HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 2010 Year in ReviewITEM#5 TUSTIN Inter -Com DATE: JANUARY 25, 2011 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION HHONORING O FUTURE ONORING OUR PAST FROM: C% ETH A. BINSACK, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY 2010 -YEAR IN REVIEW RECOMMENDATION: That the Commission receive and file. DISCUSSION: Throughout the year staff provides the Planning Commission with a status of projects that the Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator, or Community Development Director approved; major improvement projects; and, other items of interest. The Community Development Department Activity — Year in Review briefly describes the total number of discretionary projects (i.e., Conditional Use Permits, Design Reviews, Subdivision Maps, etc.), major accomplishments for various functional areas within the Community Development Department, Code Enforcement and Building Division activity. Attachment: Community Development Department Activity 2010 - Year in Review COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY TUSTIN HisToRY BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST 2010 THE YEAR IN REVIEW MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS/MAJOR PROJECTS COMPLETED IN 2010 Current Plannina 1. Community Development Web Page: The Community Development Department and the City's IT staff worked to improve its web page to share enhanced and expanded planning and building related information and resources. The following are items among others that are available on the Community Development web page: o Planning and Building office hours are identified. o Direct linkages are provided to customers seeking Planning and Zoning information including full color electronic copies of the Tustin General Plan, the Historic Resources Survey, the Zoning Code, various specific plans including those developed for East Tustin and MCAS Tustin, the Tustin Zoning Map, Tustin Sign Code, Housing Element update, and other important documents. o Information pertaining to the City's Community Development Block Grant program. o Recently adopted Codes and Ordinances, such as the Parking Ordinance, Shopping Cart Ordinance, Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, Old Town Restaurant and Outdoor Seating Ordinance, etc. o Electronic copies of various planning and building division flyers, handouts, and forms (applications, etc.). o Direct linkages to the Building Division, permit forms, information about the plan check procedure, a building inspection request link (usually accomplished in 24 hours), electronic copies of codes, alerts, handouts, and general information regarding issues such as earthquake preparedness. o Direct linkages to the Code Enforcement Division, allowing online filing of complaints and reporting of graffiti, providing answers and phone numbers, and allowing online payment of administrative citations. o A link has been provided to the Planning Commission web page where general information about the Commission can be found, and specific information about the next Planning Commission agenda can be obtained or downloaded. Community Development 2010 Year in Review Page 2 o The Community Development Department has recently enhanced its web page with a "Projects in Progress" page. The new page link provides interested parties the opportunity to find and view information about any current planning project by selecting either its map location or by locating it on a table located below the map. •: • s�+.brt-.aq�AeSl.iMwnw� - W - F i � )s... o.m�. TUSTI N - Community Development Department:: Projects in Process 2. Prepared Code Amendments (CA) as follows: a. CA 09-004, an amendment to the City's standard parking requirements to: 1) Reduce restaurant parking requirements for Old Town Tustin; and 2) Facilitate the establishment of outdoor restaurant seating areas in Commercial Districts within the City, including Old Town Tustin. b. CA 09-006, amendment to Section 9111 through 9142 of the Tustin City Code to update density bonus law in accordance with State law. Community Development 2010 Year in Review Page 3 c. CA 10-001 amending section 9233 of part 3 of chapter 2 of article 9 pertaining to the prohibition of drive-in and drive thru establishments in Old Town Tustin. d. CA 10-002, a comprehensive Zoning Code amendment to incorporate amendments and use determinations previously determined by the Community Development Director or the Planning Commission to be similar to and/or compatible with land uses or conditionally permitted uses within various City zoning districts. e. CA 10-003, an amendment to the Tustin City Code to regulate massage establishments, therapists, and practitioners in accordance with State law. 3. Prepared Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) 10-001, amendments to the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan clarifying existing Specific Plan language pertaining to the calculation of gross and net acreage in Planning Area 1 and providing additional flexibility in the submittal of a concept plan for any portion of Planning Area 1. 4. Prepared General Plan Consistency(GPC) determination for the following items: a. The Planning Commission determined that the conveyance of eight (8) residential units located at 14741-14751 Newport Avenue owned by the Community Redevelopment Agency to the City of Tustin is in conformance with the Tustin General Plan. b. The Planning Commission determined that the location, purpose, and extent of the vacation of "Old" Del Amo Avenue between "New" Newport Avenue and "New" Del Amo Avenue is in conformance with the Tustin General Plan. 5. Supported the City of Tustin's efforts to implement the "Town Center — A New Beginning" program. 6. Prepared City Council Resolution No. 10-93 in support of "Business Friendly Principles" as part of SCAG's development of a Southern California Economic Growth Strategy to demonstrate to State leaders that Southern California communities are committed to working cooperatively to keep businesses within California and to find ways to reduce or remove economic impediments to growth. Community Development 2010 Year in Review Page 4 7. Completed various development applications such as: a) Think Physical Therapy (365 W. First Street): "Think Physical Therapy, LLC., received site plan approval for the remodeling of an abandoned restaurant building to accommodate a new physical therapy office. Construction was completed in Spring 2010. b) The Cottages/Nevis Homes (1361 EI Camino Real): The construction of 93 condominium units is 95 percent complete pending final inspection. c) Preservation of historic home and construction of new single-family homes (14611 Prospect Avenue): Through various public hearings, the City Council approved a subdivision of a 1.075 gross acre parcel into two (2) new parcels which will each accommodate a single family residence; preservation and construction of an addition to an existing historic single family home, and a guest house. d) Old Town Mixed -Use Building (170 EI Camino Real): The Planning Commission and the City Council approved plans for the construction of a 7,650 square foot mixed use building. Permits have been issued and construction is underway. Think Physical Therapy The Cottages Community Development 2010 Year in Review Page 5 e) New dental office building (740 EI Camino Real): Construction of a two-story dental office building with ground floor retail is underway. f) Roma D Italia (611 EI Camino Real): Fagade and interior remodel of Roma D Italia restaurant is currently underway. The new restaurant would feature a new fagade, new ADA improvements, and updated dining and kitchen facilities. g) Larwin Square (530 E. 15' St.): Plans for minor facade improvements to include the removal and replacement of wooden posts and painting of the center fagade have been issued and construction is currently under way. Larwin Square 740 El Camino Real Roma D Italia Community Development 2010 Year in Review Page 6 h) Tustin Freeway Center (14111 Newport Avenue): A new 2,565 square foot retail building has been completed. Little Caesars pizza store occupying the corner of the building is now open for business. Tustin Freeway Center i) Jalapenos Restaurant (450 E. 1St Street): A restaurant expansion, increased seating, new outdoor dining area, and modified business hours for Jalapenos restaurant located at 450 E. First Street were approved. Building permits for the expansion have been issued. j) Tustin Financial Plaza (17772-17862 17th Street): A subdivision map for condominium purposes to create one parcel for each of the five (5) existing buildings and condominium units within each building was approved. Community Development Tustin Financial Plaza k) Tustin Corporate Center (2492 Walnut Avenue): A subdivision map to create a condominium office building for eleven (11) suites was approved for an existing office building. The approval also included an authorization to increase medical uses and the establishment of joint -use parking between properties located at 2492 and 2472 Walnut. 1) Wireless Facilities: Five (5) applications for wireless facilities (new facilities and modification to existing facilities) were approved in 2010. Some constructions and improvements have been completed. m) Tustin Historic Register: The City's plaque designation program recognized the property located at 410 Pacific Street as the outstanding 2010 Year in Review Page 7 historic property. The property owner was given a bronze plaque in recognition of the outstanding historic property. 410 Pacific Street 8. Continued primary responsibility for planning and development monitoring tasks associated with the Tustin Legacy project. The following provides updates on activities at the Tustin Legacy: a) Prepared Annual Mitigation Monitoring Report for the MCAS Tustin Legacy. b) Master Developer Footprint: The City and Tustin Legacy Community Partners, LLC. mutually agreed to terminate the Disposition and Developer Agreement (DDA) for the development of the remaining Tustin Legacy. Since then, the City Community Development Manager's Office has been working on strategies to proceed. c) Neighborhood E Conveyance Map: A subdivision of 131 -acres site located within Planning Areas 9- 12 (Neighborhood E) of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan for conveyance and financing purposes was approved. The sudvision would establish roadways, open spaces, and parcels for conveyance and financing purposes. d) Columbus Grove: With the exception of Ainsley Park, all residential products within the Columbus Grove community have been completed and units have been released for occupancy. Ainsley Park (84 duplexes) is currently under construction. e) Columbus Square: Construction is progressing at Columbus Square community. The following are updates related to each development: - The Coventry Court project recently has been issued permits to resume construction of the 240 -unit senior rental housing complex. The application includes a request to change the tenure of the units from ownership (condominium units) to rental (apartment units). - Mirabella: The development of 60 attached townhomes at the Mirabella site is also resuming. The property owner, ORA Mirabella 60 LLC, has submitted plans for plan check and review is currently underway. 2010 Year in Review Page 8 - Augusta (formerly Astoria): The development of 64 detached single family homes (previously approved as part of the Astoria site) is currently underway. f) Fire Station 37 (Relocation): On August 2, 2010, the Zoning Administrator approved the design review for Fire Station 37. The City is continuing with the design development process for Fire Station 37 with the Design Consultant and the Orange County Fire Authority. g) The District at Tustin Legacy: The District at Tustin Legacy is built out. Since the built out, tenant improvements had been processed for the following: Target: The Target store recently underwent a major remodel to accommodate groceries and Community Development produce areas within the store as part of their new national concept. The store was closed for five (5) days to accommodate the remodel. The Loft: Conditional Use Permit 09-017 was approved by the Planning Commission on October 13, 2009, authorizing live entertainment and a Type 48 ABC License for a nightclub entertainment venue at the District shopping center. Tenant improvement plans are currently being reviewed for building plan check. Pablo Cantina: A tenant improvement is being constructed at the former Bistro West building to accommodate a new restaurant. Certified Farmer's Market: The Planning Commission authorized the operation of a Certified Farmers' Market on Sundays between 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. within the parking lot of the District shopping center. The Sunday market has been well received by its patrons. h) South Orange County Community College District: Phase 3A Concept Plan for the Advance Technology Education Park (ATEP) campus was approved. The future campus would have a focus on six academic areas, such as Entertainment Arts and Technology, Nursing, Design Model Making and Rapid Prototyping, Optics and Photonics, Biotechnology, and Workforce Development. 2010 Year in Review Page 9 Advanced Planning/Special Proiects 1. Administered the City's historic preservation program, as described in the 2010 Certified Local Government Annual Report (Attachment A). 2. Continued Mills Act contract program and monitored all 14 contracts as follows: a. 178 N. C Street e. 183 N. C Street i. 170 N. A Street m. 310 S. Pasadena Ave. b. 455 W. 3`d Street f. 415 W. 6th Street j. 163 N. A Street n. 145 Pacific Street c. 245 S. A Street g. 165 S. A Street k. 300-302 W. B Street d. 365 W. 6th Street h. 168 N. A Street I. 520 W. Main 3. Reviewed the housing, population, and employment forecasts prepared by the Center for Demographic Research (Orange County Projections 2010) which will be used in the Sustainable Communities Strategy, the Southern California Association of Government's Regional Transportation Plan and the Regional Housing Needs Assessment. 4. Prepared General Plan Annual Report, a progress report to the City Council on the status of the City's General Plan and the progress in its implementation, including the progress in meeting the share of regional housing needs and efforts to remove governmental constraints to housing development, maintenance, and improvement as required by State Law. 5. Reviewed environmental documents and prepared comments for significant Irvine Ranch Water District, Irvine Business Complex, and Santa Ana projects. 6. Administered the AB 2766 Vehicle Subvention Fee Program. During 2010 the following project was funded: Alternative Fuel Street Sweeper $169,000 7. Monitored and reviewed the John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Report and Program to ensure compliance with airport/city noise standards. 8. Monitored the implementation of Assembly Bill No. 32 and Senate Bill No. 375. Community Development 2010 Year in Review Page 10 9. Prepared residential activity reports and compiled demographic forecast data. 10. Prepared the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance pursuant to Assembly Bill 1881 in coordination with the League of Cities Orange County Division and the Orange County Water District. 11. Administered activities associated with the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program including public service and public facility and improvement projects with an annual allocation of $875,521 and $216,643 of CDBG Recovery allocation. In April 2010, the City Council adopted a five-year Consolidated Plan outlining goals, objectives and strategies. The following are activities/programs/projects approved in 2010: a. Planning and Administration $157,692 b. Fair Housing $17,412 c. Graffiti Removal $23,528 d. Community SeniorSery $20,000 e. Boys and Girls Club $15,000 f. Laurel House $5,000 g. ATSC $10,000 h. Human Options $5,000 i. Olive Crest $5,000 j. Tustin Family Youth Center $28,900 k. Kids Corner $18,900 I. Pine Tree/Pepper Tree Re -lamp $120,000 m. Mitchell Storm Drain $275,000 n. McFadden Parkette $58,089 o. Code Enforcement $116,000 Community Development 2010 Year in Review Page 11 CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS Applications Received Presented before Zoning Administrator Presented before Planning Commission CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS Approved CODE AMENDMENTS Adopted DESIGN REVIEWS Applications Received Presented before Zoning Administrator Presented before Planning Commission FILM PERMITS Issued GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY Approved SUBDIVISIONS Lot Line Adjustment Parcel/Tract Maps TEMPORARY USE PERMITS Issued Community Development PLANNING ACTIVITY SUMMARY 13 7 6 USE DETERMINATIONS Presented before the Planning Commission 3 Directors VARIANCE 23 Denied 3 24 2 7 11 2 1 4 44 1 2010 Year in Review Page 12 Code Enforcement 1. A total of 457 code enforcement cases were opened in 2010; the majority of which have been resolved. Code Enforcement officers worked actively with the community to address property maintenance and nuisance abatement regulations and standards. This was a slight increase in cases from last year (from 403 last year). 