HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 648 (1975) 1 ORDINANCE NO 648
4 1~le City Council of the City of Tustin, California, doe.'
5 ordain as follows:
6 Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to
V provide for the preparation and implementation of plans for
8 emergency services within this city in the event of a disaster,
9 and to provide for the coordination of the emergency services
10 functions of this city with all o'Sher public agencies, and
!1 affected private personst corporations, and organizations. Any
12 ~ expenditures made ill connection with such emergency services,
.-. .- .I 15 ! including mutual aid activities, sh~all be deemed.~c0nclusively
14 to be for the direct protection .and benefit of the inhabitants
15 and property of the City of Tustin.
16 Section 2. Adoption of Emergenc~ O~erations Plan.
1V The/rules, regulations provisions and conditions set forthin
!8 that cer~-ain document entitled "City of Tustin Emergency
19 Operations Plan', are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a
~0 part of this code, and said plan is hereby established and de-
~1 Emergency Operations Plan of the City
22 of Tustin. Three copies of said plan shall at all times remain
25 on file in the office of the City Clerk. Said plan may be
24 amended from time to time by resolution of the City Council of
25 the City of Tustin.
26 Section. 3. Definitions. "EMERGENCY SERVICES." As used
~T in this chapter, the term "emergency services" shall mean the
28 preparation for, and the implementation of all emergency functions~
~9 ![ other than functions for.which military forces are primarily
~0 ~! responsible, to prevent, minimize, and repair injury or damage
DI resulting from the disasters.
32 "DISASTERS." As used in this chapter, the term "disaster'
shall mean actual or threatened enemy attack, sabotage, extra-
ordinary fire, flood, storm, epidemic, or other similar public
Section 4. Disaster Council Created. The City of
Tustin Disaster Council is hereby created and shall ~onsist of
the following:
A.- The Mayor who shall be Chairman;
B. The Director of Emergency Services who shall
be Vice-Chairman;
C. The Assistant Director of Emergency Services
who shall be appointed by the City Administra-
tor with the advice and consent of the City
Council, and who, und.er the supervision of the
Director, shall develop emergency services
plans and organize the emergency services
gram of the city, and shall have such other
duties as may be 'assigned by the ~'Director;
D. All other officers and employees of the City of
Tustin, and representatives of civic organiza-
tions, as provided in the Emergency Operations
Plan hereinabove adopted in Section 2.
Section 5. Powers and Duties of the Disaster Council..
It shall be the duty of the Tustin Disaster Councils.to review,
and recommend for adoption. by the City Council, emergency ser-
vices and mutual-aid programs and agreements,-and such ordinances,
resolutions, rules-and reculations as are necessary to implement
such plans and agreements, and to perform such other functions
as are set forth in the Emergency Operations Plan hereinbefore
adopted in Section 2.
Section 6. Meetings. The Disaster Council shall meet
upon call of the Chairman, or in his absence from the City or
inability to call such meeting, upon call of the Director.
Section 7. Director and Assistant Dire'ctor of Emerqency_
A. There is hereby created the office of Director
of Emergency Services. The City Administrator
shall be the Directo~ of Emergency Services.
B. There is hereby created the office of Assistant
Director of Emergency Services, who shall be
appointed by the Director.
t Section 8. Pcwers and Duties of the Director and
2 Assistant Director of Emergency Services. A. The DirectorI is
5 hereby empowered to:
4 1. Request the City Council to proc'laim the -
existence or threatened existence of a disaster'
5 or the termination thereof, if the City Council~
is in session, or to issue such proclamation
6 himself if the City Council is not in session,
subject to confirmation by the City Council at
~ the earliest practicable time.
8 2. Request the Governor ~o proclaim a state of
extreme emergency when in the opinion of the
9 Director, the resources of the area are in-
adequate to cope with the disaster.
3. Control and direct the efforts of the Emergency
11 Organizatien of this city for the accomplish-
ment of the purposes of this chapter.
4. Direct coordination and cooperation between
13 divisions of the Emergency Organization of this
City, and to resolve questions of authority
14 and responsibility that may arise bet~veen them.
!5 5. Represent the Disaster Council of this City in-
' all dealings with the public or wi~h private
16 agencies pertaining to emergency services or
18 Section 9. Powers and Duties Of Director During Disaster.
" !9 ~tn the event of proclamation of a disaster as herein '~proVided, or
20 the proclamation of a state of extreme emergencyby the Governor
'~ ~' ~i.'l 21 State Director of Emergency ServiCes, I. the Dir~tor~is
~ hereby empowered to:
~5 A. Make and issue 'rules and regulations on matters
reasonably related to the protection of life
2~_ and property as affected by such disaster,
provided such rules and regulations must be
~5 confirmed at the earliest practicable time
by the City Council.
B. Obtain vital supplies and equipment, and such
~? other properties found lacking and needed for
the protection of the life and .property of the
28 people, and bind the City for the fair value
thereof; and if required immediately, to '
29 commandeer the same for public use.
50 ~i C. To require emergency services of any city
~! officer or employee, and to requisition the
31 i~ necessary city material, and in the event of
the proclamation of extreme emergency by the
32 ~ Governor, in th~ region in which this city is
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located, to request the aid of as many citizens
of this community as he thinks necessary in the
execution of these duties. Such person sha].l
entitled to all privileges, benefits, and im-
munities as provided by state law for registered
emergency services and disaster workers and
D. Execute all of his ordinary powers as City
Administrator, all of the special powers con-
ferred upon him by this chapter, all powers
conferred upon him by any statute, agreement
appro'ved by the City Council or any other
lawful authority and in conformity with
Section 38791 of the Government Code of the
State of California to exercise all police
power vested in the city'.by the Constitution
and general laws.
E. Designate the order of succession to the office
of Director of Emergency Services, to take
effect in the event the Director is unavailable
to attend the meetings, and otherwise perform~
his duties during an emergency. Such order
of succession sh. alt be approved by the City
Council. ~' -
Section 10. Emergency Organization. All officers and
employees of this city together with those volunteer forces
enrolled to aid them during an emergency, ana all. groups,
organizations, and persons who may by agreement or operation of
law be charged with duties incident to the protection of life
and property in this city during-an emergency, including persons
impressed into service under the provisions of'SectiOn'9 of this
chapter, shall constitute the Emergency Organization of the City
of Tustin.
Section 11. Violatiohs. It shall be a misdemeanor
punishable as provided in the Tustin City Code for any person
during a disast&r to:
A. Willfully obstruct, hinder, or delay any member-
of the Emergency Organization in the enforcement
of any lawful rule or regulation issued pursuant
to this chapter, or in the performance of any
duty imposed upon him by virtue of this chapter.
B. Do any act forbidden by any lawful rules or
regulations issued pursuant to this chapter,
or to imperil the. lives or property of inhabitan
of this city, or to prevent, hinder, or delay
the defense or protection thereof.
1 C. Wear, carry, or display without authority any
means of identification specified by the
2 emergency agency of the State of Califor~ia.
4 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City
5 Council, City of Tustin, California, held on the 21st day of
6 April 1 975.
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"~"'~'~'=~"~ 2/27/74 -5 -
· P~ONE ~47-618~
RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City 'Council of
the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole
nullbet of men~Ders of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five;
that the above and foregoing Ordinance No. 64~- was duly and
regularly introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City C6uncil
held on the 7th day of . April , 1975 and was given its
second reading. and duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting held
on the 21st day of April .... -, 1975~ by the following vote:'
City Clerk, ~ of Tustin', California