HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1966 07 18:ffIVUTES OF A RFGLZ~~.R Pi1+yTING
July 16, 1956
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CALL TO The meeting t~*as called to order at 7:32 P.M. by Iiayor I~iack.
PLELGE Or Led by I•:ayor ;ack.
ROLL Present: Councilr::en: I~:ack, i~lir:gelY:ofer, Coco, hiller, Biro
CALL Absent : Councilxer.: i?one
Others Present: City Attorney, James Rourke
City Clerk, Ruth Poe
APPROVAL Moved by Coco, seconded by ::lingelhofer, that minutes of the
OF I•II'idL'TES July 5th ~reetin~, be a~prcved as received, Carried.
OLD 1. ORDI`3:;PiCE ::0..315 -second : ending
i~~I O.RvIDr',\?CE r.PFRCL 1t:G 1: ~ r.:;i~?r.X.yTICii OF C~ZT.~~; L:dIi~iu.~ITED
Z"r,R°~ITORY, D.^.,Sliiv'r,TED "P_.S:.LEi~.'.:~VE:~'L'E 11i~i~{.'.TIOi~I" TO T~
CITY Or TUSTIi? , C:,i,r~ OnrTI;.,
2•ioved by :yin„ seconded b~T Cocc, th2t Ordinance Ido. 315, have
second readirm by title oily. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Eiri~, that Ordinance PIo. 315, apprcv-
ino uninhabited ter: itc_ y*, desi ;;-Hated "Fassdena ,.venue ':nrexatior."
to the C=ty of Tustin, be amassed and adopted. Carried by Zoli
Call, :eves : I•iack, I'lingel'r:of er, Coco, Tiller, Ring. noes : D?cre,
absent: none.
2. CRDIIti'CF. :~0. 317 -first reading
AN cR~Ii~~1;cE o. ~ cITY e~ TUSTIN, c~:LZFoR;`~la, ~~,-zoi~L;o
PROPERTY Ci,~ Th G:~ (Pass.d~na ~ vei;ue no: th of lice adder) .
Moved by ~,iHg, seconded b, I~'~ ller, that Ordinance ?~?o. 3'_7,
pre-zoning property of Thorer, 'rava first readir.~ by titla
or1y. Carried unaniously.
3. o??~T', - ?uO. 3-~ - '~•st rcadirg
l_ . ~'d C..::.:_.. - ~.. .;- - - --- ~-= : vSTIId, ChL O:r T~. ?~_ . ~_.:~
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Or ~__ ._ .._ of ^cur=.;:: aid . _ ~~°_ ...
ad ~ .at ~h~: -
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Council Minutes
7/18/E6 Pg. 2
4, oRDr_. ~dCE I?0. 313
:;\ ORDLT3.u\TCL OE ~ CIiY OF TUSTIN, C:~Lt~'CIRiii::, :....__.... -'-"j
Mr. R. Mahoney questio:zed a: ticle 6, regarding number of
rabbits that can be maintained. It was clarified that only
tan (10) rabbits arould be pei:mitted.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer, that Ordinance ?~To. 313,
have first readir_g by title only. Carried unanix^.ously.
iloved by Coco, seconded ~,~ :iller, that Section +~+ be revised
to read as folio+~rs : "It shall be unlat~rful to keep, W,aintain,
or cause to be kept or maintained on any single parcel of pro-
perty, the f ollotring in the City of Tustin" . Ifotion carried
)4Ioved by Ring, seconded by I•iiller, that Ordinance ?;o. 313, have
second reading by title on'_y. Carried by Roll Call. ayes: 2lack,
Klingelhofer, Coco,I~iiller, ?~i-~g. Noes: None. absent: None.
Moved by Ring, seconded by Klingelhofer, that Ordinance No. 313,
regulating the keeping of animals, poultry, and livestock, be
uassed as an urgency measure. Carried by Roll Call. ~'~yes: 3•iack,
Klingelhofer, Coco, :filler, Ring. Noes: None. Absent: None.
5. Tentative Subdivision Piap Filing Procedure
Councilman :~:iller stated that he felt that approval of the
recommendations of the Public '-~lorks Director, trill accomplish
what the Council srants...therefore it tress...
Ifoved by Miller, seonded by Coco, that the Public [dorks Depart-
ment notifSr adjacent nrone_ t:~ ot•mers of a tentative subdivsion
map being filed. Carried.
Moved by, Coco, seconded ~,~ I:iller, that the Public [•lorks Depart-
ment bedirected to preoare a draft of a revision of the Sub-
division Ordinance for Council review. Carried.
6. TAPCO Report - i°:r. Chuck Ball
Mr. Chuck Bell, Chairman of the Tustin Area Park Committee,
advised the Council on just :ghat had been done and arhat is
planned. The Ccrrnittee has held numerous meetings in the past
six months and have spent many hours in education regarding
necessary seeps to form a Parlc District. The Committee had
also conducted a survey on a li;.ited basis, due to limited funds,
and felt that t:;ey had not receiYed a general response. i4ost
of the questionnaires had been put to the F'i0 groups. Cut of
450 questionnaires, 225 had 'peen returned, and about 75 stated
they were i_^terested in :ror'.r~ng for a district. Response fro::
q'1est1C?^.::31ra ~ UD~ ~S~rn~ i" ~>:3 r;a:~ti". :ve?iS, :•T2S primarily nega-
tive. It :ras also b_ ou~'_:t cut that people are in favor of :-:ore
uss of sc:.oois.
