey have s~e prospect for the
use of ~ilding, they shm~ld have tho oportunizy to do so,
but should ~c~ thc ~imo ol~o~ resolved.
M~'. Gill inform, ed the Comb':lesion that tho P.U.C. would pro-
~bly require signalization ~' crossing of tracks was granted
and ct tho cost %he City is no~ eager to take overt he re~'.'
Mr. Bryan% Inforr~..ed the Co~..~.isslon that cthor ~ban ear, ending
the time lir~it, tho City would remove the building, the cost
of which becmnos a lien on -~ho property or could take legal
action to force the ~.~er to take demolition steps.
M~. Halus said he did not believe the City wanted to take
such. drastic steps ~t ?~hen a t~ue 1Lv~t is set up it should
· not be ignore~, an~ th~ Co=~s~ion shoul~ take corrective
action and ir~rm o~s that '~ey should act or request aq
extension of time.
platting ~ituutes - 8/8/66 Pane
Chairman Me£nor roquosted that a letter be sent ~o the m.mer
ir~orming h~m of the Com,~mission's feelings and tk~t he must
request au e×mension cf oD:e cr adhere to conditions of
a Use Pewit.
Moved by Mars~ers, seconded by ~and that the meetL~ be
adj o-mrned. Carried.