HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 01-10-66MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
JANUARY 10, 1966
January 10, 1966
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M., by Chairman P~fner.
Present: Comm~issioners: Hornet, Brand, Fmrsters, Halus, Sharp, Oster
Absent: Com~issioners: Bacon
Others Pres~ut:
James Rourke, City Attorney
Harry Gill, City &d~inis%rator
Edward E. Haworth, Planning Director
James E. Taylor, Planning Technician
Lois A. Auld, Secretary
Moved by Marstcrs, secnnded by Brand that ~!nutes of Decc~ber 27, 1965
be approved as mailed. Carried unanimously.
Moved by S?mrp, seconded by Fmlus tbmt minutes of December 13, 1965
be approved as mailed. Carried urmnimcusly.
1. ZQ-~-i~B - CITY OF Ti;$._~_.li (Cont'd fro.- 12/27/65)
To permit a change of zone fro= C-2 back to C-I on the property located
at Lagu~m Road ~:d ::ewport Avenue, City of Tustln.
Er. Haworth of the Planning Staff oxp!ained to the Planning Com. mission
the s~atus of proposed zone change.
Hcaring declared open at 7.39 P.M.
1.~'. Warren Finley spoke against the proposed zone c~ange, stating that
he feels that C-2 is highly co~atible with t~ surrounding property.
He also s:ated that there were no objections from the neighbors. Re
also said tbmt he feels C-2 will be necessary to facilitate this property.
Rearing declared closed at 7:~5 P.M.
Mow~ by Sbmr~?, se:cndod by Halus %hat Resolution No. 618 be recommended
to the City Council for adoption. Ayes: Hornet, .qalus, Brand, Marsters,
Sharp, Oster. Noes: :~one. Absent: Bacon. Carried.
2. UP-65-20~- THRIFTT.~;~RT, INC.
To penn, Et the construction of a ccmbirmtton liquor and delicatessen
store, located at 14921 Holt Avenue, City of Tustin.
The Staff Report was presented by :.~. Taylor, reconmending approval subJc~.
to the conditions as outlined in the Staff Report.
Hearing oponed a~ 7:57 P.M.
Ralph Fredericks spoke on behalf of Thr~f%i~art, Inc.
There being no further co~=ents or objections, the hearing was declared
closed a~ ~:05 P.M.
Moved by Halus, seconded by Oster tha~ Resolution No. 819 be passed and
adopted approving L-P-65-208 subject to Itens i and 2 of the Staff Report
deleting Ttem 3 and addi:~g "~rior to %be issuance of a Use Permit, plans
be submitted to ~b~ ;mchitec=ural Cor. mittee to be revie'~ed to cover itens
1 thru ]; also to include all signs for thc development. In addition,
temporary b~v. per guards are to be installed on =he West edge property.
Moved by H~Lus, se=ended by Oster that Resolution No. 819 be passed ar~i
adopted approvin~, L?-6~-238 ~bJect to ~he conditions as outlined by the
Planning Staff and as .-.edified by this PlAnning Cor.~ission bedy. Ayes:
Hefner, HAlus, ~rs=ers, Brand, Oster. Noes: Sharp. Absent: ~acon.
3. t..'P-6 ~209 RA;.PE,S
To permit the constr&c%ion of a cc~birmtien liquor and delicatessen
store, lccated on the North side of 17th Street, West of Yorba, City
of Tustin.
Hearing opened at 8:20 P.M.
T~..e Staff Report was ~resented by Mw. ~mworth.
;4r. '-.~ce O'DelL, ]:,~0 ]rd Street, Los ,'m.~eles 5, California, .~oke on
be.Half of Ralph's Industries, statin~ that Ralph's are asking ~o permit
a floor space addition to ~Se original plans rather ~han the construction
cf a combirAtion liquor and delicatessen store.
Mr. Rourke, City Attorr. ey, stated that the hearing would have to be re-
noticed at, would cone before the Planning Commission on January 2~, 1~66.
There being no further comments or objections, the hearing was declared
closed at 8:29 P.;{.
