HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 05-23-66MINUTES OF A REGULAR. MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION May 23, 1966 I• The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M., CALL by Chairman Hefner. TO ORDER II. Present: Commissioners: Brand, Bacon, Marsters, ~~ Hefner, Halus, Sharp, Oster CALL Absent: Commissioners: None. Others Present: City Ad.,,inistrator Harry Gill City Attorney, James Rourke Planning Director, James Supinger Assistant Planner, James Taylor III. It was moved by Marsters, seconded by lister, that the minutes APPROVAL of the meeting of May 9, 1966, be approved, with the correction OF that Sharp seconded the motion to recommend to the City Council MINUTES that an emergency ordinance be adopted regulating hours of operation for non-conforming uses in Residential Zones in the City of Tustin be limited to 6:00 AM to 9:30 PM. TV. 1. AMENDMENT TO GRDINANCE N0. 157, RE REGULATION OF PUBLIC VEHICLES ALLOLJED IN RESIDENTIAL ZONE DISTRICTS. HEARINGS Mr. Taylor presented the Staff Report, including a sample ordinance, recommending further study of the subject at a workshop session. Mr. Hefner requested the workshop be conducted jointly with the Police Department and the Planning Commission. Mr. Hefner opened the hearing. Mr. Henry Badger requested to see the proposed recommendations and to attend the workshop. There being no objections or further comments, the hearing was declared closed. It was moved by lister. seconded ~ Brand that the public hearine be continued to the meetine of June i'3 1966._ Motion carried. Mr. Hefner established the workshop on June 8, 1966, in the City Con,erence Room. 2. USE ?ERN,IT b6-215 - ;~i. IAUISE TUBBS To permit addition to present building used as pet hospital, located a-_ 741 'v;est r^irst Street, Tustin. Mr. Supi:~ger presentee :.he S-_~:ff Report recommending approval. •.~.u Planning Minutes-5123/66 Pa¢e_ 2 Mr. Shaz-p asked if the request included additional signs. Mr. Supinger answered that it did not. The hearing was opened to the public. There being no ob- jections or commen':s, tha hearing ;;as declared closed. It was raov;:d_Lv Sriar•o, seconr.;,d tw Oster. that Resolution No. 840, apr~-ovin~th~ anniiry+ion for Use Permit No. 66-215, be nns„ed 2nd adoc~t.ed. Votes: A~~~s: Brand, Bacon, Marsters, Halus, Sharp, Oster. Does: Nona. 3. USE PERMIT 66-216 - GAF:G) :iEt~itS To permi t the expa:z~ion of a Mobile home Park to property located in an linclassifiad zone, at tha Southwest Corner of Main and ?•7i.lliams Streets, Tustin, California. Mr. Supinger presented the Staff Report, recommending the approval of this application, sub;;ect to •the following con- ditions:rrovision of two access routes on Main Street; im- proving Main Street andt•Tilliams Street frontages; improving private drives and approval by the Architectural Committee of the block wall and landscaping plan. Mr. Oster questioned whether there were ?3 units or 81 units as shown in the plot plan. Mr. Supinger stated that 81 units was correct. This would be nine (,9) units per acre, which is comparable to the existing park. Mr. Halus stated he was con- cerned about the traf°ic flow and the lack of play yard and trees. rir. Hefner opened the 'tearing 'co the public. Mr. Meurs, owner of the property under discussion, stated that the lots will be lar^o-r on t.~e new plan, and is in favor of the new park. There being ro objec•`ions ci rurther comments, the hearing was declared dosed. Mr. Marsters•,nentioned that the first development has a pool and recreation area and there is none in the new development. Mr. Meurs slated that ~.he pool and recreation area was com- parable to parks in the County. Mr. Brand felt that the ve- hicle access could prove difficult in the event of fire. He suggested eliminating lots 42 and 56 and having a perimeter drive.. Mr. i~ieurs stated he talked with Chief Hilton who agreed that 'the two access routes on Mair. Street wou'_d pro- vide sufficient access to any part of the park. Mr. Hefner asked about figures on population of childrer. in these mo- bile homy parks. Mr. Halus asked fora more precise plan and layout showing the archi+..ectural features. Mr, Hefner requested that the plans show play area, landscaping, etc. Mr. Sharp concurred and asked that the Staff study and report on play area per unit. Mr. Taylor said that a study would be time consuming and it would be thirty (30) days before the Staff could have a con- crete report. Plannine Minutes - 512'ij66 Paee 3 It was moved by Halus. seconded by Sharn that UP-66-216 be ~ost~oned to t~.e June 27 meetine of the Plannine Commission, at which time the data will be available from the Staff and they would i^.ave detailed plans from. Nlr. Meurs. Votes: Ayes: Brand, Eacon, Marsters, Halus, Sharp, Oster. Nocs: None. 4. AMENDMENT 'i0 ORDINANCE N0. 