HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 05-11-59 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION, MAY 11TH, 1959 ORD. 71 RESOL. 519 MEMBERS PRESEWT' Tadlock, Means, Siegel, Mrs. Gregory, Clark, Dr.oetanton & !~acon. ABSENT · None. City Attorney !!ayden and City Engineer McBride, oresent. Meeting was call. ed to order by C:~airman ~acon at 7'00 P. M. On motion of Siegel, seconded by Mrs. (]regory and carried, minutes of the last meeting were approved as mailed. fl :~n application by Otto F. Becker, ~,arl M. Becker and A.[ice May _~Iilton to rezone oroeerty owned by them South of First Street and East of H Street, was oresented. It was moved by Means, seconded by Sie~.~'el that said a[,~plication be received, and the Secretary instructed to call a Public Hearing,; to be held in the Council Chamber of the City of Tustin at 7:45 P. M. May 25, 1959. Motion carried. Setback requirements along First Street in Tustin were again discussed, and on. motion of Siegel, seconded by Means, and carried, the Secretary was instructed to call a hearin.;~i as oer Ordinance No. 71, to be held at 7:15 P. M., May 2{th, 1959. Chairman Bacon opened the ..earing on zoning the "Ira L. Marci:~ant Annexation No. 2." John Cozad of 15522 Sout" '."ustin Avenue was oresent, and stated that he was not opposing the R-3 Zoning, but did ask if zonin~ "ou]d not be deferred until after the right of-way for t!'e sroposed free-way ha~ been f~.l~,y established. He was informed that Ordinance No. 10~ of the C~ty of Tustin required that when property is annexed that it also be zoned. T,~ere being no one r~,resent, desiring to comment f~.~rther re~fardin~,I the Annexation, the hearing was closed. It was moved by Means, seconded by Clark that RESOLi,~TION NO. .5].9, "~; Resolution o? the Planning% Commission of r·.,~e City of Tustin, Ca].i?ornia, recommendin? zoning and buildings; li:!e setb~.~ck req~irements to be established in territory described as "Ira L. Mar- chant A.~nexation No. 2" to the City of Tustin, be ad"~oted. Motion carried, ail members oresent voting aye . N.otice of a Pub ic !learing before the Orange County Planni. g Commission for a c.hange of zone for certain propert" on Browning Avenue was r~resented to the Commission. ~fter some discussion, it was moved by Clark, seconded b.. firs. Gregory that the Tustin Pla'~.ning Commission go on record as o'>oosing any chan~.~e in zoning, on property, as described in Soctional Map I.R.S.-12, Exhibit E, and the Or;~nge County Pla~ning Commission be so informed. Motion carried. 1 '2 8 it was moved ~y Means, second, ed by Si. egel that the meeein~.~ he ~ ,~ · .... a, journed until ? O0 P. M..., May 25, 19 59. Motion carried. A. O. Pa (1 o,ccretar.v, Tust[n Planning Commission Cha i rman -