Zoved by Halus, seconded Sharp t.hat [~-65-209 be re-noticed as recommende~
by the City Attorney, and to come before the Planning Commission at their
next regularly scheduled meeting on January 24, 1966. Ayes: Hafner, H~l~.
Sharp, Brand, Marsters, Oster. Noes: :;one. Absent: Bac~.. Carried.
Hearing opened at 8:]0 P.M.
Mr. Haworth of the Planning Staff recommended t~mt the Planning Commission
present to the- Ci=y Council for approval this pre-zoning ordin~nce.
Y~. Bob Wir~olph spo~e in favor of a~endin~ the Zoni~ Ordtnance to in-
clude "Pro-Zoning".
:~. Walter Frederickson, chamber of Commerce Annexation Chairman, also
spoke in favor of a Pre-Zoning Or~irmnce.
There being no further co~ments or objections, the hearing was declare~
closed at 8:LOP.~.:.
Moved by Ha!us, seconded by ;~arsters that Resolution No. 820 be feces=c,?
to=be City Council amending the Zoning Crdinan=e No. i~7 fcr Pre-
Zoning. Ayes: Hafner, Ha!us, Sharp, Oster, Marsters, Brand. Noes:
None. Absent: Bacon. Carried.
1. M~. Ftnlev (Continued fro~ 12/2~/6~) (Truckirg Firm) located adjacent
to Shakey's Pizza Parlor.
Rear~ng opened at 8:45 P.M.
Mr. Haworth of the Planning Staff presented the S~aff report.
Mr. 'Warren Finley, Attorney at Law, spoke on behalf of M~r. Finley.
Mr. Green, partner and M~. A.K. Hathaway, General Manager, also spoke
cn behalf of M~*. Finley.
Mr. Jerome Kidd, spoke against the tru=kir, g f~rm.
There being no further com. men~s, the hearing was declared closed at
9:10 P.M.
Marsters abstained.
Moved by Oster, seccr, ded by S?mrp that this body finds t.hat protesters
have not sustained that this use is a heavier non-conforming use than
.~reviously used, and that we take no further action at this time. 2he
applicant, he, ever, should be er. ccuraged %o screen the property along
First Street. The protesters should be advised that this body will
always be open for ccm~.~ent to those who can show that a heavier use is
beLug used than previously granted. Ayes: Hefner, Halus, Brand; Oster,
Sharp. Noes: None. Absent: Bacon. Carried.
1. ZC-65-72 - County Case
Tc change from P~n-30,000 "Residential Proffessional" District to the F~4
"Small Estates" District, certain property located on the Westerly
side of Ne~ort Avenue, 2~ feet North of Warren Avenue in the East
· astin area.
Staff Report presented by Mr. Taylor.
Moved by Nalus, seconded by Marsters that a letter be direct~ to the
Orange County Planning Commission, stating that the Tustin Planning
Co~mission b~s no objection to the granting of Z0-6~-72. Carried
2. Z0-6~-74 - County Case
T~ permit a change of zone fro~ R-1 "Single Family Residence" District,
to BP "Residential Proffessional" District on a certain parcel cf lama
located on the North side of l?th Street, 371 feet East of Yorha Street
in the North TustinArea.
Mr. Haworth presented the County Staff Report.
A letter was filed on record at the City Hall from Mr. James H. Ambrose,
Foothill Momecwner%s Association, stating that requested zone change
ZC-65-74 be denied.
Moved by Marsters, seconded by Brand that a letter be directed tc the
Plauning Commission, Countyof Orange s~at~ng that the Tustin Planning
Co~ission strongly u~ge tha~ ibm requested Zone Change Z0-65-74 be
denied. Carried unanimously.
Moved by >~rs=ers, seconded by BrarJ a Resolution be passed and adopted
ccnmer;dlng Lots '.ul%, 2ecretary to the Planning Commission.
Hoved by 5ster, - ~-- ~
.e ........ by Brand tb~ a Resolution be passed and
adopted cc~nendinj Ed;ard E. Yaworth, P[annlng Director.
~<oved by 2[~.'p, seconded by ~rs~srs t~m% ~eoting I~ adjourned. Carried