Finance Director
The City Council at its special meeting on April 25, 2011 confirmed a revised Tustin
Legacy Disposition Strategy for the former Master Developer Footprint. Staff is now
returning with a recommendation for specific screening expert panels to proceed with
the initial marketing and solicitation on early Disposition Packages.
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Confirm the proposed Expert Panels for developer screening of certain initial
Disposition Packages and authorize staff to select and add future panelists to any
Expert Panel in the event a time conflict occurs for a panelist when developer interviews
are scheduled.
2. Confirm the criteria to be used in initial developer interviews.
The City and Agency will incur expenses for marketing and solicitation activities
associated with implementation of the recommended Disposition Strategy including, but
not limited to, staff and consultant support. At this time, it is anticipated that the
honorarium or stipend for those experts agreeing to participate on the expert panels will
be approximately $1,000 for each applicable Disposition Package. There are several
panelists who have also offered their time without reimbursement. The Disposition
Strategy identified these expenditures included them in the proposed FY 2011-12 RDA
Agenda Report -Confirmation of Expert Panels
On Early Disposition Packages
July 19, 2011
Page 2
The City Council at its special meeting on April 25, 2011 confirmed a revised Tustin
Legacy Disposition Strategy for the former Master Developer Footprint. Based on the
approved Tustin Legacy Disposition Strategy, staff intends to issue developer
solicitations of interest on several Disposition Packages and certain parcel groupings
within several Disposition Packages as generally shown in Figure 5 of the Disposition
Strategy (Attachment 1 to this report). In review of each of the Early Disposition
Packages, staff will be soliciting developer interest and screening responses at this time
as follows:
• A portion of Disposition Package 1A that is proposed for apartments (since the
balance of the property has not been yet released by the Navy). The site is
approximately 7.5 net developable acres and would accommodate up to 211 units, if
density bonuses are granted, to accommodate the requirement to provide 35 very
low income, 20 low income, and 50 moderate income affordable units.
• Two separate solicitations affecting Disposition Package 2:
o An approximate 20 acre portion of Disposition Package 2 proposed largely for
apartment product and ancillary retail/office uses. Up to 533 apartments, if
density bonuses are granted, to accommodate the requirement to provide 53
very low, 53 low and 51 moderate income affordable units; and
o An approximate 25 acre balance of Disposition Package 2 proposed for
commercial office and/or other commercial uses including approximately
713,131 square feet of office, 27,000 square feet of other commercial uses,
and a 250 room hotel.
• Disposition Package 1 B proposed as for-sale residential products (139 units at low
density of 1-7 dwelling units per acre, and 108 units at medium density of 8-15
dwelling units per acre). The site is approximately 35 net developable acres and
would include additional acreage required to accommodate private park/open space.
• Disposition Package 1 C proposed for commercial retail and/or office products. The
site is approximately 25 net developable acres and would accommodate up to
103,460 square feet of commercial retail and 144,832 square feet of commercial
office space.
The anticipated schedule for advertisement of the requests for developer interest in the
first offered Disposition Packages is expected to be released in the next few weeks, with
interviews scheduled (depending on the Disposition Package) in late August and
September. We will be contacting appropriate industry associations (i.e., Building
Agenda Report -Confirmation of Expert Panels
On Early Disposition Packages
July 19, 2011
Page 3
Industry Association and Urban Land Institute) for their help in advertising the City's
solicitation as well as contacting those developers that have already indicated interest
and submitted contact information to the City (over 120 interested parties
approximately). Interested developers will have a limited period of time to complete and
return a short questionnaire in order to be scheduled for an interview.
In addition, we expect that we will also issue developer solicitations of interest on
Disposition Package 3 concurrently as we begin screening the above Disposition
Packages or shortly thereafter given the tremendous amount of interest that has been
As discussed in the Tustin Legacy Disposition Strategy, the developer selection process
will generally follow atwo-step process for each Disposition Package. Step 1 will
involve a submittal by each developer of a short statement of background and
experience to be followed by scheduled personal interviews by product to be conducted
by a City selected panel of experts ("Expert Panel") which are concurred to by the
Tustin City Council based on a staff recommendation.
It is expected that the there will be three initial Expert Panels based on the anticipated
predominate land uses in each initial Disposition Package or parcels within a
Disposition Package being marketed: 1) an apartment product panel; 2) a for-sale
residential product panel; and 3) a commercial retail/office, R&D and/or industrial uses
Panel. As indicated in the Tustin Legacy Disposition Strategy, each Expert Panel will
consist of members with experience related to a particular Disposition Package to be
offered for sale. Expert Panel members being recommended have been selected for
their widely recognized expertise, knowledge and an expectation that there are no
known potential conflicts of interest due to present business relationships. Depending
on specific developers to be interviewed and the wide range of relationships/networking
in the development business, each panelist will be asked to declare any potential
current conflicts with a development entity being interviewed or their ability to be
unbiased and would abstain from these interviews.
The following is a recommended list of each initial Expert Panel by predominate land
use product with a brief background on each proposed panelist. More detailed resumes
and/or backgrounds on each of the Expert Panels, where available, have been
attached. In the event that any time constraints prohibit a panelist in the category from
participating, staff would like authorization from the City Council to select a comparable
replacement expert to add to the panel to keep the process moving expeditiously.
Agenda Report -Confirmation of Expert Panels
On Early Disposition Packages
July 19, 2011
Page 4
For-Sale Residential Package/Parcels (Disposition Package 1 B)
Marketin Anal sis Mollie Carmichael, John Burns Consultin
Marketing of Master Planned
Communities/Brandin , Sandra Kulli, Kulli Marketing
DevelopmenbReal Estate Experience Richard A. Lewis & Randall Lewis, Lewis
Grou of Com anies
Civil Engineering/Land Development Richard Hunsaker, retired former principal
Hunsaker & Associates
Desi n John Martin, Martin & Associates, LLC
Residential Apartment Packages/Parcels (Portion of Disposition
Packages 1A and 2)
Marketin Anal sis Annie Gerard, A artment Market Research
Marketing of Master Planned Sandra Kulli, Kulli Marketing
Communities/Brandin ,
DevelopmenbReal Estate Clare De Briere, the Ratkovich Company
Experience/Affordable Housing
Lisa Stipkovich, retired former Anaheim
Redevelo ment Director
Civil Engineering/Land Development Richard Hunsaker, retired former principal
Hunsaker & Associates
Design David Smith, Thomas P. Cox, Architects
Commercial/Office/R&D & Industrial Packages/Parcels (Disposition Package 1C
and Portion of C).
Marketin Anal sis Richard Gollis, The Concord Grou
Marketing of MasterP/anned Sandra Kulli, Kulli Marketing
Communities/Brandin ,
Development/Real Estate Experience Richard Ortwein, Focus Real Estate L.P.;
Dick Sims, retired former Irvine Company
de ends on schedulin of interviews
Civil Engineering/Land Development Richard Hunsaker, retired former principal
Hunsaker & Associates
Design Robert McClellan, & Associates
Patrick Allen, Senior Managing Partner,
Lan don Wilson
Agenda Report -Confirmation of Expert Panels
On Early Disposition Packages
July 19, 2011
Page 5
Each Expert Panel will screen and recommend to the City Council the three
development entities they believe most qualified to proceed with a particular Disposition
Package or vertical parcel solicitation. The City Council will be asked to confirm the
short-listed top three development entities for each Disposition Strategy.
In Step 2 of the Developer Selection Process, the three most qualified firms for each
individual Disposition Package or parcel solicitation will submit a more detailed proposal
pro forma, and business offer to the City in response to specific terms and conditions to
be identified by the City. After submittal, a technical evaluation team of City and Agency
staff, and outside consultants with specific expertise in areas of development and
financing, etc., will assist the City in reviewing the proposals and providing a
recommendation to the City Council of the preferred developers for each Disposition
Package, including a ranking of each of the firms based on their responses. Based on
these recommendations, the City Council will then be asked to confirm the developer for
each Disposition Package or parcel solicitation and instruct staff to prepare any
subsequent Development Agreement and sale documents for City Council approval.
