Agenda Item
Finance Director
JUNE 7, 2011
In 2006, the City Council approved a 60-month lease and maintenance agreement for
seven photocopiers: three for City Hall's reproduction room; one for Human
Resources/City Clerk Departments, one for Community Development/Public Works
Departments; one for Field Services, and one by the Building/Planning counter area.
That lease agreement will expire on June 14, 2011.
Authorize the City Manager to execute a 60-month lease, maintenance and supply
agreement with Xerox for seven digital photocopiers in the approximate annual amount
of $45,030 and an additional copier to be located in the Finance Department for an
approximate annual amount of $1,320.
The annual appropriation for duplication expense is approximately $80,000 which
includes copier leases. The current annual lease and maintenance agreement for the
City's seven copiers totals approximately $56,100, including supplies (except paper and
staples). The proposed new annual lease and maintenance agreement, including
supplies (except paper and staples), for seven Xerox digital copiers would total
approximately $45,030 at a savings of approximately $11,000 annually. The proposed
annual lease and maintenance agreement, including supplies (except paper and
staples) for the new copier in the Finance Department would be approximately $1,320.
In 2006, the City Council approved a 60-month lease and maintenance agreement for
seven photocopiers. These machines are utilized throughout the City and used for the
majority of photocopying needs for City Hall including the production of City Council and
Planning Commission Agenda packets. All seven copiers are at or nearing the end of
their productive lifespan and have increasingly become less reliable, requiring more
service, and the copy quality has continued to deteriorate.
If the lease agreement with Xerox is approved by the City Council, the cost for leasing
three (3) digital Xerox 5765PT copiers, one (1) digital Xerox 3CQ9201 color copier, two
(2) digital Xerox 5745APT copiers and one (1) digital Xerox 5790PT copier is
approximately $3,800 per month for 60 months. The total cost for 60 months would be
approximately $228,000. The cost for the new copier (W4250S) located in the Finance
Department would be approximately $110 per month for a total cost of approximately
$6,600 for 60 months.
The proposed copiers will be digital and connected to the City's computer network
system allowing employees to send print jobs directly to the copiers. In addition, the
color copier proposed by Xerox (3CQ9201) is equipped with 3-tier pricing in which color
usage determines the cost per page rather than a set charge per page regardless of the
amount of ink used.
With the knowledge that replacement of copiers would be necessary, staff reviewed
submittals by both Xerox and Ricoh. Staff evaluated the overall performance of
comparable machines and felt that Xerox's pricing, copy resolution, network
connectivity, scan features, and internal tracking and accounting system were superior
and more technically advanced. Staff found that the equipment's performance is above
average, service responses have been prompt, and supplies have been delivered in a
timely manner. Staff has been very satisfied with Xerox and recommends that the City
Council approve the 60-month lease with Xerox for seven (7) digital photocopiers and a
60-month lease for a new copier to be located in the Finance Department.
The City Attorney has approved the lease as to form.
Patricia Estrella
City Clerk Services Supervisor
1. Current and Proposed Pricing
2. Lease Agreements
3. Xerox Technology Benefits to City of Tustin
4. Information regarding ColorQube 9200 Series copiers
5. Xerox brochure
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Customer: TU571N, CITY OF
t3iIITo: CfTY OF i IJ`~~1-III
300 Centennial lrtr~~y
Tustin, CA 9'/_7$0-'i'lf7
rax tor: xxxxxxxxxxx>;xxxxxx
Nagoti~-ded Cunlracl ; [)7;'3(rh2QG
install: CI1~Y OF TUSTIN
3(l0 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 927E0-37G7
-.ai •~
~" F<!,~
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. i V.
1.5765PT (WC5765 PRINTERl4TRAY)
- 3-hoie - Ofciin Only
- Color Scanning Kit
-Embedded Fax-1 Line
- Oftice Finisher
- Cusl'amer Ed
• Analyst Services
Lease Tenn: GO months
Purchase Option: FMV
-Xerox WCP265 SIN UTU107137
Trade-In as of Payment 61
2.5765PT (WC5765 PRINTER/4TRAY)
-High Vol Finisher Lease Tenn: 60 months -Xerox WCP265 SIN lJTU107119 6/22/2011
- C/z Folder-hvfbm Fin Purchase Option: FMV Trade-In as of Payment 61
- 4k Shl High Cap Feed
-Color Scanning Kit
- Embedded Fax-1 Line
- Scan - Pc Dtop Pro25
- Customer Ed •
-Analyst Services
3.5790PT (WC5790 PRINTERl4TRAY)
- High Vol Fin W/bm Lease Term: 60 months -Xerox WCP9U SIN MTE029296 6(22/201 i
- C/z Folder-hvfbm Fin Purchase Option; FMV Trade-In as of Payment 61
-Color Scanning Kit
- Convstapler (50 Sh)
- Scan - Pc Dtop Pro25
- Customer Ed
-Analyst Services
Customer acknowledges reiceipi of the terms nl this agieernenl
which consists of 4 pages including uus race page Thank You for your business!
