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04 CUP 2011-06
ITEM #4 Report to the Planning Commission DATE: APRIL 12, 2011 SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CUP 2011-06 PROPERTY OWNER: TUSTIN AUTO CENTER 25108 MARGUERITE PARKWAY A-262 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92692 APPLICANT: DIEGO TUSTIN LLC (TUSTIN TOYOTA) 1377 KETTERING LOOP ONTARIO, CA 91761-2217 LOCATION: TUSTIN AUTO CENTER TUSTIN GENERAL PLAN: PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS ZONING: PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: THIS PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15311 (CLASS 11) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT REQUEST: TO AMEND THE MASTER SIGN PLAN FOR THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER WHICH WOULD ALLOW AN INCREASE IN SIGN AREA, SIGN SIZES, AND MONUMENT SIGN HEIGHT PC Report CUP 2011-06 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4171 approving Conditional Use Permit 2011-06 to amend the master sign plan for the Tustin Auto Center. BACKGROUND The original master sign program for the Tustin Auto Center was approved in 1985 and has been periodically amended by the Planning Commission. The most recent amendment was approved by the Planning Commission on December 22, 2003, through the adoption of Resolution No. 3904. Pursuant to Section 9403i2(e) of the Tustin from the standards set forth in the Tustin Sig building square feet and upon approval of Commission. The project is well within these of 12 dealerships on approximately 50 acres. City Code, a master sign plan may deviate ~ Code if the development is at least 30,000 a conditional use permit by the Planning parameters in that the Auto Center consists Site and Surroundings The Tustin Auto Center is located along the Interstate 5 Freeway and bounded by EI Camino Real to the north, Myford Road and the Orange County Flood Control Channel to the east, and Tustin Ranch Road to the west. Perimeter walls enclose the dealership area with Auto Center Drive allowing interior access to the Auto Center off of Tustin Ranch Road and EI Camino Real. The Tustin Market Place shopping center lies to the east of the Auto Center and to the north is a smaller shopping center located across EI Camino Real. Residential uses are located to the west of the Auto Center across Tustin Ranch Road. To the south, across the 5 Freeway, is an industrial business park. PC Report CUP 2011-06 Page 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Tustin Toyota The application for the proposed amendments to the Auto Center master sign plan was filed by the Tustin Toyota dealership. The proposed amendments are largely in response to the new facility within the Auto Center that the Toyota dealership will be occupying (36 Auto Center Drive). Due to the orientation of the parcel and building located at 36 Auto Center Drive, the proposed amendments are necessary to meet the marketing and signage goals of the Tustin Toyota dealership. The prior use of the property was as an automotive museum and banquet facility (Joe's Garage) which did not have the same marketing demands of a dealership. The parcel is unique from others within the Auto Center as it has a limited street frontage with the building setback more than 370 feet. The majority of other dealerships have significantly more street frontage along with buildings and signage which are much closer to the street. The proposed amendments involve an increase in sign area, monument sign height, and in sign letter and logo heights. The proposal intends to allow the flexibility of having individual tenants determine the logo and lettering heights of their individual signs. Sign designs would need to comply with established square footages and would be subject to the City and Auto Center Association approval. The proposed amendments have been approved by the Auto Center Association (Attachment D). PC Report CUP 2011-06 Page 4 36 Auto Center Drive In addition to the amendments specifically related to sign standards, there is also a proposed amendment pertaining to administration of the master sign plan. Should ambiguity arise concerning the meaning or appropriate applications of provisions within the master sign plan or if the master sign plan does not take into consideration new technology and/or dealer corporate image requirements, the Community Development Director may approve amendments to the master sign plan. Such amendments shall be accompanied by findings to support the decision. This provision would facilitate any future signage needs of the Auto Center and ensure coordinated design without requiring a public hearing and lengthy review process. The Community Development Director would still have the authority to forward any proposals to the Planning Commission for review. Tusfin Aufo Center Masfer Sign Plan The Tustin Auto Center is a unique business development within the City which requires unique advertising and signage demands. The City Sign Code allows exceptions from standards precisely for these types of developments to allow flexibility to meet signage needs. Since its inception, the Auto Center master sign plan has allowed for signage that responds to the scale and architecture of the buildings as well as the marketing requirements