Based on the Tustin Legacy Disposition Strategy, it was recommended that the City and
its Panel of Experts consider utilizing certain criteria in interviewing development entities
as part of the Step 1 initial developer screening election process. At the City Council
meeting on April 25, 2011 when the Disposition Strategy was approved, the Mayor
asked that when staff returned to the City Council with the recommended Expert
Panels, the City Council also receive information on any identified scoring that would be
used by the Expert Panels in recommending the most highly qualified development
entities for each of the Disposition Packages.
The general review criteria proposed to be used by the Expert Panels is included as
part of this report as Attachment 1. Specific questions around each product type in a
Disposition Package will be formulated, addressing each of the criteria to be used by
the Panel of Experts as part of the interview process. Each of the criteria will be scored
from zero (0) to five (5), with zero being low and five being the high score. The
maximum total for the six criteria listed is 30 (i.e., 5 points maximum for each of the six
The proposed scoring places a heavy emphasis on "successfully demonstrated
experience" of the development entity being interviewed. A development entity must
demonstrate in its response to questions in the interview evidence of development
experience in a master planned community where "place making" is important. Further,
that they have successively met the challenges of bringing the specifically applicable
type of high quality product in the Disposition Package to the market in a timely manner
Agenda Report -Confirmation of Expert Panels
On Early Disposition Packages
July 19, 2011
Page 6
through varied business cycles. Most importantly, the proposing entity in its response to
questions will need to demonstrate that it has the ability to implement the project in a
timely manner. The ability to implement the project is also dependent upon the entity's
access to capital; meaning sufficient equity sources and relationships including in-house
and investor participation, other sources of financing through such partners as
insurance companies, pension funds, publicly traded companies such as REITs or
builders, or private placement entities. Access to leveraged sources including
institutional quality lending sources is also important. Long term relationships between
the proposing entity and its equity partners and lenders often reveal much about the
proposing development entity's ability to perform.
Staff will be available to answer any questions that the City Council might have.
ll~ d~
Christine Shingleton
Assistant City Man er
1 Disposition Packages
2 For Sale Residential Panel
3 Apartment Residential Panel
4 Commercial/Office/R&D/ Industrial Panel
5 Tustin Legacy-Step One Developer Selection Screening Process/Criteria
Attachment 1
Disposition Packages
6. Recommended Modified Disposition Strategy
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APRIL 2011 62 Tustin Legacy Project
Disposition Strategy
Attachment 2
Resumes/Bio's -- For-Sale Residential Panel
Mollie Carmichael, Senior Vice President
Mollie Carmichael is a Principal in our Custom Consulting practice. Mollie is passionate about
guiding strategic planning decisions with a consumer and market based methodology in order to
optimize value for the consumer and maximize profit for the land developer, builder, and
financial institutions. For 21+ years, she has helped companies increase profits dramatically by
designing for consumer preferences coupled with consumer affordability. Before joining our.
team, Mollie served as a Vice President of Strategic Marketing for Lennar, Centex Homes, Pulte
Homes / Del Webb and The Irvine Company, where she led strategic planning, target land
acquisition strategies, acquisition and market study due diligence, consumer and product
segmentation, quantitative and qualitative consumer research, competitive research, as well as
many aspects of strategic tactical marketing. She specializes in maximizing profit for all new
planning and acquisition including product segmentation, land planning, product design, and
project repositioning. She has worked on several hundred projects and many masterplans
throughout the Country. She has also worked on many lifestage and value based segmentation
models across the Country in order to project future housing demand. This proprietary tool
allows for much greater accuracy for longer term community segmentation and absorption
forecasts. Mollie is based in the Irvine, Calif. Office but works all over the country from coast to
Sandra Kulli, President Kulli Marketing
Sandra Kulli creates marketing programs for builders and developers. She has
worked with over 100 companies on 173 communities with a sales volume
exceeding $5 billion throughout the United States and in Japan, Dubai, New
Zealand, Sweden, and England.
Kulli Marketing consults with residential builders and mixed-use developers on
marketing strategy -from high concept to urban infill. Ms. Kulli typically leads
outside marketing resources in concert with builder/developers' staff. Her current
master plan community work includes Stapleton/Denver (airport conversion,
Forest City), Daybreak/Salt Lake City (Rio Tinto brownfield community) and The
Pinehills (Plymouth, MA), Smart Rural Growth Community of the Year, 2004.
Ms. Kulli has been a featured speaker at The Harvard Graduate School of
Design, USC Masters Program in Real Estate Development, PCBC, and ULI.
She has also written for industry publications, and served on National ULI Panels
on Transit Oriented Development, Memphis Riverfront Development, Ameila
Island, and Ardmore Main Street in Philadelphia, chaired the ULI-LA Panel for
the Boyle Heights Sears Site.
Ms. Kulli is a graduate of Wellesley College and holds a Master's degree from
Boston University. She serves on the boards of KCRW public radio, ULI LA, and
Abode Communities, affordable housing in LA and Orange County.
Richard A. Lewis
Principal ~ President, California Division
Richard A. Lewis is President of the California Division of Lewis Operating Corp. and its
affiliates -collectively known as the Lewis Group of Companies -one of the largest developers
of master planned communities, shopping centers, apartments, and office & industrial parks in
California and Nevada. He is responsible for the overall management of the Lewis
organization, its strategic planning functions and land acquisition activities.
Joining the company in 1965, Richard is the second generation of the Lewis family to lead the
Lewis Group of Companies and has extensive knowledge and management experience in every
aspect of the business. Richard is a licensed general contractor and real estate broker. He has
been involved in the development of more than 56,000 homes; 10,000 apartments; and 12
million square feet of retail, office, and industrial centers.
Richard was a former director of the Young Homebuilder's Council, president of the Baldy
View Chapter of the Building Industry Association, and member of various National
Association of Homebuilders (NAHB) councils. Richard has taught at Mount San Antonio
College, Cal Poly Pomona, Riverside City College, and the University of California, Irvine. In
1996, he was inducted into the California Building Industry Hall of Fame and was previously
named Builder of the Year by the Building Industry Association of Southern California.
An accomplished athlete, Richard's community involvement includes Students Run L.A. and
the Challenged Athletes Foundation.
Richard is a graduate of Claremont McKenna College and resides in Newport Beach, California.
Randall Lewis is Executive Vice President and a Principal of Lewis Operating Corp., a member
of the Lewis Group of Companies. Lewis Group is one of the nation's largest privately held
real estate organizations focused on developing planned communities, multifamily projects
and shopping centers throughout California and Nevada. The Lewis Group of Companies is
currently involved in developing more than a dozen master planned communities that will
include over 60,000 homes at build out.
Randall was named in the Los Angeles Times zoo6 "West goo" list as one of the top goo
influential people in Southern California. He has also received the California Business
Properties Association Champion of the Industry Award, and has been inducted into the
California Building Industry Association Hall of Fame. Randall is a trustee of the Urban Land
Institute, as well as a Governor of the Urban Land Institute Foundation. He serves on several
executive boards, including the USC School of Policy and the UCLA School of Public Affairs.
He also serves as the Co-Chair for the San Bernardino County Alliance for Education. Randall
serves on the Executive Committee of the Regional Council for the Southern California
Association of Governments, and is a member of the Southern California Leadership Council.
Randall and the company devote considerable resources to enhancing the quality of life in
communities where they do business. They are pioneers in programs promoting healthy
communities, learning communities, and sustainable communities.
In 1976, Richard Hunsaker founded Hunsaker & Associates with Doug Snyder, John Michler,
and Tom McGannon. Hunsaker & Associates has offices in Irvine, Los Angeles, Riverside and
San Diego. Hunsaker & Associates project team has designed successful master planned
communities throughout Southern California. The founding philosophy of active principal
involvement has resulted in long-term client and agency relationships.
With more than 39 years of experience in civil engineering and land planning, Hunsaker is
highly respected and considered to be a leader in the civil engineering industry. In 2009,
Hunsaker retired from H&A and turned over the leadership of the company to Doug Staley.