This AgreemerU is proudly presented uy Xerox and
Signer. City Manager Phone: (714)573-3000 Michael Feeney
(714)565-1140 ~
SRt ,
For iniorntalion on your );en,~. P,rcounl, uo to
Signature: Date: wtvw.xerox.contlAca~uniit~~natzement
xe rox ~-`
4.5745APT (WC5745A PRINTR/4TRAY)
- Basic Ofc Finisher Lease Term: 60 months -Xerox WCP245 S!N UTV813212 6/22!2011
- Embedded Fax-1 Line Purchase Option: FMV Trade-In as of Payment 61
- Custnmer Ed
-Analyst Services
- 3-hole - Ofcfin Only Lease Term: 60 months -Xerox WCP265 SIN UTU107114 6/22/2011
- Color Scanning Kit Purchase Option: FMV Trade-In as of Payment 61
-Embedded Fax-1 Line
-Office Finisher
- Customer Ed
-Analyst Services
6.3CQ9201 (3 MTR COLORQUBE 9201)
- 3 Hole Punch - Hvfin Lease Term: 60 months -Xerox WCP3545 S/N TFN697497 G122/2011
- Office Finisher Purchase Option: FMV Trade-In as o1 Payment 61
-Customer Ed
- Analyst Services
c 6
--- ..n...~..,~..~...rr....r.~ m~rnrnm~.m.~.~.~rrrie ~.r.®nrri~
300 Centennial Wey
Tustin, CA 92780-3761
Negotiated Contract :072399^00
.. rr~
1, 5745APT (WC5745A PRINTR/4TRAY)
- Basic Ofc Finisher
-Embedded Fax-1 Line
- Customer Ed
- Analysl5ervices
1472 Service Rtl
Tuslin, CA 92780
Lease Term: 60 months
Purchase Option: FMV
xe rox ~ j~
Trade lr~for~;3~i~n; ,',' '
Xerox WCP245 S/N UTV813063 I 6/22/2011
Trade-In as of Payment 61
1. NEGOTIATED CONTRACT. The Products are subject solely to the terms in the
Nr:gotiatud Contract identified on the taco of this Agreement, and, for any optian you
have selected il~a1 is not addressed in the Negotiated Contract, the then-current
standard Xerox temps for sucia option.
2. REPRESENTATIONS & WARRANTIES, This provision is applicable to
governmental entities only. You represent and warrant, as of the dale ai this
Agreement, that: (1) you are a State or a fully constituted political subdivision or agency
of the Stale in which you are located and are authorized to enter into, and rarry out,
your ablfyatians under this Agreement and any other documents required to be
delivered in connection with this Agreement (collectively, the "Documents"); (2) chi;
Documerts have been duly authorized, executed and delivered by you in accordance
with all applicable laws, rules, ordinances and regulations (including all applicable laws
governing open rneetinys, public bidding and appropriations required in connection with
this Agreement and the acquisition o1 the Products) and are valid, loyal, binding
agreements, enforceable in accordance with their terms; (3) the person(s) signing the
Documents have the authority to do so, are acting with the full authorization of your
governing body and holr! the aliices indicated below (heir signatures, each of which are
genuine; (4) the Products are essential to the immediate performance of a
governmental or proprietary function by you within the scope of your authority and will
be used during the Term only by you and only to perform such function; and (5) your
payment obligations under this Agreement constitute a current expense and not a debt
under applicable state law and no provision of this Agreement constitutes a pledge of
your lax or general revenues, and any provision that is so construed by a court of
competent jurisdiction is void frarn the inception of this Agreement.
3. FUNDING. This provision is applicable to governmental entities only. You represent
and warrant that all payments due and io become due during your current fiscal year
are within the fiscal budget of such year and are included within an unrestricted and
unencumbered appropriation currently available for the pwrhasehnaintenance of the
Products, and i1 is your intent to use the Products for the entire term and to make all
payments required under ibis Agreement If (1) through no artion initiated by you, your
legislative body noes not appl'oprlate funds for the continuation of This Agreement for
any fiscal year after Ihr~ first fiscal year and has no funds to do so from ocher sources,
and (2) you have made a reasonable but unsur..cessful effort to find a creditworthy
assignee acceptable to Xeror. in its sole discretion within your general organization who
can continue tiffs Agreement, this Agreement may be terminated. To effect this
ferminalian, you must, al Ieas130 days prior to the beginning o11he fiscal year for which
your legislative body does not appropriate funds, notify Xerox in writing that your
legislative body failed to appropriate funds and that you have made the required e(lori
to find an assignee. Ynur notice must be accomfranied by payment o1 all sums then
owed through ti're current year under this Agreenreni and must certify that the ranceletl
Equipment is not I:~eing replaced by equipment performing similar funclior~s during the
ensuing fiscal year. You will return the Equipment, at your expense, to a location
designated by Xerox and, when returned, the Equipment will be in good condition and
free of all liens and encumbrances. You will then be released from any further payment
obligations beyond (hose payments due for the current fiscal year (with Xerox retaining
all sums paid to date).
