On June 7, 2011, city council authorized the bid of the Phase 1 construction for the Tustin Ranch Road
Extension (CIP Nos. 70100 & 70206) consisting of grading and storm drain work. Eight bids were
received and opened publicly by the bid due date of July 12, 2011, with Sandoval Pipeline Engineering
being the apparent low bidder.
Subsequently two protest letters were received, one from Soil Retention, Inc. and one from the Griffith
Company, the apparent second low bidder (see attached letters).
Briefly, the project includes the construction of a Mechanically -Stabilized Earth (MSE) wall for a certain
portion of roadway elevated to cross the flood control channel, railroad tracks, and Edinger Avenue. Soil
Retention, Inc. provided the design of the MSE wall as a subconsultant to the design engineer. The
Project Specifications contained a performance base specification for the MSE wall and did not
specifically name a proprietary system for this element of work. The City set forth a performance
specification to allow contractors to meet that specification with whatever product they choose to use.
The main point of each protest alleges that the apparent low bidder's listed subcontractor has substituted
an alternative MSE wall system. The City has approved no substitute. The bid submitted by the
apparent low bidder will be held to the performance base specification for the MSE wall.
Griffith Company further adds that the apparent low bidder does not have the proper licensing for one
particular alternative bid item and consequently did not list a qualified subcontractor to perform such
work if necessary. The bid item identified is for the Management, Transportation & Disposal of
Contaminated Materials Other than Groundwater. The apparent low bidder's bid price for this work is
less than Y2 of 1% of the total bid. As such, the apparent low bidder is not required to list this
subcontractor and it is assumed that the apparent low bidder will retain the services of a properly
licensed subcontractor to perform the work if needed.
Attached are copies of each protest letter and the City's response, respectively. Staff is recommending
award of the Tustin Ranch Road Grading and Storm Drain Project to Sandoval Pipeline Engineering and
is available to answer any questions you may have.
Department of Public Works
Douglas S. Stack, RE.
July 18, 2011
Mr. Jan Erik Jansson
Soil Retention Systems, Inc.
2501 State Street
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Re: City of Tustin — Tustin Ranch Road Extension Phase 1
Project CIP Nos. 70100 & 70206
Response to Bid Protest
Dear Mr. Jansson:
The City of Tustin ("City") received your Protest of Bid Results dated July 13, 2011 and has
reviewed the particulars therein. In your protest you request that the City find the apparent
lowest bidder, Sandoval Pipeline, Inc. ("Sandoval"), non-responsive for its alleged failure to
specify an approved wall system for Bid Items 48 and 49. In your protest you allege that the
City specified the Verdura Retaining Wall system and that only bidders proposing to use this
system can be deemed responsive. Further, by Sandoval's listing of Geogrid as a
subcontractor, it cannot meet the required specifications and should be rejected. The City
responds to your protest and allegations as follows.
Contrary to your allegations, the City did not call out a particular MSE retaining wall system by
specific brand or trade name in its specifications. What the City did was provide a performance
based specification that spells out in detail what the MSE retaining wall that is to be provided by
the successful bidder is to conform to. This is the same process that the City uses in all of its
public works projects. The City sets forth a performance specification and allows contractors to
meet that specification with whatever product it chooses to use. In this instance, if a bidder had
chosen to provide a wall that did not meet those particular specifications, that bidder was
required by the specifications to submit documentation to the City requesting said substitute. In
this case, no bidder, including Sandoval, chose to submit a substitute. As such, Sandoval is
required to provide a MSE retaining wall that conforms to the performance specifications listed
in the bid. If, as in any public works project, a contractor attempts to provide a product, system
or work that does not comply with the required specifications, that product, system, or work will
be rejected until such a time as contractor meets compliance. If the contractor refuses to meet
compliance, the City has numerous avenues to seek recovery including, but not limited to, its
performance bond, termination, and/or a breach of contract action against the non-performing
contractor. It is not proper for the City to assume, in advance of performance that a contractor
is going to provide non -complaint work and find that contractor non-responsive.
