HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1948 12 20 (b)~:vUT~S Or' THE i~iEiTI.I~: JI'' r* ''_ , TY C ~i~:iCIL, J? TnL CITY JP"~ TI~STI:~, n~L~ I,~ -.. CT~r ia~L Jr' TL-~TIcJ, Jii ;~".J:D:~Y iJ~r.il.iG, DL';;:i,.~~LR 20trn, 1y1~~, at •7 ~ 30 JCLJCi. Piir~SE.i1T 'r~ERE: COIi:iCILi~~IEN: CrARLETO:v', .-itT1~:ISTJi•I, i,iILLER r JR:~E~' A:1D ?ACO;J . APSEidT VvERE: iJJTJE ATTJR:JLY :1ISS0.1 V:AS pRESE=~T ylayor Charleton called the meeting to order at the usual time, and ordered a3bption of the ~irnztes of the meeting, of Dec. E~th, 1~1~8. • Joe J jeda was invited by the i+iayor to state what he vrisl1ed to brim; before the Council and he re~.uested JJE OJEDA RE- a 3oint installation of a sign on tiie East side of ~liESTS A SIl"ri1 Tustin, as was iristalle3 on the •~~est last year, and i3E PLACED •J i1 after a discussion, Councilman riu_miston moved and it .S;AST SIDE OF was 3ul;r. seconded by Councilman Isacon, and unan= TlisTIiJ. imously carried that tze City allocate X180.00 for the installation of the sign, providine• i t be established at a location mutually agreed upon. A Committee consisting of Councilman Pacon and TJ GiTARD iiumiston, gave as their opinion that the Tustin A JAIidST VrATER 4ater Company was doing all they could, and orob- SI?JRT.4GE IN ably all necessary, to protect the City against any TnE r^i1iURE. shortage of water for the City s use in the near future. That no further investigation of joining tree i+ietrooolitan ~i•.ater District, and that tze matter would ride as is until sometzing cr_anged the local water picture. iJo further Committee action to be taken. ~, Police Chief PdcPJ:ullen reported improvements of the conditions at ~ountain View Filling Station, i Ii~'.PRJVEviEi~iT where in the past there had been disturbances, an3 - REPOIiTED AT also in continuing an investigation on parking :.:JliiT~1I:1 3'IE1'; space by the side of the FillinC Station, belonging; '.,~ ~'TLLIi1G F'i tzgerald. STA`~'IJcd. A report eras given by the Street Superintendent on I~E~:iJVAL Jr the removal of tyro Pepper trees, one at ~::ain and ~? PLR TRFLS. Tustin, an.i the other on Prospect betvreen Second and This, an3 also the tri:n:ning of a ?epper tree at 200 G~. iriSin St. `hhe total cost to be w300.J0. Police Commissioner ~ac~n moved to increase the Jfficer R!/CJia?LiE:~DATIJ.J Force to three men, for a trial of six :months. TG PUT O:J A Second to the :Motion was given by Councilman ~uiiller Ti1II3D ?JLICE :lotion carried. OFFICER. Police Chief TJlci~iullen was instructed to ?ut on a t~~ird Jfficer during the week holidays. There wire three bids place3 before the Council for PIDS CJ:dSIDERLDre-roofing of the Fire Hall, and after considering FJR RE-KJJ?"'I~TG the bids, Councilman Ir?filler moved to Instruct 1?'IRE BALL. Councilman3acon to furt:per iclvestigate the matter and to place the order on t:ze bid that ne felt wou13 be best for the repair v:~ork. ~ Attorney Ni sson reported on the C ode ~;oo:cs that he felt should be on file at the City Hall, on General Law, and it was decided ~ .~ .) ~,.,~ r to bring the matter up at the next :neet.ing. Councilman Forney informed the Cou:cil that he wished CJL.ICIL:,i~~L1 to resign as Councilman, effective in January. He FJ~i~E~ I::F`JR;viS will formally resign in the firm of a letter at a CJU:dCIL T~iAT HE later date: :~~IS'riES TJ RrSIGV Councilman 3acon move3 to ;gay the following Bil ls. ,, Council.an tyiiller seconded the ~+•otion. ,notion carried. " Chas. E. iviorris . ~ N 9.26 Underwriter's Equipment 19.x4 removing trees, (Joe Ifendez) 300. JO %ILLS Bales Office Equipment Comoany 3.91 LISTED State ComAensation Ins. Co. 17.04 County of Orange 25`3.71 County of Orange 530.70 County of Orange 417.31 J. L. Mc3ride 9U. J0 --~ Councilman Forney moved to a3 journ and C ~unc il_nan Bacon seconded the i,4otion. ,`.tots on carried. ~ ~ ~ •'~~- tit f ~ /J~ C- ~~ ~_ C City Clerk iYlayor. ,~