2. Code Enforcement officers, Police Safety Officers (PSOs) and the City's graffiti removal contractor actively responded to and removed a total of 3,451 graffiti reports. This is a slight increase (from 2,967 incidents) compared to last year. 26090 18090 16007 14009 12000 Urias •0000 BO00 6800 5000 2069 9 Y*% da 11 It 4 �A ` a Monthly Spending for Graffiti Removal ■FY 04-05 ■FY 05-06 QFY 06-07 9FY 07-09 • FY 08-09 • FY 02.10 • FY 10-11 The implementation of the Countywide r,•� FF Tracking and Automated Graffiti Reporting system or "TAGRS" has enabled City staff and police personnel to track graffiti and calculate the cost of removal through access on the web based database program. This shared database system has enabled City personnel to enter and track centralized graffiti data and ultimately prosecuting graffiti crimes. In 2010, 63 arrests were made by the Tustin Gangs Unit and patrol officers. 3. In conjunction with the Water Quality Control Ordinance and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, Code Enforcement officers completed 108 Water Quality inspections on commercial and industrial sites throughout the City. 4. There are 42 retailers subject to the shopping cart containment requirements. Thirty-nine (39) of them are in compliance, three (3) are in the review process and one (1) is noncompliant. In summary, the City has a 98% Community Development 2010 Year in Review Page 13 compliance rate. Overall code enforcement and police officers have seen a significant reduction in abandoned carts throughout the City. 5. On a weekly basis, Code Enforcement Officers respond to unpermitted temporary signs throughout the City. Proactive efforts from Code Enforcement to inform residents and businesses have helped minimize the number of unpermitted signs. 6. Code Enforcement Division continue to play an important part of the Neighborhood Improvement Task Force (NITF) which is a committee based on a community governance work ethic where the Police Department works in partnership with other city departments and involves other agencies, residents, business owners, and stakeholders to reduce crime, increase the sense of safety and security within the City, and improve the quality of life for those who live and work in Tustin. NITF committee meets on bi-weekly basis to address issues such as hoarding cases, graffiti problems, property maintenance issues, parking problems. 7. In conjunction with the NITF program, approximately 508 large item trash pick-ups were scheduled in the southwest area of Tustin by CR&R and 278 by Code Enforcement. 8. The administrative citations program has continued to assist Code Enforcement Officers and Police Officers in resolving code violations in a timelier manner. A link provided on the City's website provides information and access to online payment information for the public. Sixty one citations were issued in 2010 with substantial compliance obtained through the process. Building Division Building Division handles the application of building and grading permits, performs plan review and issue permits, inspection during construction, coordinates with various utility companies, fire authorities, and other regulatory agencies such the State Department of Health Services, County public health agency, Public Works department, transportation agency, flood control, and the Regional Water Board to ensure storm water runoff is well controlled during construction. The following are accomplishments by the Building Division in 2010. 1. The State of California's Health and Safety Code requires local governments to adopt the most recent editions of the model codes related to building construction activities. The building and construction codes include: the California Building, Residential, Green Building Standards, Existing Building, Historical Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, Community Development 2010 Year in Review Page 14 Electrical, and Fire Codes; the International Property Maintenance Code; the Uniform Housing Code; and, the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings. In December 2010, the City Council adopted Ordinances No. 1386 and 1387 ensuring that the most recent editions of the building and construction codes with the applicable amendments will be in effect within the City of Tustin. 2. In 2010, Building Division saw the continued decline of construction activities from 2009 and staffing. The following measures were taken and implemented during 2010: a) Building Division worked with Public Works Department to obtain approval of $70,000 over four years to reimburse to the property owner the permit and plan check fees when the complete project meets the energy saving standards. b) Building Division expanded the Over -the -Counter (OTC) plan check and permitting procedures to allow certain qualified projects to be plan checked and permit issued at the counter. c) In conjunction with the expansion of OTC plan check, the plan checkers and inspectors are scheduled to be available at the counter to answer questions on a pre-set schedule. d) Building Division staff are called by the Police Department and OCFA when there are fire or vehicular collision with a structure. These activities include after hour response. In 2010 Building staff responded to four (4) auto - structure collisions and five (5) structural fires. e) Building Inspectors are also responsible for the storm water runoff control on construction sites. This includes the inspection of construction sites before the beginning of the storm season to ensure the approved preventive measures are in place, during and after the storm to ensure that the preventive measures are effective, and that there is no run-off and mud leaving the construction sites uncontrolled. f) Building Division reviews the business license applications to ensure that the new or the proposed change of use complies with the California Building Standards Code. This effort also involves coordinating with OCFA on occupancies regulated also by the Fire Code. g) Building Division is often called upon to assist the Code Enforcement on construction related cases. Community Development 2010 Year in Review Page 15 h) Building Division is the main source of earthquake damage prevention information for the public. The Division has acquired a number of earthquake preparedness literatures free for the public and has made this information available on the website. Building inspectors also distribute this information when they meet with homeowners. Such information reduces impact to the limited resources available in the event of a major earthquake. All Building Division staff are trained and certified by the CalEMA Safety Assessment Program (SAP) so in case there is a need and request by FEMA, staff will be able to provide mutual aid. The Building Official is a certified trainer of assessors and a certified SAP Coordinator. Community Development 2010 Year in Review Page 16 New Residential Construction Number of Permits Issued Number of Units Total Valuation BUILDING DIVISION ACTIVITY SUMMARY 8 16 $2,835,936 Note: New Residential permits include single family detached, condo/townhomes, duplex, three-four unit apartments, and five or more unit apartments. All new residential construction permits issued, except two (2) units in the southwest area, were for development at Tustin Legacy. New Non -Residential Construction Number of Permits Issued 4 Total Valuation $1,420,000 Note: New Non -Residential Construction permits include permits for construction of new retail, industrial, hospitals, and institutional buildings. Total Number of Permits Issued: 221 Total Valuations: $15,164,530 Residential Additions and Alternations Number of Permits Issued 148 Total Valuation $1,794,467 Note: Residential Additions and Alterations permits include room additions, alterations, patio covers, pools and spas, garages, sheds, fences, etc. Non-residential Additions and Alterations Number of Permits Issued 62 Total Valuation $9,114,127 Note: Non-residential Additions and Alterations permits include permits issued for high pile racks, storage racks, fire sprinklers, masonry walls, ADA parking, etc. within commercial and industrial establishments. Community Development 2010 Year in Review Page 17 Attachments: A. CLG Annual Report B. Building Permits Summary Community Development 2010 Year in Review Page 18 ATTACHMENT A CLG Annual Report Certified Local Government Program – 2009-2010 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2009 Meough September 30, 2010 I Tustin l Report Prepared by: Scott Reekstin Date of commission/board review: December 14, 2010 Minimum Requirements for Certification I. Entorce Appropriate State or Local Legislation for the Designation and Protection of Historic Properties A. Preservation Laws • What amendments or revisions, if any, are you considering to the certified ordinance? Please forward drafts or proposals. (Pursuant to the CLG Agreement, OHP must have the opportunity to review and comment on ordinance changes prior to adoption. Changes that do not meet the CLG requirements could affect certification status.) • Provide an electronic link to your ordinance or appropriate sections) of the municipal code.. As part of a comprehensive zoning code update that is currently underway, some changes may be proposed to the Tustin City Code sections that address historic preservation. At a minimum, formatting changes will be made. The following is the link to the City's codified ordinance: htrn=:rlibrarv2.mwiicade.contntinutes/honte.hutt?irFohase=11307Cdoc se[ian-oh:.tsne S. New Local Landmark Designations (Comprehensive list of propertiestdistricts designated under local ordinance) • What properties/districts have been locally designated (or de -designated) this past year? For districts, provide a list of resource contributors and noncontributory. • Reminder, pursuant to California Government Code § 27288.2, "the county recorder shall record a certified resolution establishing an historical resources designation issued by the State Historical Resources Commission or a local agency, or unit thereof." Have you done this? Certified Local Government Program — 2009-2010 Annual Report [Reporting period is from October 1, 200b through September 30; 2010 During the reporting period, no property or district was designated or de -designated. However, the following properties were placed on the Tustin Historic Register, the City's plaque designation program: Property Name/Address Date Designated/Removed Date Recorded by County Recorder 145 Pacific Street 10/13/09 NIA 525 West Main Street 12/08/09 N/A 410 Pacific Street 07127/10 N/A Owners of historic buildings in Tustin are eligible to participate in the City's plaque designation program. The purpose of the voruntary program is to recognize Tustin's historic properties, educate the public, increase public interest in historic properties, and promote community pride. Property owners who would like to participate are responsible for the cost, installation, and maintenance of the plaques. The plaques display the construction date of the building, up to two lines of text, and are identified with the words "Tustin Historic Register" Members of the public and the Planning Commission may nominate properties C. Historic Preservation Element/Plan Have you made any updates to your historic preservation plan or historic preservation element in your community's general plan? If you have, provide a copy or electronic link. • If you address historic preservation in your general plan, is it in a separate historic preservation element or is it included in another element? • Provide an electronic link to the historic preservation section(s) of the General Plan. • When will your next General Plan update occur? The City of Tustin does not have a historic preservation plan, nor ahistoric preservation element in its general plan, but addresses historic preservation in the Land Use, the Housing, and the Conservation, Open Space, and Recreation Elements of the Tustin General Plan. The link to, the Tustin General Plan is htto://www.tustinca.org/departments/commdev/documents/GeneralPlan2008 ridf There are 68 references to historic preservation in the Tustin General Plan. The next City of Tustin General Plan update is not yet scheduled - 2 Certified Local Government Program — 2009-2010 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1. 2005 through September 30, 2010 D. Review Responsibilities DA Design Review/Certificates of Appropriateness • Who takes responsibility for design review or Certificates of Appropriateness? • Do all projects subject to design review go the commission, or are some reviewed at the staff level without commission review? • What is the threshold between staff -only review and full -commission review? Most design reviews and certificate of appropriateness considerations are conducted at the staff level, and the Director of Community Development is the approval authority. In addition, in 2010, Thirtieth Street Architects was retained to perform an independent review of a proposed modification to a historically significant home. For design reviews of projects within Redevelopment Areas, the Zoning Administrator is the approval authority. Design reviews of projects within some specific plan areas and of projects tied to other discretionary actions are reviewed by the Planning Commission. D.2 California Environmental Quality Act • What is the role of the staff and commission in providing input to CEQA documents prepared for or by the local government? • What is the role of the staff and commission In reviewing CEQA documents for projects that are proposed within the jurisdiction of the local government? Staff prepares CEQA and Section 106 documents. At times, consultants are retained to assist with the preparation of more complex environmental documents. Environmental determinations are made by the Director of Community Development, Assistant City Manager, Planning Commission and/or City Council. D.3 Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act • What is the role of the staff and commission in providing input to Sectlon 106 documents prepared for or by; the local government? • What is the role of the staff and commission in reviewing Section 106 documents for projects that are proposed within the jurisdiction of the local government? See response in Section D.2 above. Certified Local Government Program — 2009-2010 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1. 2009 through September 3G, 2010 11. Establish an Adequate and Qualified Historic Preservation Review Commission by State or Local Legislation A. Commission Membership • Who are the current members (and alternates, if applicable)? • Do they represent a professional discipline or do they represent a public role? • What is their date of appointment and when does their appointment expire? • What is their email address? • Include resumes and Qualifications Review forms for all members. If your do not have two qualified professionals on your commission, why have the professional qualifications not been met and how Is professional expertise being provided? If all positions are not currently filled, why is there a vacancy, and when will the position will be filled? Name Discipline Date Appointed Date Appt. Expire Email Address Marge Kasalek Steve Kozak Commissioner/Business Commissioner/Public Administration 09/02/08 08/07/06 03/01/11 03/01/11 J nkasalekna deltawye. coni Steve. kozakactcoc.ocgov.com Al MurrayCommissioner/Business/Policing sreekstin Prtustinca orc 05/01/07 07/27110 ; amUrra cuci.irvme.ca.us Chuck Puckett Commissioner/Business —Resigned 03106/06 03/01/12 ':, retiredpuckettsdaol.com Jeff Thom son Commissioner/Civil Engineering 09118/07 03/01/12 effcherie aintec rft .com B. Commission Staff • Who are your current commission/CLG staff? • What are their disciplines, and their dates of appointment/assignment? • Is the staff to your commission the same as your CLG coordinator? • Include resumes and Qualifications Review forms for all new staff. • If the position(s) is not currently filled, why is there a vacancy? Name/Title Discipline I Dept. Affiliation E+nail Address Elizabeth Binsack, CD Director Public Administration/Urban and Regional Planning Community Development ebinsackCwtustinca.org Scott Reekstin, Senior Planner Urban and Regional Planning Community Development sreekstin Prtustinca orc Scott Reekstin serves as the City's CLG coordinator and as staff to the Commission. Certified Local Government Program — 2009-2010 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1. 