4. FIXED PRICING. If "Pricing Fixed for Term" is identified in Maintenance Plan
Features,lhe maintenance component of the Minimum Payment and Print Charges will
not increase during the initial Tenn of ibis Agreement.
5. REMOTE SERVICES. Certain models of Equipment are supported and serviced
using data that is automatically collected lay Xerox from the Equipment via electronic
transmission from the Equipment to a secure off-site location. Examples of
automatically transmitted data include product registration, meter read, supply level,
Equipment configwation and settings, software version, and problemltaull code data.
All such data shall be transmitted in a secure manner specified by Xerox. The
automatic data transmission capability will not allow Xerox to read, view or download
the content of any Customer documents residing on or passing through the Equipment
or Customer's information management systems.
1. NEGOTIATED CONTRACT. The Products are subject solely to the terms in the
Negotiated Conhact identilied an the face of this Agreement, and, for any option you
have selected that is not addressed in the Negotiated Contract, the then-current
standard Xerox terms for such option
2. FIXED PRICING. If "Pricing Fixed for Tenn" is identified in Maintenance Plan
Features, the maintenance component of the Minimum Payment and Print Charges will
not increase during the inilitil Term of This Agreement.
3. REMOTE SERVICES. Certain models of Equipment are supported and serviced
using data that is aulomaiically collected by Xerox lrom the Equipment via electronic
lransmissien hom the L=ynipmenl to a secure oif-site location. Examples of
automatically transmitted data include product registration, meter read, supply level,
Equipment configuration and settings, software version, and problem/fault code data.
All such data shall be transmitiecl in a secue manner specified by Xerox. The
automatic data transmission capability will not allow Xerox la read, view or download
the content of any Customer documents residing on ar passing through the Equipment
or Customer's iniounation management systems.
A. ColorQube Equipment identified In the Agreement will have one of the following
billing plans;
i. A Tier 2 plan is billed using two meters, each with a different Prii~l Charge or Charge
per Impression. The meter identified as "LAW CLR" counts (i) black and white
impressions and (ii) color impressions that have up to 286,000 color pixels (also
referred to as Useful Color). The meter identified as "CLR LVL2" counts color
inrpressians with more Ihan 286,OD0 color pi>;els.
ii. A Tier 3 plan is I:rilled using three meters, each with a different Print Charge or
Charge per hnpression. The meter identified as "i3W CLR" counts (i) Mark and white
impressions and (ii) color impressions That have up to 28G,000 celor pixels (also
referred fa as Useful Coloi). The meter identified as "CLR LVL2" counts color
impressions with more Ihan 286,000 color pixels and up to 1,900,000 color pixels (also
referred to as Everyday Color}, The meter identified as "CLR LVL3" counts color
impressions with more than 1,90D,000 color pixels (also referred io as Expressive
13. The ColorQube Equipment auiornatically determines the color pixel count for each
impression and records the impression on the appropriate meter.
xe rox ~,
Customer: TUSTIfJ, CITY OF
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780-3767
Negetialed C;antract :072399200
Solution _
Product Rescrintion
1. WC4250S (WC4250S COPY-PRNTR)
- Cabinet Stand
- Carrier Deliv/instal
- 256mb Memory
- Customer [d
-Analyst Services
Monthly Pricing
Item: ~ Its.
Customer acknowledges receipt ui the terms of this ayreoment Thank YOU for yOUr bUSinessl
which consists of 2 pages Induda~g this face page. This Agreement is proudly presented by Xerox and ~~
Signer: City Manager Phano: (714)573-3000 Michael FeeneyC~T~
(714)565-1140 GUq AMA'
For uiformatlnn On your Xerox AOC0un1, go io ~F
Signature: Date: www,xerox.com/AccountManagement
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780.3767
Lease Term: 60 months 6/2312011
Purchase Option: FMV
xe rox ~~
t. NEGOTfATED CONTRACT. The Products are subject solely to the terms in the
Negotiated Contract identified on the face of this Agreement, and, for any option you
have selected Ihaf is not addressed in the Negotiated Contract, the then-current
standard Xerox terms fns such option.
2. REPRESENTATIONS & WARP,ANTIES. This provision is applicable io
yovernmentai entities only. You represent and wan'ant, as of flee date of this
Ag~ec:meni, that: (1) you are a State or a fully constituted poliliral subdivision cr agenry
ul the State in which you ate located and are authorized to enter into, and carry out,
your obligations under ibis Agreement and any other documents required to be
delivered in connection with fhis Agreement (collectively, the "Documents"); (2) the
Documents have been duly authorized, executed and delivered by you in accordance
with all applicable laws, rules, ordinances and regulations (including all applicable laws
governing open meetings, public hldding and appropriations requited in connection with
this Agreement and the acquisition of fihe Products) and are valid, legal, binding
agreements, enforceable in accordance with their Terms; (3) thr,, person(s) signing the
Documents have the authority to do se, are acting with the full authorization of your
governing body and hold the offices indicated below their signatures, each of which are
genuine; (4) the Products arc--, essential to the immediate performance of a
governmental or proprietary function by you within the scope of your authority and will
be used during the Tern~i only by you and only to perform such function; and (5) your
payment obligations under This Agreement constitute a current expense and not a debt
under applicable stale law and no provision o1 this Agreement constitutes a pledge of
your tax or general revenues, and any provision that is so construed by a court of
competent jurisdiction is void from the inception of this Agreement.