of an auto center. Many of the sign types and criteria identified within the Tustin Auto Center master sign plan are unique to the center and not addressed within the City Sign Code. PC Report CUP 2011-06 Page 5 The Tustin Auto Center is a self contained facility with perimeter walls to the exterior street systems. Dealerships face inwards along Auto Center Drive and display vehicles and signage directed primarily to customers which would be located within the Auto Center as well as motorists on the freeway. Due to the orientation of the dealerships, signage is most purposeful for identification purposes to those motorists that have already come to the destination facility of the auto center rather than motorists on local streets. Proposed Amendments Si na a Existin Si n Plan Pro osed Si n Plan Buildin Mounted Si ns Max Si n Area 175 s ware feet 200 s uare feet Letter/Logo Height 24" or 36" Determined b Dealer subject to Information Si ns Cit and Association a royal Letter Hei ht 18" max 24" max Jewel Box Si ns Letter/Lo o Hei ht 24" Determined b Dealer sub~ect to Monument Signs Cit and Association ap royal Height 16 feet 20 feet The proposed modification to building walls signs would involve an allowable increase of 25 square feet to the existing maximum of 175 square feet along with a letter and logo height to be determined by the individual dealership subject to the approval of the Auto Center Association and the City of Tustin. Letter height for informational signage is proposed to increase by 6 inches. The only criteria identified for jewel box signage is related to a maximum height of 24 inches. The proposed amendments would allow jewel box sizing to be determined by the individual dealership subject to the approval of the Auto Center Association and the City of Tustin. The maximum height of monument signage is proposed to increase by 4 feet from 16 feet to 20 feet in height. All other components and development standards with the master sign plan for the Tustin Auto Center would remain in effect. FINDINGS In determining whether to approve the Conditional Use Permit for the proposed amendments to the master sign plan, the Planning Commission must determine whether or not the proposed signage will be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood, nor be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, or to the general welfare of the City of Tustin. A decision to approve this request may be supported by the following findings: The proposed amendments to the Tustin Auto Center master sign plan comply with the review criteria for master sign plans contained within Section 94031.2 of the Tustin City Code. The Tustin Auto Center consists of twelve (12) dealerships on approximately fifty (50) acres. PC Report CUP 2011-06 Page 6 The Tustin Auto Center is a unique facility within the City which requires flexibility in sign design for marketing purposes. The proposed amendments would allow flexibility for dealerships within the Tustin Auto Center while still providing coordinated sign design which is subject to the review and approval of the Auto Center Association and the City of Tustin. !. Ry Swiontek Elizabeth A. Binsack Associate Planner Community Development Director Attachments: A. Location Map B. Land Use Fact Sheet C. Proposed Amendments D. Auto Center Association Approval E. Resolution No. 4171 ATTACHMENT A LOCATION MAP LOCA1-~;I~ MAP ATTACHMENT B LAND USE FACT SHEET LAND USE APPLICATION FACT SHEET 1. LAND USE APPLICATION NUMBER(S): CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 2011-06 2. LOCATION: Tustin Auto Center 3. ADDRESS: i - 50 Auto Center Drive 4. APN(S): 500-(181-184); 500-301-(01-02) 5. PREVIOUS OR CONCURRENT APPLICATIONS RELATING TO THIS PROPERTY: CUP 89-09; CUP 03-023; CUP 06-008 6. SURROUNDING LAND USES: NORTH: COMMERCIAL SOUTH: FREEWAY WEST: RESIDENTIAL EAST: COMMERCIAL 7. SURROUNDING ZONING DESIGNATION: NORTH: PLANNED COMMUNITY MIXED USE SOUTH: FREEWAY WEST: PLANNED COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL EAST: PLANNED COMMUNITY MIXED USE 8. SURROUNDING GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: NORTH: PC COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS SOUTH: FREEWAY WEST: PC RESIDENTIAL EAST: PC COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS 9. SITE LAND USE: A. EXISTING: AUTO CENTER PROPOSED: SAME B. GENERAL PLAN: PC COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PROPOSED: SAME C. ZONING: PC COMMERCIAL PROPOSED: SAME DEVELOPMENT FACTS: NO CHANGE TO EXISTING DEVELOPMENT ATTACHMENT C PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TUSTIN AUTO CENTER MASTER SIGN PROGRAM Revised per Resolution No. 4171 Conditional Use Permit 2011-06 Planning Commission Meeting April 12, 2010 TUSTIN AUTO CENTER MASTER SIGN PROGRAM Introduction The purpose of this program is to guide automobile dealers in selection and placement of their signage. It is the intent to provide a reasonable number and size of signs. It is the further intent to limit the number and size of signs to that required far proper conduct of business and to control the design and placement of all signage to ensure compliance with the City of Tustin's Comprehensive Sign Ordinance. It is desired that artistic flexibility be allowed while maintaining the continuity