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CC MINUTES 1959 01 05
.. _) ,.~. ~ : ~.. :~:3 : , ..U Y` 1959. CCU'i~;,;ILi:3iI i~~ ::) ii; i': 3a:;on, .adlock, F:umeston ~; Byrd. _i~;7 ~.:1 _:idd. -, -n v ~-, ; , ..-, , *.~ l.il~ r.~l'i~::...:i~ Dennis ~. ...:.y;~e71, p~P.sent. CI'~'Y .~,:GIi;:JL:? J. L. I:c3ride, a~;sent r•ieetin~ c:as c~lllec: to or~er at 7:ZK r. i:. ~~~ IY:a~ror ~ro te:~ Bacon. On r:~otior~ of Councilman madlock, seconded by Councilman 3yrd and carried, riinutes of t!i2 crevious ,:,eetin~; Trrere arproved as r~iailed. _:~_;J~:;T :. request to CGiidUCt a Girl Scout Cookie :-gale from C.; GILL : e~ru~.ry 7t-i, to :'ebrur:.ry 21 1~5; v;o.s approved on ;,C:;UT motion o; , Councilman.adlock, seconded ~y Councilman .;~ Or:I::~ 3yrd . J :.LU . It :~ls .,ro ved by Councilman ::um eston, seconded b;;' Courcil- ~LJ~1. .. „i:at '..~. me Juri• in be .,~.id :100 ..,0 _ or uctin~; 1';:;;~. us ~uilcii ~ Insrector for the ::orth of i;ecember 1;?53. I•:otion cu r: ied. ii.~t1'1I:VG Irs gal l4.t ].On O:' ... i'ie~ltlr% S;;'S te:ii f Or Brie C1ty :ii~li :~:a^, :~YC'~BI: :.iscussed anti referred caclc to t:ie City Clergy : or further .,, .,`, L,.~ :.i.LLD 1nVOStl -;o.tiOn. .~ Potion of Councilman I:umeston, seconded ~;r Councilman .~jr ~_.~=.t ti: ., I~:otion carrie ,~. Jo;ia~,. ;:riset . :,arson 2: ..oldin._~. "x.00 r,.~ 3 Les Johnson Service. 05.1~~ I J. L. I~ic3ride. '?7.70 T .1 lustin Iardr:are Co. ~~'-.32 L ;/~; lt:t Stationers . 1':. ~'~ Los :,r.~-eles ~tar.;p w Stationery Co. 2o.G0 `"ustin i:errs. 1.16 I~:i l ler-3ryan;it-Fierce . 1.55 'fax Ser:rice of Orrn~,e County. 23.50 Lea,:ue of Calif. Cities. .130.OG 'lustin :sire Separtment. 82.5C Console Z: Sisson. r~.EO Bennis ;`~rinters ~; :stationers. 2.?~~ Sibnal Oil Co. 218 "0 • J :iarrsr i~ . Cole::,~:n.. ';7.52 ~ :,.:lit'. State i~ire~:~ar.~' assoc. dues 48.C0 uran, e Count;; .~ir~r:~ar.s' ~~ssoc. 7.50 i~irst :,at'1 3un::..Utilities..... . 241.03 , a Internal :revenue :service. '8.80 state ~,:~ployee's 'etire.;.ent. 231.98 '.ia,`~17e J~.rT•:in 3uilC.ir,6 In;;pcctions.. ._~ lOC.00 ~,ns:~rerin~; Service. 17.0 Gran,.~e Co. lue,.rint Shop. 1.25 lustin F~:int Store.. _:9.01 I•:ullin Lu:~~~er C'o. 7.05 `^ustin ',rater '.;ori:s. 300.00 'here being ro further ti..~usir.nss it ::•~s :.,oved ~y :;ouncil- ::::n adlock, ~eC04BC~ ~~y .:OU;'1C_1.T.,?.:1 i:UuP.StOT: tilr~t t'Cle ;:eetii,, :~e a journ°(,. I:otion carried C< ~ ~ ~. . .