HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 649 (1975) 1 ORDINANCE NO. 649
The City of Tustin ordains that Chapter 5 of the Tustin City Code
be amended to read as follows:
Chapter 5
5-0 Effective Date this Chapter.
I0 5-1 Definitions.
5-2 Bicycle Licensing Required.
11 5-3 Ownership Card/Bicycle Plate - Issuance.
5-4 Sale or Transfer of Bicycle. .
1~ 5-5 Change-of-Address of Bicycle Licensee.
5-6 Lost or Stolen Ownership Card/Bicycle Plate - Report/Replacement.
13 5-7 Fees.
5-8 Tampering with Ownership Card/Bicycle Plate - Prohibited.
lzi 5-9 Bicycle Dealers - Weekly Sales Reports Required .....
5-10 Bicycles in Violation of Chapter - Impounding/Fee.
15 5-].1 Violation of this Chapter.
-' -, 5-12 Enforcement. ... -: ~:.'. -
5-0 Effective Date this ChapterT. '.~..This Chapter Shaii'supersedei.~ll..i~.;.~' '-
previous legislation enacted by this City concerning bicycle licensing,
and shall become effective immediately.
5-1 Definitions. As used in this Chapter, the following terms and "
words shall have the following meanings:
(a) The word BICYCLE shall mean and inclu'de any device upon which
a person may ride, which is propelled by human power through a system of
belts, chains, or gears and which has wheels at least 20 inches' in
diameter and a frame size of at least 14 inches.
(b) O~qERSHIP CARD shall mean and include the O~.raership Card
issued by the Licensing Agency upon registration and licensing of bicycles
as provided in this Chapter,
(c) The term BICYCLE PLATE shall mean and include the license tag
or decal designated by the State of California in accordance with
Section 39001. of the California Vehicle Code, to be permanently affixed
to the bicycle and which bears a unique number permanently assigned to
that bicycle by the State.
1 (d) The term LICENSING AGENCY or AGENT shall mean and include that
~ party or parties designated by the City Council as the official Lice~sing
3 Agency or Agent for bicycles in this City. F~r purpose~ of this Chapter,
~_ Zl the Chief of Police and his representatives shall be deemed as the Licensing
~ Agency. The Chief of Police shall be given the authority to recommend for
~ appointment by the Cit. y Council any person or persons to assist this City
~ in th~ capacity of Bicycle Licensing Agents. Each Licensing Agency or
8 Agent shall license bicycles for persons residing in this City only; all
9 other bicycle license applicants shall be referred to their respective city
10 or jurisdiction of residency.
11 5-2. Bicycle Licensing Required. No person residing in this City shall
!~ ride or propel any bicycle upon any public street, sidewalk, alley, bicycle
I~ lane or path, or any other public property, or, have in his p.ossession any
1~ bicycle which has not been licensed or which does not bear a Bicycle Plate
15 as required by the provisio.ns of this Chapter.
16 5-3. Ownership Card/Bicycle Plate - Issuance. At the time that any
.~ .- 17 person licenses a bicycle in accordance with the provisionsT0':f-.this Chapt~r~~.-
' 18 th'e Ijicensing Agency or Agent shall provide him with a Ownersl~ip Card bearing.-
19 the owner 's name, address, telephone number, Bicycle Plate number,
~0 the bicycle manufacturer, type and frame number and any other descriptive
~! material concerning the bicycle deemed necessary by the LicenSing Agency,
~ and, provisions for the transfer of ownership of said bicycle.. In addition,
~ also at the time of licensing, the bicycle owner shall be issued his
~ permanent Bicycle Plate bearing the unique number permanently assigned to
~5 that bicycle by the State. The Bicycle License sbalt remain in effect for
~6 the period designated by the State in accordance with Section 39001 of the
~? Vehicle Code.