In this instance, if Sandoval attempts to provide a MSE retaining wall system that does not
comply with the performance specifications, that system will be rejected and Sandoval will be
required to provide a compliant system. However, until such a time as Sandoval submits its
300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780 s P: (714i 573-3150 0 i=: ?714) 734.8991 6 www.tu5tinca org
Mr. Jan Erik Jansson
Tustin Ranch Road Extension Phase 1
July 18, 2011
Page 2
shop drawings or performs work that evidences non-compliance, they are deemed to be in
agreement with providing contractually compliant work.
You further allege that the listing of Geogrid as a subcontractor is evidence that Sandoval
cannot provide a MSE retaining wall that meets the required specifications because, in your
opinion, your are the only subcontractor that can provide a wall that meets the performance
specifications. The City believes you are incorrect, in your assumption. This is a performance
based specification and so long as the wall system that is constructed meets the required
specifications, it will be deemed compliant. Until such time as shop drawings are submitted,
there is no way to determine whether or not a wall system will meet the specifications.
However, Sandoval, as the lowest bidder, assumes the responsibility of providing a compliant
system and there is no evidence to suggest that they intend to do otherwise.
In conclusion, the City finds no merit in your protest and hereby denies it based on the
information listed above. Further, the City staff intends to move forward with recommendation
to the City Council of award of this project to Sandoval as the lowest responsive bidder.
I , /I A
lien Nishikawa
Tustin Legacy Development Services Manager
DATE: July 13, 2011
TO: City of Tustin, Department of Public Works
Attn: Mr. Ken Nishikawa
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Ph: 714-573-3150
FS-00XX*1113f i 1 ,
PROJECT: Tustin Ranch Road Extension Phase 1 from Walnut Avenue to Warner Avenue, Grading and
Storm Drain Construction Project, Project CIP Nos. 70100 & 70206, City of Tustin, California
Soil Retention Systems, Inc. protests the bid results for the above mentioned project. The apparent low bidder
(Sandoval Pipeline) has listed a subcontractor for the MSE Retaining Wall construction (Bid Items #48 and #49)
that did not provide a bid with an approved wall system.
The apparent low bidder and his listed wall subcontractor have violated Item 1.3 in Section B of the bid
specifications. Within Subsection A - Substitutions, the bid specifications state:
"Only substitutions approved prior to bid date via addendum will be considered."
Based upon Addenda 1 and 2 of the bid specifications, no alternative MSE wall systems where approved in
relation to the specified MSE wall system (Veidurdo Retaining Wall).
The wall subcontractor (Geogrid) listed by Sandoval Pipeline has provided a proposal for a substitute retaining wall
system (Keystone Retaining Wall). The Keystone Retaining Wall does not meet the minimum strength and quality
requirements set forth in the bid document plans.
This procedure is an unfair bidding practice to all prime bidders.
Please feel free to contact the undersigned with any questions.
Resp ctf ully submitted,
Jan Erik Jansson
I A I 'i
I � - � I J,
ll, V
V ki
Darien Osborne, PE
Senior Project Engineer
2501 State Street # Carlsbad, CA 92008 - P: (760) 966-6090 9 F: (760) 966-6099 * www.soilretention.com
Contractor's License # 516900 'A'
Department of Public Works
Douglas S. Stack, P.E.
