HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 01-24-66/37 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION January 24, 1966 I. CALL TO ORDER II. BOLL CALL III. aPPBOVAL OF MINUTES IV. PUBLIC HEAEIN(~S Meeting called to order at 7:30 by Chairman Hefner. Present: Commissioners: Hefner, Marsters, Halus, Brand, Sharp, Oster. Absent: Commissioners: Bacon Others Present: City Administrator, Harry Gill City Attorney, James Bourke City Clerk, Ruth C. Poe Planning Director, E. Haworth Moved by Marsters, seconded by Sharp that minutes of January 10th meeting be approved as mailed. Motion failed. Mr. Halus requested that his recommendation in the January 10th minutes regarding UP 65-208 be corrected to read as follows: It was recommended by Mr. Halus that UP 65-208 be subject to Items 1 and 2 of the staff report, deleting Item 3, making Item 4 Item 3 and adding that prior to issuance of a Use Permit, plans be submitted to the Architectural Committee to be reviewed to cover Items 1 through 3; also to include all signs for the development. In addition, temporary bumper guards are to be installed on the west edge of property. Moved by Marsters, seconded by Sharp that minutes of January 10th meeting be approved as corrected. Carried. 1. UP 65-209 - RALPHS INDUSTRIES To permit an amendment to precise plans of UP 64-182. Hearing opened at 7:38 P.M. Mr. Haworth presentied staf#' report which explained that the reason for thi8 UP is permit construction of a combination liquor store a~ delicatessen store; meeting building requirements and 8ti11 maintaining the minimum parking requirement8. The staff report recommended approval of UP b5-209. i Mr. Bruce O'Dell spoke on be!~alf of Ealphs Industries. There being no ob~ectior_s ar_d no further comments the hearing was declared ciasc3 st 7:42 P.M. Moved by Halus, seconded by Marsters that Resolution ,~„~2~. aynrovirfz UP 6~-2C~= r~~:'_ and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes : i~~'rer, :4arsters, Halus, Brand, Silarp, Oster. Noes: None. Absent: 8,.=.con. ~~ ~' Planning minutes 1/24/66 Pg. 2 2. UP 66-210 - WINDH A~:BULANCE SERVICE To Hermit the construction of a radio antenna that exceeds the minimum height allowance in the C-1 zoning district. Hearing opened at 7:43 P.M. Mr. Haworth presented staff report and recommended aunroval of UP 66-210. There being no objections or comments the hearing was declared closed at 7:48 P.M. Moved by Brand, seconded by Sharp that Resolution No. 824, approving UP 66-210 subject to the recommendations of the Building Department that plans be submitted and tower be constructed to comply with the building code be assed and adontPd. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Hefner, arsters, a. us, Brand, Sharp, Oster. Noes: bone. Absent: Bacon. Moved by Halus, seconded by Marsters that the City Administrator be directed to correspond with or contact the Windh Ambulance Service as to honoring the re uest of the Commission,(when UP 65-198 was gran e o s~~rk ambulances in the off-street uarkin~ area. Carfficl. 3. SERVICE STATION RE~~UIREMENTS .-.......: ~• "'_ .cps of Ordinance Tdo. 157, as amended ~~r- tainingJ to _ ..~__~:, _ ,. °~•. . , _ . _ ..~ ~w 1 a stations in the "C" and "M" zones. Hearing o??ened at 7:55 P.M. Development standards and background information presented by Mr. Haworth. Mr. Robert Harrison spoke representing Western 011 and Gas Association and presented three main thoughts. 1. That development standards for service stations be incorporated into the zoning ordinance. 2. Provision be m~e that the Architectural Committee have the responsibi~~ty and authorization to make certain requirements. 3. Service stations be allowed in all commercial and industrial zones subject to the standards to be incorporated n the ordinance. Mr. Harrison's entirepresentation wss then filed in writing, with the Commission. Mr. Haworth recommended that hearing be continued to the next regular meeting to give the Commission an opportunity to review comments presented by Mr. Harrison. There being no objections and no further comments the hearing was decl?red closed at 8:40 P.M. Moved by Marsters, aeoonded by Srand Chat hearing regarding service station requirements be continued to the next regular meeting. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Hefner, Parsters, Brand, Sharp, Oster. Noes:.Halus. Absent: Bacon. Planning Minutes 1/24/66 Pg. 3 4. t3ESIDEivTIAL iAF3KING ST.~NDtiHDS - continued from December 27th meeting. Amending sections of Ordinance No. 157, pertaining to 8esidential Parking Standards. Hearing opened at 8:42 P.M. Mr. Haworth presented the staff report with three alternate recommendations. There being no comments or objections the hearing was declared closed at 8:45 P.M. Moved by Halus, seconded by Sharp that 8esolution No. 825 be passed and adooted, recommending to the City Council that sections of Ordinance No. 157 as amended, pertaining to residential parking standards be amended by the adoption of the following: Definitions: GAB.~GE, private, shall mean a detached accessory building or a portion of a main building on the same lot as a dwelling used primarily for the housing, of vehicles of the occupants of the dwelling, having a roof and enclosed on not less than three (3) sides with the fourth side being a lockable door. CAF3P08T, shall mean a permanent roof structure used for automobile shelter and automobile storage only. Standards: One parking space per unit shall be provided in a garage and/or carport. The parking required in excess of one space oer unit need not be located in a garage or carport, but must be loc?ted on a paved area on the same lot or parcel of land or contiguous thereto and in addition lockable storage space shall be provided for all carports which shall contain a minimum of 90 cu. feet. Motion carried by roll call. Ayes: Hefner, Marsters, Halus, Brand, Sharp, Oster. Noes: None. Absent: Bacon. Moved by Brand, seconded by Marsters that definition 4f carport should be amended to read: CARPORT, shall mean a ?permanent roof structure used for automobile shelter and automobile storage only, other than in the lockable storage area. Motion carried unanimously. V. OLD BUSINESS NONE VI. NEW BUSINESS NONE VII. CORRES. 1. COUNTY OF ORANGE - TENTATIVE Tr~ACT 5265 PONDENCE Moved by Halus, seconded by Brand that the staff send a letter to the County Planning Commission relative to Tract 5265 stating that this Commission feels the m,~i mur~_ _stxeet 4f 56 feet should be mAintsined and strong~.y urging underground utilities for this develop- went. Carried. Planning Minutes 1/24/66 Pg. 4 2. COUNTY OF ORANGE - UV 5675. 5676, & 5677 Moved by Marsters, seconded by Oster that a letter'be sent to the County Planning Commission stating that this Commission has no ob.lections to UV 5675, 5676, & 5677, but recommends a time limit extension of 6 months and that sign structures be referred to the County Building Department for inspection. Carried. VIII OTHER 1. LETTER OF COMi^T:iJDATION -. ~LOIS A . AULT BUSINESS Letter read by Chairman Hefner. Moved by Marsters, seconded by Halus that letter commending LOIS A. AULT and thanking her for her services to the Commission as Secretary be approved and mailed. Carried unanimously. 2. RESOLUTION 821 - C0;" `Ei:DING EDWARD HA4~ORTH Resolution read by Chairman Hefner. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Halus that Resolution 821 be adopted and presented to Mr. Haworth. Carried unanimously. IX. ADJOURN- MENT Moved by Marsters, seconded by Brand that meeting be adjourned. Carried. ~J CHAIR'i9AN ~~ ~~7C CLERK .~ I~ {