157 RE PAP.iCING STANDARDS REQUI.~tEi•~'NTS Fv' A EILI,IA?tD OR POOL FIALL. Mr. Taylor presented t~,e Staff .recommendation that the Planning Commission consider establis'r_ing p1•_^king standards of one parking space per one hundred (100; square feet of floor space. Mr. Hefner opened the hea ring to the public. There being no comments or objections, the hearing was closed. Mr. Oster asked if tre City would be following the standards of Fullerton and Orange if this was approved. Mr. Taylor stated that would.be so, and that Garden Grove allows three (3) parking spaces per two hundred. (200) square feet, and Long Beach provides parking in line with the number of tables. Mr. Sharp asked that i~ir. Taylor equate one hundred (100) square feet to the number of people using the pool hall. Mr. Taylor said the Fire Department regulations provide one person per thirty (30) square feet, or approximately three per one hundred (100) square feet. It was moved by Halus. seconded by Sham. to recommend to the City Council that Resolution No. 8!rl amendine Ordinance No. 157. with reference to narkinP reouirements for billiard and pool halls to allow one narking space per one hundred X100) .square Teets be adopted. Votes: Ayes: Brand, Bacon, Marsters, Halus, Sharp, Oster. Noes: None. 5. VARIANCE 6b-171 - ADOBE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY ... To permit a reduction of the required rear yard setback from Yorba Street, and to permit a five foot high wall at the corner, on property located at Yorba Street and Medford Avenue, Tustin, California. Mr. Supinger presented the Staff Report, including that there are no objections from the Engineering or Fire Departments, and recommending the approval of the setback variances and the en- trance wall subject to the approval of the Architectural Committee. The hearing was opened to the public. There being no objections or comments, the hearing was declared closed. Mr. Halus questioned the advisability of flipping floor plans of~the houses. Mr. Supinger stated it was feasible but there was more usable yard if the plans were not flipped Mr. Taylor stated the six (6) foot wall is desireable to both the owners and the City, as it would screen the arterial streets. Planning Minutes-5/23/66 Paee 4 It was moved by Marster. seconded by Bacon. that Resolution No. 8~r2. anorovina A.nolicatior, for Variance 66--1'I1 be aonroved to include the setback variances and the entrance wall. sub.iect to the aonroval of the design of the wall by the Architectural Committee. Votes: Ayes: Brand, Bacon, Marsters, Halus, Sharp, Oster, Noes: None. V. 1. APPROVAL OF FINAL TRACT T4AP FOR TRACT N0. 6200 OLD BUSINESS Mr. Taylor presented the recommendation of the Staff that the final map be approved. Mr. Hefner asked for comments. VI. 1. APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP N0. 6273 NEW BUSINESS Mr. Taylor presented the Staff report, including a map showing the Fire Department's recommendation, and a map showing the developer's proposed cul-de-sac. Mr. Nelson, of Nelsor. and dssociates, Inc., stated that the curb will be a semi-circle and will be landscaped. He said this would keep foot traffic from going through. A petition signed by 51 property owners in favor of blocking off Acacia was presented. It was moved by Oster. seconded by Halus. that the Tentative Man of Tract No. 62~'i 'oe annroved. subiect to the following conditions• 1. The subject tract shall. be annexed to a street lighting maintenance district. 2. An easement for right of way for Yorba Street shall be de- dicated to the City of Tustin to a width of forty (40) feet from the centerline of Yorba Street. 3. Vehicular access rights to Yorba Street from Lot 1 shall be dedicated to the City of Tustin and shall be shown on final map along said street. 4. A drainage easement shall be dedicated to the City of Tustin over the Southerly six (6) feet of Lot 18 and shall be shown on final map. 5. A drainage easement shall be dedicated to the City of Tustin over the Northerly ten (10) feet of Lot 14 and shall be shown on final map. 6. A sewer easement shall be dedicated to the City of. Tustin over the Easterly five (5) feet of Lot 13 and shall be shown on final map. Plannine Minutes 5/2'i/66 Pa e ~. "A" Avenue shall be named Norwood Park Place. 