HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 682A (1976) 124 i ORDINANCE N0. 682-A AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UN- 2 INHABITED TERRITORY, DESIGNATED AS THE "MARINE CORPS AIR. STATION (~iCOP~R) ~IL~TION NO, 713 TO ?HE Ci~ 5 AIR STATION (HELICOPTER) ANNEXATION NO. 713 TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN". " ~ ~e nit7 Council of the City of Tust~, Califo~ia, does hereby ordai~ ~- 5 as follows: 6 ~EP~, on the 9th day of Febr~,. 1976, the City Council of the ~ City of Tustin did pass and adopt Resolution No, 76-15 declaring 'that zhe 8 City Council of the City 0f Tustin has initiated procedures to annex -9 uninhabited territo~ to the'City of Tustin-, and gi~ng. nottc~ of the !0 proposal to a~ said territo~ to the City of Tust~, said territory -. .- 1! baits therei~ designated ~s the "Marine Corps Air. Station (Helicopter) "..~. · t~ ~n~a~lon lqo, 7~ to ~e City 0f Tustin", and said reso!utio~ described. .-=' ~5 the bocaaries of the te~tto~ proposed ~o be 8~-~ea; 1~ ~~, said Resolution No, 76-15. did contain notice of the day, hou'.-' '~ 15 and place when and where the Council of the City of Tust~ would hear ' 16 protests ~de by any person o~inS real proper~ ~t'~n .the-~e~ito~ !V proposed to be annexed, the t~a of said hearinS b'einE not less than fo~ ' 18 nor more ~han s~ty days from the da=~ of passate of s~d resolutionS- ~d 19 ~EEC, on the 25th day of March, 1976, 'at the hour of 7:30 P.M., 20 ~e Council Cheers in th~ City Hall of the'Ci~'of T~tin, County of 21 Orange, State of Califo~ia, said t~e and place bei~ the day, ho~ and- ' 2~ place f~ed' tn said Resolution No, 7~15 for heartn~ protests to ' 25 s~ia annexation, th8 City Council did hear and pass upon all .protest's ~4 to the propose~ a~e~tion and did datemine that protests had not been ~5 ~da by o~erS of an~ha!f of the value of th~ privately and p~91h!y 26 property ~ithin the territory to be a~exed as sho~ by the last equalized ~ asses~en= roll, and as provided in the-Gjve~ent Code'of the S~ate of 28 California; and , 29 ~ ~~, on the 22nddaY of April- 19~6, the Cou~ci! of th~.Cfty 30 Tustin did pass and adop~ ~esolution No, ~A detaininS and aleclericS tb~c a ~aJoricy. pro=es.c of one-hal./of t~a v~lue of ~.e privately and 52 publicly o~ed property ~d not been ~da ~y o,~ers as Sho~ by the las~ 125 1 equalized assessment roll of the property within the territory · 2 to be annexed, and as provided in the' Government COde of the '3 State of California; and 4 ~EREAS, said territory is contiguous to the City of 5 Tustin, and is uninhabited territory in the .County of Orange,' 8 as defined in said'Code, and is further .described in Exhibit' "A" 7 attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; 8 NOW, THEREFOE, said Council of ~he City of Tusti~, g California~ does hereby approve the annexation of the territory 10 described in Exhibit "'A" to the City of Tustin, and does hereby ..'>. 1'1 further ordain.that the said territory be, and is hereby, annexe~ .~ 12 to the City 'of Tustin. " 13 'PASSED A~D ADOPTED at a 'special meeting. of the City -' 14 Council, City of Tustin, California, held on the 10th day of May, 1976. 20 ATTEST: - ' 21 23 cLE 25 2~ 27 28 " 29 30 32 LEGAL DSSCRIP-TEO..~I FOR TO THE C['F'f OF 'FUSTZ~t, --126 division as per m~o recorded in book !, page 88 of Mi~ce!laneous ~aps, ~ecords of Orange County, California, said corner being ~istant N. 49°!9'58'' W., 1320 feet more or less from ~e easterly corner of block. 10 of said Irvine's Subdivision, said northerly corner also being a point on the existing City of Tustin Boundary.as established by the Red Hill'.A~j~-Como Rd. Annexation (revised) per Ordindance No_ 386, p~ssed. and adopted February i9,"1968; Thence, albng ~e existing City of Tustin Bo~da~ as-established by t~ 8_bore mentioned Red Hill. Ave.-Como Rd. Annexation (revised)=, ~e Red= HiI1-Lowana Housing ~nexation No. 63 per Orange County Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 70-12'66, passed and- adopted Nove~er 25, 1970,' and ~e Warnet-Sycamore Annexation per Ordinan=ce No. 245, passed· and- adopted Dece~er 2, 1963, ~rough ~e following courses: S'. 40°42' 11" W., a distance of 1320.15 feet; Thence,. N'.-49°19'58'' W., a distance of 1320 feet more.or less; Thence, S. 40°39'i2'' W'., a distance of tj20' feet more or' less; .Thence, 'N_. 