HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 08-26-53}~)
TAINUTES OF' A NEI~:TI i`~U U~~ '1'~i}~; TUSTI"d
PLANIJINU COI-i,"dISSIOid Hi~;1,1) O~i 7UFI)P~;I,S-
DAY L'V1~'N?;~1(_i, Ail(sUS'i_' 2U, lc> , 3, AT 'f 1i .'.
I~IEP.RF3ERS PRFSEId`P: :,?essrs, „' c;-cl . (~u i nn, ~'adl~;~'~,,
1lardy, ia_1_l . ~~~ ri , i ,v,r;<I).^,
;r1E:~13ERS ARSEP~'~ . .:E~ssr.~. ~ ;~c,: , ;3.:_? _,_,. ~',.
A`TTOiZNI/Y: C. Arthur .,. ;~ri, Jr :vas .,, . ~,~ .
Upon motion of Commissioner ;.~e<'~_I1;;, :;ec~~n;i~;i Icy ,;~~~~ ~~.i - -
Si011er ~Uinn and d'ily C~lrrl~'.il, (,~~'^.;'! ~ :;:' ~ :~?iC?"' ,I.~!111 A, ~ n 1
was a-~pointed Temporary Chairman .i~1~' tc~ ',ha =~';; epee:
Chairman r3acon.
Chairman Siegel called the m~.~t=n( to order at~ ", :_),
P . Pri
Mj.nutes of t he previous meF;tin~- n' Au,*~z ~t Swe-~~ t,e~.ci
and approved.
Chairman Siegel announced that t,'r1r', ,~urnose off' tr s
meeting was to hold a Public Heari.ntr i n rel-ar~l to ~n ap_~li -
cation to rezone Flocks "A" and "C" , `~usti.rr City Tr•;:^ `,,
between First and Second StI'eetS, i';1C i fi ~ ai1C~ '~(.~n ;=,t~.~,~,; ,~,
from its present zoning of C-1 an~i ?-1 t~~ i;-? :end :-- 5.
Chairman Siegel read the ap}~!. ~ ~~ati.~n:, above re[ er~~~: i
to to the Commission members an~i s~,venf,f;en oti~er r~?r:; ~~nr,
re ~ ent .
bir. Forrest ~~~. ~%o] lar pr•~:;c~nte:i s nets t,i on con`.: ~ :. r,;
fifty-six (56) signatures onnosin~- moth rezo~li-ng renu~::;t.~~,
~rr~~i ch was read to thc~.,:~ pre sent ~~~~ ~; ~;ai „~,;~,Z ;,; ~,Ue,
t~Ir. Collar, .fr. '~~. I?. riznt.ley, :larvi_n F~. ;~: L1 e. a~ ,
A. :v~, Co,c in turn addressed t'.~c Cor~_rr:i r;st-oii on;~osin~~ `.'~;~~
proposed zone changes.
Chairman Siegel read a letter ?': ern i.r. C. i3, ;?-~r:rr:i' r,
opL~osing the requested change from ~~n ~t-1 to an R-3 z~~n~.
Mr. Col]_ar again addressr~:i tiZF; ni~~~.t ; n'; o~~posi n:~-, ~n ~~
change and stated that the signers o`' the petition ~~~-~-~~~
o-~posed to any change from the: present zoni ng.
h1rs. Helene Nelson ad~Irese,ed t~~e mF~~ tint, in fa~~r ^ ~: ~'
the applications requesting the nr~~nost~.: zo~~' n}; chr~n~-~:s.
Irlr. Quincy L. Hardy, as a Corr.~~li .> %oner, ii squa:~_i-f9.~~ i
himself by vacating his seat. ire than ,~d iresse,i thf: C~-r::a` s-
sion as a property owner in I31oc~t "~'," ''2v ~1•'n.- the rc~~u~:;tc;,i
change from C-1 to C-? roping.
b1r. Elmer R~ Lees addressed t r~~~ Comrli ssi on fa~»ri::,
the requested change from C-1 to C-?.
Chairman Siegal outlined the c,~~-~narative values ~~?' :,--}
IZ-?_ and R-3 zoned logs within th~;cor~p~~_°~~t~: 1 i mi_ts of t:}~~~
N.r. Hardy quoted i'~aragranh "~" ~>`' S,,ctior, lid, of~ Jr-
dinance i~o. 71 relative to gf:ra,~;e ~~~~quire;~ents for t'~Ie ;:,.~:1-
ling units on any lot.
~x'~ ~eSSP. ~I• (ieo?''gf; ingUlre~1 '~n,i ;";aS l n`'Oi"'med h~) f.!~P,
Chairman as to the, uses al~i owed ~zn,~;r C.=! a:>sifi cation: _] ~;~•r~-,r
than C-2.
Chairman Siegel out;lined ta•; -:ilr.t i ons and ;;~1;; i :~• .,.~,;:;
permitted under both ~:-1 and C-?_ z~~r;~i n,r.
