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PC Minutes 08-13-62
MIN~'ffi --{tF, A BEGUTAR MATING TUSTIN ~LANI~'ING COMMISSION August 13, 1962 Meeting called to order at 7:33 P.M~ by Chairman Bacon. .. - Present: ~ Bacon, Sheridan, Mitchell, Morris, Smith t ~ t ~ t t '~ Absent: Mueller, Bourett City Engineer McBride, present City Attorney Bourke, present APP .OVAL OF $ JULY 238D MINUTES Moved by Mr.. Sher , seconded .b „,_, _ Mitchell that Minu~tes~ of J5x1 2 rd'' Me~~u ar y 3 g ~ . Meeti be a ng pproved as mailed and received. Carried. ~ - .. ~ . - TBUXTON C08P. Hearing on-UP 62-1-13, Truxton Corp., .to ' ' - ~HEABING OPENED per~tit a dire©tional sign 10' x 25 c~ia the West. side,. of Tustin Avenue, ap- - ppr~~oxi~tate~y 1300' South of Main Streets , ' Ta~st Vin, was ,opened at 7:35 P. M . - ::.. - DISCUS5ION ~ Application reed by Secretary. ABOVE '. ~ Mr. Jack Godwin representing Truxton 'Core. ~ . , and. Mr. We1Ch off' Carder Sign Company spoke, explaining location and necessity .. of sign. TBUXTON HEARING There being- no ob~ectiois or further CLOSED .comments the Hearing was declared closed ~ M . .. .: at. 7:40 Moved. by Mr. Sheridan,. seconded by Mr. TBUXTON H~rAING Morris that Hearin •VroB applic8tion ':, 62-113 of firuxton ~orp. be continued to ~°~ TO ~BE CONTINUED ~ next re'gular' meeting for further c1aPi- TO NEXT REGULAR fication as to location of sign as to MEETING the. Freeway and applicant to furnish the;cofimission with additional detailed maps. M`ot'ion carried. COCHBAN HEARING Hearing on qJP application No. 6~-1Y4 OPENED of Walter L. Cochran to permit a tare and auto service shop at 4~.5-425 First Street ,,opened at 7:50 P.M. t ' There being no comments or ob3ections,i CLOSED the Hearing was declared closed at 7:51 P.M. Moved-by Mr. Mitchell, seconded by Mr. ADOPT,~~.O1J~,N~ OF ~ Sherldari' that 8esolution No. 575, grant- HE$OLtTMON Nq. ing UP 62-1I4, subject to the closing ~?5 GRANTING of the old driveway on the West side of OCHRAN UP62-114 property and the conveyance to the City WITN SPECIAL by owner of a 10' strip on First Street RECOMMENDATIONS ' to corii'`orm` with 50' right of way. Motion TO BE CA88IED OUT carried by roll call, all members present voting Aye. 1 UP 62-11 H$ARINC~ OPENED BT VAN BARNh''VEL,ti PERMIT DISCUSSION HEARING CLO~SEA ADOPTION OF BESOL.~5576 APPBt~VI~TG UP62-115 $100 HEK~l.~1L BOND. TO BE POSTED Hegri.ng -nn UP 62-11.5 application of Van Barneveld Advertising 'inc. ~to pe"rtnit a 12' x 24' tract sign at 17240 Seventeenth Street opened at 8 P,M. Mr. D.~Hayden of Union Sign Co. spoke on behalf of Mr. _, urn B~rrneveld. There bein~~no;ob~ections.or further comments, the Hearing. teas declared closed at 6:02 P.M. -Moved by. Mr. smith, seconded byy Mr. Mitchell, that Resolution°No.'5fi6 approving UP 62-115 application for a period of one year subject to a $100.00 removal bond. Motion carried by roll call, all members present voting Aye. ~ Hearing on Zone Change Application No..62-107 of HEARING ON ZC' 62~107. Philip Ebel Estate to rezone property at 155 W. RE EBEL ESTATE Third Street, corner "C" Street from R-3 to C-2 - OPENED opened at 8:05.P.M. Mr. Lloyd T. Ebel, Executor, stated property was DISCUSSI0~1 too small to be used for apartments and could not be utilized as