2009 through September 30. 2070 C Attendance Record • Please attach in chart form for each commissioner and staff member, the attendance records for meetings. Commissions are required to meet four times a year, at a minimum. Commissioner # of Meetings Held # Attended Mijrge Kasalek 19 19 Sieve Kozak 19 19 Ai Murray 19 15 Chuck Puckett 19 17 Jeff Thompson 19 15 Staff Member of Meetings Held #Attended Elizabeth Binsack 19 17 Scott Reekstin 19 16 D. Training Received • What training has each commissioner and staff member received, including descriptions and dates of training, and training provider? Remember it is a CLG requirement is that all commissioners and staff to the commission attend at least one training program relevant to your commission each year. It is up to the CLG to determine the relevancy of the training. Commissioner/Staff Name Training Title & Description Training Provider Date Marge Kasalek Old Town Parking Study Workshop City of Tustin 11/10/09 Old Town Restaurant Parking Amendment City of Tustin 12/08/09 Nationaf Register of Historic Places & California Preservation Foundation 01/27110 Secretary of the Interior's Standards... Historic Resource Surveys California Preservation Foundation 01128ii0 Awards Program/ W.W. Martin -Thompson Tustin Preservation Conservancy 04/18/10 House Presentation Steve Kozak Old Town Parking Study Workshop City of Tustin 11/10/09 Old Town Restaurant Parking Amendment City of Tustin 12108/09 National Register of Historic Places & California Preservation Foundation 01/27x10 Secretary of the Interiors Standards..,. 5 Certified Local Government Program — 2009-2010 Annual Report (Reporting period is hom October 1. 2009 through September 30. 2010 10 Historic Resource Surveys California Preservation Foundation 01!28!10 j Awards Program/ W.W_ Martin-Thompsor, Tustin Preservation Conservancy 04.-19! 10 House Presentation AI Murray Old Town Tustin Art Walk City of Tustin, Tustin Preservation 10/24'09 Conservancy, Tustin Area Council for Fine Arts Old Town Parking Study Vvorkshcp City of Tustin 1'1;10 09 Old Town Restaurant Parking Amendment City of Tustin 12108/09 National Register of Historic Places & California Preservation Foundation 01/27;10 Secretary of the Interior's Standards... Historic Resource Surveys California Preservation Foundation 01128/10 Awards Program/ W.W. Martin -Thompson Tustin Preservation Conservancy 04/19/10 House Presentation Chuck Puckett Old Town Parking Study Workshop City of Tustin 11110i09 Old Town Restaurant Parking Amendment City of Tustin 12108/09 National Register of Historic Places & California Preservation Foundation 01/27/10 Secretary of the Interiors Standards-.. Historic Resource Survey California Preservation Foundation 01128:'10 Jeff Thompson Old Town Tustin Art Walk City of Tustin, Tustin Preservation 10/24109 Conservancy, Tustin Area Council for Fine Arts Old Town Parking Study Workshop City of Tustin 11/10109 Old Town Restaurant Parking Amendment City of Tustin 12/08109 Awards Program/ W.W. Martin -Thompson Tustin Preservation Conservancy 04119/10 House Presentation Elizabeth Binsack Old Town Parking Study Workshop City of Tustin 11110;09 Old Town Restaurant Parking Amendment City of Tustin 12/08/09 Awards Program/ W.W. Martin -Thompson Tustin Preservation Conservancy 04119/10 House Presentation Scott Reekstm Old Town Parking Study Workshop City of Tustin 11/10/09 Old Town Restaurant Parking Amendment City of Tustin 12/08/09 National Register of Historic Places & California Preservation Foundation 01/27110 Secretary of the Interiors Standards... Historic Resource Surveys California Preservation Foundation 01/28/90 Awards Program/ W.W. Martin -Thom Son I Tustin Preservation Conservancy 04119110 10 Certified Local Government Program — 2009-2010 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1. 2009 through September 30, 2010 House Presentation Sustainability, Energy Efficiency, and California Preservation Foundation 0613011 Historic Preservation III. Maintain a System for the Survey and Inventory of Properties that Furthers the Purposes of the National Historic Preservation Act A. Historical Contexts Have you initiated, researched, or developed any historic contexts? If you have, list and describe in several sentences ead'i historic context, how it is being used, and the date submitted to OHP (California CLG procedures require CI -Gs to submit survey results including historic contexts, to OHP.) If you have not done so, submit a copy with this report. Context Name Description How it is Being Used Date Sur•mitted None B New Surveys (excluding those funded by OHP) Have you carried out any surveys or re -surveys? If you have; list the area surveyed, level (reconnaissance or intensive), acreage, number of properties surveyed, and the date you submitted the survey to OHP. (California CLG procedures require CI -Gs to submit survey results including historic contexts, to OHP.) If you have not done so, submit a copy with this report. Keep in mind that the evaluation of a single property Is not a survey. Also, material changes to a property that is included in a survey, Is not a change to the survey and should not be reported here. How are you using the survey data? Area Context Level: Acreage # of Properties Date Based- Reconnaissance Surveyed _eslno or Intensive None` `Updating the City's Historical Resources Survey is one of the Commission's historic preservation goals. See Page 11. Certified Local Government Program - 2009-2010 Annual Report (Reporting period is hom October 1, 2009 through Saptember 30, 2010 C. Changes to Inventories • Have you made corrections to your inventory of historic properties, or have you identified any corrections that need to be made? • If you have, what are the reasons for the changes (new Information, alteration [approved/not approvedj, demolition [approvedlnot approved], etc.)? • Have you changed the status codes of any properties in your inventory? Submit the changes with this report. Property Additions/Deletions Changes Reason Date of Change Name/Address to Inventory to Status Council for Fine Arts. Codes Recognition of the property at 525 West Main Street as an outstanding 10/27,09 430 West Main Street Old Town property at televised Planning Commission and City Council Chane in property description required — new rooF 1112510 435 Pacific Street Updated Old Town Tustin and Tustin Historic Color brochure highlighting Tustin history, historic preservation Change in property description required — room addition 12/03/09 440 Pacific Street Change in property description required —demolish and 01/14/10 build new garage and quest house 450 EI Camino Real Change in property description required—rebuild attached 02/10/10 shed structure 410 Pacific; Street Change in property description required --restore garage, 03/05/10 _ remove illegal garage expansion 435 Pacific Street Change in property description required— pv panels on 05/06/10 roof 310 S. Pasadena Avenue Chane in property description required — new garage 07/02/10 IV. Provide for Adequate Public Participation in the Local Historic Preservation Program A. Public Education • What public outreach, training, or publications programs have you undertaken? Please provide copy of (or a link to) all publications or other products not previously provided to OHP. Item or Event Description Date Old Town Tustin Art Walk Plein air art competition and Old Town Tours, sponsored jointly by the 10/24/09 City of Tustin, Tustin Preservation Conservancy, and the Tustin Area Council for Fine Arts. Commendation Program Recognition Recognition of the property at 525 West Main Street as an outstanding 10/27,09 Old Town property at televised Planning Commission and City Council meetings and streamed over the internet. Updated Old Town Tustin and Tustin Historic Color brochure highlighting Tustin history, historic preservation 10127/09 Certified Local Government Program — 2009-2010 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1. 2009 through September 30, 2010 Item or Event Description Date Rac inter Plaque Pro ram Brochure programs and resources, and a map of plaque locations Old Town Parking Study Workshop Workshop on implementing portions of the Old Town Parking Study in 11/10/08 the Cultural Resources Overlay District. California Preservation Foundation Workshop Workshop on [he National Register of Historic Places and the Secretary 01?27/10 The National Register of Historic Places and of Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. The Secretary of Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties California Preservation Foundation Workshop Workshop on Historic Resource Surveys 01/'28/10 historic Resource Survey C3mmendation Program Recognition Recognition of the property at 410 Pacific Street as an outstanding Old 05/25110 Town property at televised Planning Commission and City Council meetings and streamed over the internet. Titans of History Video Documentary Documents the National Register— listed Lighter Than Air Hangers at Continuously former Marine Corps Air Station, Tustin available on City website In addition to the minimum CLG requirements, OHP is interested in a Summary of Local Preservation Programs What is the current status of preservation in your community? What are the most critical preservation planning issues? City staff learned through the public workshops on the Mills Act Program and the public workshops and hearings or, the potential expansion of the Cultural Resources District that the following preservation planning issues are critical to the community: I j The relationship between preservation and property values - 11) The justification for preserving less significant historic structures, such as residences of more common .and simple architectural styles. 3} The relationship between preservation and private property rights_ 4) Preservation without placing financial burden on property owners. 9 Certified Local Government Program — 2009-2010 Annual Report (Repoding period is frum Ocrober 1. 2009 through September 30. 2070 5) Preservation of neglected structures. w) Financial incentives for preservation. What is the single accomplishment of your local government this year that has done the most to further preservation in your conimun ity? The single accomplishment that has done the most to further preservation in Tustin during this reporting period was the continued implementation of Tustin's Mills Act Program. As of the end of the reporting period, the owners of 14 properties had executed historic property preservation agreements with the City through the Mills Act Program. In addition, the following accomplishments furthered preservation in Tustin during the reporting period: • Three properties were placed on the Tustin Historic Register, the City's plaque designation program. • The properties at 525 West Main Street and 410 Pacific Street received commendations at televised City Council meetings as outstanding Old Town properties. Code Amendment 09-004 was adopted, implementing portions of the Old Town Parking Study by providing more parking flexibility for restaurants to locate to and expand within Old Town Tustin, and facilitating outdoor restaurant seating. What incentives are you providing for historic preservation in your community, e.g., loan or grant programs, property tax reduction. zoning variances, etc.? What programs are you offering, what is the public utilizing, and how successful are the programs in promoting historic preservation? Please provide a brief overview narrative. The City of Tustin implemented a Mills Act Program in 1998. This program provides an incentive for historic preservation in the community. Participation in the Mills Act Program has been somewhat limited, but steadily increasing. As of September 30, 2010, the City had fourteen Mills Act Contracts. The Mills Act Program has had a growing impact in promoting historic preservation. Name or Type of Incentive Program How many Properties have benefited? Mills Act 114 VVhai recognition are you providing for successful preservation projects or programs? 10 Certified Local Government Program — 2009-2010 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1. 2009 through September�� �, 2010 The City of Tustin has a quarterly commendation program that recognizes outstanding historic properties. Also, on September 25, 2008, Huell Howser's California's Gold television program, which aired on KCET, explored and recognized several of Tustin's most outstanding historic sites. The dvd of the episode is available for purchase at wivw.calgold.com How did you meet or not meet the goals identified in your annual report for last year? During the last reporting period, the City of Tustin continued the Commendation Program, the Tustin Historic Register Plaque Program; the Mills Act Program, and continued to review certificates of appropriateness. vVhat are our local historic preservation goals for 2010-2011? On April 24, 2007, the Planning Commission identified the following duties and responsibilities related to historic preservation - Review and update the existing Residential Design Guidelines. Develop Commercial Design Guidelines. Preserve the City's CLG status and Overlay District. Consider the recent Urban Land Institute study. Update the Historical Resources Survey. Continue the Commendation Program. Continue the Tustin Historic Register (Plaque) Program. Continue the Mills Act Program. Continue the review of certificates of appropriateness. Due to reduced staffing budgets, these work efforts will occur over the next several years as the City budget irnproves. 5o that we may better serve you in the future, are there specific areas and/or issues with which you could use technical assistance rrom OHP? In what subject areas would you like to see training provided by the OHP? How you like would to see the training conducted (workshops, online, technical assistance bulletins, etc.)? Staff has identified the following subject areas for training: 1) Preservation and property values 2) Preservation and private property rights 11 Certified Local Government Program — 2009-2010 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1. 2009 through September 30. 2010 workshops in the Southern California region would be most beneficial. Desired topics include The Secretary of the Intariors Standards, Design Guidelines, Historical Resources Surveys, etc. Would you be willing to host a training working workshop in cooperation with OHP? Yes, the City of Tustin would be open to hosting a training workshop in cooperation with OHP. On January 27, 2010, and January 28, 2010, the City of Tustin hosted two California Preservation Foundation workshops which covered the National Register of Historic Places, the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, and Hisrodc Resource Surveys. V. Attachments Resumes and Qualifications Review Forms for all commission members Minutes from commission meetings Public outreach publications Photographs of Outstanding Old Town Properties for 2010 12 Aerpa A. Kasolok 2362 Caper Tree Diva„ Tustin, CA 111786 $714)838-1136 mka@at@kQd@ttesrye.com ,a Positkhn s a Planing Commiadoner for the Cky of Tustin. • Previous axPwiwm as a Tustln Plerahing Commhsioner. • Me" 30 y@@rs of saner@ community service In Tudin a Orap@ County. • Co-owner of an elaotrioat aonbadarp business. • Proton ability, to work In unison with City Couna and staff. • Common ssmu approsoh to planning and Problem solving. Mlawkan@ou@ bush s s couraas d COMMON Commrnity and Orange Coes) collo a. 8 ysara w9orlonce • ■ Tustin PlehnkV Commknloner. 1 year as Chakpwwm Tustin Phmrihg CommNsbrrer. Tustin Public Schools Foundation, Board M embw. Co-dWr of Tustin Public 8dhoole F"Wedon DbromwDOS& Member of Tustin Bass Cksrws Task Faw . Community Vd w t@er and Han@maksr 1963 preaanf . CSy of Tuuslln, Phinn p CGnwgosww 1890-1896 . 'W31W laborallorl@@. PurchwN Aqwk 1974.1863 Cowl APpOIrfted SPMW Advocates (CASA), County of OroiXW Trakvad Advocate end mentor far abused kids. Tutlln Puhtte Selhoo* Foundation; Past Board Member. C"%* Dkiossu► Dash, Cunard carfnrtte@ mambarfor TeWWofMe roar (TOY) DArurand DlnosanrDAW. 