3. FUNDING. This provision is applicable to governmental entities only. You represent
and warrant that all payments due and to become due during your current fiscal year
are within the fiscal budget o1 such year and are included within an unrestricted and
unencumbered appropriation currently available for the purchase/maintenance of the
Products, and it fs your intent to use the Products for the entire Term and to make all
payments requires under ibis Agreement. if (1) fiuough nn action initialed by you, your
legislative body dces not appropriate hinds for the conlinuaifon of fhis Agreement lot
any liscal year after the first fiscal year and has no funds to do so from uthei sources,
and {2) you have made a reasonable but unsuccessful effort to find a creditworthy
assignee acceptable to Xerox in its sole discretion within your general organization who
can continue this Agreement, this Agreement may be terminated. To effect this
termmaiion, you must, at IPas13(1 days prior 1o the beginning of the f fiscal year for which
your legislative burly does not appropriate hinds, notify Xerox in writing that your
legislative body failed to appropriate funds and Ihaf you havo made the required effort
In lind an assignee. Your notice must be accompanied by payment of alt sums thrn
awed through the current year under this Agreement and must certify that the canceled
Fquipmenl is not being replaced by equipment performing similar functions during the
ensuing fiscal yeas. You v~~ill return the Equipment, of your expense, to a location
designated by Xernx and, when returned, tine Fquipmenl will be in good condition and
free of all liens and encumbrances. You will then be released from any furlhor payment
ul~diyations beyond Ihosc payments due for the current fiscal year (with Xerox retaining
all sums paid io date).
4. FIXED PRICING. If "Pricing Fixed for Term" is identified in Maintenance Plan
Features, the maintenance component of the Minimum Payment and Print Charges will
not increase during the initial Term of this Agreement.
5. REMOTE SERVICES. Certain models of Equipment are supported and serviced
using data that is automatically collected by Xerox from the EquipmeN via electronic
transmission from the Equipment to a secw~e off-site location. Examples of
automatically transmitted data include product registration, meter read, supply level,
Equipment configuration and settings, software version, and problemlfault code data.
All such data shall be transmitted in a secure manner specified by Xerox. The
automatic data transmission capability will not allow Xernx to read, view or download
the content of any Customer documents residing on or passing through the Equipment
or Customer's information management systems.
Featulrl~ ~unctfon
- Vaf ui~
Multitasking • Ability to copy, print Maximized efficiency
and scan
Smart Kits • Customer replaceable Eliminates need to wait for a
For toner and ether technician -less downtime
commonly worn
Security • Information is your We are the only manufacturer to
company's greatest certify complete products under
asset. We can help Common Criteria Certification,
you keep it safe. which includes the following major
system components;
• Network controller
• PostScript printing
• Fax subsystem
• Web server interface
+ Operating system
® Scanner
4 User interface
• Internal disk drive
Innovation, R&D and _
• Our innovation _ _
With our partner, Fuji Xerox, we
Global Reach community is the hest hold about 8,600 active U.S.
in the industry. patents and continue to invest
$1.4 billion each year in research
and development. In 2047, we were
awarded America's highest honor
for ahigh-tech Company, the
National Medal of Technology.
It's a singular accomplishment for
Xerox innovators, past and present.
Centreware Web. • Printer management Will enable Management of alt
software tf~at allows devices via a central office
you increase iT
efficiency through
central management
of Xerox network
printers and
multifunction printers
Services • We can help Xerox Mnnaged and Global Service
customers deploy and Offerings can support management
manage the most of the right solutions, provide
daunting technology subject matter expertise so
changes customers tan focus on their care
Award Winning Xerox • We back our industry- The only document management
Service leading service and company to receive certification
support wifih a from 1.D. Power and Associates for
powerful combination excellence in customer service and
of people, process and support, providing "dn outstanding
Xerox Confidential January 14, 2010
Award-winning products • Our product In the past Three years, we have
a(bei t~Cl'EbZJB~IAg,y development brought more than 100 new
community targeted solutions with intelligent
continually brings a software to market. Twenty-flue
steody stream of have received a combined 51
wand-class technology industry awards pnd citations. We
to market. lead the industry with the broadest
portfnllo of award-winning choices
for customers.
We make the most • Studies prove: To The main difference is our
productive multifunction understand real world innovative, intelligent total system
products 6n the industry performance, design. Our Smart controller
customers must look can process multiple print, ropy,
beyond the specs. scan and fax functions
simultaneously and our products
have the unique ability to keep the
paper path full at all times. At
Xerox, we know more about laser
printing and moving cut sheet
paper at high speeds than anyone
in the industry. We bring our
experience with high-end printing
and publishing to bear on a Full line
_ of offire MFPs.