and appropriate scale to the center as a whole. The information contained in this program as adopted by the City of Tustin establishes mandatory criteria to which each sign must conform. Each business will be responsible for construction, installation and maintenance of its signage, and must submit for approval to the City of Tustin three copies of shop drawings which indicate location, materials, dimensions, finishes and method of installation for all proposed signage. II. Identification Signs for the Auto Center Identification of the Auto Center will be provided by the project's developer to attract customers into the center. Such identification signage shall include signs at each side of the entrances to the Auto Center, major freeway signage and directional signage at the adjacent freeway off-ramps. III. Automobile Dealer's Signs A. General Criteria There shall be no pennants, display flags, spinners, exposed lamps or other attention-getting devices except as allowed under Section V- Promotional Signage. It is for the mutual benefit of all dealers and the City that the subject of this paragraph be carefully controlled. Nothing can detract more quickly from the quality of the center than rampant competition for attraction through the proliferation of balloons, sale signs, painted windows, etc., except as allowed in Section V -Promotional Signage. 2. Paper signs or painted signs on windows or similar advertising will be permitted on a temporary basis. See Section V -Promotional Signage. 3. No exposed raceways, ballast boxes or transformers will be permitted. 4. Illuminated signs shall be internally lit by fluorescent or neon tubes. No luminous or reflective background or script may be attached or applied. 5. Sign company names or stamps shall be concealed. 6. Locations and size of all signs shall be indicated on preliminary submittal drawings for approval by the Auto Center Merchant's Association (Association). Page 1 7. Working drawings must include sign locations, design, size, colors and specifications. The Association's written approval of a dealership's prepared sign drawings and specifications is mandatory. 8. The maximum height of all signs shall be measured from the nearest curb grade or grade of the nearest ground level {non-elevated) paving area. 9. No roof-mounted signs will be permitted. 10. The color of signs should coordinate with the overall building color scheme. Signs should reflect high quality design and not be "gimmicky" in use of materials, color or form. The intent of this section is to allow the Franchise signage requirements to work in tandem with the sign program standards. B, Street Identification Signs (See Exhibit "A"1 1. Two street-front signs shall be permitted per dealership. 2. Street signs may contain the following information: a. Brand(s) of vehicles sold b. Manufacturer's logo c. Dealer's name d. Identification of used cars or trucks e. Secondary manufacturer's lines or similar identification 3. Each sign must fit within a rectangle 6 ft high by 15 ft' wide for a horizontal sign or 20-16 ft high by 8ft wide for a vertical sign. For the 2016 ft' x 8ft' vertical format sign, 25% of the height dimension may measure up to 12 ft wide if the total sign face does not exceed 128 sq. ft. (See Exhibit "A" Alternate) 4. Each sign may be double sided. 5. Signs may be located no closer than 75 ft from a common lot line between dealerships. Location and spacing of signs is subject to the review and approval of the Association. 6. Signs shall be monument signs only and shall be constructed of solid masonry or metal panels. Signs shall be trimmed out with a material which is used in the main showroom building in order to promote an architecturally coordinated look for each site. It is recognized that certain standard signs are more easily incorporated by the dealer than necessarily custom-made signs. Pole signs are permitted if the support column is a minimum width of 3 ft. (Refer to Exhibit "A" -Alternate) 7. Letters and logos only may be lit and they shall be lit internally. No external lighting may be allowed. Page 2 8. Signs shall be set back from the front property line a minimum of 5 ft. and shall be contained within a planting area which may consist of turf or selective ground covers. 9. Signs shall be no closer than 125 ft from Dealers property line at Tustin Ranch Road, Myford Road and EI Camino Road. 10. Except for the sign regulations contained within this sign program, all remaining regulations contained within the Tustin Sign Ordinance are valid and applicable. 11. Each business is required to obtain a sign permit for any sign proposed for the dealership. C. Street Directional Signs 1. Signage information may include directions to Entrance, Service, Parts, Customer Parking, etc. 2. The signs may measure 6 sq ft for a single message, up to 12 sq ft for multiple messages in a space no larger that 3 ft high and 5 ft wide. 3. All signs may be double sided. 