HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 05-28-62MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION May 28, 1962 Meeting called to order at ?'30 P.M. by Chairman Bacon. Pre sent ' Bacon, Sheridan, Mitchell, Mueller, Morris, Smith, Berlin Attorney kourke, Present. Engineer McBride, Present. MINUTES APPHOVED OF APRIL 25th and MAY 14th Moved by Mr. Morris, seconded by Mr. Smith, that Minutes of April 25th Specisl Meetin~ and May 14th Regular Meeting be approved as mailed and received. Motion carried. HhARING ON LAHWIN SQUARE FROM C-I to C-2 Hearing on Larwin Square Zone Change Application No. 62-104 to reclassify Larwin Square from C-1 to C-2 was opened at ?:35 P.M. ~iSCUSS]ON ON ABOVE Correspondence from Victor and HeIen Green, 1061 Bryan Avenue, stating approval of change to C-2 was read by Secretary. Mr. Rose of Larwin Square spoke ex- plaining necessity of change. CLOSED There being no objections or further discussion, the hearing was declared closed at ?'38 P.M. ADOJ~:Ti ON OF hEScLUTION NO. 563 HE ZONE CHANGE FHOM C-1 TO C-2P Moved by Mr. Mueller, seconded by Mr. Mitchell, that Resolution No. 563, recommending to the City Council that Larwin Square Zoning be changed from C-1 to C-2P, be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call - all members voting Aye. UP A:'PLICAq'ION HEAi~ING OF LA~{WIN SQUAtiE HE NON- FLASH].NG SIGNS Hearing on U.P. Application No. 62-107. of Larwin Square to permit lighted non- flashing signs attached to buildings at #644, #624, #608 and #'50~ E. First Street was opened at 7:48 P.M. · ~ I qC Ilo o ~ ON Mr. Hose of Larwin Square spoke ex- plaining locations of signs. HEA~{]NG CLOSED There being no objections or further comments, the hearing was declared closed at 8'45 P.M. ADuPTION OF tlESULUTION NO. UP 62-107 Moved bo.' Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Berlin that tiesolution No. 634, grant- ing U.P. 62-107 to Larwin Square, be passed and adopted. Motion carried. HEAiY.[NG OJ-'ENED ON UP APPLiC~.~TiON OF CaL-VA DAIRY Hearing on U.P. Application of Cal.-Va Dairy to permit lighted freestanding signs onl7th Street and on Yorba Street opened at ?:48 P.M. DISCUSSIon Mr. Powell of Powell Neon Company explained size and location of signs as shown on plans. O}3jECTION5 TO LIGHTED SIGNS ING CLOSED HESTH I C T I ON S WHEhEBY THE UP WOULD BE GHANTED Mr. Wm. Harmon spoke objecting to large lighted signs on l?th Street stating that such signs would be a detriment to the community. There being no further comments the hearing was declared closed at 8'10 P.M. After a discussion by the Commission as to uses permitted under the conditions of UP granted to Cal-¥a Dairy to conduct their retail business at this location, the attorney read the following restrictions as set forth in Resolution No. 555. UP nPPLIC~iTI~N OF CAL_VA oA1HY CONTINUED TO JUNE llth HE~i~iNO oN VAIl. 62-117 i~E POOL AND SETBACKS OPENED DISCUSSION ADOPTION 0E RES.NO.565 GRANT. VAi{IANCE No.62--117 HEAlilNG OPENED ON Z.C. 12-101 RE TANCHEDI DISCI~SSION HEAhlNG CLOSED TnNC:iEDI ZONE CHa~OE AtPL. 'I',~KEN UNDER SUBI~'i ISSION (a) That the use permitted be limited to retail drive-in sales of mi].k products. (b) That there be no wholesales. (c) That there be no milk processing operations, no milk route base or station operations, or other uses or operations conducted on said pro- perty other than as specifically herein permitted. Moved by Mr. Mueller, seconded by Mr. Smith, that hearing on UP Application of Cal-Va Dairy be con- t inued to June llth, when a member of Cal-Va Dairy. can be present to explain discrepancy in the Word ~bott]ing' appearing on s~gns and restrictio~t .... ... / forth in Resolution No. 555. Motion carried. Mr. Morris abstained. Hearing on Greene Variance No. 62-117 to permit a 6 foot setback of pool from owner's dwelling and 20 foot setback from garage attached to dwelling of adjoining property opened at 8'1.5 P.M. Mr. Hobert Elliott of Tahitian Pools spoke in behalf of Variance and explained plans. There being no objections or further discussion, the hearing was dec].ared closed. Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by r'lr. Berlin that Resolution No. 565, granting Variance No. 62-~17 be passed and adopted. Motion carried by ~oll Call, Ayes: Bacon, Sheridan, Smith, Mitchell, Morris, Berlin. Noes: Mueller. }{earing on Zone Change Application No. 12-101 of H. Tancredi continued from May 14th meeting was reopened at, 8'~0 P.M. Mr. Harry Tancredi spoke requesting the Commission grant the C-1 as requested or R-3 and C-1 if this was felt to be best for this location on Fourth Street. There being no objections or further comments, the hearing was declared closed at 8'35 P.M. Moved by Mr. MorrJ. s, seconded by Mr. Sheridan that the Tancredi Zone Change Application be taken under submission awaiting a study of the Tustin Planners and County Planners of the prooerty East of Newport H['.A:IING ON UP62-109 RE LA RUE CLEANERS 0 ? EN ED NO OBJECTIONS OR COMMENTS ~ESOLUTION NO. 566 G~ANT1NO SAID UP 62-109 PASSED aND ADOPTED HE~diiN(J GPENED ON ORD. 175 A~iENDING ZONING 0HD. 157 H EAtl iNC- CLOSED ORDiNaNCE NO. ].75 TO BE RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPT. I~'~)B~CT IONS TO SEGTIONAL DIST. MAP IRS-12 HECOI~I','~END~T1 ON TO COUNT]' }'i,AN. COM. OF ADOI-'TION OF ~iXH1BIT '0' OF SEC.MAP IRS-J2 WiTH EXCEPTIONS NO OBJECTIONS TO UV4942 No OBJECTIONS TO ~[';END. NO. ~6 RE AkTEIiiAL HIGHWAYS EOMM]SSICN OPPOSED TO GHANTING OF ~v4895 C OHRESPONDENCE RECEIVED AND F Il, ED ~ESO. NO. 567 ~,EAD IN ITS EN T ] RETY Freewy to Holt Avenue and North from First Street to Santa Clara Avenue. Motion carried. Hearing on UP 62-109 Application of Jacobson Corp. for La Rue Cleaners to permit a Dry Cleaning Establishment in Tustin Square opened at 8' 40 P.M. There being no objections or ccmments, the hearing was declared closed. Moved by Mr. Morris, seconded by Mr. Smith, that Hesolution No. 566 granting said UP 62-109 be passed and adopted. Motion carried by Roll Call, all members voting Aye. Hearing on Ordinance No. 175, amending certain portion of Zoning Ordinance No. 157 opened at 8'45 P.M. There being no discussion, hearing was declared closed. Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Morris, that Ordinance No. 175, amending sections of O~tnance No. 157, be recommended to the Council for adoption. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Morris, that Orange County Planning Commission be advised that this Commission has no ob- jections to Sectional District Map IHS-12 Exhibit P. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Morris, seconded by Mr. Smith, that County Planning Commission be advised that this commission wishes to respectfully recommend the adoption of Exhibit '0' of Sectional Map IRS-12 with the exception that all property being considered. South of First Street be zoned R-4. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Morris, seconded by Mr. Sheridan that Secretary wri~the County Planning Com- mission stating no objections to UV4942. Motion carried. Move'd by Mr. Morris, seccnded by Mr. Sheridan that Secretary write County Planning Commission stating no objections to proposed Amendment No. 36, Master Plan for Arterial. Highways. Motkn carried. Moved by Mr. Mueller, seconded by Mr. Morris, that Secretary advise the County Planning Commission that this Commission is ~posed to the granting of UV 4985 as being con- ducive to spot zoning. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by Mr. g~lth that correspondence be received and filed. Motion carried. Hesolution No. 567, reeuesting Planning and Zoning Study and requesting deference of action upon Variances and rezoning in the area of study, read in its entirety by the Secretary. 221 ADO~'TiON OF RES0. NO. 567 INDUSTRIAL PARK COMMITTEE FORMED Moved by Mr. Mueller, seconded by Mr. Mitchell that Resolution No. 567, be passed and adopted. Motion carried by Roll Call, all members voting Aye. The following were asked to serve on the In- dustrial Park District Committee' M. Sheridan, chairman, R. Smith, F. Morris and O. Muel]er. Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by Mr.Mitchell that meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. Rut~C. ~Pge, Secretary Planning ~ommi ss ion