HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 03-28-66-~ ~ ~ t4iNUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNIidG COt9MISSION March 28, 1966 I. CALL TO Meeting called to order at 7:36 by Chairman Hefner. O8DE8 II. ROLL CALL IV PUBLIC HEARINGS Present : Corr-•missi oners Absent : Comr~~ i t; s i one+•s Others Present: Hefner, Marsters, Sharp, Oster. Brand City Attorney, K. City Clerk, Ruth Planning Tecn. J. 1. VARIANCE 66-169 - CLYDE E. STOCKDALE .:~ Bacon, Halus, Bryant Poe Taylor To per~tit construction of a convalescent hospital in the E-4 (Estate Residential) zone, located at 300 N. rIyrtle Street, Tustin. Hearing opp:~ed at 7:38 P.M. Staff report presented by Mr. Taylor with recommendations and conditions requested by the Public Works Dept. and Fire Dept. There being no comments or objections the hearing was declared closed at 7:40 P.M. Moved by Oster, seconded by Sharp that Resolution No. S be uassed and adopted, ~rantin~ V 66-169, subiect to the 9 co::aition4 as set forth in recommendations of the Staff, and that conditior. No. 9 read as follows: 9) Re-moval of irrigation facilities shall be subjec~ to approval of. Engineez•ing Department so as to insure that irr•iga~cion system serving adjacent property shall be replaced ir. a ~~sable condition, providing access to the :•nj.r bo:-. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Hefner, I".a. steY~s, Bacon, Halus, Sharp, Oster. Noes: None. Absent : Bra2:d. 2. AMENDt'~tLiJT TO 0~?DINANCE N0. 1 7. RE: NON-CONFORMING STRUCTURES - Cont. from 3 1 meeting. Hearing opened at 8:05 P.M. There being no comments or objections the hearing was declared closed at 8:08 P.M. Moved by Bacon, seconded by Marsters that hearing be continued to the next regular meetin>r. Motion carried 3. VARIANCE 66-170 - PRELUDE HEIGHTS To permit a reduction of the required front yard set- back for a lot in the R-1 (Single Family Residential) zone, of Tract 6134, located on the West side of Yorba Street, North of Fourth Street, Tustin. Mr. Taylor explained that the applicant had submitted an amended application and requested that hearing be continued to April 11th meeting to allow time for re- notice to permit all Variance matters of Tract 6134 to be heard. ( CLD BUSii:ES5 VI!. COR.O. ES- GUS£:.iSS Planning [<Inures 3/28/66 Pg. 2 There bctng no comments or objections the he~rtng was declsred closed at 8:11 P.M. Moved by E. srsters, scconded by Shmrp th%t Verl~.nce 66-170 bo conblnued t___~o next re~.ular meetlnm. Cmrried. N C ~;E 1. V.~R!.,;<C[ 6K-156..a_~IR]T CHUilCH OF CH2!S'?~ SCIEntIST To pcrmiu an extension of one (1) ye~r. Mr. E. R. Klttlnger spoke on bch~l.f of applicant. Moved by Ha!us, secorded by Shsrp thgt V~r~sncc 65-156 be mr~n~ed 8 one (l) v¢~r extension. C~rried. 1. COU;~TY C~SE UV 5561 Moved by Halus, seconded by Sharr that a letter be sent to the County Pl~nniu~ Co:.~r"lss~on re UVS-%I, statlnE the request of theUluy hu~incc'rlr~ Dep-~rtment regarding block w~]l mud expressing this Commlss%ons concern over bhe lack of iaun~rv f~cl !Jt~.cs ~,u-] ')IMv,'~t.olscd and ~,reen areas other 5ham existl~,~ recre!~lom facll~gies shown. Carried unmnlr, ously. 2 CCU.:;..-q' CASE Cu:._)ITJ,,,..:,-~ PEH!;L'r 12~;6 Moved by [ersters, scc~:r:dcd by Oster t.br~t the County ~:~-.u''~ng Corm]ssi,on bo Imf orr. ed tr~.~,. ,nl~ Commission h,=:; no objections to Cn ]2h6. Cgr,z.~ed -- . Moved by Y..~rstors~ seco:,dod by ,3.,¢,0.. that Final Map zo C C ~ Rs be:n~ s.~b .....t,,d tc thc Ctlv~o:'nev''' for acproval. Carried. 2. S?A?F PE. .R:.~" "~" 1) County Prooosed Under;r¥'ound Utlllty Ordinance ~'here ' 1 ,.~1_1 be a hearing by ~hc County on a proposed Underground Ut~l!~y Ordlr~noe. ~onort on thls hoartng w]]l bo nrcscnted to this commission. 2) Free'.~%$ £sndsca n~..u~ City Ordinance no. 172 hms bo¢;n ~p. provcd by tho Stz'~e and Is ~he only crlter~a the City has to meet to be el%~eblc for Freeway L~ndsc~o]ng. Future reports ;.:il! bc :~dc on this m'~ter. 3) General Plan Reminder of General Ola.~, Meet~.u.r., Harch 30th at 7:30 P.H. in tho 'l'ustln Are~ Youth Center. ?l.~uniP~ ~.~[uutcs 3/28/66 Pg- 3 IX. ~ DJ DURN- Staff Hcr~¢rts - cont. 4) Tustin C~r .'.ach Usc I:orrtt The stzff is checking with the C[%y Attorney reg~rdin,~ ex~e.usi,'m of time for Use ?ermlt for %'ustln C~ ~.:ash rel~clve ua use of small buildln(~ on nro:'.urty. 5) I:ursorv or:. Scver:~:eenL? "'o_,,.,.,,~, A 1.~cr has been scut to thc Courty ~l~unlnE Department re:.uesttng lnfor.~tlon as to the ruo.r~i..~ this use. i.;oved by Share, scco~de~ by Xarsters that mectlr~ be adjourned. Carried. C'KiIY