4. Signs shall be located at driveway areas. Spacing and location of signs is subject to approval by the Association and the City of Tustin. IV. Approval of Sign Program A. Proposed Signage 1. The dealers should, at an early date in their planning process, present to the Association the proposed Signage Program, so that mutual study and consideration might be given to evolving a compatible sign, for the dealer, that relates to other dealers in the center. B. Sign Materials 1. Design and materials shall be presented as part of the design package for approval. It is desirable that the sign materials be of high quality and reflect design, color and materials of the project. 2. Materials used shall be compatible with the dealership's building design and overall sign program. 3. Signs shall be internally lit only. C. Building Mounted Signs (See Exhibit "B") 1. The sign may include dealership name, logo and/or franchise brand. 2. The sign(s) may measure up to 1.75 200 sq ft. in a horizontal format and should be proportional to the building surface of which it is a part. The maximum percentage of the sign to the length of the building shall not exceed 75%. Page 3 3. Maximum letter height or adjacent logo height shall net-exceed-~l~#es when baildieg froratage~setback exceeds 60 f~frorx~~roperty--lip- Maxinaor~-letterer-adjaoeflt-Ingo-heigfi# -sha~ate-~xseed-~4-ieshes when--balding--f~r+tage-setdask- ls-egt+al--te-oF -Isss-thaFl--6i~-f~-frarx~ proper-y-Ilrr~be determined by the tenant subject to the approval of the Auto Center Association and the City of Tustin. 4. Multiple dealer identification/franchise signage may exist on each street frontage -not to exceed 3 total. 5. Building mounted signs may be attached to screen walls or service buildings or showroom buildings which face onto the interior loop road of the Auto Center and along the exterior facing perimeter of the Auto Mall. Signs along the exterior facing perimeter shall be a maximum height of 3624 inches. Letters shall be channel tube and shall be internally illuminated or back- lit. Letter shall be limited to a single color. Manufacturer brand identity color(s) may be allowed with the review and approval of the Association. D. Perimeter Signage at "Jewel Box" Display (See Exhibit "E") Signs and locations shall be determined by the tenant subject to the approval of the Auto Center Association and the City of Tustin. E. Information Signs 1. Signs shall be single sided, mounted flat on a building or wall, and shall not protrude out from the building. 2. Signing for Parts, Service and Used Cars may measure up to 15 sq ft with a maximum height of 1L-24 inches. In the event the letter height does not exceed 14 inches, total sign area may be increased to 20 sq ft. 3. All other information signing may measure up to S sq ft with a maximum letter height of 12 inches. 4. Materials shall be compatible with the building's design. 5. Reference Exhibit "D" attached. Project Entry Directories and Freeway Identification Signs Dealer Association may provide a directory sign 96 sq ft -Double sided at each project entry, (Tustin Ranch Road, and EI Camino Road and at the intersection of Tustin Ranch Road and EI Camino Road.) (See Exhibit C). A. The design shall be an aluminum texture coated cabinet with six inch painted letter (for franchise identification), to replicate the design of the Market Place directories. Such signs may be externally lit with ground mounted lights. Maximum height for this type of sign is 12 ft. Page 4 B. All sign colors shall match those of the freeway signs to encourage a unifying theme throughouk the center. C. The existing metal Tustin Auto Center wall mounted sign shall remain, Each directory shall contain the center name in 12 inch high letters on each face. D, Dealer and franchise identification may be permitted if within size constraints. The final design is subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development. 2. One {1) Auto Center identification/information sign {reader board) shall be provided along the I-5 freeway. Design as identified in Exhibit "G-1","G-2" and "G-3" as well as the description as noted below: A. The Reader board identification/information sign shall be monitored by the Association for content and clarity of all messages. The Association will monitor the operations of the reader board messages to comply with the Cal Trans guidelines for signal duration and visual impact. B. The Reader board will be limited to high definition digital display media sources. C. Messages will be limited to a duration of thirty (30) consecutive calendar days. Use of the Reader board advertising medium will be limited to members of the Auto Center Association. The following advertisements or messages are prohibited: Political messages indicating the name/or picture of an individual seeking election to a public office, or relating to public election or referendum or advocating, criticizing, or otherwise related to the political views, opinions, contentions on labor disputes or similar controversies. • Messages relating to religious, charitable, or sociological opinions, views, policies, or beliefs. • Advertisements of businesses, products, persons, or subjects not related to Tustin Auto Center. • Messages or advertisements that are obscene, or of an obscene nature or "adult content". • Messages that stimulate or imitate in size, color, lettering, or design of any traffic sign or signal, or which make use of the words "Stop", "Look", "Danger", or any other words, phrases, symbols, or characters in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead, or confuse traffic. Page 5 • Messages and/or advertisements that are audible or emitting sound. E. Messages will be limited to the display of dealer or center-wide special events, digital images of current vehicles (without indication of "sale or value pricing"), the advertisement of dealerships in general and hours of operation. 