HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 04-13-61ZONE HEARING
APRIL 13, 1961
,,,v~,,, H EA }{ z Nu
Before the
April 1), 176].
He,'~ring c~:!led to or'~er ~.t 7'30 P.H. by Chairm;~n Bacon.
PtiI.:SENq.' Bacon, Siegel, Hume:.;ton, Cl:,.r'k, Gray, Mitchell
ABSENT' Sher i dan
CZTY ENGINEI,iH · }:resent
'~lTv. ATTORNEY' Present
· A,..con turned the meeting over'
After we'ic, orr;ing those [)resent, Mr ~'~
to I','Ir. Wi'~.~_., P].anning Consultant, who exnlained, th,'.; purpose or. the
hearing and method of presentation.
Corresi;ondence was re. ad by the City Clerk. Said c~)rresi,cndence now
or. file with the Planning Comr, i:::~ion for further study.
Zon.ing Or, iinance and Reguiatlons expl~ined by Mr. Wise·
The following comments were made a.t comp!etlon of said explanations'-
George :~roo~ne!]., L~L~0 Pacific Street spoke for "P" Zoning
rProfessional) to be used ~s a buffer zone rather than
H-3. He feels there are too many apartments proposed for
the e, ity whlch ruins tax base and lowers school revenue.
Howard Robertshaw, 1829 Loma }loja, owner of i)ronerty., within
the c~ty, spoke sup!.,ortYng positior of Charles Greenwood as
per letter of Mr. Greenwood.
Q. I,. }ta. rdy, owner, of ,nro,.c~tY:"~ at 440 W. First Stre~,~* auest~on-. _
ed phraseology of ~'
~ectlon 3.4', a.~; to prol)erty corning into the
ci. ty as "U" b'istri, ct and Use Permit required for any improve-
merits on property. Answer by Hr. Wise - "U" District for new
districts annexed to the city as an interim district. All
pro~:.erty will come in with no use permitted without a Use
Permit, unti'l the. Planning Commission can properly zone after
study and hearings.
Russel Quackenbush, 1796~ Wellington, asked' What are the
distinctive values of B Zones as attached to H-1 in preference
to E-4 or similar zoning.
Mr. Wise answered that in B Zones, different lot sizes could
be sat up to an acre or more. This is more adai,tabie. A lot
of the north area shou]a be R-I m~nimum combined w~th B-1
snd that further up towar'd the hill area this zoni. ng c~)uld
provide for larger qots and ~ive the -~,~,~,,]e the :;rotect~on
off acre or 1/2 ~tcre zoning, if combine(t with B-] or B-4.
Eugene Jacobson, property owner:ha Tust~,n, stat. ed seri.~:us
consid,=.r;~t :~c.r', should be giver, to ~..:[of, ting the county
zoning, using the same. wording instead of B Zoning. Some
po!nts in H-i cou].~i cause ~ ].essoning cf restr, i~tions.
haymc)nd Watson, Irv lne Co., asked ~f there is any Haster
Flan of Greater Tustin Area, wi~ch ~ol~Ic'i allow the areas to
Oe annexed to have some understanding of the l~lans of the
Council. Al:.;c asked if th..re was any consideration of an
excJusive Industrial Zone, rather than a more ~ncl. usi. ve zone.
Er. W~se answered thab the Co~]ncil and Planning Commission had
considered doing a general plan but felt at that time it was
best not to get involved with area outside the City i.imits.
In answer to the second quest~on, he stated that both M Zones
proposed are exclusive and do not allow other uses other than
planne..i manufacturing. ? M is re. ore exclusive than the straight
M District as it does spell out more in detail the type of
uses a'.lowed. One weakness is that M Zone will allow certs~n
retail uses.
There being no further questions on the Ordinance, discussion
was opened on Zoning Mai.;. Map was taken section by section.
South ,.~f oa.~ta Ana Freeway.
Mr. ~ricker, property at ~.rtheast corner of Tustin
and McFadden, checke;i on zoning for this corner.
SECT'iON II Mair~. Street to Santa Aha Fr<:eway and South B Street
to interchange at proposed New~ ort Freeway.
Mr. Fred Storey, ~40 W. Main Street, said he was
not pleased with ti-.j along ?,~a~n Street and t~t
some study should be made. R-3 may be acceptable
along Freeways.