The following are some of the Master Planned Communities and other significant projects that
Hunsaker & Associates has provided over the past 35 years: Amerige Heights, Anaheim
Summit, Beacon Hill, Bear Brand Ranch, Colinas de Capistrano, Coto de Caza, Crystal Cove,
The Diamond in Lake Elsinore, Dove Canyon, Eagle Glen, Fairfield Ranch, Forester Ranch,
Knott's Berry Farm, Ladera Ranch, Marina Hills, Pacific Point, Pelican Crest, Pelican Hill, Ritz
Carlton, Strawberry Farms Golf Course, St. Regis Hotel, Tustin Ranch, Vista Del Verde and
Woodside Village.
Hunsaker served on the board of directors of the Building Industry Association, Orange County
Chapter (BIA/OC), for 27 years. In 1997, for his unwavering commitment and dedication as a
volunteer to the association, he was presented with the Gwen Rosebeary Award. In 1991, he
was named BIA/OC Associate Member of the Year. The BIA/OC has also honored Hunsaker
with the prestigious 10th Annual Tribute to Excellence award, in 2001, for his outstanding
contributions to the homebuilding industry and community. In 2003, he was inducted into the
California Building Industry Foundation (CBIF) Hall of Fame. He was also a member of the
Diocese Construction Committee for over 20 years.
In 1998, Hunsaker was named "Engineer of the Year" for land development and, in January
2001, he was named "Alumnus of the Year" by Chaminade College Preparatory in Chatsworth,
California, where he supports the building program and was a member of the board of directors
for 6 years.
Hunsaker is a longtime member of Legatus where he also served as President of the Orange
County Chapter.
Hunsaker is actively involved in various charitable organizations and sponsorships such as the
Boy Scouts of America and Taller San Jose. He also serves on the board of directors for
HomeAid Orange County. HomeAid teams with builders to provide shelters for the homeless.
A graduate of the University of Southern California, Hunsaker and his wife of 47 years, Regina,
have three children and eight grandchildren. Actively involved in his church, Hunsaker is a
member of the Order of Malta (which he has served as president of the Orange County location)
and has traveled on pilgrimages to Lourdes, France and Medjugorje, Bosnia Herzegovina.
Equally committed to supporting his Alma Mater, Hunsaker is active in the Associates Support
Group for USC's School of Engineering and provides financial support as well. In May/June of
2005, he completed a pilgrimage in Spain which consisted of a 430-mile walk on the Camino to
Santiago de Compostela.
(rh\000-b io-2011.doc )
John Martin's career is balanced with experience in Market Research, Community Planning,
Neighborhood and Residential Product Design, Land Development, Homebuilding, Marketing, and Sales.
He provided leadership in the Strategic Planning, Product Design, and Marketing of the Mission Viejo
community in the 1960s and 1970s, Irvine Company communities in the 1970s and 1980s, and the new
town of Valencia in Los Angeles County in the 1990s. He also spent 15 years as an entrepreneurial
developer and builder.
In 1970, John was the first recipient of the Tipton award for Marketing Excellence in Southern California.
He was recognized as a Legend of Residential Marketing by the National Association of Home Builders
(NAHB) and Builder Magazine, at the NAHB convention in Houston in 1997. In June of 2008, he was
inducted into the California Building Industry Association (CBIA) Hall of Fame at the Pacific Coast
Builder's Conference in San Francisco.
John is a frequent speaker at the Urban Land Institute, Pacific Coast Builders Conference, American
Planning Association, Building Industry Association, and Public Sector meetings and conferences. He has
lectured in Urban Planning and Real Estate Development courses at Cornell, UCLA, UCI, USC and
Chapman on Market Driven Strategic Planning, Residential Real Estate, Trends and Concepts in
Community Planning and Neighborhood Design, and 33 Guiding Principles and Strategies for Creating
Future Communities. He was featured nationally in Professional Builder Magazine on these Principles
and Strategies and has published a Book entitled Hope, Vision & Value Creation based on Lessons
Learned in Housing Cycles, Community Development and Residential Design which provides direction
on How to Reinvent the Future with Vision and Creativity.
Martin & Associates, LLC, a Marketing and Management Consulting Firm, specializes in Visionary and
Strategic Planning, Market Positioning, and Residential Product Programming in communities and
projects of all scales. The idea is to start with people's wants and needs and assist land owners,
community developers, home builders and the public sector in creating desirable communities,
neighborhoods and residential housing which enhance quality of life while optimizing land values and
sales absorption. John is a strategic thinker as well as a tactical implementer, and believes we can invent
the future with Vision, Leadership, Creativity, Innovation, and Organizational Effectiveness. Martin &
Associates work in Northern, Central and Southern California, Colorado, Nevada, Texas, Utah, Florida,
Hawaii, and Arizona.
Martin & Associates are dedicated to assisting those who create, plan, develop, and market Communities,
Neighborhoods, and Residential Products by providing visioning, strategic thinking, market studies,
market positioning and implementing action plans through research, analysis, consultation, and
partnering. We utilize thirty-three value-based Guiding Principles and Strategies and implement a Market
Driven Strategic Planning Process to create a Shared Vision for Communities of the 21st Century. We
desire to create superior communities which enable others to choose paths that can enrich the quality of
their lives. We are committed to building client and partnership relationships with care and respect to
foster trust and harmony in a creative environment where team members realize their visions, fulfill
individual and shared goals, and optimize land values, profits, and sales absorption.
\VN n-serverAfADusiness DevelopmentADusiness Pnckage 2011Vohn Martin Prafile.doc 7/122011
2011 Partnered with Urban Land Institute OC/IE to create/present a 30-hour Leadership Program on the Planning,
Development, and Marketing of Planned Communities and Urban Infill Projects, Fall 2010 and Spring 2011.
2010 Honored as a Legend by the Urban Land Institute Community Development Council Spring Meeting, Boston.
2009 Created Gen M 2345 Process for Opportunity Creation in a Down Market - Won a Gold Nugget Grand Award
for the Multi Generation Concept at the Pacific Coast Builders Conference, June 2009.
Published Book on Hope, Vision and Value Creation.
2008 Inducted into the California Building Industry Association (CBIA) Hall of Fame at the Pacific Coast
Builders Conference (PCBC) in San Francisco, June 2008.
1996- Market Research, Strategic Planning and Product Positioning of Master Planned and Active Adult
2011 Communities, Large-Scale Developments and individual projects for Pacific Bay Properties/Ford Motor
Company, Lennar Communities (Southern, Northern and Sacramento, California Divisions), Lennar Homes,
Greenpark Holdings, Pulte Homes, Shea AAC Communities, Forest City Development Company, Estate of
James Campbell, RM Development Associates (Partners-Tejon Ranch Company, Pardee Homes, Standard
Pacific, Lewis Operating Company), Castle & Cooke Homes Hawaii, Alexander and Baldwin, Schuler
Homes/Hawaii, Rivermark (Partners-Lennar, Shea, Centex), Taylor Woodrow Homes, Newhall Land, Valencia
Company, Sequoia Ranch Partners, Riverside County Advisory Council, Kennecott Development Company,
John Laing Homes, Laing Luxury Homes, Bigelow-Silkwood/Friant Ranch, The Irvine Company, Sares-Regis
Group, Collier Enterprises, The Bonita Bay Group, Levitt Corporation, Core Communities, Standard Pacific
Corporation, Walsh Ranch, Kiley Ranch, Palamanui/Hawaii, City of Santa Clarita, Lake Nona Properties, The
New Home Company, Carmel Partners/UC Davis, ULI OC/IE, Pre-Development Manager for active adult
communities in the central valley of California.
1997 Recognized as a Legend of Residential Marketing by the National Sales and Marketing Council, Members of
the Institute of Residential Marketing (MIRM) and Builder Magazine at NAHB, Houston, January 1997.
1995- Lecturer in the USC, UCI, UCLA, Chapman, Cornell Schools of Urban Planning, Development, Real Estate
2011 and Management on Market Driven Strategic Planning, 33 Guiding Principles for Communities of the 21 sr
Century and Trends in Neighborhood Design. Speaker on these and other subjects at conferences and seminars
of Urban Land Institute, Pacific Coast Builders Conference, National Association of Home Builders, Building
Industry Association, American Planning Association.