3. Each dealer may be identified on one of the I-5 Freeway oriented dealer signs. Seven (7) dealer signs shall be provided along the I-5 freeway, which are spaced approximately 90 feet apart. All signs shall be designed in accordance with Exhibit "H-1", "H-2", & "H-3". V. Promotional Signage (Temporary/Special Event) A. Tustin Auto Center (Dealers Association and Center-wide Promotion) The center may be granted a permit to display a special event display for four (4) periods per year, but in no event shall the combined time period exceed one hundred twenty (120) days per year. A permit is required before any special event display may be exhibited, permit application shall be filed by the Dealer's Association a minimum of thirty (30) days in advance. A special event display is intended to inform the public of a unique happening, action, purpose, or occasion. 2. A permit for special event display may allow banners (Exhibit "F", Item 1) Pennants and or/super graphics (Exhibit "F", Item 2) may be granted for a period no longer than thirty (30) days subject to review and approval of the Director of Community Development. (No flags or balloons of any type are permitted.) 3. The banners and/pennants shall be limited to a reasonable size, location and number as determined by the Directory of Community Development. 4. The plan should show location and colors. The banners and or/pennants shall be appropriate for the event and should not negatively affect adjacent land uses. Actual examples should accompany plan. 5. Up to one sign per street or freeway frontage may be installed. 6. All signs and temporary advertising devices shall be proportional in size to the area to which they are affixed as determined by the Director of Community Development. All temporary signs shall be securely affixed to a building, wall, or window (not draped or hung over walls.) 7. Center-wide promotions shall not conflict (overlap) with any individual dealer promotions. 8. Special events held outdoors and/or in tents, shall comply with this section for signs, and all city code regulations for permits and inspections. 9. Application shall be requested on the appropriate form and will be approved or denied by the Director of Community Development following a review by the Manager of Inspection Services regarding appropriate Page 6 placement and safety if placed within the public right-of-way. Each special event display shall be acity-issued certificate of approval including the expiration date. 10. The Tustin Auto Center Merchant's Association shall represent and coordinate all permits with the City for center promotions. B. Individual Business Organizations 1. An individual business may be granted a permit to display a special event display for up to thirty (30) consecutive days per calendar quarter. A permit is required before any special event display may be exhibited. A special event display is intended to inform the public of a unique happening, action, purpose, or occasion. 2. A permit for special event display may allow banners and/or pennants subject to review and approval of the Director of Community Development. In no event shall a dealer post more than one banner per street front. All displays shall be posted on premise and oriented towards Loop Road. ~No flags or balloons of any type are permitted.) 3. The banners and/or pennants shall be limited to a reasonable size, location and number as determined by the Director of Community Development. A special event banner is intended to inform the public of a unique happening, action, purpose, or occasion, and is limited to thirty- two (32) sq ft. The use of temporary signs is limited to banner type signs of a durable cloth material and shall be professionally made. 4. Up to one sign per street or freeway frontage may be installed. 5. The plan should show location and colors. The banners and/or pennants shall be appropriate for the event and should not negatively affect adjacent land uses. Actual examples should accompany plan. 6. All signs and temporary advertising devices shall be proportional in size to the area to which they area affixed as determined by the Director of Community Development. All temporary signs shall be securely affixed to building walls or a walled surface (not draped or hung over walls.) 7. Any individual dealer promotion shall be coordinated so as to not overlap with the timing of any center-wide promotion. 8. No banners or pennants shall be posted on the perimeter walls of the center of on building walls which face EI Camino Real, Tustin Ranch Road, the EI Modena Flood Control Channel or the I-5 freeway. 9. Special events held outdoors and/or in tents, shall comply with this section for signs, and all city code regulations for permits and inspections. 10. All temporary signs shall be securely affixed to a building, wall or window. All signs shall be posted upon the premises for which they serve, no off-site advertising is permitted. 