July 18, 2011
Mr. Ryan J. Aukerman
District Manager
Griffith Company
3050 E. Birch Street
Brea, CA 92821
Re: City of Tustin — Tustin Ranch Road Extension Phase 1
Project CIP Nos. 70100 & 70206
Response to Bid Protest
Dear Mr. Aukerman:
The City of Tustin ("City") received your bid protest dated July 15, 2011 and has reviewed the
particulars therein. In your protest you request that the City find the apparent lowest bidder,
Sandoval Pipeline, Inc. ("Sandoval"), non-responsive for (1) its alleged failure to be properly
licensed to perform Bid Item A3 (Management, Transportation & Disposal of Contaminated
Materials Other Than Groundwater) and (2) its alleged failure to specify an approved wall
system for Bid Items 48 and 49. In your protest you allege that by Sandoval's listing of Geogrid
as a subcontractor, Sandoval has in some way admitted that it intends not to provide a MSE
Retaining wall that is in compliance with the project specifications. The City responds to your
protest and allegations as follows.
First, in regards to the question of licensing, Section EH of the specifications includes the
statement that, "[s]ubject to the approval of regulatory agencies, the intent of the project
includes reuse of material excavated from the Special Construction Zone as engineered fill
within the project where identified in the plans." Although contaminated soils to be disposed of
offsite is not anticipated to be encountered, Bid Item A3 was included as an alternate with an
assumed quantity of 1,000 tons. Sandoval's bid price for this item was $49,000, which is less
than Y2 of 1% of the total bid of $12,623,788. As such, Sandoval was not required to list this
subcontractor and it is assumed that Sandoval will retain the services of a properly licensed
subcontractor to perform the work.
Second, in regards to the issue of the MSE retaining wall, contrary to your belief, the City did
not call out a particular MSE wall system by specific brand or trade name in its specifications.
What the City did was provide a performance based specification that spells out in detail what
the MSE retaining wall that is to be provided by the successful bidder is to conform to. This is
the same process that the City uses in all of its public works projects. The City sets forth a
performance specification and allows contractors to meet that specification with whatever
product it chooses to use. In this instance, if a bidder had chosen to provide a wall that did not
meet those particular specifications, that bidder was required by the specifications to submit
documentation to the City requesting said substitute. In this case, no bidder, including
Sandoval, chose to submit a substitute. As such, Sandoval is required to provide a MSE
retaining wall that conforms to the performance specifications listed in the bid. If, as in any
public works project, a contractor attempts to provide a product, system or work that does not
comply with the required specifications, that product, system, or work will be rejected until such
300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780 * P: (714) 573-3150 0 F: (714) 734-8991 * www tustinca.org
Mr. Ryan Aukerman
Tustin Ranch Road Extension Phase 1
July 18, 2011
Page 2
a time as contractor meets compliance. If the contractor refuses to meet compliance, the City
has numerous avenues to seek recovery including, but not limited to, its performance bond,
termination, and/or a breach of contract action against the non-performing contractor. It is not
proper for the City to assume, in advance of performance, that a contractor is going to provide
non -complaint work and find that contractor non-responsive.
In this instance, if Sandoval attempts to provide a MSE retaining wall system that does not
comply with the performance specifications, that system will be rejected and Sandoval will be
required to provide a compliant system. However, until such a time as Sandoval submits its
shop drawings or performs work that evidences non-compliance, they are deemed to be in
agreement with providing contractually compliant work.
You further allege that the listing of Geogrid as a subcontractor is evidence that Sandoval
cannot provide a MSE retaining wall that meets the required specifications because, in your
opinion, the subcontractor you listed is the only subcontractor that can provide a wall that meets
the performance specifications. The City believes you are incorrect, in your assumption. This is
a performance based specification and so long as the wall system that is constructed meets the
required specifications, it will be deemed compliant. Until such time as shop drawings are
submitted, there is no way to determine whether or not a wall system will meet the
specifications. However, Sandoval, as the lowest bidder, assumes the responsibility of
providing a compliant system and there is no evidence to suggest that they intend to do
In conclusion, the City finds no merit in your protest and hereby denies it based on the
information listed above. Further, the City staff intends to move forward with recommendation
to the City Council of award of this project to Sandoval as the lowest responsive bidder.
