HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 10-13-59MINUTES OF A RGULAR MEETING OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 13TH, 1959 · madlock, Means, '~lark & [,11 tchell. i',i~S[.:NT · Sie~o] ~ Mrs. Gre~:ory. ~ITY .... """" "' '~ITY [{N'S ivw=p ' r · McBride, . ........... ~. present ADOPTED Meeting was called to order at 7'00 P. M. by C,lttirman ~,~..o., Means moved, seco:'i~'ted by Mitchell that minutes of re~-~ular meet lng of' SeF, tem~.~er la, ]-959, ;,'.djourned meet- in,js of September 21st and 28th, 1959 be :~pproved as mailed. Motion carried. A copy of ,', letter from John A. Sie;?el to Tt~stin City Uouncil was red-:d, in whi. ch he re~uested that his resijnation t:o thc Tu?tin Pl.~'.nning Commission be accepted at once. Lawrence A. wise,,. , of :{~hn, "/i',;e. anti B;~,.rber, t"lanning Consult~nt.~:,,, notieied, the Planning Commission,. , that he de~;i, reda ~:tudy session on the new Zoning{ Ordinance, November 10th. T[',e Secret:~ry w~':s ordered to notify him the date w~s s~.~tisf'~ctory. John , Siegel's ~ t,e w,,,, ". ..et r a', or.tiered receive(] and filed· Ch.,.~irm?':.n !{,'.t:;on or.:ene~.~ the ?',earl,hi.; on zoning the "Pres- cott-~;~]mer Annexation" at 7'1~ P. M. City Engineer Mc3ride submitted, rn~:s, .,.,'~es~;n~tin.''.,. ~'~i.. ,.~ recommen~ations Fo-. .,"etbacks ~n(] zo'n~'~. .,~.~. Aft, er ~. ~]on(~ral dis~u~sion. ,, .. '~' ~ec')nded by Mitchell from tho:;e r.-osen~ ,,a~;ns move:I, that the hearinE be clo~c.d. Motion c;~rried. it w~.~; :'.:oved by C1;.,,rk, seconded by Me.ans that [~!'i;OLU'£iO~'..~ ?:0. 523, recoumendin~] zoninil ;,nd building line ,setbacks for t, he "t-re:scott !3almer Annexation" be adopted. Mot[on carried, ~11 members present votini; ~ye. ;'ie~ins moved, seconded by Mitcl;e]! that the meeting be ~(ij~urned. Motion carried. A. O. P~trk, ~ustin l~!anning Commission Secretnry, ~ Chairman -