HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 05-28-56MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN HELD ON MAY 28, 1956 PRES :'.:i ~ ' 2¥rd :"' '" ",.'~ e " · ... , aeon, .adlock, . ans, ,-allion and Set,icl. C. Arthur llisson, Jr., city attorney, ;'..'as ~)resent anu acted as "'lerk pro tom in the absence of the City Clerk. Chairman qacon stated that the first iter~ on the a[~enda war t.lm c:)ntinuation on t!~e imaring of t].~e application for variance of Dollar '?.uilders affectin!l oropert?r at 3~.;0 ~,ast q'hird Street, Tustin, ,,alifornia. Chairman "aeon stated that an a~.aendec~.e'~t 'xad been filea to the Variance request cl",an~in.~% the resuest fro~.n a triplex to ~hat of a d,~.olex. Discussion was ~'md concern'in..- the matter and Cecil ~.'arnsv..'orth w.'~s oresent statin.,T objections of the '"ust'~n Presb,t.~terian (;imrch and reading additional letters in objection fron ;Jmma '~. i-!ield, r..irs. J. h. :',leans and C. R. '-'rownlxx.~. After further discussion Tadlock moved, !)yrd seconded that a vari~.nce be granted on Plan No. 3 for a duplex on the application as amended by Dollar .~uzlders. Resolution to tixis effect was duly carried. On roll call vote all members voted Aye. Chairman ':acon stated that tixe next laatter on the calendar '..:as t]-~e a'.ool~cation for variance of O. Z. Roberts~m i)evelooment Comoany i' ~v' a ~ireetional sizn (tera~orary) on the southwest corner of ~.'irst and Prospect Streets, the si~'n to be 6 feet by 10 feet ~'or the ~uroose o~ direc't~n,'- traffic to real estate tracts. Step:el moved to a~>or,..~ve the variance a:.~pi[ca.,nion alon,," the same terms an~ c,mdi, ti:~ns ~revio~slv ~;ranted for signs o~' a tem~orar:,.r d~rections. 1 naLure in the same location, mrov:~di~[7 t)~e ao~licant ,~ut uo a .;~0.00 de:>osit to ~-u~rantee removal of the si~Tn wi.t~'~in six months. ~;all.~.on seconded ana the mot! .~n was au!y carried. 'loans moved to s...ijo:xrn, Sie~.':el seconded, ana motion d'.tly ca-:~ried. ¢~lerk ~,ro tern