HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 05-25-53MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
EVE:~ING, J.iAY 25, 19~3, IN THE CITY
I.LE~,IBERS PRESENT: Messrs. ~!acon, Siegel, B/rd, ~uinn,
Tadlock, Sagraves, ;ali ion and Hardy.
ABSENT: Thermon
C. Artnu~ Nisson, Jr., was present.
Temporary Jnairmm Thereon ;.loans being absent Commis-
sioner John A. Siegel was appointed '?omDorary Chafr:aan s~ud
c~ led the meeting to order at 7:00 P. :,~.
:.~tnutes of the previous meeting of :.;ay ~th were read
an~ a~)proved.
An Application for Variance by A. ~(. and Msrcella K.
~ideout requesting permission to do liEJ~t manufscturing
wltbin the bu!.ldlng a~ 12~ %;est Y. ain Street, Tustin, clas-
sified as C-2 3eneral l~usiness Co=~.erclal Zone, was pre-
sented by Chairvan Siegel smd read read to the members by
Attorney ~Isson. Vartance was granted on motion of Com-
missioner Qu:nn, seconded by Co~?.issloner .~agrsves and
duly carried.
Attorney 2~isson su~Kested that ~he Co.mniss[on organ-
ize and designate a method of handling the various re-
quests for reco.r~endstlons, etc., as roce~_ved Trom the
Orange County Plm~n~ng Commission.
Nominations for s per~.anant chairman were called for
and ~he n~mes of Frank E. '~acon, Jr., and Charles H..}al-
I. ton were presented.
On mote. on of ~ommissioner Hardy, seconded by Co~mis-
sioner Qu;nn and duly carried, the nominations were closed.
AiL members voting Aye.
Frank E. Pacon, Jr., was appointed Permanent Cha~r-
man on motion of Uomm~ss:oner Gallion, seconded by Commis-
sioner i~ardy and duly carried.
Chairman Bacon presented maps and requests for rec-
co~ondat~ons from the 0r~n~:e County Plam. fnq ,,o~iss~on
~elative to Tracts Nos. 115]i. .... '
lk)3, 1.~0 anu 187,~, eac~
of which were viewed ~d discussed by the Comm]sslon.
Tract :;o. 18~4 was approved on mot3on of ~ommlssioner
Hardy, seconded by Comm~.-sioner Siege~ and cart:ed, with
the provlsJo,: that the Clerk write a letter o£ protest to
the Orsz:ge County Commission regarding the designat!on of
certa~.n streets in tbls tract as A, B, C, etc., being the
se.me :iesig~ation as certain streets wlth~rt the City of
Tract No. 1853 was a?proved on motion of Commissioner
har~y, seconded by Commissioner Gallion and duly carried.
Tract No. 1870 w~s approved on motion o.~ Comm~ssloner
Siegel, seconded by Commissioner Sag, raves end duly carried.
Tract No. 1'174 was approved on ~otion of Co..~m~sstoner
Tadlock, seconded by Co~mmtssioner Hardy and duly carrled.
'!'he Clerk was tnstm~cted to notify the Orange County
P]a_~_uln~ Oommission of the above action.
Commissioner Gailion suF~!~ested that the Co,tmls.~lon
Tor~ulate a definite plan for the future ~nd reco.~mended
that at some tlme in tho future an experienced planner bo
invited to address the meeting.
Upon motion of Commissioner S~egel, seconded by Com-
m' ssloner i~yrd and duly carried, Chairnan !!acon appointed
a Co~itte of Three composed of Commissioners Sallion,
Siegel and Byrd to pass on future tentative maos that nay
be received fro:~ the Oran,ge County Planning Co~m~isslon for
aporoval or otherwise of the Tustin Planning Commission.
Upon motion of Co~mlssioner Quin~, seconded by Com-
missioner Tadlock and duly carried, it was agreed that a
Co,nitre of F~ve be appointed to prep~e a projection of
existing streets and to report back within a month.
Chairman Bacon appointed Commissioners Hardy, ~}al-
lion, Siegel, Tadlock and t~uinn as members of the above
Commissioner Tadloc2 moved, seconded by C¢~issioner
Quinn and ~t was duly carried that fut~e meetingsof the
Commission be held on ca]~ ~td that the next meeting be
held at 7 o'clock P. M., June 29, 1~53, at the City Hall.
City Engineer McBride was requested by the Commis-
sioo to mou~t the newly acquired map of the Tustln Dist-
rict on , plywood or similar back~g after having the map
reduced to convenient size so that sa~.~e can be attached
tc the wall by hooks and readily detached when desired.
Commissioner Max E. Sagraves presented his verbal
resignation from thc Commi. ssion effective at once which
was accepted on ~aotion of 6o~issloner Siegel, seconded
by Co~missloner ~yrd and carried.
The meeting was adjourned on mot~on of Commissioner
Tsdlock, seconded by Commissioner '~yrd and duly carried.