HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 10-09-61 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 9, 1961 VPES OF A I{~,.~GULA}{ MEETING TUSTIN PI.ANNING COMMISSION October 9, 1961 Meeting c,~lled to order t)y Mr Sheridan at 7'q'~ P M ~.4.. .. . ~...~ · . l;.q ESENT ' ABSENT · C]'TY ~NulNEER' C!TY ATTORNEY' MitcheTM:-, Humes~.on, She r' ~ dar. ,, Mueller Gray - Bacon* Mr. McBride, pre, sent Mr. llourke, present ,'~. N N i';XA:P ! i']'(GT~,,. :.aX S M ['4 h' '¢' ' · -'TON · ,~ . k-'3 and R-2 i"i'.CI:'LE W}iC HAD COMHENTS TO F., A KL iii"A:i iN'3 CLOSED On :nOt l[c'.n by M,r. Mitchell, seconded by Mr Hum--~,'~~. the minuL~s of September ~ .lth m~rul;~r lEe(m2~ : .... ., . ,.,rig were ~tlm'?j.:rOVed as mail. ed aris received. Motion carried. ce, tbacks for Ben Heari. n'-~.o on Zen inF. ~td ~'- Brown Annexation was osened at 7'/40 PM. * , I,' ff- Hecom:nenda,.'ions oe City ..noineer that the~rea west o., +.he frontase road be zoned H-3 and that the p~rce! lying east of the .frontage ro~.d be zomed was read by the secretary. The fo].!eAng:."e "SOnS.. WCr~. heard by the commission' Mr. Fi.l~nt, buyer of the property re- quested i{-3 zoning on enster'ly piece for garden t~._,~e ap~rtn~nts., and requested C-2 on parcel on we:;ter]y side of frontage road. * Chairman Bacon arrived ,and. took over' thc meet, lng. Mr. Kozad informed the commission that he was in e~vor. . of C-,_° zoning on area within annexation .and th' ~ - , ,-~ he has requested C 2 . ,, on his !:.rooerty north o, from the count~ the annexat ion. inhere being no furthe~ comments or qu~stio,~ the hearing was decl~tred closed. Moved by Mr. r~uel, l~r, seconded by Mr. Humeston, theft the recomr~.endations of the U"it.,.,- Er~ineer_.o be ap~e~,t, ed..~ . and recommenda- ~iLy Ccart...~ L ape ~n Ben BPown Annex~t~on be zoned, as per srtjd Pecommen:tation. Motion caPPie6 by Po].l oa]l, a.;~ mom~e~o nre~;enL vo~n~ Aye. Zoning and Setb.-'tc.k ii~n-qr, J ng on the V~m,-terlip & Rowan Annexa,..i(.~n was o~)e:~ed at 8'05 P.M. 3ecre, t:~ry re~d the reco...q:..enda~ion~ of' the City " "In ali probabi].ity, the new ,.ng ln,':er that, zoning cr,.linar:ce wtl[[ h;~.ve been adopted ~r'lor to the comp'et, ion of the annexatfon ~ro- ceedings. This ordinance provides tbst all ~ .:mn .. x .. ... ha ..... have an in~ti~] zoning that respectively corresponds with the county ,zontu%'t However, to comply with present or'ffinance it ~:; recomt:~ended that all E-4 and H-1 areas be "oned h-1 and that all R-) be zoned li-) and that !OO-C].-la,O30 be classified C-1. The Commissinn heard comments an(t (tuusf.~ons from the fol !ow:,ng' G. Staves Mr. L. Silver Mr. B. Banyard Mr. De. 1 Federman !:'ir. Kirn M. Larson J. Wiley Mr. Heil The hearing was declared closed at 8'55 t;'.M. ACC~'.x At,~E (OF' EN(}INEEI'i' S HE- C OM i"iEN' ~ ~ , .)"., I ON ~.hD t,m,O I"iENDED TC CITY COUNCIL FOil ADOPTIC'N Koved by Er. Mue].ler seconded by Mr. Sheridan, th.'