28 Yew Tudkh Sohod VokaMser d Naiacfh El mwfty, Curr* MSdrlte Selhod, Utt II k- School, and TWIN Hlph Sdhoo*; posl8on@ tndudrq PTA Pnsld@rk stod Sia Coundi Preafdarhk Muac@ Baera Pow, Unrad Nations, Grad off Commktee. Carver Day Ca -chair and oM*m Votwh>aars In Child Asslatenoe (VICAJ Orarp@ Canty gocW Services AQWW, coordinator and member of Sp@aksrs Bueau. Saddt@back Church, HospiW VWtatlon Tears Tustin Pubito 3ehook Found@Ilon, Volunteer of"yew VOW Isere In Chad Aashdwnp, Volunteer of the Year STEVE KOZAK LXITRIGNCE AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS '001, u, precc,tt t:bref tJpenuinns Officer &'Treasurer; L'Hildren & Families commission of Orange County • 1'1a>vidc xua gic leadership in developing, implernenting, and susnuniug best financial and msiucss maria{ rment practices induding managing a $65 nullivn .innu.0 operating, budget and A 5140 indlion fixed InGJnie invesuncnt program. a Ilan, urgamze, .utd direct d.rv-10-day operations including .program development and rvalu.uion, financial and accounting services, contract administration. 1T systems, and .tluumsu•.utoc aupport surview. I)cvelnped and implemented policies and procedures, unernal controls, and monitoring and reporting systems to meet .ted exceed expanded annual audit requiremmrits mandated by AB 107 and SB 35• 2005 • 2006 Controller & Direclor of•Fivance, Los Angeles County Superior Court • Directed a comprehensive program of fiscal management, accounting operations, and 'e•VL•mle functions, including development and management of the Court's $665 million annual operating budget: revenue And expenditure forecasting; long-term financial planning; administration of grants totaling $14 million; purchasing; and collections. • Directed de,clopment and implementation of a new revenue collection, allocation, AIXUuoung, and reporting structure for civil court Ices unaling S12 million annually - 2003 - nnually. 2003- x005 Director, Financial Planning & Budget, Sart Diego County Regional Airport Authority • Established ,ted implemented organizational design, business end staffing plans, and ,,peranng hudget for a oo-ew Financial Planning & Budgcr Departmen(, including grants Adm in isu'xuem, urvesunent management, and treasury operation,• . planned, organized, And coordinated Analysis and preparation of the Authority's first Annual Operating Budget totaling $106 million fur FY 2003 - 1004. • Project Manager for development, acquisition, and implementation of a new $10 million ERP financial and accounting management information system. 2000-2003 Manager, Financial Senlic'es & Budget, Los Angeles World Airports (LA WA) • I)irccied the Finanriall Planning Division, including Budget• User Fees, and Gram I't rgrami , And the Debt & Treasury Management Division. • Fstablished and monaged LAWA's $300 million tPaper capital proiects I lnancnig lVow am. i'lanned, ung.mired, and managed preparation, monitnnng, and reporting for the 5465 •.udli"n :\nnuai Operating Budget, and the $9;0 reunion A1nlu-Year Cap;tal Projects Budget. tilIY 41)Ir aPI aI,•I'I, I IAr % 111'2sJ: a) . I I II -)N 1•71 1' . STEVE KOZAK LXL)ERIEN(;E AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS (Cuntinucdj a04 . ]0,;}0 l tnaiwwl Semuees & /tisk Magi {ger, Orange (014Prty 5'snihnion District I )Ire, Lcd $440 III III . it nixed and c.u'iable rate ,.Ichi linaneumg pn,4,uu Iorrapftal I'I1IICits, rrlundinha and new mmin v usucn. %lanat;ed insur.mcr.md risk management programs for SI -5 billivu'I'wt haw. • V1,tbll?hed and iutplcmcnted new 5750 milhnn used ou,,-me mv, t ncnt pnrgraan anti 1 C.1NIII'y Operations function. BELATED EXPERIENCE EDUCATION • planning Commissioner, City of Tustin, 1996 - 1003 and 100() to present • P.i�anral Council Member, St. Catherine of Sicna Parish, 2008 w pment • Lecturer, UIIIVCI11Ly of California, Public Financc & Admuustr.uion, 1987 - 1990 Senior Financial Consultara. Public Finance & Management. RSI Cmisultants, 1991 • 149+ • huercuvermaental Affairs Manager, Or.umgc C„unty Executive (.Mice, 1790 - 1992 • Rood & Capkal Finance Manager, I. )range County Esecmlvr t )ffiee, 1986 - 1990 • I Il el Admin I, fficer and Plans L4 Programs Nlanugcr, j„Im W.tc ne Airport, 1981 - 1986 . FXCCUtiVr titA Ap.iffant, Urant,e County dotrtl of Supcnn... m 1977 - 1981 • Lep,tslative and Budget Analys[. Orange County Executive Office, 1975. 1977 • M.B.A., California State University, Fullerton • M.P.A., University of California, Riverside • N.A., Political Science, California Polytechnic University, Pomona • Community College Instructor Credential,. Public Services & AJmintstration • Certified California Municipal Treasurer, (CCM n. California Municipal Treasurers %""" l atiu n '.I II li.1 I'I '.- I-- II""11`,., \ 1 ,: 1:i!. [III II,* *II -,,,.1-i „ �u M977NRANCOR E CAfJFORNRA ® 92781 COMMUNITY OBJECTIVE A responsible and challenging position as a commissioner for the City of Tustin r:DUCATION t 7YR) 730. 7d31 Plass 29 DEAF Senior Management Institute for Policing 2003 — Harvard and Boston University y Class 78 Juvenile Delinquency Control Institute - University of Southern California a M-B.A. National University 9 B.S. Univeraity of Phoenix (Business Administration) PROFESSIONAL EFIPERIENCE uWV, I ) ,) • Manage and supervise the Recruitment and hiring Team s Manage and supervise patrol operations in the City of Irvine. a Mamga and supervise patrol aPetationa and sniff for the Irvine Spectrum Center Substation. • Appointed Acting Lieutenant of the Investigations Bureau from February 1999 to June 1999. Devel0P staff projects, prepare reports. manage and direct complex criminal investigations. s Manage investigative resources consisting of travel expenditures, investigative equipment, mveadgative fleet, trammg timds, salary, and uvextirrn agocatrana and develop 2000 budget. ($3.8 million budget). o Assigned msuagemevt and operanona rcspomiliihues in the lavesugatioaa, Traffic, sed PsiroI Bureau, Field Training Program and Reserve Officer program during the abaeuse of the housem nr 0 Develop budget and recommend expendift= for Park projects and procedures governing Pada and Recreation as Commission Chairman for the City of Tustin. (S4.5 million budget) PROGMMDEVELOPMENT srnrnYa 0 Develop and coordinate a strategic plan for recruitment. 0 Develop and refine the Field Training Program protocol and training guidelinoa, 0 Develop and coordinate operational procedures for the Irvine Spectrum Center Substation. a Coordinate ssecamr rat and atralysis of various investigative functions. 0 Develop, coordinate and present Community Oriented Policing training, Coordinated and facilitated development of a new juvenile citation Meat procedure, countywide domestic violence data systM and new child abuse investigation protocol. 's Coordinate and develop new officer safety training and investigative workshops vpecific w investigators. e Coordinate and present training statewide on the P.O.S.T. Supervisory Leadership institute (SLl) for sergeants and the CPOA Leadership Development Program o Present mriervisor and leadership police natning at Golden West College, �MPI,OYEE REL LIONS AND RECRUITMENT s Implement and menage the Irvine Police Department Recntitment'ream a Develop, coordinate and present Ethics and Cultural Awareness training. Coordinate and supervise oral boards for new and lateral entry police officers. 4 Administer discipline, enforce proper ethical standards, integrity and department procedures including assignment to the Irvine Police Department Office of Professional Standards. COMMUMCATION Provide mentoring and guidance to subordinates and peen with an emphasis on leadership and career evelopmew. a Prepare and present staff reports, policy recommendations, commendations and grant proposals for ;rau thading. Communicate daily with business owners and Irvine Spectrum management, conduct meetings and prepare correspondence on vanow public safety ratters at the Irvine Spectrum Center. a Prepare and deliver training to sergeants statewide on leadership and management =us& a Prepare and deliver training to police recruits, field training officenti investigators and menages, e Promote the Irvine Police Department and general law enforcement interests through public speaking presenations, pawl discussions, and WtWADaa with newspaper and televiaton media representatives. CARE&R HMORY Irvtas Polls DriNuhnentt Police Sereaat 2006 -Present Mmegement and supervision of the Irvine Police Department Recruitment and Hiring Teem 2004.2006 Management and supervision of the Field Training Program and panel operations tor the Crossroads and Parole Districts of the City of hvina 2001-20M Mmagenrent and supervision of patrol opentiom for the Irvine Spectrum Center Substation 1999-2001 Management and supervision of patrol personnel and patrol scheduling for all patrol shifts 1996.1999 Management and mpemston of the Investigations Bmmq DARE Program, and Court Liaison. 1993-1996 Management and supervision of parol personnel, Reserve Officer Program, Field Training Prognrq developing and presenting COPPS training, and scheduling personnel. 1993-1990 Mmagenrmt and supervision of the Traffic Safety Program, motor operation training, sobriety checkpoint operations, DUI teams, OTS Grant preparation and repo. th g, budget preparation, scheduling. assist special events sergeant, and coordinate major accident investiga ion. i 995-1990 Management sad supervision of pawl personnel, patrol scheduling, Field Training Program, and the Reserve Officer Proavq 1982-1985 Investigator- Conduct criminal investigations of crimes against persons and crimes against Property. Collateral duties as a SWAT teem member and reserve program coordinator. 1979-1982 Traffic Officer- Enforcement of treHlc laws, accident investigation, motorcycle training offlcer, part-time waffle investigator. Collateral duties as SWAT team member and reserve coordinator. 1977-1979 Patrol Officer - Normal patrol Judea. Collateral assignments as a field training officer, reserve program coordinator, crime scene investigator, and SWAT team member. SPECiALiZED TRAINING + 2006 ?OST - Background Investigators Seminar • 2006 POST - Recruitment Workshop for Managers + 2006 Diversity Recruitment • 2005 Incident Management for Terrorism,Incidents • 2004 Critical Incident Management for Managers • 2004 Field Training Program Administration nod Management + 2004 Ermgency Response to'I'ermriem Incidents + 2003 Internal Atfain Investigation— Long Beach State University • 2002 Employee Discipline - Beyond The Nuts end Bolts of Discipline — CPOA • 2002 Ethics Train The Trainer — Southwestern Law Enforcement Institute + 2002 PERF (Police Executive Research Forum) Subscribing Member + 2001 City of Irvine — Leadership Training Series • 2001 Leadership Tomorrow Progn n — bass 11 Newport Beach + 2000 Applied Entries in Police Management — Dans Point • 2000 Managing Physical Performance Standards— Las Vegan, Nevada • 1999 investigation Technology for Admmistratora — Santa Ana P.D. • 1999 Challenges of Ethical Leadership — Santa Ana • 1999 Management of O@lcer Involved Shooting Investigations — DOJ Ontatio • 1998 -Management Of Hostile Work Environment Investigations — Irvine ® 1998 Role of The Police Chief— CPOA Irvine + 1998 Contemporary Management of Cri must Investigations — Sm Diego + 1997 P.O.S.T. Leadership Conference — Loa Angeles • 1997 Management and Supervision of Pool-Trar®a and High Stress Incidents • 1996 Supervisory Leadership Institute - Claw 51 • 1996 Management and Investigation of Homicides - San Jose P.D. • 1995 Management considerations of Rodney Icing Incident - CPOA • 1994 Managing Commandty Oriented Policing - San Diego P.D, 1994 Commrmity Policing for Tritium - San Francisco P.D. • 1994 Team Building Workshop - Irvine P.D. Management Sha at Lake Arrowhead • 1994 Sergeant's Workshop - Managing Resources - Santa Rosa • 1994 Reserve Coordinamr Management Course - Golden Went College + 1993 Sergesnt's WmkdwP - E>%cove Supervision - Saner Rosa • 1993 Sergeant's Workshop - Implementing COP, Leadership • 1992 Lawsuits and Their Orgmintioal Effects • 1991 Management of Traffic Safety Programa - Cal Poly Pomona • 1990 Polito Civil Liability and Misconduct Complaints - Loa Vegas, Nevada • 1989 Management of Field Training Programs - Long Beach Slate University + 1988 Earthquake Preparedoe" and Managanent - San Luis Obispo • 1987 Effective Supervision and Discipline • 1987 Promoting Leadership and Motivation - San Diego P.D. SPECL4L ACMEVIWENTS AND PRO"MION.AL CERTIFICATES 2006 Gvine Police Department Medal of Valor 2004 Irvin Police Department Unit Award - Field'fratuing Officer Pregram "Team a 2003 MOBLE (National Organiution of Black Law Enforcement Executives) award recipient s 2003 Authored and published article "A Partnership Approach to Entertainment Policing" 3 2003 Orange County Human Relations COP Award —Irvine Spectrum'ream a 2002 Irvine Police Department Unit Award — Irvine Spectrum Team 2001 State of California CPRS Volunteer Merit Award for Distinguished Service a 2001 Graduate of Leadership Tomorrow Program - 2001 'D 1997 Auditor/facilitator for P.O.S.T. Supervisory Leadership Institute Class 61 a 1996 Graduate and class speaker for Claw 51 P,O,S.T. Supervisory Leadership institute a 1995 Exchange Club Meritorious Service Award recipient (COPPS Training) e 1995 Received offer of appointment to Liaulmant with the Riverside Police Department a 1989 Employee of the Month - December e 1984 Irvine Police Officer of The Year a 1984 Authored written proposal and implemented Irvine P.D. K-9 Program • 198211979 Klwania Police Officer of the Month - January e P.O.S.T. Supervisory, Advanced, Intermediate, and Basic Certificates COMMUNI'T'Y AND PROFLSMONAL INVOLVEMENT e Com®uuty Services Commissioner Chairman - City of Tustin e Board of DQectors - California Peace Officers Association - Region 1 s Board of Directors - Leadership Tomorrow, Exchange Club of Irvine, and Orange County Child Abuse Prevention Center RESUME CHARLES E. "CHUCK" PUCKETT I retired November 1, 2000, after spending 32 years with Hunt -Wesson Foods, Fullerton, California. 1 began employment with Hunt -Wesson (part of ConAgra Foods) in Denver, Colorado in 1968. 1 moved with my family to Tustin, California, in 1975 to become District Sales Manager of the Los Angeles District (Foodservice Division). In 1992 1 left the Los Angeles District to become Senior Chain Accounts Manager and then became Director of National Accounts in 1994. 1 held that post until I retired on November 1, 2000. In addition to serving on the Tustin Planning Commission, I am currently serving on the Board of Trustees for Hope International University in Fullerton; serving on the Board of Trustees for Creekside Christian Fellowship in Irvine: serving as President -Elect for the Tustin Community Foundation and am a member of the board of the Tustin Area Man and Woman of the Year committee. Charles E. Puckett 3XESUME OF JEFFREY R. THOMPSON 415 West 61h Street Tustin, California 92680 Cell: 7141231-6270 FAX: 7141544-4846 Email: jeffcherie(dintearity com Ianwxy 2009 Community Planning Commissioner for the City of Tustin Objective Education CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LONG BEACH 1985-1989 Masters of Science in Civil Engineering; 4.0/4.0 GPA 1981-1985 Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; 3.9/4.0 GPA Professional Registrations 1989-1994 PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEER: California, Arizona, and Washington 1994 PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR: California 2002 GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVI CES, California Experience 2005 -present RANCHO MISSION VIEJO, LLC, San Juan Capistrano, California Vice President Development Engineering - Responsible for development engineering of the Ranch Plan, which comprises 6 communities/planning areas for 14,000 dwelling units and 5.2 million square feet of non-residential uses to be developed from existing open space and agricultural uses over 24,000 acres the next 20 years. 2003-2005 DISNEYLAND RESORT, Anaheim, CaWotnis • Progmn/Project Manager for Facility Asset Management - Assisting in reorganiration of project 8t program for Disney assets, while managing approximately multiple rehabilitation projects to support the 50° celebration in May 2005. • Business Planning and Logistics Manager for the Resort Guest Services, supporting parking, mass transit, guest entry, and other Resort -wide support. 