1991- During recession in Los Angeles County at Newhall Land/Valencia Company:
1996 Increased market share of Los Angeles County from 1 % in 1991 to 12% in 1994.
Increased market share of Santa Clarita Valley from 14% in 1991 to 58% in 1994.
Increased sales absorption in 1996 to highest level in seven years.
Increased contribution to net income per acre by three times between 1992 and 1994.
Created Market Driven Strategic Plan for build out of 10,000 units in Valencia Master Plan
1987- Two trips to Europe sponsored by the Irvine Company and RGC to study Mediterranean Coastal Hillside
1988 Developments and Urban Places. Inspiration resulted in innovative motor court product.
1987 Through market segmentation, product innovation and builder relationships during an improving market in the
second half of the 1980's, more than doubled Irvine Company land values.
1985 Repositioned residential products, reoriented marketing and sales programs, improved profitability and
increased sales absorption on 20 J.M. Peters Company projects in four Southern California counties.
1976 Owner of Land Development and Home Building Company. Managed land acquisition, planning, entitlement,
land development, product design, financing, production, marketing and sales for ten years.
1972 Division President for Home Building Company. Created a decentralized housing operation from inception and
managed all functions including land acquisition, development, home building, financing, marketing/sales.
1971 Recipient of the first annual Max C. Tipton Award for Marketing Excellence in So. California.
1970 Conducted research and coordinated product design for Madrid Homes, the best selling project in the 30-year
history of the Mission Viejo Company (over 2700 units sold in 10 years). Recommended the Mission Viejo
Lake amenity in 1971 which was developed in 1976.
1966 Conducted research and coordinated product design for California Classics, an affordable housing program by
the Lyon Company that sold over 4,000 units statewide.
1964 Conducted the market study for the Mission Viejo Community, and Mission Viejo Company President Donald
Bren. Provided the design criteria for La Paz Homes, the first company built housing program. The community
grew to 30,000 units and 90,000 people in 30 years.
\\Ma-server\ABusiness Development\Business Package 201 I\Major Accomplishments & Career Nighhghts.doc 7/I?/201 I
1. The Increased Value of Master Planned Communities, CA Builder, December 1994.
2. Market Driven Strategic Planning, USC Lusk Center Evening Forum, February 1995.
3. Master Minds of Master Planned Communities -BIA/SMC, LA, Ventura Counties, Calabasas, March 1995.
4. Market Driven Strategic Planning -Professional Builder, October 1995.
S. What's Ahead for Residential Real Estate? (2) -USC Lusk Center Spring Retreat, Palm Springs, April 1995;
BIA Show Keynote Address, Anaheim, November 1995.
6. Market Driven Strategic Planning -Inventing the Future with Vision & Creativity and Who You Are Makes a
Difference Presentation -BIA Dinner, Irvine, February 1996.
7. Product Diversity in Master Planned Communities, Professional Builder Magazine, March 1996.
8. Building Community, Urban Land, March 1996.
9. Master Planned Communities Year 2010 -Urban Land Institute -Spring Meeting, Cleveland, April 1996.
10. Master Planned Communities, They Aren't What They Used to Be, PCBC, San Francisco, June 1996.
11. What Creates Better Planning, APA, Arizona Planning Conference, Prescott, AZ, September 1996.
12. Creating Headlight Team to Test New Ideas, Professional Builder Conference, Laguna Niguel, Nov. 1996.
13. Master Planned Communities, Is it the Developer's Role to be Social Engineer? ULI Tempe, AZ, Jan. 1997.
14. Market Driven Strategic Planning -Inventing the Future with Leadership, Vision, Creativity and Innovation
(3), PCBC, San Francisco, June 1997, 1998, 1999.
15. Market Segmentation, Product Diversity and Product Development in Master Planned Communities, Southern
California Builder, February -November 1997.
16. Organizational Effectiveness, BIA Show Kick off Breakfast Speech, Nov. 1997.
17. Housing 2000 and Beyond, Master of Ceremonies, Greater L.A./Ventura BIA and USC School of Urban
Planning and Development, Los Angeles, Apr. 1998.
18. Trends in Neighborhood and Residential Design (4), ULI Spring Meeting, Denver, Apr. 1998; UC Irvine,
Apr. 1999 and 2000; Appraisal Institute, L.A., Apr. 1999.
19. 33 Guiding Principles For Communities of The 21st Century, University of Denver, Rocky Mountain Land
Use Institute, Granby, Colorado, Oct. 1999.
20. Housing 2010, How Housing Americans Will Change, ULI Fall meeting, Wash. D.C., Oct. 1999.
21. Urban Design Techniques, Las Vegas Smart Growth Conference, ULI, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 2000.
22. Market Segmentation and Product Diversification, Graduate Program in Real Estate, Cornell University,
Ithaca, N.Y., Apri12000 and 2001.
23. Is There a New American Dream for the New Millennium? PCBC, San Francisco, June 2000.
24. Reinventing the Community Developer and the Homebuilder, PCBC, San Francisco, June 2000.
25. Building for Boomers & Beyond, NAHB Seniors Housing Council, Phoenix, AZ., April 2001.
26. 33 Guiding Principles and Strategies for Communities of the 21s` Century (6), PCBC, San Francisco, July
2001 and June 2002, Riverside County Advisory Council January 2002 & Planning Commission June 2002,
Graduate Program in Real Estate, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., February 2002, and ULI MPC Conference,
Newport Beach, June 2002.
27. Changing Demographics, Lifestyles and Markets, ULI Residential Summit, Washington D.C., March 2002.
28. Creating More Livable Communities and Neighborhoods; Association of Environmental Planners, Palm
Springs, April 2002.
29. Guiding Principles and Strategies for Communities of the 21st Century,
30. Creating a Higher Density Version of the American Dream (2), CCAPA, San Diego, Oct. 2002; Palm Springs
October 2004.
31. Building Community-Building Value (7), NAHB Convention, Las Vegas, Jan. 2003; Cornell, Feb. 2003, 2004
& 2005; UCI, May 2003, 2004 & 2005.
32. A Planning Checklist for your Next Community, Professional Builder, March 2003
33. Are We Ready for the Baby Boomer Market? Crittenden, Las Vegas, May 2003.
34. Creating Community with Visionary Design, Planning & Placemaking, PCBC, San Francisco, June 2003.
\w1a-serverAIABusiness DevelopmentADusinese Package 201 IAPresenta[ions, LecNres' & Published Articlesdoc 7i12/l l
35. What Women Really Want in Neighborhoods, Homes, and Community Life (7), ULI, Baltimore, May 2003;
PCBC, San Francisco, June 2003; ULI San Francisco, Oct. 2003, BIA/SMC Joint Meeting, Newport Beach
Feb. 2004; ULI MPC, La Jolla, June, 2004; Southeast Builders Conference, Orlando, Aug. 2004; CCAPA,
Palm Springs, Oct. 2004.