-~t the recomc, en2ations of the City Engineer be accepted and recommended to the C~ty Council for adoption. Motion carried by roll call. All =,, ..... rs ~)re:; .t voting Aye ,. seconded by Mr. Muel].er ~",oved by Kr. 5herldan, that corres,.~ondence be received, and fi]ed. RECEIVED & ';'~iLED Motion c?.rr'icd. lfeco:.~:t..'~en.'tati~)ns From the City Council for further study and re:)or't from the Commission on certain changes in proposed zorin;~ ordinance were read F.,I~. MUELLE:i D] S(j. JAL IF ILD AS HE WAS NOT A E!;MBER THEN · . ~ ° ed fr ],'ir. ,~"[u,:?]qe- was a'i:;q:t::~li; i orn voting on the f'o!]owing ~::otion.s an he w~':.'-', not a member at the E,-.v*d h,, :.'ir. Humes~.cn, seconded by Mr Mi. tche]~ that r,:co~.'',_ ,.,L,er.,~".,~'ons by 2he council that the area :n t. he Yorba Street A'nnexatlon remain presently zonc,i be accepted, t~o'~] Call' Ayes' Hum. ston, Mftche Noes ~;uridar:, ._ '-]ecrc[:!,.r'y di ?coted t,:.,, i:'..form the Council that the Co.'.'.,;::,::.."ion returns thc above without recommendat ion. ACCEPTANCE CF ...... -,.':: HE ."~EV EHE AIl NEX:\T 1 ON !'.loved by Mr. Sheridan, ,,eccnded by Mr. Humeston th:,.t the re.~ue.st that property wit. bin the Hevere Annexation remain as ~resent]y zonpd, by approved ~s recommended by the Counc~!. Notion carried by r~].] cnll. /.yes' Bacr~n, Sheridan, '"',wed hv i,lr Sh:'~.,~;d,.':,: seconded by Mr Mitchell. ''~' 't · "" ~ ''~ ,' of ,-':ixon Tubbs on Virst Stre,'t, t: ha t ~ ro i- e: rt., ' . houri:led, wes+~ by '~usti. n A~,e., e~st by Pre,way and triangular ~iece east of Freeway be left u-~. as ~',re~antly zcned as oer rc~omm~naat~on of the Coun~'~ Hot'on c~:rried. Hol] Ca~l' Ayes Bacnn, Humeoton, M~tohe] ~ Ch,~ridan Noes' None 1 9'2 ,.,ove(~ by Fir. ".: -,- ''~, r, " ~ ,.he. i.u:~..., :~ec(:nded by, !.'Ir. .Ki. tche!'l t.h;~i, t,r'oi:,erty (:,n F}.r~;t Str~et From [)acked u~:. by i:-~ as opll.linally rec¢)mmended by the Planning Commission. [dotlon carried by r(,l] ca.i - Ayes' !!aeon, Humeston, Mitchell, )ioved by Mr. JherJ. dan, seconded by Mr. liume.'stor: that two 1. ot.,'~ ()n "B" Str,:et, proa, erty of Wi.iTi~am Moses, Tut;tin News, as shown on map be zoned !.'.1~. ~is Der rcque~;t of the Council. Hotion carried. Hell call: Ayes: Eaeon, Humeston, ~]itche~ dherl~-~..~(','.~' '~ .~ None Moved by Fir. Hu'ne.~;ton, seconded by F~r. )li tche]! that re,qo,~mend.~tion$ of the ~ounci] to delete *ha. ]a:;t... sentence of Sea*ion 5.°2,_ be acceoted s., ~ · Hction e~.rr'~ed, t!oil cai]: Ayes: Humeston, Flttche]!, Sheridan. Noes: B~icon. Hoved by ~dr. S.herid~n, s~?conded by Mr. Mitchell th:~t the Plan:'~ng Co:;u'ni :;:;ion not ify the City Council of t, be above reconmendati, ons at their next regu.L::r meet lng. ~7~t!on carried. Cetober 23rd at 7'30 i).r.l, was set f()r t'r'.e hour an,J. ,'i:~ ,~ of iiear':ng on Variance re~!~t~;t: of . l'i;~ r'chant. C,n motion of !.!r. Oher'idan, seconded by )ir. b!i. tche"], nr.d duly carr'ied, the meeting was ad j~urned. ~a [ rman /