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AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: JUNE 21, 2011 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, INTERIM CITY MANAGER Agenda Item Reviewed: City Manager Finance Director FROM: DOUGLAS S. STACK, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER 9 ~' SUBJECT: AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR CUSTODIAL SERVICES FROM JULY 1, 2011 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2012 WITH THE OPTION OF FOUR, ONE- YEAR EXTENSIONS SUMMARY Staff is requesting the City Council to award a contract for custodial maintenance services at various City of Tustin buildings and park restrooms to Valley Maintenance Corporation. The contract will provide for all daily and periodic custodial needs for the Fiscal Year 2011- 2012, with the option of four, one-year extensions through June 30, 2016. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council award this Custodial Services Contract to Valley Maintenance Corporation, in the amount of $200,892 for the period from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012, and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the contract documents on behalf of the City. FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient funds for this contract service have been requested in the Fiscal Year 2011- 2012 Public Works Department Operating Budget. DISCUSSION The City contracts for all routine custodial services for City Buildings and park restrooms. A Custodial Services Contract is not considered a Public Works contract as defined by the Public Contracts Code and therefore is not subject to the competitive bid process. The current Custodial Services Agreement with Diamond Contract Services, Inc. will expire on June 30, 2011. Staff developed a scope of work and prepared and advertised a Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals in May 2011. A qualification based selection process was used to evaluate and rank each proposal. Four proposal packets were received and evaluated by Field Services staff. Each proposal was evaluated based on six categories: Technical Ability/Experience, Ability to Show Qualified Proposer Status, Commitment to Supply Necessary Equipment to fulfill the Contract Specifications, 'Local' Experience & Knowledge of Custodial Maintenance in the Public Sector, Financial Impact to the City and Contractors Ability to Provide Bonds, insurance and satisfactory references. Each category received a numerical score. A final score was tabulated for all categories, and then averaged to determine the ranking of the Proposers. Award Custodial Services June 21, 2011 Page 2 The ranking results are as follows: Average Proposed Annual Ratin Score Contractor Cost 1 92.50 Valley Maintenance $200,892.00 Corporation 2 84.50 Comeland Maintenance $221,892.00 Company 3 80.50 Diamond Contract Services, $263,054.64 Inc. 4 65.00 Pacific Maintenance Services $258,816.00 The top contract proposal, by Valley Maintenance Corporation was identified for further evaluation. Reference checks were completed to evaluate the quality of their services. City staff also met with the contractor to clarify certain issues and to share the City's expected quality and performance. Valley Maintenance Corporation was selected as the most qualified proposer after evaluating their proposal along with information gathered during reference checks and the final interview. It is recommended that the City Council award this Custodial Services Contract to Valley Maintenance Corporation, in the amount of $200,892 for the period from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012, and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the contract documents on behalf of the City ` UtR1'e/ Stack, P.E. Public Works/City Engineer Attachment(s): Request for Proposal Valley Maintenance Proposal, dated May 22, 2011 S:\City Council Items\2011 Council Items\Award of Contract Custodial Services.docx CITY OF TUSTIN ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS PROPOSAL, CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FnR CUSTODIAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD FROM JULY 1 2011 TO JUNE 30, 2012 Apri 12011 Field Services Division City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 573-3350 TABLE OF CONTENTS Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals---- Instructions to Proposers-------------- Proposal ----------------------------------- Contract Agreement -------------------- Special Provisions----------------------- Pages ----------- A-1 to A-2 ----------- B-1 to B-8 --------- C-1 to C-18 --------- D-1 to D-12 --------- E-1 to E-19 SECTION A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS SECTION A CITY OF TUSTIN NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR CUSTODIAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD FROM JULY 1, 2011 TO JUNE 30, 2012 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Tustin hereinafter called "CITY", invites sealed proposals for Custodial Services and will receive such proposal in the office of the City Clerk, Tustin City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92780, until 10:00 A.M. on May 25, 2011. OBTAINING PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS: Proposal documents can only be obtained from the Department of Public Works, City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92780. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The City is seeking a qualified licensed Contractor to provide Custodial Services that will include management, supervisor, labor, materials, equipment, and transportation to accomplish all uniform rental and laundry services at the specified City facilities as defined in the proposal. The award of this contract will be made at the discretion of the City, based on the qualifications and the cost proposals submitted by Contractors with responsive proposals. The contract will be for a period of twp (2) years from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2012, with renewal option on a two-year basis for an additional six (6) years (See Section E, Page E-4) at the sole discretion of the City. Unless otherwise directed by the City Council, the Director of Public Works will renew the contract based on the Contractor's overall performance, and upon renewal of all bonds and insurance certificate(s). A Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 100% and a Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of 100% in the form attached to the contract documents shall be provided. Said bonds shall be issued by a surety company duly authorized to issue such bonds in the State of California. Prior to execution of contract, Contractor shall provide City with insurance certificate(s) with endorsements evidencing commercial general liability and automobile liability insurance as prescribed in the contract, with a company of A.M. Best's Key Rating of Grade A and Class VII (seven) with an Admitted Insurer, or rated Grade A- or better and Class X (ten) or better with a Surplus Line Broker. Workers' compensation insurance with a company of A.M. Best's Key Rating of Grade B- or better and Class VII (seven) or better, or offered by State Compensation Fund, is acceptable. A-1 The City of Tustin hereby affirmatively ensures that minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this notice and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex or religion in any consideration leading to the award of contract. Proposals must be prepared on the approved Proposal forms in conformance with the INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS and submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside. The City's final selection criteria for award of contract will involve the following analysis: 1. City's evaluation of the Contractor's Statement of Technical Ability and Experience. 2. Contractor's ability to show "Qualified Proposer" status by detailed answers to the maintenance service questionnaire. 3. Commitment by Contractor to supply necessary equipment to fulfill the contract specifications. 4. Local experience and knowledge of custodial maintenance in the public sector. 5. The best economic value of the proposal. 6. Contractor's ability to provide the required bonds, insurance certificate(s) and satisfactory references. The CITY reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any irregularity, and to take all proposals under advisement fora period of sixty (60) calendar days. Proposals received after the proposal opening time and date herein will be returned to the proposer unopened. Every person submitting a bid must have a Contractor's license for the work, in the classification of B or C-20, at the time of making a bid. Further, it is a misdemeanor not to have a license at the time of the bid. (Business and Professions Code Section 7028.15(x)). In the case of joint ventures, each person comprising the joint venture shall have a Contractor's license at the time of the bid. (Business and Professions Code Section 7028.15(c)). However, the joint venture itself must have a "joint venture license" not later than the time of the award of bid. (Business and Professions Code Section 20103.5). In the case of City contracts which involve Federal funds, the Contractor must be properly licensed at the time of the award of the contract. (Public Contract Code Section 20103.5). A-2 A Contractor who is not properly licensed will have his proposal declared non- responsive (Business and Professions Code Section 7028.15(e). Any Proposer or Contractor not so licensed shall be subject to all legal penalties imposed by law, including but not limited to any appropriate disciplinary action by the Contractor's State License Board (Public Contract Code Section 20103.5). The City Council of the City of Tustin has obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and overtime work in the locality in which the work is to be performed for each craft or type of work needed and a copy of the same in on file in the office of the City Engineer. Not less than said prevailing rates shall be paid the workers employed on this public works contract as required by Labor Code Sections 1771 and 1774 of the State of California. City Hall Offices are currently open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Friday. The Contractor's activities shall be confined to the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Deviation from these hours will be not permitted without prior consent of the Engineer except in emergencies involving immediate hazard to persons or property. If there are any questions regarding this project, please contact Mr. Jason Churchill, Field Services Manager at (714) 573-3350. Published Tustin News: A-3 SECTION B INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS PROPOSAL FORMS Proposals shall be submitted in writing on the Proposal forms provided by the City. All information requested therein must be clearly and legibly set forth in the manner and form indicated. The City will not consider any proposal not meeting these requirements. All proposals must be made on the proposal forms contained in these contract documents. All proposals must include all proposed itemized prices on the Project Cost Sheet (Pages C-2 and C-3), the firm's address, and must be signed by a principal of the firm. Five (5) copies of the proposal must be submitted in the sealed envelope. If the proposal is made by an individual, that individual's name and mailing address must be shown. If made by a firm or partnership, the mailing address of each member of the firm or partnership must be shown. If made by a corporation, the proposal must show the name of the state under the laws of which the corporation was chartered and the names, titles, and business addresses of the president, secretary and treasurer. Before submitting a proposal, each firm shall be held to have examined these specifications and contract documents in their entirety. DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL Five (5) copies of proposals shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside, as follows: Sealed Proposal for Custodial Services for the period from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 in the City of Tustin Proposals may be mailed or delivered by messenger. Proposals sent by FAX will not be considered. It is the proposer's responsibility alone to ensure delivery of the proposal to the hands of the City's designated official prior to the opening hour stipulated in the NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS. Late proposals will not be considered, and will be returned unopened. B-1 IRREGULAR PROPOSALS Unauthorized conditions, limitations, or provisions attached to a proposal will render it irregular and may cause it to be rejected. The completed proposal forms shall be without interlineation, alterations, or erasures. Alternative proposals will not be considered unless specifically requested. No oral, fax, telegraphic, or telephonic proposals, modification, or withdrawal will be considered. TAXES No mention shall be made in the proposal of Sales Tax, Use Tax, or any other tax, as all amounts proposed will be deemed and held to include any such taxes which may be applicable. DISQUALIFICATION OF PROPOSERS In the event that any proposer acting as a prime contractor has an interest in more than one proposal, all such proposals will be rejected and the proposer will be disqualified. This restriction does not apply to subcontractors and suppliers who may submit quotations to more than one bidder, and while doing so, may also submit a formal proposal as a prime contractor. No proposal will be accepted from a firm that is not licensed in accordance with the provisions of the State Business and Professions Code. DISCREPANCIES AND MISUNDERSTANDINGS Proposers must satisfy themselves by personal examination of the work site and proposal documents, and by any other means as they may believe necessary as to the actual physical conditions, requirements, and difficulties under which the work must be performed. No proposer shall at any time, after submission of a proposal, make any claim or assertion that there was any misunderstanding or lack of information regarding the nature or amount of work necessary for the satisfactory completion of the job. Any errors, omissions, or discrepancies found in the proposal documents shall be called to the attention of the City and clarified prior to the submission of proposals. Any interpretation or correction of the proposed documents shall be made only by addendum duly issued by the City and copy of such addendum will be mailed or delivered to each person receiving a set of such documents. The Contractor shall save harmless the City of Tustin from any loss or damage as a result of Contractor's intentional failure to report any error, omission or conflicting procedure. B-2 DIVALENT MATERIALS Approval of equipment and materials offered as equivalents to those specified must be obtained in writing from the Director of Public Works and City Engineer. Requests for consideration of equivalents must be submitted in writing within thirty (30) calendar days after award of the contract and must allow sufficient time for complete consideration to the satisfaction of the Director of all specifications, samples, references, tests and other details without causing delay of work. LAWS, LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES All proposals must be submitted, filed, made and executed in accordance with State and Federal laws relating to contracts of this nature, whether or not the same is expressly referred to herein. Any firm submitting a proposal shall, by such action thereby, agree to each and all of the terms, conditions, provisions and requirements set forth, contemplated and referred to in the proposal documents and to full compliance therewith. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the City and each of its officers, employees and agents from all claims, suits or actions of every name, kind and description, including potential claims and suits, with respect to the failure, neglect or refusal of Contractor to faithfully perform the work and all of the Contractor's obligations under the contract. This defense and indemnification by Contractor shall specifically include costs of defense which may be incurred by the City or its employees, officers, or agents with respect to such claim or suit. Such costs, expenses, and damages shall include all costs incurred by the City, or its employees, officers or agents to defend against any claims, stop notices or lawsuits based thereon in which any of them is made a party. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE PROPOSER certifies that in all previous contracts or subcontracts, all reports which may have been due under the requirements of any city, whether County, State or Federal, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) orders have been satisfactorily filed, and that no such reports are currently outstanding. Labor non-discrimination Attention is directed to Section 1735 of the Labor Code, which reads as follows: "No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons upon public works because of the race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, or sex of such persons, except as provided in Section 12940 of the Government Code, and every Contractor for public works violating this section is subject to all the penalties imposed for a violation of this chapter."' B-3 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT PROPOSER declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those who have been named herein; that no officer, agent, or employee of the CITY is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in this proposal; that this proposal is made without connection to any other individual, firm, or corporation making a bid for the same work; and that this proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. SELECTION CRITERIA FOR AWARD OF CONTRACT This Contract is not a "Public Works Project" but rather a "Custodial Maintenance Services Contract" and, therefore, is not subject to award to the lowest proposer. The guidelines set forth for Public Works Projects do not apply in this instance. The process to be used by the City for selection criteria will include a review of manpower submitted for the contract. Further evaluation criteria will include reference checks on the firm, ability to provide the required bonds, insurance and a review of the firm's maintenance equipment. The City will investigate the firm's Statement of Technical Ability and Experience, looking for contract maintenance experience and experience in maintaining public facilities. The City will also consider and evaluate the Contractor's knowledge of local conditions, local experience and other issues as referenced in the Maintenance Service Questionnaire. The final analysis will include assessing the proposals for the best economical value. AWARD OF CONTRACT The award of contract, if made, will be to the most qualified firm as determined solely by the City. Additionally, the City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any irregularity, and to take the proposals under advisement for a period of forty-five (45) calendar days, as may be required in the best interests of the City. Under no circumstances shall have an award be made until all necessary investigations are conducted as to the responsibility and qualifications of the firm to whom the award is contemplated. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to accept other than the lowest proposal, and to waive any technical informalities in any proposal. All Contractor's submitting proposals are subject to performance investigation which shall include, but are not limited to: references from current comparable contracts performing similar duties, walk-through of Contractor's operational facilities, maintenance equipment evaluation, and labor summary. B-4 CONTRACT BONDS Both the Faithful Performance Bond and the Labor and Materials Payment Bond shall each be for not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the total contract amount. Bonds shall be of the form attached to Section D and secured from a surety company duly authorized to issued such bonds in the State of California and shall be subject to the approval and acceptance of the City Council and City Attorney. The Labor and Materials Payment Bond shall remain in force until thirty-five (35) days after the date of recordation of the Notice of Completion. The Faithful Performance Bond will not be released until one year after said date. Additionally, the Contractor shall concurrently submit, with the bonds, a certified copy of the most recent Certificate of Authority issued to the bonding company by the California Insurance Commissioner. EXECUTION OF CONTRACT Within ten (10) calendar days after the date of the Notice of Award, the Contractor shall execute and return the following contract documents to the Agency. Contract Agreement Faithfu- Performance Bond Labor and Materials Payment Bond Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance Certificate and endorsements Compensation Insurance Certificate and endorsements Certified copy of Certificate of Authority, from the California Insurance Commissioner, issued to the Insurance and/or bonding companies. Contractor shall provide to the City within ten (10) working days after the date of notice of award of the contract evidence of the aforementioned insurance with insurer endorsements, which must meet the requirements of this Article. An Acord Certificate will be accepted solely as evidence of the name of the insurers and the amounts of insurance. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in annulment of the award, and the City will pursue award to the next qualified responsive bidder. Contractor is advised that insurance requirements are non-negotiable and City will not consider waiving insurance requirements. There are no exceptions. The Contract Agreement shall not be considered binding upon Agency until executed by the Authorized Agency officials. No contract will be executed unless the bidder is licensed in accordance with the provisions of the State Business and Professions Code. A corporation to which an award is made may be required, before the Contract Agreement is executed by the agency, to furnish evidence of its corporate existence, of its right to enter into contracts in the State of California, and that the officers signing the contract and bonds for the corporation have the authority to do so. B-5 EXTENSION OF CONTRA Agency shall have the right and option to extend the term of this contract for four (4) consecutive additional years following the original 1 year term of this contract, by giving written notice to the Contractor prior to the end of the original contract term. Contract unit price adjustments may be provided annually at the discretion of the City as described below: Contracted unit prices are subject to annual review effective July 1 of each year to reflect anot-to-exceed Consumer Price Index (CPI) changes in cost. The rates may be adjusted each year on July 1, at the sole discretion of the City or, upon written request for an increase from Contractor one-hundred twenty (120) days prior to July 1, all based upon the percentage change in the CPI for All Urban Consumers for the Los Angeles- Riverside-Orange County, CA Metropolitan Area ("Index") published by the United State Department of Labor, Bureau of Statistics for the preceding year (December to December) calculated to the nearest one cent. The Index published more immediately preceding the effective adjustment date is to be used in determining the amount of adjustment. If the Index has changed from the previous Index basis, the unit prices for the following year of the term of the contract shall be set by multiplying the previous unit prices by a ratio, the numerator being the new Index value and the denominator being the previous index value. The index value for the beginning of the original contract term shall be the Index in effect at time of the proposal. If only a portion of a unit price changes, that portion alone shall be adjusted by the ratio. The portion of the total unit price to be adjusted shall be determined by the Director of Public Works based on documentation submitted by the Contractor. The first rate adjustment will be effective July 1, 2012. The same method of adjustment shall apply to all future renewal years. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT AGREEMENT Termination of Contract Agreement: The City reserves the right to terminate this Contract Agreement at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days written notice to Contractor, except that where termination is due to the fault of the Contractor and constitutes an immediate danger to the health, safety and general welfare, the period of notice shall be such shorter time as may be appropriate. Upon receipt of the notice of termination, Contractor shall immediately cease all services hereunder except such as may be specifically approved by the City. Contractor shall be entitled to compensation for all services rendered prior to receipt of the notice of termination and for any services authorized by City thereafter. If termination is due to the failure of the Contractor to fulfill its obligations under this Contract Agreement, City may take over the work and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and the Contractor shall be liable to the extent that the total cost for completion of the services required hereunder exceeds the compensation herein stipulated, provided that the City shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate damages, and City may withhold any payments to the Contractor for the purpose of set-off or partial payment of the amounts owed to City. B-6 LIABILITY INSURANCE Public Liability and Property Damages. The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of the contract, commercial general liability, automobile liability and worker's compensation insurance. The amount of the commercial general liability and automobile insurance shall not be less than the following: Single limit coverage applying to bodily and personal injury liability and property damage: $2,000,000.00. The following insurer endorsements are required if not part of the policy: 1. The City of Tustin, its elective and appointive boards, officers, agents and employees named as additional insureds in the policy as to the work being performed under the contract; 2. The coverage is primary and no other insurance carried by the City of Tustin will be called upon to contribute to a loss under this coverage; 3. The policy covers blanket contractual liability; 4. The policy limits or liability are provided on an occurrence basis; 5. The policy covers broad form property damage liability; 6. The policy covers personal injury as well as bodily injury liability; 7. The policy covers explosion, collapse, and underground hazards; 8. The policy covers products and completed operations; 9. The policy covers use of non-owned automobiles; and 10. The coverage shall not be cancelled or terminated unless thirty (30) days' written notice is first given to the City of Tustin. 