HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 01-26-53MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
EA'~'~ING, JANUARY 26, 1953, IN THE
Messrs. Miller, Tadlock, Siegel,
Means, i-'arnsworth, SaEraves, Bacon,
~ulnn a_nd Byrd.
ATTORNEY: C. Artr~ur :i~sson, Jr., was present.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Miller at
7: o P. M.
Minutes of the meeting of September 22, 1952, were
read and approved.
Chairman Miller introduced to the members of the Com-
mission present, Mr. Wintford L. Tadlock, recently appoint-
ed to the Co~mission to fill theplace of Dilli~ H. Gray
Attorney ~isson stated that Dream Homes, Inc., de-
velopers of Block C, }%undy's Addition, have agreed to in-
stall sidewalks and curbs on both sides of Pasadena Street,
Main to Second Street; West side of Myrtle except South-
erly 1~0 feet and the South side of Second Street, between
;~yrtle and Pasadena, only where there are homes erected,
otherwise curbs only will be installed.
Chairman Miller presented letters and maps fro~ the
Orange County Plan.~ing Commission re~aesting the review
and recommendations of the Tustin Pla~Ing Co~mission rela-
tive to Tracts Nos. 1652, 1735, 1737 and 17~3 now in pro-
cess of development. On motion of Co:nmtssioner Biegel,
seconded by Commissioner Hacon and duly carried, the Clerk
was instructed to notify the Orange County Planning Comm. ls-
sion that the Tustin Coumission offers no objection to the
subdivisions as specified above.
The Clerk was requested to write to Mr. Heed of the
Orange County Planning Commission requesting a copy of a
current map showing recent subdivisions in this vicinity.
~r. B. R. Gentry was present relative to his petition
for the annexation to the City of Tustin of his Lots Nos.
?, 9 and 11, in Block 42, ~iscellaneous Records of Los
~ugeles Co:~ty, Book 13, Page 81. A~uexation procedure
was explained by Attorney Nisson. Mr. ~entry answered
questions by the Commission members relating to his ac-
tivities on the property, his reasons for desiring an-
nexation, etc. Mr. Graves, of Graves ~ Howley, was present
and stated that he owned property in the i~uedlate vlcin-
ity of Mr. Sentry's property and inquired if other prop-
erty, including his, in the im. mediate vicinity would be
zoned M-1 in the event of ~unexation as petltioned. Co~-
c~l discussed tho matter at length. ,)n motion of Council-
man Zeans, seconded by Councilman Tadlock and duly car-
ried, it was agreed to g~ve the matter further study and
make recommendations at tho neXt meeting of the Council.
Chairman Miller stated that the Santa Aha Planning
Conmission had re~Aested the Tustln Pla~ing Commission
to make recommendations relative to an !ndustrial Dist-
rict nearby to Santa Aha wIth the possibility of annex-
ing the s~me to Santa Aha. Chairman Miller stated that
he would get in touch with :.:r. Misseldlne and endeavor
to arrange a time for a meeting with him in regard to
Industrial Planning as affectin$ '.'ust~n.
The meeting was adJo'~mned on ~ot!on of Co~miss~oner
Sag~aves, soco:~ded Yy Cor~ssioner Sick,el ~nd duly