~8 5-4. Sale or Transfer of Bicycl_e_. Whenever any person sells, trades,
~" ~9 disposes of, or transfers any bicycle licensed pursuant to the provisions
~0 of this Chapter, he shall endorse L~pon the Ownership Card previously
~1 issued for such bicycle a written transfer of same, setting forth the name,
~ adclress, and telephone number of the transferee, the date of transfer, the
si.~nature of the tra .... ~
o, ip Card~ S'o
endorsed, to the Licensing Agency at the time of transfer. The transferee
shall, within ten days after such transfer, apply to said Licensing Agency
for a transfer of the Ownership Card.
5-5. Change-of-Address -- Bicycle License. Whenever any bicycle licensee
changes his place of residence, he shall notify the Licensing Agency of
such change-of-address within ten days.
5-6. Lost or S~o].en Ownership Card/Bicycle Plate -- Report/Replacement.
In event that any Ownership Card issued pursuant to the provisions of this
Chapter, be lost or stolen, the licensee of such bicycle shall immediately
notify the Licensing Agency, and within ten days after such notification
shall apply to said Licensing Agency for a duplicat. e O~-~ership Card, .whereupon,
said Licensing Agency shall issue to such licensee a duplicate
Ownership Card, upon payment to said Licensing Agency of a fee-of One
Dollar . ~-l-~!' ~ '.-~
In the event that any Bicycle Plate issued pursuant.to the-provisions
'g~"' this Chapter, be lost or ~stolen, the"iicensee "' .... ' ' ='I'='''L=L! 'j "'"'~= ~-.I
shall~ inm~edi~tely notify · ""
'-~he Licensing Agency of such loss, and shall within ten days~ppiy to'~said
Licensing Agency for a new Bicycle Plate; whereupon, said Licensing Agency
issue to such
Licensing Agency of a fee of One Dollar.
5-7. Fees. The fees required to be paid pursuant to the provisions of
this Chapter are:
(a) For each replacement of Ownership Card or Bicycle Plate,
the sum of One Dollar.
(b) For each impounding fee for 'bicycles found to be in violation of
this Chapter, the sum of Three Dollars.
5-8. Tamperi_nf~_with Ownership .Card/Bicycle Plate - Prohibited. It is
unlawful for any person to tamper with, destroy, mutilate or alter any
Ownership Card issued pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter.
It is unlawful for any person to remove, destroy, mutilate or in any
way alter or tamper with any Bicycle Plate issued pursuant to the provisions
I of this Chapter.
2 5-9. _Bicycle Dealers - Weekly' Bicycle Sales Reports Required. Any
· ~ person engaged in the business of buying, selling or trading bicycles within tb
4 ~City is hereby required to prepare and file with the Chief of Police
5 a weekly report setting forth the name, address, and telephone number of
6 all persons with whom or to whom they have' either bought, sold or traded
~ a bicycle or bicycles during the preceding week, and the bicycle manufacturer,
8 type, frame number and bicycle license number, if any, of each such bicycle.
9 Such report shall be filed each week on a date and to a place designated
10 by the Chief of Police.
11 5-10. Bi_~cycles in Violation of Chapter - Impounding/Fee.. The Licensing
l~ Agency shall have the right to impound and retain possession of any bicycle
1~ in violation of the provisions of this Chapter, and may retain possession
lZ~ of such bicycle until the provisions of this Chapter are complied with. A
15 fee of Three Dollars shall be charged for each bicycle so impounded.
l~ 5-11. Violation of this Chapter. Violation of any of the prO)zisions of
1~ this Chapter shall constitute a misdemeanor.
18 5-12. Enforcement. The Chief of Police and his representatives shall
!9 herewith be granted all authority to enforce and carry out the provisions
~O o~' this Chapter'pursuant to the provisions included in the C~iifornia
~1 Vehicle Code and all other laws of the State of California.
~ PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council, City of
~S Tustin, California, held on the 19th day of May , 1975.
~ TCH: 17
JGR: sl
4/30/75 -4-
RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of
the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certi£y that the whole
number of members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five;
that the above and foregoing Ordinance No. 649 was duly and
regularly introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council
held on the 5th day of May , 1975 and was given its
second reading and duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting held
on the !9th day of May , 1975, by the following vote:
' ~ity Clerkt C~!~_Pf Tustin, California
publish Tustin News
May 29, 1975