11. Insurers shall be authorized to do business in the State by the Department of Insurance and shall meet the following qualifications: A.M. Best's Rating of Grade A and Class VII (seven) (if an Admitted Insurer), and Grade A- or better and Class X (ten) or better (if offered by a Surplus Line Broker) is acceptable. Workers' compensation insurance rated Grade B- or better and Class VII (seven) or better, or offered by the State Compensation Fund, is acceptable. 12. The worker's compensation and employer's liability insurance policies shall contain a waiver of subrogation in favor of the City. B-7 Contractor shall provide to the City within ten (10) working days after the date of notice of award of the contract evidence of the aforementioned insurance with insurer endorsements, which must meet the requirements of this Article. An Acord Certificate will be accepted solely as evidence of the name of the insurers and the amounts of insurance. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in annulment of the award, and the City will pursue award to the next qualified responsive bidder. Contractor is advised that insurance requirements are non-negotiable and City will not consider waiving insurance requirements. There are no exceptions. PERMITS A City of Tustin business license shall be obtained by the Contractor, at his/her expense, prior to starting work. Subcontractors working for the general Contractor for this project will be required to have a business license while working on this project. B-8 SECTION C PROPOSAL SECTION C PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA FOR CUSTODIAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD FROM JULY 1, 2011 TO JUNE 30, 2012 Name of Bidder: Business Address: Phone Number: TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN In accordance with CITY'S NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS, the undersigned CONTRACTOR hereby proposes to furnish all the required custodial services, including but not limited to: all management, supervision, materials, equipment, tools, labor, transportation and incidentals for the above-stated project as set forth in the proposal documents and to perform all work in the manner and time prescribed therein. The undersigned, as proposer, declares that the only persons or parties interested in the proposal as principals are those named herein; that this proposal is made without collusion with any other person, firm or corporation; that this proposal is based upon careful examination of the work sites, the Instructions to Proposers, the annexed proposed form of the contract, and all other proposal documents therein referred to; and he proposes and agrees if this proposal is accepted, that he will contract with the City of Tustin, in the form of the copy of the contract annexed hereto, to provide all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, and to do all work and furnish all materials specified in the contract, in the manner and time prescribed, and according to the requirements of the Field Services Manager as therein set forth, and that he will take full payment therefore at the following unit and/or lump-sum prices set forth in the Project Cost Sheet, to-wit: C-1 PROJECT COST SHEET For Custodial Services For the Period from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 Considering requirements set forth in Section E, provide the followin~__itemized cost: - --- ITEMIZED COST PER MONTH I Item Days General I Floor ! Labor to !Total ~TOtal i No. ~, FACILITIES i per Custodial ~ Care Empty I Supplies Cost I Annual ----- i Week ~ ' --- ------ _______ _ -----}---- Trash/ ~ Recycling` i per Cost ~ Month -- --- - 1 I -- - -- - - Police Department ~ ~ ~ ~ I $ - ~ ~ $ T $ $ ~ $ ~ 2 - --- --- i ~ - 1 Police Dept. Parking -- -~- --- --- - ----;------- - ----- - - ---- ------ - i--- ----- ~ 3 7 ~ Structure ~ + _- - - -- City Hall 5 I - I, r -----~ ~ -------- ---~ ~-- - - ~4 Council Chambers, ~ ~~- Conference Room & ~ 5 ~ r5 Atrium ~ ~ i __ ~ Community Building ~ ~ ~- ~ -- --r-- -- --- ~--- ~ 6 Senior Center *See note ~ ~ r 7 Below Maintenance Facility I A) Admin Bldg; B) 5 I i Garage Office C) Water II i _ ~ Trailer I 8 _ Youth Center _ 5 ~ - - ~ Columbus-Tustin Gymnasium *See note 7 ~ I below SUBTOTALS ; -~ - 1 - -_ i r,yrcr~a 10 McFadden Parkette _ 7 I N/A N A ~ 11 San at lara Park j 7 N/A ~N/A ~! I~ SUBTOTALS ~ ~~ 'i PARK RESTROOMS _ 12 i Magnolia Park i 7 !' ~- ------- Y ----- ---- --- - - -- -- -- -_ _. --- ------ --TT --+ -----=--------~ 13 Centonnial Park -- - ~ 7 - - 14 Pinetree Park ? - ----- r----- ---- -- - '~ ~ 15 Frontier Park ' ~ 16 Peppertree Park 7 17 ---~-Columbus Tustin Park- ~----+--------~------T----------T - 7 18 Camino Real Park 7 i ! -~ ` Cost of Trash Can Liners/Bags s hould be included in Supply Column C-2 PROJECT COST SHEET For Custodial Services For the Period from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 Considering requirements set forth in Section E, provide the following itemized cost: ITEMIZED COST PER MONTH ~ t m ~ ~ Days -- -------- - General ' Floor ~,~ Labor to ', ~ -r ------- j Total ~ Total No. i FACILITIES ;per Custodial j Care Empty Supplies Cost per Annual I Week ~ ~ ~ Trash/ ~ Month i Cost - ~' ----- --- ------- -- -- - I --- - ~ ~----- - - - ----- ~---- --- ---- - I' - - -- ~ C 19 Laurel Glen Park 7 i I - - -- ----- - ~ ' -- ~20 Cedar Grove Park --- ------------ ~ ~ -- ----- -- ------ ~ 1 I r 21 Heritage Park ~ I I 22 Sports Park ~ ~ 23 I Pioneer Park ~ 24 i R P trus anch C ark 7 i -~- - ~ SUBTOTAL -- --- -- 1 -1 _- -~ ANNUAL GRAND TOTAL ~ MONTHLY GRAND TOTAL $ • Note: Please provide the portion of the above annual cost that is applicable only to the one time annual strip and recoat of the wood floors at the following locations: A. Senior Center B. Columbus Tustin Gymnasium -Basketball Area C. Columbus Tustin Gymnasium -Class Room Area D. Alternate Proposal for Daytime cleaning Services as detailed on pages C-12 through C-16** A. $ B. ~ C. y D. 5 These costs can be used to delete or add additional wood floor strip and recoat services at the discretion of the City. **The Proposer must provide an alternate proposal for the daytime cleaning services for all facilities and identify what is being offered beyond the original scope of work. C-3 The undersigned understands that a proposal is required for the entire work as set forth in the Project Cost Sheet and the Special Provisions section and that the foregoing quantities are approximate only, being given as a basis for the comparison of proposals and the City of Tustin does not, expressly or by implication, agree that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portion of the work or to omit portions of the work as may be deemed necessary or advisable and in the best interests of the City by the Director of Public Works. Final compensation under this contract will be based upon actual quantities of work satisfactorily completed. The scope of the work outlined in Section E is supplied as an indication of the general scope of the work, but the Proposer shall make his own estimate from information included in the contract documents and from field inspections of each facility. It is agreed that the unit and/or lump sum prices include all appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties and fees. The Contract will be renewable for an additional four (4) years, 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015, on a year-by-year basis, at the sole discretion of the Agency and upon renewal of all bonds and certificates of insurance. In case of discrepancy between the itemized unit prices and the total amount for a contract item, the itemized unit prices shall prevail. If both the itemized unit prices and total amounts for a contract item are left blank, then the entire proposal shall be rejected. If this proposal shall be accepted and the undersigned shall fail to enter into the contract and to furnish the two bonds in the amounts required, with surety satisfactory to the City of Tustin, and the required Certificate of Insurance with endorsements and certificate of authority within ten calendar days, after the date of the Notice of Award from the City, the City of Tustin may, at its option, determine that the Proposer has abandoned the contract, and thereupon this proposal and the acceptance thereof shall be null and void. The undersigned bidder hereby acknowledges that he/she understands the bonding requirements of the City of Tustin, which, per City Code, states that the surety company must be duly authorized to issue such bonds or insurance in the State California. The Certificate of Insurance with endorsements must be with a company of A.M. Best's Key Rating of Grade A and Class VII (seven) or better with an Admitted Insurer, or Grade A- or better and Class X (ten) or better with a Surplus Line Broker. Workers' compensation insurance with a company of A.M. Best's Key Rating of Grade B- or better and Class VII (seven) or better, or offered by State Compensation Fund, is acceptable. Contractor shall provide to the City within ten working days after the date of notice of award of contract the aforementioned insurance certificate(s) with endorsements which must meet the requirements of the specifications and comply with the contract documents. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in annulment of the award, and City will pursue award to the next qualified responsive bidder. Contractor is advised that insurance requirements are non-negotiable and City will not consider waiving insurance requirements. There are no exceptions. C-4 The names of all persons interested in the foregoing proposal as principals are as follows: IMPORTANT NOTICE: If the proposer or other interested person is a corporation, state legal name of corporation and names of the president, secretary, treasurer, and manager thereof; if a co-partnership, state true name of firm and names of all individual co-partners composing firm; if the proposer or other interested person is an individual, state first and last names in full. Signed Title: Date: NOTE: If the proposer is a corporation, the legal name of the corporation shall be set forth above, together with the signature of the officer or officers authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the corporation; if the proposer is a co-partnership the true name of the firm shall be set forth above, together with the signature of the partner or partners authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the co-partnership; and if the proposer is an individual, his signature shall be placed above. If signature is by an agent, other than an officer of a corporation or a member of a co-partnership, a Power of Attorney must be on file with the City of Tustin prior to the opening of proposals or submitted with the proposal; otherwise, the proposal will be disregarded as irregular and unauthorized. Business Address C-5 DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS SUPPLIERS AND VENDORS CONTRACTOR proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work which are in excess of one-half of one percent of the total proposal amount, and to procure materials and equipment from suppliers and vendors as follows: ~ Name, Haaress, ana rnone ivumper or ! rortion of WorK, i Subcontractors,_Suppliers, and Vendors ~ Materials or Equipment Phone: -------------- - - I f- Phone: _ ) I ~ Phone: ( ) I hone: ( ) ' _-~ Phone: ' I Phone: ( ) i Phone: Phone: Phone: C-6 The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all brokers and sureties from whom CONTRACTOR intends to procure insurance and bonds' C-7 STATEMENT OF TECHNICAL ABILITY AND EXPERIENCE The undersigned certifies under oath the truth and correctness of all statements and of all answers to questions made hereinafter. SUBMITTED BY: CORPORATION ^ Name: PARTNERSHIP ^ Address: INDIVIDUAL ^ Principal OTHER ^ Office 1. Proposer must submit a list of five (5) references in the Southern California area that indicate he/she has successfully completed (within the last three years) or is presently engaged in similar type of work, that are of at least of equal size and scope. The following is to be included with proposal: 1.1 Name and Location of Each Reference Name, Title and Phone Number of contact person familiar with project. Contract Amount Scope of Work with Bid Item Amounts 1.2 Submit a summary of all claims (if any) made in the last five (5) years against each of the aforementioned projects. 2. Resume of type of work in which your firms possesses experience. 3. Largest number of personnel employed by your firm in the past five (5) years. Number of Employees Year 4. How many years has your organization been in business? 5. How many years has your organization been in business under its present business name? 6. If a corporation answer the following: 6.1 Date of Incorporation: 6.2 State of Incorporation: 6.3 President's name: 6.4 Vice President's name(s) 6.5 Secretary's name: C-8 6.6 Treasurer's name: 7. If an individual or a partnership answer the following: 7.1 Date of Organization: 7.2 Name and address of all partners (State whether general or limited partnerships) 8. If other than a corporation or partnership, describe organization and name of principals: 9. List states and categories in which your organization is legally qualified to do business. Indicate registration or license numbers, if applicable. List states in which partnership or trade name is filed. 10. Describe the work your organization normally performs with its own forces. 11. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? If so, note when, where and why. 12. Within the last five years, has any officer or partner of your organization been an officer or partner of another organization when it failed to complete a contract? If so, attach a separate sheet of explanation. CONTRACTOR NAME: Signed By: Title: Note: Attach proper Notary Acknowledgement for signature of authorized person. (Use copy of blank form provided in this section.) C-9 MAINTENANCE SERVICE QUESTIONNAIRE Please answer the following questions in detail, using additional paper as necessary: 1. What makes your company the best company for this job? 2. What type of in-house training do you provide for your staff? 3. Who is responsible for training the custodial service workers and what type of training is provided and at what intervals? 4. List the types of equipment to be assigned to this contract. Include the manufacturer, model number, and a description of the equipment. 5. What is the address of the facility from which work crews will be assigned? 6. What communication system do you use to communicate between field and office? 7. Are you able to provide a quick emergency responses, and How? 8. Who will be assigned as "Field Supervisor", and what will be the responsibilities of that Field Supervisor. 9. List the custodial service workers and their qualifications. 10. Is your company experienced in maintaining a gymnasium floor as described in the Special Provisions, Section E of these proposal documents? Please describe your experience in detail. 11. How do you now perform Background Checks on your employees. Are they cleared through the Department of Justice? C-10 PRICE REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL CUSTODIAL SERVICES NOTE: The following price requests are to establish what additional work would cost and are not to be considered in proposal cost evaluations: ADDITIONAL WORK AS REQUESTED Detail Walls and Partitions Perform General Cleaning Strip and Refinish Hard Surfaced Floors Extract or Spin Clean Carpets Clean Upholstered Furniture or Panels Clean Raised Access Floor Tiles COST PER HOUR PER EMPLOYEE * Provide English Speaking Day Porter(s) for Alternate Proposal for the Daytime Cleaning Services for All Facilities, and Identify What is Being Offered Beyond Original Scope of Specifications $ The above cost per hour shall include full compensation for labor, equipment, tools, transportation, supplies, materials and incidentals. CONTRACTOR By: Title: Firm Name: See pages C-12 through C-16 for Day Cleaning Schedule and Cleaning Parameters C-11 DAY CUSTODIAN SCHEDULE OF CLEANING TASKS It is impossible to indicate every specific item that requires custodial service, but the following tasks and frequencies indicate most of them. This information is intended to inform the custodial contractor that nothing less than full service custodial service will be accepted. DAY CUSTODIAN (Five Days per week/eight hours per day) The day custodian will provide the following services and respond immediately (within 15 minutes) to trouble calls: 1. The Contractor will provide the day custodian with a pager or cell phone to facilitate communication. 2. The day custodian will notify the Designated City of Tustin Facilities Contact or designee of any irregularities as mentioned in Section E, General Specifications, during the performance of services and report location of such irregularities. 3. Any hardware found on the floor, such as screws, nuts, bolts, etc., that could have fallen off furniture or other building related items, such as door knobs, handrails, modular furniture, should be turned into the Designated City of Tustin Facilities Contact or designee along with the location where the item was found. The City will then investigate further and effect any repairs or replacement of equipment that may be needed. 4. The day custodian will comply with instructions given by the Designated City of Tustin Facilities Contact or designee and perform special cleaning projects as required by the Designated City of Tustin Facilities Contact or designee. 5. The Contractor will provide the day custodian with a plunger to unclog minor plumbing stoppages. Respond to on-site janitorial emergencies. 6. The Contractor will provide the day custodian with "Caution" signs for display in wet, slippery or unsafe areas and "Restroom Out of Service" signs for cleaning. 7. The day custodian will not disturb papers, documents and materials on horizontal surfaces unless directed to do so by the Designated City of Tustin Facilities Contact or designee. 8. The day custodian will maintain custodial closet in a clean and orderly condition. Dust cloths and floor sweeping cloths will be stored in metal containers furnished by the Contractor for elimination of fire hazard. Water in mop buckets will be emptied when not in u se. Due to high volume of traffic in these facilities, day custodian will give special attention to: 1. Restrooms -The following will be done twice (2) times per day or as needed in all restrooms. C-12 b. Spot clean walls/partitions, countertops and sinks, as necessary. c. Sweep and damp most floors, if necessary. 2. Office Areas and Cubicles will be cleaned as area use allows. 3. The Front Counters and Atrium Area will be services (1) time per day. 4. Conference room and break rooms will be clean (1) time per day. 5. Flooding or standing water will be tended to immediately in all hallways, restrooms and entry ways. 6. Sweep Perimeter sidewalks 7. Clean and police kitchen areas. 8. Clean and service cigarette urns. 9. Clean outside patio/atrium areas, including dusting or cleaning off lounge furniture. 10. Pick up papers, leaves, trash and other loose material outside stairways, entrance ways and patios. 11. Empty exterior trash. Remove all trash and waste to a designated central location, i.e., dumpster for disposal. If in doubt, set aside material and ask direction from the Custodial Manager. 12. All public hallways and lobbies will be cleaned, if necessary a. Pick up cans, bottles, paper and other debris; b. Dispose of trash in wastebaskets; c. Should spills occur or trash accumulate after cleanup, these areas will be given priority service. 13. Maintain clean elevators, hallways, stairs and all drinking fountains throughout the day. a. Make frequent inspections of these areas; b. Wipe handrails down with disinfectant; c. Remove trans and clean up spills uncovered during these inspections. 14. Clean glass daily on all entrance and exit doors to building a. Including all reception counter areas, glass display cases, and any other glass areas that are exposed to frequent use. 15. Perform other services as requested by the Designated City of Tustin Facilities Contact or designee relating to custodial services needed to maintain a clean healthy environment. C-13 RESTROOMS (Including all other services) Empty all waste receptacles, maintain all waste receptacles in a clean and odor free condition. Damp wipe and disinfect waste containers. Replace can liners Clean, sanitize, and polish all porcelain fixtures, including toilets, urinals, sinks with a germicidal detergent. Remove stains, scale, deposits and build-up inside and outside. Clean and sanitize toilet seats. All fixtures, faucets and piping shall be rinsed and polished for a complete job. Highly scented disinfectants or odiferous cleaners shall not be used. Provide and replenish restroom supplies: (to normal limits) • Toilet Paper • Sanitary Napkins • Paper Towels • Hand Soap • Air Freshener • Seat Covers Clean, disinfect and restock all dispensers, including liquid soap dispensers. Damp wipe and disinfect sinks and faucets, including any countertops. Clean and polish all mirrors, stainless steel receptacles, plated or enamel surfaces, and dividers. Sweep floors to remove loose dirt and other material. Damp/wet most all resilient the floors using a germicidal solution. Rinse all floors with clear water. Clean all baseboards. PUBLIC/OCCUPIED AREAS Empty all waste receptacles (including wastebaskets, trashcans, boxes if labeled as trash etc). Waste receptacles are to be maintained in a clean and odor-free condition. Clean plastic liners required. Removal all trash and waste to a designated central location (e.g. dumpster) for disposal. Dust furniture, counters, cabinets (furniture includes desk, windows, reception area partitions, etc.) Spot clean all interior glass partitions, mirrors, interior doors, etc. Vacuum all carpeted floors completely (including office, steps and landings). Clean coffee bar areas including sinks. Sanitize, wash and polish all drinking fountains, sinks, basins, fixtures, etc. and related countertops. Provide all cleaning supplies and equipment. The Contractor shall remove and replace furniture as required to perform the work. The Contractor shall exercise necessary safety practices to prevent injury and/or damage to City property. CARPET-ALL AREAS THAT APPLY Vacuum all carpeted floors completely. Spot clean all carpeted floors as needed. C-14 TILE -ALL AREAS THAT APPLY Sweep to remove loose dirt and other material. Wet mop all hard the (ceramic, quarry, etc.) Damp mop all resilient tile. The Contractor shall post safety signs indicating slip hazard and/or wet floor when buffing, damp or wet mopping floors. Floors shall be maintained in such a manner as to provide longevity and safety upon completion of work. ENTRANCE AND PATIO AREAS Pick up papers, leaves, trash and other loose material outside stairways, entrance ways (from door to street and/or parking lot), and patios. Sweep to remove loose dirt and other material. Damp or wet mop clean as needed. DAILY Empty all waste receptacles. Maintain all waste receptacles in a clean and odor free condition. Plastic liners are required. Clean all entrance mats. Shake out exterior floor mats at all entrances. If applicable. Clean all stairwells nightly (Sweep & Mop or Vacuum). Clean and service all cigarette urns. FINISHING TOUCHES Restore all furniture, wastepaper baskets, etc. to original position. Report all maintenance related problems to City of Tustin Facilities Staff. Leave custodial closet clean and orderly. WEEKLY Damp wipe door grills & metal framework of doors and windows. Clean all metal trim (push plates, kick plates, etc.). Thoroughly clean accessible interior and exterior door and window glass, adjacent entry area glass and interior glass partitions, lobby glass including front doors. Remove dust and cobwebs from baseboards, blinds, sills, ledges, chair platforms, furniture, fixtures, frames, cubical tops and sides, and work surfaces (when paperwork or personal items are not present). Spot clean finger marks, smudges, dirt buildup and/or accumulation around light switches, doors, doorframes, counters, etc. Dust offices and clean window frames. Clean all ledges and horizontal surfaces (includes sills, ledges, molding and shelves). QUARTERLY Dust Window Blinds (if applicable). Remove dust and cobwebs from ceiling areas. Spot clean wall surfaces. Machine scrub restroom floors. All hard surface floors should be deep cleaned. C-15 SEMI-ANNUALLY PUBLIC /OCCUPIED AREAS Clean all windows exterior and interior. Clean/shampoo carpets. Clean and polish baseboards. C-16 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN: The undersigned in submitting this proposal for performing, by contract, the work required by these documents, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he has not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive proposal in connection with this contract. Signed Title: Firm Name: Note: Non-Collusion Affidavit to be submitted with Proposal. Attach proper notary acknowledgment for signature of authorized person. (Use copy of blank form provided in this section.) C-17 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of California County of Orange SS City of Tustin On this day of 20 ,before me, Notary Public, personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Witness my hand and official seal. NOTARY SEAL Witness my hand and official seal. Signature of Notary CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER: ^ Individual(s) ^ Corporate ^ Officers Partner(s) General Partner of a Limited Partnership Attorney-in-Fact Trustee(s) Subscribing Witness Guardian/Conservator Other: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED TO THE BELOW: i'~ TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT: '; 'I NUMBER OF PAGES: DATE OF DOCUMENT: - -- li SIGNER (S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE: Title(s) C-18 SECTION D CONTRACT AGREEMENT SECTION D CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR CUSTODIAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD FROM JULY 1, 2011 TO JUNE 30, 2012 This agreement, made and concluded, in triplicate, this day of between the City of Tustin, California, hereinafter called City, and _ hereinafter called Contractor. ARTICLE I. Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the City, and under the conditions expressed in the two bonds, bearing date with these presents and hereunto annexed, the Contractor agreed with City, at his own proper cost and expense, to do all the work and furnish all the materials necessary to provide the required custodial services and complete in good workmanlike and substantial manner and to the satisfaction of the City, in accordance with all sections of the Proposal Documents, (Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals, Instructions to Proposers, Proposal, Contract and Special Provisions/Specifications) entitled: CUSTODIAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD FROM JULY 1, 2011 TO JUNE 30, 2012 which said documents are hereby specifically referred to and by such references made a part hereof. Said documents are on file in the office of the Field Services Manager of the City of Tustin, California. ARTICLE II. Contractor agrees to receive and accept the following prices as full compensation for furnishing all materials and for doing all the work contemplated and embraced in the Agreement; and also for all loss or damage arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid, or from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until its acceptance by the City, and for all risks of every description connected with the work; also for all expenses incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of work and for well and faithfully completing the work, and the whole thereof, in the manner and according to the plans and documents, and the requirements of the Field Services Manager under them. 200 , D-1 CONTRACT PROJECT COST SHEET For Custodial Services For the Period from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 Considering requirements set forth in Section E, provide the following itemized cost: ITE MIZED COST PER MONTH ~ ---- --T------- ------------ -- ---~-- - T- 1 ---------- Item ~ Days ! General Floo abor to 'Total Cost ~ Total Annual Nn ~ CA(`11 ITICC I r~~~a,.,i :..i i+...... n..__~.__ I Week ! i _...~.~ Trashl -._r,r,...,., ~ i r,... ......,. Month j ! Recycling ', I i~ - - - i 1 p - ~ Police De artment ~ 7 - ' - -- rt- ~ - ~ - t ~ i 2 __~ ~ 3 _-_--_ _ Police Dept. Parking Structure - ------------------ City Hall ~ _ -----_ ~- - - i 7 ~ _ - ---------- 5 r -- --- - - - +-- ------ ---- ---- ---- 4 Council Chambers, Conference Room & I 5 i ~ i Atrium i ilr5 16 -~ I Community Building Senior Center See note _ 1 7 ~ i ~ 7 below 7 Maintenance Facility A) Admin Bldg; B) Garage 5 ~ ____ Office C Water Trailer i 8 Youth Center 5 I 9. Columbus-Tustin ~ Gymnasium `See note 7 '___ below SUBTOTALS ~ - PARKS ~10 ~ McFadden Parkette 7 11 ~ Santa Clara Park ~ 7 '~ - ~ ! iRTi nTei c i ~ I _ _ PARK RESTROOMS 12 ~ Magnolia Park 7 I I ----- i X13 ~ Centennial Park 7 I -+ ---~ 14 - Pinetree Park ~ -------'------ I ~ 15 Frontier Park 7 ---- ~ _-r---__ --- -- 16 Peppertree Park 7 ~ ~ ---- - - 17 Columbus Tustin Park 7 ' - 18 Camino Real Park----- ----7 ---- ----------~--- -------~----------- T---- ----- - Cost of Trash Can Liners!Bags should be included in Supply Column D-2 CONTRACT For Custodial Services For the Period from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 Considering requirements set forth in Section E, provide the following itemized cost: ~ ITEMIZED COST PER MONTH _ ~ r ~-- - -------- i--~- ~---------; - --- - Item ' Days ~ General Floor Labor to Total TTotal I No. FACILITIES per ~ Custodial Care Empty ~ Supplies 'Cost per 'Annual II ~ Week ~ Trachl I ~ Mnn4h I Cncf i I Recycling 19 ~ Laurel Glen Park ! ~ -- - - ~ ~ ~ 20 T -----------------_ Cedar Grove Park + i ____~ _----- --- -------- 7 ~ ~ ----- - -- I ------i_ -- - - ~ ~ ~ --- - - - -- -- J--------- - - --- ---------r-- _-- - --- 21 r22 - Herita e Park ~ orts Park --~ P i ~ i --- - --~- 7 I ~ i I ---- - _~-- --T--- - 23 ' Pioneer Park ~ ~ ~ ' -_--1 I I 24 ' I~ i C itrus Ranch Park - 7 - ! --~ ~ '~ ~ ---- ~ ----- ~ ----- ---- I SUBTOTAL ANNUAL GRAND TOTAL ~ MONTHLY GRAND TOTAL $ • Note: Please provide the portion of the above annual cost that is applicable only to the one time annual strip and recoat of the wood floors at the following locations: A. Senior Center B. Columbus Tustin Gymnasium -Basketball Area C. Columbus Tustin Gymnasium -Class Room Area D. Alternate Proposal for Daytime cleaning Services as detailed on pages C-12 through C-16*~` A. $ B. ~ C. 5 D. $ These costs can be used to delete or add additional wood floor strip and recoat services at the discretion of the City. **The Proposer must provide an alternate proposal for the daytime cleaning services for all facilities and identify what is being offered beyond the original scope of work. D-3 ARTICLE III. City hereby promises and agrees with Contractor to employ and does hereby employ Contractor to provide the materials and to do the work according to the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the prices aforesaid, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time, in the manner and upon the conditions above set forth; and the said parties for themselves. their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns do hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants herein contained. ARTICLE IV. It is further expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that should there be any conflict between the terms of this instrument and the bid or proposal of Contractor, then this instrument shall control and nothing herein shall be considered as an acceptance of the said terms of said proposal conflicting herewith. ARTICLE V. Contractor is also aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which requires every employer to be insured against liability for Worker's Compensation or undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code and will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this contract. ARTICLE VI. In connection with the performance of this contract, the City shall have the authority to enter the worksite at any time for the purpose of identifying the existence of conditions, either actual or threatened, that may present a danger or hazard to any and all employees. The Contractor agrees that the City, in its sole authority and discretion, may order the immediate abatement of any and all conditions that may present an actual or threatened danger or hazard to any and all employees at the worksite. The Contractor acknowledges the provisions of Section 6400 of the Labor Code, which requires that employers shall furnish employment and a place of employment that is safe and healthful for all employees working therein. In the event the City identifies the existence of any condition that presents an actual or threatened danger or hazard to any or all employees at the worksite the City is hereby authorized to order the immediate abatement of that actual or threatened condition pursuant to this section. The City may also, at its sole authority and discretion, issue an immediate stop work order to the Contractor to ensure that no employee working at the worksite is exposed to a dangerous or hazardous condition. Any stop work order issued by the City to the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of this section shall not give rise to any claim or cause of action for delay damages by the Contractor or the Contractor's agents or subcontractors against the City. ARTICLE VII. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Tustin and all officers and employees thereof from all claims, suits, or actions of every name, kind and description, brought for, or on account of, injuries to or death of any person including, but not limited to, workers and the public, or damage to property resulting from the construction of the work or by or in consequence of any negligence regarding the work, use of improper materials or equipment in construction of the work, neglect or refusal of Contractor to faithfully perform the work and all of Contractor's obligations under the contract, or by or on account of any act or omission by the Contractor or his agents or a subcontractor or his agents or a third party during the progress of the work or at any time before its completion and final acceptance, or which might arise in D-4 connection with the agreed upon work or is caused by or happening in connection with the progress of said work, or on account of any passive or active negligent act or omission by the City of Tustin, its officers, employees and agents, save and except claims arising through the sole and exclusive negligence or sole and exclusive willful misconduct of the City of Tustin. The defense and indemnification by Contractor shall include all costs and expenditures including attorney's fees incurred by the City of Tustin or its employees, officers or agents with respect to such claim or suit and Contractor will, if requested by City of Tustin, defend any litigation arising out of such claims at the sole cost and expense of Contractor. In addition to any remedy authorized by law, so much of the money due the Contractor under and by virtue of the contract as shall be considered necessary in the sole discretion of the City of Tustin may be retained by the City until disposition has been made of such claims for damages as aforesaid. ARTICLE VIII. The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of the contract, commercial general liability, automobile liability and worker's compensation insurance. The amount of the commercial general liability and automobile insurance shall not be less than the following: Single limit coverage applying to bodily and personal injury liability and property damage: $2,000,000.00. The following insurer endorsements are required if not part of the policy: 1. The City of Tustin, its elective and appointive boards, officers, agents and employees named as additional insureds in the policy as to the work being performed under the contract; 2. The coverage is primary and no other insurance carried by the City of Tustin will be called upon to contribute to a loss under this coverage; 3. The policy covers blanket contractual liability; 4. The policy limits or liability are provided on an occurrence basis; 5. The policy covers broad form property damage liability; 6. The policy covers personal injury as well as bodily injury liability; 7. The policy covers explosion, collapse, and underground hazards; 8. The policy covers products and completed operations; 9. The policy covers use of non-owned automobiles; and 10. The coverage shall not be cancelled or terminated unless thirty (30) days' written notice is first given to the City of Tustin. 11. Insurers shall be authorized to do business in the State by the Department of Insurance and shall meet the following qualifications: D-5 A.M. Best's Rating of Grade A and Class VII (seven) (if an Admitted Insurer), and Grade A- or better and Class X (ten) or better (if offered by a Surplus Line Broker) is acceptable. Workers' compensation insurance rated Grade B- or better and Class VII (seven) or better, or offered by the State Compensation Fund, is acceptable. 12. The worker's compensation and employer's liability insurance policies shall contain a waiver of subrogation in favor of the City. Contractor shall provide to the City within ten (10) working days after the date of notice of award of the contract evidence of the aforementioned insurance with insurer endorsements, which must meet the requirements of this Article. An Acord Certificate will be accepted solely as evidence of the name of the insurers and the amounts of insurance. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in annulment of the award, and the City will pursue award to the next qualified responsive bidder. Contractor is advised that insurance requirements are non-negotiable and City will not consider waiving insurance requirements. There are no exceptions. ARTICLE IX Upon receipt of a claim or summons and complaint by the City Clerk relating to this Contract, the City Clerk shall provide written notice within five (5) working days to the contractor of the claim or summons and complaint. For purposes of this section, notice to the contractor may be via facsimile, messenger or by first class mail and addressed to: {Contractor Name} {Address} Nothing herein obligates the City to provide notice of a claim or summons and complaint that does not clearly identify the contract or contractor. D-6 In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the year and date first above written. BY: Date (SEAL) Mayor of the City of Tustin ATTEST: CONTRACT AND BOND APPROVED: City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Director of Public Works CONTRACTOR Firm Name: (SEAL) By: TITLE: ATTACH PROPER NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FOR SIGNATURES OF AUTHORIZED PERSON(S). (Use copy of blank form provided in Section C). Date THE CITY OF TUSTIN City Clerk of the City of Tustin D-7 Bond No. Amount ; Premium CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC CONTRACT FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That as and hereinafter referred to collectively as "Principal", and a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of ,and duly authorized to transact surety business in the State of California, as, and hereinafter referred to as, "Surety", are held and firmly bound unto the City of Tustin hereinafter referred to as the "City", in the sum of $ for payment of which Principal and surety bind themselves, their heirs, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally as follows: THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS THAT: WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a contract dated 20 ,with City to do and perform the following, generally described work, which more particularly described in said contract for the providing the specified work for: CUSTODIAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD FROM JULY 1, 2011 TO JUNE 30, 2012 is WHEREAS, all of such work is to be performed and completed in accordance with the documents described, referred to and incorporated in said contract; and WHEREAS, Principal shall commence and complete the construction/maintenance and installation of such work as provided in said contract; and NOW, THEREFORE, if Principal shall faithfully perform all agreements contained in the aforesaid contract, then this obligation shall be null and void. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, if Principal shall not faithfully perform all agreements contained in the hereinabove described contract and all obligations, then this obligation shall remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED FURTHER HOWEVER, that Surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the contract documents or of the work to be performed thereunder shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the contract documents or of the work to be performed thereunder; and PROVIDED FURTHER, that in case suit is brought upon this bond by the City or any other person who may bring an action on this bond, a reasonable attorney's fee, to be fixed by the Court, shall be paid by Principal and Surety. D-8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Principal and Surety have caused these presents to be duly signed and sealed this day of , 20_ SURETY: (NAME) (SEAL) BY: Attorney-in-Fact BY: Address of Surety: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney PRINCIPAL: (NAME) BY: (SEAL) TITLE: Address of Principal: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Director of Public Works Date Note: Attach proper acknowledgment for both Surety & Principal. (Use copies of blank form provided in Section C). D-9 Bond No. Amount Premium CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC CONTRACT LABOR AND MATERIALS PAYMENT BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That as and hereinafter referred to collectively as "Principal", and a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of and duly authorized to transact surety business in the State of California, as and hereinafter referred to as, "Surety", are held and firmly bound unto the City of Tustin hereinafter referred to as the "City", in the sum of $ for payment of which Principal and surety bind themselves, their heirs, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally as follows: THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS THAT: WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a contract dated 20 ,with the City to do and perform the following, generally described work, which is more particularly described in said contract for providing the specified work for: CUSTODIAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD FROM JULY 1, 2011 TO JUNE 30, 2012 WHEREAS, Principal shall commence and complete such work as provided in said contract; and NOW THEREFORE, if Principal shall pay the Contractor, his subcontractor, and all persons renting equipment or furnishing labor or materials to them for such work, for the full cost of such work and submit amounts due under the State Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to such labor, then this obligation shall be null and void. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, if Principal shall not pay the subcontractor and all persons renting equipment or furnishing labor or materials to them for such work for the full cost of such work, or if Principal fails to submit amounts due under the State Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to such labor, then Surety will pay for the same in an amount not exceeding the sum set forth above, which amount shall inure to the benefit of all persons named in Civil Code Section 3181. PROVIDED FURTHER, HOWEVER, that Surety stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the contract documents or of the work to be performed thereunder shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the contract documents or of the work to be performed thereunder; and PROVIDED FURTHER, that in case suit is brought upon this bond by the City or any other person named in Civil Code section 3181 who may bring an action on this bond, a reasonable attorney's fee, to be fixed by the Court, shall be paid by Principal and Surety. D-10 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Principal and Surety have caused these presents to be duly signed and sealed this day of , 20_ (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney SURETY: (NAME) BY: Attorney-in-Fact BY: Address of Surety: PRINCIPAL: (NAME) BY: (SEAL) TITLE: Address of Principal: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Director of Public works Date Note: Attach proper acknowledgments for both Surety & Principal. (Use copies of blank form provided in Section C). D-11 COMPENSATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATE Pursuant to Section 1861 of the State Labor Code, each Contractor to whom a contract has been awarded shall sign the following certificate and shall submit same to the City prior to performing any work on the contract: I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which reads as follows: "Every employer except the State shall secure the payment of compensation in one or more of the following ways: (a) By being insured against liability to pay compensation in one or more insurers duly authorized to write compensation insurance in this State. (b) By securing from the Director of Industrial Relations a certificate of consent to self- insure, which may be given upon furnishing proof satisfactory to the Director of Industrial Relations of ability to self-insure and to pay any compensation that may become due to his employee." CONTRACTOR: BY: TITLE: COMPENSATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATE TO BE SUBMITTED WITH CONTRACT D-12 SECTION E SPECIAL PROVISIONS SECTION E SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR CUSTODIAL SERVICE CITY OF TUSTIN I. SCOPE OF WORK Contractor shall provide all the required custodial services, including but not limited to: management, supervision, labor, materials, tools, equipment, supplies, transportation and incidentals necessary to accomplish all custodial and floor care services at City facilities as defined in these specifications. II. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. GENERAL AREAS TO BE CLEANED 1. Restrooms; park restrooms; park facilities and trash containers; lobbies; open and private office areas; common areas, stairwells; training rooms; lunchrooms; break rooms and kitchens; outside entrances, decks, windows, doors, walls, interior and exterior balconies and patios; gyms, showers and locker rooms; display areas; dispatch areas; multi-purpose rooms; conference rooms and Council Chambers; elevated display areas; elevators; parking structures; large areas with wood floors; and all space being utilized by the occupants (except storage space as defined and any other associated areas as directed by the City). 2. WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION AND BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs Non-storm water discharges resulting from Building Maintenance activities are currently governed by the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Board NDPES Permit No. CAS618030. The permit applies to activities within the County of Orange and is available for a review from the City of Tustin, Public Works Department. A Drainage Area Management Plan (DAMP) and a Municipal Activities Procedures Manual have been developed by the County of Orange to assist with permit implementation. Specifically, the Municipal Activities Procedures Manual contains Model Maintenance Procedures with Best Management Practices (BMPs) that the contractor shall adhere to. The Contractor shall implement and maintain the appropriate BMPs to prevent storm water pollution within all facility sites at all times during the contract period. The Model Maintenance Procedures with BMPs are available for review at the City's Public Works Department. E-1 The City's Building Supervisor will conduct inspections of the maintenance work site to evaluate whether BMPs to reduce pollutant loadings are adequate and properly implemented in accordance with the terms of the contract or whether additional control measures are needed. Payment to provide and maintain BMPs shall be considered included in the contract unit prices paid for other items of work and shall be considered incidental for accomplishing the work and no additional compensation shall be allowed. Failure of the Contractor to comply with the City of Tustin's requested corrective actions may result in an order to suspend work until the condition is corrected. No additional compensation will be allowed as a result of such suspension. 3. All work shall comply with OSHA and all other applicable Federal, state and local regulations/requirements B. HOURS OF WORK 1. The building and facility maintenance work described herein shall be performed after normal working hours and at frequencies as shown on the Project Cost Sheet Pages D-2 and D-3, and these proposal documents. 2. The City's normal work hours are subject to change and contractor is responsible for accommodating any potential change in normal work hours. 3. All park maintenance shall be performed between 6:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. C. Contractor must provide at least one (1) English-speaking person on each work site at all times during which services are required by contract to be provided. D. Only documented authorized Contractor employees, wearing approved uniform and holding approved identification card, are permitted on or in City facilities. All other persons are prohibited from entering any City-owned property or facilities. E. Each employee to be used by contractor on city property or facilities may not work until the mandated documentation for eligibility to work has been received by the city and approved before the contractor's employee starts work. This includes Department of Justice (DOJ) fingerprinting and clearance. The cost associated with the fingerprinting, background checks, and DOJ clearance will be paid for by the City of Tustin. All Contractor's employees shall fill the required forms and submit to the fingerprinting at the Contractor's expense and time, and no additional compensation will be paid. F. City reserves the right to increase or decrease the contracted services by a Contract Change Order and by negotiating a reasonable amount of fees for the change with the Contractor. Services and fees for new facilities, when approved E-2 in writing by the City Manager or Director of Public Works shall be added at the average rate per square foot for a comparable facility at the time of the addition. G. Contractor shall provide a supervisor to meet at least once a week with the Public Works Department/Field Services authorized representative to conduct inspections and resolve problems. H. Contractor must provide a working supervisor during the working hours (day or night) to be on site to resolve special cleaning problems or complaints. The working supervisor shall be available to report to the required location to clean facilities with special security clearance or move supplies among facilities. The working supervisor shall provide his/her own transportation to travel between facilities at no additional cost to the City. Contractor shall not move personal items or papers for cleaning (including items on desks, file cabinets, counter tops, sinks, boxes on floors, etc.). J. Contractor shall be responsible for guaranteeing that keys and card keys to the facilities are protected from theft or loss and shall immediately notify the City in the event of theft or loss. Contractor shall be held responsible for costs associated with re-keying as a result of such theft or loss; such cost will be deducted from any future amount due to the Contractor. K. Contractor shall make an attempt to remove graffiti using approved custodial products and methods. Graffiti that cannot be removed in this manner is to be reported to the Field Services authorized representative. L. Contractor at all times shall take all safety precautions to prevent injury or damage to persons or property including, but not limited to, use of appropriate caution signage. M. Contractor shall submit a monthly invoice by the end of the first week of each month for services rendered the prior month. Extraordinary maintenance provided on a request basis shall be submitted on a separate invoice. N. Invoices shall clearly state the following: 1. Invoice number 2. Invoice period 3. Itemized locations where service performed with location number and monthly cost 4. Services performed 5. Name of personnel providing services 0. All performed activities and/or equipment utilized by the Contractor shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the City. E-3 III. DAILY CLEANING A. ROOM, COMMON AREAS, AND MISCELLANEOUS CLEANING 1. Solid waste collection (Separate collection for recycled waste): All solid waste generated in the building and from the exterior areas shall be collected and removed to the correct exterior enclosure and bin as specified by the City. Waste receptacles shall be free of residue, and plastic liners shall not be torn or worn nor contain residue. Waste receptacles shall be emptied and new bags inserted daily. All filled garbage bags shall be carried on a rolling bin (no dragging allowed) to the specified enclosure in such a manner that will not allow any spillage or seepage along the way. Any spillage or seepage encountered by the Contractor shall be cleaned or removed immediately, but in no case later than two (2) hours of notification at no cost. The City has implemented an office recycling program and provides separate waste receptacles labeled "Recycle America". All collected materials shall be disposed in the exterior bin designated by the City for this purpose. Contractor shall ensure that garbage and recyclable material shall be kept separate and processed in the appropriate manner. 