We can help you became • At Xerox, we are We can help customers reduce their
green(er) reducing our carbon footprint:
greenhouse gas .Cut down an energy
emissions, integrating consumption.
energy-efficient tools .preserve the wand's forests
in our facilities, and through more efficient and
reusing and recycling responsible paper use.
more. But the real test .Enable waste-free document
of our commitment is production with Xerox
haw we help our remanuFacturing, reuse, and
customers create recycling.
greener workplaces.
Xerox Total Satisfaction • Our products come The Xerox Total Satisfaction
Guaran$ee with the best Guarantee is unique to Xerox, and
guarantee in the covers Xerox products which have
industry. been continuously maintained by
Xerox or its authorized
representatives under a Xerox
express warranty or Xerox
Maintenance agreement.
Customers decide when they're
Kerox Confidential January 14, 2010
xerox ~- ~
(:ity of Tustint 1/14/201.
Benefits of Xerox ColorQube 9200 Series
bower Cos! of Color
- Lower Cost of color printing for your office workup by up to 65%.
- Xerox 3 Tier pricing platform allows you to print color for the cost of BW.
- Xerox solid ink technology delivers benchmark color that is remarkably consistent.
- Color print and copy speeds up to 50 ppm keep pace with busy office workloads.
- Fast color mode increases the print speed to 8S ppm.
- One customer replaceable unit means more uptime.
Smart Design
- Xerox solid ink sticks are cartridge free.
- Embedded help videos offer quick troubleshooting assistance right on the front
- Illuminated paper path makes occasional access fast and easy.
- Includes easy installation and compatibility with the Xerox Global Print Driver.
Environmen#ally Friendly
- The 9200 Series produces 90% less waste than a comparable laser device.
- Get the same vibrant color on high yield or recycled paper.
- Ca.itridge-free solid ink is a true consumable with no empty toner cartridges to
dispose or recycle.
- Intelligent Ready feature saves energy and time by learning office print habits and
adjusting its warm-up times accordingly.
The ~ierox Difference
Xerox multifunction and production systems offer the best combination of cost control,
productivity, integration and technology in the industry. This includes soft and hard
dollar savings.
d 114
c 190
a 14
Superior Network Productivity {the chart above)
Xerox systems provide superior Network productivity in comparison to any other Multi-
functionvendor, Buyer's Labs, Inc., one of the leading independent authorities in the
Multi-function industry evaluated a wide range of vendors. They wanted to test if vendors'
equipment performed in practice at the same speed as the brochure reports. The chart
below shows the results of their tests. They submitted a range of network print jobs (PDF,
Word, Powerpoint, a-mail, etc.) to multiple devices in order to simulate a busy network
office. They timed the devices from the first job to the last and then divided by the
number of pages to determine actual speed vs. rated speed.
The chart above is organized vertlcaily to show the results of each model. The blue dot
above each bar represents the rated speed or brochure speed of the device. The bar itself
represent the actual speed that the device performed at during the test. The results are
astounding. The Xerox devices consistently performed at 70-80 % of their rated speed
whereas most competitive models performed at 15-30 % of their rated speed.
Far example a Xerox device rated at 65 PPM performed the test at an average speed of
57' PPM. A Canon device rated at 65 PPM performed the test at an average speed of 19
PPM. Even though both machines are rated at the same speed, in a real world setting, the
Xerox performs at 3X the speed of the Canon.
The Xerox devices perform at a superior rate due to a superior product design. The
processor speed is faster and software/hardware is designed to maximize job processing
speed and minimize slow downs between jabs, during finishing and when switching paper
~~ ~o~
Superior multitasking
The real test of a multifunction device is how well it does multiple
functions---print, copy. scan, fax and email----simultaneously.
supporting users at the device or desktop without delays. Xerox
multifunction devices' superior queue management allows them to
transition seamlessly from job to Job, with virtually no delay.
Xerox controllers enable true multitasking, performing raster image
processing (RIP), receive, program ahead, process queue and
transmit functions. As a result, they outperform the competition on
productivity, reliability and performance.
Xerox MFPs keep working, no matter what comes across the
network. Xerox multifunction printers are unrivalled in their ability to
concurrently process jab data from multiple users.
Do mare operations simultaneously. Xerox's powerful technologies
allow its MFPs to perform these tasks concurrently, with virtually no delay.
Rrogrpm Ahead. Xerox MFPs have the ability to schedule copy, scan or fax jobs in
advance while keeping print queues flowing smoothly,
Manage queues. Xerox MFP controllers excel at intelligent management of job
scheduling, allowing users to promote, delete and manage jobs from the print queue.
Print Around. The Xerox WorkCentre's intelligent controller will set the eroded job aside
and immediately go to the next job in the queue to continue printing. With most vendors
the eroded job stops ail printing of jobs until paper is cleared or correct paper is loaded.
Only then will printing resume. Also if a large job is printing, the Xerox Smart Controller
wail start ripping the next job so it Is ready to print when the first job is done.
Bi-directional Print ®rivers. The Xerox multifunctional printer drivers have constant
communication between the end user and the device. They provide valuable feedback in
real time, so your users always know the status of the device, its consumables and their
Xerox MFPs make it easier to manage enterprise print resources with tools that allow you
to map and check device status from the desktop, and intelligently route a jab based on
cost, resources and proximity.