such. There being no~rob~ectionsor further comments, the HEARING CLOSED Hearing was declared 'closed at 8:20 P.M. ~iONE CHANGE Moved by r'jr. She,~idan,. tY~at Zone Application No. DENIED ~ - 62-107, Ebel E~tats be denied. Motion di@d for lack of a second. - Moved by Mr.. Morris, seconded by Mr. Mitchell that ' apppli~cat~ion be approved as submitted. Motion Sailed:B ~ies:.Morris, Mitchell. Noes: Sheridan, mith, acon.. - ~- DISC'US~1~ON ABOUT Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Morris that B~EZONING ' necessary. stepps be taken to zone Ebel ~'operty " " ' on corner of Th ird and C Street and pity T property on .bird Street all C_2P~ Above motion and second withdrawn. Moved by Mr,. Smith,. seconded by Mr. Morris that Resolution No. 57? recommending to the council APPLICATIC?~1 that Application No. 62-107 be denied without pre- ~~• DENIED UNTIL ~udice in zoning to C_2 at the same time entire ENTIRE PRt~!EBTY property facing Third Street on North side between FACING THI~ ST. C" and`"T3" streets that is now zoned R-3 is re-~' REZONED coned, be passed and adopted. Motion carried by roll call - Ayes: Mitchell, Morris, Smith, Bacon. . Abstained: Sheridan. CON CR ~~ Hearing on Zone Change No. 62-106 application of ZC 6~_ 6 ING Don Christeson to zone property North of McFadden Street, both East and West of Frontage Road to R-3, opened at 835 P.M. Mr~. Don Christeson and Mr. A. Nistgn '8'pok~; Q~ - ' DISCUSSION ` behalf of R-3 ,zoning: and .preaer~t~d 7~eex~- h01t" on file in clerk's °of a contaim2 i^~'jsgd`de.ed if R st i ti i~ i -g and . -on re ons r c g s r :' . Those present with questions and objections were: . ~ . 11 "~ 1~ ' Mr. Shaw - Lifetime Homes CITY PROPERTY OWNERS Ted Foster - 15601 Myrtle HEARD RE CHANGE John Smith - Lifetime Homes ~Irs. G. Parkerr17192 Medallion Ave: Wm: Arnold-15631-Myrble ~ ' HEARING ~LdSED Hearing declared closed at 9:10 P.M. ' Moved by Mr. Morris., 'seconded by Mr. RESOLUTION GRANTING Sheridan that Resolution No. 78 recommend- CHR~STESON,ZONE inngg to the City. Council that ~he property CHANGE` ~ within the~Christeson Zone Change Ap-. plication'No. 62-106 on the West rifle` of Frontage Road. be zoned R-3 and 8_2 ` on the Ea ¢;t side, be passed and adopted. 1~oti'ori carried by roll call, ' all members present voting Aye. ~ ' -_ TANCBEDS.REGABDING ZONING OF' FOZJBTH ST. EAST OF Y08BA TO BE STUDIED NEXT BY JOINT COUNTY & CITY STUDY ~ ti '~~U'~AB,JECTIODTS TO B~'ONTY W4829 . i'Ir. Tancredi asked the commission what action had been taken regarding zoning of that portion of Fourth Street East of Yorba in the City of Tustin `and if the County and City point study had made any' d'ecisibn on said area. ~~Mr. Bacom informed Mr. Tancredi that the point County and City Studx had been made of the seventeenth Street Area and that Fourth Street would be the next area of study. Moved by Mr. Mitchell seconded by Mr, Sheridan that County ~lanning Commission ~ ' ' ' ' be informed that this Commission has no ob~ections'to W4829. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Smith,. seconded by Mr. NO OBJECTIONS TO _ Mitchell that secretary write the County SEC.. DIST. MAP 9-5-5 Planning Commission stating no objections EXI~IBIT "M" to Sectional District' Map 9-5-9, xhibit "M". Motion carried. Mr. Sheridan abstained. NO OBJECTIONS ~ Moved by Mr~. Sheridan, seconded by Mr. TO ABANDONMENT Mitchell that secretary write County OF UNNAMED STREETS' ~ Planning Commission, stating no objections to proposed abandonment of unnamed streets ' as per sketch submitted. Carried. N0 STA,ND TAKEN. ON • SECT. ~iST. MAP IRS..11 EXHIBIT H & J.~~NSUFFICIENT INFO$'MATION ' NO OBJECTIGNS TO W4952 COUNTY INFQBM~D THAT. CITY NOT iA"FAV08 OF ZONE CHANGE SECT..DIST. MAP I8S_13, EXHIBIT.rQ" i i i Yr ~. ~~.. -r ~ y ~-~~~~ {S ~, ~ Moved by~~Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Morris that Secretai^'y write County Planning Com- mission stating that this .commission de- clina"s to take a stand on Sectional District Map IRS:11, Exhibit H & J due to the lack of sufficient inforMation. • Carried.. Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr.Morris that Secretar~r write the County Planning Ctimmission'stating no objections to ZN4952• Carried. Movbd by M'r. Morris, seconded by Mr.Smith that Secretary write .County Planning Com. ' stating this Commission 'is not in favor, of proposed zpne change as shown on Sectional District Map IRS-13, Exhibit "Qr. Carried. ~ Moved by Mr. Morris, seconded by Mr.Sheridan, that Secretary write County Planning Commission ~' J' ,,.;, ~.. a A N. Cp 1 231: NO pPINION sta~~,''~ .t~, ~thi;~ " rA~i&at~n `renders no .opinion ON SECT.DIST. on S'e'ctional Disar `ct` Map I8S_13, Exhibit 'N" MAP IxS_13 due to insuffiCient~iriformation. harried. EXHIBIT ^ ~l - - .,Moved ,~,y Mr. S ith seconded try Mr. ,,~h~.d that OBJ~CTiOX TO ~ ~`5'ecretariy wri~~ the Ctsurity 'PYanh~ig ~` o is i`oi~'' ~'" ~0 ~ -~~ s~~ting tha~~ .~hi$ Cr.opgcpission ob~ects 'to the g t- , ` of Zbrie:;i~%h ~ as per S. Ctional Astrict 'M$ 10~-5-.9 SHH HIT F - ,;~ ~ .MFG ~~.. ~", .@ - M M ~ r » SEC.MAP 1p-5-9 ~x~ibit MB~io$~.cariried - r. orris voting no. Moved b Mr. Smith secc~~QQndec~ _by r ~~~}e 1 ~Y~at . , Ii0 0$.~CTI01f3 Secretary write the Codrtty„~ ~'larin'~~~~~mniYM~~dr~; ~© ~ p~ stating no ob3ections tqq. IES-13, E~ch~bit-, D ,.: , QO~~ p~~~ Motion carried, Mr. Morris abst~t`rt~d: _ Moved a by Mr. Morris that by Mr. . smith, ecp :~ OBJTCTIOX ~ ~ .~ ~ , Se P~tg'ry °~~t~~~;t.~ :tfie '~•.~' uri~'~ ~~ar~ning Commi~aoxk ~ , . , , ~ , . tgtin t'h~tt t'hi$ Co~~llsg~o~' Ni hes to ~tr~ect p~ TO COUNTY , ,,.~ ; 2C N~ IHS-~~ ~ . ~~ .. g ., to "zone c'harige'aN ~er``Sectioi~al District Map ~ , EXHIBIT •p~~ -; '. , IES_i3, Exhibit P,,. Carried, " .~... .. ~. ~ - . ~ Sm~itYi e - ~ Mitgh~il...': ; ~ ~, Mtiv~,d~ -by Mr.. , , ~ G orided by. Mr. s G7 OPPOSE - . that the Secr~'tary wf ite .the County Planning a COUNTY ZC ~ ~ ~ Commission staffing that t~iis Commission would SBC..DIST. like to go on recdr~ _as.o sing zone change er S ]~i ] Y D~ E Map 10-s-g x~tibit as d ~ctiona 8~, .0-5-9, ~t~rict S1Q3IBIT •a' 'G". Motion carried, Mr. 'Morris voting 'no." " ,"; ~ , ~ ,~tQv~e'd . by"" Mr.'. " ~herii~an"' ~s~gdr'd ,~~ by Mr. ~ Mitchell, : . ' NO OBJHCTION~ `' t'Yiat Secretary write t~buri~yy' Plyinning Commission TO CPg~2 stating no ob3ections to'CP98~2. Carried. CO ~~`" ~ ~~~ fvsd by lkr:, sl~~~i~d$rtk secq.ec} by Mr. Mitchell ' HT . ~ correspgric~~nc~ `'~~, ,ri~Ce~~~!