2. All horizontal, vertical and under surfaces shall be free of dust, smudges or spots, and the corners, crevices, moldings and ledges shall be free of dust. NOTE: When dusting horizontal surfaces, papers and other items shall not be disturbed. 3. Contractor shall clean City Council Chambers and adjacent Conference Room as the last custodial work performed every Sunday and before meetings. Council Chambers shall also be cleaned after the regular, Monday night Council meeting, Planning Commission meetings and other special meetings. The City reserves the right to revise this requirement if the regular meeting schedule changes. 4. The Police Department has areas that require daily cleaning and a police escort is required (Property Storage, Special Investigations, the City jail, the Police Chief's office area, etc.) This will be coordinated with the Police Watch Commander. 5. Basins (if free of personal items) and fixtures shall be clean, disinfected, and bright, and shall be free of dust, stains, or encrustation. 6. Mirrors (except personal) and glass including, but not limited to, doors, partitions, display cases, etc., shall be clean and free of spots, streaks, or soil substances. E-4 7. Paper towel and toilet paper dispensers shall be filled on a daily basis, when such dispensers are present. 8. Carpeted surfaces shall be vacuumed and maintained free of dirt, dust and other debris or foreign matter. Chairs and waste receptacles shall be replaced in their original positions, taking care to prevent damage to furniture or personal items. 9. On a daily basis, all spills, dirt accumulation or crusted material shall be removed from carpets and carpet tiles, as well as spots and stains. There shall be no evidence of fuzzing caused by harsh rubbing or brushing. Spot cleaned areas shall blend with the adjacent areas of the carpet. 10. Hard floor surfaces shall be maintained clean and free of debris or foreign matter. No dirt shall be left in corners or on baseboards, behind doors or under furniture. The finished areas shall be safe from slipping and shall have a uniform luster without unsightly finish buildup. NOTE: Special treatment is required on some City floors. Contractor is responsible for ensuring correct products and methods as approved by the City, are used on the designated floors. Contractor will be held responsible for damages caused by incorrect products or methods. 11. On walls, spots, smudges or other foreign markings shall be removed without causing unsightly discoloration to the wall surfaces. 12. While there are no interior smoking areas in any public facility, areas for smoking outside shall be serviced to present an overall clean appearance, free of discarded materials. Ashtrays and adjacent areas shall be free of discarded butts, ashes, and other foreign matter. 13. Regular furniture, modular systems, upholstered furniture, and lunch area type furniture shall be free of dirt and dust and shall present an overall clean appearance. Contractor shall provide cleaning of upholstered furniture as needed or at the request of City at no additional charge. 14. Doors and kick plates, on both sides, shall appear clean and free of dust, dirt, streaks, and splashing,. 15. When no writing is present, chalk and chalkless boards shall be free of marks, dirt, and streaks. Chalk trays shall be clean. 16. Miscellaneous counter tops, tables, chairs, sinks, microwave (if free of personal items), and fixtures are to be clean, disinfected, bright and free of dirt, stains, or foreign matter. E-5 17. On vending machines, all horizontal, vertical, and under surfaces, corners, crevices, moldings and ledges shall be free of dirt, dust and other debris or foreign matter. 18. Park facilities are to be given special attention on a daily basis to include trash removal from all park trash receptacles and the thorough cleaning of restrooms. Maintenance shall be done daily between 4:00 a.m. and 10:OOa.m. 19. Kitchens and lunchrooms at all facilities are to be cleaned daily. Refrigerator and microwaves exteriors are to be wiped down daily with interiors sanitized upon request, at no additional cost to the City. Contractor is required to ensure that refrigerators' doors are closed at all times. 20. Trash receptacles at all parks, including McFadden and Santa Clara Parks shall be emptied daily. B. RESTROOM, SHOWERS, LOCKER ROOMS, AND GYMS 1. The floor surfaces, including corners and baseboards, shall be clean and free of dust, dirt or other foreign matter, dry, disinfected where appropriate, and shall present an overall appearance of cleanliness. Walls, baseboards and other surfaces shall be maintained free of splashing and markings. Where applicable, as determined by the City, the finished areas shall have a uniform, slip-free luster. 2. All fixtures shall be clean, disinfected, and bright. There shall be no dust, stains, or encrustation. Metal surfaces (including door kick plates) shall be kept clean and bright. 3. Waste receptacles and used sanitary napkin containers shall be emptied and disinfected and new bags inserted (at least) once daily. 4. Mirrors and stainless steel shall be clean and free of spots, streaks, or soil substances. 5. All supply dispensers shall be maintained to meet the needs of the tenants and visiting population. 6. Restrooms shall be maintained free of discarded materials and trash, to present an overall clean and sanitary appearance (visually and olfactorily). Special attention is to be paid to all restrooms relating to detail, appearance and odor control. 7. On walls, signs of stains, soil substances, graffiti or smudges shall be removed from surfaces, including partitions and stalls, insuring all sanitary conditions. E-6 8. The gyms and locker rooms shall also receive the cleaning requirements defined in Section A (above) for room cleaning. 9. Locker tops are to be dusted daily. 10. All urinals to have urinal blocks at all times (excluding waterless urinals). C. ENTRANCES, LOBBIES AND CORRIDORS 1. Floor surfaces shall be maintained clean and free of debris or foreign matter. No dirt shall be left in corners or on baseboards, behind doors or under furniture. The finished area shall be safe from slips and shall have a uniform luster without unsightly finish buildup. Spot cleaning when required to remove smudges, marks, or spots shall be accomplished without causing unsightly discoloration. 2. Carpeted surfaces shall be free of dirt, dust, spots, stains, spills and foreign matter, and fuzzing caused by harsh rubbing or brushing. Spot cleaned areas shall blend with adjacent areas of carpet. 3. All elevated display areas are to be cleaned. Metal surfaces shall be free of smears, smudges or stains. They shall be clean, bright and polished to a uniform luster. Wood surfaces shall be free of dirt, dust or streaks and shall present a polished finish. 4. All horizontal, vertical and under surfaces shall be free of dust, smudges or spots. Corners, crevices, moldings and ledges shall be free of dust. 5. Glass surfaces shall be clean and free of dust, smudges, spots or soil substances. 6. Thresholds shall be clean and free of dirt and debris. 7. On marble walls and stone wainscoting, surfaces shall be clean and free of smudges, dust and removable soil substances. 8. On walls, spots, smudges, graffiti, or other foreign markings shall be removed without causing unsightly discoloration to wall surfaces. 9. Exterior entryways and sidewalks shall be slip free, clean and free of stains, dirt and other foreign matter. D. STAIRWAYS (INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR) AND PARKING STRUCTURES 1. Steps, tread, landings and risers shall be free of dirt, dust and other foreign substances, shall present an overall clean appearance, and shall be safe from slips. E-7 2. Railings, ledges, grills, fire apparatus and doors shall be free of dust and other foreign substances. 3. Glass surfaces shall be clean and free of dust, smudges, spots or soil substances. 4. Metal surfaces shall be free of smears, smudges or stains. They shall be clean, bright and polished to a uniform luster. 5. All wall surfaces shall be free of dirt, soot, graffiti or streaks. 6. Public stairways are to be cleaned per these specifications on a daily basis. Fire escape stairways are to be cleaned on a daily basis. 7. Graveled areas adjacent to the Police parking structure shall be kept free from debris and raked daily. 8. Sweeping/cleaning of parking structure to be completed on a daily basis. 9. Trash receptacles shall be cleaned and emptied on a daily basis. E. ELEVATORS (INCLUDING LOBBY DOOR 1. All vertical and horizontal surfaces shall be clean and free of dirt, dust, smudges or other soil substances. All metal surfaces shall be free of smears, smudges or stains. They shall be clean, bright and polished to a uniform luster. 2. Floor tracks shall be free of cigarette butts, matches, dirt or other foreign matter. Elevator carpets shall be free of dirt, foreign matter, or other debris. There shall be no evidence of spots or spills. 3. Floor surfaces shall be clean and free of debris or foreign matter. No dirt shall be left in corners or on baseboards. The finished areas shall be safe from slips and shall have a uniform luster without an unsightly finish buildup. F. GENERAL CLEANING 1. Public ashtrays and adjacent areas shall be free of nicotine stains; cigarette butts, ashes and other debris or spills, and shall present a clean appearance at all times. 2. On drinking fountains, the fixture surfaces shall be clean and bright, free of dust, stains and streaks. Fountains shall be kept free of trash, ink, coffee grounds, etc., and the nozzles kept free of encrustation. Metal surfaces shall have a polished lustrous appearance. E-8 3 On public telephones, all surfaces including the phone unit shall be clean and free of dirt, dust, smudges, streaks, or other soil substances. 4. Entrance, elevator, and walk-off mats shall be maintained clean and free of dirt, grime, stains and excessive buildup or crusted material. IV. MONTHLY CLEANING A. GENERAL CLEANING 1. In storage spaces including basement, floors shall be clean and free of trash and foreign substances. No accumulation of debris shall be left in corners, under furniture or behind doors. 2. High cleaning of all surfaces approximately 70 inches or more from the floor shall be maintained clean and free of dust, foreign matter and soil substances. 3. All exterior windows are to be cleaned inside and outside. V. PERIODIC CLEANING Contractor shall be responsible for establishing a maintenance schedule and maintaining the carpeted and hard surface floors in a clean, slip-free condition with a consistent general overall appearance of cleanliness as judged by and to the satisfaction of the City. City reserves the right to approve the schedule and to increase or decrease frequency as needed. NOTE: A tentative schedule of frequency has been provided for information only. (See Page E-18) The Contractor is ultimately responsible for providing a frequency of service that will satisfy the requirement of a clean, slip-free condition with a consistent general overall appearance of cleanliness as judged by the City. A. CARPET SHAMPOOING OR CLEANING All carpets shall be clean, free of spots, spills and removable stains. There shall be no evidence of fuzzing caused by harsh rubbing or brushing. Contractor shall obtain City approval of the shampooing or cleaning method to be used. (Frequency as per Page E-18) NOTE: Any furnishings moved during the carpet shampooing or cleaning program shall be placed in their original positions by Contractor. If necessary, non- absorbent pads or foil shall be placed between the carpet and the furnishings. Any rust or stains resulting from the Contractor's lack of carpet protection shall be removed by the Contractor or by the City, at the Contractor's expense. E-9 B. HARD AND RESILIENT FLOOR MAINTENANCE Contractor shall strip, seal and apply three coats of approved floor finish or sealer to all hard and resilient floors such as concrete, brick, terrazzo, marble, granite, ceramic tile, vinyl, wood, linoleum, etc. Contractor shall obtain City approval of floor finishes, sealers, and the cleaning method to be used, prior to any such work. (See Page E-18). C. RAISED ACCESS FLOORS (INCLUDES COMPUTER ROOMS, DISPATCH AREAS, ETC. ) Contractor shall clean carpeted and resilient or plastic/laminate finished raised access floor tiles on a weekly basis. D. VERTICAL OR HORIZONTAL MINI AND VENETIAN BLINDS Both sides of vertical or horizontal mini and venetian blind slats shall be clean and free of dust and dirt. This work shall be done at least on a monthly basis. E. DIFFUSERS Contractor shall keep diffusers clean and free of dust and dirt. This shall be done quarterly. VI. SUPPLIES A. Contractor shall provide, order, store, and distribute all supplies and custodial products. (See Pages E-14 and E-19). B. Contractor shall obtain prior City approval for all supplies and products used at each facility. The City reserves the sole right to approve the supplies and products to be used, and may add or delete products from the approved list. The supplies and products that are approved for use are shown on Page E-14. No products or supplies packaged as aerosols shall be used. C. Contractor shall keep accurate records of the supplies and products used at each facility. Contractor is responsible for ensuring that facilities are adequately stocked to prevent outages. Contractor will be billed for any costs related to supply or facility outages that arise through negligence on the part of the Contractor. D. A report of the supplies and products used at each facility shall be supplied to the Field Services authorized representative upon request. "Borrowing" from one facility to another will be permitted only if the transactions have been properly recorded. E-10 E. The City reserves the right to audit Contractor's records of all receipts and expenses related to the providing, ordering, storing, and distributing of all custodial supplies and cleaning products. VII. MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS A. Exterior doors shall be kept closed and locked at all time when work is being performed to ensure building security. B. Immediately after cleaning areas, all general lighting is to be turned off (except in designated areas) for energy conservation. C. Lights shall be used only in areas where, and at the time, when work is actually being performed. D. Contractor's employees shall not turn on any TV or adjust mechanical equipment controls for heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems, or sound systems (either built-in or personal). E. Water faucets or valves shall be turned off after use. F. Windows shall be closed, with lights and fans turned off when not in use. All interior doors shall be locked after work has been accomplished. G. Security alarms shall be reset after all work has been accomplished. City may hold Contractor legally responsible for the cost of Police response calls, theft or vandalism resulting from inappropriately set or unset alarms. H. Contractor shall report: emergencies to 911; situations requiring immediate attention (such as overflowing toilets) to the Working Supervisor; items in need of repair to the Field Services authorized representative. Contractor shall lock rooms in security areas after cleaning and return keys to designated office. J. Contractor shall turn in lost and found articles to the Field Services authorized representative. K. Contractor shall notify the Tustin Police when an unauthorized or suspicious person is seen on the premises. L. Custodial closets shall be kept neat, clean, safe, and locked at all times. Floor sinks shall be kept clean. M. Any furnishings moved during the general or floor cleaning shall be replaced in their original positions. Contractor shall take protective measures to ensure that the building, furniture and personal items are not damaged when furniture is being moved for cleaning. Any damages resulting from Contractor's work are the responsibility of the Contractor. E-11 N. When spills occur, Contractor shall perform appropriate research to determine the correct product, and shall use the correct method, to clean up to prevent damage to floors, baseboards, walls, furniture, etc. O. Contractor's employees shall use only public pay phones while on City premises, unless an emergency situation as per VII-H. arises. Use of City's telephones is not permitted, and Contractor may be held responsible for unauthorized usage. VIII. ADDITIONAL WORK NOTE: The price requests for additional custodial services in the proposal documents are to establish what additional work would cost and are not to be considered in proposal evaluations. The cost per hour for each item shall include full compensation for providing labor, equipment, tools, supplies, materials, transportation and incidentals and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. A. Any extra services or changes in work to be performed from that detailed in these specifications must be approved in writing by the City's authorized representative prior to proceeding with the extra services or change in work. B. Provide a cost per hour to detail walls and partitions on request. C. Provide a cost per hour to do general cleaning on request. D. Provide a cost per hour to strip and refinish hard surfaced floors on request. E. Provide a cost per hour to extract or spin clean carpets on request. F. Provide a cost per hour to clean upholstered furniture or panels on request. G. Provide a cost per hour to clean raised access floor tiles on request. H. Provide an English speaking day porter to accommodate City's general custodial needs on request. E-12 CUSTODIAL SERVICES LOCATION AND APPROXIMATE SQUARE FOOTAGE ITEM Approx. NO. FACILITIES ADDRESS SQ. FT. 1. ~ __ __ __ Police Department ' __ ' 300 Centennial W~_ ~ __ ____; 25,737 ____ ~ 2. Police Dept., Parking Structure 300 Centennial Way ~ 60,000 j 3. -- --- li ~ a - 300 Centennial Way 30,009 ' 4 - Chambers, l Counc 300 Centennial Way ~I i ~ Conference Room & Atnum ~ _ ~ 5,329 5. _ Community Buildin __ _ __ _ -,----- , 300 Centennial Way __ __ 5,970 _ 6. Senior Center 1200 South "C" Street ! 17,980 7. _ _ __ _ _ _ Maintenance Facility A) Admin Bldg.; ~ Garage C) Water Trailer 1472 Service Road ' 5,100 8 _ Youth Center 14722 Newport Avenue _ 6,000 9~ Columbus-Tustin Gymnasium 17522 Beneta Way 116,621 'I PARKS _ _ ~_ 10. McFadden Parkette McFadden & Pasadena ;Trash Onl ' 11. Santa Clara Park Marshall Lane (Fairmont/Santa Trash Only ~ Clara PARK RESTROOMS 12. Ma nolia Park 2282 Figtree Dr. 630 13. Centennial Park ~ 14722 Devonshire Avenue ~, 225 i 14. _ Pinetree Park ~ 1402 Br an Avenue i 513 X15. Frontier Park 1400 Mitchell Avenue ' 513 ' 16. Peppertree Park 230 W. First Street 724 '~ 17. '~ Columbus Tustin Park ~ 14721 Prospect Avenue ! 600 18. 1 Camino Real Park_ ~ 13602 Park Center Lane ~ 475 I 1 , Laurel Glen Park 13377-1/2 Myford oad 20. I Cedar Grove Park ____ 1385 Pioneer Way ~ 475 . 2~1. Heritage Park ~ 2350 Kinsman Circle _ ' 475 _ ' r 22. Sports Parks 12850 Robinson Dr. ~' 800 ' 23. Pioneer Park 10250 Pioneer Road ' 600 24 'Citrus Ranch Park 3018 Portola R 475 ~ 9 ' 500 E-13 APPROVED CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES Contractor is required to use the following products or approved equal to accomplish the specified work. PAPER PRODUCTS ITEM PRODUCT NO. James River Bathroom Tissue 132 Toilet Seat Covers 041 James River Renaissance White Multi-fold Towels 389 James River Chiffon Two PI Roll Towels 139 James River Toilet Tissue 101 A Feminine Na kins -Maxi Pads Sta free Classic Feminine Tampons Tam ax PLASTIC TRASH LINERS THICKNESS SIZE 0.4 Mil. or Thicker 24" x 24" 1.8 Mil. or Thicker 42" x 48" 1.8 Mil. or Thicker 36" x 60" Floor care, carpet care, liquid hand soap and all other cleaning products are to be recommended by the contractor and approved by the City representative. NOTE: City reserves the right to add or delete products from this list at any time. E-14 SCHEDULE OF CLEANING DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE FREQUENCY OF SERVICE -- -- ~---- ---,i - i---__ I -~ 1 I~~ ~ ~ '~ `~`' Daily ~ Weekly ~~, Monthly ~ Quarterly ~ Semi- ~ Annually As Directed ___ _ ~ _ _ I 'Annually R~uired '~ Ertra cost ', A. ROOMS, COMMON AREAS, it ~ i~ ~---i_ - I ~ --' ENTRANCES, LOBBIES, I ! I I I CORRIDORS, STAIRWAYS ' ~ I I _ _ __ ---- ~~ - ---7- ~ --- -t----- -- 1. Empty Wastebaskets X -~- ~ ~ - i - { 12. Empty ~ damp clean ash trays. X ~I i a r g u' - I -__ _--- -~-~- ~-_- -_---~ ~- + rW Dust furniture including, a ll X i I ~ ~ desks, chairs tables I ~ ~ ----- p - -- 9------- 14. Dust all ex osed filin cabinets, bookcases and helves s __ -- ---- - X ___ ___ _ _ ___ __ -- - ---t- - - - ---------+ - - I-------t----- ~ -1-- ~ ~ I ~ _ __ __ _ --- _ ___ __ _ ~- - --- ---- -- ~- - ~- - p Dust all tele hones i X i i -~- ---~ 6. Clean and sanitize telephones ~ I X 7. Clean and sanitize drinking X ~ fountain _ f s I ___ i _ ~ I 8. Low dust all horizontal surface X j i ' ' to hand height including sills, I i ledges, moldings, selves, ~ I picture frames, ducts, radiators, etc. ' ~___ 9. High dust above hand height all ~ X ~ ~ horizontal surfaces, including i ~ it shelves, moldings, ledges, ~ i pipes, ducts, heating outlets, etc. ~ ~ ! __ _ ___ _ 10. Spot clean glass desk tops X ; ~ ~I ~- 11. Clean entire glass desk tops x!12 Cl t t i X X ~ ~ I ' ! ~ . ean coun er op, m crowaves , r ~13. Spot clean reception lobby ~ X i ~- _glass including font door '~ ~ I X 114. Spot clean interior glass in X partitions and doors I -1 - '15. Clean entire interior glass in 1 X partitions and doors ' I', _~ '16. Remove fingerprints from doors, X frames, light switches, kick & push plates, handles, railings 17. Clean and polish furniture X including desk, chairs, cabinets 18. Wash all wastebaskets 19. Dust venetian blinds ~ X 20. Clean Venetian blinds ------p --_--._--• --- --~---- ----- 21. Dam clean diffuser outlets in ceiling E-15 t~ -- -,-------_ i ! ------- I - ----- X -- ---X - -- -- SCHEDULE OF CLEANING ' DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE FREQUENCY OF SERVICE _ ~_-- ------------ --- ---- - - r- -- ----- _ T--- -- - - i ---- i - -T--- -- I As - - -- Daily ~~ Weekly ~ Monthly ~I Quarterly ~ Seml- ~ Annually ~ As Directed Annually 'Required Extra cost ; --~--- ~22. Dry clean area adjacent to ~ ! X ~ j diffuser outlet I ~ ~' i i 23. Clean and polish bright metal to 11 ~ -~ X I -- ~. nanu nciyn~ i L_.-.- _ _ ~ fi 24 D d t d l d f X i ~ i. i ----- . ry us woo pane e sur aces ~ 4 I -- --- -- _- X r- ------ _ - -- ~ --- 25. Hand rub wood paneling ' I I i X _ -_-_ I26. Stairways X --------- -- _ _- Ir--- --- ~-- -- , I ~ -- fi ------~ --- ------ -- -- --- --- - t27 Elevator ~ X --------- i i I-------~ ----- --_--- - - } ~ -- -- ~ ~ . +---- - ~ II _ --- ~- ~ ~, i28. Vacuum all carpeted areas ~ X t i 29. Dust mop, broom, sweep all X ~ hard ~-- , j 30. Damp mop all hard floors ~ „ X !31. Clean all exterior windows, X inside 8 out B. RESTROOMS, SHOWERS, I LOCKER ROOMS AND GYM 1. Clean, sanitize and polish X i vitreous fixtures including toilet ~ _ bowls, urinals, hand basins 2. Clean and sanitize all flush X ~ ~ii rings, drain and overflow outlets ~ ; 3. Clean and polish all chrome X j fittings 4. Clean and polish all glass and X mirrors 5. Empty all containers and X ~ ~ I I disposals, insert liners as i I ~ required i~ I 6. Wash and sanitize exterior of all ~ X I i I containers 7. Empty and sanitize interior of I X ~ '~ sanitary container ', ~~- -~ 8. Empty and damp clean ash I X i ~ trays ', 9. Dust metal partitions X 10. Spot clean metal partitions X '' 11. Dust top of lockers X I 12. Wash and sanitize exterior of T X lockers -- ------------------*------T------ --_ _-- ---_.- 13. Remove spots, stains, splashes X from wall area adjacent to hand basins E-16 SCHEDULE OF CLEANING DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE FREQUENCY OF SERVICE ~---------------- -- - ~ ,I -~ - - T j T ti5 i Daily ~~ Weekly Monthly Quarterly ~ Semi ~ Annually As ~ Directed ~~ ~ ~ ~ Annually ~ ~ Required ~ Extra cost_ r- ---- } X i I i14. Remove fingerprints from doors, ~ I ~ ~i i i frames, light switches, kick and ____________! -?