®ur MFPs come with advanced print drivers that reduce casts and simplify IT
management and support.
The Calobal Print Driver provides the following benefits:
Tlie WorkCentre family outperfor
all other systems in independent
head-to-head tests.
• Single piece of software a9~ the desktap that works with all products both Xerax and
non- Xerox, multifunction and/ar network printer. This avoids the IT task of loading a
unique print driver to each unique product or model.
• The print driver automatically configures itself to the features of the Xerox device
ensuring users have full access to productivity saving features and relieving IT of the
responsibility of having to configure each device individually
• Tl~e print driver has a Xerax•unique bi-directional capability. The bi-directional
communication shows the end•user the real-time status of the device from within the
print driver. Users can see the features of the device, what type of paper Is loaded, the
current status of consuma6les as well as the pending job queue on the device.
• The print driver has an embedded fax driver built into the single piece of software
compared to most competitors that not only have a unique print driver far each
device but also a unique fax driver piece of software. This saves both end user and IT
from having to load and launch multiple pieces of software from each desktop.
• The print driver also contains money saving features such as default application
settings. For example, Microsoft Outlook printing can be defaulted to Slack and White
so that printed mail notes which include a blue URL or a color user logo are nat
printed as an expensive color page.
The Mobile Express Print Driver (MEPD) has the same
benefits as GPD plus:
'y ~" ~~ -;
• The ability to automatically discover new output
devices when attaching to a new subnet. This
means users don't need to hunt dawn the local IT
administrator to start printing when they go to a
different facility.
• The ability to automatically configure the print
driver to the features of the Xerox device means
that users automatically have knowledge of and
access to all the features of the machines such as
colar and advanced finishing options.
• The ability to work with competitive devices.
Consistent interface. The user interface is consistent for every driver making them simple to use,
reducing training and support requirements.
®®® ~~
.~ta~t 6pL-2u_ OY, 4-J
lJnaaralleled Cost Control
Xerox lNFPs make it easy to minimize document costs. Xerox engineers excel at building
cast-conscious design into every multifunction device, giving you innovative ways to save
on energy, toner and paper. We add management tools that help you monitor and control
device usage,
Auditron manages usage analysis and billing for non-networked devices.
Administrators can track user activity and limit output ranges at account or department
levels, download data to a PC and develop reports and invoices.
Xerox Standard Accounting (X5A) increases your control of ten or fewer networked
devices, allowing you to manage device usage and set quotas remotely via web-based
For larger networks, Network Accounting integrates Xerox MFPs with accounting
software from Equitrac, Capitrack, Pharos and other Xerox Alliance Partners. These
solutions allow you to access, analyze and manage device usage.
Selective color access lets you define color printing access for groups and individuals. For
example, you can customize our print drivers to default to black and white printing, or lock
out color printing entirely.
Rules-based printing lets you manage color casts intelligently by defining rules around
what can and cannot be printed in color, and automatically send jobs to the mast cost-
effective device.
New technologies from Xerox make It possible to print faster and with higher quality,
more consistently, than the competition.
Superior print quality
Emulsion Aggregation High Grade (EA-HG) Toner uses smaller, more uniform particles
that are "grown," not crushed, to produce richer, truer color or black and white print.
Resulting images are crisper, more defined and consistent from print to print, and can be
made "high gloss" without streaking. It also reduces resource and energy consumption
over conventional toner.
Convention211 toner
EA t®ner
Fig. 2: Electron microscopic images of toner produced by
pulverized conventional toner and EA toner
i=ig. 3 : Comperisoro o! energy end resource oq~nsumption between
C~4 and oonventoonal toner
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~ConYCrltional E/# toner
Amount of toner Consumption and
reco~erv per 100.000 times of printing
Most Efficient Network Scanning
Xerox scan file offer much mare efficient compression than many of our competitors. This
means that the same hardcopy piece of paper scanned on a Xerox machine will result in a
much smaller file size than if it was scanned on a competitive machine. The chart below
shows one example of a file size comparison showing Xerox file sizes relative to
competitive machines for an identical original.
Customer benefit -Scan file size differences can have a significant impact on a
customer's operations. Scanning usage on Multi-function systems continues to increase as
users commonly require the need to convert legacy paper to electronic content as well as
convert day to day paper documents to electronic content. Smaller scan file sizes impact
the customer in two key areas.
xerox t
AmOUnt O~ Carbon d~Oltid2 emiSSion
per toner prmdcrct~on of 1 kg
Jab 8 - B&w Qrlglnar, scanned In Text, 11 Page PDF ~ 300 dpl
The first big impact is on network traffic. I~ot only does a smaller file generate less
network traffic when it is originally scanned but it is akin to the gift that keeps giving.l'he
scanned file is persistent inthat itmay e-mailed many times or retrieved from a content
server many times. Many thousands of scanned pages each of which are retrieved
multiple times can generate a significant amount of network traffic. If a vendor such as
Xerox can reduce scan file sizes by 5(I-100! , it can generate a very significant reduction
in network traffic over the life of the equipment. With our advanced scanning technology.