36. The Evolution of Ladera, ULI Spring Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 2004.
37. The Evolution of Master Planned Communities, Special Report in Professional Builder, Jan. 2005.
38. The Valencia Case Study & 33 Guiding Principles and Strategies, UCLA Anderson School, May 2005
39. Building for the Future, Sustainable Planned Communities, PCBC, San Francisco, June 2005
40. Round Table with the California State Attorney, Bill Lockyer, regarding California's Future and Housing
Issues, Oakland, June 2005
41. Gaining Public Support for Higher Density, CCAPA, Yosemite, Oct. 2005.
42. Has the Homebuyer Paradigm Changed? ULI CDC Roundtable, Los Angeles, Nov. 2005
43. Southern California Master Planned Community Overview, ULI CDC presentation, L.A., Nov. 2005
44. Generation Y, New Home Buyers, ULI Southeast Florida/Caribbean 5` Annual Architectural Design Trends
Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Nov. 2005
45. The Evolution of Master Planned Communities and 33 Guiding Principles for Creating Communities (3),
UCI, Chapman University, and Cornell University, Feb. 2006
46. The Evolution of Master Planned Communities, ULI, Salt Lake, May 2006
47. 21 y` Century Master Planning: Applying Futuristic Models Today, PCBC San Francisco, June 2006
48. Opportunities in Emerging Multi-Cultural Markets, Building and Industry Show, Anaheim, Nov. 2006
49. Planning, Development and Marketing of Master Planned Communities; 30-Hour University of California,
Irvine, Course, Sept. 18-Nov. 27, 2006
50. New Suburbanism: A Conversation, Building Industry Show, Anaheim, November 2006
51. Product Selection & Planning, Lecture in Residential Development Course, Cornell, NY, Feb. 2007
52. Creating Healthy Communities, Neighborhoods and Homes, PCBC, San Francisco, May 2007
53. Lessons Learned from Master Planned Communities, Kamehameha Schools, Oahu, November 2007
54. Product Research, Selection and Development, Cornell, NY. February 2008
55. What Women Want - 50+ Market, 50+ Housing Council, Newport Beach, March 2008
56. How to Sell Homes in a Down Market and Reinvent the Future with Vision and Creativity, SMC OC/LA/VC,
Los Angeles, May 2008; PCBC, San Francisco, June 2008
57. Lessons Learned in Housing Cycles, Community Development, & Residential Design. Cornell, NY, Feb 2009
58. Hope, Vision, and Value Creation Based on Lessons Learned in Housing Cycles, Community Development,
and Residential Design (10) ULI CDC Atlanta, GA, April 2009; Forma May, 2009; Valley Crest
Development Group, June, 2009; Palmieri LLP Lawyers, July 2009; Pacific Terra, July, 2009; UCI Master
Planned Community Course, July, 2009; Newport Beach Planning Commission, August 2009; BIA/San
Diego, October 2009, Compass Acquisition Partners, November 2009; other venues 2010.
59. Moving Forward: Housing for the Next Generation & GEN M 2345, Planning Directors Association of
Orange County Forum, October 2009; plus presentations at seven cities.
60. Big Ideas and Bold Visions, Lessons from a Legend, ULI Spring Meeting, Boston, April 2010
61. Creating Multigenerational Living Environments, GenM2345 presented to City Planning Departments (8) and
several Land Owners, Developers, and Homebuilders (12), 2010-2011
62. Planning, Development, Marketing, and Management of Planned Communities and Urban Infill. ULI 30-hour
Leadership Certificate Course, Irvine, September-November 2010 & Aliso Viejo March-June 2011.
63. Master Planned Communities 2020, ULI Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 2010
64. Moderator of Legends, Lessons Learned, and Visionary Leadership Program, BIA Dinner Meeting, Costa
Mesa, October 2010
65. What's Ahead for Residential Real Estate? Mastermind Group, Irvine, April 2011
66. Moving Forward: Communities and Housing for Changing Markets, Conference on Academic Workforce
Housing 2011, Cal Poly Pomona, May 2011.
67. Design as Differentiator in a Down Market, Consumer Insights Forum, PCBC San Francisco, June 2011.
68. Big Ideas and Bold Visions, Life Career, and Lessons Learned, John Martin, ULI Young Leaders Protege
Group, Newport Beach, June 2011.
\Vvla-serverAfV[3usiness DevelopmentABusiness Package 201 I ~Presen[a[ions, Lectures & Published nrtclesdoc 7/12/1 I
Attachment 3
Resume's/Bio's -- Apartment Panel
Apt Market Research
Co-founder of Apt Market Research, Annie Gerard
has been a real estate market analyst since 1978.
Her focus for the past 10 years has been
exclusively on apartments (market rate as well as
affordable). The firm is particularly noted for its
expertise in age-restricted ("senior") apartments
and affordable (LIHTC) rental housing, addressing
new construction and acquisition/rehab.
Apt Market Research was formed in 2004 as the
spin-off of the "seniors/multi-housing" division of
Eliant, aka National Survey Systems. Gerard had
joined this national consumer research/customer
satisfaction firm in 1998 to create a new division,
serving as a Vice President until the formation of
Apt Market Research six years later. She was
previously a Senior Vice President at Market
Profiles from 1985 to 1998. As head of the firm's
Commercial division, she analyzed a wide range of
land uses including "active adult," Assisted Living,
retail, office, hotel, industrial, as well as multifamily.
She worked for Alfred Gobar Associates, a national
economic research firm, from 1981 to 1985, and
started her career in 1978 as a researcher and
technical writer for a planning and appraisal firm in
Berkeley, CA, where she specialized in Fannie Mae
condominium conversion studies (among them the
largest low-rise conversion at that time in the U.S.).
She is a cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa graduate of
U.C. Berkeley, with a B.A. in Sociology.
A market study in 1985 addressing Park Plaza
senior housing complex in Orange, CA, was the
first "senior housing" study Gerard conducted. To
date, she has prepared more than 450 market
studies on senior apartment projects, including 75+
projects that were subsequently built in California,
Arizona, Texas and the southwest. She has been
on the development team for multiple projects
under the following brands: Vinfage, Senior Artists
Colony, Horizons, FountainG/en, Seasons,
Heritage Park, Victoria Woods, Carefree.
Gerard has prepared hundreds of market studies
on conventional apartments ("general occupancy"),
affordable "family," mixed-income and inter-
generational projects, ranging from high-end
(Teresina at Lomas Verde in Chula Vista, Fountain
Parkin Playa Vista, Stella in Marina del
Rey) to preservation rehab (Jeffrey-Lynne in
Anaheim; Los Altos Apartments on Wilshire
Boulevard in L.A.; EI Rancho Verde in San Jose).
She's also analyzed scores of underperforming
projects, developing comprehensive "diagnosis and
prescription" strategies to boost absorption and/or
rents and/or to reposition properties in terms of
target market.
Ms. Gerard was voted into the Counselors of Real
Estate [CRE] in 2001. A founding director of the
organization now known as 50+ Housing Council of
Southern California (the alpha chapter in the nation,
formed in 1990), she remains an active board
member, currently serving on the Communications
Committee. Gerard was granted the CAASH
("Certified Active Adult Specialist in Housing")
designation by NAHB in 2007, and was honored as
the 2010 SAGE "Person of the Year."
Speaking engagements have included:
• Leadership Tomorrow Housing and
Transportation Day: "Senior & Affordable
Housing" (December 2010 & April 2010)
• 50+ Housing Council (April 2010) "20/20:
Trends, Tips and Treasures (panel)
• 50+ Housing Council (October 2008): "What's
Hot/What's Not part II" (panel)
• 50+ Housing Council (March 2008): "What's
Hot/What's Not" (panel)
• Housing California (April 2007): "Market Studies
for Affordable Housing Developments" (panel)
Annie Gerard
Api Markel Research
• South Coast Apartment Association
(September 2007): "Best Practices, 55+
Apartment Communities" (panel)
• California Housing and Community
Development [HCD] (June 2007): day-long
market study workshop
• Simpson Housing Solutions, LLC 7tn Annual
Asset Management Conference (August 2005),
"The High Price of a Bad Market Study"
• SHC/SC (2004): "55+ Sliced & Diced"
Ms. Gerard has participated in judging the 50+
Housing Council SAGE Awards for more than 10
years, and served as one of six judges for the
national "Best of Seniors' Housing Design" award
competition in 1996 and 1997.
She is a regular columnist for 50+ Builder and has
written about trends in senior and rental housing for
more than 25 years. Representative articles
• "Dangers of a Cloudy Crystal Ball," 50+ Builder
magazine, 2010 Sourcebook issue
• NAHB Building for Boomers and Beyond
Symposium (2003): "Affordable Senior
Apartments from A to Z"
• Simpson Housing Solutions, LLC 5th Annual
Conference: "Market Research Done Right"
• The Kennedy Commission, "Trends in
Affordable Housing" (2003)
• Pacific Coast Builders Conference [PCBC],
2002, "VISION Homebuyer Preference Survey"
• PCBC 2002, "Granny's Adventures in Rental
• PCBC 2001, VISION breakfast
• PCBC 2001, "Can Mick Jagger Get Satisfaction
in a Retirement Community?"
