HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 06-09-52MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING
i,:SNDAY, ~3~r] i~, 1952, AT 7:30 P.
;'~m. I. Y:lller, 'J;ta.%r~.an; Commiss_oners
Sagraves, '~;ray, !~yr.~i, .,~eans, Bacon,
Qu!nn and Farnsworth.
~.~;BERS ABSF~;T: Comr':lss[oner Siegel.
C. Art:;ur Nlsson, Jr., was present.
Chalrman :.~iller ca, led the meeting t,o order at 7:30 P.
'Secretary Qu~nn r~,d the ;,~inutes of the previous meet-
ing which were approved.
Chairm~ ;~[ller stated that the reason for this ca~led
::.eeting is an Application for Variance filed by Dream Homes,
Inc., of 607 Polnsotta St., S~nta A~ua, Calif., in regard to
Lot l, Block E, i~undy'~ Addition to Tustin, ss per ;.~ap re-
corded in 2ook 16, Pa~e 36, ~.:Isce] lsmeous Records Los An-
geles County - Excepting tho Easterly four (4) feet thereof.
Said Variance is requested to permit waiver of sot back re-
quirements on ;.~yrtle Street to authorize minlmun set back
of five feet for tho subject property.
Chairman :~iller inquired if any one of the nfne per-
sons present opposed tho application. None state::~ that they
,')pposed same.
~ong those present wore :,[rs. Carolyn Ca:~pboll who
requested more detailed [nforr. stion regarding ~ho a:~pltca-
tion which was furnlsh~,d by (,.~a~ .... a,..".~iller.
Commissioner f,ieans sug[~osted that thc? double gsrage to
be erected on tho rear of Lot No. i and facing on ~.lyrtle
Street be set back so as not to obstruct the view from any
of the hones to be er~cto~t on the plot. All r, ember.~ agreed
with this suggestS, on.
No objections beini~ registered by those present it
was :~ovod by Co..~missioner ~;ray, seconded by Co:r~issloner
Byrd and duly carried, that the Public Hearing be continued
to ;,~onday evening, June 16, lP52 and t~hat steps be taken
to work the matter out for final consideration.
Attorney :~!sson stated that e~ght (J) property owners
within the 300 foot radius of the property involved in
this Variance A~plication were not notified of this meeting.
Chalrman ~.~iller requested that Building ~ns!'ector
Broomell be authorized to issue pe~,~its for construction
pending a later n~cting of tho ?lar~uing Co_"m~isslon to be
r. eld on .~.~onday evenlng, June 16, lP52.
Attorney Nisson inquired of the builder, J.~r. H. L.
Bryan, if the map presented by ~.Lr. Rryan ha'J boon re-
corded.:~.'~... Rryan stated t!~st it had not.
Attorney ~isson stated tkab he woul.l prepare ~d have
published in tho Santa Ama Register a Notice of Hearing
for next :.~onday evening, June 16, 1~52.
Commissioner Gray moved to adjourn to ].~onday even-
ing, June 10, lP52, at 7:30 P. ~. Co~nissioner Sagraves
seconded the motion which was duly carried.