2002-2003 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE, Irvine, California Project Manager for all site development for replacement of university hospital ,md emergency/trauma center. Responsibilities included planning, design, and construction for utilities, central plant, circulation, real estate acquisition, central park, abatement, and ER modifications, valued at $35M to $50M. 2002 HARRIS & ASSOCIATES, Irvine, California CMsulting Program Manager for the City of Los Angeles for Proposition K, ,?esume of A ffrey R. n. ompson rehabilitation and construction of community facilities (parks, senior centers, childcare facilities, gyms, etc.). Program value estimated at $1.4 billion over 30 years. Established schedules, developed master schedule, clarified funding shortfalls/ surpluses, developed comprehensive reporting, facilitated various project planning/design for resolution. 1997-2002 WALT DISNEY IMAGINEERING, Anaheim, California Project Manager for Infrastructure Team for the Disneyland Resort expansion. Projects included Resort -wide Master Plans, Downtown Disney construction management for tenant build -outs, construction/ relocation of wet & dry utilities (SCE, City, PacBell, Gas Co., Navy Jet Fuel Line, etc.), roadways/bridges, coordination of I-5 improvements, property acquisition, streetscape/landscape, security systems, building relocation/expansion, and modifications/construction to most Resort parking lots. Overall responsibilities included master planning, budget establishment, conceptual design, design development, construction management, estimating, planning/scheduling, value engineering, contract negotiation, agency permitting, and project close-out. 1995-1997 CH2M HILL, Santa Ana, California Responsibilities included Project Management Consultant for Walt Disney Lnagineeriog and Deputy Engineer for the City of Los Alamitos. Also served as the Engineering Services Manager for the Eastern Transportation Corridor, responsible for permitting and agency approvals with all public agencies. 1985-1995 BERRYMAN & HENIGAR, INC., Santa Ana, California Began as a Design Engineer and was steadily promoted to an officer of the company. Various responsibilities included project management for public agency kdhistructtue/transportation improvements and Program Mautgement/City Engineer for various Cities and Utility Districts. As an officer, served as a Regional Manager for Civil Engineering and Field Services; Orange/LA County office management with over 100 staff. Awards/Activities 1985 CSUL 3 Outstanding Student Award for Civil Engmteriog 1989 Chi Epsilon and CSULB Outstanding Achievemew for Thesis 1989-1997 City of Tustin Cultural (Historic) Resources Advisory Committee :993 -Present CSULB MESA Program: Planned and participated in student outreach activities for MASS, NSBE, SHPE, and AISES chapters. 1998 -2005 Assistant Coach for Tustin Pony League and Girls Softball, various years 1999-2004 Student Programa for AHCOP for King -Drew Medical University 2000 OCEC Engineer Project Achievement Award 2000 ASCE Orange County Branch Project of the Year award 2001 OCEC Outstanding Engineering Merit Award for Walt Disney Imagineering 2002 -2005 Church High School counselor 2002 - Present Board Member of Central City Community Outreach to LA Skid Row families sad youth program 2005 - Present OCTA Citizens Advisory Committee; cusent chairman 2007 Tustin Community Foundation 2007 - Present Tustin planning Commission Paige 2 :2Miefwl11 city.doc Resume of Jeffrey R. nompson ?�ecitic Project Experience Summary .and Whitten References Available upon request Page 3 Heaieflmll1 CILY cd c prnfPs>ianal Qualifications For Cortifiad Local Governrnents Coinmissioners and Statf Local Government L r , df- rtlsAr1 Name Commissioner'P Staff ❑ Date of Appointment: D?/D `L/03_ Date Term Expires: D /✓//il Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre -historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? No Yes If you are, summarize your qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. Attach a resume. Professional Qualifications for Certified Local Governments Commissioners and Staff Local Government L r >1 o/" FU'5hri Name Commissioner 0 Staff n Date of Appointment: O,.5 0 710k Date Term Expires: f --'/C9 1 // / Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre -historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? No Yes if you are, summarize your qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. Attach a resume. Professional Qualifications `o r Cc.rtified Local Governments Commissioners and Statf Local Government /, Zt, 4 i!/S i7 n Name Commissioner 4 Staff ❑ Date of Appointment: e'51,P//Q'7 Date Term Expires:re.%, iee U7/27//p Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre -historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? —.,?< No Yes If you are, summarize your qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. Attach a resume. Professional Qualifications for t.ertified Local Governments Commissioners and Staff Local Government C r / N 0/- 7-V_5 An Name Jr:✓fflerrr<.>5'oYi Commissione ff ❑ Date of Appointment: 0,7//D ] Date Term Expires: 03/D /// Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre -historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? No Yes If you are, summarize your qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. Attach a resume. Professional Qualifications ,)r Certified Local Governments Commissioners and Staff Local Government t', ! % 4?r rV5'-i 0 Name-FtltciL Commissioner 0 Staff ❑ Date of Appointment: c'3�U(v�UGs Date Term Expires: Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre -historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? .,Z_No Yes If you are, summarize your qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. Attach a resume. The Planning Commission minutes from October 13, 2009, through September 23, 2010, are available on the City's website as follows: http://www.tustinca.org/weblink/browse.aspx E LN OAK ATTACHMENT B Building Permits Summary MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT JANUARY 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD VALUATION $0 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE VALUATION $800,000 NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 $0 PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 0 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED CONDOITOWNHOMES 0 0 $0 0 0 0 DUPLEX 0 0 $0 0 0 0 THREE-FOUR UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 FIVE OR MORE UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 TOTAL FAMILY UNITS 0 0 $0 D 0 $0 NEW RESIDENTIAL GROUP PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 1 VALUATION $800,000 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS HOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $D MOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 GROUP QUARTERS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 TOTAL NON -FAMILY 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 NEW NON-RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 1 VALUATION $800,000 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS 0 $0 0 $0 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS 0 $0 0 $0 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 0 $0 0 $0 AUTO SERVICE & REPAIR 0 $0 0 $0 HOSPITALS & INSTITUTIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 OFFICE, BANK, & PROFESSIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 SCHOOLS & EDUCATIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 COMMERCIAL RETAIL SALES 0 $0 1 $363,496 OTHER -PUBLIC PARKING 0 $0 0 $0 STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BLDGS 0 $0 0 $0 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 0 $0 2 $1,163,496 RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONSIALTERATIONS PERMITS 22 VALUATION $124,782 PERMITS 116 VALUATION $1,457,654 ROOM ADDITIONS/REMODELS RESIDENTIAL GARAGES 0 $0 1 $50,000 PATIO COVERS 5 $33,613 32 $392,111 SWIMMING POOLS &SPAS 0 $0 10 $335,372 OTHER 8 $154,550 163 $1,252,407 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL 35 $312,945 322 $3,487,543 NON RESIDENTIAL ADDN/ALTERATIONS PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 1 VALUATION $500,000 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS 3 $269,918 18 $1,497,604 OFFICE & PROFESSIONAL BLDGS 1 $20,000 15 $2,250,543 OTHER 10 $198,446 71 $1,322,267 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 14 $488,364 105 $5,570,414 TOTAL MONTH AND YEAR TO DATE 49 $801,309 429 0 $10,221,453 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 52 $4,702,601 576 79 $28,189,618 Page 1 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT JANUARY 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD $4,002 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE - (2606) PERMITS. INSPECTIONS. & FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES BUILDING - (ACCT 3440) 49 1,192 $11,350 431 10,183 $109,901 ELECTRICAL -(3440) 5 18 $2,068 41 184 $16,348 PLUMBING - (3440) 22 29 $3,555 127 213 $19,385 MECHANICAL - (3440) 6 11 $927 49 119 $9,863 GRADING - (3440) 0 10 $0 6 635 $2,543 SIGN - (3440) 3 4 $328 29 58 $2,532 BUILD -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $537 N/A N/A $11,993 ELECT -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $179 NIA N/A $2,002 PLUMB -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $125 N/A N/A $1,698 MECH-EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A NIA $170 N/A N/A $1,047 GRADING -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $0 N/A N/A $0 SIGN -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $0 N/A N/A $116 FIRE DEPT ADMIN FEES - (4464) NIA N/A $537 NIA N/A $6,258 MICROFILM - (4793) NIA N/A $485 NIA N/A $4,209 PLAN CHECK - (3444) N/A N/A $14,063 N/A N/A $75,273 EAST TUSTIN PIC - (3337) N/A N/A $768 N/A N/A $11,424 NEW DEVMNT TAX - (3334) NIA NIA $0 NIA N/A $3,417 BLDG STANDARDS ADM SPEC FUND CITY FEE (4768 N/A N/A $6 N/A WA $51 WATER QUALITY INSP (FROM BELOW) N/A 0 N/A N/A 124 N/A TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 85 1,264 $35,098 683 11,516 $278,061 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 83 1,869 $88,203 850 17,822 $601,236 OTHER FEES FIRE DEPT P/C (2629) $4,002 $41,071 BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE - (2606) $55 $458 SEISMIC (2605) $138 $1,828 POOLS/SPAS/OTHER BONDS (2604) $3.000 $138,300 TSIP (2625, 2626 & 2627) $0 $35,331 PLANNING P/C FEE (3343) $2,734 $13,789 PLANNING P/C FEE E. TUSTIN (3341) $154 $2.217 PLANNING INSP FEE (3344) $1,727 $15,445 PLANNING INSP FEE E. TUSTIN (3342) $103 $2,115 WATER QUALITY INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS CONSTRUCTION SITES (START 04/02) 0 124 INDUSTRIAL SITES (START 11/03) 0 0 COMMERCIAL SITES 0 0 TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 0 124 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 23 95 MAJOR PERMIT ACTIVITY> $100.000 ADDRESS 2833 PARK AVE DEVELOPER/CONTR VALUATION $197,600 RDA AREA PROJECT TI LEHRBASS CONSTRUC LEGACY EN Y HUA rl BUILDING OFFICIAL Page 2 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT FEBRUARY 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD VALUATION $0 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE VALUATION $800,000 NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 $0 PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 0 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED CONDO/TOWNHOMES 0 0 $0 0 0 0 DUPLEX 0 0 $0 0 0 0 THREE-FOUR UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 FIVE OR MORE UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 TOTAL FAMILY UNITS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 NEW RESIDENTIAL GROUP PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 1 VALUATION $800,000 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS HOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 MOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 GROUP QUARTERS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 TOTAL NON -FAMILY 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 NEW NON-RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 1 VALUATION $800,000 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS 0 $0 0 $0 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS 0 $0 0 $0 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 0 $0 0 $0 AUTO SERVICE & REPAIR 0 $0 0 $0 HOSPITALS & INSTITUTIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 OFFICE, BANK, & PROFESSIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 SCHOOLS & EDUCATIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 COMMERCIAL RETAIL SALES 0 $0 1 $363,496 OTHER -PUBLIC PARKING 0 $0 0 $0 STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BLDGS 0 $0 0 $0 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 0 $0 2 $1,163,496 RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONSIALTERATIONS PERMITS 12 VALUATION $58,435 PERMITS 128 VALUATION $1,516,089 ROOM ADDITIONSIREMODELS RESIDENTIAL GARAGES 0 $0 1 $50,000 PATIO COVERS 1 $3,500 33 $395,611 SWIMMING POOLS & SPAS 2 $75,000 12 $410,372 OTHER 10 $67,350 173 $1,319,757 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL 25 $204,285 347 $3,691,828 NON RESIDENTIAL ADDN/ALTERATIONS PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 1- VALUATION $500,000 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS 5 $591,709 23 $2,089,314 OFFICE & PROFESSIONAL BLDGS 0 $0 15 $2,250,543 OTHER 17 $307,350 88 $1,629,617 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 22 $899,059 127 $6,469,473 Page 1 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT FEBRUARY 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD $6,681 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE .(2606) PERMITS. INSPECTIONS, & FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES BUILDING - (ACCT 3440) 47 904 $20,765 478 11,087 $130,666 ELECTRICAL -(3440) 3 26 $1,777 44 210 $18,125 PLUMBING -(3440) 11 19 $1,704 138 232 $21,089 MECHANICAL -(3440) 9 23 $909 58 142 $10,772 GRADING - (3440) 0 12 $0 6 647 $2,543 SIGN -(3440) 5 13 $405 34 71 $2,937 BUILD -EAST TUSTIN-(3336) NIA N/A $169 NIA N/A $12,161 ELECT -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A NIA $1 N/A N/A $2,003 PLUMB -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $44 NIA N/A $1,742 MECH-EAST TUSTIN - (3336) NIA N/A $105 N/A N/A $1,153 GRADING -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) NIA N/A $0 N/A NIA $0 SIGN -EAST TUSTIN-(3336) N/A NIA $0 N/A N/A $116 FIRE DEPT ADMIN FEES - (4464) N/A WA $968 N/A N/A $7,226 MICROFILM -(4793) N/A NIA $554 N/A N/A $4,763 PLAN CHECK -(3444) NIA NIA $11,281 WA N/A $86,554 EAST TUSTIN PIC - (3337) N/A N/A $1,095 N/A N/A $12,519 NEW DEVMNT TAX - (3334) NIA N/A $0 N/A N/A $3,417 BLDG STANDARDS ADM SPEC FUND CITY FEE - (4768 N/A N/A $6 N/A N/A $57 WATER QUALITY INSP (FROM BELOW) N/A 0 N/A N/A 124 NIA TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 75 997 $39,783 758 12,513 $317,844 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 91 1,636 $28,281 941 19,458 $629,517 OTHER FEES FIRE DEPT PIC (2629) $6,681 $47,752 BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE .(2606) $55 $513 SEISMIC (2605) $221 $2,050 POOLS/SPAS/OTHER BONDS (2604) $15,000 $153,300 TSIP (2625, 2626 & 2627) $0 $35,331 PLANNING PIC FEE (3343) $2,223 $16,012 PLANNING PIC FEE E. TUSTIN (3341) $219 $2,436 PLANNING INSP FEE (3344) $2,264 $17,709 PLANNING INSP FEE E. TUSTIN (3342) $27 $2,142 WATER QUALITY INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS CONSTRUCTION SITES (START 04/02) 0 124 INDUSTRIAL SITES (START 11/03) 0 0 COMMERCIAL SITES 0 0 TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 0 124 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 22 117 MAJOR PERMIT ACTIVITY > $100,000 ADDRESS 1140 IRVINE 191 E MAIN ST DEVELOPER/CONTR VALUATION $350,000 $120.000 RDA AREA PROJECT T.I.. CAFE RIO T.I. FREE SOUL CAFE TRIPLE ONE CONST. OLD TOWN Y, ENRY HUAN BUILDING OFFICIAL Page 2 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT MARCH 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD VALUATION $0 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE VALUATION $800,000 NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 $0 PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 0 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED CONDO/TOWNHOMES 0 0 $0 0 0 0 DUPLEX 0 0 $0 0 0 0 THREE-FOUR UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 FIVE OR MORE UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 TOTAL FAMILY UNITS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 NEW RESIDENTIAL GROUP PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 1 VALUATION $800,000 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS HOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 MOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 GROUP QUARTERS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 TOTAL NON -FAMILY 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 NEW NON-RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 1 VALUATION $800,000 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS 0 $0 0 $0 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS 0 $0 0 $0 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 0 $0 0 $0 AUTO SERVICE & REPAIR 0 $0 0 $0 HOSPITALS & INSTITUTIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 OFFICE, BANK, & PROFESSIONAL 1 $480,000 1 $480,000 SCHOOLS & EDUCATIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 COMMERCIAL RETAIL SALES 0 $0 1 $363,496 OTHER -PUBLIC PARKING 0 $0 0 $0 STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BLDGS $0 0 $0 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 1 $480,000 3 $1,643,496 RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONSIALTERATIONS PERMITS 21 VALUATION $263,045 PERMITS 149 VALUATION $1,779,134 ROOM ADDITIONS/REMODELS RESIDENTIAL GARAGES 1 $26,520 2 $76,520 PATIO COVERS 3 $33,575 36 $429,186 SWIMMING POOLS & SPAS 2 $63,500 14 $473,872 OTHER 19 $123,075 192 $1,442,832 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL 46 $509,715 393 $4,201,544 NON RESIDENTIAL ADDNIALTERATIONS PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 1 VALUATION $500,000 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS 2 $1,553,883 25 $3,643,197 OFFICE & PROFESSIONAL SLOGS 1 $110,000 16 $2,360,543 OTHER 13 $610,985 101 $2,240,602 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 16 $2,274,868 143 $8,744,341 TOTAL MONTH AND YEAR TO DATE 63 $3,264,583 539 0 $14,589,381 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 78 $3,050,212 705 93 $31,932,471 Page 1 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT MARCH 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD $9,046 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE - (2606) PERMITS. INSPECTIONS & FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES BUILDING - (ACCT 3440) 63 713 $13,645 541 11,800 $144,311 ELECTRICAL -(3440) 7 16 $2,175 51 226 $20,300 PLUMBING - (3440) 15 25 $2,793 153 257 $23,882 MECHANICAL -(3440) 5 33 $675 63 175 $11,447 GRADING - (3440) 1 5 $348 7 652 $2,891 SIGN - (3440) 7 15 $415 41 86 $3,352 BUILD -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $13,830 N/A N/A $25,991 ELECT -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $1,348 N/A N/A $3,351 PLUMB -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A NIA $589 N/A NIA $2,331 MECH-EAST TUSTIN-(3336) N/A N/A $471 N/A N/A $1,624 GRADING -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $0 N/A N/A $0 SIGN -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) WA N/A $195 N/A NIA $312 FIRE DEPT ADMIN FEES - (4464) NIA WA $1,355 N/A N/A $8,581 MICROFILM - (4793) N/A N/A $1,630 N/A WA $6,392 PLAN CHECK- (3444) N/A N/A $7,465 NIA N/A $94,019 EAST TUSTIN P/C -(3337) N/A N/A $5,649 N/A N/A $18,168 NEW DEVIANT TAX -(3334) N/A NIA $817 WA N/A $4,234 BLDG STANDARDS AOM SPEC FUND CITY FEE -(4768 N/A NIA $14 N/A N/A $71 WATER QUALITY INSP (FROM BELOW) N/A 0 N/A N/A 124 N/A TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 98 807 $53,415 856 13,320 $371,258 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 107 1,953 $67,994 1,048 21,411 $697,511 OTHER FEES FIRE DEPT P/C (2629) $9,046 $56,798 BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE - (2606) $129 $642 SEISMIC (2605) $641 $2,691 POOLS/SPAS/OTHER BONDS (2604) $34,000 $187,300 TSIP (2625, 2626 & 2627) $0 $35,331 PLANNING P/C FEE (3343) $2,204 $18,216 PLANNING P/C FEE E. TUSTIN (3341) $1,130 $3,566 PLANNING INSP FEE (3344) $1,971 $19,680 PLANNING INSP FEE E. TUSTIN (3342) $2,706 $4,848 WATER QUALITY INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS CONSTRUCTION SITES (START 04/02) 0 124 INDUSTRIAL SITES (START 11/03) 0 0 COMMERCIAL SITES 0 0 TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 0 124 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 18 135 MAJOR PERMIT ACTIVITY> $100,000 ADDRESS DEVELOPER/CONTR VALUATION RDA AREA PROJECT EVERS CONSTRUCTIO1 OLD TOWN TI -DENTAL OFFICE 500 S C ST $110,000 TI -OLD NAVY 2899 EL CAMINO REAL ICE BUILDERS INC $553,883 TI -HENRY'S MARKET 3011 EL CAMINO REAL AGI GENERAL $1,000,000 NEW SHELL BLDG 740 EL CAMINO REAL NATHU DEVELOPMENT $480,000 OLD TOWN HENRY HUA f5, BUILDING OFFICIAL Page 2 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT APRIL 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD VALUATION $0 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE VALUATION $800,000 NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 $0 PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 0 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED CONDO/TOWNHOMES 0 0 $0 0 0 0 DUPLEX 0 0 $0 0 0 0 THREE-FOUR UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 FIVE OR MORE UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 TOTAL FAMILY UNITS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 NEW RESIDENTIAL GROUP PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 1 VALUATION $800,000 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS HOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 MOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 GROUP QUARTERS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 TOTAL NON -FAMILY 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 NEW NON-RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 1 VALUATION $800,000 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS 0 $0 0 $0 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS 0 $0 0 $0 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 0 $0 0 $0 AUTO SERVICE & REPAIR 0 $0 0 $0 HOSPITALS & INSTITUTIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 OFFICE, BANK, & PROFESSIONAL 0 $0 1 $480,000 SCHOOLS & EDUCATIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 COMMERCIAL RETAIL SALES 0 $0 1 $363,496 OTHER -PUBLIC PARKING 0 $0 0 $0 STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BLDGS 0 $0 0 $0 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 0 $0 3 $1,643,496 RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONS/ALTERATIONS PERMITS 11 VALUATION $25,475 PERMITS 160 VALUATION $1,804,609 ROOM ADDITIONS/REMODELS RESIDENTIAL GARAGES 0 $0 2 $76,520 PATIO COVERS 1 $25,000 37 $454,186 SWIMMING POOLS & SPAS 2 $10,000 16 $483,872 OTHER 12 $46,000 204 $1,488,832 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL 26 $106,475 419 $4,308,019 NON RESIDENTIAL ADDN/ALTERATIONS PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 1 VALUATION $500,000 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS 3 $251,500 28 $3,894,697 OFFICE & PROFESSIONAL BLDGS 1 $150,000 17 $2,510,543 OTHER 10 $30,000 111 $2,270,602 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 14 $431,500 157 $9,175,841 TOTAL MONTH AND YEAR TO DATE 40 $537,975 579 0 $15,127,356 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 76 $7,668,9081 1,382 112 $48,165,394 Page 1 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT APRIL 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD $6,014 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE - (2606) PERMITS. INSPECTIONS. & FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES BUILDING - (ACCT 3440) 39 698 $6,198 580 12,498 $150,509 ELECTRICAL -(3440) 5 38 $1,018 56 264 $21,318 PLUMBING -(3440) 21 37 $1,745 174 294 $25,628 MECHANICAL -(3440) 7 25 $453 70 200 $11,901 GRADING - (3440) 0 23 $0 7 675 $2,891 SIGN -(3440) 11 9 $852 52 95 $4,204 BUILD -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $3,538 N/A NIA $29,528 ELECT -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) NIA N/A $381 N/A N/A $3,733 PLUMB -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $360 N/A NIA $2,691 MECH-EAST TUSTIN - (3336) NIA N/A $154 N/A N/A $1,778 GRADING -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $0 NIA N/A $0 SIGN -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $244 N/A N/A $556 FIRE DEPT ADMIN FEES - (4464) N/A NIA $872 N/A N/A $9,453 MICROFILM - (4793) N/A N/A $502 NIA N/A $6,895 PLAN CHECK - (3444) N/A N/A $5,071 NIA N/A $99,090 EAST TUSTIN P/C - (3337) N/A N/A $3,872 N/A N/A $22,040 NEW DEVMNT TAX - (3334) N/A N/A $0 N/A N/A $4,234 BLDG STANDARDS ADM SPEC FUND CITY FEE - (4768 N/A NIA $4 N/A N/A $75 WATER QUALITY INSP (FROM BELOW) N/A 0 N/A N/A 124 N/A TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 83 830 $25,265 939 14,150 $396,523 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 120 2,002 $55,766 1,168 23,413 $753,277 OTHER FEES FIRE DEPT P/C (2629) $6,014 $62,812 BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE - (2606) $34 $676 SEISMIC (2605) $128 $2,819 POOLS/SPAS/OTHER BONDS (2604) $11,500 $198,800 TS IP (2625, 2626 & 2627) $0 $35,331 PLANNING P/C FEE (3343) $980 $19,196 PLANNING P/C FEE E. TUSTIN (3341) $774 $4,340 PLANNING INSP FEE (3344) $700 $20,381 PLANNING INSP FEE E. TUSTIN (3342) $5801. $5,428 WATER QUALITY INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS CONSTRUCTION SITES (START 04/02) 0 124 INDUSTRIAL SITES (START 11/03) 0 0 COMMERCIAL SITES 0 0 TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 0 124 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 13 148 MAJOR PERMIT ACTIVITY > $100.000 ADDRESS 1432 Edinger #240 2 Auto Center Dr DEVELOPER/CONTR VALUATION $150,000 $250,000 RDA AREA PROJECT office U. showroom t.i. Thorpe Construction Monarch Construction Y�ENRY HUANG UILDING OFFICIAL Page 2 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT MAY 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD VALUATION $0 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE VALUATION $800,000 NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 $0 PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 0 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED CONDO/TOWNHOMES 0 0 $0 0 0 0 DUPLEX 0 0 $0 0 0 0 THREE-FOUR UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 FIVE OR MORE UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 TOTAL FAMILY UNITS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 NEW RESIDENTIAL GROUP PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 1 VALUATION $800,000 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS HOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 MOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 GROUP QUARTERS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 TOTAL NON -FAMILY 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 NEW NON-RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 1 VALUATION $800,000 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS 0 $0 0 $0 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS 0 $0 0 $0 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 0 $0 0 $0 AUTO SERVICE & REPAIR 0 $0 0 $0 HOSPITALS & INSTITUTIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 OFFICE, BANK, & PROFESSIONAL 0 $0 1 $480,000 SCHOOLS & EDUCATIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 COMMERCIAL RETAIL SALES 0 $0 1 $363,496 OTHER -PUBLIC PARKING 0 $0 0 $0 STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BLDGS 0 $0 0 $0 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 0 $0 3 $1,643,496 RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONS/ALTERATIONS PERMITS 12 VALUATION $120,666 PERMITS 172 VALUATION $1,925,275 ROOM ADDITIONS/REMODELS RESIDENTIAL GARAGES 2 $34,740 4 $111,266 PATIO COVERS 2 $1,321 39 $455,507 SWIMMING POOLS & SPAS 1 $35,000 17 $518,872 OTHER 20 $145,018 224 $1,633,850 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL 37 $336,751 456 $4,644,770 NON RESIDENTIAL ADDN/ALTERATIONS PERMITS VALUATION 0 $0 PERMITS VALUATION 1 $500,000 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS 1 $875,000 29 $4,769,697 OFFICE & PROFESSIONAL BLDGS 1 $82,725 18 $2,593,268 OTHER 10 $1,046,000 121 $3,316,602 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 12 $2,003,725 169 $11,179,566 TOTAL MONTH AND YEAR TO DATE 49 $2,340,476 628 0 $17,467,832 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 1 69 $5,974,724 850 120 $42,785,913 Page 1 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT MAY 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD $5,140 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE -(2606) PERMITS. INSPECTIONS, & FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES BUILDING - (ACCT 3440) 49 769 $17,758 629 13,267 $168.,267 ELECTRICAL -(3440) 3 22 $3,162 59 286 $24,480 PLUMBING - (3440) 24 14 $2,810 198 308 $28,438 MECHANICAL - (3440) 6 21 $932 76 221 $12,832 GRADING - (3440) 0 2 $0 7 677 $2,891 SIGN - (3440) 2 11 $213 54 106 $4,417 BUILD -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $2,806 WA N/A $32,335 ELECT -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $288 N/A N/A $4,021 PLUMB -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $141 NIA N/A $2,832 MECH-EAST TUSTIN - (3336) NIA WA $348 N/A NIA $2,126 GRADING -EAST TUSTIN-(3336) N/A N/A $0 N/A N/A $0 SIGN -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A NIA $0 N/A N/A $556 FIRE DEPT ADMIN FEES - (4464) N/A WA $961 NIA N/A $10,414 MICROFILM - (4793) N/A N/A $721 N/A N/A $7,615 PLAN CHECK -(3444) NIA N/A $5,842 WA N/A $104,931 EAST TUSTIN PIC - (3337) N/A N/A $3,087 N/A N/A $25,127 NEW DEVMNT TAX -(3334) N/A N/A $0 N/A WA $4,234 BLDG STANDARDS ADM SPEC FUND CITY FEE -(4766 N/A N/A $12 N/A WA $87 WATER QUALITY INSP (FROM BELOW) N/A 0 N/A N/A 124 NIA TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 84 839 $39,080 1,023 14,989 $435,604 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 100 1,461 $110,159 1,268 24,874 $863,436 OTHER FEES FIRE DEPT PIC (2629) $5,140 $67,952 BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE -(2606) $105 $781 SEISMIC (2605) $468 $3,287 POOLS/SPAS/OTHER BONDS (2604) $3,000 $201,800 TSIP (2625, 2626 & 2627) $0 $35,331 PLANNING PIC FEE (3343) $1,151 $20,348 PLANNING PIC FEE E. TUSTIN (3341) $617 $4,958 PLANNING INSP FEE (3344) $2,706 $23,087 PLANNING INSP FEE E. TUSTIN (3342) $372 $5,800 WATER QUALITY INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS CONSTRUCTION SITES (START 04/02) 0 124 INDUSTRIAL SITES (START 11/03) 0 0 COMMERCIAL SITES 0 0 TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 0 124 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 12 160 MAJOR PERMIT ACTIVITY > $100,000 ADDRESS 2700 PARK 2300 PARK DEVELOPER/CONTR VALUATION $875,000 RDA AREA PROJECT INSTALL PHOTOVOTAIC (COSTCO) T.I. (TARGET) PERMACITY SOLAR INC$850,000 THE WHITING -TURNER LEGACY LEGACY YHENRY HUANG, ILDING OFFICIAL Page 2 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT JUNE 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD VALUATION $0 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE VALUATION $800,000 NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 $0 PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 0 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED CONDO/TOWNHOMES 0 0 $0 0 0 0 DUPLEX 0 0 $0 0 0 0 THREE-FOUR UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 FIVE OR MORE UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 TOTAL FAMILY UNITS 0 0 $D D 0 $0 NEW RESIDENTIAL GROUP PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 1 VALUATION $800,000 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS HOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 MOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 GROUP QUARTERS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 TOTAL NON -FAMILY 0 D $0 0 0 $0 NEW NON-RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 1 VALUATION $800,000 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS 0 $0 0 $0 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS 0 $0 0 $0 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 0 $0 0 $0 AUTO SERVICE & REPAIR 0 $0 0 $0 HOSPITALS & INSTITUTIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 OFFICE, BANK, & PROFESSIONAL 0 $0 1 $480,000 SCHOOLS & EDUCATIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 COMMERCIAL RETAIL SALES 0 $0 1 $363,496 OTHER -PUBLIC PARKING 0 $0 0 $0 STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BLDGS 0 $0 0 $0 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 0 $0 3 $1,643,496 RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONS/ALTERATIONS PERMITS 12 VALUATION $163,151 PERMITS 184 VALUATION $2,088,427 ROOM ADDITIONS/REMODELS RESIDENTIAL GARAGES 1 $30,000 5 $141,266 PATIO COVERS 3 $22,254 42 $477,761 SWIMMING POOLS & SPAS 1 $1,258 18 $520,130 OTHER 26 $121,700 250 $1,755,550 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL 43 $338,364 499 $4,983,134 NON RESIDENTIAL ADDN/ALTERATIONS PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 1 VALUATION $500,000 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS 4 $854,274 33 $5,623,970 OFFICE & PROFESSIONAL BLDGS 1 $150,000 19 $2,743,268 OTHER 16 $160,870 137 $3,477,472 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 21 $1,165,144 190 $12,344,710 Page 1 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT JUNE 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD $9,723 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE .(2606) PERMITS. INSPECTIONS. & FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES BUILDING - (ACCT 3440) 64 927 $15,147 693 14,194 $183,415 ELECTRICAL -(3440) 5 11 $1,463 64 297 $25,943 PLUMBING -(3440) 14 24 $1,794 212 332 $30,232 MECHANICAL -(3440) 3 24 $770 79 245 $13,603 GRADING - (3440) 0 16 $0 7 693 $2,891 SIGN - (3440) 8 8 $787 62 114 $5,205 BUILD -EAST TUSTIN-(3336) N/A N/A $7,224 N/A N/A $39,559 ELECT -EAST TUSTIN-(3336) N/A NIA $1,486 N/A N/A $5,506 PLUMB -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) NIA NIA $513 N/A N/A $3,344 MECH-EAST TUSTIN-(3336) NIA NIA $1,331 N/A N/A $3,457 GRADING -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $0 N/A NIA $0 SIGN -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) NIA N/A $35 N/A N/A $591 FIRE DEPT ADMIN FEES - (4464) N/A N/A $1,388 N/A N/A $11,802 MICROFILM - (4793) N/A N/A $800 N/A N/A $8,415 PLAN CHECK -(3444) N/A N/A $10,384 N/A N/A $115,316 EAST TUSTIN PIC - (3337) N/A N/A $3,197 N/A NIA $28,324 NEW DEVMNT TAX -(3334) NIA N/A $0 N/A WA $4,234 BLDG STANDARDS ADM SPEC FUND CIN FEE -14768 N/A NIA $9 NIA NIA $96 WATER QUALITY INSP (FROM BELOW) N/A 0 NIA N/A 124 NIA TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 94 1,010 $46,329 1,117 15,999 5481,933 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 112 2,088 $70,070 1,380 26,962 $933,506 OTHER FEES FIRE DEPT PIC (2629) $9,723 $77,675 BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE .(2606) $60 $861 SEISMIC (2605) $296 $3,583 POOLS/SPAS/OTHER BONDS (2604) $50,000 $251,800 TSIP (2625, 2626 & 2627) $0 $35,331 PLANNING PIC FEE (3343) $1,995 $22,342 PLANNING PIC FEE E. TUSTIN (3341) $589 $5,547 PLANNING INSP FEE (3344) $1,391 $24,478 PLANNING INSP FEE E. TUSTIN (3342) $1,307 $7,107 WATER QUALITY INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS CONSTRUCTION SITES (START 04/02) 0 124 INDUSTRIAL SITES (START 11/03) 0 0 COMMERCIAL SITES 0 0 TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 0 124 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 11 171 MAJOR PERMIT ACTIVITY > $100,000 ADDRESS DEVELOPERICONTR RDA AREA PROJECT J M C CONCEPTS000 OFFICE T. 1. 111 FASHION T. I. (LOFT) 3005 EL CAMINO REAL EMBREE CONSTR000 L$$5005 T.I. (DICK'S) 2771 EL CAMINO REAL T D FARRELL CONSTR000 Y, ENRY HUANG, B DING OFFICIAL Page 2 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT JULY 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD VALUATION $0 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE VALUATION $0 NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 $0 PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 $0 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED CONDO/TOWNHOMES 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 DUPLEX 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 THREE-FOUR UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 FIVE OR MORE UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 TOTAL FAMILY UNITS 0 0 $0 D 0 $0 NEW RESIDENTIAL GROUP PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS HOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 MOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 GROUP QUARTERS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 TOTAL NON -FAMILY 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 NEW NON-RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS 0 $0 0 $0 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS 0 $0 0 $0 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 0 $0 0 $0 AUTO SERVICE & REPAIR 0 $0 0 $0 HOSPITALS & INSTITUTIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 OFFICE, BANK, & PROFESSIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 SCHOOLS & EDUCATIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 COMMERCIAL RETAIL SALES 1 $820,000 1 $820,000 OTHER -PUBLIC PARKING 0 $0 0 $0 STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BLDGS 0 $0 0 $0 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 1 $820,000 1 $820,000 RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONSfALTERATIONS PERMITS 12 VALUATIONEP $165,553 RMITS 12 VALUATION $165,553 ROOM ADDITIONS/REMODELS RESIDENTIAL GARAGES 1 $26,520 1 $26,520 PATIO COVERS 5 $37,270 5 $37,270 SWIMMING POOLS & SPAS 2 $65,500 2 $65,500 OTHER 22 $743,722 22 $743,722 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL 42 $1,038,565 42 $1,038,565 NON RESIDENTIAL ADDN/ALTERATIONS PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS 2 $345,623 2 $345,623 OFFICE & PROFESSIONAL BLDGS 2 $108,612 2 $108,612 OTHER 9 $642,500 9 $642,500 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 13 $1,096,735 13 $1,096,735 TOTAL MONTH AND YEAR TO DATE 56 $2,955,3001 561 0 $2,955,300 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 59 $3,365,lS41 59 0 $3,364,164 Page 1 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT JULY 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD $8,108 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE - (2606) PERMITS. INSPECTIONS & FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES BUILDING - (ACCT 3440) 56 1,243 $20,184 56 1,243 $20,184 ELECTRICAL -(3440) 8 24 $2,395 8 24 $2,395 PLUMBING - (3440) 16 26 $2,886 16 26 $2,886 MECHANICAL -(3440) 4 14 $1,021 4 14 $1.021 GRADING -(3440) 2 7 $1,205 2 7 $1,205 SIGN - (3440) 5 2 $373 5 2 $373 BUILD -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) NIA N/A $5,586 NIA NIA $5,586 ELECT -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $535 NIA N/A $535 PLUMB -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A NIA $287 N/A N/A $287 MECH-EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $275 N/A N/A $275 GRADING -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $0 N/A N/A $0 SIGN -EAST TUSTIN-(3336) N/A N/A $278 N/A N/A $278 FIRE DEPT ADMIN FEES - (4464) NIA N/A $1,178 N/A NIA $1,178 MICROFILM -(4793) N/A N/A $1,045 N/A N/A $1,045 PLAN CHECK - (3444) N/A N/A $7,994 N/A NIA $7,994 EAST TUSTIN PIC - (3337) N/A N/A $5,380 N/A N/A $5,380 NEW DEVMNT TAX -(3334) N/A N/A $827 N/A N/A $827 BLDG STANDARDS ADM SPEC FUND CITY FEE - (4768 N/A N/A $14 N/A WA $14 WATER QUALITY INSP (FROM BELOW) N/A 0 N/A N/A 0 NIA TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 91 1,316 $51,465 91 1,316 $51,465 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 96 1,911 $44,752 96 1,911 $44,752 OTHER FEES FIRE DEPT PIC (2629) $8,108 $8,108 BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE - (2606) $127 $127 SEISMIC (2605) $511 $511 POOLS/SPAS/OTHER BONDS (2604) $6,000 $6,000 TSIP (2625, 2626 & 2627) $0 $0 PLANNING PIC FEE (3343) $1,353 $1,353 PLANNING PIC FEE E. TUSTIN (3341) $1,076 $1,076 PLANNING INSP FEE (3344) $3,439 $3,439 PLANNING INSP FEE E. TUSTIN (3342) $978 $978 WATER QUALITY INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS CONSTRUCTION SITES (START 04/02) 0 0 INDUSTRIAL SITES (START 11/03) 0 0 COMMERCIAL SITES 0 0 TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 0 0 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 17 17 MAJOR PERMIT ACTIVITY> $100,000 ADDRESS DEVELOPER/CONTR VALUATION RDA AREA PROJECT ORA AINSLEY PARK LL LEGACY private sewer lateral -Ainsley Park Tr 16582 $522,010 new Mixed-use 3 story bldg 170 EI Camino Real Old Town Tustin Properti $820,000 Ola Town T.I. Restaurant 611 EI Camino Real Bill Williams Constr $300,000 Old Town Y, NRY HUANG, rDING OFFICIAL Page 2 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT AUGUST 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD FISCAL YEAR TO DATE NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 UNITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 0 UNITS 0 VALUATION D SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED CONDO/TOWNHOMES 0 0 $0 0 0 0 DUPLEX 8 16 $2,835,936 8 16 2,835,936 THREE-FOUR UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 FIVE OR MORE UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 D 0 TOTAL FAMILY UNITS 8 16 $2,835,936 8 16 $2,835,936 NEW RESIDENTIAL GROUP PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS HOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 MOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 GROUP QUARTERS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 TOTAL NON -FAMILY 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 NEW NON-RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS 0 $0 0 $0 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS 0 $0 0 $0 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 0 $0 0 $0 AUTO SERVICE & REPAIR 0 $0 0 $0 HOSPITALS & INSTITUTIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 OFFICE, BANK, & PROFESSIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 SCHOOLS & EDUCATIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 COMMERCIAL RETAIL SALES 0 $0 1 $820,000 OTHER -PUBLIC PARKING 0 $0 0 $0 STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BLOCS 0 $0 0 $0 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 0 $0 1 $820,000 RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONWALTERATIONS PERMITS 14 VALUATION $224,015 PERMITS 26 VALUATION $389,568 ROOM ADDITIONS/REMODELS RESIDENTIAL GARAGES 0 $0 1 $26,520 PATIO COVERS 4 $32,726 9 $69,996 SWIMMING POOLS & SPAS 1 $20,000 3 $85,500 OTHER 30 $152,818 52 $896,540 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL 49 $429,559 91 $1,468,124 NON RESIDENTIAL ADDN/ALTERATIONS PERMITS 2 VALUATION $20,000 PERMITS 2 VALUATION $20,000 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS 4 $1,167,000 6 $1,512,623 OFFICE & PROFESSIONAL BLDGS 0 $0 2 $108,612 OTHER 12 $485,442 21 $1,127,942 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 18 $1,672,442 31 $2,769,177 TOTAL MONTH AND YEAR TO DATE 7,937 75 $4,93 131 16 $7,893,237 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 85 $1.600,0351 144 1 $4,965,199 Page 1 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT AUGUST 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD $12,831 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE - (2606) PERMITS. INSPECTIONS & FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES BUILDING - (ACCT 3440) 75 979 $28,562 131 2,222 $48,746 ELECTRICAL - (3440) 8 17 $7,991 16 41 $10,386 PLUMBING - (3440) 17 27 $5,760 33 53 $8,646 MECHANICAL -(3440) 6 14 $1,801 10 28 $2,822 GRADING -(3440) 1 7 $7,614 3 14 $8,819 SIGN -(3440) 5 2 $361 10 4 $734 BUILD -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $8,842 N/A N/A $14,428 ELECT -EAST TUSTIN-(3336) N/A N/A $927 N/A N/A $1,461 PLUMB -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $599 N/A N/A $886 MECH-EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N)A $242 N/A N/A $517 GRADING -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) NIA N/A $0 WA N/A $0 SIGN -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $35 N/A N/A $313 FIRE DEPT ADMIN FEES - (4464) N/A N/A - $1,860 WA N/A $3,039 MICROFILM - (4793) N/A N/A $1,861 N/A N/A $2,906 PLAN CHECK - (3444) N/A N/A $28,946 N/A WA $36,940 EAST TUSTIN P/C - (3337) N/A N/A $3,485 N/A N/A $8,866 NEW DEVMNT TAX -(3334) N/A N/A $5,600 N/A N/A $6,427 BLDG STANDARDS ADM SPEC FUND CITY FEE -(4760 N/A N/A $23 N/A N/A $37 WATER QUALITY INSP (FROM BELOW) N/A 0 N/A N/A 0 N/A TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 112 1,046 $104,508 203 2,362 $155,973 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 121 2,052 $46,270 217 3,963 $91,021 OTHER FEES FIRE DEPT P/C (2629) $12,831 $20,939 BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE - (2606) $210 $337 SEISMIC (2605) $694 $1,205 POOLS/SPAS/OTHER BONDS (2604) $6,000 $12,000 TSIP (2625, 2626 & 2627) $100,836 $100,836 PLANNING P/C FEE (3343) $4,855 $6,208 PLANNING P/C FEE E. TUSTIN (3341) $892 $1,968 PLANNING INSP FEE (3344) $6,627 $10,066 PLANNING INSP FEE E. TUSTIN (3342) $1, A $2,618 WATER QUALITY INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS CONSTRUCTION SITES (START 04/02) 0 0 INDUSTRIAL SITES (START 11/03) 0 0 COMMERCIAL SITES 0 0 TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 0 0 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 13 30 MAJOR PERMIT ACTIVITY> $100,000 ADDRESS DEVELOPER/CONTR VALUATION RDA AREA PROJECT ORA AINSLEY PARK LL LEGACY NEW DUPLEX 12 UNITS AINSLEY PK PH1 TRACT 16582 $2,126,952 NEW DUPLEX MODEL AINSLEY PARK (4 U TRACT 16582 ORA AINSLEY PARK LL $708,984 LEGACY TI -REI 33,600SQFT 2962 EL CAMINO REAL JACKSON DEAN CONS $867,000 TI -LITTLE CESAR PIZZA 14111 NEWPORT MIKE WEIGHTS PROPE $120,000 DEMO (BLACK ANGUS BLDG) 3030 EL CAMINO REAL CUESTA PROPERTIES $141,000 4-EkN-Re-YZHUILAN4'3(y4lI=L=ID)=IING OFFICIAL Page 2 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT SEPTEMBER 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD VALUATION $0 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 $0 PERMITS 0 UNITS 0 VALUATION 0 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED CONDOiTOWNHOMES 0 0 $0 0 0 0 DUPLEX 0 0 $0 8 16 2,835,936 THREE-FOUR UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 FIVE OR MORE UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 TOTAL FAMILY UNITS 0 0 $0 8 16 $2,835,936 NEW RESIDENTIAL GROUP PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS HOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 MOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 GROUP QUARTERS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 TOTAL NON -FAMILY 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 NEW NON-RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS 0 $0 0 $0 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS 0 $0 0 $0 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 0 $0 0 $0 AUTO SERVICE & REPAIR 0 $0 0 $0 HOSPITALS & INSTITUTIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 OFFICE, BANK, & PROFESSIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 SCHOOLS & EDUCATIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 COMMERCIAL RETAIL SALES 0 $0 1 $820,000 OTHER -PUBLIC PARKING 0 $0 0 $0 STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BLDGS 0 $0 0 $0 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 0 $0 1 $820,000 RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONWALTERATIONS PERMITS 13 VALUATION $283,176 PERMITS 39 VALUATION $672,745 ROOM ADDITIONS/REMODELS RESIDENTIAL GARAGES 0 $0 1 $26,520 PATIO COVERS 3 $23,960 12 $93,955 SWIMMING POOLS & SPAS 0 $0 3 $85,500 OTHER 21 $218,754 73 $1,115,294 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL 37 $525,890 128 $1,994,014 NON RESIDENTIAL ADDN/ALTERATIONS PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 2 VALUATION $20,000 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS 3 $145,008 9 $1,657,631 OFFICE & PROFESSIONAL BLDGS 4 $469,317 6 $577,929 OTHER 18 $758,723 39 $1.886,665 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 25 $1,373,048 56 $4,142,225 TOTAL MONTH AND YEAR TO DATE 62 $1,898,938 193 16 $9,792,175 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 67 $1,936.9011 211 7 $6,902,100 Page 1 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT SEPTEMBER 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD $5,342 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE - (2606) PERMITS. INSPECTIONS. & FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES BUILDING - (ACCT 3440) 62 743 $14,263 193 2,965 $63,009 ELECTRICAL - (3440) 3 13 $1,494 19 54 $11,880 PLUMBING - (3440) 15 18 $2,037 48 71 $10,683 MECHANICAL -(3440) 3 5 $715 13 33 $3,537 GRADING - (3440) 0 3 $0 3 17 $8,819 SIGN -(3440) 8 10 $805 18 14 $1,539 BUILD -EAST TUSTIN-(3336) N/A N/A $4,146 N/A N/A $18,574 ELECT -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $581 N/A N/A $2,042 PLUMB -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $392 N/A N/A $1,278 MECH-EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $185 N/A N/A $702 GRADING -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $0 N/A N/A $0 SIGN -EAST TUSTIN-(3336) N/A N/A $83 N/A N/A $396 FIRE DEPT ADMIN FEES - (4464) N/A N/A $775 N/A N/A $3,813 MICROFILM - (4795) N/A N/A $639 N/A N/A $3,545 PLAN CHECK - (3444) N/A N/A $6,278 N/A N/A $43,217 EAST TUSTIN P/C - (3337) N/A N/A $2,888 N/A N/A $11,753 NEW DEVMNT TAX -(3334) N/A N/A $0 N/A N/A $6,427 BLDG STANDARDS ADM SPEC FUND CITY FEE - (4766 N/A N/A $9 N/A N/A $46 WATER QUALITY INSP (FROM BELOW) N/A 0 N/A N/A 0 N/A TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 91 792 $35,289 294 3,154 $191,262 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 111 1,781 $44,234 328 5,744 $135,258 OTHER FEES FIRE DEPT P/C (2629) $5,342 $26,281 BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE - (2606) $79 $4-16 SEISMIC (2605) $293 $1,498 POOLS/SPAS/OTHER BONDS (2604) $417,151 $429,151 TSIP (2625, 2626 & 2627) $0 $100,836 PLANNING P/C FEE (3343) $1,131 $7,339 PLANNING P/C FEE E. TUSTIN (3341) $578 $2,546 PLANNING INSP FEE (3344) $1,687 $11,753 PLANNING INSP FEE E. TUSTIN (3342) $769 $3,387 WATER QUALITY INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS CONSTRUCTION SITES (START 04/02) 0 0 INDUSTRIAL SITES (START 11/03) 0 0 COMMERCIAL SITES 0 0 TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 0 0 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 19 49 MAJOR PERMIT ACTIVITY> $100,000 ADDRESS DEVELOPER/CONTR VALUATION RDA AREA PROJECT owner office T. 1. 