10. Application shall be requested on the appropriate form at least one week in advance and will be approved or denied by the Director of Community Page 7 Development following a review by the Manager of Inspection Services regarding appropriate placement and safety if placed within the public right-of-way. Each special event display shall be acity-issued certificate of approval including the expiration date, 11. Should for any reason, a dealer violate the conditions contained herein or any requirement of the Tustin Sign Code, they shall waive their right to apply for any temporary signs for a period of one (1) year after such violations and permanently if further violations occur. VI Landscaping, Hardscape, and Architectural Features A. Sign Landscape Submit at plan check, a landscaping and irrigation plan for the landscaped areas affected by the new entry and freeway signs. 2. This plan shall be consistent with adopted City of Tustin Landscaping and Irrigation Submittal Requirements. B. Requirements The submitted landscaping plans at plan check must reflect the following requirements: All existing and new landscaping along the freeway shall be designed in accordance with the Auto Center Landscape Guidelines and all trees, shrubs, and other plants shall be relocated in this area to provide maximum visibility to all signs, including promotion sign locations yet promote a lushly landscaped perimeter area. 2. All revised landscaping is subject to review and approval by the Director of Community Development prior to issuance of any sign permits along the freeway or at the project entries. C. Architectural Features Architectural features such as towers, cupolas, flag poles, monuments, and similar structures may exceed height limits subject to the approval of the Community Development Director. VII Interpretations and Modifications If ambiguity arises concerning the meaning or appropriate applications of the provisions of this sign plan of if the sign plan does not take into consideration new technology and/or dealer corporate image requirements, the Community Development Director may make a determination and deviate from these standards. Such decision shall be accompanied with findings to support said decision. Page 8 TUSTIN AUTO CENTER 1. Manufacturer's Brand - MASTER SIGN PROGRAM Glossary of Terms Manufacturer's brand will identify the major automobile manufacturer by , i.e. - General Motors Daimler Chrysler Ford Motor Company Mazda Mitsubishi Motors Toyota 2. Franchise Brand - Franchise brand identifies the make or model to be displayed, i.e. - Chevrolet Dodge Jeep GMC Pontiac Ford 3. Franchise I,D. - 4. Franchise (Dealer) Signage - Franchise identification refers to the franchise brand graphic logo and with the dealer name. Franchise/dealer signage may include the manufacturer's brand and the major franchise i.d. Page 9 /n J I I I I I I I a'- I 20,_x. I I TI~STIN I ~,.m. V;rRTfGAL FORMAT -ALT W J -~r~ HORIZONTAL FORMAT r e~-m ~~ 1~ ~ ~ T d i S H V N B I 5 20. _0. I S s ~ s ~ T A I 1'I N V~KTIG.~L =DRf~'i,~T NOTE: ALL EXAMPLES ARE FOR DIMENSiONAt REFERENCE ONLY. SIGN FORhAS CAN BE PURSUED WITHIN THE DIMENSIONS ILLUSTRATED aN0 NOTED IN PRDCRAA{. - ~H131T A SCALE: 1 /E"= i'-U' PAGE ' _ BuiLCAVG ui.4LL ~.~~L_~~~~~~ ~~~o ~GJ/LD/NG !1/.4LL I - - LOC:O NOTE: ALL EXAMPLES ARE FDR DIMENSIONAL REFERENCE ONLY. SIGN FORMS CAN 8E PURSUED WITHIN THE DIMENSIONS ILLUSTRATED AND NOTED IN PROGRAM- BUI! DIN~~ MOUNT>=D SIGI~!5 -EXHIBIT B SCALE: 1 /E~~=1'-0" I ?AGf "_' l 31GNAGE HOX-BTIJGGO FINIbN DEALER SIGN BAGKCsRDUNO - SFIOOTi~I ACR1'LIG ~~C~.J~~ ~P~~~.IT{f ~I~'~r ~T~°?F I~_`=; - i=..>',- .!l°: I"f~ SCALE: 1 /B'=1 '-~i" i PAGE 3 (~ ~~ ~~"111~J ~ ~r~,s..T ~..~. O2 TLJ~TIf~! ~f'><I~HI~L.. ~,~'°'"llf`~~I~~, ~Y`~~r-.-.1 I>•~~~' .~U/L DING IUAL L PARTS, U5E~ CARS OR 5ERv1GE F7 HAX 1 5 S Q ALL O7NER ~ ~ / ~ / ~ - 4J iJ1.~ll~ ~X ~~-~° INFOf~!"IATION 81G1J5 t'IA SQ FT X B {f~ ~ / r MA.Xi ~~rlS+~ NOTE: atL EXauPLES ARE FOR ^it{ENSIDNAL REFERENCE ONLY. SIGN EDRIAS GAN 9E PURSUED wITHiN THE DIMEN9ONS IILUSTRATEO AND NDTER IN PROGRA-i. INFORM;aTiON 51GNS - ~XHIBfT D PAGE a ~L ' ~- 7 f~ My~' 9 ~„~ K I N~ ~~J ti ~ ., ~-N: IrTyl~ ~r l 1 if ~ouNDa~r r~,a~~----~ NOTE: ALL EY,AIAPLES kRE FOB Gulf NS10NAL REfERENCC ONLY. SICN FORMS CAN 8E PUP.SUED WIIHIN THE DI~IENSIDNS ILLUSTRATED AND NOTED IN PROGRAM. - ~XHi;31 I _ SCALE: M1 /E _ ~'-G~ t PAGc 5 I C D t m ' C = E ~~ 7 J C N E' 3 i E~ .~ ~' E E~ '~ .~L ~ 1 tl t a ~ C ~ ~ C . U U ~ ~ L U T ~ y O C 3 C O m o ~ v o w a~ C E y L m o m ~ > ~ O ~ o E ~ 61 C "U O V 03 C L '~ U C y y O V .. y ~ O d E '` N m Q U L y p _ a o O 7 ! Ql ~ QO 9D m f ° ~ C 0] r V c m ~ C a ~ O E ~ v ° m `. o a~ o ~_ ~ ~ ~ 'J y m y fq ~ ~ U ~ - ~ d O/ ~' ~ H U A rn v ~~ Q m m o ~ u) U r N r N t7 Z Z ~ O O a m .U ~ C m ~ '3 O. m c ~ 0 C LL ~ t N c ~ m U n U C d ~ ? ~ 'D _m C' N ~U N N ~ d C ~ ay ~ m ~~ ' ~ m m 7 Q ~ a vl ~ U O C ryC U y N ~` ~', N } V L ~ } 3 o # 0 v ~ as ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ y U `0 a ~ ~ ~- c ~ C ~` C7 ~ ~ O ~ y m > d n ~ ~ O W F- o r i i i i N ~JCHIBIT r-Page s 27'-6' Tustin - ---- Auto al~~ Center 2T-b' \ NEW READER BOARD ~,~_@• Gz 250 X 18'O bS'-0' 65'-0 I I II 25~-m~ EXISTING ?d'-0' 8' I I I I 1 I L .J r ~ I I I I t I ~.! 6. I i WITH GRApE I I I I ELEV,4TION A FizEEWAY(SIDE) c(_EVA I ION _ GONGEPT DESIGN - I`'I,4TERf,4! 