• Lambda Alpha, Orange County chapter, April
• Building Industry Association/Orange County,
March 2000
• Building Industry Show [BIS], 1993, 1994, 1996,
1997, 2000, 2001, 2010
• "Senior Summit," 1998
• American Planning Association [APA] State
conference, September 1998
• IREM, 1998
• "The Push for Eco-Friendly 50+ Housing," 50+
Builder, Winter 2010 issue
• "My Perspective on 50+ Housing," 50+ Builder,
Summer 2009 issue
• "What to Know if You're Considering
Developing Apartments," Builder and Developer
magazine, January 2009 (co-author)
• "More Focus on Affordable Senior Housing in
2008" (Winter 2008), 50+ Builder magazine
• "The 55+ Market Picks Up Speed" -six-part
series in Builder Digest of California, 2001
• "55 and Better Buyers." Orange County
Register supplement, July 2000
• "Taking the Temperature of Seniors Housing."
NCOSH Seniors' Housing News. Winter 1998
• "New In Seniors Housing -Southern California
Style." Senior Life Magazine, 1997
• "Adapting to the Changing Tastes of Today's
Active Adult." California Building Magazine,
October 1996
Ms. Gerard can be contacted at:
Apt Market Research
151 Kalmus Drive, Suite J-5A
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(714) 668-9600 extension 222
Fax: (714) 668-9603
e-mail: aaerard(a~aptmarketresearch.com
website: www.aptmarketresearch.com
Sandra Kulli, President Kulli Marketing
Sandra Kulli creates marketing programs for builders and developers. She has
worked with over 100 companies on 173 communities with a sales volume
exceeding $5 billion throughout the United States and in Japan, Dubai, New
Zealand, Sweden, and England.
Kulli Marketing consults with residential builders and mixed-use developers on
marketing strategy -from high concept to urban infill. Ms. Kulli typically leads
outside marketing resources in concert with builder/developers' staff. Her current
master plan community work includes Stapleton/Denver (airport conversion,
Forest City), Daybreak/Salt Lake City (Rio Tinto Brownfield community) and The
Pinehills (Plymouth, MA), Smart Rural Growth Community of the Year, 2004.
Ms. Kulli has been a featured speaker at The Harvard Graduate School of
Design, USC Masters Program in Real Estate Development, PCBC, and ULI.
She has also written for industry publications, and served on National ULI Panels
on Transit Oriented Development, Memphis Riverfront Development, Ameila
Island, and Ardmore Main Street in Philadelphia, chaired the ULI-LA Panel for
the Boyle Heights Sears Site.
Ms. Kulli is a graduate of Wellesley College and holds a Master's degree from
Boston University. She serves on the boards of KCRW public radio, ULI LA, and
Abode Communities, affordable housing in LA and Orange County.
Clare DeBriere
Chief Operating Officer & Executive Vice President, The Ratkovich
Clare De Briere is Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President of The Ratkovich Company, a
Los Angeles-based developer that works to profitably produce developments that improve the quality of
urban life. She joined the company as a summer intern in 1991 after graduating from UCLA and worked
her way through property management, leasing, construction, financing and development management
while earning her graduate degree at USC's prestigious Lusk Center for Real Estate. In her career with the
company, Clare has been responsible for overseeing the acquisition, entitlement, planning development
and/or disposition of millions of square feet of development.
Clare has been involved in several successful projects during her tenure with The Ratkovich Company,
starting with the development of Phase II at the Wiltern Center, through the planning and entitlement of
The Alameda District Plan, to the successful renovation and repositioning of downtown's 800 Wilshire
Boulevard property. A few of Clare's most recent significant business accomplishments are with the
company's current projects. These include: the development of The Alhambra, a 45-acre development in
Alhambra, CA; the historical transformation of The Hercules Campus at Playa Vista, the former home of
Hughes Aircraft Company, into creative office and production space for Los Angeles' next generation of
innovators; and the revitalization of 5900 Wilshire, the 31-story tower across from the L.A. County
Museum of Art in the Miracle Mile district.
Clare is actively involved in the Urban Land Institute (ULI), where she currently serves on the Los
Angeles chapter's Executive Committee. She is also a member of the Executive Committee and chair of
the Program Committee at the Los Angeles Conservancy and serves as the chair of the UCLA College of
Letters and Science History Council.
Finally, Clare has been listed as one of the Los Angeles Business JouYnal's "Women Making a
Difference" in 2010 and 2011 and has been named one of Real Estate Forum magazine's "Women of
Influence" in Southern California every year since 2003.
Elisa M. Stipkovich
500 High Drive
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
(94997-4279/(949)315-6049 cell
A position utilizing my experience in Urban Planning, Development and Public/Private
Executive Director of Community Development for the City of Anaheim, CA for 23 years, wherein
manage professional staff of 130 personnel with budgetary responsibility of $180,000,000 per
annum with a separate finance section for the Department.
Responsibilities of the position include Executive Director of the City of Anaheim's
Redevelopment Agency, the Housing Authority and the Public Finance Agency and President of
the Downtown Association.
Multi-year progressive and successful management within this position having met all goals and
objectives of my assignments through changes in the political and managerial structures within
the City of Anaheim, using my extensive knowledge and achievement in the areas of Housing,
Economic Development, Redevelopment, Planning, and Housing Financing, as well as my
extensive experience in Departmental Management and Budget/Fiscal Management.
Communicate successfully with various commissions, councils, and other public bodies including
corporation executives, developers and consultants.
• Downtown -City of Anaheim -Redeveloped in excess of 100 acres of prime property
within the downtown area.
• Creation of 10 Million square feet of commercial/industrial.
• Developed parking structures for 3,000 spaces.
• Creation of 5700 residential housing units.
• Creation of 5 new redevelopment areas for a total of 5,000 acres.
• Creation of the City of Anaheim Historical District
• Operation of more than 6,000 Federal rental assistance and shared housing units.
• Created over 10,000 affordable housing units.
• Developed over $100,000,000 in public improvements.
• Provided direction to the Job Training program which now provides employment
development services to over 750 members of the community per year.
• Negotiated and executed over 150 Disposition and Development Agreements.
• Managed Economic Development Program.
• Negotiated Hotel Development Incentive Program for 1,000 rooms for two projects.
• Acquired over 200 acres for redevelopment and affordable housing.
• Create tax increment of $45 Million per year.
~{z~~v~ch Lo~T.
CITY OFANAHEIM -Anaheim, CA, 1977 -May 2011
Executive Director of Community Development -1988 -May 2011
Assistant Director (Community Development) -1977 -1988
ORANGE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY- Santa Ana, CA, June 1975 -March 1977
Administrative Services Officer
CITY OF SANTA ANA -Santa Ana, CA, December 1973 -June 1975
Housing Coordinator
PASSAIC COUNTY -Passaic, New Jersey, February 1968 -August 1973
Supervisor of Social Services
Master of Arts
New School for Social Research
Bachelor of Arts
Rutgers University
Certificate of Planning and Development
University of California, Irvine
Past President of California Redevelopment Association (CRA), 2008
Board member of CRA for 10 years
Chair of Board of Directors for Euraupair, current
Board member of Euraupair for 15 years
American Planning Association, 2002
Project Implementation
Wolden Multimedia Institute, 2000
One of the Spectacular Women of Anaheim
California State Assembly, 1998
Certificates of Recognition
American Institute of Architects, 1997
Urban Design Honor Award
CALED, 1996
California Economic Development Award of Merit
International Downtown Association, 1994
Project Alpha -Downtown Anaheim
American Planning Association (State), 1992
Planning Implementation, Large Jurisdiction
Letters of Commendation and Appreciation, Various
Received from multiple Agencies, Directors, and Governmental Officials
C:\Users\Owner\Favorites\MAG09092010LSRESV 3.doc
In 1976, Richard Hunsaker founded Hunsaker & Associates with Doug Snyder, John Michler,
and Tom McGannon. Hunsaker & Associates has offices in Irvine, Los Angeles, Riverside and
San Diego. Hunsaker & Associates project team has designed successful master planned
communities throughout Southern California. The founding philosophy of active principal
involvement has resulted in long-term client and agency relationships.