14211 yorba $140,000 office T.I. 1452 edinger rj daum construction $100,000 add 860-sqR addition 10147 albee me causland constr $150,000 Y HENRY HUANG,@UILDING OFFICIAL Page 2 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT OCTOBER 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD VALUATION FISCAL YEAR TO DATE VALUATION NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 $0 PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 0 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED CONDO/TOWNHOMES 0 0 $0 0 0 0 DUPLEX 0 0 $0 0 0 0 THREE-FOUR UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 FIVE OR MORE UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 TOTAL FAMILY UNITS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 NEW RESIDENTIAL GROUP PERMITS VALUATION PERMITS VALUATION AMUSEMENT & RECREATION 0 HOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 MOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 GROUP QUARTERS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 TOTAL NON -FAMILY 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 NEW NON-RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS VALUATION PERMITS VALUATION AMUSEMENT & RECREATION 0 $0 0 $0 CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS 0 $0 0 $0 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS 0 $0 0 $0 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 0 $0 0 $0 AUTO SERVICE & REPAIR 0 $0 0 $0 HOSPITALS & INSTITUTIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 OFFICE, BANK, & PROFESSIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 SCHOOLS & EDUCATIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 COMMERCIAL RETAIL SALES 0 $0 1 $820,000 OTHER -PUBLIC PARKING 0 $0 0 $0 STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BLDGS 1 $0 1 $0 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 1 $0 2 $820,000 RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONS/ALTERATIONS PERMITS 14 VALUATION $224,323 PERMITS 53 VALUATION $897,066 ROOM ADDITIONS/REMODELS RESIDENTIAL GARAGES 0 $0 1 $26,520 PATIO COVERS 2 $105,000 14 $198,955 SWIMMING POOLS & SPAS 0 $0 3 $85,500 OTHER 14 $219,978 87 $1,335,272 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL 30 $549,301 158 $2,543,315 NON RESIDENTIAL ADDN/ALTERATIONS PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 2 VALUATION $20,000 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS 6 $608,383 15 $2,266,014 OFFICE & PROFESSIONAL BLDGS 2 $250,000 8 $827,929 OTHER 12 $11,967 51 $1,898,632 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 20 $870,350 76 $5,012,575 TOTAL MONTH AND YEAR TO DATE 51 $1,419,651 236 0 $8,375,890 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 1 61 $1,153,5261 271 6 $7,965,626 Page 1 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT OCTOBER 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD $8,739 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE (2606) PERMITS. INSPECTIONS. & FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES BUILDING - (ACCT 3440) 51 571 $15,634 244 3,536 $78,643 ELECTRICAL -(3440) 6 18 $2,188 25 72 $14,068 PLUMBING - (3440) 26 25 $3,247 74 96 $13,929 MECHANICAL -(3440) 7 15 $1,147 20 48 $4,684 GRADING - (3440) 0 1 $0 3 18 $8,819 SIGN -(3440) B 12 $616 26 26 $2,156 BUILD -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) NIA N/A $5,621 N/A N/A $24,196 ELECT -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A NIA $582 N/A N/A $2,625 PLUMB -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A NIA $501 N/A N/A $1,779 MECH-EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $264 N/A N/A $966 GRADING -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $0 N/A N/A $0 SIGN -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $0 N/A N/A $396 FIRE DEPT ADMIN FEES - (4464) N/A N/A $1,267 NIA N/A $5,081 MICROFILM - (4793) N/A NIA $974 NIA N/A $4,518 PLAN CHECK -(3444) N/A N/A $76,872 N/A N/A $120,089 EAST TUSTIN P/C - (3337) N/A N/A $3,635 NIA N/A $15,388 NEW DEVMNT TAX -(3334) N/A N/A $0 N/A N/A $6,427 BLDG STANDARDS ADM SPEC FUND CITY FEE - (4768 N/A NIA $9 N/A WA $55 WATER QUALITY INSP (FROM BELOW) N/A 0 N/A N/A 0 N/A TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 98 642 $112,558 392 3,796 $303,820 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 100 1,631 $40,629 428 7,375 $175,884 OTHER FEES FIRE DEPT PIC (2629) $8,739 $35,020 BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE (2606) $77 $492 SEISMIC (2605) $269 $1,767 POOLS/SPAS/OTHER BONDS (2604) $0 $429,151 TSIP (2625, 2626 & 2627) $0 $100,836 PLANNING PIC FEE (3343) $12,697 $20,036 PLANNING PIC FEE E. TUSTIN (3341) $727 $3,273 PLANNING INSP FEE (3344) $1,738 $13,491 PLANNING INSP FEE E. TUSTIN (3342) $676 $4,063 WATER QUALITY INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS CONSTRUCTION SITES (START 04/02) 0 0 INDUSTRIAL SITES (START 11/03) 0 0 COMMERCIAL SITES 0 0 TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 0 0 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 44 93 MAJOR PERMIT ACTIVITY> $100.000 ADDRESS DEVELOPER/CONTR VALUATION RDA AREA PROJECT NATHU DEVEL T.I. DENTAL OFFICE 740 EL CAMINO REAL $125,000 T.I. OFFICE SPACE 1422 EDINGER THORPE CONS $125,000 T.I. BANK OF INDIA 2827 PARK PANKOW SPECIAL $150,000 LEGACY T.I. LEVI'S 2801 EL CAMINO REAL WARWICK CONST $240,000 T.I. OFFICE SPACE 1311 VALENCIA PHILCO $144,551 Y, N Y HUANG UILDING OFFICIAL Page 2 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT NOVEMBER 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD VALUATION $0 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE VALUATION $0 NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 $0 PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 0 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED CONDO/TOWNHOMES 0 0 $0 0 0 0 DUPLEX 0 0 $0 0 0 0 THREE-FOUR UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 FIVE OR MORE UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 TOTAL FAMILY UNITS 0 a $0 0 0 $0 NEW RESIDENTIAL GROUP. PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS HOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 MOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 GROUP QUARTERS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 TOTAL NON -FAMILY 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 NEW NON-RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 AMUSEMENT & RECREATION CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS 0 $0 0 $0 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS 0 $0 0 $0 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 0 $0 0 $0 AUTO SERVICE & REPAIR 0 $0 0 $0 HOSPITALS & INSTITUTIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 OFFICE, BANK, & PROFESSIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 SCHOOLS & EDUCATIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 COMMERCIAL RETAIL SALES 1 $120,000 2 $940,000 OTHER -PUBLIC PARKING 0 $0 0 $0 STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BLDGS 0 $0 1 $0 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 1 $120,000 3 $940,000 RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONSIALTERATIONS PERMITS 3 VALUATION $114,500 PERMITS 56 VALUATION $1,011,568 ROOM ADDITIONS/REMODELS RESIDENTIAL GARAGES 0 $0 1 $26,520 PATIO COVERS 1 $4,222 15 $203,177 SWIMMING POOLS & SPAS 0 $0 3 $85,500 OTHER 24 $112,054 111 $1,447,325 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL 28 $230,776 186 $2,774,090 NON RESIDENTIAL ADDN/ALTERATIONS PERMITS VALUATION PERMITS VALUATION INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS 0 $0 2 $20,000 COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS 6 $277,661 21 $2,543,675 OFFICE & PROFESSIONAL BLDGS 1 $91,513 9 $919,442 OTHER 19 $763,986 70 $2,662,618 TOTAL NONRESIDENTIAL 26 $1,133,160 102 $6,145,735 TOTAL MONTH AND YEAR TO DATE 55 $1,483,9361 291 0 $9,859,826 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 60 $1,159,9201 330 0 $8,266,921 Page 1 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT NOVEMBER 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD $17,297 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE -(2606) PERMITS. INSPECTIONS. & FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES BUILDING - (ACCT 3440) 55 669 $14,157 299 4,205 $92,800 ELECTRICAL -(3440) 6 20 $1,823 31 92 $15,891 PLUMBING -(3440) 21 35 $1,925 95 131 $15,855 MECHANICAL - (3440) 9 18 $981 29 66 $5,665 GRADING - (3440) 1 1 $508 4 19 $9,328 SIGN - (3440) 7 12 $463 33 38 $2,619 BUILD -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $1,299 NIA N/A $25,495 ELECT -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) NIA N/A $145 NIA N/A $2,769 PLUMB -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $149 NIA N/A $1,928 MECH-EAST TUSTIN-(3336) N/A N/A $367 N/A N/A $1,333 GRADING -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $0 N/A N/A $0 SIGN -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) NIA N/A $237 N/A N/A $632 FIRE DEPT ADMIN FEES - (4464) N/A N/A $2,660 N/A N/A $7,741 MICROFILM - (4793) N/A N/A $701 N/A NIA $5,220 PLAN CHECK -(3444) N/A NIA $3,837 NIA NIA $123,926 EAST TUSTIN PIC - (3337) N/A N/A $2,909 N/A N/A $18,298 NEW DEVMNT TAX -(3334) N/A N/A $114 N/A N/A $6,541 BLDG STANDARDS ADM SPEC FUND CITY FEE - (4768 N/A N/A $8 NIA WA $62 WATER QUALITY INSP (FROM BELOW) N/A 0 N/A N/A 0 N/A TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 99 755 $32,283 491 4,551 $336,103 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 95 1,587 $31,660 523 8,962 $207,544 OTHER FEES FIRE DEPT P/C (2629) $17,297 $52,317 BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE -(2606) $69 $562 SEISMIC (2605) $282 $2,050 POOLS/SPAS/OTHER BONDS (2655) $0 $429,151 TSIP (2625, 2626 & 2627) $0 $100,836 PLANNING P/C FEE (3343) $547 $20,583 PLANNING P/C FEE E. TUSTIN (3341) $582 $3,855 PLANNING INSP FEE (3344)$1,880 $15,371 PLANNING INSP FEE E. TUSTIN (3342) $234 $4,297 WATER QUALITY INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS CONSTRUCTION SITES (START 04/02) 0 0 INDUSTRIAL SITES (START 11(03) 0 0 COMMERCIAL SITES 0 0 TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 0 0 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 31 124 MAJOR PERMIT ACTIVITY> $100,000 ADDRESS 14561 HYANNIS PORT 155 W IST DEVELOPER/CONTR VALUATION $100,000 $120,000 RDA AREA PROJECT ROOM ADDITION -472 -SOFT NEW RETAIL BLDG -1137 -SOFT PHILIP LEVESQUE ELEMAN FLORES Y, NRY HUANG, LDING OFFICIAL Page 2 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT DECEMBER 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD VALUATION FISCAL YEAR TO DATE NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0 UNITS VALUATION 0 $0 PERMITS 0 UNITS 0 VALUATION 0 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED CONDO/TOWNHOMES 0 0 $0 0 0 0 DUPLEX 0 0 $0 8 16 2,835,936 THREE-FOUR UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 0 0 FIVE OR MORE UNIT APARTMENTS 0 0 $0 0 p 0 TOTAL FAMILY UNITS 0 0 $0 8 16 $2,835,936 NEW RESIDENTIAL GROUP PERMITS VALUATION PERMITS VALUATION AMUSEMENT & RECREATION 0 HOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 MOTELS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 GROUP QUARTERS 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 TOTAL NON -FAMILY 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 NEW NON-RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS VALUATION PERMITS VALUATION AMUSEMENT & RECREATION 0 $0 0 $0 CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS 0 $0 0 $0 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS 0 $0 0 $0 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 0 $0 0 $0 AUTO SERVICE & REPAIR 0 $0 0 $0 HOSPITALS & INSTITUTIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 OFFICE, BANK, & PROFESSIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 SCHOOLS & EDUCATIONAL 0 $0 0 $0 COMMERCIAL RETAIL SALES 0 $0 2 $940,000 OTHER -PUBLIC PARKING 0 $0 0 $0 STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BLDGS 0 $0 1 $0 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 0 $0 3 $940,000 RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONS/ALTERATIONS PERMITS 2 VALUATION $27,346 PERMITS 58 VALUATION $1,038,914 ROOM ADDITIONS/REMODELS RESIDENTIAL GARAGES 0 $0 1 $26,520 PATIO COVERS 0 $0 15 $203,177 SWIMMING POOLS & SPAS 0 $0 3 $85,500 OTHER 26 $2,581,545 137 $4,028,870 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL 28 $2,608,891 214 $5,382,981 NON RESIDENTIAL ADDNIALTERATIONS PERMITS 0 VALUATION $0 PERMITS 2 VALUATION $20,000 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS 2 $310,938 23 $2,854,613 OFFICE & PROFESSIONAL BLDGS 4 $411,063 13 $1,330,506 OTHER 8 $220,500 78 $2,883,118 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 14 $942,501 116 $7,088,236 TOTAL MONTH AND YEAR TO DATE 42 $3,551,392 341 16 $16,247,154 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 50 $1,153,2241 380 0 $9,420,144 Page 1 MONTHLY BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT DECEMBER 2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CURRENT PERIOD $12,910 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE - (2606) PERMITS, INSPECTIONS, & FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES PERMITS INSPECTIONS FEES BUILDING - (ACCT 3440) 42 889 $20,982 341 5,094 $113,782 ELECTRICAL -(3440) 6 16 $1,088 37 108 $16,979 PLUMBING -(3440) 15 28 $1,112 110 159 $16,966 MECHANICAL -(3440) 13 32 $1,163 42 98 $6,828 GRADING -(3440) 1 0 $11,404 5 19 $20,732 SIGN -(3440) 5 19 $409 38 57 $3,028 BUILD -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $3,819 N/A N/A $29,314 ELECT -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $623 N/A N/A $3,392 PLUMB -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A NIA $357 N/A N/A $2,285 MECH-EAST TUSTIN-(3336) N/A N/A $370 N/A N/A $1,703 GRADING -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $0 N/A WA $0 SIGN -EAST TUSTIN - (3336) N/A N/A $0 NIA NIA $632 FIRE DEPT ADMIN FEES - (4464) N/A N/A $1,872 N/A N/A $9,613 MICROFILM - (4793) N/A N/A $596 N/A N/A $5,815 PLAN CHECK - (3444) NIA NIA $35,072 N/A N/A $158,998 EAST TUSTIN P/C - (3337) N/A N/A $11,011 N/A N/A $29,309 NEW DEVMNT TAX - (3334) N/A N/A $0 N/A N/A $6,541 BLDG STANDARDS ADM SPEC FUND CITY FEE- (4788 N/A N/A $16 NIA NIA $78 WATER QUALITY INSP (FROM BELOW) N/A 0 N/A N/A 0 N/A TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 82 984 $89,893 573 5,535 $425,996 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 75 1,290 $35,418 598 10,252 $242,963 OTHER FEES FIRE DEPT P/C (2629) $12,910 $65,227 BLDG STANDARDS SPEC FUND STATE FEE - (2606) $144 $706 SEISMIC (2605) $449 $2,498 POOLS/SPAS/OTHER BONDS (2604) $0 $429,151 TSIP (2625, 2626 & 2627) $0 $100,836 PLANNING P/C FEE (3343) $6,957 $27,540 PLANNING P/C FEE E. TUSTIN (3341) $2,188 $6,042 PLANNING INSP FEE (3344) $5,960 $21.331 PLANNING INSP FEE E. TUSTIN (3342) $715 $5,012 WATER QUALITY INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS CONSTRUCTION SITES (START 04/02) 0 0 INDUSTRIAL SITES (START 11/03) 0 0 COMMERCIAL SITES 0 0 TOTAL MONTH & YEAR TO DATE 0 0 SAME PERIOD FOR PRECEDING YEAR 0 124 MAJOR PERMIT ACTIVITY > $100,000 ADDRESS DEVELOPER/CONTR VALUATION RDA AREA PROJECT COBALT CONSTRUCTIC LEGACY 9 FOUNDATION PERMITS ONLY TR 16581 -COVENTRY COURT $2,487,384 TENANT IMPROVEMENTS 2981 ECR BENNETT CONSTRUCT $120,000 T.I. (PABLO MCGUINTY'S) 2601 PARK DIRK KISIEL CONST $190,938 LEGACY OFFICE T.I. 1422 EDINGER 1!240/250 D B A C INC $197,733 EXTERIOR REMODEL 9 AUTO CENTER ALLGIRE GENERAL $190,000 ENRY HUANG, ILDING OFFICIAL Page 2