In recc_._ .-.: .., - -- .-- -._ -~--- = as de~ire~ the area :...3
basic~.~_;, ~ _ .,=acing to _ ?r_.:: i ~ trrappew ::~„
Council rinutes
7/18/66 Pg. 3
After talking to the advisory Planning Group of the County,
the Committee felt that ii a Park District is to be formed,
it must be on the Tax :~cll by Jamuary 1st. To this end
the goal is to get on the ovcmber ballot or ii this is not
feasible due to the District Boundaries, a special electior_
should be set.
I•ir. Bell eh-plained that t?-:ere a_re tug different districts ~rhic'r.
are possible. ;: special Parlc District encompassing the Tustin
Elementa:-y Schocl District - encluding that part in the City of
Santa :;na, or a County Service District trhich t•rould exclude
both Tustin City and Santa 'ire, ~."x. Bell stated he *.rould not
chair a Cor.r:ittea to sell the Ccunty Service District.
Advantages put forth b t e Ccr:~^.ittee are:
1) Local administration (five board members).
2) A fifteen (15) cent t<::x on an initial ballot.
I~rmediate goals are to use school sites including tiro high
schools, three intermediate schools and one school south of
the Free:•ray.
The Corr.!ittee hopes to get questior:naires in every household
trithin the next month ar_d :rill present package for Council
endcrsemer:t...then proceed or to the 5oard of Supervisors.
In ars~rer to qucsti ors frc:: Ccunci]r~.an Coco, i~ir. Bell said that
f --' ;rhen' questionnaires ~rere ser_t , people ~rere not told t're alter-
- natives to a Park and Recreation District and therefore the re-
• sponses *.sere not significant. ?~;r. Coco also ren^.arked or. the
~ ~" fact that the Cc_*r_nittee :gad been asked to have a representative
trork t:*ith the General Plar. Ce_~:.ittee and hoped T.^.PCO tsould trorlc
with the General Plan Park Sub Ccc~~nittee.
Councilman :~lingelhcfer congratulated I~Iz•. Be~1 and T!'.PCO for
their entrusiasm. Up until this point the need for recreation
facilities in the area has not been articulated through any
Councilman hiller felt that ~;hatever is done, trill be done
on faith and all that can be dcne is to make a survey of Parks
and Park Use in similar areas cf like populaticn.
Mr. Eell said trey t~rculci r_ve to do scmething constructive soon
and trould like a meeting ~~~.th members of the Council, Planning,
and Parks and tiecreation Co_~rr.~issions, and discuss all facets
and then hold a General ;•ieeting on a •ot•m ~orum basis.
The Council requested that ~r.
for t•rhen meetings t:'ili be held,
represer_tation is desired.
1. CRDI?"?~:Cr VC. ?19
well inform t're City I_dmiristra-
that aitendence of any City
i~i1Z C?,~I^;:~:~J CF it'd CITY 0;;' TUSTIN, CkI.~'O:~IvIA, :a:':i++DI.\G
SECTIv < 15-1~ 0? ~_:~ TU3TL: CITY CODE RE:~'.TIVE TC TPA
t'Rr..~'i T Il. ir'+ ~' ~'?i.J~iGTICi
i+ioved by itlirgelhofe_ , seco::ded by Ring, that Ordinance No. 19,
relative to the practice of U~ronotism, have first reading by
title only. Carried unar.i:^ously.
Council Minutes
7/18/66 Pg. 4
CALL' G :_~1:., r.JT:. _L_~_'_T'i~?.: SI11~ PE:~:~l rEFS
& OTF•~.4
.-__~ ~~L3N-
Councilman .killer questioner t're amounts scheduled for permit
fees, sc^..yi_nb he did not teal they t•rere a true evaluation of
the cost to the City and did not grant the fees lo~~rer than the
operating e;cpenses.
It tras the opirior. of the Counci 1 that the City dministrator
be directed to conduct a su•:vey and present a report of a firs?
figure evaluaticn on all types of permit costs, but that in the
meantime some fee for sign perm~.ts must be established.
;loved by Coco, seconded by ring, that Resolution T?o. 835, be
read by title only, Carried unanimously.
Moved by Ring, seconded by Coco, that Resolution ;`?o. 835,
establishing sign per:::it fees, be passed and adopted. Carried
by Roll Call. Ayes : i•:ack, I;lingelY.of er, Coco, Ring.
Noes: Iriiller. Absent: Ncne.
3. Exoneration of Relocaticn Ecnd No. 665117
I4oved by Coco, seconded by ring, that Relocation Bond No. 665117
for property located at 170 So. "A" Street, be exonerated.
~•. Approval of Demands
gloved by Ring, seconded by I~:iller, that Demands in the amount ---
of $28,8X.82, be a~N:oved and Naid. Carried.
1. Passir.~ of Chief ?~lillias~ Parker
rlayor i~iack expressed the feelings of the Council in the death
of Los '~ngeles Police Chief ?•Tilliam Parker, stating that Southern
California ::ad been blessed in having such a dedicated and
cooperative leader, and that not only ozr Police Department
but the City as a trhole trill feel the loss.
The Council authorized Chief Sissel to forurard a letter of
condolence and the Cityts appreciation to Dirs. Parker.
Areyros and Frank - re: Intersection of McFadden and Newport Aves,
The Council authorized a study of this and all intersections *frith
traffic Yiazards, ~ enable the City to program improved conditicns
in order of ir:portance due to traffic flow, etc.
Mayer ._~c:- _~..-_-- -- ._--' .,.~ :_.-- ,;journed ±,, ._ Persc:rel Sassicr_-
Pra~.:..... .:..: -_-_ _ . _ - . _ .::y, City ;._.._::.
I~_ .. :. :.- __inL, ~ ..- _..
act c ~ -.~