With more than 39 years of experience in civil engineering and land planning, Hunsaker is
highly respected and considered to be a leader in the civil engineering industry. In 2009,
Hunsaker retired from H&A and turned over the leadership of the company to Doug Staley.
The following are some of the Master Planned Communities and other significant projects that
Hunsaker & Associates has provided over the past 35 years: Amerige Heights, Anaheim
Summit, Beacon Hill, Bear Brand Ranch, Colinas de Capistrano, Coto de Caza, Crystal Cove,
The Diamond in Lake Elsinore, Dove Canyon, Eagle Glen, Fairfield Ranch, Forester Ranch,
Knott's Berry Farm, Ladera Ranch, Marina Hills, Pacific Point, Pelican Crest, Pelican Hill, Ritz
Carlton, Strawberry Farms Golf Course, St. Regis Hotel, Tustin Ranch, Vista Del Verde and
Woodside Village.
Hunsaker served on the board of directors of the Building Industry Association, Orange County
Chapter (BIA/OC), for 27 years. In 1997, for his unwavering commitment and dedication as a
volunteer to the association, he was presented with the Gwen Rosebeary Award. In 1991, he
was named BIA/OC Associate Member of the Year. The BIA/OC has also honored Hunsaker
with the prestigious 10th Annual Tribute to Excellence award, in 2001, for his outstanding
contributions to the homebuilding industry and community. In 2003, he was inducted into the
California Building Industry Foundation (CBIF) Hall of Fame. He was also a member of the
Diocese Construction Committee for over 20 years.
In 1998, Hunsaker was named "Engineer of the Year" for land development and, in January
2001, he was named "Alumnus of the Year" by Chaminade College Preparatory in Chatsworth,
California, where he supports the building program and was a member of the board of directors
for 6 years.
Hunsaker is a longtime member of Legatus where he also served as President of the Orange
County Chapter.
Hunsaker is actively involved in various charitable organizations and sponsorships such as the
Boy Scouts of America and Taller San Jose. He also serves on the board of directors for
HomeAid Orange County. HomeAid teams with builders to provide shelters for the homeless.
A graduate of the University of Southern California, Hunsaker and his wife of 47 years, Regina,
have three children and eight grandchildren. Actively involved in his church, Hunsaker is a
member of the Order of Malta (which he has served as president of the Orange County location)
and has traveled on pilgrimages to Lourdes, France and Medjugorje, Bosnia Herzegovina.
Equally committed to supporting his Alma Mater, Hunsaker is active in the Associates Support
Group for USC's School of Engineering and provides financial support as well. In May/June of
2005, he completed a pilgrimage in Spain which consisted of a 430-mile walk on the Camino to
Santiago de Compostela.
(rh\000-bio-2011. doc)
Attachment 4
Resume's/Bio's -- Commercial/Office/R&D/Industrial Panel
Richard M. Gollis -Principal & Founder
Richard M. Gollis is a co-Founder and Principal of The Concord Group based in the
firm's Newport Beach office.
The Concord Group is a real estate strategy firm with offices in Newport Beach, San
Francisco and Boston. The firm provides strategic market analysis and transaction due
diligence to top developers, builders, public agencies, investment banks and private
equity funds. Annually, TCG completes over 400 assignments throughout the United
States, Europe and Asia.
Richard oversees all phases of the firm's activities including market and financial
feasibility, consumer analysis and economic modeling. He is also responsible for
company operations of all the offices. In particular, his experience with product program
development and financial strategies for urban multi-use projects and large-scale master
planned communities has positioned him as a leading authority in the field.
Richard's professional affiliations are numerous. He is active in ULI-the Urban Land
Institute where he is immediate past-Chair of the Community Development Council
(Silver Flight). As a past Chair of ULI's Orange County District Council, he now serves
as a District Council Counselor. In 2006, Richard became a Governor of the ULI
Foundation and has been appointed to on the Policy & Practice Committee and Awards
of Excellence -Americas Jury. In addition to professional affiliations, Richard serves on
the Boards of Directors of several civic and community-based organizations in Orange
County and southern California. He is currently Co-Chair of the Advisory Board of The
Department of Policy, Planning and Design at the University of California, Irvine.
Richard, a native of Boston, is a graduate of Brown University with a degree in
international relations.
July 2011
City of Tustin
In 1976, Richard Hunsaker founded Hunsaker & Associates with Doug Snyder, John Michler,
and Tom McGannon. Hunsaker & Associates has offices in Irvine, Los Angeles, Riverside and
San Diego. Hunsaker & Associates project team has designed successful master planned
communities throughout Southern California. The founding philosophy of active principal
involvement has resulted in long-term client and agency relationships.
With more than 39 years of experience in civil engineering and land planning, Hunsaker is
highly respected and considered to be a leader in the civil engineering industry. In 2009,
Hunsaker retired from H&A and turned over the leadership of the company to Doug Staley.
The following are some of the Master Planned Communities and other significant projects that
Hunsaker & Associates has provided over the past 35 years: Amerige Heights, Anaheim
Summit, Beacon Hill, Bear Brand Ranch, Colinas de Capistrano, Coto de Caza, Crystal Cove,
The Diamond in Lake Elsinore, Dove Canyon, Eagle Glen, Fairfield Ranch, Forester Ranch,
Knott's Berry Farm, Ladera Ranch, Marina Hills, Pacific Point, Pelican Crest, Pelican Hill, Ritz
Carlton, Strawberry Farms Golf Course, St. Regis Hotel, Tustin Ranch, Vista Del Verde and
Woodside Village.
Hunsaker served on the board of directors of the Building Industry Association, Orange County
Chapter (BIA/OC), for 27 years. In 1997, for his unwavering commitment and dedication as a
volunteer to the association, he was presented with the Gwen Rosebeary Award. In 1991, he
was named BIA/OC Associate Member of the Year. The BIA/OC has also honored Hunsaker
with the prestigious 10th Annual Tribute to Excellence award, in 2001, for his outstanding
contributions to the homebuilding industry and community. In 2003, he was inducted into the
California Building Industry Foundation (CBIF) Hall of Fame. He was also a member of the
Diocese Construction Committee for over 20 years.
In 1998, Hunsaker was named "Engineer of the Year" for land development and, in January
2001, he was named "Alumnus of the Year" by Chaminade College Preparatory in Chatsworth,
California, where he supports the building program and was a member of the board of directors
for 6 years.
Hunsaker is a longtime member of Legatus where he also served as President of the Orange
County Chapter.
Hunsaker is actively involved in various charitable organizations and sponsorships such as the
Boy Scouts of America and Taller San Jose. He also serves on the board of directors for
HomeAid Orange County. HomeAid teams with builders to provide shelters for the homeless.
A graduate of the University of Southern California, Hunsaker and his wife of 47 years, Regina,
have three children and eight grandchildren. Actively involved in his church, Hunsaker is a
member of the Order of Malta (which he has served as president of the Orange County location)
and has traveled on pilgrimages to Lourdes, France and Medjugorje, Bosnia Herzegovina.
Equally committed to supporting his Alma Mater, Hunsaker is active in the Associates Support
Group for USC's School of Engineering and provides financial support as well. In May/June of
2005, he completed a pilgrimage in Spain which consisted of a 430-mile walk on the Camino to
Santiago de Compostela.
Sandra Kulli, President Kulli Marketing
Sandra Kulli creates marketing programs for builders and developers. She has
worked with over 100 companies on 173 communities with a sales volume
exceeding $5 billion throughout the United States and in Japan, Dubai, New
Zealand, Sweden, and England.
Kulli Marketing consults with residential builders and mixed-use developers on
marketing strategy -from high concept to urban infill. Ms. Kulli typically leads
outside marketing resources in concert with builder/developers' staff. Her current
master plan community work includes Stapleton/Denver (airport conversion,
Forest City), Daybreak/Salt Lake City (Rio Tinto brownfield community) and The
Pinehills (Plymouth, MA), Smart Rural Growth Community of the Year, 2004.
Ms. Kulli has been a featured speaker at The Harvard Graduate School of
Design, USC Masters Program in Real Estate Development, PCBC, and ULI.
