HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1391 (2011)ORDINANCE NO. 1391
The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. The City Council finds and determines as follows:
A. That on February 19, 1991, the Tustin City Council approved the Pacific
Center East Specific Plan.
B. That Specific Plan Amendment 11-001 has been proposed by the City
of Tustin to implement minor text amendments to the Pacific Center
East Specific Plan. SPA 11-001 would: 1) modify the allowable square
footage within Planning Areas 5 and 6 to reflect the approved transfer
of a hotel use from Planning Area 6 to Planning Area 5 and ensure
compliance with development thresholds identified in the Specific Plan
and Program EIR; and 2) make other minor text amendments to the
Pacific Center East Specific Plan. SPA 11-001 is administrative in
nature, does not "substantially amend" the Specific Plan, and would not
increase the overall development potential allowed by the Pacific
Center East Specific Plan.
C. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on SPA 11-001
on March 8, 2011, by the Planning Commission. Following the public
hearing, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 4167
recommending that the Tustin City Council approve SPA 11-001 by
adopting Ordinance No. 1391.
D. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on SPA 11-001
on April 5, 2011, by the Tustin City Council.
E. That the Tustin City Council has determined that this Project is within the
scope of the previously approved Program FEIR and that pursuant to
Title 14 California Code of Regulations Sections 15162 and 15168(c), no
new effects could occur, and no new mitigation measures would be
required. Accordingly, no new environmental document is required by
F. That SPA 11-001 is consistent with the policies of the Tustin General
Plan Land Use Element which identifies the Pacific Center East Specific
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Plan area as Planned Community Commercial/Business which
encourages mixed uses of professional office and commercial uses.
SECTION 2. The following Sections of the Pacific Center East Specific Plan are
hereby amended as follows:
A. Subsection 5 of Section 3.8, "Signage Plan," is hereby amended to read as
"5. A master sign program may deviate from specific Tustin City Code
standards for proposed/center identification and business identification
signs subject to submittal and approval of a Conditional Use Permit
application. Pacific Center East project area signs shall be permitted in
addition to the center identification sign standards in the Tustin City Code
provided they are generally consistent with locations shown in Exhibit 16.
B. Section 4.2, Table 4, "Maximum Square Footage Authorized In The Specific
Plan," is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced in its entirety with a new
Table 4, in the form attached as Exhibit A (new text in bold/underline; deleted
text in strikeout).
C. Subsection 2 of Section 4.3.C, "Permitted Uses and Conditionally Permitted
Uses," is hereby amended to read as follows:
"2. Service businesses
All use provisions applicable to the Commercial Center designation P/C
a. Hotels (a minimum of 250 hotel rooms) P
b. Racquetball/Health Clubs C
c. Movie Theaters C"
D. Subsection 1 of Section 4.3.F, "Site Development Standards," is hereby
amended to read as follows:
"1. Minimum site building area - 20,000 square feet with a minimum lot width
of 100 feet except for retail and/or office pad parcels which may have a
minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet and no minimum lot width
E. Subsection 3 of Section 4.3.F, "Site Development Standards," is hereby
amended to read as follows:
"3. Minimum building setbacks2
Ordinance No. 1391
a. Edinger Avenue - 35 feet.
b. Newport Avenue - 35 feet
c. Del Amo Avenue - 20 feet
d. All other building setbacks and distance between buildings shall be
as required by the City adopted California Building Code.
F. Subsection 4 of Section 4.3.F, "Site Development Standards," is hereby
amended to read as follows:
"4. Landscape setbacks2
a. Edinger Avenue - 30 feet
b. Newport Avenue - 20 feet
c. Del Amo Avenue - 25 feet
d. All areas not containing approved buildings, hardscape
improvements or parking shall be landscaped.
G. Section 4.8, Table 6, "Use Limitations," is hereby deleted in its entirety and
replaced in its entirety with a new Table 6 in the form attached as Exhibit B
(new text in bold/underline; deleted text in strikeout).
H. Section 4.8.G., "Child Care Requirements," is hereby deleted in its entirety.
SECTION 3. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or
portion of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the
decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the
validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council of the City of
Tustin hereby declares that it would have adopted this ordinance and each section,
subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof irrespective of the fact that
any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions be
declared invalid or unconstitutional.
PASSED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the City Council for the City
of Tustin on this 19th day of April, 2011.
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City Clerk
I, PAMELA STOKER, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of
Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the
City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance No.