It reduces the size of scanned in document files to a tenth of their usual size. You need
less storage.
The second bfy impact is in storage costs. Every time a document is scanned, it is stored
somewhere, usually on a network server somewhere. A reduction of SO-1001 of the scan
file size can also reduce the amount of storage required to maintain the scanned images.
Scanning Capabilities
Xerox makes it easy to turn paper documents into electronic files.
One way to make people more productive is to simplify everyday tasks such as scanning.
We offer a wide range of scanning solutions that gets vita! information from the page
into digital workflow, an email distribution list, desktop or content repository.
The Scan to Home feature on all scan-enabled Xerox MFPs lets authenticated users scan
documents directly into a home folder.
Scan to Searchable PDF and XPS lets you brings a scanned document directly into native
PDF or XML Paper Specification (XPS) formats and scan-enable it.
Customize workflows with Xerox Extensible Interface Platform (EIP). EIP-enabled MFPs
let you tailor device screens and options for business-specific workflows and processes.
EIP allows you to communicate with ERP, document management systems and 3`d party
systems. You have already invested in the future as our device come ETP enabled.
SmartSend(9 moves scanned documents to the right location on the network, using
existing network authentication.
Scanned files are smaller, thanks tv our advanced scanning technology. It reduces the size of
scanned in document files to a tenth of their usual size. Your files need less storage space.
Maximum 4r,Rt_i~~, maximum relfabillty
Xerox has a powerful suite of management tools that helps IT support their clients. Xerox
also optimizes IT workload by ensuring that Xerox MFP's are solid, reliable network
Smart KitsT"° and Smart eSolutions make it easy to maintain fleets of devices across the
enterprise. They make it easy for customers to do business by automating administrative
tasks and help them manage their supplies equipment.
The management of document output and document-intensive business processes
requires more than just an efficient output device. It also requires additional components
that ensr~re that the maximum value is derived from the customer°s investment.
~cer~x ~ u
Optlrnizing document costs is only half the story> Xerox also aptirnizes IT worklot~d by
ensuring that Xerox MFPs are solid, reliable network citizens. Xerox has an e~rray of
software tools available to assist in the effective management of its devices, ranging from
"entry-level" (CentreWare) to aindustry-leading suite of management tools (Xerox Office
Services Technology Suite).
~CentreWare~ Internet Services ((:1AfI5) makes it easy for users to access Xerox devices
from any network workstation. The easy to use Web interface lets you print, check device
status and see what"s in the queue. Systems administrators can use CWIS to confiigure
and manage devices as well.
GentreWareCa Web lets you proactively manage Xerox and non-Xerox devices across an
entire enterprise, including key IT management features such as auto SNMP trap
registration, Cask based wizards and powerful discovery tools. It integrates seamlessly with
key services such as Microsoft Active l7irectory, and provides exceptional device and
process access without impeding network traffic.
The "Xerox Office Services" (XOS) Technology Suite is another of the critical tool sets
developed by and used exclusively by Xerox Global Services in support of our larger
customers. The XOS Technology Suite intludes a full range of powerful, productive tools
that enable Xerox managed services professionals to keep your organization's document
output devices running at peak performance. With Active ®irectory support and tools for
device management, print queue management, and print driver management, Xerox
provides services to control entire enterprises productively and cost efficiently.
• Increased cost savings through control and optimization of assets
• Informed decision-making & Efficient work processes
Increased user and IT staff productivity and satisfaction
• Accurate device inventory in the enterprise
« Maximizing uptime via benchmark device status
leveraging technology to automate workflow & Minimize user disruptions via remote
• Track performance targets & financial aspects of output devices
Expand value add services to end users
The key value of this tool suite to the City is two fold:
o Accurate, timely reports based on relevant data, giving
The City of Tustin the information it needs to make good business
Proactive management of device problems, allowing Xerox to resolve service issues often before
City of Tustin employees know that there is a problem, ensuring that your employees are focused
on their core business, not on printer related issues.
Why Xerox?
There is a difference.
We prove it every day,
in everything we do.
(_UStOnl~rS buying new ~~ffice ted~mology I-lave a great cleat to consider.
While many products and solutions look the same on paper, when they
look beyond advertised 5pecificcition.,theg'll Find real differences- We'd
like to share [at least] ten of those differences with you.
1. Innovation, R&D
and. global reach
Our innovation community is the best in the industry.
We were awarded 584 U.S. utility patents last year. Together with our research , / ~r~
partner, Fuji Xerox, we hold about 8,600 active U.S. patents and continue to Invest : n ..
$1.4 billion each year in research and development. In 2007, we were awarded ^
America's highest honor for ahigh-tech company, the National Medal of Technology.
It's a singular accomplishment for Xerox innovators, past and present.
fur reach is worldwide, giving us a unique competitive advantage.
We are on the ground in more than 160 countries, a presence that is increasingly important when r_ustomers
need help In designing, implementing and maintaining document global networks and processes.
xerox ~~~
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Why Xerox?
3. We make the most productive
multifunction products ii~~ the industry
Studies prove: To understand real world performance, customers must look beyond the specs.