5 TO REMAIN THE SAME NOTE: ALL cXAMPl.ES ARE FOR DIMENSIONAL REFERENCE ONLY. SIGN FOkMS CAN BE PURSUED W17HIN THE ^IMENSIONS ILLUSTRATED AND NOTED IN PROGRAM. AUTO GEN`I ER INFORMATION SIGN (READER BARD) -EXHIBIT G1 SCALE: 1 /8"=1'-D" REBUILT AUTO CENTER 51GN O O O Austin ~ ~ ~ ~Z._6. I Auto Q NEW READER 80ARD Center NEW READER BOrV2D ~ I I I I I i so x ia o G2 O O ~ 27'-6' -r-- o NEw READER BOARD I 1 I I Gz I ~ `i v I v I Ewsnu~ ~vs= I i I I ELEv.4TION SCALE: 1/16"=1•-0° O O 3'-0' I g~_ 0• O I 22'-b' i O1 EXISTINCs BASE SHAPE TO icEMAIN CEXISTINCs TELECOPING STRUCTURAL COLUMNS TO S~ I`10DiF1ED) CONCEPT DESIGN - M,aTER1ALa TO REMAIN THE SAME AUTO G NTEf2 INF02M,aTION SIGN (F~E.aDER BO.aRD) - EXHIBIT G2 `~~ I C+"'' ,_.. i'r ~ :-- a .- -: ~ ._ ~ m ~~ -"' • ~ ~= - . .-- ~ °° qq Y ••F . Y ! ,'.J! V4 Y • 1 .~~4 i *~f ~: e ~ ~ ~ ' 4 ~, W V • ~ {t• Y ~. `~'' ~ • v: 1 r~l ! 1(•~ I e~ S= ~~ r '+ N iy a ~ ` v n 'v - °= o ~.~ a o .~1.,... ._ _ 1 r u !rr am r rvrrw cs.nrr r ~ -- .. . r!r[. uu~'r euuwlu. . ~i11ct ra.. Haut. c.t. +wy . urt r wrt-. +a. r. rrM ~~ • laird ~s~.r • P44C0. ~l 1 ] • ~ rr..c 1 1M 1 ~ 4! ' ' _ V a v L7 ~ `'~ 3 3 1 i = ~~ d :~; :; j :: t: i ~ ~ e y eri iti ~ •~i ~ .~•~ / •J r. '++ ... r. ~ I ~ ' 's - ^ • T . Y ~~ • ~ !. ai .rr1 ~ ~: t01p r.aai.a ; i • ? 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I...• ..•.1•M•Y • .r•11•:.K I. w• .1.r1• I 0 • •. i'M•1 iI.M• ..__.r.___, ~ -. ~. ... y/ 1;ti - Mtia. 1 l ~ ~~ ~ •~ ~~~•d ~A ~'~-- C-------------------------------------- --- ~-~ i ~h •o I0+ ~~~ ~~- -r -- ~' kx~f.artil~wc r~ Y,~ 0 fiord Toyota, r `~~~ I io+ 1t.~Rr~~T ~ To dFHlr+~ 6 F~ ~1--~ p~ s~c11or1 •fa F5C V6P41FiG~ r~n~ N-:. rt~r) t": fi ~0 G-t.~ (~~M~ 1~~~ p~I<~~-I ~ r~ I• D. MaNU F'tEN'~ hlCxr-1 ~"(~(PiG~-~ 7 F~~ ~ ~,.~~ } I'.an ~p,P,,,-~-r: N.uM My ~~ F~r~+-! (~eE 5aav iMrfw~.wkr-r~) - No vi~~-~ F~T~ _. piVi~P, NNE:: (~ol,t"( f~.uF1 F~''G~ To 'rup-c~ rlsjo~S P'l~t t~ttrD., INT {l1s~r-i. p G~Pf : t'~t1 Au+MtNUr~ ~F, 5N~ •n+I~ GoPY - f~UNr.~ ~ilt•t '~•4~ pg''u~o To ~~T~ ~oP~( Ihtf Iu.uM RY D~ rte. p. t~r~1P5. GoPY nfYLc ~ uMivr--~5 75 I~'r~ ~d' rte. ~ : ,~wM ~y T~~ F~+wrt~T~ rtKG,tt ~g~+Et ~G, ca~D ~ NOTE ; . E~c.•rxw -tD RuN Ta 55~N l.O~T101~5, N~ To H~vE ENou~H r'oR Z ~UfU~ t~cilgrJS ~ ~r . ~ ~ •1N rXHIBIT f~-1 ~~r10 ~J ATTACHMENT D AUTO CENTER ASSOCIATION APPROVAL Tustin Auto Center c/o Premier Management 25108 Marguerite Parkway, suite A-262 Mission Viejo, CA 92692 (949) 837-2701 ottice (949) 837-1418 fax {714) 348-D002 cell ebenedick(c~cox.net February 17, 2011 Tustin Toyota Mr. Glenn Kashima 44 Auto Center Drive Tustin, CA 92782 Re: Building Signage #36 Auto Center Drive; Tustin Toyota Dear Mr. Kashima: Thank you for your plan submittal for the Toyota signage at #36 Auto Center Drive at Tustin Auto Center. It has been determined that the sign request is approved through the Association. This does not constitute City of Tustin approval and therefore all applications and plans must also be approved through the City of Tustin. Thank you for contacting the Association for review and approval Sincerely, Emily Benedick Tustin Auto Center Association •~~ '60YOTA 9 J'•3" 819sc 61F ILLIWf,91NATf;i~ F'`ALON -NEW CbNCR~TE BI~SE REQUlREQ PYLUN SIGN J -~ ---.-117,i,;.?_`"}_t:C.{~~~ ut+i ~ H:~itY', -- - taa ur - -~--T ra trt- 1~ - OYOTA' SL90 ILLUMINATED CIIANNCI-IFTTER6 A MOLDED LO00 10'- 2 ATT 16.9 SO- FT "_L ~C1Qi-1 SBL-15 ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS SMALLER SET REOUIREp DUE TO AVAILABLE AREA BLACK BACKGROUND BY OTHERS e'+' iwM 80. FT. ~L SERVICE 51-21 - ©uantity (2) required ILLUMINATEp CHANNEL LETTERS - - n~san- t.'S5D I~i. TU STI N PDNN•27 HON-ILLUMINATED MOLDED IETTER6 ~'~ ar T I~/,o/r~~ E~~4~~F\r. ~) N I ~.L/ rcv-sNl NON-iLIUMINATEO TOYOTA ENTRANCE IDGU ar.a vtr C-01°IIT t°`2N1S zT.n °a. rr~ +o tvlm r.w fia rr. -- 11I ~ TOYOTAr°;,,g J~ x851 -Quantity (3) required ILLUMINATED GHAHNEL LETTERS A MOLDED LOGO .... ~~5.3i 50. FT. ~ L TUSTIN TDtJi-30 -(]uantity {2j regLlired ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS INSTALLED ON SOUTFI & EAST ELEVATIONS u-n-N Fxr;a r. ~~Flt'Mf7V ,i~nwu~ ~, ~•~ ~~ Tn:-.~ T...3.7A OT ~ ' !' ' . ~ bT q i ! 1 I I. ~ ~ , ~ _.T : .: . i A'iY i xi rn rp a rMn:T .7, ~. ~-hiOTUrx~ LIi~~ 1 i ~ _ _ _ 11 T$"„ ~ ~li~i l` - .; H ;' I i .'~ 'r'EiY i< <0'F E6?AfY.N I ~. ` ti ~~ 51TEPl~ihl '~•,.' ,~ +,? f . t til .- ,; , TUST~W ANN-2T ~ ! ` _~ ~ SL80 .~, .... .,, r'r O OTA = \\' t -a •=~' ~ SBL.15 r~.q p ~~ i~'-~ ~ _ - TDY•3NI ~'" ~ ^~ '~ ' ` ~ _ *+ ^ 8ER41CE T659 TOI~OTA ... _ .=, - . .1-- TOYOTA Tss, --_ --_ TB51 - Yd~NI-3U ~ TOYOTA vuSTIN ATTACHMENT E RESOLUTION NO. 4171 RESOLUTION NO. 4171 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2011-06 AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER MASTER SIGN PLAN TO INCREASE SIGN AREA, SIGN LETTERING SIZES, AND MONUMENT SIGN HEIGHT FOR THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER LOCATED AT 1 - 50 AUTO CENTER DRIVE. The Planning Commission does hereby resolve as follows: The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. A proper application, Conditional Use Permit 2011-06, was filed by Diego Tustin LLC, requesting authorization to amend the master sign plan and increase sign area, letter/logo height, and monument sign heigh for the Tustin Auto Center located at 1 - 50 Auto Center Drive. B. That the proposed master sign plan is consistent with the Tustin General Plan in that the property is designated as "Planned Community Commercial/Business" and allows for business uses and their supporting signs. In addition, the project has been reviewed for consistency with the Air Quality Sub-element of the City of Tustin General Plan and has been determined to be consistent with the Air Quality Sub-element. C. That on December 22, 2003, the Planning Commission last amended the master sign plan for the Tustin Auto Center by adopting Resolution No. 3904 approving Conditional Use Permit 03-023. D. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held for said application on April 12, 2011, by the Planning Commission. E. That the establishment of the proposed master sign plan will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood, nor be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, or to the general welfare of the City of Tustin in that: The proposed amendments to the Tustin Auto Center master sign plan comply with the review criteria for master sign plans contained within Section 94031.2 of the Tustin City Code. The Tustin Auto Center consists of twelve (12) dealerships on approximately fifty (50) acres. 2. The Tustin Auto Center is a unique facility within the City which requires flexibility in sign design for marketing purposes. Resolution No. 4171 Page 2 The proposed amendments would allow flexibility for dealerships within the Tustin Auto Center while still providing coordinated sign design which is subject to the review and approval of the Auto Center Association and the City of Tustin. F. This project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15311, Class 11 of the California Code of Regulations (Guidelines for the California Environmental Quality Act). The Planning Commission hereby approves Conditional Use Permit 2011-06 authorizing an amendment to the master sign plan to increase the sign area and monument sign height for the Tustin Auto Center located at 1 - 50 Auto Center Drive, subject to the conditions contained within Exhibit A. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin at a regular meeting on the 12t" day ofi April, 2011. Chairperson ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, Elizabeth A. Binsack, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 4171 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission held on the 12t" day of April, 2011. ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION N0.4171 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2011-06 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL GENERAL (1) 1.1 Signage shall conform with the submitted master sign plan for the Tustin Auto Center date stamped April 12, 2011, on file with the Community Development Department, as herein modified, or as modified by the Director of Community Development in accordance with this Exhibit. The Director of Community Development may approve modifications to the master sign plan that deviate from the City Sign Code. Such modifications shall be accompanied with findings to support said decision. (1) 1.2 All conditions in this Exhibit shall be complied with subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. (1) 1.4 As a condition of approval of Conditional Use Permit 2011-06, the applicant shall agree, at its sole cost and expense, to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees, agents, and consultants, from any claim, action, or proceeding brought by a third party against the City, its officers, agents, and employees, which seeks to attack, set aside, challenge, void, or annul an approval of the City Council, the Planning Commission, or any other decision-making body, including staff, concerning this project. The City agrees to promptly notify the applicant of any such claim or action filed against the City and to fully cooperate in the defense of any such action. The City may, at its sole cost and expense, elect to participate in defense of any such action under this condition. (1) 1.5 Any violation of any of the conditions imposed is subject to the issuance of an Administrative Citation pursuant to Tustin City Code Section 1162(a). (1) 1.6 Sign permits shall be obtained from the City of Tustin prior to the installation of signage. SOURCE CODES (1) STANDARD CONDITION (5) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENT (2) CEQA MITIGATION (6) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (3) CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE/S (7) PC/CC POLICY (4) DESIGN REVIEW *** EXCEPTION Exhibit A Resolution No. 4171 Page 2 FEES (2) 2.1 Within forty-eight (48) hours of approval of the subject project, the applicant shall deliver to the Community Development Department, a cashier's check payable to the COUNTY CLERK in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) to enable the City to file the appropriate environmental documentation for the project. If within such forty-eight (48) hour period that applicant has not delivered to the Community Development Department the above-noted check, the statute of limitations for any interested party to challenge the environmental determination under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act could be significantly lengthened.