------- ;- ----}----r--- T-------fi-- ,i 15. Refill all dispensers to X ~ ~ i maximum limits - napkins. I i ~ , I soap, tissue, towel, liners, seat I -------- I ~ I ~ ---- r-------- -- - --- ~ ______ r ---- -,------ ~16. Low dust all horizontal surfaces X r ~ ~ to hand height including sills, ', I I moldings, ledges, shelves, ~ ~ ~ ~ ii 'frames, ducts, heating outlets. ~ 17. H giH h usdusd t above hand height all X j horizontal surfaces including ~ I I shelves, ledges, moldings, i j pipes, ducts, heating outlets ! I ~ C. PARKS --- ~ ~ ------ i -- ---- --- -- -- 1. Clean all restrooms X 2. Damp mop floor ~ X i 3. Clean 8 sanitize drinking X fountains ~ 1 4. Clean all tables X ~ - --~ ~ 5. Blow-off all hardscape areas X I ~ ~ ~ around buildings ', 6. Empty all trash cans throughout i X ~' T ! the parks i 7. Remove all trash X I -~ -- I 8. Pressure wash hardscape I ~ X i -~, E-17 FLOOR CARE ESTIMATED MINIMUM MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE BONNET STEAM BUFF & WAX STRIP, SEAL, & WAX ' STRIP & ~ OR CLEAN CLEAN VINYL & TILE VINYL, TILE, & RE-COAT FACILITY CARPETS ! CARPETS ! FLOORS ~ CONCRETE FLOORS ~ WOOD FLOORS POLICE DEPARTMENT i----------- - _ _ __ ~- --- - I-- -- - ~ ~ Upstairs t Monthly June & Dec. Weekly ___ _ __ _ 4 x Per Yr. j ~ _____ -- - - N/A Monthly i June & Weekly 4 x Per Yr.~ N/A Downstairs Dec. ~ ~ ~ I CITY HALL________ __ Monthly _ June & Dec. Weekly 4 x Per Yr. _ N/A ~ T Monthly June & Weekly 4 x Per Yr. N/A COUNCIL CHAMBERS Dec. Monthly June & "Twice Weekly 4 x Per Yr. N/A COi MMUNITY BUILDING Dec. ~ Monthly June & Weekly 4 x Per Yr. *1 x Per Yr. ~ SENIOR CENTER Dec. As Directed I _ r MAINTENANCE YARD ~ Below ~ Administrative Offices ~ Monthly June & - Weekly 4 x Per Yr. - N/A I ~ Dec. Vehicle Maintenance N/A N/A Weekly { 4 x Per Yr. N/A I Office i Water Trailer Monthl ~ June & Dec Weekl 4 x Per Yr. N/A ALL PARK FACILITIES N/A N/A N/A 4 x Per Yr. __ N/A COLUMBUS TUSTIN ~ N/A N/A Weekly 4 x Per Yr. _ '`1 x Per Yr. GYMNASIUM i As Directed i Relnw I TUSTIN FAMILY & Monthly Monthly Twice Weekly 4 x Per Yr. i N!A YOUTH CENTER ! ~ I *Wood floors shall be damp mopped weekly with Hillyard Super Shineall Cleaner and stripped and re-coated 1 time per year with 3 coats of Hillyard Contender Wood Gym Floor Finish only. A second refinish maybe required on request by City ** This activity will be done on Sunday Night and Thursday night of each week. E-18 ESTIMATED MONTHLY SUPPLIES USAGE BY FACILITY TOILET HAND TOILET SEAT TRASH TRASH HAND TOWELS TISSUE COVERS BAGS BAGS SOAP BORAXO FACILITY (CASE) (CASE) (CASE) (S)' (L)* (GAL) (BOX) (BOX) (BOX) Gt Hall Y 7 3 1 i 1 ~ 1 ! 2 I y - g -- --- r-- -- I B F ---- ~ -_ --r- ~ 4 2 - - ---T 0.50 ---- ~ -- -------- 1 - - -- -- -- -~-0.25 Counc I Cha bers ~ j I ~ (Combined with Community Building) ~ j ! i~ ~--- - -- Columbus Tustin j -- -- --- ~ 4 ~ 1 0.50 .25 ~~ 1 Gymnasium - Maintenance Facility -_ ~ 2 ~ 1 0.25 1 1 1 ~_ 0.50 j Police Department ~ 2 ~ 1 1 1 1 1 ~ Senior Citizen's Center ! 8~ - 3 1 0.25 0.25 0.25 Tustin Family & Youth 6 1 0.25 .25 0.25 1.50 1 ~~ Center Water Operations 1 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 _~ i irPARK RESTROOMS ~ j i Camino Real Park 1 0.25 0.25 1 _ 0.25 Cedar Grove Park 1 0.25 0.25 1 I 0.25 ;Centennial Park 1 0.25 0.25 1 0.25 I 1 C Columbus Tustin Park 1 0.25 0.25 1 0.25 Frontier Park ~ 1 I --~ 0.25 0.25 I i 1 ~ j 0.25 ~ - '--- Heritage Park ~ 1 0.25 0.25 1 0.25 Laurel Glen Park 1 ' 0.25 I, 0.25 ', 1 ~ 0.25 Magnolia Park 1 0.25 i 0.25 1 0.25 Peppertree Park ~ 1 0.25 0.25 ' j 1 0.25 Pinetree Park ---- 1 --- -r 0.25 ~ ~- -- 0.25 I 1 ~ ! 0.25 y Pioneer Road Park ~ ' -- ---- --_ - - -- Sports Park Restrooms 4 2 1 ~ 2 2 Pioneer Park Restrooms 1 0.25 0.25 1 T 0.25 Citrus Ranch Park 3 2 0.25 T 2 1 (S) = Smail (L) =Large E-19 l_)c~~aztn~e~~i ~~f l'uhli~ Vh~~rk~ U~~u~~ia~, ~; Sta~.k, 1'.1~. I~(fC~.101 May 16, 2011 TO: PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS SUBJECT: ADDENDUM NO. 1 CUSTODIAL SERVICES FROM JULY 1, 2011 TO JUNE 30, 2012 ~. ~~ ~;~ The following changes are hereby made to the specifications. Each bidder shall include a signed copy of this Addendum with his/her bid. Failure to do so may cause the bid to be disqualified. Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals 1. Section A, Page A-1, DESCRIPTION OF WORK Remove entire page A-1 and replace with attached Page A-1, removing reference to uniform rental a nd laundry and replace reference to Custodial Services. This addendum consists of two (2) pages. Very truly yours, ;- ~i ~" ~YJa~on Churchill Field Services Manager Receipt of this Addendum No. 1 is hereby acknowledged. Signed: Bidders Name: Date: ~li(1 C.~ntennial ~~av Tustin. CA927~U • N~ i71-k~ 5'~-~1>(~ • F: (il-3~ i3-~-h~191 • ~,~~~~~~tust~nea.or~ Addendum i~o. l SECTION A CITY OF TUSTIN NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR CUSTODIAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD FROM JULY 1, 2011 TO JUNE 30, 2012 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Tustin hereinafter called "CITY", invites sealed proposals for Custodial Services and will receive such proposal in the office of the City Clerk, Tustin City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92780, until 10:00 A.M. on May 25, 2011. OBTAINING PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS: Proposal documents can only be obtained from the Department of Public Works, City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92780. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The City is seeking a qualified licensed Contractor to provide Custodial Services that will include management, supervisor, labor, materials, equipment, and transportation to accomplish alt Custodial services at the specified City facilities as defined in the proposal. The award of this contract will be made at the discretion of the City, based on the qualifications and the cost proposals submitted by Contractors with responsive proposals. The contract will be for a period of twp (2) years from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2012, with renewal option on a two-year basis for an additional six (6) years (See Section E, Page E-4) at the sole discretion of the City. Unless otherwise directed by the City Council, the Director of Public Works will renew the contract based on the Contractor's overall performance, and upon renewal of all bonds and insurance certificate(s). A Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 100% and a Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of 100% in the form attached to the contract documents shall be provided. Said bonds shall be issued by a surety company duly authorized to issue such bonds in the State of California. Prior to execution of contract, Contractor shall provide City with insurance certificate(s) with endorsements evidencing commercial general liability and automobile liability insurance as prescribed in the contract, with a company of A.M. Best's Key Rating of Grade A and Class VII (seven) with an Admitted Insurer, or rated Grade A- or better and Class X (ten) or better with a Surplus Line Broker. Workers' compensation insurance with a company of A.M. Best's Key Rating of Grade B- or better and Class VII (seven) or better, or offered by State Compensation Fund, is acceptable. ,~,-1 May 20, 2011 TO: PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS 9 ... ~. 'y~ 1 R i ~~5 ~1; i:,a.. '~~"""ii"a., ~~~ ~ ~ ~ .. ., SUBJECT: ADDENDUM NO. 2 CUSTODIAL SERVICES FROM JULY 1, 2011 TO JUNE 30, 2012 The following changes are hereby made to the specifications. Each bidder shall include a signed copy of this Addendum with his/her bid. Failure to do so may cause the bid to be disqualified. Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals 1. Section A, Pages A-2 and A-3, DESCRIPTION OF WORK Remove entire pages A-2 and A-3, and replace with attached Pages A-2 and A3, removing the following paragraphs: a. Section A, Page A-2 -Remove entire fifth (5th) paragraph commencing with "Every person submitting a bid must have a Contractor's license for the work....". b. Section A, Page A-3 -Remove entire third (3~d) paragraph commencing with. "The City Council of the City of Tustin has obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations...." This addendum consists of three (3) pages. Very truly yours, _, - :-s'-~:~~.< y'-;.:.,.fit. ~' Jason Churchill Field Services Manager Receipt of this Addendum No. 1 is hereby acknowledged. Signed: Bidders Name: Date: Addendum '~ o. 2 The City of Tustin hereby affirmatively ensures that minority business enterprises will be afforded Ball opportunity to submit bids in response to this notice and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex or religion in any consideration leading to the award of contract. Proposals must be prepared on the approved Proposal forms in conformance with the INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS and submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside. The City's final selection criteria for award of contract will involve the following analysis: 1. City's evaluation of the Contractor's Statement of Technical Ability and Experience. 2. Contractor's ability to show "Qualified Proposer" status by detailed answers to the maintenance service questionnaire. 3. Commitment by Contractor to supply necessary equipment to fulfill the contract specifications. 4. Local experience and knowledge of custodial maintenance in the public sector. 5. The best economic value of the proposal. 6. Contractor's ability to provide the required bonds, insurance certificate(s) and satisfactory references. The CITY reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any irregularity, and to take all proposals under advisement fora period of sixty (60) calendar days. Proposals received after the proposal opening time and date herein will be returned to the proposer unopened. In the case of joint ventures, each person Contractor's license at the time of the bid. 7028.15(c)). comprising the joint venture shall have a (Business and Professions Code Section However, the joint venture itself must have a "joint venture license" not later than the time of the award of bid. (Business and Professions Code Section 20103.5). In the case of City contracts which involve Federal funds, the Contractor must be properly licensed at the time of the award of the contract. (Public Contract Code Section 20103.5). A-2 Addendum loo. 2 A Contractor who is not properly licensed will have his proposal declared non- responsive (Business and Professions Code Section 7028.15(e). Any Proposer or Contractor not so licensed shall be subject to all legal penalties imposed by law, including but not limited to any appropriate disciplinary action by the Contractor's State License Board (Public Contract Code Section 20103.5). City Hall Offices are currently open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Friday. The Contractor's activities shall be confined to the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Deviation from these hours will be not permitted without prior consent of the Engineer except in emergencies involving immediate hazard to persons or property. If there are any questions regarding this project, please contact Mr. Jason Churchill, Field Services Manager at (714) 573-3350. Published Tustin News: A-3 VALLEY MAINTENANCE, CORP. May 22, 2011 Evaluation Committee City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Gentlemen, Thank you for the opportunity to introduce to you Valley Maintenance, Corp. Since 1995, Valley Maintenance, Corp. has provided California Businesses with the very finest in janitorial services. By providing our clients with quality service we have been able to expand our organization every year. Our cleaning program is designed in such a manner as to reflect the high standard you require with strict adherence to the enclosed service program. We recognize continued control of this program is dependent upon in-depth management, supervision, communications, and our flexibility to serve your requirements. Our company has been providing janitorial service to facilities like yours for the past fifteen years. In the process, we have gained valuable experience that will help make you proud of your decision to select Valley Maintenance, Corp. to provide your janitorial service project. Valley Maintenance, Corp. recently affiliated with Midas, Tile & Grout Restoration Specialty Company and proudly offer Tile and Grout Restoration Services to our current clients as well as to the prospective client like you. As we described on the enclosed company literature, if you are in needs of improvement on tile, grout floors and walls, please contact us and tell us the place you want and we will provide you a free estimation or demonstration with a free of charge. We look forward to establishing a close and prosperous business relationship with you in the future. Sincerely, ruce M. Hwang Vice Present of Operations (213) 388-3370 Cell: (213) 494-1003 bmsw1209(a~gmail.com X660 ~Illils?~i~e Blv~ Suite 506 Lcs Angeles C~ ~~~~ - ~s_~ ~ ~-X. ~ ` _' 0 SECTION C PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA FOR CUSTODIAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD FROM JULY 1, 2011 TO JUNE 30, 2012 Name of Bidder: vai ~ P~ Mai n~nanr~ ~'p,r.~ 3660 Wilshire ~31vd. Suite 506 Business Address: Los Angeles, CA 90010 Phone Number: 21 3-388-3370 TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN In accordance with CITY'S NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS, the undersigned CONTRACTOR hereby proposes to furnish all the required custodial services, including but not limited to: all management, supervision, materials, equipment, tools, labor, transportation and incidentals for the above-stated project as set forth in the proposal documents and to perform all work in the manner and time prescribed therein. The undersigned, as proposer, declares that the only persons or parties interested in the proposal as principals are those named herein; that this proposal is made without collusion with any other person, firm or corporation; that this proposal is based upon careful examination of the work sites, the Instructions to Proposers, the annexed proposed form of the contract, and all other proposal documents therein referred to; and he proposes and agrees if this proposal is accepted, that he will contract with the City of Tustin, in the form of the copy of the contract annexed hereto, to provide all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, and to do all work and furnish all materials specified in the contract, in the manner and time prescribed, and according to the requirements of the Field Services Manager as therein set forth, and that he will take full payment therefore at the following unit and/or lump-sum prices set forth in the Project Cost Sheet, to-wit: C-1 PROJECT COST SHEET For Custodial Services For the Period from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 Considering requirements set forth in Section E, provide the following itemized cost: ITEMIZED COST PER MONTH Itam Ilavc C;anaral Flnnr I ahnr to Tnral Tr,tnl No. FACILITIES 'per Custodial ~ Care j Empty Supplies ;Cost Annual Week '~, Trash/ per Cost - -- .__-- I '~ I Recycling' Month 1 _ 7 ,Police Department ~ 'I $ ~ $ 1450 , loI I $ .4.3~ ~ 36z_ - ~ ~z3 - - ~ L8t7 _ 2 ,Police Dept. Parking ~ i -__- _, Structure _ ~ 26 I-Z.~' o ~' _91 ---` _ C 7o _ 3 ___ ,City HaII + --- - 5 g~ I (~- 1 346 - 7 zz 3 -~~ , _ _ _ ._.. ~ q I- 4 'Council Chambers, I Conference Room & ~ , 5 ~~ ~, Atrium I ~ 3g-0 2~{-_ ' I D~}' ---$( ~~.5~"4 - -b6~-i 5 __ _ ~ Community Building - --- 7 5 3 l _ Iz i 7R~ __r -~ c 6 I Senior Center *See note ~ i -- 7 Below ~ Maintenance Facility ~ ~ z t ~, $ 5 i 363 - ~3 a3 i 19 b3 ~, z 3_.~"~ A) Admin Bldg; B) 5 I ', Gara e Office C Water ) _ I .-'' Trailer .~-~ Z. (Oy- ~ g 6 I 5~6 0 6'12 t 8 _ Youth Center 5 '~ I $ 6 S '~'.Z I T --- - - - ~4.5~ 9 Columbus-Tustin ~ ~ ~ ~ Gymnasium `See note ~ below 7 ~I 6 is ~ ~ 151 2 l ~ ~ ~, 2 ~ 8 ' ' (I ~ 6 ~~ 1 q- - - z j SUBTOTALS I i 6 3 6`7 659 (q~7 - -~ - (64z I _---~-- Il063y' I2?'66 5 ~ 1 , ~ _. PAR KS _ - -- _ - -- -- 10 _ j M Fac d ed n Parkette ; 7 ~ ' N/A II _ A ~ ! 6 0 o ~- --_ So T -- _ ~, 6 ~o -- -. , 78 od .- _ _ 11 rSanta Clara Park - - --- ~- I'I N/A N/A 6 0 0 I - SUBTOTALS . - -- - ~~ 1 2 6 0 ' loo -300 (S,/co PAR K RESTROOMS -- -- 12 ,Magnolia Park :---- - _ 7 ~_ z o ~ - ~ o ~o ~ ~ 6 3 ~ ~ 44~- o 13 Centennial Park _ _ ' _--- ~ - - --_ -~ _. _ 7 __ ~, L o 3 0 ~ 8 0__ _;__~- ~ -~ ~ o : 4-4-x- Q 14 -- - Plnetree Park ' -- -- --- - ~ - - - I zz o I ~.~ o 80 ~~ 40 - 3~'~? ~4 C~ 15 Frontier Park ~ ~ _ - - z Z o 3 v ! 80 4e ' 370 -~-~-d 6 PP u ~ zzo 3 b go _ 4d 3~~ ~4-~-0 1 _ Columbus T st n Park __ r ~ ~- z_.z a ~ ~ _~ I o 3 ~ go - ; 40 _ - '' 37 y -- ' `~~-~4-~c - 18 - Camino Real Park : ~~ j 2 ~. o 3 0 ~, $ 6 ~ 4 0 ,, 3 7 ~ r 944 ~ - Cos _ ----- ---- t of Trash Can Liners/Bags should be included in Supply Column C-2 PROJECT COST SHEET For Custodial Services For the Period from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 Considering requirements set forth in Section E, provide the following itemized cost: ~ ITEMIZED COST PER MONTH ~ _ Item ~ j Days ~,~ General Floor ~ Labor to 'i Total ~ Total No. FACILITIES :per Custodial Care Empty I', Supplies Cost per Annual T_..~tii I Mnnth COSt '~ weerc .. __... Recycling; 19 ', Laurel Glen Park 7 I Z~, ~ 3 ~ 8 6 ~' 0 ~' 3~d __ 4-~-~"U 20 '; Cedar Grove Park I ~ ZZO 3 8p ~ b ~ 3']0 ~4.4~-~ ----- Z1 -Y- 'Heritage Park 1 ~ 7 I 220 0 $0 40 3 0_- ,q-`~- '~ 22 I Sports Park 7 z~, 30 ~0 I ~"0 li 3~0 ;~'~- 23 Pioneer Park 17 I Z20 3 O $0 I, ~ ~'0 _ - ~, 3~~ ~-- 24 -t - ~ Citrus Ranch Park 7 2,2D 3 O I o d I 1{'D 3 7b --- ~-~~ -- il ii SUBTOTAL z868 3q0 l 0~}-O 520 ~~ L}-~'10 ~5'1~~ (] ANNUAL GRAND TOTAL $ zOd, ~ ~ 8 MONTHLY GRAND TOTAL $ (6, T7~9 Note: Please provide the portion of the above annual cost that is applicable only to the one time annual strip and recoat of the wood floors at the following locations: A. $ ~I ~0--_ ~~ A. Senior Center B. Columbus Tustin Gymnasium -Basketball Area g. $ J , z.( a C. Columbus Tustin Gymnasium -Class Room Area C. $ 6 b D D. Alternate Proposal for Daytime cleaning Services p. 5 (z0 as detailed on pages C-12 through C-16** ~%L~t ~ These costs can be used to delete or add additional wood floor strip and recoat services at the discretion of the City. **The Proposer must provide an alternate proposal for the daytime cleaning services for all facilities and identify what is being offered beyond the original scope of work. C-3 The undersigned understands that a proposal is required for the entire work as set forth in the Project Cost Sheet and the Special Provisions section and that the foregoing quantities are approximate only, being given as a basis for the comparison of proposals and the City of Tustin does not, expressly or by implication, agree that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portion of the work or to omit portions of the work as may be deemed necessary or advisable and in the best interests of the City by the Director of Public Works. Final compensation under this contract will be based upon actual quantities of work satisfactorily completed. The scope of the work outlined in Section E is supplied as an indication of the general scope of the work, but the Proposer shall make his own estimate from information included in the contract documents and from field inspections of each facility. It is agreed that the unit and/or lump sum prices include all appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties and fees. The Contract will be renewable for an additional four (4) years, 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015, on a year-by-year basis, at the sole discretion of the Agency and upon renewal of all bonds and certificates of insurance. In case of discrepancy between the itemized unit prices and the total amount for a contract item, the itemized unit prices shall prevail. If both the itemized unit prices and total amounts for a contract item are left blank, then the entire proposal shall be rejected. If this proposal shall be accepted and the undersigned shall fail to enter into the contract and to furnish the two bonds in the amounts required, with surety satisfactory to the City of Tustin, and the required Certificate of Insurance with endorsements and certificate of authority within ten calendar days, after the date of the Notice of Award from the City. the City of Tustin may, at its option, determine that the Proposer has abandoned the contract, and thereupon this proposal and the acceptance thereof shall be null and void. The undersigned bidder hereby acknowledges that he/she understands the bonding requirements of the City of Tustin, which, per City Code, states that the surety company must be duly authorized to issue such bonds or insurance in the State California. The Certificate of Insurance with endorsements must be with a company of A.M. Best's Key Rating of Grade A and Class VII (seven) or better with an Admitted Insurer, or Grade A- or better and Class X (ten) or better with a Surplus Line Broker. Workers' compensation insurance with a company of A.M. Best's Key Rating of Grade B- or better and Class UII (seven) or better, or offered by State Compensation Fund, is acceptable. Contractor shall provide to the City within ten working days after the date of notice of award of contract the aforementioned insurance certificate(s) with endorsements which must meet the requirements of the specifications and comply with the contract documents. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in annulment of the award, and City will pursue award to the next qualified responsive bidder. Contractor is advised that insurance requirements are non-negotiable and City will not consider waiving insurance requirements. There are no exceptions. C-4 The names of all persons interested in the foregoing proposal as principals are as follows: Byung S. Lee Bruce M. Hwang IMPORTANT NOTICE: If the proposer or other interested person is a corporation, state legal name of corporation and names of the president, secretary, treasurer, and manager thereof; if a co-partnership, state true name of firm and names of all individual co-partners composing firm; if the proposer or other interested person is an individual, state first and last names in full. Byung S. Lee, President Bruce M. Hwang, V.P. of Operations Signed: ---- Title: President Date: MaY, 17, 2011 NOTE: If the proposer is a corporation, the legal name of the corporation shall be set forth above, together with the signature of the officer or officers authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the corporation; if the proposer is a co-partnership the true name of the firm shall be set forth above, together with the signature of the partner or partners authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the co-partnership; and if the proposer is an individual, his signature shall be placed above. If signature is by an agent, other than an officer of a corporation or a member of a co-partnership, a Power of Attorney must be on file with the City of Tustin prior to the opening of proposals or submitted with the proposal; otherwise, the proposal will be disregarded as irregular and unauthorized. Business Address 3660 inlilshire Blvd. Suite 506 Los Angeles, CA 90010 C-5 DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS, SUPPLIERS AND VENDORS CONTRACTOR proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work which are in excess of one-half of one percent of the total proposal amount, and to procure materials and equipment from suppliers and vendors as follows: ~~ __ _ Name, Address, and Phone Number of Subcontractors, Su tiers, and Vendors Portion of Work, Materials or E ui ment No Subcontractor will be used 'Phone: it j Phone: i ~~ Phone: Phone: ~ Phone: -__ ~,II ~_Phone: _ I~I Phone: ~ ) Phone: -_ Phone: - - ~--~- C-6 The following are the names, addresses and rolepreo nsura ceeand bonldbrokers and sureties from whom CONTRACTOR intends to p INSURANCE LAND CO. 213-388-5505 4032 Wilshire Blvd. # 309 Los Angeles, CA 90010 Nana Choi / Kenny Choi C-7 STATEMENT OF TECHNICAL ABILITY AND EXPERIENCE The undersigned certifies under oath the truth and correctness of all statements and of all answers to questions made hereinafter. SUBMITTED BY: CORPORATION OX Name: Valley Maintenance Corp. PARTNERSHIP Address: 3660 Wilshire Blvd. # 506 INDIVIDUAL Principal Los Angeles, CA 90010 OTHER ~~~ Office 1. Proposer must submit a list of five (5) references in the Southern California area that indicate he/she has successfully completed (within the last three years) or is presently engaged in similar type of work, that are of at least of equal size and scope. The following is to be included with proposal: 1.1 Name and Location of Each Reference Name, Title and Phone Number of contact person familiar with project. Contract Amount Scope of Work with Bid Item Amounts 1.2 Submit a summary of all claims (if any) made in the last five (5) years against each of the aforementioned projects. 2. Resume of type of work in which your firms possesses experience. 3. Largest number of personnel employed by your firm in the past five (5) years. Number of Employees 1 55 Year 201 0 4. How many years has your organization been in business? 1 5 5. How many years has your organization been in business under its present business name? 1 6 6. If a corporation answer the following: 6.1 Date of Incorporation: July, 1 995 6.2 State of Incorporation: California 6.3 President's name: Byung s . r ee 6.4 Vice President's name(s) Bruce M. xwang 6.5 Secretary's name: C-8 CLIENT REFERENCES COMPANY NAME CITY OF VENTURA .ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER - - CONTRACTPERSON E MAIL ADDRESS TYPE OF SERVICE PROVIDED CONTRACT START DATE CONTRACT AMOUNT /ANNUAL 3~0 ~an~on noaa ventura, ~,H ysuu~ ~i, (805) 652-4596 FAX : (805) 653-6655 _ __ __ !, Mr. Keith Fowler, Public Works Supervisor kfowler(a~ci.ventura.ca.us _ --_____ __ ' Daily Janitorial Services _ ~' In progress since December, 2010 ~I $ 169,500.00 _ COMPANY NAME ADDRESS ,. PHONE NUMBER _ CONTRACT PERSON E MAIL ADDRESS TYPE OF SERVICE PROVIDED __ __ _ CONTRACT START DATE CONTRACT AMOUNT /ANNUAL SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA - ------- 825 Maple Avenue Torrance, CA 90503 ( 310) 222-2642 FAX : (310) 533-5828 Mr. Billy Bianchi, Maintenance Supervisor bbianchi(a~lasuperiorcourt.orq __ _ __ Daily Janitorial & D~Porter Services ____ In progress since Mai, 2006 - ---- $ 342,300.00 COMPANY NAME ,KOREAN AIR ___ - - _ ADDRESS 6101 Imperial Hwy. Los Angeles, CA 9004_5___ PHONE NUMBER __ (310) 417-5269 FAX : (310) 215-9464 - -- - -- -- CONTRACT PERSON _' Mr Haksoo Kang, Facility Manager -- - _ EMAIL ADDRESS hacskanq(c~koreaair.com - -- _ __ it TYPE OF SERVICE PROVIDED Daily Janitorial Services & Floor Care ----- . '. CONTRACT START DATE In progress since JJ~. 