Commissioner `I'adloc}{ sug,*e~tt' ; th~~t t;h~; r~:que:;~ ;: ~;,~•
rezoning be withdrawn and that thc~ i'.i ~: ~ n ~ ~~:~ C ~~;~uni s ^ . ;~r;
allowed time enough to rezone t;ne cnti_~•e ~;ity •,vith t.ii~ :~~~•~;-
sent requests for cizant_*~.s i_n rnirni.
Chairman Siegel :Mated that thc~ action on the t~.vo re-
quests should be talon tonight or t;h~; ;natter conti-~ue: ~'-~~
further consideration.
Commissioner Uallioiz ~ nqui reg.: if' ~3n•~r int<:restt~,t -~r~r-
SOnS have any COntemi)lated CI~~^,?1f~'t;3 I_tl ;~:! n~_1 {:!lilt a ~~'1; ,
would interfere with.
Commissioner h,~~sns state:i that, t;;lc; i;~~:nmi.:~sion ? c c~~~i-
sidering two entirely ,jift Brent zo;ii n;; rt;qur-;sts an~. s~~it--
t;ested that the present C-1 Zone ~ n question he exf-~~~;~+.~~~
on a line straight through fro.•~ i~;~~:.!, tc~ Vir~,,t to a :~,.~~~, ~~~
2J0 feet.
~.,, Cor;~missioner Gal_lion irigizir ~~~: i t' ~:v^_r~~;~~•~ne pre~~:-~`;
•-t' would be agreeable to an alley t~ t;tv;r:e;; t}ir: tyro zone:>. ~ t
"1 was agreed that an all_e;;r cou]_:1 n ~_~t; i;e cut throu gh .1~~,,. to
the location of certain improved ~,,~-.>nf;r•ty.
The matter of a ;proposed c'~1<~rlt;e from C-1 to C-:' ,;;;-
ing was discusses at l~^ngth by Commi ss io~l m~_:mbers r~n:i
others present.
Upon motiozi of Comt.issioner i,;eans, seconded i, ~ Co~n-
missioner Quinn an:: duly carried, 9 t was agree.i to <a~i~rove
an extension of Zone C-1 from 1ti0 t'c~•t, it;s nresent; .--.ti:,
to a depth of from 2Lt 3 to ?_j0 feet.
Chairman Siegel a:::lounced a r~_~~~_1 ca]_1 of Commi:>:;:~~~;~~;~;;
as to their approval for taking un ttiie matter of t,'le r•<--
quest for change o`' zoning from ij-1 t:o }3-3. ;"ember:- ~,~ ~+,~
in .favor of proceeding with the matt..;r ton] grit.
Llpon motion of ('ommLssion~~r I•:~~rl~is, :;~~;~~~~rl~_3c~~i h;; ~'~;~~~-
mi ssioner Gallion anciduly carried, i t; wa<~ ~~~f;r~~ed t~~:~~ t t ..,.
proposed change from i~-1 to R-3 z~~ni ng; ~:,,e 1'~zrt_•~er c~~~~:~1 .;-
eyed at the next regular mectint; oJ' t.}~~~ ~;nr~mi~;sion i ~ ti
held on Monday evening, Septemher '= 1, t.~~,~ ~, at 7::,"? ~~' ~~ 1 ~~:;;_
P . Id
The Clerl~ rea:i ~~ le `ter fro~~! ti~lo ,_)r~.~~<<e C~.>>int ~ ~1ari-
ning Commission and a note from i•ir. :~i <~r~~l rej-,ard? n - ~~
notice of their meeting on August l:%, ~ ;,,~~, to cons_~ x~~ r• a:z
application by Yu. L. Patterson to ke~l> « r.~~.yimu~n o~' ::';
Calves on a ~} acre parcel on the J(~Ilt;'; I',;3st; S? le of .,n;^.-
port Avenue in the north East Tizst i n Di s t• ni c t. Cha r~ :an
Siegel explained the mat;ter to t'rle Ccl~~:~ni ;;ion members a~~ i
stated that in his o~~jnion it has r:<1•:: ,~.~~:~~ 'n;,- i~~fa~il`..
The Clerh read a letter conta9 n irl,~ an o~~inion o'' C i i,y
Attorney C. Arthur :Jisson, Jr., i11 rc:gar.? to ivir. John A.
Siegel's inquiry as to whether t.hc; Variance c.overin~~ -ii s
property at 7?_0 West i~'irst Street is :>>_ifr'icielit to r~~~:-•r.~it.
him to erect apartments to the rear of his present t>>lilu-
ing. Mr. Nisson state i that it was rl~_s o~oini.on thst the
present Variance sufficiently covert-ci t,hF~ construction o1'
the apartments. On motion of ~arlmi :~:~ ~ onr;r i,r~sns, : oc~~:n 7~'::i
by Commissioner Hardy arld duly carried, it was agrer,~i t ~:a~~
the opinion of Attorney , ilisson he ac cepte~i.
The meeting was adjourned on r~oti_ori of Cornmissione;•
hardy, seconded by Comm.i.ssioner ldenil^ an-3 carried.
:, ;c. ;Miry ------