HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 08-27-56MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION, MONDAY, AUGUST 27th, 1956. MEMBERS PRESENT: Bacon, Siegel, Gallion, Means, Hardy, Byrd and Tadlock. MEMBERS ABSENT : Kidd. CITY ATTORNEY ; C. Arthur Nisson, present. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P. M. by Chairman Frank Bacon, Jr. The hearing on Mr. W. K. Hillyard's application for variance was re-opened. Mr. Mullin of the Mullin Lumber Co., submitted the following list of things they proposed to do, if granted the variance; (1) Along the rear of said oroperty for a distance of ~00 feet a masonry w411 of attractive design six feet in height will be built. If the neighbors desire, plantings will be made so that greenery will show above the wall when growth takes place. (2) Seven feet of the frontage of said property will be deeded to the City of Tustin. (3) Concrete curb and gutter along First Street for 400 feet will be built under City supervision and specifications. (~) A sidewalk five feet in width along First Street for ~00 feet will be built under City supervision and specifications. (5) Trees will be planted in the parkway between curb and sidewalk along First Street. (6) Along First Street for a distance of 220 feet and at right anEles to the masonry wall an attractive designed redwood fence six feet in heigth will be built. (7) The remaining 180 feet on First Street will be held for sale, with an attempt to sell to the right type of occupants. (8) As soon as feasible, the lumber storage area will be black-topped. This cannot be done until the ground can be compacted by use. This part will not be visable and it is to our advantage to oil or blacktop the ground as soon as practicable. (9) Lumber will be piled in flat packages; and will project approximately 12 feet above the ground. (10) The packages are flat and compact and therefore do not pre~ent as much of a fire hazard as an ordinary frame house. Mullin Lumber Co. has never had a fire to date in it's 3~ year history. Mr. William C. Clary, 175 Lockwood Park Place, stated that he had been selected as spokesman for the property owners who were also signers of a Petition voicing their objections to the granting of the variance. After stating their various reasons why they considered granting the variance objectionable, the hearing was declared closed. After considerable discussion by members of the Planning Commission, upon motion by Commissioner Byrd, seconded by Commissioner Hardy that the Planning Commission find and determine that the reason contained in the application for variance, be found to be true and the variance should be granted with the conditions setforth in the written communica- tion from Wayne Mullin, together with the addition of the condition that a temporary blacktop pavement, ~ feet wide, be constructed on the property fronting on Prospect Avenue on the West side of the existing Eucalyptus hedge to connect Tract 1461 and the sidewalk to be constructed on First Street and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a Resolution embodying the above findings granting the variance. All members voted Aye, with the exception of Commissioner Tadlock who voted "No." There being no further business, upon motion by Hardy, seconded by Gallion and duly carried, the meeting was ad J ourned. Secretary.