2007_ CONTRACT AMOUNT /ANNUAL ' $ 102,480.00 COMPANY NAME !TOTAL TERMINALS INTERNATIONAL ,ADDRESS _ ~ 301 Hanjin Road Long Beach, CA 90802 PHONE NUMBER _ I (562) 256-2881 FAX : (562) 256-28 8 8 CONTRACT PERSON _ . ~ Mr. Charlie Kim, Facility Manager E MAIL ADDRESS ~ charliek@totalterminals.com TYPE OF SERVICE PROVIDED -- --- - Daily Janitorial Services & Floor Care 'CONTRACT START DATE . - --- _ _ In ro ress sinc_e_ January' 2005 CONTRACT AMOUNT /ANNUAL $ 138,720.00 COMPANY NAME ~XANADU PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ADDRESS 1208 S. Westmoreland Los An eles, CA 90004 PHONE NUMBER 213) 500-2459 FAX (213) 867-0399 ----- CONTRACT PERSON Ms. Alice Chung, Property Manager __ _ - -_ __ EMAIL ADDRESS ' xanadoss(a~yahoo.com TYPE OF SERVICE PROVIDED __~' D, wily Janitorial Services & Floor Care CONTRACT START DATE '~ In progress since May, 2009 - - ----- CONTRACT AMOUNT /ANNUAL ~ $ 190,840.00 6.6 Treasurer's name: 7. If an individual or a partnership answer the following: 7.1 Date of Organization: 7.2 Name and address of all partners (State whether general or limited partnerships) 8. If other than a corporation or partnership, describe organization and name of principals: 9. List states and categories in which your organization is legally qualified to do business. Indicate registration or license numbers, if applicable. List states in which partnership or trade name is filed. 10. Describe the work your organization normally performs with its own forces. 11. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? If so, note when, where and why. No 12. Within the last five years, has any officer or partner of your organization. been an officer or partner of another organization when it failed to complete a contract? If so, attach a separate sheet of explanation. None CONTRACTOR NAME: Signed By: Title: Valley Maintenance Corp. President Note: Attach proper Notary Acknowledgement for signature of authorized person. (Use copy of blank form provided in this section.) C-9 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of California County of Orange SS City of Tustin On this `'~ day of 20~, before me, Notary P lic, personally ap eared ~ -~ who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is ~abscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing ~s true and correct. Witness my hand and official seal. ~'vOTARY SEAL 6ti~ HA~ J BERNAR00 ComrrNaslon ~ 1827536 < ~~ fiotary Pubiic - California i Los Angeles County ~ M Comm. Ex fires Jan 16, 2013 CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER: '`J individual(s) Corporate ~'~ Officers =, u n ~~ =; `, Title(s) Partner(s) General Partner of a Limited PartnerstliP Attorney-in-Fact Trustee(s) Subscribing Witness Guardian/Conservator Other: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED TU I HE tiHLUW: TIT~~E CR TYPE OF DOCUMENT: NUMBER OF PAGES: DATE OF DOCUMENT: SIGNER (S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE: Witness my hand and official seal. Signature of Notary C-18 MAINTENANCE SERVICE QUESTIONNAIRE Please answer the following questions in detail, using additional paper as necessary: ** See attached company profile for the answers 1. What makes your company the best company for this job? 2. What type of in-house training do you provide for your staff? 3. Who is responsible for training the custodial service workers and what type of training is provided and at what intervals 4. List the types of equipment to be assigned to this contract. Include the manufacturer, model number, and a description of the equipment. 5. What is the address of the facility from which work crews will be assigned? 6. What communication system do you use to communicate between field and office? 7. Are you able to provide a quick emergency responses, and How? 8. Who will be assigned as "Field Supervisor", and what will be the responsibilities of that Field Supervisor. 9. List the custodial service workers and their qualifications. 10. Is your company experienced in maintaining a gymnasium floor as described in the Special Provisions, Section E of these proposal documents? Please describe your experience in detail. 11. How do you now perform Background Checks on your employees. Are they cleared through the Department of Justice? C-10 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ~ r The types and quantities of major equipment shall be utilized to ~ ~ accomplish the cleaning requirements within the scope of the work specification, frequency and meets the standards of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act as well as other safety codes. The major equipment is state-of-the-art and high capacity taking full ;y . .. advantage of productivity and efficiency issues. ~' ~ ' +. •`,~., BBMC uses equipment manufactured by the leaders in their fields such as Clarke, Advance, and NSS. We maintain at all of our ~ ; regional offices a certified technician and an ample supply of ~ ~~,. spare parts. BBMC also maintains back-up equipment too use in the ' . ..% event of equipment failure in the field. + -~ ~ ~ SUPPLIES & CHEMICALS VMC cleaning chemicals are developed and distributed by Waxie. All chemicals utilized for your project will have a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) available for inspection in our storage areas. Adequate quantities of properly labeled supplies (minimum of two weeks inventory) will be on hand to perform the cleaning requirements. In 1998, VMC entered into a strategic alliance with our supplier, Waxie. This successful partnership allows VMC to focus on its core competencies while benefiting from Waxie's core competencies such as inventory management, equipment preventive maintenance, cleaning management systems and equipment repair and replacement. WORKPLACE SAFETY All on-site management and supervisory personnel undergo monthly safety meetings and training from a third party administrator. BBMC is committed to the safety of our employees and customers. In addition to the Injury and Illness Prevention Plan, VMC will provide all employees with the necessary safety training required by Federal, State and Local Law and regulations.VMC fully understands the importance of employee safety training and programs. Our commitment to providing a safe work environment for both our employees and the customer and visitors to our client locations is by an in-depth, safety- training program, backed by on-site safety procedure inspections. EQUIPMENT LIST VMC shall meet all the applicable industrial codes as established by the Occupational Safety and Health Act, other industrial associations, and all local government regulations. All equipment shall be maintained in good order while assigned to the facility. EQUIPMENT TYPE MANUFACTURER'S YEAR QUANTITY TO BE NAME 8~ MODEL & CAPACITY USED ON JOBSITE ~ Floor Machine Pioneer 2100 1999-2002 ~ 2 Buffer 2000 RPM -21" ~ -_-_ Floor Machine Advance 2003/2004 1 3 Matador 20 350 RPM - 20" Carpet Extractor Advance 2003 ii 2 Aquamatic 26BF , 6 volt / 220 Amp j ~, Host Retrofit 2002 ~ 1 ~' Dr Extractor 1 120 CFM Dry Vacuum Sanitare All New 15 I Upright - SC 886 7.0 Amp ___ Back Pack Windsor All New ~, 5 Vacuum VPTK 5.3 liter, 1 HP Hose Vacuum Advance All New 15 Papoose I 5.3 Liter, 1 HP Wet/Dry Vacuum Noble 1997/2002 2 Typhoon WD 1292 16 Gallon Pressure Washer All American 25P 2003 i 1 2,500 psi ---------- i - SAFTY EQUIPMENT VMC will provide the equipment necessary for the safe performance of the work. All tools and equipment brought onto the job site for use must be in good repair and meet the OSHA training, maintenance, and inspection requirements and subject to inspection and approval by the Contract Manager and Material control Manager. ELECTRIC MACHINES and TOOLS 1. All electric equipment must be U. L. approved 2. Equipment should not be operated without instruction from supervisor. 3. Portable electric equipment and tools must be grounded or double insulted. 4. Machine must be inspected before starting up. LIST OF SUPPLIES FOR CUSTODIAL SERVICES PRODUCT NAME MANUFACTURES 1 Base Coat- # 2203 Thermal S stem -Floor Finisher Unisource 2 Restorer - # 2203 Thermal S stem Unisource 13 Hi-S eed- Heav -dut Stri er ' Unisource 4 Windex - Li uid Window Cleaner Consumer Prod. 5 3M Glass Cleaner 3M 6 3M Heav Dut Multi-Surface Cleaner _ 3M 7 3M Quat Disinfectant Cleaner 3M 8 3M General Pur ose Cleaner 3M 9 3M Deodorizers 3M 10 3M Industrial De reaser ____ _ 3M 11 12 3M Bathroom Cleaner 3M Tile Grout & Bowl Cleaner 3M 3M 13 3M Car et Extraction Cleaner 3M r 14 3M Neutral Cleaner _ 3M 16 Sna back - S ra Li uid Buffer Johnson Wax 17 Scotch and Bonnet Car et Cleaner 3M 18 ~-- Scotch and Pretreatment Car et Cleaner _ 3M ---- 19 Lime-a-wa -Hard-water Stain Cleaner Economics _ 20 'Mean Green - De reaser Concentrate Waxie _ 21 Crew -Graffiti Remover Johnson Wax 22 23 ~- Garden Fresh -Air Freshener Kleen Brite -Porcelain Cleaner __ Johnson Wax ; Waxie 24 Metal Sheen -Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish Waxie ~25 Bite Bo -Metal Cleaner Waxie 26 Li uid Bleach - Stren th Cleaner __ Waxie 27 A~ax -Powder All- ur ose Cleaner _ ____ Col ate-Palmolive 28 Comet - All- ur ose Cleaner Procter & Gamble ', 29 BoI-O-Kleen -Bowl Cleaner Waxie ~~30 De-Soly-It -Car et S ot, Gum Remover Waxie ____ i -----~ _. __ -- - As listed above all cleaning supplies, materials used in the performance of Custodial Service are excellent commercial quality and have been cleared through the Industrial Hygiene Department via MSDS, suitable for the purpose intended, and will provide results necessary to provide the high standards of cleanliness required under this service contract. CONTRCAT MANAGER QUALIFICATION An overall Project Manager, will be appointed and assigned to provide "Contract Management" and act as a single point of contact between the client and VMC. This "Project Manager" will have the responsibility and authority to fully represent VMC on all matters pertaining to the service agreement and the final contract. Duties include but are not limited to the following: • Development and administration of training programs that are updated on a regular basis. • Interview and approval of "new" day porter employees prior to placement at the facilities. Notification to the client of any staff change within 48 hrs. • Maintenance of contracted employee schedules. • Maintenance of quality standards to include disciplinary action and positive motivation programs. • Review all daily activity and special request reports prepared and submitted by property management. • Resolution of employee's concerns regarding pay, equipment, uniform replacements, conduct and enforce appearance/uniform standards. • Resolution and/or referral to management of any/all Human Resources concerns or grievances brought forth by employees. • Weekly reviews with property manager of all operations including written recommendations of improvement. • Maintenance of conformance with Safety and Emergency plans. • Development of a system/process for day porters, janitors to inform property management if hazardous or unsafe conditions. • Conduct or coordinate unannounced inspections to ensure personnel's compliance with all company rules and regulations. These site visit inspections should be done both day and night by management personnel. This includes monthly inspections by on-site supervisors, and periodic site-visit inspections/audits by project managers and contract administrator. All inspections are to be documented and reported to the headquarters of both VMC and client. Upon award of this contract, prior to taking up the day porter and janitorial service responsibilities provided by the terms, VMC will conduct a survey of the properties for the purpose of the following: • Familiarizing all management, supervisory and training personnel with the designated locations and areas included in the specification. • Establish the procedures necessary for training assigned personnel to perform the duties on each post and insure compliance. PERSONAL RESUME BRUCE M. HWANG :CONTRACT MANAGER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Accomplished Janitorial Service Operations Manager with proven success in a variety of environments. Specific experience includes supervision of maintenance, janitorial services. Manage & administrate personnel and resources, design and coordination of projects, design and implement operations organizational policies and procedures, skilled employee recruitment, selection, supervision and evaluatiun. Able to communicate and demonstrate leadership, training and motivation in order to continuously impro~~e the organizations operations and management. Management -Experienced in overseeing 250 skilled, semi-skilled and managerial employees. hire, train, direct, and evaluate the staff, responsible for their output and quality of their work. Maintain moral. motivation, and positive employee relations. Solve problems, task corrective action, and apply company policy. Administrative -Collate and keep attention records for a staff of 250 employees. Trained co workers on administrative assignments. Process all company performance warnings terminations. promotions, demotions rate of pay changes, transfer and seating changes. Required to keep personal confidential employee information. Customer Relation -Successful management of internal /external customer service department. hands on experience with a high number of telephone and walk in customer daily. Training on proficient and consistent customer service. Conducted training on claims as well as customer service for the company sales representatives. Trouble shooting to insure customer satisfaction with continual customer service improvement. SKILL AND PROJECTS • Development and administration of training programs that are updated on a regular basis. • Maintenance of quality standards to include disciplinary action and positive motivation programs. • Resolution of employee's concerns regarding pay, equipment, uniform replacements, conduct and enforce appearance/uniform standards. • Maintenance of conformance with Safety and Emergency plans. • Development of a system/process for day porters, janitors to inform facility management if hazardous or unsafe conditions. • Familiarizing all management, supervisory and training personnel with the designated locations and areas included in the specification. • Establish the procedures necessary for training assigned personnel to perform the duties on each post and insure compliance. EMPLOYEEMENT SUMMARY VALLEY MAINTENANCE CORP._ Los Angeles, CA May 19910to Present Vice President of Operations Administrate and manage the janitorial & maintenance services of multiple facilities in the Southern California region. Manage day-to-day events of start up janitorial company. Prepare bid proposals, seek potential growth, administrative quality control inspections, extensive client and tenant relations, establish budgets and hire qualified staff, develop training program, primary purchasing authority. WORLD SERVICE WEST, Los Angeles, CA Jan 1989 to May 1996 Airport Operations Manager LAX SFO & BURBANK AIRPORT Developed and responsible for functions for the janitorial service operations at the LAX Terminal Two, San Francisco Airport, and Commercial Airliners and for ensuring the delivery of quality service experiences at the site level to guests. CITIBEST MAINTENANCE CO., INC. North Hollywood, CA President Mar 1974 to Oct 1989 Established and developed over $ 7,000,000 annual janitorial service contract including Sears, Target. Broadway Department stores through out the California as well as large commercial office buildings. Education Yunsae University, Seoul Korea Master science degree in Business Administration Cal State University of Northridge Professional & Service Organizations • Member, Construction Management Association of America • Member; International Facilities Management Association • Hazardous Materials/Waste Handling Certified -Dept. of Transportation • Safety Training Supervisor Certified WORK HISTORY TIME FRAME LOCATIONS JOB TITLE From May, 1996 To Oct. 1997 Los Angeles Superior Court -Hill Street Project Manager From Jan. 1998 To May, 2009 San Fernando Municipal Court Project Manager Antelope Valley Municipal Court City of Ventura City of Thousand Oaks ~~ City of Long Beach City of Irvine ~ JORGE CARPIO : ON-SITE SUPERVISOR SUMMARY OF PERSONAL BACKGROUND • Has twenty years of top, diversified experience on building maintenance and related work. • Strong background in many areas including management, operation, merchandising, staff training and development, office administration, customer service, and quality assurance. • Familiar with computer, working with Word Perfect, IBM, and other systems. • Excellent organizational, communication, and people skills. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE VALLEY MAINTENANCE CORP. -Los Angeles, California Operation Manager (2008 -Present ) Responsible for the management of more than one million square feet in Southern California and to plan, initiate and administer all aspect of the company operation. other responsibilities included sales of company services, marketing strategy development, account management, promotional work, account trouble shooting, client relations, and handling a wide variety of special projects. PACIFIC BUILDING MAINTENANCE CO., INC. -Los Angeles, California Supervisor, Project Manager (1990 - 2007 ) Established and developed over $ 1,000,000.00 annual service contracts including PG & E, Edison Company, Washington Mutual Bank as well as large commercial office buildings. EDUCATION Business Administration, Los Angeles City College WORK HISTORY i TIMEFRAME PROJECTS ROLES IN PROJECT May, 2005 Sunkist Growers Responsible for several building sites. Handle complaints from To Oct. 2009 property managers. Managed special request that a tenant or property manager may have. ~ Su ervised 25 ni ht anitorial staff as well as 2 da time staff. I~--- Jan. 2001 Washington - Oversee the 42 bank locations and in charge f quality control '~ T; o April, 2005 Mutual Bank and ob ins ection. Also in charge of the safety and trainin~__ j May. 1996 P G & E Oversee the 30 sites of PG & E in Ventura & L A County. To Dec. 2000 Supervised over 40 janitorial staff. To plan, initiate and administer all aspects of janitorial o erations. ' July 1990 Edison Co. Worked as a lead custodian in janitorial, hard floor and carpet To Aprit, 1996 care operations. In the custodian capability to instruct fellow ~ custodians in the performance of manual tasks requiring moderate strength and the body mechanics related the tasks. SANTOS SORTO ON-SITE SUPERVISOR 3550 West 6~~ Street Los Angeles, CA 90020 EXPERIENCE Management -Experienced in overseeing 50 skilled, semi-skilled and managerial employees. hire, train, direct, and evaluate the staff. responsible for their output and quality of their work. Maintain moral, motivation, and positive employee relations. Solve problems, task corrective action, and apply company policy. Administrative -Collate and keep attention records for a staff of 50 employees. Trained co workers on administrative assignments. Process all company performance warnings Terminations, Promotions, Demotions rate of pay changes, transfer and seating changes. Required to keeE~ personal confidential employee information. Customer relation -Successful management of internal /external customer service department. hands on experience with a high number of telephone and walk in customer daily. Training on proficient and consistent customer service. Conducted training on claims as well as customer service for the company sales representatives. Trouble shooting to insure customer satisfaction with continual customer service improvement. EMPLOYMENT VALLEY MAINTENANCE CORP. -Los Angeles, California. Supervisor (1999 -Present ) Cost control for equipment cost & labor, sales and operations. MASTER CARE BUILDING SERVICE CO. -North Hollywood, California. Operation Manager (1991 - 1999 ) Subcontracting with other maintenance firms. Practicing & obtaining more technical training from janitorial chemicals manufactures. CONTINENTAL GRAPHICS COMPANY -Los Angeles, California Draft Person (1990 -l 991 ) Drafting jobs for Boeing 747 Airplanes. Drawing mechanical parts & structures. EDUCATION 199? - 1994 :California State University Los Angeles 1988 - 1991 :Service as a truck mechanic in U. S. Army 1985 - 1988 :Roosevelt High School, Los Angeles EXPERIENCE IN MAINTAINING -NATURAL WOOD & GYM FLOORS. Valley Maintenance currently providing wood floor care program for many commercial properties and sports complex Some of these programs are: 1. Preparation of new floor sealing 2. Application of new floor finish. 3. Sanding for re-coating. 4. Penetration. 5. Restore floor finish. 6. Day to Day maintenance. We take great pride in using innovating wood floor products and technical expertise. Followings are some facts about wood floor condition we always consider. GLOSS, SLIP RESISTANCE, DETERGENT RESISTENCE, SOIL RESISTENCE, BLACK MARK & SCUFF RESISTENCE, DISCOLORRATION, POWDERING, BUFFABILITY. PRICE REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL CUSTODIAL SERVICES NOTE: The following price requests are to establish what additional work would cost an~i are not to be considered in proposal cost evaluations: ADDITIONAL WORK AS REQUESTED Detail Walls and Partitions 15 5 ~ 15.50_ Perform General Cleaning ~ 18.00 Strip and Refinish Hard Surfaced Floors ~ 1 8.00 Extract or Spin Clean Carpets ~ 1 5.00 Clean Upholstered Furniture or Panels ~ 18.00 Clean Raised Access Floor Tiles * Provide English Speaking Day Porter(s) for Alternate Proposal for the Daytime Cleaning 1 5.0 0 Services for All Fa~ ili na 'Scope of Specif catioBs ing ~ Offered Beyond O g The above cost per hour shall include full compensation for labor, equipment, tools, transportation, supplies, materials and incidentals. CONTRACTOR By President Title: Valley Maintenance Corp. Firm Name: See pages C-12 through C-16 for Day Cleaning Schedule and Cleaning Parameters COST PER HOUR PER EMPLOYEE C-11 a NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN: The undersigned in submitting this proposal for performing, by contract, the work required by these documents, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he has not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive proposal in connection with this contract. Signed i~ ~y~ Title: Firm Name President Valley Maintenance Corp. Note: Non-Collusion Affidavit to be submitted with Proposal. Attach proper notary acknowledgment for signature of authorized person. (Use copy of blank form provided in this section.) C-17 xn CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of California County of Orange SS City of Tustin On this ~ day of 20_, before me, Notary Pu lic, personally app ared who proved to me on the basis of sa sfactory evil ce to e the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in 'nis authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Witness my hand and official seal. ~O~ARY' SEA~~ MICHAEL J. BERNAR00 Commission ~ 1827538 ~- Notary PubUc -California Los Angeles County M Comm. Ex Tres Jan 16, 2013 Witness my hand and official seal. _____~~,- ` r~_ Signature of Notary CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER: r^' individual(s) j Corporate ~'~ Officers ~; ~; ~~ i~ `__; SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESC;KItif=U ~ u i Nt tst~~vv: TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT: NUMBER OF PAGES: DATE OF DOCUMENT: SIGNER (S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE: Title(s) Partner(s) General Partner of a Limited Partnership Attorney-in-Fact Trustee(s) Subscribing Witness Guardian/Conservator Other C-18 E~5/16/2©11 10:09 7147348991 PW ENGINEERING Departt~i~e~t o~ Public Works Douglas S, Suck, P.E. Director May 16, 2011 TO: PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS SUBJECT; ADDENDUM NO, 1 CUSTQDIAI~ SERVICES FiRQM JUDY 1, 2U11 TO JUNE 30, 2012 PAGE E~2/ r~3 The following changes are hereby made to the specifications. Each bidder shalt include a signed copy of this Addendum with his/her bid. Failure to do so may cause the bid to be disqualified. Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals 1. Section A, Paae A~1, DESCRIPTION OF WORK Remove entire page A-1 and replace with attached Page A-1, removing reference to uniform rental and laundry and replace reference to Custgdial Services. This addendum consists of two (2) pages. Very truly yours, ~~ J ~on Churchill Meld Services Manager RecEipt of this Addendum No, 1 is hereby acknowledged. Signed: Valley Maintenance Corp. Bidders Name; Date, May 1 6 , 2 01 1 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780 P: (714) 573-3150 F~ (71 ~(~) 734.8991 • www.tustinca.org ~5; 28/2811 15:21 7147348991 PW ENGINEERING PAGE ~72i ~a De~am$~Ern~ ®f ~~a~~ic ~va~~Cs Douglas S. Stack, P.~, .Director May 20, 2011 TOE PROSPECTIVE BIpDERS SUBJECT: ADDENpUM NO, ~ CUSTOpIAL SERVICES FROM JULY 1, 2011 TO JUNE 30, 2012 The following changes are hereby made to the specifications. Each bidder shall include a signed copy of this Addendum with his/her bid. Failure to do so may cause the bid to be disqualified. Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals 1. Section A, Paaes A~2 and A~3 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Remove entire pages A-2 and A-3, and replace with afitached Pages A-2 and A3, removing the following paragraphs: a. Section A Pa e A-2 -Remove entire fifth (5th} paragraph commencing with "Every person submitting a bid must have a Contractor's license for the work....". b. Section A Pa a A-3 -Remove enfiire third (3~~) paragraph commencing with. "The City Council of the City of Tustin has obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations...." This addendum consists of three (3) pages. Very truly yours, l~ ~ l Jason Churchill Field Services Manager Receipt of this Addendum No. 1 is hereby acknowledged. Signed: Bidders Name: Valley Maintenance Corp. Date: May 20, 2011 3J0 Centennial Way,'Ti[stin, CA 92780 ~ ~'; (716) 573-3150 "~ P; (7(~~) 734.8991 ~ wwti~.tustinca.or,~ COMPANY PROFILE VALLEY MAINTENANCE COP. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Number 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY * Introduction --------------------------------------------------------- 2 * Clint References -------------------------------------------------- 3 * Experience and Capability-------------------------------------- 4 2. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL * Implementation Plan -------------------------------------------- 7 * Start U p and Ongoing Plan ------------------------------------- 8 * Work Quality Standards ----------------------------------------- 15 * Network Management ------------------------------------------- 19 * Q u a l ity Co ntro I----------------------------------------------------- 24 * E m p I oyee Training ----------------------------------------------- 34 * Green Clean --------------------------------------------------- 38 INTRt~DUCTION COMPANY HISTORY Valley Maintenance, Corp. is a Commercial Building Maintenance Company established in 1995 Valley Maintenance currently services more than 5 million square feet of commercial office space nightly and has never failed or refused to complete any service contracts. Our management staff has over one hundred years combined experience in the janitorial industry. We are proud of this fact and believe we are able to staff, function and perform to any specifications presented to us. EMPLOYEE TRAINING Training is mandatory for every employee to formulate and secure our high standard of operations. From the simplest to the most complicated assignments, each member of our team is completely prepared before tackling each job. After careful screening of all Valley Maintenance personnel, mandatory training, with a minimum of 90 days supervised field- training employees are assigned to job locations. The training is followed by in-service instruction by their supervisors to update and review techniques. O~1R EMPLOYEES Valley Maintenance employees are carefully screened and selected. They are trained, not only in the latest cleaning techniques, but care for specific premises with the specific use of industrial chemicals and equipment unique to each premise. To achieve our goal of customer satisfaction, we strive to create a feeling of pride in the performance of our employees. Valley Maintenance personnel work on a performance incentive program are used to maximize quality work, therefore, providing you with the consistency of a quality maintenance company. CLIENT REFERENCES COMPANY NAME CITY OF VENTURA ADDRESS 336 San~on Road Ventura, CA 93002 PHONE NUMBER (805) 652-4596 FAX : (805) 653-6655 CONTRACT PERSON Mr. Keith Fowler, Public Works Su ervisor E MAIL ADDRESS kfowler ci.ventura.ca.us TYPE OF SERVICE PROVIDED Dail Janitorial Services. CONTRACT START DATE In pro ress since December, 2010 CONTRACT AMOUNT /ANNUAL $ 169,500.00 COMPANY NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA ADDRESS 825 Ma le Avenue Torrance, CA 90503 PHONE NUMBER (310 222-2642 FAX : 310 533-5828 CONTRACT PERSON Mr. Bill Bianchi, Maintenance Supervisor E MAIL ADDRESS bbianchi lasu eriorcourt.or TYPE OF SERVICE PROVIDED Dail Janitorial & Da Porter Services CONTRACT START DATE In pro ress since Ma , 2006 CONTRACT AMOUNT /ANNUAL $ 342,300.00 COMPANY NAME KOREAN AIR ADDRESS 6101 Imperial Hwy. Los An eles, CA 90045 PHONE NUMBER (310 417-5269 FAX : 310 215-9464 CONTRACT PERSON Mr. Haksoo Kan ,Facilit Mana er E MAIL ADDRESS hacskan koreaair.com TYPE OF SERVICE PROVIDED Dail Janitorial Services & Floor Care CONTRACT START DATE In ro ress since Jul .2007 CONTRACT AMOUNT /ANNUAL $ 102,480.00 COMPANY NAME TOTAL TERMINALS INTERNATIONAL ADDRESS 301 Han~in Road Lon Beach, CA 90802 PHONE NUMBER (562) 256-2881 FAX : (562) 256-2888 CONTRACT PERSON Mr. Charlie Kim, Facilit Mana er E MAIL ADDRESS charliek totalterminals.com TYPE OF SERVICE PROVIDED Dail Janitorial Services & Floor Care CONTRACT START DATE In pro ress since January, 2005 CONTRACT AMOUNT /ANNUAL $ 138,720.00 COMPANY NAME XANADU PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ADDRESS 208 S. Westmoreland Los An eles, CA 90004 PHONE NUMBER 213 500-2459 FAX : 213) 867-0399 CONTRACT PERSON Ms. Alice Chun , Propert Mana er EMAIL ADDRESS xanadoss ahoo.com TYPE OF SERVICE PROVIDED Dail Janitorial Services & Floor Care CONTRACT START DATE In ro ress since Ma , 2009 CONTRACT AMOUNT /ANNUAL $ 190,840.00 EXPERIENCE Valley Maintenance, Corp. is very aware of the significance of the proper implementation of the work specifications and necessity of a proper transition to ensure that all facets of the operation will be successfully accomplished in a timely manner. Since its inception in 1995, Valley Maintenance has been providing commercial facility services through out the Southern California. The experience garnered during this period enables us to thoroughly understand the requirements, expectations and unique problems encountered while servicing commercial properties. Valley Maintenance is proficient in concrete, marble and terrazzo hard floor cleaning and sealing, carpet and upholstery cleaning, parquet floor care, static free the and computer raised floor care, linoleum care and vinyl/asbestos the maintenance. VALUE ADDED MISCELLNIOUS SERVICES Valley Maintenance, is a California minority business enterprise (MBE) established in 2001. Since its inception, Valley Maintenance has grown to become one of the premier janitorial service providers in the Southern California. Currently employing over 200+ service workers covering an average of a multi million square feet per day. Valley Maintenance has the management experience, availability of supervisory personnel, financial capability and resources to accomplish all of the requirements of commercial properties. Valley Maintenance has been providing Fortune 50+ clients with the following commercial facility services: * Complete Janitorial Services * Pest Control Services * Window Washing Service * Fleet Washing Services * Carpet and Stone Care * Parking Lot Sweeping 8~ Scrubbing * Landscaping Services * Ramp and Runway Scrubbing Services * Controlled Environment Cleaning * Construction Clean Up Services Valley Maintenance understands the issues that facility managers face daily. Based on our knowledge and experience in dealing with janitorial contractors and cleaning personnel, We has developed a number of value-added services to supplement our facility service solutions. We believe in providing services that exceed our customer's expectations and we will work with them closely to achieve our goals. We stands behind our services with a 100 % service guarantee. 4 EXPERIENCE AND CAPABILII' Valley Maintenance, Corp. is a professional janitorial service company business based in Los Angeles. We have provided building services and floor care services nationwide business community for the past two decades, and look forward to providing continual services for many years to come. The company is divided into two commercial service divisions: 1) retail properties providing specific floor care services and 2) all other commercial properties serving government facilities, office buildings, private schools, airport terminals and medical centers as well as industrial properties. Valley Maintenance bonds and insures more than 200 employees and performs custodial services for many commercial properties as well as retail stores for the last 10 years. The crew and supervisors take pride in using only QUALITY products, PROFESSIONAL skills and STATE- OF-THE-ART equipment and our training program and quality control program assures their performance. We believe the primary element in the successful performance of contract janitorial service is management and supervision. Exemplary management ensures top service. The Operation Manager is headquartered at the corporate office. The Operation Manager directs the on-site supervisors. The on-site supervisor is in charge of the each project and directs and supervises assigned custodians. The Operation Manager's primary purpose is to increase the operation effectiveness of all the workers under his supervision. The Operation Managers train and assists personnel. They call on customers and assist them with any situations they may have. They are fully responsible for maintaining the quality of our services. The Supervisor or crew Foreman handles front line, on the job supervision. With over a century of collective managerial and operational skills, Jan-Max has continued to grow both in size and reputation. We pride ourselves in being able to meet the highest expectation of our many satisfied clients. SPECIALIZED SERVICES All crew members of Valley Maintenance are extensively and continuously trained in all areas of cleaning to ensure proper teamwork with high quality results. • HOUSEKEEPING-PUBLIC AND ASSOCIATED AREAS. • nFTAII Fn KITCHEN RESTAURANTS AND BAR CLEANING • SPAS AND HEALTH CLUBS ~_ .._ ~'""° a < • HARD SURFACE FLOOR MAINTENANCE & RESTORATION 6 IMPLEMENTATION PAIN Valley Maintenance's management is goal oriented, which places primary emphasis on solution-seeking behavior and on-the-job results. Accordingly, the first step in developing a specific management approach for a newly proposed business is to create a clearly defined set of performance standards for the job and proceed to develop a basic operation plan customized around those standards. Performance goals which must be achieved - on schedule with Quality Assurance in mind -for the provision of custodial and related services at your facilities are: 1. Safe, clean, sanitary premises; maintain all facilities at a peak level of "just opened" appearance at all times. 2. Cooperative interface with property manager assigned to this project. 3. Preventive, as well as corrective actions. 4. Flexibility and adaptability. 5. Provision of custodial services with respect for the important and complex work being performed. With that in mind, we propose a comprehensive and continuing program encompassing the provision of personnel, supervision, and related requirements and services necessary to provide full and complete custodial services as described in the work specifications. TECHNICAL RESPONSE REQUIREMENTS Valley Maintenance proposes to use methods and procedures that have proven successful on large custodial service contracts that we have managed. Our techniques have evolved and been refined over the years. Here we address the ability of our firm to ensure that all personnel assigned to provide services under the proposed contract meet or exceed standard for quality and appearance in the performance of their tasks. In order to do so, we have isolated the important steps that we take to accomplish this. First of all, we must know the contract requirements. One of the first tasks, upon notification of contract award to our company, is management indoctrination of the requirements of the contract. Key company personnel will be assigned to this project in support of the local, on-site, management and supervisory staff. These persons will be responsible to oversee and to manage this project. Therefore, at all levels of responsibility, detailed knowledge and understanding of the contract requirements must be established. At the company level, the Operations Manager, the Quality Control Manager, and the President are required to know and understand the contract requirements. The following attachments are our company concept for providing supervision and quality control to include special methods for monitoring performance and communication. 7 START UP AND ONGt3fN IV~ANAINIENT PLAN I. SCOPE OF WORK A. TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT Review Equipment and Supplies Introduce Contract Manager & On-site supervisor Walk entire facility noting areas that need special attention and improvements Review trash removal procedures including recycling program Organize all Equipment and supply storage Set delivery time for supplies and equipment Formulate crew Establish job assignment -Review all work requirements, density of building, physical layout, and time constraints. Structure a plan for cleaning the facility, coordinate the workers into the assignments in an effective manner B. ONE WEEK PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT, MEETING WITH PROPERTY MANAGER Introduce Valley Maintenance staff Receive floor plans Review keying/security procedure Reviewing janitorial log book implementation Set up daily, periodic work schedules and inspection schedules. Deliver and confirm emergency phone, pager numbers and customer service guidelines. C. COMMENCEMENT DATE 1. Janitorial management staff assembles at building 2. Preparation for arrival of crew and commencement of cleaning II. SUPERVISORY PLAN A. CONTRACT MANAGER Liaison with facility management and tenants Provide Quality Control program Review schedules with facility management B. ON-SITE SUPERVISOR 1. Administer overall supervision to building janitorial staff 2. Review with crew daily, request, complaints and scheduling 3. Responsible for maintaining security and proper cleaning standards 4. Ensures periodic work is accomplished per schedule 8 MANAGEMENT ANC1 ~U~'E~~tI~C~ The primary element in the successful performance of contract janitorial service is management and supervision, top management of the janitorial service operation. Directly under the Operation Manager, who is headquartered at our main office, directs a number of on-site supervisors. The on-site supervisor is in charge of each project and directs/ supervises a number of assigned custodians. The Operation Manager's primary purpose is to increase the operation effectiveness of all the people under his supervision. He trains and assist his personnel, calls on our customers and assist them with any problems they may have. He is fully responsible for maintaining the quality of our services. Front line supervision is handled by the Supervisor or crew Foreman who works from six o'clock in the evening to three o'clock in the morning. With over a century of collective managerial, operational and janitorial skills, Valley Maintenance has continued to grow both size and reputation we pride ourselves in being able to meet the highest expectation of our many satisfied clients. MANAGEMENT Valley Maintenance shall conduct inspections to insure that work is being accomplished in accordance with our standard and to the satisfaction of the customer. A representative will conduct periodic daytime inspection with key management personnel to assure work performance is being met. SUPERVISION Valley Maintenance will provide qualified supervision to assume responsibility for personnel while performing the services as outlined in the cleaning schedule. Supervisors assigned to the account will thoroughly briefed on all specifications and requirements. JOB ASSIGNMENTS AND WORK LOADING A three person team utilizes their experience in organizing the work program for your facility : Contract Manager, Quality Control, and On-site Supervisor whose direct responsibilities of the facility will be • Work specifications, density of building, physical layout, and time constraints. This team structures a plan for cleaning the facility, then fits people into the plan by making the most effective assignments possible. • Each assigned custodian is then trained to perform their assignment (Training Program) The objective is thoroughness and efficiency, so that custodian is trained in a system and is taught to use methods developed and proven by BSCAI (Building Services Contractors Association international ). The custodian is made familiar with in total work specifications as well as the individual requirements of his/her assignment. 9 PERSONNEL PROGR~IV~ Valley Maintenance has always been highly selective in the hiring of our employees. From the recruitment of a Operation Manager to the hiring of a member of the custodial staff, nothing is left to chance. HIRING NEW EMPLOYEES From the time an applicant fills out an employment application, he or she is covered by a formalized personnel program administered by an experienced staff. Each applicant is subject to an extensive three-point background check prior to permanent employment. EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION 1.To give the new employee a sense of belonging. 2.Provide necessary job related information. 3. Introduce the worker to his job. 4. Assess his initial performance. Periodic follow-up interview, coupled with quarterly performance ratings, afford GBM the opportunity to appraise and scrutinize each employee's job performance, work attitude and reliability. Our company's Personnel Program has resulted in low employee turnover and an extremely low accident rate and the reassuring knowledge that every our employees are honest, well-trained and reliable professional. APPEARANCE Valley Maintenance personnel will work in neat and clean uniforms. Company will furnish employees with a sleeve shirt, or some other type of upper body wear, bearing the company's identification. Appropriate uniforms will be worn at all times, including personnel who are being trained. COMMUNICATION SKILLS Valley Maintenance will ensure that all member of custodial crew, on-site, will be able to Communicate in English both verbally and in writing. All custodial personnel will be capable of completing, in English, legible written forms and will be capable of understanding oral and/or written instructions in English. SECURITY PRECAUTIONS Custodial personnel will not allow anyone on the premises unless they are specially assigned by the Contract Manager to do custodial services at the facility. This rule will be strictly enforced. EMPLOYEE THEFT/FRAUD PREVENTION PROGRAM We have implemented a routine background check through a contracted agency on every employee which consists of criminal and past employment history. Valley Maintenance also keeps a signed non-disclosure statement protecting clients of any exposure to trade marks. In compliance with enforcement, we have a fidelity bond along with an employee dishonest policy. 10 s~1~F~~~rt~otz~s ~ze~)~~EZ~r • REPORTED BY : DATE: • TIME IN : TIME OUT CONFIRM MEMOS : # # # # UNCONFIRM MEMOS : # # # # AREA INSPECTED 1 2 3 4 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. * (SEE ATTACHED INSPECTION REPORTS ) EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN BUILDING ~ EQUIPMENT ~ NATURE OF PROBLEM DAMAGE & ACCIDENT REPORT BUILDING TIME WHERE/ HOW IT OCCURRED ~ ACTION FOLLOWED ~ SPECIAL JOB COMPLETED ~ BUILDING ~ DESCRIPTION OF JOB ~ MATERIAL USED INCIDENT REPORT CLIENT LOCATION DATE OF INCIDENT: TIME OF INCIDENT Description of Incident: (Explain in detail, Consult instruction sheet for check list ) Action Taken : (Who investigated ?Who was notified ?Was situation corrected ? ) Comments and Recommendations: (Should further action be taken ?Can future incidents of this nature be prevented ?How ? ) Reporting Person's Signature Supervisor's Signature Date 12 CUSTODIl~L SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT ITEM # NATURE OF PROBLEM PRIORITY # ~ * Walk through inspection report attached. COMMENTS INSPECTION DATE NAME INITIAL COMMENTS BY FACILITY MANAGER (WHEN PRESENT ) ACTION TAKEN WORK ORDER NUMBER PRIORITY # ASSIGNED SUPERVISOR INITIAL RESULT WORK ORDER NUMBER DATE COMPLETED COMPLETED BY CONFIRMATION 13 WORK ORDER NUMBER ( )PRIORITY 1 :COMPLETE WITHIN 24 HRS. ORDER DATE ( )PRIORITY 2 :COMPLETE WITHIN 5 DAYS ORDER TYPE :INSPECTION ( ) ( )PRIORITY 3 :COMPLETE WITHIN 10 DAYS COMPLAINT ( ) TAKEN BY 1. ALL QUESTIONS REGARDING WORK ORDER SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO CONTRACT MANAGER. 2. COMPLETE AND RETURN WORK ORDER WITHIN PROPER TIME FRAME. 3. INSPECTION REPORT /DISCREPANCY REPORT ATTACHED. REQUIRED SERVICE / DESCRIPTION OF WORK ~ DATE COMPLETED : TIME COMPLETED COMPLETED BY CONFIRMATION WORK ORDER QUALITY LEVEL ACCEPTABLE DEFICIENT RESCHEDULED DATE 14 GENERAL WURK QUALl~`Y S~'ANl~AR S 1. General Valley Maintenance shall accomplish the specific janitorial tasks for all areas listed in work specifications, minimum requirements, in accordance with the specific tasks and frequencies, as described below. Valley Maintenance shall designate a person to coordinate with the facility manager regarding all aspects of these tasks. Valley Maintenance shall provide all management, planning, supervision, administration, equipment, supplies and personnel necessary to ensure the tasks outlined below are performed in a manner that will maintain a satisfactory facility condition and present a clean, neat and professional appearance. Valley Maintenance shall have both a female and male attendant present during business hours to improve service and refill dispensable supplies, clean lunch rooms after each lunch breaks. 2. Restrooms Upon completion of cleaning restrooms, trash shall have been removed; all surfaces of restrooms shall be disinfected and there shall be no streaks, stains, urine, excess stagnant liquids, unpleasant odors, marks, detergent residue, dirt accumulations, mold, fungus, minerals deposits, gum, or soiling on any surface, including but not limited to: toilets, urinals, partitions, sinks, mirrors, windows and walls. 3. Floors and Thresholds Floor surfaces and baseboards shall be maintained clean and free of marks, dirt, gum, and other foreign matter. All resilient and hard floor areas shall be sprayed-buffed and/or stripped, sealed and refinished and have a uniform high luster without unsightly finish buildup on floor, baseboard or walls. Hard floor surfaces and grout shall be kept free of dirt build-up and shall be machine scrubbed and disinfected, when applicable, to maintain cleanliness. Stone (Marble) floors must be maintained to industry and manufacturer standards. Carpets General Cleaning. After being vacuumed, the carpet shall be free of visible litter, soil, dust, and unpleasant odors. After shampooing ordry-cleaning carpet, the carpet shall be uniform in appearance and free of streaks, stains, sports, gum, discoloration and chemical or detergent residue. All cleaning solutions shall be removed from baseboards, furniture, trash receptacles, chairs and similar items. The carpet shall be dry and ready for use by start of tour hours. Spot Cleaning. All spillage, gum, dirt accumulation or crusted material shall be removed along with spots and stains. There shall be no evidence of fuzzing caused by harsh rubbing or brushing. Cleaned spots shall blend with adjacent areas of carpet. Stairways Surfaces (horizontal and vertical) shall be swept, mopped or scrubbed and shall be free of dirt, grease, grime, cobwebs, debris and other foreign substances and shall present an overall appearance of cleanliness. l5 6. Aluminum, Brass/Bronze and Stainless Steel Surfaces shall be free of dirt, dust, grime, gum, debris, and other foreign substances and shall have a polished lustrous appearance without any dry brass polish residue visible. 7. Mopping 7.1 Dust Mop. After dust mopping, floor surfaces shall be mopped. Chairs, trash receptacles, and easily moved items shall be moved to mop underneath. After being mopped, the floor shall have a uniform appearance, with no streaks, swirl marks, detergent residue or any evidence of soil, stains, film, debris on furniture, walls, baseboards or mop strands remaining in the area. 7.2 All accessible areas shall be mopped. Chairs, trash receptacles, and easily moved items shall be moved to mop underneath. After being mopped, the floor shall have uniform appearance, with no streaks, swirl marks, detergent residue or any evidence of soil, stains, film, debris on furniture, walls, baseboards or mop strands remaining in the area. 8. Dustings 8.1 Surface level. There shall be no obvious signs of dust on any surface on all levels up to and including 6 feet in height. All horizontal, vertical and under surface areas shall be free of dust, smudges or spots. When dusting horizontal surfaces, particularly desktops, items may be moved to dust under, but in no case shall papers be moved. 8.2 High dusting. Surfaces shall be free of obvious signs of dust and cobwebs. Walls, Doors, Partitions, Dividers, etc. After cleaning, wall surfaces shall be uniform in appearance and free of grime, gum, marks, streaks, dirt and dust. These shall have been removed without obvious discoloration to the wall finish. In restrooms, all signs of water stains, film or smudges shall be removed from all surfaces using a cleaner disinfectant deodorizer to insure sanitary conditions. Fixtures and Bright Metal Surfaces Fixtures shall be clean and bright, free of streaks, and dried. There shall be no obvious dust, gum, trash, dirt, stains or encrustation. Drinking fountains shall be disinfected and kept free of debris, and nozzles free from encrustation. Metal surfaces shall have a polished lustrous appearance. There shall be no polish residue on walls of floors around fixtures. Servicing and Policing Throughout the day the entire facility shall be maintained free of discarded materials, gum and trash and present and overall appearance of cleanliness. Jani-Max shall keep the restrooms supplied at a rate that will ensure continual availability of all items until the next scheduled service. 