~,d and filed. Carried. , tat HOHILHQ~Si;~" ,' ~ Gaver~.ng mobile parks deferred Action ; on ,Ordinang DEFHHBS~ ; to ne~x~ ': regule~ . mee~irig,: . _. . SIaN 08D. ~ ~~' ~ , ~ -Copies Hof ' a' proposed °`S$g~ drdiriance given to STUDY & RHP members for Study~and'report at next regular meeting. -_~ MoV~d by Mr: ~Sm.ith,~ seCor~Q,'~, d_ by_ Mr. Y~~3:i~s~ th~'b.- _, - . 8$SO~.UTIOIt' ` Aeeolut ion No: 579 that `.a1'T' ;Va'r'iance, ~of~t~fiaf~g,~. ? a 1T0 s ~$ and Use Permit requests be sub~litted tm~ C'Y`~`I _ ~.,, VAH. G.,~.~ , , apartment ,Heads and ahe bounty .Building Aepart~~nt U.P '~'O :'~' before Final `presentat.ion' to 'the Plannlr'~c~...=! : ~< : . SUBIl3 ~ mis,s`ion end Counc'i1, be' pissed :and adopted. :. ,.t . ~ ~. ALL, I~H '!D"` s Motion ecarried by r~o11 call, all members present P.C. voting Aye. ' .~. ; Moved ~ by M~}_ ~, ~ e~ - ~~;, sec ndad by Mr. Morrly.a~ .. •P~,?,Q~ . .: that Traci ~,.g ; . .~ -~` ~1~'e a `d'. ~~. subject ~c t~iL'' . TBACT. ~52p' approval o~'c`~t enginee~.: otion carried. - Moved by ,Mr. Sheridan, sec,ondec~ by Mr. Morris . . ~0~= that ~i~eeting be "ad3ourned~: ' .harried., "« -" Tu~ti,n, Pl~nriing Commission . ;',. ,. ~ ~~ i . C~lti!'~IBII ., t .. ,~s ~ _ 23~ , st' ~ •~ ~~' . Meeti~ callgd o 'order at Z:,30 PsM. by .C,hai~sH Bacon. PHES~?: Bdcon,.Sh~ridam, Mit~~~ll,, Mueller, " • Morrist Bou~at 11~. ~~ith griped . at 10 Y.M• - ' -- .. City B=tgiaeur~"..,aide, present ~ . ' . . .. City Attorney Bourke; present ~ -••• • ~ .. APP$0'fEAL •Q~ , . Koved. by Mr. ` -, _, on~sd Mr. AiJ(}.l~ N'I1ti!1'BS ,Mitch411 ~ t~1-t ` : ,~~~~ l~th .. . -- . ^e@ting be :~tpp . ~tbti~i csra~ied. ._ . Hearing on ZiP 62-113 -for °~rwcton C®r~.~ ~ ~ '- CUP~2'1~~U7Cl'ON to psrrit e 1 .~; . 2y' .,direct~Qasl sign OP~HpHHD ~ .on West +~il~e ` ~~#n ave~ie South of - ~ain . Strbet add .d~rin~d at ? ~ 33 P • M. ~~ ~ , ;~ ~, r1EI~CH ~ ~ _ ~r.~ Welch of ~ ~Carte.r .Sign Co. spoke in • , ~ ~ - A~tnllC 'behalf of the .apps ioant. . e HTAS7~IQ CIASSD . Thsre..being no further aoiavt is or ao . ob~dct ions, the Beating ~lah ~~1'3~ared, closed. , ,,< . _~ ... Moped by Mr..Morris, seoonded by Mr. . ;+ ~::;` ~ Kitch~~1 ~hat,,Heaoltition xo. ~0 `.. .. . ,,MQ. r denyi` slid applicatio~t, on the ~rowmds ' `~ ~~~< that,i,t Mould •iolate city Fre•nay Or- _ , . dinaace, be.pasa+ed and adopted.. potion oarried'by toll call -Ayes: Bacon, Sheridarir Mitchell, Morris, .Bourret. Abstai~hed: Mueller. ~ ~ ' BP62.11~, ~~~ . Hearing on UP applic~.tion xo. 62-11~ i H©~.~ ~4f .Hapfmam a `Broad Moues Ino. opened a~ . IHti ' OPBJiHD 7 ~5 . M. .. . ~,_ HBJ~8IITQ TO BB ~ Mr. Donald , Hixby., agernt ,requested that ' ' - ` ' . . DSFgHHSD Hearing '~ di`f4rrsd ~ u~tt ~C1 g~tenber 11th Meeting dne Ito lack ~of aacep+table de~ilop- meat plans. ~ ~ . B~~t•-1 ' T0, BS Moved by 1i~. , S rides„ ssconded by Mr. ~co~i~tpi o~ ' ' Mito~sll ~~~ .. '~ ~ ~ 6~-117 be . _:,~ ~~, .. SBP?. 11'!'H contixud tb ~ ,., 1.1th Meeting. ' Carridd. ~ .. . HT~HIY~ O1T Hearing ; oxi IIP ~~T `;.of ~~tin viilaS4 .. ~ g;. 11~..TUSThi Cleandris `Co '~~t~ : 'two- aaeQ eleotrite~' ~' YB~~I~ GLOBS pole sign at 35 Lague goad, opened at 7;47 p.M.~ 1~$. POWHLL -HH - - - ~ Mr: Powell mf Porell Meoa Sign ~o®pany AB0~1[8 -. . - . - . ~:ipokr oa behai! of tbs applicant. -There being no ob~eotioas or further H~sAHI~Ta CLOSTD comments, the Heaping was declared closed. 1 r} '~ 1 e~J