1391 was duly and regularly introduced and read at the regular meeting of the City
Council held on the 5th day of April 2011, and was given its second reading, passed
and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 19th day of April
2011, by the following vote:
COUNCILMEMBER AYES: Amante, Nielsen, Gomez, Murray (4)
City Clerk
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Exhibit A of Ordinance No. 1391
Table 4
(See Table 6 for Use Limitations for Individual Planning Area
Floor 250+ Room R&D/Light TOTAL
Center Planning Net Acres" Office
Area Ratio Hotel Commercial Industrial AUTHORIZED
Commercial Center 7.8 0.35 119,000 l 19,000
Planning Area 2
Planning Area 4 1.1 0.13 6,200 6,200
Regional Center
Planning Area 5 6.2 0.86 195,000 7,000 30,000 232,000
Planning Area 6 12.0 0.80 75,000 326,466 401,466
Planning Area 7 4.0 0.65 113,300 113,300
Planning Area 11 5.8 0.65 8,000 132,000 140,000
Planning Area 14 5.2 0.40 6,000 84,600 90,600
Office Center
Planning Area 8 21.2 0.50 7,000 454,700 461,700
Planning Area ]0 13.1 1.50 85,595 770,359 855,954
Planning Area 13 2.4 0.48 50,200 50,200
Technology Center
Planning Area 1 I.0 0.40 17,400 17,400
Planning Area 3 6.1 0.40 40,920 63,380 106,300
Planning Area 9 3.7 0.40 64,500 64,500
Planning Area 12 8.6 0.40 4,494 145,306 149,800
Planning Area 15 24.8 0.40 12,963 419,137 432,100
TOTAL SQUARE 195,000 372,172 1,961,625 3,240,520
FOOTAGE 123.0 0.61 7] 1,723
Footnotes for each planning area listing options available for development included in the specific plan are listed below:
PA 2 -Office use is permitted but shall not exceed 10 percent of the gross floor area for buildout of each parcel and for the planning area. A minimum of 70
percent of the gross floor area of any development within PA 2 shall be retail-generating uses.
PA 5, 6, or 7 -There shall be a minimum of 250 hotel rooms.
PA 5 - 7 - A minimum of 75,000 sf of retail commercial use is required. The general locations shall be delineated during development processing and planning
area conceptual reviews.
PA 6 -Office use is limited to 60 percent of the total gross square footage if PA 6 includes the hotel and 85 percent if there is not a hotel in PA 6.
PA 11 -A minimum of 8,000 sf of retail commercial use (e.g. freestanding restaurant) shall be developed.
PA 8 -Retail and service commercial use shall not exceed 3 percent of the gross floor area, as calculated for buildout of each parcel. In any event, the
maximum retail and service commercial use in PA 8 shall not exceed 7,000 sf.
PA 10 -Retail and service commercial use within the planning area shall range from a minimum of 5 percent but not exceed a maximum of 10 percent of the
gross floor area, as calculated for buildout of the planning area.
Technology Center -Office use for new uses or alterations to existing development which creates new floor area shall not exceed 50 percent of the gross floor
area in buildings of each parcel. Accessory commercial use for new uses or alterations to existing development which creates new floor area shall not exceed 3
percent of the gross floor area of each parcel. Existing entitlements within PA 3 for the Resco properly allow 36,000 sf of retail commercial use.
All Planning Areas -Consistent with authorized uses within each planning area by each land use designation, exchanges between permitted uses (e.g.
commercial versus office) may be permitted between Planning Areas subject to the Use Limitations contained in Table 6, provided such exchanges are
approved by Public Works and Community Development and are subject to review of the total trips generated for the planning area.
All acreage data is approximate and is based on the land use plan and urban design concept plan. Actual net acreages will be refined during the Planning Area
concept Plan and Design Review process.
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Exhibit B of Ordinance No.1391
Table 6
Land Plan Planning
Designation Area Designations
Regional Center 5, 6,7 There shall be a hotel use of a
minimum of 250 rooms located in
PA 5, 6 or 7.
5,6,7 A minimum of 75,000 total square
feet of retail commercial use is
required within PA 5-7. The
general location shall be delineated
during development processing and
planning area conceptual reviews.
6 Office use within PA 6 is limited to
60 percent of the total gross square
footage if PA 6 includes a hotel and
85 percent if there is no hotel use in
PA 6.
1 1 A minimum of 8,000 square feet of
retail commercial use (e.g.,
freestanding restaurant) shall be
developed in PA 1 1.
Office Center 8 Retail and service commercial uses
shall not exceed 3 percent of the
gross floor area as calculated for
buildout of each parcel. In any
event, the maximum retail and
service commercial use in PA 8
shall not exceed 7,000 square feet.
10 Retail and service commercial use
within the planning area shall range
from a minimum of five percent but
not exceed a maximum often
percent of the gross floor area, as
calculated for buildout of the
planning area.
Commercial Center 2 Office uses shall not exceed 10
percent of the gross floor area for
buildout of each parcel and for the
planning area.
A minimum of 70 percent of the
gross floor area of any
development within PA 2 shall be
retail-generating uses.
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Technology Center' 1, 3, 9, 12, IS Office use for new uses of
alterations to existing development
which creates new floor area shall
not exceed 50 percent of the gross
floor area in buildings on each
All Planning Areas
Accessory commercial use for new
uses or alterations to existing
development which creates new
floor area shall not exceed 3
percent of the gross floor area of
each parcel.z
Consistent with the authorized uses
within each planning area by Land
Use Designations in Table 4,
exchanges of square footage
between permitted uses (e.g.,
commercial versus office) may be
approved subject to the Use
Limitations herein in Table 6,
provided that such exchanges area
approved by Public Works and
Community Development and are
subject to review of the total trip
generations for the planning area.
In Planning Area 3, existing entitlements on the Resco property permit up to 36,000 square feet of retail
commercial use.
Accessory uses are incidental to that of the main use of the facility or structure.
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