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PC Minutes 12-12-60
1 bti MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING. TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION December 12, 1960 Meeting called to order a~ 7:..30 P. M.~by Chairman Bacon.. .~ ~~~ _' PRESENT Bacon, Gray, Siegel, Humeston, Sheridan, Mitchell, Clark ABSENT None CITY ENGTNEEB Present CITY ATT08NEY Present Moved by Mr. Gray, seconded py 'Mr. Mitchell,, t~tat minutes. of November 14th and November 28th meetings tfe approved as mailed and received. Motion carried. ~ Leiter of Mr. Cris Lindley, President of Lemon.Heights . •. . ~ Investment Corporation read by the Secretary. . Q Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by Mr. Humeson, that inasmuch as the applicant has requested that the matter of its request for rezoning be continued until a report has been filed by the Planning Consultant, the hearing be contiriLted until after receipt of the Planning Consultant's report and at that time that this matter be set for hearing with new notices to be given to all parties concerned. Motion carried. h~~~~ Hearing on zoning end setbacks for the Marshall Annexation A opened at 7~35_P• M. • Secretary read letter of recommendations for said zoning and setbacks from City Engineer, J. L. McBride. There being no objections or questions the hearing was dec~lar~d closed. Moved by Mr. Siegel, seconded by , Mr. 6ber~c~an'~=~jthatcre~om~en- dati©ns of the City Engineer be approved and recommended to the City Council. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Gray, seconded by Mr. Clark, that Secretary write to the County Planning Commission stating that this Commission would like to go on record as a,~Proving CP 937 ~ permitting the construction of the First Baptist Church on the most westerly corner of Bed Hill Ave. and SanJuan St. and a copy of letter be sent to J. T. McInnis of Orange. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Siegel, seconded by Mr. Gray, that Secretary write to the County Planning~Commission stating that this Commission would like to go on record as approving CP 93$ permitting a Protestant Episcopal Church on Wass St., north- east of Tustin, and copy be sent to Mr. J. T. McInnis. Motion carried. Moved^by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Siegel, that Secretary write County Planning Commission stating that the Tustin Planning Commission has no objections to UV4654, permitting a temporary sales office in Tract No. 3779. Motion carried. Tentative tract map No. 3994 presented with a letter from Pollard and Greenwood. 34 ~ryry ~~4 Moved by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Humeston that tentative Tract Map No. 3994 be approved as presented: in accordance .with subdivision Ordinance of the City of Tustin. Motion carried: Moved by Mr.S~~geg, seconded~by Mr. Gray, that Preliminary Map of Lots 5 and 6 in Lot "E" of B. A. Lewis addition to the Town of Tustin, be approved with the condition that sidewalks and curbs be installed on entire parcel ~f lots 4, 5 and 6. Motion carried. : . Chairman Bacon set January 9th, 1961 as hsaring.date before the Planning Commision for zoning and setbacks for the South Tustin Annexation No. 2. Moved by Mr. Sheridan, .seconded; by. Mr. Gray, that meeting be adjourned. ..Motion carried. ~, . _ th C. Poe Secretary . ~ . ,. .. yr