8. The following requirements shall meet with the approval of and conform to the City of Tustin Standards, as determined by the City Engineer: a. Water distribu~~ion system and appurtenances. b. Street names and signs within said tract. c. Street improvements, sewer mains and appurtenances, sidewalks, underground utilities, street lights and storm drain facilities. 9. Street trees shall be planted as directed by the Public Works Department. Mr. Brand noted that the proper lot in Condition No. 5 should be 14, not Lot 15. Mr. Oster asked it if was possible to re- quire that the north end of the Acacia cul-de-sac be completed. Mr. Rourke stated it is the same owner and it can be made a condition of approval. 0 to the Citv. Seconded by Halus. Motion carried. VII. 1. MARTIN F. ROSTON: REQUEST ZHAT ZHE PLANNING COMMISSION ~R~- DETERMINE A PRE-SCHOOL AS A SIMILAR USE IN THE C-2-P ZONE. PONDENCE Mr. Taylor presented a letter from Mr. Martin F. Roston, Attorney at Law, requesting that a pre-school be determined an allowed use in the C-2 (Central Commercial) zone. The school would be for children between the ages of 2? and 6 years, at 655 South "B°P Street, Tustin. Upon a question from Mr. Hefner concerning the Montessori System, Mr. Gill explained that it was concentrated schooling for the very young. Mr. Sharp asked if they would have an opportunity to see the plans for the improvements. Mr. Taylor replied that they would have an opportunity to examine such plans at a public hearing, if a Use Permit was applied for. It was moved by Halus seconded b Sharp. that a minute order be directed to stipulate that this bod finds that this school, in this__location. is allowable. subiect to a Use Permit. 2. COUNTY CASE ZC-66-29 Mr. Supinger presented the Staff Report, which recommended approval of this zone change. Mr. Sharp opposed the recommendation of the Planning Department, suggesting that the professional zoning be kept so as to act as a buffer between the Residential and Commercial zones in this area. Mr. Supinger suggested that professional developments were more likely to locate in existing professional zones rather than this one. C Planning Minutes - 5/23/66 Pa e objection to County Zone Chance 66-29, but stating that this in no way indicates approval of commercial development North of San Juan. Votes: Ayes: Brand, Bacon, Marsters, Halus, Oster Noes: Sham VIII. 1. Mr. Oster reported having seen half a sign on First Street, OTHER near the gas station at Oakmont School. He said such a structure BUSINESS was dangerous and should be removed. Mr. Gill assured this would be looked into. 2. HOUSEHOLD OCCUPATION SUB-CO~~ifiITTEE REPORT :rFr. Oster stated that this was an area where the City would encounter many problems. He suggested that they would like to have some indication from the City Council as to their interest in this matter before they go ahead with the workshop. Mr. Taylor mentioned that the City received numerous requests for home occupation permits. Mr. Hefner directed the sub-committee to work with the Staff to draft a proposed ordinance amendment. The Commission would then have a workshop with the City Council, prior to any public hearings on this amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. 3. Mr, Taylor, who will be leaving the City at the end of this month, expressed appreciation to the Commission for its cooperation during his stay with the City of Tustin. Mr. Hefner asked Mr. Taylor to be present at the June 13 meeting for the purpose of receiving a resolution commending him for his work for the City. 4. LAND USE SUB-CO.IIfITTEE REPORT Mr. Halus presented the report. Fie stated that the sub-committee has met with the County Planning Staff, and this sub-committee is very pleased with the support it has received from the County, Tustin homeowners, and the City, There was general agreement as to total general land use on a 1" = 1000° scale map. A first map will then be discussed by the Sub-Committee, then by the City and County Planning Commissions, and if approved, will be brought to public hearings. After a brief discussion, it was moved by Oster. seconded by Plannine Minutes - 5/23/66 Paee 9 5. SIGN 03DINANCE, RE: SERVICE STATION SIGNS Chairman Hefner stated that the proposed memorandum con- cerning service station signs will be forwarded to the City Council. 6. Chairman Hefner spoke about the Planning Commission Symposium which will take place at USC and encouraged the members of the Commission to attend. Mr. Hefner also stated that he would request the City to reimburse members of the Commission attending this Symposium. ~. There being no further business, it was moved by Marsters, ~- seconded by Bacon, that the meeting be adiourned Motion JOURNMENT Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M. ~- .~-,. CHAIRMAN ~1 ~~/,/jam / PLANNING SECRa~'ARY