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PC Minutes 02-10-58
t 64 _. _... .._._.. _.__ ~~ V. C~ MIIJUTE:~ UP A i?L:~l1I.A?I ';???I;TTIJG U'? `rH;; TUSTTN PLAi1;1TIJf: cJ~1?QISSIUII FET~RiIARY 10, 1)5f3. PRESENT: Bacon, Tadloclt, ?1leans, Ui.eg;el rind Dr. Stanton. Mrs. Gregory, was atten~.; _ng; n meeting o' the Orange County Regi dial Parlt I'1 ~n Committee as Representative of T~istin Planning Commission, also considered present. ABSENT: Non©. CITY ATTORNEY: Dennis D. Ilr~ycien, present. On motion of Dr. Stanton, seconded by Clark, the minutes of the last meeting cadre approved as mailed. A letter Crom bars. Clregory to Chairman, Prank ~. Bacon, Jr. was read, stating she vrould attend t}:e meeting o~: file Orange County Regional Park Plan Committee of the ~~ Associated Chambers of Commerce of Urang;e County. `,~. There being no reg~alr~r b~.~siness before the Commission, a general discussion was held on the Fourth Street Extension. Siegel informed members -~resen'; that another hearing would be held by the Orange County Planning; Commission on February 19th. The meeting; rrras duly adjourned. ~1 A. U. Park, Secretary 1 _l ;, ,, ~7,, `? ~~~' +~ ~ ~.. )~a {.~a 1,~, ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ t ~ i~K :. ,,. ,,~p.,~,;~,.,<;,,.. ~ 1, , s~ s ,,,, , w .~ ~ ~.~ ~" i ~c,~r'. x ~..}...