HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 05-25-59MINUTES OF A REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION, MAY 25, 1959. ?:I:~!UTES OF A REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETI ~'~ ~,~, 0i'''~ THE TUSTIN PLA~'NIWG.'~ . COMMISSION, MAY 25, 19.59. MEMBERS PRESENT' Bacon, Tadlock, Means, Siegel & Dr. Stanton. A B.i-J ENT · Clark & Mrs. Gregory. uity '~ At torney, Dennis D. H;~?,den :.~nd City Engineer J. L. Mc!~ride, present. C!';airman !3acon cal'led the meeting to order at 7'15 P. M. and ooened the hearing on ..Building Line Setback requirments for First Street. A letter from Mr. Wayne F. Mullin, President of the Mul!i~ Lumber Co. was reed, ~rotesting the rro~osed setback requirements. Anott~er communication from Mr. Victor J. Green was read., a~oprovin~ the oro~osed set back reaui~ements City Attorney Dennis D. Ha:..'den gave a brief explanation of t e ourr, ose and ad. vant,:~ges of adoptin'~ the ~ro~osed building · , ~': · line setback ~oth City Attorney i{ayden and Engineer [Ac~rlde answered w~rious q~estions from those ~resent. There being no one ~resent desirinf{ to protest, it was moved by Siegel, seconded by Means, t'.at the hearing be closed. Motion carried. After a brief discussion it was moved by Siege], seconded RESOL. , . "A RESOI:~..ION 0 T 520 by Means that Resolution No 520, . . PLAN~ING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF '?.IJ~TI~!, CAI.IFORNIA, ADOPTED ~{zCOMME'NDING C}{:~NGES Ih T!fE BUILDING 1.INE SETBA.,,K REQUIRE- MENT$ FOP. PROPERTY FRONTING ON FIRST STREET IN THE CITY OF TUSTI"J," be adopted. Motion carried., ali_ members present voting Aye. Chairman Bacon omened the hear~n~~ on an application by Otto F. Becket, Carl M. :'~ecker and Alice May f{Jlton on rezonin~ to C-2 From M-1 of property owned by them, East of "~" Street and South of First Street. T:~ere bei. n;.~ no one,.,~resen+-., desirin? to orotes+~, it was moved by Tadlock, seconded by Dr. Stanton that the hearing be closed.. Motion carrY, ed. " ':o 521, Siegel moved, seconded by Means, that Resolution .,.. recommended the change in zonin~ From M-1 to C-2 as requested by Otto F. Becker, Carl M. qecker and Alice May !.!ilion, be adoote~. Motion carried, all members nresent voting Aye. RESOL. 5~1 ADOPTED On motion of Dr. Stanton, seconded by Means and csrried, t'e meeting was ~,!ourned. A. O. Park, :~ecretary, '~'ustin Planning Commission· ' Ch'a i rman ~