She has also written for industry publications, and served on National ULI Panels
on Transit Oriented Development, Memphis Riverfront Development, Ameila
Island, and Ardmore Main Street in Philadelphia, chaired the ULI-LA Panel for
the Boyle Heights Sears Site.
Ms. Kulli is a graduate of Wellesley College and holds a Master's degree from
Boston University. She serves on the boards of KCRW public radio, ULI LA, and
Abode Communities, affordable housing in LA and Orange County.
°~~,(~~; ; ~ Clear thinking
A seasoned veteran of the real estate industry, Richard "Dick" Ortwein has overseen
all aspects of the business, having directed and managed the development and
construction of millions of square feet of real estate during his extensive career.
Ortwein brings to Focus Real Estate LP more than 35 years of management
experience, most in senior level posts with the Koll organization, one of the premier
commercial developers in the country. Additionally, Orfwein offers a rarity in real
estate circles: a banker's financial acumen with a developer's hands-on experience.
While at Koll, Ortwein oversaw the accounts of local, national and international
clients, exposing him to a vast array of regional issues and placing him on the cutting
edge in detecting new construction and development trends in the commercial and
residential sectors. In his senior management capacity at Koll, Ortwein was
responsible for commercial development, land entitlement, project finance, construction management, asset
management and corporate services. Additionally, Ortwein was a key member of the executive team
responsible for overseeing key acquisitions and mergers, including the 1998 purchase of Koll Real Estate Group's
commercial development arm, Koll Development Company.
Prior to joining Koll, Ortwein served at Wells Fargo Bank where he was responsible for the financing of
commercial development product. Capping aten-year tenure in the banking industry, Ortwein steadily rose
through the management ranks of Security Pacific Bank and Wells Fargo.
A graduate of the United States Naval Academy, Dick is affiliated with many professional and civic
organizations including the Orange County Business Council and the Urban Land Institute. He has served on
both the national and local boards of directors of the National Association of Industrial and Office Properties
(NAIOPj, is a past Chairman of the Orange County Chapter of the American Red Cross, the Young Presidents
Organization, and served on the board of the directors of The Pacific Club in Newport Beach. Recently ending
his term as Chairman of the Board at Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, Newport Beach, Dick remains a
member of several board committees, and previously served as chairman of the Facilities, Design and
Construction Committee overseeing a $500 million capital improvements budget. Dick is a board member of
H.G. Fenton Company, a regional commercial real estate developer in San Diego, as well as a board member
of A & A Ready Mixed Concrete, Inc. with offices statewide. Dick enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience
as an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California's School of Policy, Planning & Development for its
Masters in Real Estate Development program.
3184H Airway Avenue, Costa Mesa, California 92626 Tel (714) 975-7660 Fax (714) 975-7664
Board of Advisors
Merage Investment Group
Dick Sim is among the real estate industry's foremost experts
on development, investment and management.
Dick previously served as Chairman of Investment Properties for The Irvine
Company, which developed the nation's largest master-planned urban environment
on approximately 54,000 acres of land in Orange County, California. During his
eight-year tenure, Dick oversaw five of The Irvine Company's operating and
financial divisions and was responsible for the development, marketing and
management of more than 30 million square feet of commercial investment
Dick is an active public servant and has received numerous awards, including the
Irvine Medal, The University of California Irvine's highest honor, for his
achievement in building bridges between the business community and UCI. Dick
also received the 1999 Citizen Leadership Award from the Council for Urban
Economic Development for his role in developing The Irvine Spectrum and
establishing reciprocal arrangements between UCI and private businesses.
Dick holds a B.S. in Economics from Villanova University and has completed the
Advanced Management Program of the Harvard University Graduate School of
McClellan & Associates
Professional Profile Summary.
Robert R. McClellan -California License C3671
Architect: A licensed Architect since 1963 and has over forty five years of diversified
experience in Architecture, Planning, Entitlements, and the procedures of the
governmental/developer process. Experience includes the principal of a design-build
Architectural /Construction firm with a staff of thirty five people. He was the founder and Senior
Executive of McClellan/Cruz/Gaylord (MCG-Architects) with offices in seven areas of the
United States as well as an association with Architects in Taiwan and Mainland China. Work
performed in areas from China, Taiwan, New Zealand, Hawaii, and as far east as the Mississippi
Active in the Pasadena, San Gabriel Valley, and the five County Los Angeles area with
Architectural work and citizen participation. Bob was a member and Chairperson of the
Pasadena Planning Commission, Design Review Commission, as well as participating on many
design committees and specific plans. In addition, we are involved with the design of many
redevelopment projects such as recycling a whole city block in Old Pasadena into the One
Colorado Shopping Complex, the reconstruction of the old Huntington Hotel I Pasadena into a
Ritz-Carlton operation, and the conversion of an existing Robinson's Department Store into the
first two-level Target Store. He has acted as a consultant to local communities in both a design
and negotiating capacity.
Current and Past Memberships:
• American Institute of Architects (AIA)Former Board Member of the local chapter
• California Community Redevelopment Association (CCRA)
• Urban Land Institute (ULI)
• International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC)
• Pasadena Chamber of CommerceFormer Chairperson of the Board
• Pasadena Historical SocietyFormer Chairperson of the Board
• Member of the University Club of Pasadena
• Pasadena Developers Club -Founder and Chairperson
• Pacific Mental Health Clinics-- Former Chairperson of the Board
• Member of the Pasadena Branch of the Urban League
• Kidspace Childrens Museum -Advisory Board Member
Robert McClellan
Page 2
Education & Experience
• Native of Southern California
• Associate of Arts Degree, Glendale City College, 1950
• Bachelor of Architecture Degree, University of Southern California 1954
• Current or past Architectural licenses to practice in the states of California, Arizona,
Hawaii, Nevada, and Oregon.
• USAF Officer from 1955 to 1958 -Pilot/Installation/Supply Officer, Air Defense
Command in U.S. and Canada.
- McClellan & Associates Architects
- McClellan Pendlebury Architects
- McClellan & Associates Architects
- McClellan Hunter Architecture/Construction/Design Build
Partner/Architect-Design Build
December 2007 to Present
October2005-December 2007
June 2001-October 2005
January 1996-June 2001
- McClellan/Cruz/Gaylord (MCG) Architects March 1971-December 1995
Pasadena, Irvine, San Diego, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Cleveland, Ohio and
New York City.
- Ainsworth McClellan Architects April 1966-February 1971
Acted as chief designer with Robert Ainsworth, architect. Work from Shopping
Centers, Garden Offices, Salvation Army, and civic buildings such as Public Libraries
and Fire Stations.
Attachment 5
Tustin Legacy --Step One Developer Selection Screening Process/Scoring
Tustin Legacy- Step 1 Developer Selection Screening Process
Numerical Scoring & Qualifying Criteria for each Disposition Packages
(Questions will be designed for Panel around each criteria based on Product Type)
Criteria Points
(max score is `S'
for items 1-6, low
score is `0').
1. Demonstrated California Experience In Developing High Quality Products Over
an Extended Period of Time.
2. Demonstrated Experience in "Place Making" including the design and
installation of landscaping and Hardscape.
3. Demonstrated Experience in Designing and Installing Horizontal Off-Site
Backbone Infrastructure and In-Tract Infrastructure and in Support of Vertical
Improvements (Buildings).
4. Demonstrated Experience in Delivering Projects as Planned within the Project
Budget and on Schedule.
5. Demonstrated Successful Experience in Managing a Development Entity over an
Extended Period of Time and through numerous Business Cycles.
6. Demonstrated Access to Capital including the ability to provide sufficient Equity
and Leveraged Monies through such vehicles as capable investment partners
and/or institutional lending facilities. Emphasis will be placed on the long term
relationship with recognized capital sources.
7. Litigation/Bankruptcy: 1) has Development Entity been involved in any major
litigation impacts their project capability (Y/N); 2) has Entity been involved in a
Bankruptcy or Foreclosure (Y/N). "0" or
There no points if answer is No, response would be neutral. If response is Yes to completely"
sub-question 1 or 2, Developer is disqualified.
(maximum score is 30 points, that is, 5 points for each element)