HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 05-02-49MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION 05-02-49 TUSTIN PLANI.$ING C0:,N&ISSIO;'~ :,~EETING Y. ay 2, 19~9. '.~.e meetin~, was called to o~der by Chairman Niller. The !.~inutes of the previous meetinc were read and ap- proved. Present were: Arthur ~!. Charleton, Cl~alrman William I. Killer, David Forney, Vlmcent L. Kumoston, Albert Farns- worth. Lee Byrd, William H. Gray, ~ermon Means and Attorney C. Arthur Nisson, Jr. ~e question of Jack Wener's Application for Variance was discussed following reading of.~e Application by Chair- man Ziller. Attorney Nisson stated that ~otice of Applica- tion had been advertised in ~"~ne Tustin Eews and that he had notified Mrs. Logan of tho hearing by mail. A motion was made by William ~. Gray, seconded by Thermon ~eans, that Mr. Wener,s Application for Variance in which he requested all uses that would be possible in a "gl" Zone be denied, for tho following reasons: 1. ~at dt would in effect be a violation of the Zoning Plans. 2. ~"~.at uses existing in the South end of tho tri- angle are primarily residential. ~e motion carried unaninously. _vt was then moved by Wtlli~ H..~-ray, seconded by Albert !.'arnsworth, that Jack Woner bo porr.,ittod to com- plete tho ~.~otel structure now in progress under i!uilding Per, nit I!o. 92, isued ?cbruar~y 1st, lp,~9, relative to plans now on file, but that al~ future construction bo in ac- cordance with o:.i~inal Plot Plan and Variance concerning same property, lot ;~-2, S~m Tustln Tract, as recorded in Book l, Page 99, ::iscollaueous Papers, Abbreviated Records of Orange County. Yotion carried. Resolution :Io. 12 passed and adopted. The City Clerk was requested to supply Attorney ~isson with a letter notifying !.!r. Wener of the Co~mtssio~x,s action. l?xe findings in fact concerning the above Appllcat~ on ~are2 1. It was geaerally boliovo~ ~hat Xr. Woner was awa~e of original Plot Plan. 2. Pronisos surr:~undi~; i:crth portion of Lot B, S~m '?ustin Tract, U~stin, California, are largely ~ievotod and adapted ~o co:tuorclal ~ui business uses, particularly uses catering to the needs of tie motoring public. j. That surro,~nding property w.tll not bo adversely affected. :.:r. an~ :~rs. Smith, 14.5 Pacific Street, rcquoste,'~ por-mi:'sion to add kitchen a.u'd ot.~.or facilities _"or a two family dwelling. They were advised bhat they sho~ld either request a cha~gc of zone or ..~ako application for Variance. .,.ce t_ng AdJ:)urned. Mecreta~y