HomeMy WebLinkAboutPOWERPOINT PRESENTATION - CDBGCD OMMUNITYEVELOPMENT BG LOCKRANT City Council Meeting April 19, 2011 CDB OMMUNITYEVELOPMENTLOCK G(CDBG) P RANTROGRAM Established by the Housing and Community ? Development Act of 1974 Returns Federal funds to local communities ? Funds assist in providing: ? Adequate housing ? Suitable living environments ? Expanding economic opportunities ? Anticipated Tustin FY 2011-12 formula ? allocation -$875,000 CDBG A PPLICATION To participate in the CDBG program, the City is ? required to prepare: AConsolidatedPlanthatidentifiesneedsfor ? affordableandsupportivehousing,community development,publicservices,andeconomic opportunities.TheConsolidatedPlanisrequired everyfiveyears.ThecurrentConsolidatedPlan covers2010to2015. Annually,theCityisalsorequiredtoprepareaone- ? yearActionPlanthatimplementsthegoalsand objectivescontainedintheConsolidatedPlanand detailsexactlyhowtheCitywillspenditsannual allocation. CDBG PS ROGRAMCHEDULE OnFebruary16,2011–TheTustinCommunity ? Foundationheldapublichearingtoreceivepublic inputandmakefundingrecommendationsforpublic servicesprograms. April19,2011–CityCouncilpublichearingtoreceive ? publicinput,approvethe2011-12ActionPlanand fundingallocation,approveamendmentstoprevious programyearActionPlanstoreallocateunexpended funds,andauthorizestafftosubmitapplicationand ActionPlantoHUD. May17,2011–Applicationdeadlinetosubmitto ? HUD. July1,2009–Programbegins. ? FUNDING RESTRICTIONS FOR FY 2011-12 PUBLIC SERVICES ACTIVITIES ? Maximum of 15 percent of total grant award (15% x ? $875,000 = $131,250) PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATIVE ? ACTIVITIES Maximum of 20 percent of the total grant award (20% ? x $875,000 = $175,000) OVERALL ACTIVITIES ? At least 70 percent of the overall expenditures must ? be used for activities that benefit low-and moderate- income persons. PS UBLICERVICES FA UNDINGLLOCATIONS Public Services Activities (max. $119,626) Boys and Girls Club $ 17,000 Community SeniorServ$ 20,000 Graffiti Removal -CDBG target areas$ 25,000 Human Options$ 5,000 Laurel House$ 8,000 Mercy House$ 5,000 Olive Crest$ 5,000 Tustin Parks and Recreation Department $ 28,100 (Youth Center Staff) Tustin Parks and Recreation Department $ 18,150 (Kids Corner) Public Services Subtotal$131,250 N-F ONPUBLICSERVICEUNDINGALLOCATIONS Public Facilities and Improvements ? Frontier Park Fitness Element$ 82,000 Mitchell Ave. Storm Drain, Phase 2$ 320,000 NITF Community Rehabilitation$ 33,250 West Village Neighborhood PSR$ 30,000 Center City PSR$ 25,000 Public Facilities and Improvements Subtotal$ 490,250 Rehabilitation and Preservation Activities ? Code Enforcement $ 116,000 Rehabilitation and Preservation Subtotal$ 116,000 Program Administration and Planning Activities (max. $175,000) ? Fair Housing Counseling Agency$ 17,412 CDBG Program Administration$ 80,000 Tustin Village Way PSR$ 40,000 Administration & Planning Subtotal$ 153,192 RF EALLOCATIONSOFUNDS TheproposedActionPlanamendmentswould reallocateunexpendedfundsfrompreviously approvedprojectsasfollows: A total of $131,664.24 to Mitchell Avenue Storm ? Drain, Phase 2 Construction project. A total of $19,517.64 to the McFadden Parkette ? Improvements project.