George Broomell, ~05 Pacific, read a petition from
21 residents on Pacific between Main and Sixth
Streets, o!posing zone changes. Said the same
people would object to any H-3 more than 200'
from the Santa Aha Freeway. (Petition filed with
Mrs. B. Boosey, read a petition from Main Street
residents objecting to R-3 zoning. (Petition filed
with Secretary).
Mrs. Feather.:tone, a55 Pacific asked if there was
any reason why residents could ~ot vote on zoning
changes. Mr. Wise exp]ainod reasons for He:,.~rings
in l~u of voting.
Mr. J. Sauers, 5]-3 South Pacific, asked ~f the
reason for H-3 Zoning was because of land-locked
property, couldn't "A" Street be extended or
Cul-De-Sac made.
Mr. Featherstone, ~55 Fa. cific Street, said he
regarded Pacific Street as a residential community
and was against any H-3 ~ '
Mr. Jack Mason, 45~ S~xth Street, asked to go on
record as oF. posed to H-3 on Sixth Street.
Mrs. Linker, Sixth Street, stated she opposed
on S~xth Street.
Mr. Wickham, owner of property on West Main Street,
stated th:~t 330 feet de~p lots deserve something
more than R-1 Zoning.
SECTION III From South B Street east to City Limits and South of
Main Street.
Dr. Stanton, Laguna Road, opposite the High School,
stated he is against ti-3 for triangular shaped
property 65' deep on the East end, 146' deep on
the West and 165 feet on Laguna Hoad. Property
~s adjacent to the Santa Aha Freeway and Laguna
Road and too noisy for residential use and the
shape do~.~s notice, nd itself to sensible design of
apartments and the adjacent property i.s now in
a C use.
S:~;CTICN IV North of Ma~,n Str~:,et to Fi. rst Strce.~t and B Street
to Tustin Avenue; Mr. 'Don Heffner, 525 Third Street,
opposed to zoning for this area. ~ies]dents would be
surrounded by multiple zoning from R-3 to C-1 an~.
ranging from a 3 block radius to ]/2 block. This ts
pr'esent]y a single dwelling area. He would rather
see block zoning to R-3 comf~lete].y than leave an
~s!and of residents surrounded by multiple dwellings
and commercial zoning.
SECT~ ~'.~ V
Main Street to First Street and B Street to New-
. "~ '~ owner of Northwest
port Avenue ~r. onyder,
corner of Freble Drive, objected to the charade
from C-2 to ~-3. Property i.'.; surrounded by C-!
and C-2. F.e has been refused multiple dwelling
use on this ~roperty becau:;e of sewage.
SECTION VI All property in the ci. ty North of F~rst Street.
,~eorge Broomell, a40 ;~acific, asks that C-o ~oning
be kept on Dunston property, North o.f 17th Street,
as it Y s tee close to the l'~roposed New~.~ort Freeway
For ~ousihg.
G. Enderle, ask~..ng for C-2, adjacent to Newport
Freeway. 'dhen Yorba Stre~t is rel¢;:at, ed to the
East it wi. Il leave a 200' str~t~. Would like to
maint;~n this m. rop¢.rty as C-2.
V. Boyd, 1758]. Yorba, recommends C-2 on 17th Street
and [~-3 on ut~ between Yorba and Newport Fr:~eway.
T. W. Newmann, 17561. Eddy Drive., stated he is anxious
to see North area remain a.t least H-1 or better.
Commercial or multiple zoning will tend to degrade
the R-i area.
Bill Nickels, 17571 Leaf wood Lane, wants the area
to remain residential, H-1 or better to
Seve~!teenth Stre,.,t shoul.~2 be kept a'good looking
Mr. {4uackenbush asked why b-1 is not designated in
the zoning now. Mr. Wise answered that the city
wanted to see development of lot size in area and be
sure of s~zes set out. Probably would recommend B-1
or better. Mr. Zuackenbush - The Freeway should be
the commercial boundary. East of the Freeway would
have to be large developments to survive and small
businsss would add nothing to the area.
There being no further comments, the Hearing wa.c; continued to
May 16tha' *.. ?'3u,'~ P.M. ~'~... the Tu:;t~_n Youth Center.
' Cha I rman
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