16 Dispensers All supply dispensers shall be stocked and maintained to meet the needs of client. All dispensers and vanity shelves shall be clean and dry. Glass, Mirrors, Windows and Ledges All glass, mirrors, windows and ledges shall be clean and free of dust, smudges, soil substances or spots. Window blinds, tapes, cords and valances shall be free of dust. If any water has been spilled on the floors during cleaning, the water shall be cleaned up. Exhibits (including, but not limited to, pictures, boat, television sets, monitors) All shall be clean and free of dust, smudges, soil substances or spots. Elevators All tracks and treads shall be free of dust, dirt and any other foreign matter. All bright metal surfaces shall be polished to a uniform appearance. Trash Removal All interior and exterior trash containers shall be emptied into designated dumpsters in such a way to prevent littering adjacent areas. Trash containers shall be returned to their initial location. Boxes, cans, and papers placed near trash receptacles and marked "TRASH" shall be removed. Empty boxes shall be broken down before disposing in trash dumpsters. Upon completion of trash removal, all trash containers and the areas adjacent to trash containers shall be left clean, free of foreign substances and odors; and a clean, new trashcan liner shall be placed in the container. Except for office areas, all trash containers shall be double-lined. Exterior Areas (sidewalk, patio) Police, sweep and wash exterior areas as necessary to maintain a clean litter-free and liquid-free environment. There shall be no discarded materials present. Sidewalks and patio shall be clean and free of debris and soda stains. Light Fixture Covers The light fixture covers shall be washed and free of cobwebs, insects, dirt, dust, and foreign objects. Entrance Mats After vacuuming carpet-type entrance mats, the mats shall be free of soil and grit the carpet pile restored to resilience. After cleaning rubber or polyester-type entrance mats, the mats shall be free of soil and grit. May sweep, vacuum or hose down outside rubber- or polyester-type entrance mats to remove soil. l7 Gum Gum shall be removed immediately upon detection from any and all areas and surfaces, leaving no gum mark or residue. All gum removal shall be performed in a manner that will prevent harm to any surface by scratching or staining. Machine Scrub After machine scrubbing, the floor surface shall have a uniform appearance and shall be free of streaks, detergent residue, grease, oils, hydraulic fluids, tar balls, gum, dirt and standing water. Hard-to-reach areas shall be scrubbed with hand brush to achieve a uniform appearance. After machine scrubbing, shall remove all splash marks or mop streaks on furniture, walls and baseboards. Strip and Seal Floors After the stripping and sealing has been completed, the floor and cooing surfaces shall be free of bubbles and uniform in appearance, and all adjacent wall surfaces and fixture items shall be free of stripping and sealing solutions. Sweeping After sweeping, all floor surfaces, including corners and abutments, shall be free of litter, dust and foreign debris. Chairs, trash receptacles and easily moved items shall be tilted or moved to sweep underneath. The moved items shall be replaced in their original locations. Graffiti Removal Graffiti shall be removed immediately upon detection from any and all areas and surfaces. All graffiti removal shall be performed in a manner that will prevent harm to any surface by scratching or staining. 18 NETWORK MANAGEMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE For your convenience, we established a separate private phone number direct to our customer service department. If you need to know any information, need to schedule special service, or have any problems, we encourage use this 24/7 switch board number. 213-388-3370 WORK UNATTENDED Any work left undone shall respond within 30 minutes to clean up after the notification of failure to perform. EMERGENCIES After business hour and on weekends a professional answering service will answer your calls and contact the right personnel. This number is always staffed. In the event of an emergency at your location (Floods, Fires, Property Damage, etc.) requiring clean up or other tasks, Valley Maintenance has the personnel available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at your direction for a specified rates. WE ARE COMMITTED TO PROVIDING YOU WITH A HELPFUL AND GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT. COMMUNICATION One of the common and frequent complaints in our industry is lack of communication. Valley Maintenance has studied this issue and developed several Methods of communication. 1. Update personnel list monthly and provide phone list for key personnel and office contacts. 2. Our operation department personnel and supervisors are bilingual for your convenience. 3. We maintain a log book at your designated area, in which be initialed and the book will be checked everyday for any special instruction or requests. 4. In order to find out how service is being performed, our customer service representative will make monthly visit to your location. 5. Customer service phone line is open 24 hours 7 days. 6. Personnel carry pagers and are equipped with cellular phones. 7. Monthly written Quality Control Reports and physical inspection are maintain your account. Please exam enclosed sample of our company's Resolution Procedure, Daily Service Log Book, Quality Control Report, Follow-up Procedure as well as Supervisor's Report. *'` 19 GUSTO®IAL SERVICE DAILY L ~ DATE ~ REQUEST TO CLEANING CREW ~ INITIAL ~ ~ DATE ~ REQUEST TO THE MANAGEMENT ~ INITIAL ~ 20 MAINTENANCE DEFICIENCY REFRT REPORT DATE BY ~ BLDG. / LOCATION ~ NATURE OF PROBLEM ~ Items listed above are what we noticed during our daily routine service, please contact us if you have any questions or in need of more information. 21 EMERGENCY SERVICE In the event an emergency at your location should occur (Flood, Fire, Property Damage, etc.) requiring clean-up or other tasks, We hava personnel available 24-Hours a day, 7 days a week, at your direction, for a specified rate per man-hour. After Business hour and on weekends, you can call and contact right personnel at following numbers. Telephone Number 24 hours Switch Board 213-388-3370 Response with in 10 Minutes Client Services 213-494-1003 Response with in 10 Minutes Contract Mana er 213-220-1393 Response with in 10 Minutes RESPONSE TIME Response time for work requirements is dependent upon work priority and shall be in accordance with following standards. URGENT WORK Normal Business Hours :Valley Maintenance available personnel to take action at the urgent, emergency work site with in One (1) Hour following notification by Clients. After Business Hours :With in Two (2) hour. EMERGENCY WORK TYPE Of EMERGENCY REPONSE TIME AVAILABLE EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE CREW SIZE FOOD, WATER DAMAGE 1 Hour Truck mount extractor Air Blower, Pile Lifter 10 FIRE, PROPERTY DAMAGE 1 Hour Water Dama e E ui ment 10 EVENT CLEAN UP 2 Hours 25 ~~ RESOLUTION PROCEDURE 1. In the event of an emergency or should any problems arise, Facility Management can contact The appropriate chain of command contact list. 2. Janitorial service request/or complaint issues: 1) The Facility Management will contact the Contract Manager. 2) The Contract Manager will issue a work order to the on-site supervisor. 3) The task id performed per work order. 4) The Quality Control Manager will conduct an inspection on the task performed. 5) The Quality Manager will determine if the task performed was completed satisfactory/ or unacceptable. 6) The Quality Control Manager will inform the Contract Manager of the completion of the task. 7) The Contract Manager will follow-up with the Facility Management to assure service requests / or deficiencies were corrected and Quality Assurance in being performed. GORRECTIVE ACTION PROGE~URE In the result of an unacceptable inspection by the Quality Control Manager. 1) The Contract Manager will re-issue the work order to the on-site Supervisor. 2) The Quality Control Manager will conduct a 2nd inspection. 3) The Quality Control Manager will implement disciplinary action to prevent any further issues. 4) The Contract Manager will confirm disciplinary action was taken. 5) Janitorial crew's are re-trained on the unacceptable performance. 6) The Quality Control Manager will inform the Contract Manager of the completion of the task. 7) The Contract Manager will follow-up with Facility Management to assure service requests / or deficiencies were corrected and Quality Assurance is being performed. CLIENT I ,~ ~NIT~AL cow~T.acT ON-SITE SUPERVISOR 2"D CONTACT CONTRACT MANAGER CON"IRCAT MANAGER ~~ORh ORUH.R 3RD CONT,aCT _ Q ~ CLIENT SERVICE ON-SITE SUPERVISOR CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN -rte nn r~~r.. i~r rti ; CO1'1ACT TASK PERFORMED PF,R WORK ORDER CONFIRMATION, RE-TRAINING CORPORATE OFFICE ~r" CO\TACT QUALITY ASSURANCE DAVID.IEONG, PRESIDENT INSPECTION TASK COMPLETED DEFICIENT SATISFACTORY R1~~-ISSI.ED ORDI~R TASK PERFORMED 2~D WSPECTION 23 +QUALITY CONTROL PROGRAlUI Valley Maintenance will establish a complete Quality Control program to assure the specified requirements of the contract provided. The program shall include, but not be limited to the following 1. An inspection system concerning all the services stated in the cleaning requirements. Check list used in inspecting contract performances during regularly scheduled or unscheduled inspections. 2. The check list shall include every area of the operation serviced by Jani-Max as well as every task required to be performed. 3. The system for identifying and correcting deficiencies in the quality of services before the level of performance becomes unacceptable. PROPER FLOOR CARE Regardless of the floor type or types of flooring you have in your building, if they are to have a pleasing appearance and provide the years of service you have the right to expect, there are several important factors that simply cannot be overlooked. * Neglect can make maintenance and replacement very expensive. * Wrong methods of maintenance can ruin floors within a month or few months. With this in mind, Valley Maintenance developed a special floor care program that will deliver a brilliant level of shine on a consistent basis as well as carpet cleaning system. Our experienced floor crew is equipped with both the products and service you'll need to make your floor appearance more effective, productive and cost effective. 24 QUALITY CONTROL, INSPECTION PROCEDURE SUPERVISOR Valley Maintenance will provide thoroughly trained On-Site Working Supervisor. Supervisor will be physically located during normal work shift, Monday through Friday so that such is readily available to deal with the day-to-day operation of the contract. Supervisor shall be knowledgeable in all aspects of the contract service operation and will monitor each individual custodian's performance. WEEKLY, MONTHLY INSPECTIONS Supervisor will walk through each restroom with check list and will conduct the weekly inspection and fill out the form at the end of the week (Friday ). Also Supervisor will conduct weekly joint inspection tour with facility Manager. Quality Control Manager and Supervisor will walk through each restroom with check list and will conduct Monthly inspection and fill out the form at the end of the month (Last Friday of the Month ). UNSCHEDULED INSPECTION Quality Control Manager will conduct unscheduled inspection during normal working hour at least twice a month and make a report to the Contract Manager. The purpose of unscheduled inspections are to make sure all the tasks and services are being performed to acceptable condition and to identify deficiencies in the quality of service performed before the level of service becomes unacceptable. Where a deficiency has been observed, Quality Control will notify the Contract Manager for resolution. FOLLOW-UP INSPECTIONS Quality Control Manager will conduct Follow-up inspections of all work found to be deficient on the Monthly initial inspection. Quality Control will notify to the Contract Manager on any item found to be defective on this second inspection. Deficiencies found on this second inspection will be corrected immediately. WORK SUMMARY REPORT A Monthly Summary report will be turned in to the Property Manager on the first work day of the month indicating all completed or in-progress work and any corrective action taken. 25 ~l1ALiTY CONTROL INSPECT~C) (SAMPLE FLOOR INSPECTOR: AREA: DATE TIME CATEGORY QUALITY LEVEL RATING REMARK Excellent Good Poor OFFICE 8~ WORK AREA Hi h Dustin 5 4 3 Floors (Car ets 6 5 4 Furniture 5 4 3 Li ht Fixtures 4 3 2 Partition Glass 5 4 3 Air Vents 5 4 3 Walls 5 4 3 Wastebaskets 5 4 3 CATEGORY TOTAL LOBBIES & CORRIDORS Doors & Glass 2 1 0 Drinkin Fountains 2 1 0 Entrance 2 1 0 Furniture 2 1 0 Floors Car ets 3 2 1 Li hts Fixtures 2 2 0 Urns & Rece tacles 3 2 1 Air Vents 2 1 0 Walls 2 1 0 CATEGORY TOTAL RESTROOMS Dis ensers & Containers 3 2 1 Fixtures 3 2 1 Floors 3 2 1 Li hts Fixtures 2 2 0 Mirrors 3 2 1 Air Vents 3 2 1 Walls & Partitions 3 2 1 CATEGORY TOTAL OUTSIDE Entrance 2 1 0 Doors 3 2 1 Lunch Area 3 2 1 Mats 2 1 0 CATEGORY TOTAL LUNCH ROOMS A liances 2 1 0 Tables & Chairs 2 1 0 Floors 3 2 1 Air Vents 1 1 0 Walls & Doors 2 1 0 CATEGORY TOTAL TOTAL SCORES ---- ALL CATEGORIES 26 RC3U~INE SERVICE DA.1~.1° ~~-IE~~~~ (SAMPLE ) Routine Cleaning duties are listed to assure consistency and completion of all tasks, everyday. Please see your supervisor if you have any questions. BUILDING LEVEL AREA / ITEM WORK DESCRIPTION DONE AREA / ITEM WORK DESCRIPTION DONE OUTSIDE BREAK AREA Ent wa Sweep, Trash Table Clean, Polish Doors Frame, Glass Chair Clean, Position Trash Debris, Ci arettes urns Sink Clean, Polish Counters Clean, Polish A liances Inside, Outside LOBBY CORRIDORS Led es Corners, Baseboards Led es Corners, Baseboards Windows Spot, Frame, Window Sills Stairwa s Steps, Landin ,Hand Rails Walls Sot, Hi h Dustin Elevators Wall, Track, Floos Doors Frame, Window, Handle Walls Spot, Hi h Dustin Fixtures Li ht, Brass, Director Floors Vacuum, Mo , S of Floors Vacuum, Mo , S of LOCKER ROOM /SHOWER RESTROOMS Shower Floor, Wall, Drain, Stall Toilets Clean, Sanitize Toilets Clean, Sanitize All Paper Fill up to full All Pa er Fill u to full Soa Fill u to full Sinks Clean, Polish Sinks Clean, Polish Stalls Clean, Remove Graffiti Stalls Clean, Remove Graffiti Mirrors Clean, Frame, S of Mirrors Clean, Frame, S of Trashcan Empt ,Sanitize Trashcans Empt ,Sanitize Walls Clean, Dust, S of Walls Clean, Dust, S of WEEKLY CLEANING DUTIES DAILY CLEANING DUTIES High Dustin Vents, Corners, Lights Trash Empty all Waste Baskets Baseboards Wipe down Walls Spot Clean Detail Clean Restroom Stalls Car ets Vacuum, Remove S ots Fixtures Clean, Polish Floors Sweep, Dam Mo DATE: CLEANED BY NOTES 27 COST®DIAL SERVICE DAILY CHECK S~EE~ LOCATION DATE BASIC CLEANING TASK AREA, ROOM # FREQUENCY CREW INITIAL SUPERVISOR SWEEP FLOORS DAILY WATER MOP DAILY VACUUM /SPOT CLEAN CARPET DAILY BUFF FLOOR-ROOM MONTHLY BUFF HALLWAY FLOOR WEEKLY SPOT CLEAN CARPET DAILY SPOT CLEAN WALLS DAILY SHAMPOO CARPET AS NEEDED SCRUB /WAX FLOOR AS NEEDED REMOVE BUILD UPS: CORNER OBASEBOARD( ) CLEAN GLASS DOORS DAILY PARTITION GLASS DAILY CLEAN DOORS WEEKLY CLEAN OFFICE DESK TOPS AS RF;QUIRF.D CONFERENCE TABLE TOPS DAILY DUST FURNITURE WF.F.KLY LOCKING DOORS DAILY HIGH DUSTING :COB WEB, ( )SHELVES ( ) WEEKLY STAIRWAY STEPS ( )LANDING ( ) DAILY DRINKING FOUNTAIN DAILY CLEAN APPLIANCE WEEKLY ELEVATOR :FLOOR ( )WALLS ( )TRACK ( ) DAILY REMOVE OUTSIDE TRASH DAILY CLEAN ENTRY WAY DAILY CLEAN FLOOR MAT DAILY SWEEP OUTSIDE WALKWAY DAILY LUNCH /BREAK AREAS SWEEP DAILY WATER MOP DAILY CLEAN FLOOR MAT DAILY BUFFING FLOORS AS NEEDED SCRUB /WAX FLOOR AS NEEDED CLEAN SINKS, DISPENSER DAILY CLEAN TABLES ,CHAIRS DAILY CLEAN REFRE[GERATOR WEEKLY CLEAN MICRO OVEN DAILY REMOVE & DISINFECT TRASH CANS DAILY SPOT CLEAN WALLS DAILY REFILL SOAP, TOWEL DAILY HIGH DUSTING ( )COBWEB O SHELVES WEEKLY CLEAN DOORS WEEKLY RESTROOM CLEANING FLOORS DAILY SINKS DAILY MIRRORS DAILY INSIDE TOILET DAILY OUTSIDE TOILET DAILY INSIDE URINAL DAILY OUTSIDE URINAL DAILY CORNERS /LEDGES DAILY CLEAN WALLS, PARTITIONS DAILY REFILL PAPER GOODS DAILY REFILL HAND SOAP DAILY DEODER[ZE ROOM DAILY WILLDOW SILLS WEEKLY HIGH DUST- VENTS, COBWEB WF.EKL.Y MACHINE SCRUB FLOORS MON`fHLY 2g RESTROOM INSPECTION FORIVI LOCATION INSPECTOR MEN'S ( ) WOMEN'S ( ) DATE TIME CATEGORY QUALITY LEVEL RATING REMARK Good Fair Poor RESTROOM 1. Dispensers & Containers 2. Toilet Seats & behind 3. Urinals/ Inside & Out 4. Floors, Corners 5. Walls 6. Wash Basins 7. Partitions 8. Plumbin fixtures 9. Disinfectant 10. Doors / Push, Kick Plates 11. Baseboards 12. Floor Drains 13. Air Vents 14. Hand D er 29 PERIODIC SERVICE CHECK LISA` ~ sAnnPLE ) LOCATION MONTH OF: WEEKLY TASK 2011 ALL OFFICE/ COMMON AREA WEEKS OF JOB DESCRIPTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 LOW DUST TABLE LEGS, CHAIR RUNGS WASH ALL DOOR, PARTITION GLASSES DUST AIR VENTS, PARTITION TOPS, ECT. CLEAN & SANITIZE ALL TRASH CANS INSIDE /OUT DUST & CLEAN ALL BASE BOARDS CLEAN ALL APPLIANCE INSIDE &OUTSIDE HOSE VACUUM CORNERS & SPOT CLEAN (DRY SHAMPOO BURNISH ALL TILE FLOORS REST ROOMS JOB DESCRIPTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 DUST AIR VENTS, TOP OF STALLS DISINFECT FIXTURE, WALLS, PARTITIONS, DOORS, ETC. CLEAN & SANITIZE ALL TRASH CANS INSIDE /OUT CLEAN & REFILL FLOOR DRAINS MACHINE SCRUB FLOORS MONTHLY TASK COMPLETED JOB DESCRIPTIONS DATE INITIALS DUST CEILING & WALL VENTS WASH ALL GLASSES -DOOR, PARTITION, EXTERIOR WINDOW DETAIL CARPET EDGES UNDER & AROUND FURNITURE MACHINE SCRUB ,WAX & BUFF TILE FLOORS BONNET (DRY SHAMPOO) CLEAN ALL CARPETED FLOOR MACHINE SCRUB & DISINFECT ALL RESTROOMS. SCRUB, WAX ALL TILE FLOORS QUARTERLY TASK JOB DESCRIPTIONS DATE INITIALS STRIP, RE-WAX AND BUFF ALL TILE FLOORS SHAMPOO ALL COMMON AREA CARPETS - EXTRATION COMPLETE WASH & CLEAN RESTROOM WALLS & PARTITION 30 PERIODIC SERVICE Q~IALITY COLT OL BLDG INSPECTOR: FLOOR : AREA DATE TIME JOB DESCRIPTION COMP. DATE INSPECT DATE QUALITY LEVEL Acceptable Unacceptable Rescheduled Date Inspection Date QUALITY LEVEL Acceptable Unacceptable Machine scrub & wax floors Jan 30 Jan 31 x Shampoo all carpeted areas Jan 30 Jan 31 X Feb. 4 Feb. 6 x Wash window blinds Jan 30 Jan 31 x Wash windows inside & out Jan 30 Jan 31 x Steam clean Public R/R Jan 30 Jan 31 x Detail clean alt restrooms Jan 30 Jan 31 x Clean trash receptacles Jan 30 Jan 31 x Clean all corners & led es Jan 30 Jan 31 x Perform hi h Bustin s Jan 30 Jan 31 X Feb. 4 Feb. 6 x Comment 31 DEFICIENCY FOLLOW - UP PROCEDURE The Operation Manager will refer to previous inspections and requirements in order to make out a work instruction ( Daily Memo ). 2. Supervisor will then proceed to make all necessary performances. After completion of the work, Supervisor will report back to the Operation Manager. 3. The Quality Control manager will reconfirm the accomplishments of the work and determine whether or not further action is necessary. PERIODIC WORK Periodic work is written into a schedule, and copies of the schedules are retained by the Supervisors. Each item on schedule is written as a work order and assigned to appropriate personnel. When the work item has been completed, a Follow Up Inspection is made by the Quality Control. If the result is satisfactory, the item is checked off of the schedule and work order is filed. PROJECT (CONTRACT) MANAGER The Operation Manager will provide access to and interaction with the clients at all time. He shall provide overall management and coordination of all aspects of contract requirements. He will also consort with the clients for a monthly work performance evaluation report and submit to the General Manager. QUALITY CONTROL The Quality Control Manager will randomly inspect the premises weekly or monthly. In addition, monthly work performance evaluation report will be submitted to the Operation Manager and General Manager. SUPERVISOR The supervisor will check the working conditions and follow-up items and confirm daily memos and submit to the Operation Manager. DAILY MEETING At 4:00 PM daily, Contract Manager will conduct a 30 minute meeting with Operation Managers, Q. C. Manager and Supervisors for the purpose of discussing and confirming client's requirements, daily memos, inspection reports, follow-up items, and etc... 32 FOLLOW - UP PROCEDURE CLIENT QUALITY CONTROL MONTHLY INSPECTION DAILY INSPECTION JOB WALK THROUGH WEEKLY INSPECTION SPECIAL REQUEST FOLLOW -UPS Q.C. INSPECTIONS DAILY MEETING CONTRACT MANAGER WORK ORDER I SUPERVISOR I I FOLLOW-UP I r~~l~.`.' PL-~'C P1°' ~~~~P"~}:~::::t SCHEDULES, REQUIREMENTS 33 EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROGRA Prior to job start, Valley Maintenance management will conduct the training of any new personnel at a designated job site. And will retrain all existing employees on a continual basis. Our training program consists of numerous sessions from the time of employment. The following is an outline of our program: FIRST SESSION: 1. Welcome new employees to Valley Maintenance, including a discussion of A. Basic company policies, incentives, and benefits. B. Importance of Quality Levels, Punctuality, Attendance and Security requirements. C. Advancement and growth potential. 2. General discussion of six basic steps in cleaning: A. Care, use, maintenance of equipment/chemicals. B. Ashtray and waste basket emptying. C. Furniture and equipment dusting. D. Dust mopping and vacuuming. E. Spot cleaning. F. Spot mopping or damp mopping. SECOND SESSION: 1. Tools and standard cleaning methods: A. Ashtray and waste basket emptying and damp wiping. B. Furniture and equipment dusting and polishing. 2. Practical application: A. Company facility B. Field (Hands on) facility THIRD SESSION: 1. Tools and standard cleaning methods: A. Dust mopping, damp mopping and vacuuming B. Spot cleaning walls, doors, glass, bright work FOURTH SESSION: 1. Tools and standard methods of restroom cleaning: 2. Practical (On-site work ) FIFTH SESSION: 1. Standard cleaning methods and tools for: A. Wet mopping B. Floor care maintenance 2. Machine buffing 3. Reconditioning /maintaining 4. Stripping and refinishing 5. Practical work (On-site ) 34 ON GDING TRAINING In addition to the training sessions there are periodic instruction meeting and memos to cover such items as security measures, safety measures and "Pep Talks" regarding absenteeism, tardiness and other instructions regarding policies and procedures for all cleaning personnel. On the job training will be augmented with classroom training whenever feasible using audiovisual aids consisting of video presentations in the following areas: 1. Motivation of Janitorial Personnel 2. Basic Office Cleaning 3. Basic restroom Cleaning 4. Stripping and Refinishing Hard Floors. 5. Safety Programs Video covering respective subject matter are an estimated ten to thirty minutes in duration and can be scheduled during lunch breaks or before or after work. Jani-Max support a very aggressive safety training program. This program is important to all of our customers since it is keeping highly skilled personnel on the job at maximum efficiency and keep our insurance rates to a minimum. We abide by all CAL- OSHA requirements and keep a copy of all MSDS sheets in our main office and at each job site. A I~ s .~s %1~ ~~. . ~ r5~. 0 } ~ +1 ~~ ~ ~~ 35 JOB TRAINING RECORD roniuGG • TRAININC~ PFRI(~1~ JOB DESCRIPTION ATTENDANCE RECORD BASIC JANITORIAL SKILLS 1 2 3 4 1. EMPTY WASTE BASKET -REPLACE LINER 2. DUST FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 3. CLEAN AND POLISH DESK TOPS 4. DUST BASEBOARD, WINDOW SILL, LEDGE, ETC. 5. SPOT CLEAN WOODWORK AND PAINTED SURFACE 6. VACUUM AND SPOT CLEAN CARPET 7. WASH DOOR GLASS AND PARTITION GLASS 8. SWEEP AND DUST MOP HARD SURFACE FLOOR 9. CLEAN AND POLISH METAL AND STAINLESS STEEL 10. SWEEP FLOOR WITH SWEEPING COMPOUND 11. HIGH DUSTING -CEILING VENTS, PICTURE FRAME RESTROOM CLEANING 1. WET-MOP FLOOR WITH GERMICIDAL CLEANER 2. CLEANING COMMODE'S AND TOILET SEAT 3. CLEAN AND POLISH FIXTURES, SINKS, MIRROR 4. REPLACE SOAP, TISSUE, TOWEL AND SEAT COVER 5. DISINFECT AND DEODORIZE MEDICAL, HEALTH CARE CLEANING 1. REMOVE/DISPOSE INFECTIOUS WASTE 2. SANITIZE SINK, BASIN, WATER FAUCET, ETC. HARD FLOOR CARE 1. MACHINE SCRUB AND APPLY FLOOR FINISH 2. BUFFING -MAINTAIN FLOOR IN AN ATTRACTIVE 3. REMOVING UNPLEASANT SUBSTANCES 4. REMOVE CARPET SPOTS, SHAMPOO CARPET 5. CLEAN CERAMIC FLOOR, TILE GROUT 6. DEGREASING FLOOR EQUIPMENT OPERATION 1. FLOOR MACHINE, BUFFING MACHINE 2. CARPET EXTRACTOR, WATER PRESSURE MACHINE 3. BASIC REPAIRE SKILL MISCELLANEOUS 1. SAFETY RULES, COMPANY RULES 2. KNOWLEDGE OF CLEANING MATERIALS 3. HOW TO READ MSDS SHEETS 4. HOW TO HANDLE EMERGENCY SITUATION 5. WINDOW WASHING SKILLS INSTRUCTOR'S SIGNATURE DATE: 36 TRAINING CERTIFICATI®N/JANITORIAL, PERSONNEL. VALLEY MAINTENANCE, CORP. I certify that the employees named below have received the following training and have been provided the necessary safety equipment. YES NO Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Training Blood Borne Pathogen Training Personal Protective Equipment Training Injury /Illness Program Training Employee(s) has been trained in safety and emergency procedures. Employee(s) has been furnished with appropriate uniform. Employee Name Employee Name Employee Name Facility Assigned Facility Assigned Facility Assigned Signature Date (Authorized Company Representative) Name Title 37 --___ -~i Green cleaning is effective cleaning which protects health without harming the environment. Green cleaning can play a key role in facilities maintenance, where a clean, attractive, healthy work environment is essential in attracting and retaining customers and occupants. By launching the ~ ~ ° ., _ :: - ,,i program, we are keeping our commitment to provide customers with the highest quality, environmentally responsible facilities maintenance services solutions. We take a holistic approach to providing state-of-the-art green cleaning services. Green cleaning represents the latest in innovative services from Valley Maintenance, uniting certified chemicals, tools, processes, service and support. Our clients reap the benefits from green cleaning by attracting occupants, differentiating themselves from the competition and enjoying the health and environmental benefits. BELL BUILDING MAINTENANCE GREEN CLEAN SERVICE PROVIDERS. Our Service Providers are trained at the Green Clean Training Center and never in your business. The Training process covers chemical information, health disorders and diseases that may occur from exposure or use of chemical cleaners. The process used to clean non- chemically. Hands on training supervised by the Director of Training and our Lead Trainer. This process takes the better part of a day. All Service Providers, have background checks and are supervised for the first month of services. As well as unannounced visits and inspections by the company quality control. Valley Maintenance, Corp. is committed to improving the working environments of our customers. Our operating philosophy is grounded on a belief that we should be a leader in our industry in implementing environmental program. To do this, we developed F& ~ program that leverage recent environmental innovations and that support our client's effort to manage green buildings. The ~ ~ - = ° `" - program is founded on following method of operating. • Purchase products and equipment that minimize or eliminate any harmful impact to the environment. • Ensure that the products we use and our operations are safe for our employees, customers and the environment. • Reduce, or prevent, the environmental impact of any products we use whenever possible. • Meet or exceed the requirements of all environmental laws and regulations. • Continually assess our environmental technology and programs, and monitor progress toward environmental goals. • Ensure every employee understands and responsive and accountable for incorporating environmental considerations in daily business activities. 38