/ A_
Ken Nishikawa
Tustin Legacy Development Services Manager
Corporate Office
3050 E Birch Street
Brea, CA 92821
Fax [714) 854-9754
Central District
1898 South Union Ave
P O. BOX 70159
Bakersfield, CA 93387-
Fax [661) 831-0113
Southern District
12200 Bloomfield Ave
Santa Fe Sprigs, CA
[562) 929-1126
Fax [562) 864-8970
Structures ivision
3050 E. Birch Street
Brea, CA 92821
Fax (714) 854-9754
Heavy Division
3050 E. Birch Street
Brea, CA 92821
[714) 984-5500
Fax [714) 854.9754
3050 E Birch Street
Brea, CA 92821
[714) 984-5500
Fax [714) 854-9754
Contractors License #88
www anffitheornpany. net
July 15, 2011
City of Tustin
Department of Public Works
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Attn: Ken Nishikawa
Tustin Legacy Development
Service Manager
Re: Tustin Ranch Road Extension Phase 1
J ::5 2011
It has come to our attention that the apparent low bidder, Sandoval Pipeline
Engineering, Inc., has two (2) Incurable Defects with their bid on the above project.
The first Defect is that Sandoval Pipeline Engineering, Inc. does not have the proper
California State Contractors License classification to perform the work covered by bid
Item Number A3, "Management, Transportation & Disposal of Contaminated
Materials Other than Groundwater". None of his listed subcontractors are properly
licensed to do the work either. California Business and Professions Code section
7058.7(a) states," No contractor shall engage in a removal or remedial action, as
defined in subdivision (d), unless the qualifier for the license has passed an
approved hazardous substance certification examination." Therefore Sandoval
Pipeline Engineering, Inc. bid is non-responsive.
The second Defect with Sandoval Pipeline Engineering, Inc's bid submittal is that the
listed subcontractor for the Modular Concrete Retaining Wall A and B, Bid Items 48
and 49, Geogrid Retaining Walls Systems, Inc., bid on an alternate wall manufacture
and not the wall manufacturer specified as listed on page F-24 of the Technical
Specifications. We feel that Sandoval Pipeline Engineering Inc. did not review the
sub -bid received from Geogrid Retaining Walls Systems, Inc., and as such was not a
responsible contractor. This is a public safety issue as an inferior design and
manufacture will endanger those using the roadway. In order to modify the
specifications as to design and manufacturer, a request for substitution must be
requested. Section B of "The Instructions to Bidders", is very specific as to any
substitutions. "Only substitutions approved prior to bid date via addendum will be
considered. No substitutions will be considered after bid due date and Award of
Contract." Neither addenda one or addenda two allowed a substitution for the
Modular Concrete retaining Wall therefore the listed subcontractor must be Soil
Retention Systems, Inc. Griffith Company's listed subcontractor is Soil Retention
Systems, Inc.
The above are all that we can provide at this time as we have not been furnished
with a copy of Sandoval Pipeline Engineering, Inc's Bid Proposal. We verbally
requested a copy of the proposal after the bids were opened and have not received
a copy at this time. We again request that a copy be furnished so that we can
determine if there are any other Defects.
We maintain that these two Incurable Defects are enough to declare Sandoval
Pipeline Engineering Inc's bid as non-responsive and not considered for award.
We are also worried that as Sandoval Pipeline Engineering Inc., did not correctly
understand the specifications by not using the specified wall manufacturer, they
could have not understood other unique items to this project specifications and
construction methods such as water proof concrete, the RCB exterior liner,
accelerated construction schedule, dewatering and the Special Construction Zone
requirements. Knowingly awarding to a non-responsive contractor with a flawed bid
will put the City at risk as the contractor attempts to "cut corners" to offset their
misunderstanding of the contract requirements, and put the project at risk for not
getting done on a timely basis.
Ryan J. Auker"fan
District .-
Cc: T. Foss
R. Pierce, Esq,
J. Angus
G. Gibson
W. Grauten