Buyers Laboratory, Inc. (BLI), a highly respected independent-testing firm, tested MFPs from all manufacturers
and concluded that:
• Rated engine speed does not alwnys predict real wank performance.
• Xerox MFPs are significantly more productive than the competition.
For example, the Xerox WorkCentre 5632, rated at 32 pages per minute (ppm) scored 31.9 ppm in BLI
tests. By contrast, the Canon iR3300, with a rated engine speed of 33 ppm, performed the same tests
at only 12.3 ppm. The Ricoh 3045, with a rated speed of 45 ppm (advertised as 13 ppm faster than the
Xerox and 12 ppm faster than the Canon) printed the BLI suite at only 11.9 ppm!
What makes Xerox MFPs so much more productive? If it were only a matter of memory or processing
speed, the competition could close the gap by simply adding more memory or upgrading to a faster
processor.The main difference Is our innovative, intelligent total system design. Our Smart controller
can process multiple print, copy, scan and fax functions simultaneously and our products have the
unique ability to keep the paper path full at all times. At Xerox, we know more about laser printing and
moving cut sheet paper at high speeds than anyone in the industry. We bring our experience with high-
end printing and publishing to bear on a full line of affice MFPs.
'In reports published in 2W8
4. We can help you become green(er)
At Xerox, we are reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, integrating energy-efficient tools in
our facilities, and reusing and recycling more. But the real test of our commitment is how we
help our customers creme greener workplates.
We'll examine customer operations and show them how to work smarter, faster and better in ways
that are good for the bottom line as well as the environment.
We can help customers:
• Cut down on energy consumption.
• Preserve the world's forests through more effident and responsible paper use.
• Enable waste-free document production with Xerox remanufacturing, reuse, and recycling.
Lrlr~pl~t 9li,p~lU: lgllE?f
Paper ~
Small curet 5i~heutal EA Toner
40 % - 45 ~ less toner mass
FA Toner takes less energy and up to
40 % less toner, while still pravidlny
you crisp, brilliant color.
~.~«,t ~1~rr,Ki.
l ~~
~ ` ~~
High Yield Paper uses 50 % fewer
trees, less chemicals and less
Solid ink is cartridge free, toxin free.
and produces 90 % less waste than
laser painters.
6. Smart Kits°
Innovative Xerox solutions deliver breakthrough uptime and reliability and put you in control
When it comes to multifunction device performance and reliability, uptime is the number one customer
concern. Our competitors' products have components that commonly require a replacement by a
technician. When these parts fail, customers must place a service call and wait fbr a technician to
arrive. Xerox Smart Kits include customer replaceable units that customers can replace themselves in one
quick, easy step. Customers are up and running almost immediately, Instead of waiting for a service call.
Changing a Smart Kit is as easy as replacing a print cartridge on a desktop printer. Smart Kits help you
reduce service calls and increase reliability.
7. Service=~
We can help customers implement and manage the most daunting technology changes.
. Managed Xerox Solutions: Our customers rely on Xerox not only to come up with great technology
ideas, but also to manage those ideas. We can manage the right solutions so that customers can
focus on core business.
• Xerox Global Services': When customers want Xerox capabilities without having to manage the
technology, Xerox Global Services can do it all. With global operations in more than 160 countries and
mare than 15,000 service professionals, consultants, work practice specialists, systems Integrators and
process engineers, Xerox Global Services manages solutions with world-class experts. Dus(ness process
services, office services, document outsourcing and communications services are just a few of the
many solutions that Xerox can bring to customers.
Why Xerox?
8. BEM parts anc~ supplies
Our original equipment manufactured (OEM) parts and supplies deliver the highest level of
performance and reliability.
Xerox technicians use only Xerox-certified parts that are manufactured to deliver optimum performance
and reliability unlike some dealers and third party service providers. And, our cast-percopy service plan
also ensures that customers receive genuine Xerox supplies. Customers can choose from a wide range of
Xerox papers and specialty application products to maximize the return an their equipment investment.
9. Award-winning Xerox service
We back our industry-leading service and support with a powerful combination of people,
process and technology.
For the last two years, we have been the only document management company to receive certification
from J.a. Power and Associates for excellence in customer service and support, providing "an outstanding
customer service experience." What's behind our success?
• Our people. Locally managed and customer-focused, our service representatives are industry, network
and manufacturer-certified pl•ofessionals with years of in-field experience.
• Our processes. Our support teams include the entire design team, enabling us to solve problems
quickly and efficiently, no matter when or where they occur.
• Our technology. Our systems incorporate embedded device diagnostics that predict potential
problems before they occur. The result? Fast problem resolution and proactive response to minimize
10. Xerox Total
Our products come with the best
guarantee in the industry.
The Xerox Total Satisfaction Guarantee is
unique to Xerox, and covers Xerox products
which have been continuously maintained by
Xerox or its authorized representatives under a
Xerox express warranty or Xerox Maintenance
agreement. Customers decide when they're
xerox ~,)
For more information, call 1-$77.362.6567 or visit us at www.xerox.com/office
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