HomeMy WebLinkAboutPOWERPOINT - URGENCY ORDINANCE NO 1399URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 1399 ORDINANCE NO. 1400 REVISION TO THE GRADING AND EXCAVATION CODE PROVISIONS City Council Special Meeting April 25, 2011 Background •OnNovember17,2003,theCityofTustinCityCounciladoptedOrdinanceNo.1275 amendingtheCity’sWaterQualityOrdinanceandOrdinanceNo.1280revisingtheCity’s GradingandExcavationOrdinance. •Sincetheadoptionoftheseordinances,privatepropertiesandresponsiblepublicagencies havecompliedwithStateandfederallaws. •However,onelocalagencyhasclaimedexemptionfromGradingandExcavationOrdinance andWaterQualitystandardssetforthbythefederalandStatelawandhascaused violationstooccurwithrespecttoconstructionpractices. •Additionalfutureconstructioniseminent;therefore,UrgencyOrdinanceNo.1399is neededtoclarifytheintentoftheapplicableCodeprovisionsandforthepreservationofthe publicpeace,health,andsafety. •OrdinanceNo.1400willensureclarityastotheCityofTustin'srequirementsforissuance ofgradingpermitsandcompliancewithwaterqualityrequirementsasrequiredbystate andfederallawtherebyallowingtheCitytoprotectthepublichealth,safety,andwelfare. Federal Requirement Thefederalgovernmenthastaskedcitieswith ? responsibilitiesforcontrollingdischargesof pollutantsfrommunicipalstormsystems, constructionsites,andindustrialactivities. Thisresponsibilityincludespreventionofrun-off ? intostreams,rivers,andeventuallytheoceanto protectourfish,birds,wildlife,andhabitats. State and Regional Water Quality Control Board Requirements •Perfederallaw,theStateRegionalWaterQualityControlBoardissuedthe MS4PermitfortheSantaAnaregionasitsimplementationstrategyto ensureeachregionminimizeimpactsonwaterqualityfromnew developmentandsignificantredevelopment.TustinispartoftheSanta Anaregion. •ThecitieswithintheSantaAnaregionalboardjurisdictionaresubjectto thisMS4permitissuedbytheRegionalWaterQualityControlBoardand requiredtoenforcethisregulations. •TheMS4permitrequireseachagencytominimizeshortandlong-term impactsonwaterqualityfromrun-offfromnewdevelopmentand significantredevelopment. •TheMS4permitincludestheDrainageAreaManagementPlan(DAMP) whichwasadoptedbythecitiesandcountieswithintheregion.TheDAMP providesthepolicyandimplementationdocumentsforcompliancewiththe federalmandates. Excerpt of the MS4 Permit Excerpt from the Drainage Area Management Plan (DAMP) State Requirement Government Code Section 53097 Government Code Section 53097 states: ? “…the governing board of a school district shall comply with any city or county ordinance(1) regulating drainage improvements and conditions, (2) regulating road improvements and conditions, or (3) requiring the review and approval of grading plans as these ordinance provisions relate to the design and construction of onsite improvements which affect drainage, road conditions, or grading” Why Grading is Important •To ensure proper drainage into the storm channel to prevent mud or debris to enter the system and to ensure proper capacity is reserved for the development. •To ensure proper connection to City’s utility system such as water, sewer, etc. and to ensure adequacy of City’s current utility system capacity to accommodate the project. •To ensure that run-off would not result from the grading activities. •To ensure proper soils stability and hydrology. •To design roadways to conform to existing topography of City’s roadway system. •To ensure proper connection of on-site driveways and off-site drive aprons, including sidewalks for ADA access and path of travel for the safety of the travelling public. Who has to have Grading Permits? All property owners regardless of public or private entity are required to comply with City’s grading requirements and oversight. The following public agencies have fully complied with the City Grading Ordinance: Orange County Social Services campus at Tustin Legacy – South Orange County Community College District “ATEP” campus – at Tustin Legacy Rancho Santiago Community College District campus at Tustin – Legacy City of Tustin library project at City Hall – City of Tustin Pasadena well site – TUSD commenced construction on three projects without obtaining City-approved grading and water quality management plan. What Happens if Proper Grading is Not Conducted? TheStateofCaliforniahaspassedlawsthatmaketheCity ? ofTustinresponsibleifmudordebrisentersthestorm drainstothesea. IftheCitydoesnotactivelyenforceitslaws,itcanbe ? subjecttostiffpenaltiesimposedbytheStateof California. ProperCityoversightofgradingactivitiesprotects ? public/privatepropertiesandensurestaxpayersarenot payingthebillfortheactionsofothers. What the Regional Board Observed at Tustin High School Sediment control measures installed were not effective to minimize discharge from the site during a rain event. The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) did not identify erosion control and/or sediment control measures during a rain event. No tracking controls were placed within the site of soil disturbing activities. Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region Inspection Report dated November 30, 2009 Tustin High School Notice of Violation Issued by The Regional Walter Quality Control Board Tustin High School Notice of Violation Issued by The Regional Water Quality Control Board TUSD violated Tustin City Code Heritage Elementary School Construction Water Quality Violations Heritage Elementary School Construction Water Quality Violations Heritage Elementary School Construction Water Quality Violations Recent Violations April 2011 Recent Violations Recent Violations Why Urgency Ordinance •TheTustinUnifiedSchoolDistrictintendsto commenceconstructionandgradingactivities (Gymnasiumandhardscapeimprovementsadjacent tothesidewalk/ElCaminoReal)withoutthebenefit ofagradingpermitandanapprovedWQMP. •Theirpreliminaryplansareinconsistentwithlocal ordinances. •UrgencyOrdinanceNo.1399isneededtoclarifythe intentoftheapplicableCodeprovisionsandforthe preservationofthepublicpeace,health,andsafety. State Law re: Urgency Ordinance •California Government Code 36937 allows for an ordinance to take effect immediately if: ?related to the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety; ?containing a declaration of the facts constituting the urgency; and ?is passed by a four-fifths vote of the City Council. Recommendation 1.ThattheCityCounciladoptUrgency OrdinanceNo.1399byatleastafour-fifths vote. 2.ThattheCityCouncilhavefirstreadingof OrdinanceNo1400andsetforsecondreading attheCityCouncilmeetingofMay3,2011.