HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 02-09-59124
r'EI33U~~:IY 9 ~ 19 59 .
"'~1:3~?S P3LSEIIT: 3acon, `padlock, 1`leans, Siegel,
Dirs. rCrehory, Dr. Stanton.
ASSERT Clariz .
CITY c,TTGadEY Dennis D. Hayden, present.
CI'?'Y E::GIPdEE~? J. L. I~ic3ride, present.
Fleeting vras called to order by Cl;airman 3acon at 7:10 F. I.
On rrotion of I:eans, seconded by Dr. Stanton and carried,
.minutes of the last meetin; were aNproved as mailed.
An agreement fro:;, lahn, '.•dise and barber, Planning Con-
sultants, outlining the scope of a proposed I•laster
Plan for the City of '~usti::, wa^ presented for dis-
It vras raoved by Sier;el, seconded by Deans, that the
proposed agreement fora Master Plan be talten under
advisement and the Secret~:ry have copies of said
agreement made for each member of the Planning
Commission. I'lotion carried.
The hearing on proposed zoning, for the property owned
by the 'fustin Union lii~h School District was opened
at 7:30 P. M.
`here being no one present desiring to speak for
or against the proposal to zone said property .T?-l,
it cans moved by Siegel, seconded by Tadlock that the
hearing be closed. notion carried.
BESOL. 517 On motion of Siegel, seconded by Tadlocl; that
:3ESOLU'~'IOIJ 1•I0. ,517, recommending; zoning; and establish-
ADOPTED inh buildinE, lines, for the Tustin Union High School
property, be adopted. I~lotion carried, all memt~ers
present voting Aye.
On motion of Siegel, seconded by Tadlock, that the
setbac~ 'or tr.e property line on Poisson Road, for
the Darling property, be changed to conform to a
map to be presented to the mustin City Council by
City Engineer I"icBride at the hearing; to be held
before the Council on rebrurry 16, 1959. I•~otion carried.
It was :roved by Tadlock, seconded by Dr. Stanton
that the 'fustin Planning; Commission recommend to the
Tustin City Council that it be r:~ade a provision of
the 3uilding ~?egulations th«t a survey be made and
stakes set for all new construction, before buildinf;
plans are a;~proved ~:nd. Hermits issued. Motion carried.
IAA MA~3CHANT I•iotion of Siegel, seconded by I~~eans that the Secre-
ANNEX. terry be instructed to call a Public Hearing, March 9,
1959 at 7:00 o'clock P. I9, concerning the proposed
zoning; to 3-3 of property in the Ira r:archunt Annex-
ation. P~iotion carried.
~~n motion of Means, seconded by Tadlock and carried,
` the meeting wr~s adjourned.
~ A. Par
Secretary, ~~ustin Planning Commission
hai rtnan