HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 02-22-11MINUTES REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 22, 2011 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Puckett ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Kozak Chair Pro Tem Thompson Commissioners Kasalek, Moore, Puckett, Staff present Elizabeth A. Binsack, Community Development Director Dana Ogdon, Assistant Community Development Director James Eggart, Assistant City Attorney Justina Willkom, Principal Planner Scott Reekstin, Senior Planner Ryan Swiontek, Associate Planner Eloise Harris, Recording Secretary None PUBLIC CONCERNS CONSENT CALENDAR: Approved 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -JANUARY 25, 2011, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. Motion: It was moved by Puckett, seconded by Kasalek, to approve the Consent Calendar, with corrections noted by Commissioner Puckett. Motion carried 5-0. None PUBLIC HEARINGS REGULAR BUSINESS Received and filed 2. HISTORIC PRESERVATION WORKSHOP This workshop will include information regarding the Cultural Resources Overlay District Ordinance, Certificates of Appropriateness, the Historic Survey and Historic Resources Survey Report, Certified Local Government Status, Old Town Residential Design Agenda -Planning Commission February 22, 2011 -Page 1 Guidelines, the Mills Act Program, the Tustin Historic Register (Plaque) Program, and the Commendation Program. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file the report. Reekstin Motion: Presented the staff report. General comments and suggestions from the Planning Commission ensued. Staff answered various questions from the Commission. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Kasalek, to receive and file the report. Motion carried 5-0. Received and filed 3. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) WORKSHOP The California Legislature enacted CEQA in 1970 in response to the Federal Government's passage of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) a year earlier. Since its inception, CEQA has grown to play an integral role in the development industry. CEQA is not limited solely to immediate physical development, but also applies to the adoption of developmental guidelines such as amendments to the General Plan and Zoning Code. CEQA guidelines are continually evolving due to case law. It is the responsibility of the Governor's Office of Planning and Research to review the CEQA guidelines at least once every two years and recommend changes or amendments to the Secretary of the Resources Agency. Staff periodically updates the Planning Commission regarding CEQA. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file the report. Swiontek Presented the staff report. Agenda -Planning Commission February 22, 2011 -Page 2 General comments and suggestions from the Planning Commission ensued. Staff answered various questions from the Commission. Motion: It was moved by Puckett, seconded by Thompson, to receive and file the report. Motion carried 5-0. 4. STAFF CONCERNS: REPORT OF ACTIONS TAKEN AT THE FEBRUARY 1 AND FEBRUARY 15, 2011, CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS. Director reported as follows: • the City Council held the first reading for Ordinance 1393 regarding amending the Tustin City Codes pertaining to the Planning, Audit, and Community Services Commissions; • the City Council reviewed information regarding the 2010- 2011 Mid-Year Budget. Director Shared with the Commissioners that Eloise Harris, the Planning Commission Recording Secretary, recently announced her retirement; her last day with the City will be April 29. COMMISSION CONCERNS Puckett Thanked the Recording Secretary for her years of service to the City; • Asked if Sharon Nicola from the Tustin Library had also retired. Director Answered that it was her understanding Sharon transferred to the Villa Park Branch. Puckett Offered his congratulations to Sharon; • Thanked staff for the excellent workshops; • Noted the Mayor's Inaugural Dinner was well attended, very enjoyable, and provided new insights into Mayor Amante; • Mentioned that residents are happy to know the Tustin Ranch Road project will begin in July; Agenda -Planning Commission February 22, 2011 -Page 3 Puckett continued Stated it was nice to see Councilman AI Murray in attendance; and referenced Councilman Murray's interview on Time-Warner cable about his responsibilities regarding the City Council; • Commented it was nice to finally have Roma D'Italia's open after several months; there was an opening-night party last Tuesday; • Offered his congratulations to the owners for the wonderful improvements to their restaurant. Moore • Thanked the Recording Secretary for making him feel welcome when he was first appointed to the Commission and wished her best of luck in her retirement; • Asked if there is new information regarding the traffic study being conducted at The District. Director Responded that it was her understanding the Public Works Department would be providing a memorandum back to the Planning Commission; staff will find out the status. Moore Indicated that, after the First Street Specific Plan presentation, he and his wife had driven First Street and asked if there is anything the Commissioners can do in the interim to facilitate the process. Director Replied that staff is compiling the input received from the Commission and will provide an analysis; if Commissioners have further information, they should contact staff so that staff may include it in the report that will be brought back to the Planning Commission. Moore Noted that the Planning Commission's action regarding 520 Pacific Street had been appealed and asked for an update. Director Responded that the action was appealed by the Mayor; the hearing on that appeal is scheduled for the March 1, 2011, City Council meeting; the appeal is related to a clarification of non- conforming uses and structures. Moore Stated he attended the Mayor's Inaugural Dinner; the Tustin Community Foundation did a great job; thanked them for all their hard work; • Commissioner Puckett did a great job as the Master of Ceremonies; • Added that he and his wife enjoyed sharing a table with Chair Kozak and his wife. Agenda -Planning Commission February 22, 2011 -Page 4 Kasalek Indicated she also had a great time at the Mayor's Inaugural Dinner; the USC/UCLA battle was especially enjoyable; • Stated she received notice via a-mail from former Mayor Lou Bone regarding the opening of the quiet zone March 24, 2011; and asked that staff share information whether or not this is accurate information; Director Replied that she also had received information that another date has been chosen; she will follow up with the Commission when she has further information. Thompson Questioned whether or not this is a federally recognized quiet zone. Director Stated it was her understanding that something more significant with. the project completion. Kasalek Asked if there would be aribbon-cutting. Director Answered that she would get that information and share it with the Commissioners. Kasalek Noted that she also was delighted to see Roma D'Italia has reopened; • Stated that she read in the paper about the Mayor's involvement with the inaugural meeting of the Association of California Cities; we are fortunate to have leaders in Tustin who serve many leadership roles; • Added congratulations to the Recording Secretary. Thompson Stated it is his understanding the City of Orange has finished a number of their crossings and can now apply to the federal government to have recognized quiet zones, which will be the first in Orange County; • Attended the Mayor's Inaugural Dinner on February 3; on February 8, attended the Orange County Business Council's Infrastructure Update; on February 15, attended the City Council meeting at which he provided an update on the OCTA Citizens Advisory Committee; last Thursday, attended the American Society of Civil Engineers Dinner Awards Banquet during which the Tustin Public Works Department, through a partnership with the County of Orange, received an award for a warm asphalt mix overlay; Agenda -Planning Commission February 22, 2011 -Page 5 • Shared excerpts from two articles: one congratulating Tomoko Mizusawa, the oldest employee of the City of Tustin; the other an article relating to the upturn in the Orange County economy; • Congratulated Roma D'Italia on the beautiful improvements to their restaurant; • Offered congratulations to the Recording Secretary. Kozak • Welcomed Councilman Murray to the meeting and thanked him for staying through the workshops; • Encouraged the Recording Secretary to provide crossover training for her replacement and thanked her for her help to all the members of the Commission; • Thanked staff for the two presentations; • Stated he also enjoyed the Mayor's Inaugural Dinner; • Requested that the Planning Commission meeting close in memory of his brother, Ron, who passed away February 14, 2011, survived by his wife, Julie, and daughter Lexie, who is Chair Kozak's goddaughter. In Memory of Ron Kozak 8:20 p.m. ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, March 8, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at 300 Centennial Way. Steve ak Chairp on Elizabeth A. Binsack Planning Commission Secretary Agenda -Planning Commission February 22, 2011 -Page 6