HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 01-13-58i
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r~4II`JULT7iL~S Jti m": ?(.:rl!L1/1!j ;.:,;;;TIIlG
Q'. ~' rt'IiI~ ~}'1)J i TiV nli/~:'11~i T.~\1 (i \)iY`II SJT,).•
;roraDAY, ,rnli}~n}~Y 13, ~ :%~:;~`3
r~IErdL3ERS PRESLidT: Bacon, Ta~ilock, :iie~c1, :?rs, t:r::;; ~r~~,
Clark anti ?)r. Stanton.
AIISENT iet~ns.
._. CITY ATTORNEY Dennis D. tiayuen, presc;nt.
R4eeting called to or.ler }~y C•~<1'r:•~an }?t1cv:1 at 7:c%'% :'. i..
Pdotion of Siegel, seconded b;,~ ter::. i,rc,;ory and c~ir_• e:,
minutes of la~~•t ;next ~ n, were r:;.;~.•.~v~„? :~:: :.i.a;led.
A letter was rece i vc.a and rc~~:i ''r >~a :dr. Marry E. •~r~;,
u'3 Planning Director '.~~ t•~e Orange C naty Planning Com;ni ~~: ? can
~ in which the lesser area as c1eS 1 ;-n.itc:d ~rl t?le Arc:~a :~~
~" Influence rti7ap, su':~mi tted }~y t'•:e `l'ust i n P].an,i i ng ;; •~ ~1: ~' :::, > >n,
• was approved as the Area of Influence.
After considers'>1: •.:iscizssioil tiic: follo~•r,n~; m:~ti~~n ~'.'
Siegel, seconded by Tadlock an~~ c:~rrie:i, t?:-~t: a ].e ttY~r• ~~c
written the Oran};e County PlZn:iinE:-. Co:n:ni.:;si•~n stat'r:~- `,hat
the Tustin Planni.nF' Corn:~tissivn a~ioptcd Ii?~.`;JL,?JTIJIJ I1J. ~0~,
- setting the Area of In+'luenc•e \~'' i,~,e City of Tustin
pursuant to the request of t~ic;i.r '~:onora;•~le ~>ody. ::1ect,n,-s
were held on several occasions t ~ ac;termine the ]_~•r,it:;
of the Area of Influence Hnu ,rs ~~ result o'' the ,i.>' ::t
efforts of the mf,;;r':~~ers o~^ the s;,=ri i of th~~ JranE~;c; c;:~unt:y
Plan-Wing Commission an.i our corunitter.., fi map wa:- prepare:
showing the results of the con''cr\:ncE anti ;icfini n: t.}~e
-- Area of Influence. Inside t}:e :1ru:~ of In; luenc~: .: smaller
area was indic:~te.: f'or the ~~onvc~ni~~:u:c~ of t,if; Cocznty
Planning Commission in sen.i'nJ; certain notices t~iat :~::~:]--.i
otherwise be required. ''.7e arc:rY; c;uitc; concerned *.~:at :~
;aisunderstandn had occ;are_i :•r::`c~}: re:;ultf;.3 in t}:~: :;~;~~]lcr
area being approvcu nstead oi' ±.~,~~ ~crt;:c a\l~~pted ,~;; t:~e
Tustin Planninr; Commission. `?'he `i:z~t':n P1<innin,; (; ~-•1:~,i:;:;?.'~n
requests treat ti~:e :lrca o~ Int'] uercc :.:ap ~~e appr'~ve a <::;
originally adopted by the Tustin ?'l~~niiinf* Commis:;' ,n.
Tile plan as presents\i l,y tie i; ~u:~t;y i?n~;inc,crt s o 'i ~,;~, f'ur
the extension of ?ourth Street t,~~ i1e~-r;~ort Avenue ~.~:as
presented and discussed. ,
Jn motion of Claret, ~eeonded by `;ie;;c:l nn~i Carrie::, the
Secretary was instru~~ted to tirrit;c :: letter a;~pro•:Y':cJ; 'r: t,eneeral
the plan for the extension o° :'ourt~~i Street to Jc•r;~~ort
There being no furt~:er busines , t}:e meet i n~; 'rras a :,j r.~rned
~.--c~. ~, fL
- A. O. Prrrk, Secretary
`.fust~.n Pl~inninf; Co:•n~ni.s:;ion.