49030, 43" W. ~ 'a ~istance of 30.00 feet; -' l- : Thence, S. 40°39"12'' Wo, a distance of 26~0 feet more or less to an angle point in said Ci~ of Tustin Bo~da~l said angle point' also being an angle point in the existing City of Santa Ma Bounda~7 as established by ~e Ir~ine's S~division Annexation No. 1 revised per Ordin~ce No. NS 696; : -- : '- Thence, leaving said City. of Tustin Bo~da~, and c'onhinping S. 40°39'1'2" W., along said City of Santa Ann Boundary, a distance of 2640 feet more or less to ~e point-of intersection wi~ t~e 'north--- westerly prolongation of th~ southwesterly bo~da~ of tha~' cert~'in. 1606.49 acre parcel as per map filed in book, 12, page 43 of' Records. of. Surveys, Records of said Orange Co~ty, said point of intersection also being an angle point ih ~e existing City of 'Irvina Bo~da~ es~blished by inco~o~tion par Orange Co~ty Board o~ Supervisors Res. No. 71-1472; . . ... - . T~ence, leaving said City of Sant~'Ana Bo~aa~, along said prolonga~ior~.. ~nd sou~nwester!y bo~da~ of said '1606.49 acre F~cel ~nd along said City of I~ine Bo~da~ ~rough ~e fol!qwing copses: S. - 49°19 ' 43" E., a dist~ce Of 6636.45 feet;' -- ' · --' · . - .... --.... %~, . . -. . THence, N. 40°37'51'' E., a distance'of 3210.97 feet; .... . = , : Thence, S'. 49°19'55" E.,-.a. dist~ce of 3215.10 f~t; . , Thence, N. 85°37'25" E., along 'the southerly bo~ar,J of said- !E06.4.9. acre parcel and alon~' said City of Irvine 'Bounaa~, a distance of 1060.39 feet to the point of intersection with ~ southeasterly line of lot 196, block 62, of said I~ine's S~divisiom, said point of inter-- section also being an angle point in the sQu[he~s~erly bounda~ of said 1606.'49 acre parcel and also bei~=g an angle point.in said City of I~ine ,.Boldly; ' ' '~ Thence, N. 4~37'25'' E., alqng the southeasterly line of said lot 196 and along the southeasterly boundary of said 1606-49 acre p~cel and along said City of I~ine Boundary, a distance of 1319.67 feet, to the' most southerly corner of lot 189, block 62, of s~d Irvine's S~divinion'; Thence, Ni 40o37'52" E.;'along the sou[heasterly line of said !ot.189 and along the southeasterly boundaz~Z and northeasterly prolongation of said southeasterly boundary of said 1606.49. a~-e parcel and along said City of Irvine Boundary, a distance of 2644.54 feet, to the most southerly corner of lot 188, block 63, of said Iz~-ine's Subdivision; 127 -~ LEGAL D'E'eOCR!PTIC'~ FOR THE U.S- I.LXRI:~E CO:'-?5'!RV£z:P'' A~I~IEiQ\'Ft0,'I NO. 71-B I'O THE CiTY OF I'USTT-~l· CALIFORNIA (C0/~'cinued) ' Thence~ N.. 40°3s'~I" E., along the southeasterly line-of saLa lot 188 and alo~g said City of I~ine Boundary, a distdnce o[..50.00 fee~';: ~o line of the poin~ of intersection %4i~ the nor~hea-s~erly ri. gh~'ofZwaY A.~chison;- Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, as described in a deed ~,~orded in-book 245, page 223 of Deeds, Records of Los Angeles Counky, C Lifornia; Th&nce, N.-49020'.40" W., along said norhheasterlY right-of-way line and along said City of Irvine Boundary, ' a' :distance of t6!7.87 feet, to an angle point in hhe existing City of Tustin Sounda~ as established by th~ Tustin industrial Transfer of Te~itory. from the City of irvine to the City of Tustin Annexation No. 86 per Res. No. 7'4-71, pa~sed ~a adopted- October 21, 1974; ' Thence, leaving hhe existing 'Ci[Y of Irvine Boundary and along ~e existing City of Tustin Boundary as est~lished by the ~ove mentioned Tu~tin industrial Transfer; The U.S. Marine Corps-irvine ~mnexation . NO.. 71-A per Res- No. 71--79 massed and adopted Dece~er g, 1971; the Red H~!!-~qalnut ~nexation 'per Ordinance No. 343, passed and adopted March 2Q, 1967; and the previously mentioned' Red Hill Ave..-Como '~nexation (revised) through ~e following copses: . .. ~, 49020 ' 40" W. ,, a d~s~ac~ of 5199.65 feeft. .. : ; . . Thence, N- 49°19 58" W. a distance of 2429 ~eet more or i~s~; ~ence; S. ~0°42'11'' W. , a d~stance of 50.60 fe~t to ~e point of .. ~g~ing · .- - ? -_ ..... -- . ~ .... -.- ; ---- ..~- .. .., - . -_ . . i -' : - - .... . -~ E~IBIT "A" .... - 128 STATE OF CALIFOP~NIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE', City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Coun, cil of the City of Tustin, Californ~ia, does hereby ' certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City oZ Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing' Ordinance No. 682-A was duly and regularly introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the. ____3~___day'of ~ Ma.V ; 1976 and was ~given its second reading and. duly passed and adopted at a.'sDeciaI meeting held on the 10th. day of May 1976,. by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: EDGAR, SALT~RELLI, WELSH NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILF~EN: SHA~RP, . SCHUSTER City Clerk,~ty of Tustin, California